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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20197J28711 December 1998Initial Decision (Application for Senior Reactor Operator License).* Appeal of R Herring of NRC Denial of Application for SRO License Denied.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 981211Power Operated Valves
Operability Assessment
ML20151Y06011 September 1998Affidavit of DC Payne.* Supports Denial of Application of Rl Herring for SRO LicenseOperability Assessment
ML20151W59411 September 1998Affidavit of Cd Payne.* Affidavit Re NRC Staff Proposed Denial of Rl Herring Application for Senior Reactor Operator License for Use at Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2Job Performance Measure
Power-Operated Valves
Operability Assessment
ML20151W57211 September 1998NRC Staff Presentation in Support of Denial of Senior Reactor Operator License for Dl Herring.* Staff Decision to Fail Dl Herring on Category a of SRO Exam,Clearly Justified. Staff Denial of Herring SRO License Should Be SustainedAffidavit
ML20151W6318 September 1998Affidavit of ET Beadle.* Affidavit Relates to Denial of Senior Reactor Operator License Application for Rl Herring. with Certificate of SvcPower Operated Valves
Operability Assessment
ML20151W6138 September 1998Affidavit of Mn Leach in Support of NRC Staff Response to Rl Herring Written Presentation.*Affidavit
ML20237B69313 August 1998Rl Herring (Denial of Operator License for Plant).* Rl Herring Submitted Written Presentation Arguments,Data, Info Matl & Other Supporting Evidence,Per Presiding Officer 980630 Order & 10CFR2.1233.W/one Oversize DrawingSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Power Operated Valves
Operability Assessment
Water hammer
ML20237A38312 August 1998NRC Staff Request for Extension of Time to File Response to Rl Herring Written Presentation.* Staff Respectfully Requests Motion for Extension of Time of 2 Wks to Respond to Herring Presentation Be Granted.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20237B55712 August 1998NRC Staff Request for Extension of Time to File Response to Rl Herring Written Presentation.* Granted by C Bechhoefer on 980818.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 980818
ML20236T85121 July 1998Specification of Claims.* Rl Herring Claims That Answer Given on Exam Was Correct When TSs Are Considered & When Design Basis Document Considered in Conjunction W/Duke Power Nuclear Sys Div.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 980727
ML20236F53930 June 1998Memorandum & Order (Hearing File & Spec of Claim).* Orders That Brief Spec of Claims Should Be Filed by Herring,Telling Why He Believes Staff Erred in Grading Exam.Staff Must Furnish Hearing File.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 980630
ML20236F56330 June 1998Notice of Hearing.* Presiding Officer Has Granted Request of Rl Herring for Hearing on NRC Denial of Application for Operator License for Plant.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 980630
ML20249B91424 June 1998NRC Staff Response to Request for Hearing Filed by Applicant,Rl Herring.* Staff Does Not Object to Granting of Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20249A66816 June 1998Designation of Presiding Officer.* Presiding Officer Has Appointed Administrative Judge Rf Cole to Assist Presiding Officer in Taking Evidence & Preparing Suitable Record for Review.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 980617
ML20149K82229 July 1997Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements. Exemption Granted
TXX-9522, Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources26 August 1995Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee ResourcesBackfit
ML20065P44921 April 1994Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50.55 Recommendation to Incorporate Proposed Rule to Adopt ASME Code Subsections IWE & IwlCoatings
Integrated leak rate test
Moisture barrier
ML20044G73725 May 1993Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171, FY91 & 92 Proposed Rule Implementing Us Court of Appeals Decision & Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery,FY93. Opposes Rule
ML20101R5936 July 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Loss of All Alternating Current Power & Draft Reg Guide 1.9,task DG-1021.Opposes RuleBackfit
ML20091Q86631 January 1992Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1022,Rev 1, Event Reporting Sys,10CFR50.72 & 50.73,Clarification of NRC Sys & Guidelines for ReportingUnanalyzed Condition
Preplanned Activity
ML20087F74715 January 1992Comment Opposing Rev 1 of NUREG-1022, Event Reporting SysUnanalyzed Condition
Time of Discovery
Packing leak
Missed surveillance
Operability Assessment
ML20247J89231 August 1989Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $75,000, Based on Violations Noted in Insp on 881127-890204,including Operation in Modes 1-4 W/One Independent Containment Air Return & Hydrogen Skimmer Sys Inoperable for 42 Days
