ML993350424 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | PROJ0690 |
Issue date: | 11/18/1999 |
From: | Charemagne Grimes NRC/NRR/DRIP/RLSB |
To: | Walters D Nuclear Energy Institute |
References | |
-nr | |
Download: ML993350424 (68) | |
November 18, 1999
Mr. Douglas J. Walters Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 1 Street, NW., Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708
Dear Mr. Walters:
As discussed in our meeting on October 15, 1999, the staff is releasing portions of the draft Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) report to invite early stakeholders participation in developing license renewal implementation guidance documents. Accordingly, we have enclosed Chapter VI, "Electrical Components," of the draft GALL report for your information and comment.
We plan to have a first draft of the GALL report available at our public workshop on December 6, 1999. If you have any questions, please contact Sam Lee at (301)415-3109.
Christopher I. Grimes, Chief License Renewal and Standardization Branch Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Project No. 690
As stated, cc w/encl: See next page
Document Name: G:\\RLSB\\LEE\\GALL VI.wpd OFFICE LA RLSB RLSB:SC RLSB:BC NAME E?.- -) SLee j",',pTKuo> S.- CGrimes (_'
[DATE // //q/99 1//1499 "11/99 /lu 9 1 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
VIE) R NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTITUTE (License Renewal Steering Committee)
Project No. 690
Mr. Dennis Harrison Mr. Robert Gill U.S. Department of Energy Duke Energy Corporation NE-42 Mail Stop EC-12R Washington, D.C. 20585 P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006
Mr. Ricard P. Sedano, Commissioner Mr. Charles R. Pierce State Liaison Officer Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Department of Public Service 40 Inverness Center Parkway 112 State Street BIN 8064 Drawer 20 Birmingham, AL 35242 Montipelier, Vermont 05620-2601
Mr. Douglas J. Walteje Carl J. Yoder Nuclear Energy I tute Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 1776 IStreet Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Washingtn, DC 20006 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway DJ NEI.ORG NEF 1st Floor Lusby, Maryland 20657 National Whistleblower Center 3233 P Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007 Chattooga River Watershed Coalition P. O. Box 2006 Mr. Garry Young Clayton, GA 30525 Entergy Operations, Inc. Mr. David Lochbaum Arkansas Nuclear One Union of Concerned Scientists 1448 SR 333 GSB-2E 1616 P. St., NW Russellville, Arkansas 72802 Suite 310
Washington, DC 20036-1495 Mr. James P. Riccio Mr. Paul Gunter Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Director of the Reactor Watchdog Project Project Resource Service 211 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Nuclear Information &
Washington, DC 20003 1424 1 6 th Street, NW, Suite 404 Washington, DC 20036 DRAFT
Draft-November 12, 1999 CHAPTER VI
Draft November 12, 1999 Major Electrical Components
A. Electric Cables
B. Electrical Connectors
C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
D. Electrical Buses
E. Electrical Insulators
F. Transmission Conductors
G. Ground Conductors
Draft November 12, 1999 A. Electric Cables
A. 1 Power, Instrumentation and Control Cables A. 1.1 Conductor A.1.2 Shield Wire A.1.3 Insulation A.1.4 Jacket
VI A-I Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses electric cables, including power, instrumentation and control (I&C) cables. The power cables addressed are low-voltage (< 1000 V) and medium voltage (2 kV to 15 kV), which have similar constructions to I&C cables. High voltage power cables (>15 kV) have unique, specialized construction and must be evaluated on an application specific basis. Since the cable types addressed herein are very similar in construction and aging effects, they are grouped together in the table. Individual sub-components for a typical cable are addressed in terms-of aging mechanisms and effects.
System Interfaces
Electric cables functionally interface with all plant systems that rely on electric power and/or instrumentation and control. Physical interfaces include routing in cable trays and conduits.
VI A-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
A. 1.1 Power, Conductor Copper Humid, " Increased Corrosion IE Bulletin 79-lB Control, & *coated or Chemical circuit (DOR Guideline)
Instrument non-coated Exposure resistance, Cables *stranded or heating, NUREG-0588 solid signal noise, circuit failure IEEE Standards
- 323-1971
- 323-1974
- 383-1974
- 317-1976
- 338-1987
- 1205-1993
Regulatory Guide 1.89, Rev. 1
IOCFR50.49 EQ Rule
VI A-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Eauiwment AIl.
II I m m For electrical equipment that is A Environmentally Qualified EauipmentIn general, the EQ process accounts for aging through the use of a Environme environmentally qualified for use in nuclear Time Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA) for the equipment to be Qualified power plants, the environmental qualification qualified. It does not require the use of prevention or mitigation Equipment program may be applicable as a tool for aging measures, or the use of condition/performance monitoring. Yes.
management. Therefore, EQ cannot be considered a typical aging management program. However, the TLAA does provide some assurance that In the case Environmental Qualification (10CFR50.49: the effects of aging will not be problematic during the qualified life where the EQ Rule) of the equipment. As such, EQ can be considered part of an aging TLAA is EQ requirements have evolved over the years; management program for license renewal if the licensee can show projected to therefore, plants of various vintages are i) the TLAA remains valid for the period of extended the end of licensed based on different EQ requirements. operation, the period There are three main documents that ii) the TLAA is projected to the end of the period of extended of extended chronicle the EQ requirements, starting with operation through re-analysis, or operation, the IE Bulletin 79-OIB (DOR guidelines) iii) the effects of aging on the intended function(s) will be the analysis issued in 1979. This was followed by adequately managed during the period of extended operation. attributes NUREG-0588, which specifies two categories For case (i), the existing qualification is acceptable for extended identified of qualifications, and finally the current EQ life and no further evaluation is necessary. should be Rule (10 CFR 50.49). The DOR Guidelines addressed and NUREG-0588 Category II are consistent For case (ii), a re-analysis is necessary to extend the qualified life with the original IEEE Standard for of the equipment. In the re-analysis, attributes that should be qualifying Class lE equipment (IEEE Std addressed include analytical methods, data collection and reduction 323-1971), while NUREG-0588 Category I methods, underlying assumptions, acceptance criteria, corrective and 10 CFR 50.49 endorse a later version of actions if acceptance criteria are not met, and the period of time the standard (IEEE Std 323-1974). IEEE prior to the end of qualified life when the re-analyses will be Standard 323-1974 includes more stringent completed requirements than the 1971 version, including the application of margins to test parameters In light of case (iii), the EQ process was evaluated as an aging and pre-aging of equipment prior to accident management program based on the 10 criteria identified in the testing. It should be noted that the NRC has draft SRP-LR. The following summarize this evaluation:
not endorsed a later version of the standard (IEEE Std 323-1983). (1) Scope of Program: The EQ requirements apply to electric
While many of the older vintage plants were equipment important to safety, which includes those electrical licensed based on the DOR components within the scope of license renewal (i.e., cables, Actions:
Guidelines[NUREG-0588, Category II, many connectors, and penetration assemblies). (2) Preventive of the electric cables inside containment (over EQ does not require the use of preventive actions to manage the 70%) included pre-aging as part of their effects of aging. Aging is addressed through the use of a TLAA.
