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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML23044A36615 February 2023Calendar Year 2022 Reactor Oversight Process Baseline Inspection Program Completion - Region III
ML22034A39316 February 2022Calendar Year 2021 Security Baseline Completion MemoCOVID-19
ML22040A27511 February 2022NSIR Staff Review of the Duane Arnold Energy Center Security Plan, Training and Qualification Plan, and Safeguards Contingency Plan, for the Verification of ASM EA-02-104 IncorporationCyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
ML22020A28111 February 2022Subsequent License Renewal Application Summary of December 2, 2021, Public Meeting on Proposed Aging Management ActivitiesAging Management
ML22004A0776 January 2022Summaries of December 8, 2021 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Subsequent License Renewal Application Public MeetingsEnvironmental Justice
ML21062A07021 April 2021Memo to File: Final Ea/Fonsi of 2012 and 2015 Decommissioning Funding Plans for Point Beach Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (2012 and 2015)Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML21062A09321 April 2021Memo to File: Final Ea/Fonsi of 2012 and 2015 Decommissioning Funding Plans for Duane Arnold Energy Center Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (2012 and 2015)Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML21078A12730 March 2021Final-LIC-504 Closure Memo - 03/30/2021High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
ML21075A34217 March 2021Meeting Summary: Public Scoping Meeting for the Environmental Review of the Subsequent License Renewal Application for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (EPID No.: L-2020-SLE-0002) - Memo
ML20315A11725 December 2020DAEC-LIC504-Immediate-Determination-11-02High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Significance Determination Process
Large early release frequency
ML20233A79020 August 2020Summary of the July 30, 2020, Public Webinar to Discuss the NRC 2019 End-Of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment of the Duane Arnold Energy Center and the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML17115A07824 April 2017Summary of Outreach/Open House to Discuss the NRC 2016 End-Of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment of the Duane Arnold Energy CenterOpen House
ML16313A0748 November 2016NextEra Audit Plan Nov 2016 (DAEC SFP Criticality LAR)
ML16225A67711 August 2016FEMA Letter Dated August 11, 2016, Regarding Approval of Boundary Change for the Duane Arnold Energy Center 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone for Linn County, Iowa
ML16088A20428 March 2016Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template)Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML16088A20528 March 2016Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
ML15302A1702 November 2015Forthcoming Closed Pre-Application Teleconference with NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC (Nextera), Regarding Steam Generators H* License Amendment Request
ML14104A92723 April 2014U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff'S Spot-Check Review of Corn Belt Power Cooperative'S 10 Percent Ownership Interest in Duane Arnold Energy Center, Docket No. 50-331, on April 9, 2014 -Finding of No Potential Issues
ML14104A90323 April 2014U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff'S Spot-Check Review of Central Iowa Power Cooperative'S 20 Percent Ownership Interest in Duane Arnold Energy Center, Docket No. 50-331, on April 10, 2014- Finding of No Potential Issues
ML13309A08011 December 2013Memorandum to File: Transcript for 10 CFR 2.206 Petition from Beyond Nuclear (Et Al) Regarding General Electric Mark I and Mark II Boiling-Water Reactors
ML13154A5114 June 2013Rai'S Following Ifib Analysis of NextEra Energy'S 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Duane Arnold Energy Center and Point Beach Units 1 and 2
ML12222A0399 August 20128/16/2012 Cancellation Notice of Forthcoming Conference Call with NextEra Energy and Florida Power and Light Concerning Generic Letter 2004-02 and Request for NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Proto
ML12213A0611 August 20128/16/12 Forthcoming Conference Call with NextEra Energy and Florida Power & Light Concerning Generic Letter 2004-02 and Request for NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Protocol
ML12243A52319 July 2012Letter from FEMA Region 5 to FEMA Hq Regarding Closure of Point Beach Deficiency
ML12128050918 June 2012May 1, 2012 - Summary of Teleconference with Performance Contracting, Inc., Regarding Large Flume Testing for Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML12115A08024 April 2012Memo 042412 TIA 2012-07 for Point Beach EDG Tornado MissilesSafe Shutdown
High winds
Mission time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Tornado Missile
Functionality Assessment
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
ML11250A17114 September 2011Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of the Operating Licenses of General Electric (GE) Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (Bwrs)
ML11228A25716 August 2011Final - Task Interface Agreement (TIA) - Evaluation of Point Beach Nuclear Plant Torado Missile Protection Licensing Basis (TIA 2011-011)Safe Shutdown
High winds
Tornado Missile
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
ML11126A09612 May 2011Notice of Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10CFR2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of Operating Licenses of General Electric Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors
ML1106104277 March 2011Notice of Forthcoming Pre-Application Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company and NextEra Energy Regarding Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2, Point Beach, Units 1, and 2, and Duane Arnold
ML1027301337 October 2010Filing of Federal Register Notice of Availability for the Final Plant-Specific Supplement 42 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS) Regarding Duane Arnold Energy CenterLicense Renewal
ML10253011210 September 2010Minutes for the Meeting of the Duane Arnold Plant License Renewal Subcommittee, June 8, 2010 - Rockville, MDCoatings
Aging Management
ML1023805222 September 2010Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Review of the Duane Arnold Energy Center, License Renewal Application-Safety Evaluation Report
ML1011303686 May 2010ACRS Issuance Letter
ML10103100014 April 2010Docketing of April 6, 2010 Nuclear Regulatory Teleconference Notes Pertaining to the License Renewal of the Duane Arnold Energy Center
ML09343006215 March 201003/31/2010 Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Duane Arnold Energy CenterOpen House
License Renewal
ML10048007717 February 2010Docketing of February 2, 2010 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conference Notes Pertaining to the License Renewal of the Duane Arnold Energy Center
ML0924702228 September 2009Notice of Closed Meeting with Duane Arnold to to Discuss Nextera'S Assessment of the Results of the Duane Arnold Baseline Inspection Conducted NRC
ML0921805186 August 2009Notice of Public Meeting with Florida Power & Light Energy
ML09191001217 July 200904/22/2009-Summary of Public License Renewal Overview and Environmental Scoping Meetings Related to the Review of the Duane Arnold Energy Center License Renewal Application
ML0908505378 April 2009Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Safety Review Process and Environmental Scoping Process for Duane Arnold Energy CenterOpen House
ML09014019113 January 2009DNMS Input to Integrated Report No. 05000331/2008-005Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML0835705527 January 200912/16/08 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between NRC and FPL Energy Duane Arnold, LLC, Pertaining to the Review Status of Duane Arnold Energy Center, License Renewal ApplicationAging Management
ML08273070729 September 2008Pre-application Meeting with FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC to Discuss Their Proposed Alternate Source Term Amendment
ML08241022928 August 2008Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Florida Energy Point Beach LLC, to Discuss Their Proposed Extended Power Uprate
ML0810601483 April 2008RAI, MD7420- Draft - Request for Additional Information
ML08074008414 March 2008Draft Regulatory Guide for Comment
ML07200005826 July 20077/18/07 Public Meeting Summary on the Reactor Oversight ProcessDownpower
ML07176022122 June 2007Receipt of Report on PNNL Review of Ultrasonic Data on Dissimilar Metal Welds at Duane Arnold Energy Center, Unit 1Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML07120029518 May 2007Cover Memo to Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation - Direct Transfer of License from Nuclear Management Company, LLC & Wisconsin Electric Power Company to FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC (TAC # MD4112 & TAC # MD4113)