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ML17355A46026 October 1999Forwards Revised Epips,Including Revs to 0-EPIP-1102, 0-EPIP-1212,0-EPIP-20110,0-EPIP-20111,0-EPIP-20132, 0-EPIP-20133 & 0-EPIP-20201,per 10CFR50.54(q) & 10CFR50, App E.Epip 0-EPIP-20107,has Been Deleted
ML17241A50021 October 1999Forwards Rev 3 to Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Data Point Library for St Lucie Unit 1.Rev Provides Replacement Pages & Follows Format Recommended by NUREG 1394, ERDS Implementation, Rev 1,App C
ML17309A99819 October 1999Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 3 to EPIP-10 & Rev 25 to HP-202.EPIP-10 Added Onsite Monitoring Points,Made Administrative Changes & Incorporated New Attachments & HP-202 Added Red Team Survey Points
ML20217F6178 October 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-335/99-11 & 50-389/99-11 on 990827 & 990907-09.No Violations Identified.Matl Encl Contained Safeguards Info as Defined by 10CFR73.21 & Disclosed to Unauthorized Individuals Prohibited by Section 147 of AEA
ML17355A4308 October 1999Forwards Rev 16 of Updated Fsar.Info Accurately Reflects Plant Changes Made Since Previous Submittal.Rev Incorporates Changes Completed Between 971015 & 990408.Summary of Accuracy Review Changes & Instructions,IncludedSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High winds
Shutdown Margin
Feedwater Heater
Integrated leak rate test
Fire Protection Program
Power change
Power Uprate
ML17355A4464 October 1999Notifies NRC of Change in Commitment to Perform Periodic Testing of Critical Welds & Parts on Special Lifting Devices IAW NUREG-0612.Use of Ae Technology Will Provide Same Level of Testing Quality as Did NDE Methods Noted in ANSI StdNon-Destructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML17355A4294 October 1999Forwards Response to NRC Telcon Questions Re License Amend Request Dtd 990727,proposing Amend on one-time Basis to Modify TS & TS 3.4.3 & 3.5.2 to Extend Allowed Outage Time for EDG from 72 H to 7 DaysFire Barrier
Enforcement Discretion
Design basis earthquake
Fire Protection Program
L-99-208, Forwards Changes,Tests & Experiments Made as Allowed by 10CFR50.59 for Period Covering 971014-990408. Summary of PORV Actuations & Results of Plants SG Tube Insp,Which Occurred During That Time Included4 October 1999Forwards Changes,Tests & Experiments Made as Allowed by 10CFR50.59 for Period Covering 971014-990408. Summary of PORV Actuations & Results of Plants SG Tube Insp,Which Occurred During That Time Included
ML17241A4811 October 1999Reports Number of Tubes Plugged During Unit 1 Refueling Outage SL1-16,per TS
ML20212M16028 September 1999Refers to 990908 Engineering Meeting Conducted at NRC Region II to Discuss Engineering Issues at Lucie & Turkey Point Facilities.List of Attendees & Copy of Presentation Handout Encl
ML17241A47025 September 1999Forwards Info Requested by NRC Staff During 990916 Telcon to Complete Staff Review of Request for risk-informed Extension of Action Completion/Aot Specified for Inoperable Train of LPSI Sys at Plant
ML17241A47224 September 1999Forwards Rev 1 to Plant Change/Mod (PCM) 99016 to St Lucie Unit 1,Cycle 16 COLR, IAW TS Overhaul Activities Are Currently in Progress & Reactor Operations for Cycle 16 Are Scheduled to Commence in Oct 1999
ML17241A46822 September 1999Requests Restriction Be Added to Senior Operator License SOP-21093 for TE Bolander.Nrc Forms 369,encl.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
ML17355A42522 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536 in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams, Issued 990820Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML17241A46720 September 1999Forwards Completed NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, for St Lucie Units 1 & 2,as Requested in Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams.Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML17241A45813 September 1999Forwards Info Requested by NRC Staff During 990630 & 0816 Telcons,To Complete Review of Proposed License Amend for Fuel Reload Process Improvement Program
ML17355A4119 September 1999Informs That Thermo-Lag Upgrades for Fire Zones 47,54,113, 114,115,116,118,119,120 & 143 Completed on 990726,per GL 92-08Fire Barrier
ML17355A4137 September 1999Forwards Revised Relief Request 20 Re Requirement to Perform Exams as Required by IWL-2524 & IWL-2525,Table IWL-2500-1 for Exempt Tendon Insp,Per Recent Discussions with NRC
ML17355A4142 September 1999Documents That Util Has No Concerns or Challenges Related to site-specific Written Exam Administered at Plant on 990830
ML17241A45231 August 1999Withdraws Relief Request 16 & Suppl Relief Request 15 with Info Requested During 990526 Telephone Conference Re ISI Insp Plan,Third 10-yr Interval
ML17241A45331 August 1999Informs That No Candidates from St Lucie Plant Will Be Participating in PWR Gfes Being Administered on 991006Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML17241A45026 August 1999Informs That FPL Has Reviewed Reactor Vessel Integrity Database,Called RVID2,re Closure of GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1. Requested Corrections & Marked Up Pages from Rvid 2 Database Summary Repts That Correspond to Comments,Attached
ML17355A40423 August 1999Forwards Info to Support Assessment of Potential Risks Associated with Proposed Civil Aircraft Operations at Former Homestead Air Force Base to FP&L Turkey Point Nuclear Facility Units 3 & 4
ML17355A40623 August 1999Forwards Semiannual FFD Performance Rept for Period of Jan- June 1999,for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4.List of Events Reported & Summary of Mgt Actions Taken,IncludedFitness for Duty
ML17355A40723 August 1999Informs That FPL Has Completed Review of Info Listed in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database,Version 2 & Found Listed Discrepancies,Re Closure of GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity.