original qualification, or have been re As such, the EQ process identifies no preventive actions. (3) qualified to Category I criteria. Parameter Monitored/Inspected: EQ is not a condition or performance monitoring program. As such, it does not identify Many older plants still utilize cable any parameters to be monitored to manage the effects of aging.
connections and electrical penetrations that Aging is addressed through the use of a TLAA. (4) Detection of were environmentally qualified in accordance Aging Effects: In general, EQ does not require the detection of with the DOR Guidelines and/or the NUREG aging effects for equipment while in service. When the qualified 0588, Category II requirements. The original life is less than the current plant license period, EQ requires a qualification of many of these components program to replace or refurbish the component at the end of its might not have included pre-aging prior to qualified life. (5) Monitoring and Trending: EQ does not rely on exposing them to accident conditions. monitoring and trending of condition or performance parameters of equipment while in service to manage the effects of aging. As such, no monitoring or trending activities for assessing
VI A-4 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
____________ __________ I L __________.1 _________________
VI A-5 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
valuationFurther Existing Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis E)the impact on equipment condition due to aging are identified by
the EQ process. It should also be noted that currently, there are no recognized in situ condition monitoring methods that are effective for monitoring the condition of electric cables. Research is ongoing to determine if acceptable methods exist. (6) Acceptance Criteria: EQ does not rely on monitoring and trending of condition or performance parameters to manage the effects of aging. As such, no acceptance criteria are established for equipment As part of the operation while in service. (7) Corrective Actions:
EQ process, a qualified life is established for the equipment being qualified. Once the equipment reaches the end of its qualified life, the only acceptable corrective action is refurbishment or replacement. (8 & 9) Confirmation process andAdministrative Controls: EQ does not rely on preventive or corrective actions to address the effects of aging. As such, the EQ process identifies no confirmation process. EQ documentation for each qualified component is maintained at the plant site in an auditable form for the duration of the installed life of the equipment. (10) Operating Experience: Passive electrical components are typically reliable devices under normal plant conditions and have very little evidence of significant failures. In a study performed by Sandia (SAND96 0344, 9/96), a database of nuclear plant component failure records was reviewed to identify relative number of failures, as well as typical failure modes and causes for electrical cables and terminations. The review covered data for the time period from 1975 to 1994, and generated 1,458 reports applicable to low and these medium voltage cables and terminations. An analysis of records showed the following:
- In general, these components have good reliability. However, aging degradation does occur and has led to failures.
- For low-voltage components, connectors accounted for the highest percentage of failures (30%). Cables (14.5%), terminal blocks (3.5%) and splices (2.5%) had relatively fewer failures.
- For medium voltage components cables had the highest percentage of failures (69%), followed by connectors (11%) and splices (17%).
- Most of the failures are detected by operation of the component; relatively few are detected by maintenance or surveillance.
Another EPRI study on low-voltage environmentally qualified cables presented in an industry report (EPRI TR-103841, 6/94) analyzed Licensee Event Reports for the period from 1968 to June 1992. Only 87 LERs related to cables were considered attributable to aging and the failures were categorized as follows: thermal degradation (13 reports), mechanical damage (23 reports),
misapplication (I I reports), and unknown (40 reports). Roughly half of these failures occurred in the first 6 years of operation, and the number of failures decreased significantly after 10 years of operation.
VI A-6 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructureand Region of Environ-Aging Aging
I _________.1 ___________.1 _________ 1 _______________
VI A-7 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Aging anagement Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis EvaluationExisting Further
NRC's aging assessment on cables, connections, and electrical penetration assemblies analyzed LER/NPE data for the period from mid-1980,to 1988 (NUREG/CR-5461, 6/90). An analysis of these failure data showed the following:
"* Out of 151 reported events on cables, more than 70% involved some type of electrical failure, either shorting, open circuit, or grounding faults.
"* Out of 196 reported events on connections, almost 80%
involved shorted, grounded, loose, or open connections.
"* Out of 39 reported events on EPAs, pressure leakage (41%) and electrical failure (26%) caused the most events.
Based on the results presented by these studies, it is seen that qualified electrical equipment does have good reliability, and aging degradation is usually well managed. These components receive little or no preventative maintenance. Under accident conditions, however, the reliability of these components is relatively unknown.
Many of the causes of failures in accident conditions would not be detected during normal operation because of the absence of high temperatures and humidity. Note that not all degradation is detected and mitigated before it results in failure. Therefore, additional aging management practices are needed to completely manage the effects of aging for these electrical components.
As discussed in SECY-93-049, during the staffs review of license renewal issues, the EQ process was found to be a significant issue.
Of particular concern was whether the EQ requirements for older plants (i.e., DOR guidelines, NUREG-0588 Cat. II), whose licensing bases differ from newer plants, are adequate for license renewal. Further, a question was raised as to whether the EQ requirements for older plants should be reassessed for the current licensing term. Upon subsequent review, additional concerns were raised related to the EQ process, and it was concluded that differences in EQ requirements constituted a potential generic issue that should be evaluated for backfit, independent of license renewal. This came to be identified as Generic Issue 168. Key items to be addressed in GSI-168 are:
"* The adequacy of older EQ requirements for license renewal, as well as for the current licensing term
"* The adequacy of accelerated aging techniques to simulate long-term natural service aging
"* The possibility that unique failure mechanisms exist for bonded jacket and multi-conductor cable configurations that are not adequately addressed in EQ
"* The feasibility of using condition monitoring (CM) techniques to monitor current cable condition in situ as a means of offsetting uncertainties in the process used to predict long term service aging
Presently, GSI-168 is an open generic issue related to license renewal, and research is ongoing to provide information to resolve it. Specific issues being addressed in this research are presented in
VI A-8 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Structure and Region of En Item Component Interest Material n
VI A-9 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation NUREG/CR-6384. Once this generic issue is resolved, guidance
will be provided as to the impact on license renewal. In the interim, NRC letter dated June 2, 1998 "Guidance on Addressing GSI-168 for License Renewal," (C. Grimes, NRC to D. Walters, NEI) provides guidance on addressing GSI-168 in license renewal... an applications. It states that, until the generic issue is resolved, ". is to provide a acceptable approach described in the SOC basis technical rationale demonstrating that the current licensing for EQ, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.49 will be maintained in the period of extended operation."
