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BSEP-95-0428, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 950817,sewage Treatment Plant Lift Station Overflow Occurred Due to Electrical Failure of Lift Station Pump.Discharge Secured & Area Surrounding Lift Station & Discharge Flow Path Disinfected22 August 1995NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 950817,sewage Treatment Plant Lift Station Overflow Occurred Due to Electrical Failure of Lift Station Pump.Discharge Secured & Area Surrounding Lift Station & Discharge Flow Path Disinfected
ML20073L2978 May 1991NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910411,circulating Water Intake Pump 1C & 1D Tripped Due to High Differential Pressure.On 910426 Pump 2A Tripped on High Differential Pressure.Caused by Sea Lettuce Clogging Screen
ML19354D8749 January 1990NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 891223-25,no Influent Temp Data Available Due to Computers Being out-of-svc, Contrary to Permit Requirements That Temp Monitoring Be Continuous
ML19324B80528 September 1989Forwards NPDES Wastewater Monitoring Repts for Listed Facilities
ML20245L19314 August 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890629,NPDES Permit Limit for Circulating Water Flow Exceeded.Caused by Increase in Condenser Vacuum
ML20198E92923 May 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860402-04 & 0511, Circulating Water Sys Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens.Caused by Loss of Power Supply in Unit 1 & Unit 2 Pump Failure.Power Restored & Pump Repaired
ML20137D46020 November 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 851021-23,circulating Water Sys Pumps Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens. Pump 2D Removed from Svc to Replace Panels Torn Loose Since Last Insp.Screens Replaced.Pump Returned to Svc
ML20137K8025 September 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850802,circulation Water Sys Pumps Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens Caused by Pressure Transmitter.Screens & Transmitter Checked.No Problems Found & Screen Placed Back in Svc
ML20127J81718 June 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850604,screen 2D Stopped Turning Due to Flooded Pressure Switch on Screen Wash Header.Caused by Broken Spray Nozzle in Screen Wash Sys, Spraying Water in Wrong Direction.Switch Repaired
ML20116H76823 April 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850327-28 & 0412-13,pump 2B Taken Out of Svc.Caused by Failure of Cooling Fan Due to Blown Transformer & Need to Replace Torn Fine Mesh Screen. Transformer Replaced
ML20116L37211 April 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850327,plant Exceeded Biochemical Oxygen Demand Daily Average Limitation of 30 Mg/L for Sewage Treatment Facility.Cause Undetermined. Investigation Continuing
ML20129E08128 February 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850129-31,circulating Water Sys Pumps Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens. Vibrations Detected in 480-volt Breaker.Breaker & Screen Inspected & Tested W/No Defects Noted & Returned to Svc
ML20113F31016 January 1985NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 850102,03 & 05, Circulating Water Sys Pump Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens.Caused by Malfunction of Pump 1B Oil Cooler & Alarm Signal Indicating Excessive Pressure on Screen
ML20099L24626 November 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 841116,unit Operated W/ Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens.Caused by Pump 2B Trip Due to Failure of Main Bearing on Screen Rotating Shaft.Bearing Repaired.Since 841010,routine Maint Performed on Screens
ML20093L37010 October 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840903,05 & 28,Pumps 1B & 1D,equipped W/Fine Mesh Screen,Taken Out of Svc & Unit 2 Circulating Water Sys Pump in Svc W/O Fine Mesh Screens. Caused by Need to Perform Preventative Maint
ML20095L53022 August 1984NPDES Noncompliance Rept:On 840801-02,unit Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens.Caused by Clogging of Circulating Water Pump by Marine Growth & Back pressure-induced Trip Due to Impinged Jellyfish.Bar Rack Replaced & Screens Cleaned
ML20093N34327 July 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840704-11,unit Operated W/Less than Two Fine Mesh Screens on Cooling Water Pump 1D Bay.Caused by Scheduled Maint & Miscommunication.Action Taken to Prevent Recurrence
ML20094A73626 July 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840619 & 20,flow Minimization Suspended.Flow of 1010 Cubic Ft Per Second Recorded Both Days.Weather Change Allowed Return to Min 200 MW Sys Reserve
ML20091K4194 June 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840517-21,one Cooling Water Pump Bay Was W/O Screens.Caused by Removal of Bar Trash Rack for Cleaning.Spare Rack Installed & Screens Returned to Svc
ML20081C96912 March 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840221,discovered One Cooling Water Pump Bay W/O Screens.Caused by Repair Work to Damaged Bearing on Pump Screen 2D & Problems W/Starting Pump.Outage Scheduled for 840310 to Replace Pump
ML20080Q53714 February 1984NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 840116-24,facility Operated W/One Fine Mesh Screen in Svc.Caused by Chlorine Lines Frozen & Cracked Due to Extremely Cold Temp on 831225. Repairs Completed on 840124 & Both Screens Returned to Svc
ML20081K62313 October 1983NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 830927,circulating Water Pump 1D,equipped W/Fine Mesh Screens,Out of Svc to Repair Seal Water Line That Became Disconnected.Corrective Actions May Be to Dredge Portions of Intake Canal