NRC-96-0113, Withdraws Plans for Implementation of Mod During Fifth Refueling Outage to Moisture Separator Reheaters to Improve Moisture Removal

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Withdraws Plans for Implementation of Mod During Fifth Refueling Outage to Moisture Separator Reheaters to Improve Moisture Removal
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1996
From: Gipson D
CON-NRC-96-0113, CON-NRC-96-113 NUDOCS 9610100010
Download: ML20128H626 (2)




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Douglas R Gipson Senior Vce Pres # dent Nuclear Gt neration DOITOli rer e 6400 North Dme Highway Newport. Mrchigan 48166 (313) 586-5249 I

l October 4,1996 NRC-96-0113 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555


1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43
2) Detroit Edison Letter, NRC-95-0100, dated October 20,1995
3) Detroit Edison Letter, NRC-94-0075, dated August 24,1994
4) NRC Letter, Martin to Gipson, dated December 28,1993
5) Detroit Edison Letter, NRC-94-0093, dated October 13,1994
6) NRC Letter, Colburn to Gipson, dated December 1,1994


Change to Commitment on Moisture Separator Reheaters In Reference 2, Detroit Edison committed to implement a modification during the fifth refueling outage (RFOS) to the Moisture Separator Reheaters (MSR) to improve '

moisture removal. The purpose of this letter is to formally withdraw plans for this modification.

The commitment to modify the MSRs during RF05 replaced an earlier commitment in Reference 3 to perform moisture carry over/ moisture removal testing following the fourth refueling outage. The original commitment was made in response to the NRC nnnnn, I

9610100010 961004 PDR ADOCK 05000341 p PDR


, October 4,1996 l l NRC-96-0113 Page 2 l

Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) on the December 25,1993 turbine event

. (Reference 4). The NRC issued a Safety Evaluation on the restart issues of the main

} steam turbine in Reference 6. The commitment was documented in Reference 6, but i not explicitly credited in the NRC findings or conclusions.

l The most important turbine modification scheduled for RF05 is replacement of the  !

Iow pressure turbine steam path. Replacement of the low pressure steam path during l l RF05 as committed in Reference 3, is the principle long term corrective action for the i December 25,1993 turbine event. The new low pressure turbine rotors have been i designed to operate with the existing MSRs. Additionally, recently installed
instrumentation indicates that the MSR performance is closer to design performance i and therefore better than previously indicated. For these reasons operation with the i existing MSRs will not have an adverse impact on the new low pressure turbines.


. Withdrawal of the MSR modification will eliminate congestion on the turbine deck j and potential interference with the more important low pressure turbine steam path j replacement. This will allow a more cencentrated focus on the turbine replacement j project. Potential udustrial safety challenges due to the number of activities in the congested area would also be prevented.

l j The revised commitment is:


Detroit Edison will reassess performance of the MSRs following RF05 and determine
an appropriate course of action.

l ,

j The effects of this change will be improvement of the implementation of the low

{ pressure steam flow path replacement, and postponement ofimproved thermal


i efficiency and corresponding economic benefit to Detroit Edison. l

! a

If there are any questions, please contact Peter W. Smith at (313) 586-4097, s

Sincerely, .

cc: A. B. Beach M. J. Jordan A. J. Kugler A. Vegel

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