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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059G98710 September 1990Advises That Commissioner Rogers Will Visit Plant Site on 900925.NRC Should Be Informed of Participation by 900919
ML20204G6304 October 1988Forwards NRC Response to Motion of EA Thomas for Leave to File Response to Certain Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Served on 880928.W/o Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20153G92111 August 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Records Re Shoreham Offsite Emergency Plan.App G Documents Available in Pdr.App H Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5).No Further Action Being Taken on Appeal Ltr
ML20151N1987 July 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App C Documents & Documents Available in PDR
IR 05000444/198605221 April 1988Refers to D Richardson Re Accuracy of Specific Control Bldg Air Sys Drawings in Possession & Determined That No Conflict Exists Between NRC Discussion of Allegation 51 of Insp Rept 50-444/86-52 & Info Provided by Recipient
ML20151P22118 April 1988Requests Table of Contentions Submitted by Town of Amesbury in Response to Seabrook Plan for Ma Communities & Short Description of Each Contention
ML20151P19418 April 1988Requests Table of Contents for Contentions Submitted by Town of Newbury in Response to Seabrook Plan for Ma Communities & Short Description of Each Contention
ML20151P17718 April 1988Requests Table of Contents for Contentions Submitted by Seacoast Anti-Pollution League in Response to Seabrook Plan for Ma Communities & Short Description of Each Contention
ML20196H4147 March 1988Advises That Ws Lord Approved as Authorized Person for Receipt of Protected Info in Accordance W/Terms of 880217 Protective Order.Jl Ross,Sa Bowles & Jl Soule Authorized to Have Served Affidavits of Nondisclosure.Served on 880308
ML20196J0354 March 1988Forwards NRC Partial Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Second Set of Interrogatories 5-9.Response Complete.Related Correspondence
ML20196J0732 March 1988Forwards NRC Partial Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Interrogatories 1-4 & 10-30.Responses to Interrogatories 5-9 Will Be Filed Under Separate Cover on 880304.Related Correspondence
ML20149M42618 February 1988Discusses 871229 Meeting W/Employee Legal Project Re Comments in Encl 1 & Answer Addl Questions Resulting from Review of Insp Repts 50-443/86-52 & 50-443/87-07.Addl Documents Encl,Including Meeting Transcript
ML20196D34310 February 1988Forwards NRC Partial Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution (Necnp) Second Set of Interrogatories Re Necnp Contentions I,V & Iv.Nrc Response to Interrogatories 2-30 Will Be Provided by 880302.Related Correspondence
ML20196B3925 February 1988Responds to FOIA Request for Documents,Including Fj Congel 871202 Memo to RW Krimm Re FEMA Support for NRC Licensing of Plant.Forwards App D Document.Document Also Available in PDR
ML20196B0542 February 1988Ack Receipt of New England Coalition on Nuclear Power Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents on Contentions I.V & Iv.Nrc Will Respond to Interrogatories within 30 Days.Related Correspondence
ML20234F5797 January 1988Responds to FOIA Requests for Documents Re Recent NRC Rule Amending 10CFR50.47 & 10CFR50,App E.Forwards Documents Listed in App B.App a Documents Already Available in PDR
ML20149M50422 December 1987Confirms 871229 Meeting in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Bases for Disposition or Addl Review of Specific Concerns Re Issues Addressed in Insp Repts 50-443/86-52 & 50-443/87-07
ML20236V72327 November 1987Responds to 871105 Request for NRC to Update Responses to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Prior Discovery Requests Re Beach Shelter Issues.Nrc Undecided on Extent of Disagreement W/Fema.Related Correspondence
ML20235A80024 November 1987Responds to Portion of Transcript of Seabrook Hearing Re Bus Driver Training.Atty cross-examination Suitable & NRC Position Consistent W/Responsibility to Ensure Development of Full & Complete Record.Served on 880111
ML20149M0529 October 1987Understands That Response to Insp Rept 50-443/87-07 Will Be Received within 4-6 Wks,Per & 870917 Telcon W/T Elsasser.Nrc Review of Matter Will Be Documented in Routine Resident Insp Rept
ML20235J27730 September 1987Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Evaluating or Discussing Risks to Beach Population within 10 Miles of Plant Due to Radiological Accident.App E Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20238B09227 August 1987Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Emergency Planning for Plant.App D Documents Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
IA-87-327, Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Emergency Planning for Plant.App D Documents Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)27 August 1987Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Emergency Planning for Plant.App D Documents Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20237G60714 August 1987Forwards Insp Rept 50-443/87-07 on 870406-0508 as Followup to Insp Rept 50-443/86-52.T Elsasser Will Contact Recipient to Arrange Meeting During Sept 1987 at Region I Ofc to Address Further Results of Insp,Per .W/O Rept