It should be noted that, currently, there are no acceptable non destructive CM techniques to measure the integrity of electric cables in situ. It does not appear that utilities can take credit for current functional testing of cables by periodic system or circuit testing as a means of satisfying the criteria for an item to be several considered a replacement item. The effectiveness of promising CM techniques for monitoring degradation of cables is the subject of an ongoing NRC research program. The results of this program will be part of the resolution of GSI-168.
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non Equipment environme In many applications, electrical equipment The aging management programs discussed are generic in nature ntally may not be environmentally qualified, and and should be developed based on specific plant applications. Qualified other aging management programs may be These programs will be evaluated on a plant specific basis. Equipment applicable. The following are examples. Yes.
Aging Inspection Program For those electrical components that are A plant accessible, a visual inspection can be used to specific provide some indication of aging degradation. evaluation The visual inspection can check for surface is required.
anomalies, such as discoloration, cracking or surface contamination that would indicate the presence of active aging degradation. For cables, if the jacket or insulation can be touched, a qualitative indication of material aging hardening can be made. Observation of degradation would indicate the need for further investigation of the component.
Instrument Calibration Program Instrument calibration programs, including technical specification surveillance, may be used to provide an indirect indication of the condition of various electrical components. If calibration drift is noted for instruments, this could be an indication that aging degradation is affecting the electrical circuit. Further investigation could then be initiated to determine the nature of the degradation and the component affected.
VI A-10 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Structure and Region of Environ Item Component Interest Material mentAging Aging A. 1.2 Power, Shield Wires I Effect MechanismReferences Control, & Braided Humid, Signal noise Corroslon Same as effect of copper, Chemical or error in corrosion on Instrument Aluminum Exposure control and conductor for Cables Foil, instrumnt. cables (A.1.1).
Metallized cable mylar tape
A.I.3 Power,.It ii,? UlaLLUI l 1ulyli1?F5 rnumla, -- 1 ________Loss of Moisture Same as effect of Control, & such as High dielectric diffusion/ corrosion on Instrument XLPE, EPR, voltage strength, absorption; conductor for Cables SR gradient signal noise/ Formation cables (A. 1. 1).
(Power error, leakage of water Cable) current trees in power cables
I ________ I __________ I ________ j _____________
VI A-I1 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Evaluation Further
A in? Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical BasisA. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.I.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. I). environme Equipment nta!Ly Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A.1.l). Equipment Same as Note: effect of The most probable location for shield wire corrosion is at exposed corrosion sites, such as terminations on equipment or terminal strips on conductor for cables (A.].1).
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment i A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment 1. 1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. ntA!LY cables (A. I.). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non-B. Non-environmentally Qualified for cables (A.1.I). environme Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntallY cables (A. 1.1) Qualified Equipment Same as Note: effect of Underwater cables or cables with prolonged exposure to humid corrosion environment, should be specifically designed for such applications, on conductor for cables (A.].1).
VI A-12 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
1 c'.-------------T.... - - - ________________iLructure and Keglon o0 Environ Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism Reference,
A 1 2 I?.....* J"...Efec Mechanism 1.
? LJ&e?
nIIIUKaonII rIolymers High temp., Loss Hardening, Same as effect of Control, & such as Radiation, of dielectric Cracking corrosion on Instrument XLPE, EPR, Oxygen, strength, conductor for Cables SR and leakage cables (A. 1.1).
Internal current, Ohmic signal noise/
heating error, circuit (Power failure Cables)
I ________ I _______ I ______ +/- _______ I ______ I __
VI A-13 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation A. Environmentallv Oualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A.
T...................... lifi e Eqipm enSame as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. I.!). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntallv cables (A.1.I). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.I.!).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). environme Equipment ntalln Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Note: Qualified cables (A.]. 1). Some applications use different insulation materials, such as Equipment mineral insulation and polyimides (e.g., Kapton) which may be Same as susceptible to different aging mechanisms. effect of corrosion Cracking can be initiated in a an embrittled cable by any on movement of the cable, such as a seismic event, maintenance conductor activities, or vibration from nearby operating equipment. for cables (A. I1-).
While embrittlement and cracking of cable insulation may not affect cable performance under normal, dry conditions, the aging effects noted would be probable when cables with cracks are exposed to moisture, such as in a design basis event. Moisture intrusion through the cracks could lead to shorting and possible circuit failure.
VI A-14 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
A. 1.4 Power, Jacket Polymers High temp., Loss of Hardening, Same as effect of Control, & such as Radiation, mechanical Cracking corrosion Instrument Neoprene, Oxygen and environ-conductor on Cables CSPE, PVC mental cables (A. for 1.1).
protection to underlying insulation.
Exposure of insulation to outside conditions.
VI A-15 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation A. Environmentally Oualitied Equipment A. I?nvlronmenEallv QUallllCfl rtllllpilit;lil-A................... M ined In I mEnvironme
............. ual.fie S... i[ ui I e Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor cables (A. 1.1). otanly cables (Al.].). oualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.JI).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor cables (A. 1.1). environme Equipment ntal!Y Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor Note: qualified cables (A.1.1). Jackets provide some degree of protection to underlying insulation Equipment from exposure to outside stressors, such as radiation, oxygen, Same as moisture, dirt, dust and other contaminants. effect of corrosion For bonded jacket cables, in which the jacket is bonded to the on insulation, cracking in the jacket has been found to propagate conductor through to the insulation in some cases. for cables (A.1.l).
V1 A-16 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Structure and Region of Environ Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References A. 1.4 Power, Jacket Pfolymers High temp., Loss of fire Loss of fire Same as effect of Control, & such as Radiation, protection retardant corrosion on Instrument Neoprene, Oxygen conductor for Cables CSPE, PVC cables (A. 1.1).