ML17355A40020 August 1999Informs That on 990722,util Determined Blind Specimen Submitted to Smithkline Beecham Clinical Labs on 990721,was Reported Back with Unsatisfactory Results.Attachment 1 Is Summary of Investigation of Unsatisfactory PerformanceFitness for Duty
ML17241A43713 August 1999Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for six- Month Period Ending 990630,per 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
ML17241A44611 August 1999Requests That W Rept Entitled, Evaluation of Turbine Missile Ejection Probability Resulting from Extending Test Interval of Interceptor & Reheat Stop Valves at St Lucie Units 1 & 2, Be Withheld from Public DisclosureTurbine Missile
L-99-171, Forwards Rev 56 to Physical Security Plan.Summary of Changes & Marked Up Copy of Revised Pages Also Encl.Encls Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(a)(3)29 July 1999Forwards Rev 56 to Physical Security Plan.Summary of Changes & Marked Up Copy of Revised Pages Also Encl.Encls Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(a)(3)
ML17355A39427 July 1999Submits Response to NRC AL 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates, for FY00 & FY01
ML17309A99126 July 1999Forwards Revised EPIPs & Revised Procedures That Implement Emergency Plan as Listed.Procedures Provides Instruction for Operational Support Ctr (OSC) Chemistry Supervisor to Establish Remote Labs at Locations Specified
ML17241A41522 July 1999Forwards Revised Relief Request 25 for Second 10-yr ISI Interval for Unit 2Liquid penetrant
ML17241A42222 July 1999Forwards List of Proposed Licensing Actions for St Lucie Units 1 & 2,planned During Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates.License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML17241A44722 July 1999Requests That Rev 1 to WCAP-14732 & Rev 1,Add 1 to WCAP-14732 Be Withheld from Public Disclosure
ML17241A41016 July 1999Forwards FP&L Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Nuclear Power Plants
ML17355A38716 July 1999Provides Supplement to FP&L Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Nuclear Power Plants
ML17355A38514 July 1999Informs That Pages Missing from 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept, Contain Info Unrelated to ODCM- Specified Sampling & Were Not Included as Part of ReptOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML17309A9887 July 1999Forwards Rev 5 to EPIP-03, Emergency Response Organization Notification/Staff Augmentation. Rev 5 to EPIP-03 Was Revised to Transfer EP Responsibilities from Training Manager to Protection Svcs Manager
ML20209F1546 July 1999Informs That NRC in Process of Conducting Operational Safeguards Response Evaluations at Nuclear Power Reactors. Plant Chosen for Such Review Scheduled for Wk of 990823-26
ML17355A3716 July 1999Forwards Revised EPIPs 0-EPIP-20201, Maintaining Emergency Preparedness - Radiological Emergency Plan Training & 0-EPIP-20126, Off-Site Dose Calculations. with Summary of ChangesSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High winds
Grab sample
Met Tower
Fire Watch
Operability Assessment
Overspeed trip
ML17355A35930 June 1999Forwards Turkey Point,Unit 4 ISI Rept. Listed Repts Are Encl.No Eddy Current Exams Scheduled for Unit 4 Steam Generators
ML17355A36630 June 1999Forwards Florida Power & Light Topical QA Rept, Dtd June 1999.Encl I Includes Summary of Changes Made to Topical QA Rept Since 1998
ML17241A39730 June 1999Forwards Suppl Response to GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Movs, as Requested in 990317 Ltr
ML17241A40130 June 1999Forwards Info Copy of Florida Wastewater Permit (FL0002208) (Formerly NPDES Permit) Mod,Which Was Issued by Florida Dept of Environ Protection on 990604
ML17241A39529 June 1999Provides Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Nuclear Power Plants.Gl 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants, Requested Response on Status of Facility Y2K Readiness by 990701.Disclosure Encl
ML17355A35728 June 1999Informs That Util Voluntarily Reporting Facility Readiness as Outlined in Suppl 1 to GL 98-01.Encl Is Y2K Readiness Disclosure for Units 3 & 4,reporting Status of Facility Y2K Readiness
ML17355A35218 June 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990415 RAI Re GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves.
ML17241A37317 June 1999Supplements Relief Requests 4,11 & 13 for Third ten-year ISI Interval with Info Requested During 990526 Telcon.Expedited Review Is Requested by 990730 to Avoid Negatively Impacting Upcoming St Lucie Unit 1 Refueling Outage (SL1-16)Hydrostatic
Nondestructive Examination
ML17241A36414 June 1999Submits Supplement to Relief Request 24 with Info Requested by Nrc.In Addition Relief Request 24 Is Identical to St Lucie Unit 1 Relief Request 4 for Third ISI Interval Being Supplemented by FPL Ltr L-99-139VT-2
ML20195F38711 June 1999Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App a Records Being Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)