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12-19-23 Summary of Meeting with Triso-X, LLC, to Align on Triso-X Draft Environmental Safety Request for Additional Information
Person / Time
Site: Triso-X
Issue date: 01/16/2024
From: Matt Bartlett
To: Lav S
Shared Package
ML23362A063 List:
Download: ML23362A066 (3)



Samantha Lav, Chief Fuel Facility Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards FROM:

Matthew Bartlett, Project Manager Fuel Facility Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards



OF MEETING ON DECEMBER 19, 2023, WITH TRISO-X LLC, TO ALIGN ON THE TRISO-X DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) hosted an observation meeting on Microsoft Teams with TRISO-X, LLC (TRISO-X) on December 19, 2023, from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the draft requests for additional information (RAI) for the environmental safety review. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the RAIs with TRISO-X to ensure they understood the RAIs and had opportunity to request clarifications, if needed. The RAIs seek updates to the TRISO-X original application received April 5, 2022 (ML22101A200) and supplemented by letters dated October 13, 2022 (ML22286A144) and November 4, 2022 (ML22308A251).

The discussion primarily focused on TRISO-X performing routine surveys in the unrestricted areas at locations that are expected to experience the highest environmental concentrations of radiological emissions. TRISO-X stated that they plan to monitor effluents at the stack and at designated locations around the site perimeter. The NRC staff discussed the need to verify offsite dose calculations through some form of offsite sampling. The NRC staff also describe the need for TRISO-X to better explain how they will evaluate gaseous effluent that is entrained in water washout. TRISO-X stated they anticipate being orders of magnitude less than 10% of the Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20, Appendix B values so they believe continuous sampling at the stack and at the site boundary is sufficient to comply with the regulations.

TRISO-X stated they understand the RAIs.

TRISO-X indicated that, if needed, they would provide information about some accident sequences by referencing existing documents on the docket. The NRC staff indicate that if more information on items relied on for safety is needed, a redacted version may be submitted.

CONTACT: Matt Bartlett, NMSS/DFM 301-415-7154 January 16, 2024 Signed by Bartlett, Matthew on 01/16/24

S. Lav 2

In addition, the NRC stated they would consider issuing an additional Environmental Safety RAI on validation of gaseous effluent concentrations in unrestricted areas.

A list of participants is provided as an Enclosure.


Participants List (public) cc:

ML23362A063; Memo ML23362A066 OFFICE NMSS/DFM/FFLB NMSS/DFM/FFLB NSIR/DPR NMSS/DFM/FFLB NAME SPoy MBartlett JGoodridge SLav DATE Dec 29, 2023 Jan 9, 2024 Jan 9, 2024 Jan 10, 2024 OFFICE NMSS/DFM/FFLB NAME MBartlett DATE Jan 16, 2024