VI A-17 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. for cables (A..1 ). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor ntallv cables (A. 1.1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.]).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.. 1). environme Equipment Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Note:
cables (A. 1. 1). The primary purpose of the jacket is to protect the insulated Equipment conductors from fire and environmental stressors. No known Same as effect of condition monitoring method is available to determine the amount the jacket material. corrosion of fire retardant lost with the age of on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
VI A-18 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Structure and Region of En, Item Component Interest Material n A. 1.4 Power, Jacket Polymers Vibr; Control, & such as main Instrument Neoprene, enan Cables CSPE, PVC abusi
VI A-19 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Electric Cables
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor cables (A.]. 1). _Qtally Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Noncorrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). environme Equipment Same as effect of on conductor for ntally Same as effect of corrosion Qualified Note: Equipment Wear due to vibration is most probable in locations where jacket is Same as adjacent to rough or sharp objects capable of causing cutting, effect of chafing or abrasion. corrosion on
Jackets provide some degree of protection to underlying insulation conductor from exposure to outside stressors, such as radiation, oxygen, for cables moisture, dirt, dust and other contaminants. (A.1. 1).
VI A-20 Draft November 12, 1999 B. Electrical Connectors
B. 1 Splices B.1.1 Jackets B.1.2 Seals B.1.3 Insulators
B.2 Mechanical Connectors B.2.1 Terminal Lugs, compression fittings, fusion connectors, contact pins
B.3 Terminal Blocks B.3.1 Block Assembly
VI R-1 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses the electrical connectors that are used in electrical circuits to join the various components electrically. This includes splices, mechanical connectors and terminal blocks. Individual sub-components for each connector are addressed in terms of aging mechanisms and effects.
System Interfaces
Electrical connectors are used in all electrical circuits, therefore, they functionally interface with instrumentation and control. Physical all plant systems that rely on electric power and/or interfaces include installation in junction boxes and various control panels.
VI B-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
U.I.I OVI ce J ket rouymers lgn temp., Exposure of Hardening Same as effect of Radiation, insulation and corrosion on Oxygen and internal Cracking conductorfor parts to cables (A..1.1).
outside conditions
? ? ? ? I? ?.....I-.. -iI i __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __
D. L.1 Splices Seals kpotting) urganic High temp., Moisture Hardening Same as effect 01 Compounds Compounds Radiation, intrusion, and corrosion on (gaskets, or cement, Oxygen leakage Cracking conductor for sealant) Rubber current, cables (A..1).
Signal noise/
Error, circuit failure
______ - _____________ _____________ __________ __________ ___________.1 __________ L _____________
VI B-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Existing 1Further A ino Man~aement Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluationit, -
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A?.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntanly cables (A.I.]). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A-.1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). environme Equipment ntally Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A. 1.). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
A. Environmentally qualified Equipment A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). Environat-,
Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntally cables (A. 1.]). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). environmi Equipment ntA!lY Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A. 1.1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. l).
VI B-4 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Structure and Region of 7.-,. _______________EnvironAging Aging Item Component Interest Materialment Effect Mechanism References B.1.2 Splices Seals (potting) IOrganic High temp. IMoisture Creep, Same as effect of References Compounds Compounds hmidity, intrusion, distortion corrosion on (gaskets, or cement, Mech. leakage conductor for sealant) Rubber Stress current, cables (A.1.1).
Signal noise/
Error, circuit failure
B. 1.3 SplicesInsulators (Heat Insulators Organic I I _______ I -
shrink, Hi-gn temp., Leakage Hardening Same as effect of' shrink, Tape) materials. Radiation, current. and corrosion on rubber. Oxygen Signal noise/ Cracking conductor for specialty Error, circuit cables (4.1.1).
tapes failure
_____ A. _______________
VI B-5 Draft November 12, 1999
Tape)(Heat VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical BasisEvaluation A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally OJualitled EQuipment A.
A Environmentally.... Quliie EquipmenEnvironme A.~ Eniomnal Qulfe Eqimen Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor cables (A. 1. 1). ntany cables (A.,ll). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). environme Equipment ntaLn Same as effect ofcorrosion on conductorfor Qualified cables (A. 1.1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.I).
i A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally ualilItel RquIpment corrosion on conductorfor cables (A. 1.1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor Same as effect of ntallv cables (A. 1.1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Noncorrosion on conductorfor cables (A. I. I). environme Equipment Same as effect of Same as effect of corrosion on conductorfor ntally cables (.4. 1. 1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
VI B-6 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Structure and Region of IEnviron-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect MechanismReferences B.2.1 Mechanical Terminal lugs. Copper Moisture, Increased Corrosion, Same as effect of Connectors compression (plated/ chemicals, circuit oxidation corrosion on fittings. Nonplated) oxygen resistance. conductor for Fusion leakage cables (A. 1-1).
connectors current.
Contacts/ signal noise/
pins error
B.2.1 Mechanical Terminal lugs. Copper Vibration. Increased Distortion. Same as effect of Connectors compression (plated/ thermal circuit cracking, corrosion on fittings. Nonplated) cycling, resistance, work conductor for fusion repeated leakage hardening cables (A. 1. 1).
connectors. connect/ current, Contactsi disconnect signal noise/
pins error
I~~~.I __________
VI B-7 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Evaluation Further Existing Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (.4. 1. 1). ntauL cables (A. 1. l). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cable y (A.!.I).
B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment for cables (A. 1.1) environme Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor ntauy Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A. 1.1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1).
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1 1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of ntauly cables (4. 1. 1). Oualifien Equipmenc Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cableL
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Nonfor cables (A. 1.). environme Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for R!221 cables (A 1.) Equipmend Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables
VI B-8 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
- structure and Region of Environ Aging Aging Item Component Interest Materialment Effect Mechanism References B.3.1 Terminal Organic Mechanism References ot.cull assemlllly I-Ilgn temp., shorting Hardening, Same as effect of Blocks Compounds Radiation, Cracking corrosion on Oxygen conductor for cables (A.].]).
B 3l 1 1T-, ;-1'in, 12)~.... 1,. t"... :_ - - I...
oc assembtbClI ly Organic Moisture, :Shorting Loss of Same as effect,i Blocks Compounds Contami insulating corrosion on nants properties conductor for cables (A. 1. 1).
_____ - __________ __________. ________ 1 ________.1 _________ 1 ________ 1 ____
VI B-9 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS B. Electrical Connectors
Evaluation Further Existing Evaluation and Technical Basis A.