ML20237G04712 August 1987Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Emergency Planning for Plants.App a Documents in Pdr.App B Documents Encl & Available in Pdr.App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20235T52817 July 1987Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Const & Operation of Facility & NRC Review of Facility Regulatory Exemptions & Safety Evaluations.Forwards App D Documents. App C & D Documents Available in PDR
ML20235G6517 July 1987Forwards Info & Figures from Facility & NRC Training Documents,Per 870706 Telcon Request for Sketches or Drawings of Core Barrel for Better Identification of Alleged Crack Described in Wf Kane
ML20235N42026 June 1987Forwards Drawings Available in Section 1.2 of Seabrook FSAR, Re Containment Layout & Structure,Per 870624 Request.W/O Encls
IR 05000443/198605227 May 1987Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Encl Allegation Documentation Provided at 870420 Meeting Concerning Author 870209 & 0402 Responses to Insp Rept 50-443/86-52.Prompt Transmittal of Allegations & Affidavits RequestedAffidavit
ML20209B80916 April 1987Responds to 870323 & 0402 Ltrs Based on Concerns Re Followup Insp to Insp Rept 50-443/86-52.Followup Insp to Be Conducted During 870406-10 & 20-24.Issues & Concerns Identified in Will Be Discussed During 870420 Meeting
ML20206C4632 April 1987Discusses NRC Understanding Resulting from 870319 Telcon Re Draft Response to Insp Rept 50-443/86-52,including Employee'S Legal Project Intent to Conduct Addl Insp & Amplify Original IssuesFire Barrier
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20207R2095 March 1987Forwards Chairman Zech to Congressman Markey in Response to Recipient Noting Need for Adequate Noticing of Meetings W/Applicant Re Facility
ML20207R2535 March 1987Imforms That Encl Chairman Zech to Congressman Markey Outlines NRC Plan for Improving Sys for Adequate Noticing of Meetings W/Licensee Re Plant,In Response to
ML20212K6974 March 1987Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Exemptions or Deviations from Operation or Const of Plant & NRC Review of Exemptions.App B Documents Available in PDR
ML20212F8713 March 1987Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20209H4242 February 1987Ack Receipt of SG Kurtz Affidavit Re Applicant Petition in Offsite Emergency Planning Proceeding Concerning Reduction of Epz.Affidavit Considered Limited Appearance Written Statement,Per 10CFR2.715(a)
ML20214V4153 December 1986Final Response to FOIA Request.Forwards Document.Document Also Available in PDRFatality
ML20214N62020 November 1986Response to FOIA Request.App E Documents Re NRC Insp Rept 50-443/84-07 Already on File in PDRFatality
ML20214C71118 November 1986Requests Advisement of Whether or Not Applicant Decided to Continue & Complete Const of Seabrook Unit 2.Served on 861119
ML20213G16410 November 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request.Documents Listed in Apps C & D Located in PDR
IA-86-756, Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App a Document. App a Document Will Be Placed in Pdr.App B Document Already Available in PDR4 November 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App a Document. App a Document Will Be Placed in Pdr.App B Document Already Available in PDR
ML20215N4064 November 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App a Document. App a Document Will Be Placed in Pdr.App B Document Already Available in PDR
ML20215L50424 October 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request.App D Documents Re Emergency Planning & Risk Mgt Available in Pdr.App E Documents Re Emergency Planning,Sensitivity Study & Seismic Fragility Encl & Being Placed in PDRProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20211D98614 October 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request.Records Subj to Request Available in PDRProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20210S41326 September 1986Further Response to FOIA Request for 16 Categories of Records Re Facilities.Forwards App D & E Documents.Documents Also Available in PDRSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20215C17326 September 1986Requests Assistance in Contacting Individuals Alleging Safety Violations Listed in Employee Legal Project to Governor Dukakis
ML20214R12424 September 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20214R65619 September 1986Forwards Documents Identified in NRC 860917 Supplemental Response to Util Interrogatories & Request for Documents Re New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Contention I.B.2. W/O Encls.Related Correspondence
ML20210B78512 September 1986Forwards NRC Response to Sapl Interrogatories 1,6,7,8,9,15 & 21 Prepared by R Eckenrode
ML20209H82211 September 1986Confirms 860911 Agreement That Recipient Will Inspect & Review Documents Referred to in NRC Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Interrogatories on Contention I.B.2 on 860917 in Bethesda,Md.Related Correspondence