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Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides to Support August 29, 2024 Aps/Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (Wtdp) Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2024
Arizona Public Service Co
To: William Orders
Download: ML24236A703 (1)


Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (WTDP)

Pre-Submittal Meeting August 29, 2024 Agenda

  • Introduction
  • Case for Action
  • Background
  • Fuel Failure Analysis
  • Setpoint Methodology
  • Proposed Changes
  • Proposed Schedule
  • Questions & Feedback

2 Case for Action

The proposed Palo Verde license amendment adopts advanced Westinghouse methodology to modernize reactor core reload design

- WCAP-18240-P-A, Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (WTDP) (2020)

  • Applicable to Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs)

- Palo Verde is lead plant for licensing application

- Submittal will address both Westinghouse and Framatome fuel



WCAP-18240-P-A, Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (WTDP)

- Methodology for Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)

Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit (SAFDL)

  • ANSI N18.2 Conditions I (normal operation) and II (moderate frequency events)

- Methodology for rods-in-DNB fuel failure analysis

  • ANSI N18.2 Conditions III (infrequent events) and IV (limiting faults), except Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs)

- Methodology for Core Protection Calculator System (CPCS) and Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS) setpoints



WCAP-18240-P-A, Westinghouse Thermal Design Procedure (WTDP)

- Evolutionary change relative to current methods

- Leverages improvements in computational resources and automation

  • More efficient core reload analysis process

- Reduces DNBR SAFDLs

- May reduce cycle-specific fuel failure predictions for non-LOCA accidents

5 DNBR Limit

Current Methodology

- Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

  • Combustion Engineering CEN-356(V)-P-A, Modified Statistical Combination of Uncertainties (MSCU)
  • Related methodologies

- Thermal-hydraulic analysis codes

- Critical heat flux (CHF) correlations

- Core inlet flow distribution

- NRC Information Notice 2014-01, Fuel Safety Limit Calculation Inputs Were Inconsistent with NRC-Approved Correlation Limit Values

6 DNBR Limit

Current Methodology

- MSCU statistically combines uncertainties associated with system parameters and state parameters to determine CPCS/COLSS setpoints and overall uncertainty factors

  • System parameters - Related to fuel type (for example, fuel rod pitch, fuel rod outside diameter, CHF correlations)
  • State parameters - Related to plant operating conditions (for example, core power distribution, reactor coolant pressure, core inlet flow)

7 DNBR Limit

Current Methodology

- MSCU involves numerous thermal-hydraulic simulations to evaluate the effects of parameter perturbations

- Statistical analysis yields a DNBR probability density function (pdf) and SAFDL

  • DNBR pdf - Probability of fuel failure vs. DNBR

8 DNBR Limit

Current Methodology

- First use of MSCU was Palo Verde Unit 1 Cycle 2 (1987, ML021690079)

  • Number of simulations constrained by computational resources and costs
  • Proprietary conservative biases reduced the number of required simulations

- Fuel type analytical limits

- TORC with CE-1 (2001, ML010880411)

- VIPRE with WSSV and ABB-NV (2018, ML17319A103 and ML17319A107)

- VIPRE with BHTP (2020, ML20031C947 and ML20031C968)

9 DNBR Limit

WTDP Methodology

- Removes conservative biases from current MSCU methodology

  • DNBR pdf differs between the two fuel types

- CE16STD DNBR SAFDL of 1.34 will remain in CPCS/COLSS

  • Same approach used when licensing CE16NGF and CE16HTP for Palo Verde
  • Plant hardware limitations mentioned in TS Bases 2.1.1, Reactor Core Safety Limits (SLs)
  • Setpoint methodology establishes relationship between plant hardware and cycle-specific core reload design

10 Fuel Failure Analysis

Current Methodology

- TS 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

  • Combustion Engineering CENPD-183-A, C-E Methods for Loss of Flow Analysis (statistical convolution technique)

- Fuel rod power census

- DNBR pdf

- MSCU methodology for derivation of the DNBR pdf is analogous to that used for the SAFDL, but considers Condition III and Condition IV accident scenarios with a coincident Loss of Offsite Power (LOP)

11 Fuel Failure Analysis

WTDP Methodology

- Statistical convolution technique analogous to CENPD-183-A

- More computationally efficient than current MSCU methodology when performing Palo Verde cycle-specific analyses

  • Fewer thermal-hydraulic simulations required
  • One DNBR pdf may be used for both DNBR SAFDL verification and fuel failure predictions

12 Fuel Failure Analysis

WTDP Methodology Example

- Limiting infrequent event (UFSAR Appendix 15E)

  • Composite event assumes an initiating occurrence degrades thermal margin and brings the reactor core to the DNBR SAFDL

- WTDP methodology reduces cycle-specific fuel failure predictions

  • Cycle-specific core reload analyses typically predict several thousand fuel rod failures for the postulated limiting infrequent event
  • CE16NGF: Unit 1 Cycle 24 fuel failure reduced by ~100 fuel rods
  • CE16HTP: Unit 2 Cycle 25 fuel failure reduced by ~200 fuel rods

13 Setpoint Methodology

Current Methodology

- TS 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

  • Westinghouse WCAP-16500-P-A, Revision 0, CE 16x16 Next Generation Fuel Core Reference Report

- COLR includes Supplement 1, Application of CE Setpoint Methodology for CE 16x16 Next Generation Fuel (NGF)

- Setpoint methodology application at Palo Verde addressed in previous license amendments

14 Setpoint Methodology

Current Methodology

- Addresses use of MSCU where the CHF correlation within the CPCS and COLSS differs from the CHF correlations that are applicable to a specific fuel type

- Addresses the potential for different fuel types to introduce undesirable biases

  • Temperature-dependent
  • Pressure-dependent
  • Flow-dependent
  • Axial Shape Index (ASI)-dependent

15 Setpoint Methodology

WTDP Methodology

- Limitation/condition in NRC Safety Evaluation for WCAP-18240-P-A

  • The use of an approved subchannel code (e.g., VIPRE-W) in lieu of CETOP-D must be consistent with the CE-NSSS setpoint methodology as defined in WCAP-16500-P-A, Supplement 1, Application of CE Setpoint Methodology for CE 16x16 Next Generation Fuel, Revision 1

- Palo Verde may choose to utilize this option in the future for selected analysis work

  • The faster CETOP-D code is desirable for time-critical circumstances

16 Proposed Changes

- Reduce CE16NGF DNBR SAFDL to 1.20

- Reduce CE16HTP DNBR SAFDL to 1.20

  • Conforming changes to UFSAR

- New topical report

- Revised DNBR SAFDLs

- Use of CETOP-D or VIPRE in setpoint methodology

17 Proposed Changes

18 Proposed Changes

19 Proposed Schedule

  • October 2024: License Amendment Request (LAR) submittal
  • October 2025: Request completion of NRC review
  • 2025-2026: Palo Verde implementation

20 Questions & Feedback