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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217A98130 October 1999Forwards Sept 1999 Performance Indicator Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Includes Data Through Aug 1999 (two-thirds of 3rd Quarter of 1999) for 13 Units at 9 Pilot Sites
ML20217J23813 October 1999Informs That Attached Questions Transmitted by Fax on 991013 to J Rainsberry of Southern California Corp to Prepare for Upcoming Telephone Call
ML20217A8646 October 1999Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990829-0903Unanalyzed Condition
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20212G37924 September 1999Notification of 991006-07 Meeting with Industry in San Clemente,California to Discuss Technical Issues Re Industry Development of Submittals for risk-informed Technical Specification Improvements
ML20211J5591 September 1999Informs That Application Date in First Line of Attached Ltr Issued 990823 Corrected to Read 990625, Not 1997. Requests That Corrected Copy Be Submitted to H Ray
ML20211H44427 August 1999Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 990916 & 17 in Arlington,Tx to Improve Utility & NRC Understanding of Industry & Regulatory Perspectives on Current Issues
ML20211H0439 August 1999Submits Comments on San Onofre Response to NRC Request for Addl Info on risk-informed IST Program
ML20210J9722 August 1999Notification of 990817 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Util Radiological Consequences Improvement Program Implementation,Program Impact on Util Response to GL 99-02 & Alternate Course of Action to Requirements Discussed in GL
ML20210G46730 July 1999Forwards Draft rept,NUREG/CR-xxxx,Vol x,INEEL/EXT-99-00373, High-Pressure Safety Injection Sys Reliability,1987-1997
ML20210F69827 July 1999Discusses 990430 Request for Waiver of 10CFR170 Fees for Certain Insp Efforts Re NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program.Determined That Thirteen Plants in Pilot Program Will Be Exempted from 10CFR170 Fees for Insp Efforts
ML20196J5661 July 1999Notification of 990714 Meeting with OPPD & CE in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss Staff Concerns with OPPD PTLR Submittal & CEOG Topical Rept CE NPSD-683
ML20196H84928 June 1999Forwards June 1999 Performance Indicator (PI) Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Constitutes Second Monthly PI Data Submittal from Pilot Plant Licensees,Which Includes Data Through May 1999
ML20195H60311 June 1999Forwards Exam Repts 50-361/99-301 & 50-362/99-301 Administered at Facility on 990416,with as Given Written Exam AttachedBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Stroke time
Deep Dose Equivalent
Offsite Circuit
Unidentified leakage
Overspeed trip
Operational leakage
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20195H72511 June 1999Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam Facility Outline & Initial Exam,Submittal for Retake Exam Administered on 990416
ML20207F1144 June 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting with Util on 990628 to Discuss Emergency Preparedness Program Status & Planned Changes
ML20207G4242 June 1999Notification of 990630 Meeting with Util in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska to Discuss Miscellaneous Management Topics & Plant Status
ML20207D32528 May 1999Notification of 990617 Meeting with Util in Blair,Nebraska to Inform Public of NRC Plans for Implementing Risk Informed Baseline Insp Pilot Program at Fort Calhoun Station
ML20210F70230 April 1999Requests Waiver of Fees for Thirteen Dockets That Compromise Plant Population for NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program. Purposes of Pilot Program Described in Commission Papers SECY-99-007 & SECY-99-007A
ML20205Q44919 April 1999Forwards Viewgraphs of 990419 Telcon Re SG Eddy Current Insp Results Obtained During Imminent Refueling Outage
ML20205N88215 April 1999Forwards Questions Transmitted by Fax on 990415 to J Rainsberry of SCE & Request for Conference Call to Be Scheduled with Staff to Discuss SG Eddy Current Insp Results Obtained During Imminent Refueling Outage
ML20205N59914 April 1999Forwards Questions That Were Transmitted by Fax on 990414 to J Rainsberry of Southern California Corp,In Preparation for Upcoming Telcon on Recirculation Signal/Emergency Feedwater Actuation Signal While Channel in Tripped Condition
ML20205M01113 April 1999Forwards Questions to Be Discussed in Upcoming Telcon on GL 95-07.Questions Transmitted by Fax on 990413 to J Rrainsberry of SCE
ML20205N17412 April 1999Notification of Revised Licensee Meeting with Util on 990419 to Discuss Results of PPR Completed 990211.New Location of Meeting Will Be in Visiting Inspector room,2nd Floor at Fort Calhoun Station,Admin Bldg,Fort Calhoun,Ne
ML20205K4626 April 1999Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 990422 to Discuss Results of PPR 99-01