ML20246J65731 August 1989Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty on Licensee in Amount of $75,000 for Violations Noted in Insp on 881127-890204. Payment of Civil Penalty Requested within 30 Days of Order Date.Evaluations & Conclusions Encl
ML20205N14720 October 1988Comment on Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-50 Re Provision That Authorizes Nuclear Power Plant Operators to Deviate from Tech Specs During Emergency.Request by C Young Should Be Denied
ML20234D28215 September 1987Joint Intervenors Emergency Motion to Continue Hearing for 2 Wks & for Immediate Prehearing Conference.* Urges That Hearing Re Offsite Emergency Planning at Plant,Scheduled for 870928,be Continued Until 871013.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20198C57714 May 1986Transcript of 860514 Discussion/Possible Vote on Full Power OL for Catawba 2 in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-86.Viewgraphs EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Eddy Current Testing
Overspeed trip
ML20203N45620 February 1986Unexecuted Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-100,replacing Item 3 of Attachment to Agreement W/Listed Info
ML20151P22331 December 1985Order Extending Time Until 860110 for Commissioners to Review ALAB-825.Served on 851231
ML20136H72321 November 1985Decision ALAB-825,affirming Remaining Part of ASLB OL Authorization,Permitting Applicant to Receive & Store Spent Fuel Generated at Duke Power Co Oconee & McGuire Nuclear Power Facilities.Served on 851121
ML20138B36111 October 1985Order Extending Time Until 851025 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-813.Served on 851011
ML20137W4312 October 1985Order Extending Time Until 851011 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-813.Served on 851003
ML20134N5764 September 1985Order Extending Time Until 851004 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-813.Served on 850904
ML20126M20930 July 1985Order Amending First Paragraph of Footnote 126 Re Need for Power & Financial Qualifications in ALAB-813 . Served on 850731
ML20126K77026 July 1985Order Extending Time Until 850730 for Commission to Act to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-9.Served on 850729
ML20129C23526 July 1985Decision ALAB-813 Affirming Aslab Authorization of Issuance of Full Power Ol,Except Insofar as Receipt & Storage Onsite of Spent Fuel Generated at Other Facilities.Served on 850729Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Tone Alert Radio
ML20129K16519 July 1985Order Extending Time Until 850726 for Commission to Act to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-9.Served on 850719
ML20129H93610 July 1985Unexecuted Amend 5 to Indemnity Agreement B-100,changing Items 1 & 3 of Attachment
ML20128K2178 July 1985Order Extending Time Until 850719 for Commission to Act to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-9.Served on 850709
ML20127P09928 June 1985Transcript of 850628 Supplemental Oral Argument in Bethesda, Md.Pg 99-169Incorporated by reference
ML20133C52026 June 1985Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment EnclLiquid penetrant
ML20127K71724 June 1985Order Extending Time Until 850709 for Commission to Act to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-9
ML20126K63917 June 1985Order Advising That Counsel Be Familiar W/Content of Commission Request for Public Comment on Decision to Exercise Discretionary Price-Anderson Act Authority to Extend Govt Indemnity to Spent.... Served on 850618
ML20126B81013 June 1985Order Scheduling Supplemental Oral Argument on Pending Appeals on 850628 in Bethesda,Md Re Public Notice of Hearing Concerning Use of Facility for Receipt & Storage of Spent Fuel from Oconee & Mcguire.Served on 850613
ML20126E46013 June 1985Notice of Supplemental Oral Argument on Pending Appeals on 850628 in Bethesda,Md.Served on 850613
ML20125B4257 June 1985Responds to Aslab 850603 Order Requesting Response to NRC 850529 Filing Re Whether Notice of Proposal to Use Catawba to Store Oconee & McGuire Spent Fuel Discretionary or Required.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20126A7634 June 1985Director'S Decision DD-85-9 Granting & Denying in Part Palmetto Alliance Request for Mod,Suspension or Revocation of CPs for Facilities Due to Harassment & Intimidation of QC Inspectors
ML20129A6383 June 1985Order Allowing Applicant to File & Serve Response to NRC 850529 Assertion Re Storage of Spent Fuel Generated at Another Facility Constituting Use of Commercial Utilization Facility No Later than 850607.Served on 850604
ML20128P10329 May 1985Memorandum Responding to Palmetto Alliance/Carolina Environ Study Group & Staff 850517 Memoranda Asserting That Fr Notice Not Reasonably Calculated to Inform of Requests Re Spent Fuel.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20128P00029 May 1985NRC Views on Whether Notice of Proposal to Use Facility to Store Oconee & McGuire Spent Fuel Required or Discretionary. Certificate of Svc EnclIncorporated by reference
ML20127K02320 May 1985Order Extending Time Until 850529 for Aslab to Act to File & Svc Reply Memoranda.Served on 850521