Aging Management Program (AMP) A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Environme A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1).
Same as effect of corrosion on conductor ntally cables (A.].]). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A,.].).
B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment 1.1). environnic Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. ntallv Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A.1.1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conducto,.
for cables (A.1.1).
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment 1. 1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. ntaliye cables (A. 1.1). qualified
E~qu pine.
Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Noncorrosion on conductor for cables (A. ]. 1). environn.z Equipment Same as effect of for ntaig Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor u_ ip me nt cables (A.1.1). E Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
VI B-10 Draft November 12, 1999 C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies (EPA)
C. 1 Modular EPA C. 1.1 O-ring seals C.1.2 Conductor-to-insulator seals C. 1.3 Cable lead wires C.1.4 Interface connectors
VI R-1 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses electric penetration assemblies (EPA). EPAs are used to route electric cable circuits through the containment wall. They provide electrical continuity for the circuit, as well as a pressure boundary for the containment. Individual sub-components for a typical modular type EPA are addressed in terms of aging mechanisms and effects.
System Interfaces
Electric penetration assemblies functionally interface with all electric circuits that must be routed through the containment wall.
VI C-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References C. 1.1 Modular O-ring seals Organic High temp., Loss of Hardening, Same as effect of Electrical compound Radiation, pressure oxidation corrosion on Penetration Oxygen boundary conductor for Assemblies cables (A. 1.1).
C.1.2 Modular Conductor-to-Fused Moisture, Loss of Corrosion Same as effect of Electrical insulator seals glass/metal Contami-pressure corrosion on Penetration Fused nants boundary conductor for Assemblies epoxy/ cables (A. 1.1).
metal Mechanical swage
VI C-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
Existing I Evaluation Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Evaluation and Technical Basis I Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). ntan!Y cables (A. l. 1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.I.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). environ Ime Equipment ntally Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A. 1. 1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosiou; on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A.
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). Environme Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntaLy cables (A.1.]). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosioz on conductor for cables (A. I.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Noncorrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). environme Equipment Same as effect of Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for ntally cables (A. 1.1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.]1).
VI C-4 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References C. 1.3 Modular Cable lead wires Same as Same as Same as Same as Same as effect of Electrical effect of effect of effect of effect of corrosion on Penetration corrosion on corrosion corrosion on corrosion conductor for Assemblies conductor on conductor for on cables (A. 1.1).
for cables conductor cables conductor (A. 1. 1). for cables (A.1.]1). for (A.-1. 1). (A4.1.1,). cables
C. 1.4 Modular Interface Copper, Same as Same as Insulation Same as effect of Electrical connectors Polymers, effect of effect of hardening/ corrosion on Penetration Organic corrosion corrosion on cracking, conductor for Assemblies Compounds on conductor for wear, cables (A. 1. 1).
conductor cables distortion, for cables (A. 1.1). metal (A. 1.1). corrosion
VI C-5 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS C. Electrical Penetration Assemblies
Existing EvaluationFurther
Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis A It nvlpl?irlmpnTgllV
- iil?llmmmll?ll iP*llUlllmmlclltA...
A. Environmentally Uualitied Equipment.- *.1I T I.III ? I 11 L,' u....? ? ]...Environme
A......... Enio mnaly Qulfe Eqipm Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1).
cables (A. 1.1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non B. Non-environmentally Qualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1.1). environ nie Equipment ntally Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A. 1. 1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.l.).
A. Environmentally Qualified Equipment A.
A. 1i nvironmentallv Qualified Eqluipment Environme A................... Qu liie Equipm encorrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1).
Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Same as effect of ntany cables (Al.. 1). Qualified Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
B. Non-environmentally Qualified Equipment B. Non R Non-environmentally Oualified Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A. 1. 1). environrmr.e Equipment ntally Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for Qualified cables (A.1. 1). Equipment Same as effect of corrosion on conductor for cables (A.1.1).
VI C-6 Draft November 12, 1999 D. Electrical Buses
D. 1 Isolated Phase Bus D.1.1 Bus assembly D. 1.2 Bus support assembly D. 1.3 Bus enclosure assembly D. 1.4 Baffle bushing assembly
D.2 Non-segregated Phase Bus D.2.1 Bus assembly D.2.2 Bus support assembly D.2.3 Bus enclosure assembly D.2.4 Baffle bushing assembly
D.3 Segregated Phase Bus D.3.1 Bus assembly D.3.2 Bus support assembly D.3.3 Bus enclosure assembly
D.4 Switchyard Bus D.4.1 Bus Enclosure
VI R-1 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses electric buses, including isolated phase buses, non-segregated phase buses, segregated phase buses and switchyard buses. Electrical bus assemblies serve as the bulk electric power within the plant, from offsite power interconnecting means for distribution of sources to the plant power system, and from the main generator to the utility power grid.
System Interfaces
Electrical bus assemblies interface with high voltage switchgear, power transformers, power circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and generators; bus penetrations route electrical bus bars through structural walls, equipment enclosures and other boundaries
VI D-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Item Component Interest I Material ment Effect Mechanism References Structure and Region of I Environ-Aging Aging
D _ I I 1 solated.Ph--. I?,¢ae l, Al h,:.. ? --.......