ML20204J02219 March 1999Notification of 990419 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District to Discuss Results of Plant Performance Review Completed on 990211
ML20207L7182 March 1999Notification of 990318 Meeting with OPPD in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss OPPD NPSH Calculation Used to Support Fort Calhoun Station USAR Change to Take Credit for Containment Overpressure or Sump Subcooling
ML20207L7042 March 1999Notification of 990318 Meeting with SCE in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss SCE Mgt Plans for Future risk-informed License Amend Applications for SONGS
ML20207L7092 March 1999Notification of 990317 Meeting with SCE in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss Topics Resulting from NRC Staff Review & Confirmatory Analysis of Licensee Request to Remove Hydrogen Control Sys from SONGS Licensing Basis.Meeting Agenda EnclSevere Accident Management Guideline
ML20199L34022 January 1999Forwards Facility Submitted Outline,Initial Exam & as Given Operating Exam for Test Administered on 981115-20 at San Onofre Nuclear Generation StationBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Grab sample
Fire impairment
Job Performance Measure
Excess Flow Check Valve
Power change
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20202C39322 January 1999Forwards Exam Rept Administered on 981115-20 at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,With as Given Written Exam EnclShutdown Margin
Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
Offsite Circuit
Coast down
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20198M30731 December 1998Notification of 990114 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort Calhoun Station Radiological Consequences Improvement Program Issues & Implementation
ML20198M32429 December 1998Submits Summary of Telcon Re Proposed Criteria to Support Development of SER Constraints for Reload Analysis Tr,For Plant,Units 2 & 3
ML20196D33424 November 1998Notification of 981204 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort Calhoun Station Radiological Consequences Improvement Program Issues & Implementation
ML20195B4074 November 1998Notification of 981130 Licensee Meeting with Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Recent License Exam Results
ML20196G6483 November 1998Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 981125 at One White Flint to Discuss Licensee Views on Efforts to Maintain Safety Conscious Work Environ
ML20155C96227 October 1998Notification of 981124 Meeting with Util to Discuss Results of Employee Concerns Program Survey
ML20154L37815 October 1998Notification of 981020 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Regional Administrator OPPD Common Cause Analysis
ML20154C2211 October 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 981015 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Maint & Engineering Issues Related to turbine-driven & diesel-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps Overspeed Events
ML20153D74421 September 1998Notification of 981006 Meeting with Util in Fort Calhoun,Ne to Discuss Common Cause Analysis
ML20153B4534 September 1998Notification of Cancellation of 980924 Meeting with TVA in Rockville,Md to Discuss Review of Best Estimate of LOCA Methodology at Plant,Unit 2
ML20236Y6308 August 1998Forwards Monthly Rept Reflecting Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 980731.Petitions on Plant GT97494 & GT97339 for Which DD Became Final Actions During Month Were Closed. Portion of Encl Withheld
ML20237A0017 August 1998Informs That Extension Granted on Envirocare Decision of 980904.Two Week Extension on Philadelphia VA Decision of 980828 Requested.Submits Concurrence of Changes.Rept on 2.206 July Status for Plants Encl
ML20236X5116 August 1998Notification of 980819 Meeting W/Omaha Public Power District in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort Calhoun Station Refueling Outage Accomplishments,Challenges & Emerging Issues
ML20202F61016 July 1998Discusses Green Package Containing,In Part Corp Auditing Rept Numbers 739459-97,dtd 971015,redacted , 739459-1-97,dtd 971201,redacted & 739459-2-98, ,redacted
ML20236M9628 July 1998Notification of 980723 Meeting W/Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Licensee Performance
ML20236K9077 July 1998Notification of 980710 Meeting W/Util,Rescheduled from 980707,in Rockville MD to Discuss Proposed Amend for Extension of Allowed Outage Times for EDG
ML20236K30230 June 1998Notification of 980707 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Proposed Amend for Extension of Allowed Outage Times for EDG
ML20249C61422 June 1998Revised Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980710 to Discuss Switchyard Mods at Fort Calhoun Station
ML20249C27219 June 1998Notification of 980707 Meeting W/Util in Arlington,Texas to Discuss SONGS New Security Mgt
ML20249A11811 June 1998Notification of 980630 Meeting W/Util in Region IV Office to Discuss Plant Performance Status & Effectiveness of Initiatives to Improve Performance