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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24128A2408 May 2024Entergy Operations, Inc. - Entergy Fleet Project Manager Assignment
ML23047A38221 March 2023Summary of December 15, 2022 Periodic Advanced Reactor Stakeholder Public Meeting
ML22147A0936 June 20222021 Annual Assessment Public Meeting SummaryPandemic
ML21295A08821 October 2021Fiscal Year 2021 Research and Test Reactors Inspection Program Completion StatusPandemic
ML21288A03918 October 2021September 14, 2021, Summary of Public Workshop on Scale/Melcor Source Term Demonstration Project - Pebble-Bed Molten-Salt-Cooled Reactor
ML21209A02229 July 2021Closed Predecisional Enforcement Conference with River Bend StationCoronavirus
ML21181A3351 July 2021June 23, 2021, Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Technology Inclusive Content of Application ProjectProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML21158A2238 June 2021Meeting Summary for Ticap Workshop 3Probabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
Maintenance Rule Program
ML21140A38924 May 2021Riv Column 1 EOC 2020 Public Meeting SummaryCoronavirus
ML21132A29514 May 2021Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Technology Inclusive Content of Application ProjectProbabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
Maintenance Rule Program
ML20150A42123 November 2020Memo to File: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact and NRC Financial Analysis for Entergy Nuclear Company, LLC Decommissioning Funding Plan Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 72.30(b) and (C) for Grand Gulf ISFSIDecommissioning Funding Plan
ML20155K81423 November 2020Memo to File: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No. Significant Impact and NRC Financial Analysis for Entergy Operations, Inc., Decommissioning Funding Plan Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 72.30(b) and (C) River Bend ISFSIDecommissioning Funding Plan
ML20107F73327 April 2020Summary of April 3, 2020 Meeting with Industry Regarding Changes to Subsequent License Renewal Guidance DocumentsCoatings
Aging Management
License Renewal
Subsequent License Renewal
ML19204A14815 July 2019FEMA Region VI Memo 07-15-19: Hurricane Barry Preliminary Capabilities Assessment
ML18303A28330 October 2018License Renewal ApplicationAging Management
ML18173A00820 June 2018Cancelling Numerous Inspection Report Numbers
ML18071A01829 March 2018Telephone Call Summary RAI Generic Filtration on 27FEB2018 v1_RBS Edits incorp._030618
ML17160A20419 June 2017License Renewal Application Receipt FRN Transmittal Letter (Docket Id NRC-2017-0141)
ML16088A20428 March 2016Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template)Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML16088A20528 March 2016Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
ML15156A86030 June 2015Safety Evaluation Input - Regarding Application for Change to Technical Specifications 3.8.1, AC Sources - OperatingSafe Shutdown
Mission time
Stroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML13322A42525 November 2013Transmittal of Final River Bend Station Accident Sequence Precursor AnalysisUltimate heat sink
ML13266A3692 October 2013J. Anderson Memo Request for Technical Assistance on License Amendment Request for Proposed Revision to Emergency Plan for Lacrosse Reactor
ML12075007513 June 2012Nsir/Dps/Mwsb Memo to NMSS Regarding Staff Review of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Physical Security Plan and Verification of Additional Security Measures Incorporation
ML1115704056 June 2011Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Implementation of Quality Oversight and Verification Programs at Entergy Sites Including Actions Being Taken to Enhance Effectiveness
ML11075040521 March 2011Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Fleetwide Submittal for Proposed Technical Specification and Quality Assurance Program Manual Changes Related to Unit Staff Qualification Requirements
ML10287090918 October 2010Notice of Forthcoming Category 1 Public Meeting with Entergy Operation, Inc. to Discuss River Bend Preliminary Enforcement
ML1006010321 March 2010Cy 2009 Baseline Inspection Completion
ML10162005610 February 2010Email from Louis Carson to Greg Werner, Subject: River Bend Lrw Spills in 2008
ML08290026616 October 2008Results of Acceptance Review for the River Bend Station, Unit 3 Combined License Application
ML08074008414 March 2008Draft Regulatory Guide for Comment
ML0631102343 November 2006Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate the Loss of Feedwater and Subsequent Reactor Trip at River Bend StationReactor Vessel Water Level
Stroke time
ML06145059226 May 2006Wits 200600198 - Actions to Be Taken in Response to Hurricane Lessons Learned Task ReportSafe Shutdown
Tornado-Generated Missile
ML0607302647 March 2006Closure Memorandum: Issue for Resolution 2005-083: Evaluation: Part 21 - Engine Systems - Governor Drive Coupling Element
ML05298039625 October 2005Notice of Meeting with Entergy and River Bend Staff Rbs'S Amendment Request for Use of Fuel Building Cask Handling Crane for Dry Spent Fuel Cask Loading Operations
ML05160034514 June 2005Draft Information Memo - May 6 - May 27, 2005
ML04294024125 October 2004Draft Information for June 1, 2004 to June 30, 2004
ML0427806094 October 2004Charter for Special Inspection Team at River Bend Station Reactor Scram with Complications
ML04211030219 August 2004Draft Information Memo for April, 2004 - Shirley
ML04226027612 August 2004Meeting Summary of the August 8, 2004 Public Workshop - Region IV Operator Licensing FeedbackJob Performance Measure
ML04082090315 April 2004Draft Information Report from 01/08/04 to 01/31/04
ML04082068213 April 2004Draft Information Input, Memo from 12/2/03 to 12/28/03
ML0330102977 November 2003Draft Information for August 4, 2003, to October 2, 2003
ML03226010318 August 2003Draft Information Inputs for June 3, 2003 to July 31, 2003
ML0311800397 May 2003Draft Information Inputs for April 2003 (DLPM/LPDIV-1)
ML08228072318 March 2003R. H. Leyse PRMsSafety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Fuel cladding
ML02324019820 November 2002Evaluation of the Risk Information Used to Support the River Bend Station Request to Modify Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements to Allow Division 3 EDG Testing During Any Mode of Plant Operation (TAC # MB5093)Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Offsite Circuit
Overspeed trip
ML02310013113 November 2002Memo Draft Documents for June 26, 2002 Through October 28, 2002
ML02267050825 September 2002Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. Alternate Source Term License Amendment Application
ML02263019223 September 2002Meeting Canceled Between NRC & Entergy Operations, Inc. River Bend Alternative Source Term License Amendment Application