J.o -.,- Yn~l~ ~orinai Increased Bulletin 79-27 Bus Bronze, Service Oxidation, electrical contact Generic Letter 91 Copper, Conditions, resistance surface II Stainless including and heating corrosion IN 86-87 Steel elevated IN-86-100 temperature [N 88-55 and oxygen IN-89-64 IN 91-57 IN 92-09 IN 92-40 IN 93-28
______ - ____________ ____________ __________ L _________ I ___________ I _________ I _______________
VI D-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Existing [Further Aino Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation i As one potential means of managing aging of electrical buses, an I No& 1V Electrical Bus Inspection Program inspection program can be implemented in which periodic visual While no requirement currently exists for inspections of the components are performed. The 10 criteria such a program, periodic visual inspection of identified in the draft SRP-LR are discussed for such a program electrical buses is a potential method of below: '
managing aging degradation for these (1) Scope: The inspection program should include all electrical Any components. The inspection program should buses that are important to safety. (2) Preventive Actions:
check for indications of any of the identified preventive actions that can be taken to mitigate aging degradation Monitored/Inspected: The aging mechanisms, such as surface should be identified. (3) Parameter contamination, oxidation, or corrosion. In parameters to be monitored/inspected should be determined based addition, infrared thermography can be used on the aging mechanisms identified as important for these to identify hot spots. The visual inspections components. Each of the aging mechanisms presented in this table should also check for settling of support should be addressed by identifying a parameter or indicator that Each of the structures, which might place mechanical can be observed during the inspection. (4) Detection:
stress on these components. If no indications parameters/indicators should be observed during the inspection to are found, this would provide some assurance provide some assurance that aging degradation is detected prior to that aging degradation is not adversely failure. (5) Monitoring and Trending: Any aging indicators noted impacting the ability of the components to during the inspection should be quantified, to the extent possible, perform their intended function. If to allow trending in future inspections. (6) Acceptance Criteria:
indications of aging degradation are noted, An acceptance criteria should be established for each of the corrective actions can be taken prior to failure parameters/indicators identified such that once the criteria is occurring. exceeded, corrective actions must be taken to refurbish or replace the component. (7) Corrective Actions: Based on the acceptance criteria established, corrective actions should be implemented to refurbish or replace components not meeting the minimum acceptance criteria. (8 & 9) Confirmation Process and Administrative controls: A process should be included to ensure that inspection results are reviewed and compared against acceptance criteria, and that corrective actions are implemented, when necessary. Appropriate administrative controls should be in place to ensure that the inspections are performed in a standardized manner and at the proper frequency, and that results are properly documented. (10) Operating experience: Past operating experience should be reviewed and evaluated to identify any plant specific aging issues that should be addressed for these components in the program.
VI D-4 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References D. 1.2 Isolated phase Bus support Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion, Same as effect of bus assembly galvanized temperature function, vibration, surface oxidation metals,, oxygen change in bus contaminati on the bus assembly porcelain, geometry, on in the isolated steel cracking, phase bus (D. 1.1).
leakage current
D. 1.3 Isolated phase Bus enclosure Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion Same as effect of bus assembly steel temperature function, surface oxidation
, moisture, change in bus on the bus assembly oxygen geometry in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
D. 1.4 Isolated phase Baffle bushing Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Oxidation Same as effect of bus assembly brass, grout, temperature function, of contact surface oxidation porcelain,, radiation, change in bus surfaces, on the bus assembly silicone moisture, geometry, corrosion, in the isolated caulk, steel dust increased contaminati phase bus (D. 1.1).
electrical on resistance and heating, leakage current, change in material D.2. 1 Non-segregated Bus assembly Aluminum, Normal Increased Oxidation, Same as effect of properties
phase bus Bronze, Service electrical contact surface oxidation Copper, Conditions, resistance surface on the bus assembly Stainless including and heating corrosion in the isolated Steel elevated phase bus (D. 1.1).
temperature and oxygen
D.2.2 Non-segregated Bus support Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion, Same as effect of phase bus assembly galvanized temperature function, vibration, surface oxidation metals,, oxygen change in bus contaminati on the bus assembty porcelain, geometry, on in the isolated steel cracking, phase bus (D. 1.1) leakage current
VI D-5 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Existing Evaluation Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Same as Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the effect of assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the isolated phase bus (D.I.1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the Same as Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). effect of assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). surface oxidatio; rn the bus assembly in the isolated phase bus (D..I1).
surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the Same as Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of effect of assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the isolated phase bus (D.1.1).
surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the Same as Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of,,'?et nf assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D1. 1.J.. s a surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the isolh?.e phase bus (D.1.1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the Same as assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1. 1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1): effect of surface
oxidation on the bus assembly in the isolated phase bus (D.1.1).
VI D-6 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
D.2.3 Non-segregated Bus enclosure Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion Same as effect of" phase bus assembly steel temperature function, surface oxidation
, moisture, change in bus on the bus assembly oxygen geometry in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
D.2.4 Non-segregated Baffle bushing Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Oxidation Same as effect of phase bus assembly brass, grout, temperature function, of contact surface oxidation porcelain,, radiation, change in bus surfaces, on the bus assembly silicone moisture, geometry, corrosion, in the isolated caulk, steel dust increased contaminati phase bus (D. 1.1).
electrical on resistance and heating, leakage current, change in material properties
uaUsemb1ly Alumlnum, Normal increased Oxidation, Same as effect of phase bus Bronze, Service electrical contact surface oxidation Copper, Conditions, resistance surface on the bus assen'blv Stainless including and heating corrosion in the isolated Steel elevated phase bus (D. 1.1J.
temperature and oxygen
4 ________ 1 ______ ______ 1 _______ i ______ I _______
VI D-7 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation on the bus assembly in the No Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1. 1). isolated phase bus (D. 1. 1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the No assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the No assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1. 1). isolated phase bus (D. 1. 1).
VI D-8 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References D.3.2 Segregated Bus support Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion, Same as effect of phase bus assembly galvanized temperature function, vibration, surface oxidation metals,, oxygen change in bus contaminati on the bus assembly porcelain, geometry, on in the isolated steel cracking, phase bus (D. 1. j leakage current D.3.3 Segregated Bus enclosure Aluminum, Elevated Loss of Corrosion Same as effect of phase bus assembly steel temperature function, surface oxidation
, moisture, change in bus on the bus assembýy oxygen geometry in the isolated phase bus (D. ]. j.
D.4.1 Switchyard bus Bus assembly Aluminum Moisture, Increased Oxidation Same as effect of dirt, dust, electrical of contact surface oxidation salt, wind, resistance surfaces, on the bus assembly high and heating, corrosion, in the isolated temperature fatigue vibration, phase bus (D. 1.1).
contaminati on
VI D-9 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS D. Electrical Buses
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluation Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the No assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the No assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus Same as effect of surface oxidation on the bus assembly in the No assembly in the isolated phase bus (D. 1.1). isolated phase bus (D. 1.1).
VI D-10 Draft November 12, 1999 E. Electrical Insulators
E. 1 Station Post Insulators E.1.1 Assembly
E.2 Strain/suspension Insulators E.2.1 Assembly
VI R-1
Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E. Electrical Insulators
Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses electric insulators, including station post insulators and suspension insulators. Station post insulators and suspension insulators form an integral part of the utility transmission system connecting the power station to offsite power sources, and tying the main generator output to the utility's power grid. Station post insulators provide electrical insulation, spacing, and support between sub-station and switchyard electrical buses and their support structures. Similarly, suspension insulators provide electrical insulation, spacing, and support between transmission line conductors and their transmission structures.
System Interfaces
Electric insulators functionally interface with the utility transmission system connecting the power station to offsite power sources, and tying the main generator output to the utility's power grid
VI E-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E. Electrical Insulators
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
P11 1 Qft;,. m, I tatLIlPL LU L n tA.semlllly Porcelain, Hign Leakage Surtace IN 93-95 insulator Galvanized temperature current, loss contaminati Metals,, dirt, dust, of function, on or Stainless salt, cracking oxidation, Steel, vibration, loss of Cement and material humidity due to wear, corrosion, mechanical stress
a __________ __________ L ________ I ________ J _________ I ________ j _____________
VI E-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E. Electrical Insulators
Existing I Evaluation Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis No Insulator Inspection Program As one potential means of managing aging of insulators, an inspection program can be implemented in which periodic visual While no requirement currently exists for inspections of the components are performed. The 10 criteria such a program, periodic visual inspection of identified in the draft SRP-LR are discussed for such a program insulators is a potential method of managing below:
aging degradation for these components. The (1) Scope: The inspection program should include all insulators Actions: Any inspection program should check for that are important to safety. (2) Preventive indications of any of the identified aging preventive actions that can be taken to mitigate aging degradation The mechanisms, such as cracking or surface should be identified. (3) Parameter Monitored/Inspected:
contamination. If no indications are found, parameters to be monitored/inspected should be determined based this would provide some assurance that aging on the aging mechanisms identified as important for these degradation is not adversely impacting the components. Each of the aging mechanisms presented in this table ability of the components to perform their should be addressed by identifying a parameter or indicator that Each of the intended function. If indications of aging can be observed during the inspection. (4) Detection:
degradation are noted, corrective actions can parameters/indicators should be observed during the inspection to be taken prior to failure occurring. provide some assurance that aging degradation is detected prior to failure. (5) Monitoring and Trending: Any aging indicators noted during the inspection should be quantified, to the extent possible, Criteria:
to allow trending in future inspections. (6) Acceptance An acceptance criteria should be established for each of the parameters/indicators identified such that once the criteria is exceeded, corrective actions must be taken to refurbish or replace the component. (7) Corrective Actions: Based on the acceptance criteria established, corrective actions should be implemented to refurbish or replace components not meeting the minimum and acceptance criteria. (8 & 9) Confirmation Process Administrative controls: A process should be included to ensure that inspection results are reviewed and compared against acceptance criteria, and that corrective actions are implemented, when necessary. Appropriate administrative controls should be in place to ensure that the inspections are performed in a standardized manner and at the proper frequency, and that results are properly documented. (10) Operating experience: Past operating experience should be reviewed and evaluated to identify any plant specific aging issues that should be addressed for these components in the program.
VI E-4 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E. Electrical Insulators
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
'-'-I fl-,?. t ' I.........
rJ,.1. l ziran ana Assembly Porcelain, High Leakage Surface IN 93-95 suspension Galvanized temperature current, loss contaminati insulator Metals,, dirt, dust, of function, on or Stainless salt, cracking oxidation, Steel, vibration, loss of Cement and material humidity, due to wind wear, corrosion, mechanical stress, vibration
_________ __________ -J _________ j. _______________
VI E-5 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E. Electrical Insulators
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis Evaluatiot.
Same as effect of surface contamination on Same as effect ojsurface contamination on the assemoby in the 1"40 the assembly in the station post insulator station post insulator (E. 1.1).
VI E-6 Draft November 12, 1999 F. Transmission Conductors
F. 1 Conductor F.1.1 Assembly
VI R-1
Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS F. Transmission Conductors Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses transmission conductors. Transmission conductors form an integral part of the utility transmission system connecting the power station to offsite power sources, and tying the main generator output to the utility's power grid.
System Interfaces
Transmission conductors functionally interface with the utility transmission system connecting the power station to offsite power sources, and tying the main generator output to the utility's power grid
VI F-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS F. Transmission Conductors
Structure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism References F.I.1 Transmission Assembly Aluminum, High Leakage Surface None conductors Steel temperature current, contaminati I vibration, fatigue on or dirt, dust, oxidation, salt, wind, corrosion, ice, material oxygen, loss due to and wear humidity
VI F-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS F. Transmission Conductors
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis EvaluationI Transmission Conductor Inspection As one potential means of managing aging of transmission 1,40 Program conductors, an inspection program can be implemented in which periodic visual inspections of the components are performed. The While no requirement currently exists for 10 criteria identified in the draft SRP-LR are discussed for such a such a program, periodic visual inspection of program below:
transmission conductors is a potential method (1) Scope: The inspection program should include all transmission of managing aging degradation for these conductors that are important to safety. (2) Preventive Actions:
components. The inspection program should Any preventive actions that can be taken to mitigate aging check for indications of any of the identified degradation should be identified. (3) Parameter aging mechanisms, such as corrosion. In Monitored/Inspected: The parameters to be monitored/inspected addition, infrared thermography can be used should be determined based on the aging mechanisms identified as to identify hot spots. If no indications are important for these components. Each of the aging mechanisms found, this would provide some assurance presented in this table should be addressed by identifying a that aging degradation is not adversely parameter or indicator that can be observed during the inspection.
impacting the ability of the components to (4) Detection: Each of the parameters/indicators should be perform their intended function. If observed during the inspection to provide some assurance that indications of aging degradation are noted, aging degradation is detected prior to failure. (5) Monitoring and corrective actions can be taken prior to failure Trending: Any aging indicators noted during the inspection should occurring. be quantified, to the extent possible, to allow trending in future inspections. (6) Acceptance Criteria: An acceptance criteria should be established for each of the parameters/indicators identified such that once the criteria is exceeded, corrective actions must be taken to refurbish or replace the component. (7)
Corrective Actions: Based on the acceptance criteria established, corrective actions should be implemented to refurbish or replace components not meeting the minimum acceptance criteria. (8 & 9)
Confirmation Process and Administrative controls: A process should be included to ensure that inspection results are reviewed and compared against acceptance criteria, and that corrective actions are implemented, when necessary. Appropriate administrative controls should be in place to ensure that the inspections are performed in a standardized manner and at the proper frequency, and that results are properly documented. (10)
Operating experience: Past operating experience should be reviewed and evaluated to identify any plant specific aging issues that should be addressed for these components in the program.
VI F-4 Draft November 12, 1999 G. Ground Conductors
G. 1 Conductor G. I. 1 Assembly
VI R-1
Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS G. Ground Conductors Systems, Structures and Components
This review table addresses ground conductors. The electrical ground conductors make up the plant's electrical ground system. This system establishes the reference ground potential for electrical system voltages in the entire plant. Electric power system voltage measurements are referenced to the ground system, and all protective relaying, basic insulation levels, instrumentation, controls, and metering depend on the design integrity of the plant ground system. Personnel and equipment safety are also dependent on the ground system grid.
System Interfaces
Ground conductors functionally interface with all circuits that are electrically connected to ground.
VI G-2 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS G. Ground Conductors
Item Component Interest Material ment Effect Mechanism ReferencesStructure and Region of Environ-Aging Aging
G. 1. 1 Ground Assembly Copper, Humidity, Loss of Surface None conductor bronze salt, function, contaminati oxygen increased on or electrical oxidation, resistance corrosion, mechanical stress
VI G-3 Draft November 12, 1999 VI. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS G. Ground Conductors
Existing Further Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation and Technical Basis EvaluaticniI Ground Conductor Inspection Program As one potential means of managing aging of ground conductors, INO an inspection program can be implemented in which periodic Inspection of ground grid conductors may or visual inspections, along with indirect measurements of ground may not be included in a plant preventive integrity are performed. The 10 criteria identified in the draft SRP maintenance program. No generally accepted LR are discussed for such a program below:
methods to monitor the integrity of cable (1) Scope: The inspection program should include all ground ground conductors exist. Periodic visual conductors that are important to safety. (2) Preventive Actions:
inspection is one potential approach, Any preventive actions that can be taken to mitigate aging however, the majority of the ground grid is degradation should be identified. (3) Parameter inaccessible. Indirect indicators of ground Monitored/Inspected: The parameters to be monitored/inspected integrity are provided through instrument should be determined based on the aging mechanisms identified as calibration programs, periodic inspection, important for these components. Each of the aging mechanisms maintenance, and testing of protective presented in this table should be addressed by identifying a relaying, and the monitoring of electric power parameter or indicator that can be observed during the inspection.
system quality and operating parameters. (4) Detection: Each of the parameters/indicators should be observed during the inspection to provide some assurance that While no requirement currently exists for aging degradation is detected prior to failure. (5) Monitoring and such a program, periodic visual inspection of Trending: Any aging indicators noted during the inspection should accessible ground conductors is a potential be quantified, to the extent possible, to allow trending in future method of managing aging degradation for inspections. (6) Acceptance Criteria: An acceptance criteria these components. The inspection program should be established for each of the parameters/indicators should check for indications of any of the identified such that once the criteria is exceeded, corrective actions identified aging mechanisms, such as must be taken to refurbish or replace the component. (7) corrosion. In addition, infrared thermography Corrective Actions: Based on the acceptance criteria established, can be used to identify hot spots. Since the corrective actions should be implemented to refurbish or replace majority of the ground grid is inaccessible, components not meeting the minimum acceptance criteria. (8& 9) indirect indicators of ground integrity should Confirmation Process and Administrative controls: A process also be included. If no indications are found, should be included to ensure that inspection results are reviewed this would provide some assurance that aging and compared against acceptance criteria, and that corrective degradation is not adversely impacting the actions are implemented, when necessary. Appropriate ability of the components to perform their administrative controls should be in place to ensure that the intended function. If indications of aging inspections are performed in a standardized manner and at the degradation are noted, corrective actions can proper frequency, and that results are properly documented. (10) be taken prior to failure occurring. Operating experience: Past operating experience should be reviewed and evaluated to identify any plant specific aging issues that should be addressed for these components in the program.
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VI G-4 Draft November 12, 1999 References
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Section 49, Environmental Qualification of electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants.
IEEE Guide P1205, IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring and Mitigating Aging Effects on Class IE Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations, 1993.
IEEE Standard 317-83, IEEE Standard for Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, 1983.
IEEE Standard 323-7 1, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class JE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, 1971.
IEEE Standard 323-74, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class JE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, 1974.
IEEE Standard 3 83-74, IEEE Standard for Type Test of Class JE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, 1974.
NRC Bulletin 79-0 1 B, Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment, January 14, 1980.
NRC Bulletin 79-27, Loss of Non-Class 1E Instrumentation and Control Power System Bus During Operation, November 30, 1979.
NRC Information Notice 86-87, Loss of Offsite Power Upon an Automatic Bus Transfer, October 10, 1986.
NRC Information Notice 86-100, Loss of Offsite Power to Vital Buses at Salem 2, December 12, 1986.
NRC Information Notice 88-55, Potential Problems Caused by Single Failure of an Engineered Safety Feature Swing Bus, August 3, 1988.
NRC Information Notice 89-64, Electrical Bus Bar Failures, September 7, 1989.
NRC Information Notice 91-57, Operational Experience on Bus Transfers, September 19, 1991.
NRC Information Notice 92-09, Overloading and Subsequent Lock Out of Electrical Buses During Accident Conditions, January 30, 1992.
NRC Information Notice 92-40, Inadequate Testing of Emergency Bus Under-voltage Logic Circuitry, May 27, 1992.
NRC Information Notice 93-28, Failure to Consider Loss of DC Bus in the Emergency Core Cooling system Evaluation May Lead to Non-conservative Analysis, April 9, 1993.
NRC Information Notice 93-95, Storm-Related Loss of Offsite Power Events Due to Salt Buildup on Switchyard Insulators, December 13, 1993.
VI R-I Draft November 12, 1999 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.89, Environmental Qualification of Certain Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants, June 1984.
NUREG-05 88, Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment, December 1979.
VI R-2 Draft November 12, 1999 Distribution:
Hard copy PUBLIC Docket File RLSB RF S. Duraiswamy, ACRS - T2E26 E. Hylton
R. Zimmerman J. Johnson D. Matthews S. Newberry C. Grimes J. Strosnider R. Wessman G. Bagchi E. Imbro W. Bateman J. Calvo M. Tschiltz G. Holahan T. Collins C. Gratton B. Boger R. Latta J. Moore J. Rutberg R. Weisman M. Mayfield S. Bahadur J. Vora A. Murphy D. Martin W. McDowell S. Droggitis RLSB Staff
G. Tracy J. Craig M. Federline C. Julian R. Gardner D. Chyu D. Thatcher P. Shemanski