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Environmental Properties Management, LLC, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Scope of Work and Budget for 2022
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 02/25/2022
From: Halliburton B, Lux J
Environmental Properties Management
To: Ashley Roberts
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML22074A235 (16)


February 25, 2022 For the State of Oklahoma Pam Dizikes Clayton Eubanks Attorney, Office of the General Counsel Assistant Attorney General Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Protection Unit 707 North Robinson Office of the Attorney General of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1677 313 NE 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73101 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 For the United States Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section Robert William Yalen Environment and Natural Resources Division Assistant United States Attorney U.S. Department of Justice Office of the United States Attorney P.O. Box 7611 for the Southern District of New York Washington, D.C. 20044-7611 86 Chambers Street, Third Floor File Ref. No. 90-11-3-09688 New York, NY 10007 Ashley Roberts Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery, & Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T-8F05 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Hollis Luzecky, Attorney-Advisor Office of Site Remediation Enforcement United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (Mail Code 2272A)

Washington, D.C. 20460 Re: Docket 90-725, License SNM-928 Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Scope of Work and Budget for 2022

Dear Recipient:

Solely as Trustee for the Cimarron Environmental Response Trust (CERT), Environmental Properties Management LLC (EPM) submits herein a scope of work and budget for work to be performed for the CERT in 2022 and the first four months of 2023. This scope of work and budget was submitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on December 15, 2021. The proposed budget was approved by the DEQ on January 19, 2022 and by the NRC on February 16, 2022.

February 25, 2022 Page 2 Section 3.2 of the Cimarron Trust Agreement requires that an annual budget be submitted by January 1 of each year. It also states that the Cimarron Trustee shall not pay any expense that has not been provided for in the applicable budget. Approval of annual budgets has varied from as early as March 27th to as late as May 21st. To avoid running out of funding and shutting down contractors due to lack of ability to pay for services, EPM began to include funding for the scope of work that may be accomplished in 15 - 16 months. The scope of work and budget described herein is anticipated to cover a 16-month period but will be referred to as the scope of work and budget for 2022.

Work performed for the Trust is herein categorized into six Tasks. This budget has been revised after receiving comments on the proposed scope of work and budget by the beneficiaries of the CERT: the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the NRC) and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (the DEQ).

The following is a summary of the allocation of costs for each Task by trust account:

  • Task 1 - Administration activities will be funded exclusively by the Cimarron Trust Administrative Cost Account (Administrative Account).
  • Task 2 - License Compliance activities will be funded exclusively by the Cimarron Trust Federal Environmental Cost Account (Federal Account).
  • Task 3 - Federal Agency Fees will be funded exclusively by the Federal Account.
  • Task 4 - Site Decommissioning activities will be funded by both the Federal Account and the Cimarron Trust State Environmental Cost Account (State Account). The same allocation used in the past will be applied (i.e., 93.2% of the costs will be paid out of the Federal Account and 6.8% of the costs will be paid out of the State Account).
  • Task 5 - State Agency Fees will be funded exclusively by the State Account.
  • Task 6 - Unanticipated Work will be funded by either the Federal Account, the State Account, or both, as agreed upon by the NRC and the DEQ.

A description of the scope of work assigned to each Task is provided in Attachment 1, Scope of Work and Itemized Costs. Attachment 1 describes the work activities that will be performed for each Task. Task 2, License Compliance, and Task 4, Decommissioning, are further broken down to describe the work activities that will be performed by each of the three primary contractors retained by the CERT:

  • Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. (Burns & McDonnell)
  • Enercon Services, Inc. (Enercon)
  • Veolia Nuclear Solutions - Federal Services LLC. (VNS Federal Services) , Budget for 2022, summarizes the costs for each of the above-listed Tasks.

Costs for labor, travel, and incidentals incurred by EPM (referred to in the table as Trustee

February 25, 2022 Page 3 Support) are listed in the left side of the table. Costs for other expenses, work performed by contractors or vendors, and regulatory agency fees are listed in the right side of the table.

Should it become necessary to perform work outside the defined scope of work provided in this budget submittal (Out of Scope Work), EPM will prepare a scope of work and cost estimate. If the work can be performed within the allotted funding for Task 6, EPM will proceed with the work. Costs incurred will not be allocated to the Trust Accounts until the beneficiaries agree upon the allocation of costs.

Section 3.2.1 of the Trust Agreement requires the Trustee to project administrative expenditures for a three-year period. EPM expects administrative expenditures to remain essentially the same as projected from 2022 through 2024.

Please contact me at or (816) 304-6428, or Jeff Lux at or (405) 642-5152 if you desire further clarification of the scope of work or funding included in this budget.

Sincerely, Jeff Lux Project Manager Bill Halliburton, Trust Administrator Cc: James Smith, NRC Paul Davis, DEQ Attachments:

  • Attachment 1 - Cimarron Environmental Response Trust - Scope of Work and Itemized Costs - Budget for 2022
  • Attachment 2 - Cimarron Environmental Response Trust - Budget for 2022


CIMARRON ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE TRUST SCOPE OF WORK AND ITEMIZED COSTS BUDGET FOR 2022 The Cimarron Environmental Response Trust (CERT) is administered by Environmental Properties Management LLC (EPM) as Trustee. EPM submits herein a description of the scope of work that is planned for the period beginning January 1, 2022, through April 2023. This budget summary is broken down into the following Tasks:

1. Administrative
2. License Compliance
3. Federal Agency Fees
4. Site Decommissioning
5. State Agency Fees
6. Unanticipated Work This document describes the consulting, design, and field services that each Contractor will provide for Task #2, License Compliance and Task #4, Site Decommissioning. The scope of work for each Contractor is based upon the following assumptions:
1. Facility Decommissioning Plan - Rev 3 (the DP), presenting a single approach to decommissioning, will be submitted to the NRC before the end of January 2022.
2. This scope of work and cost estimate is based on an assumed schedule in which NRC completes the detailed technical review of the DP and issues requests for additional information (RAIs) at the beginning of June 2022.
3. RAIs will not require additional field investigation, pilot tests, significant revision of groundwater flow models, or significant changes to facility design. Responses to RAIs will be submitted to the agencies at the beginning of September 2022.
4. Contractors will begin to advance design drawings to 90% design status shortly after receiving RAIs. Preparation of design drawings will be completed by the end of August 2022.
5. Detailed building design and design of injection skids will be performed by third parties.

Upon completion of 90% design drawings, bid packages will be prepared and issued for design of the building and injection skids. Vendors for design will be selected and contracts for the final design of these three scopes will be issued before the end of 2022.

6. Design drawings and specifications will be assembled and bid packages for construction will be completed by the end of January 2023. Bidders will be asked to submit +/- 10%

cost estimates in their bid packages.

7. Bids will be evaluated, contractual terms and conditions will be negotiated, and contracts will be conditionally awarded. Best and Final Pricing bid packages will be prepared by the end of April 2023. (Best and Final Pricing bid packages will not be issued until funding is approved and the license amendment approving the DP is issued.)

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Section 9, Schedule, and Figure 9-1, Pre-Construction Schedule, of the DP provides a more detailed description of the work that will be performed between the beginning of 2022 through April 2023. EPM defined a scope of work based on the above assumptions and requested proposals from each Contractor for work anticipated to be completed by the end of April 2023.

Contractors submitted proposals containing detailed breakdowns of the work required for each scope of work assigned to them, and the cost associated with each. The scopes of work and cost estimates provided herein summarize the tasks and sub-tasks, and the cost for each task, which were agreed upon by EPM and the Contractors.

The following Contractors provided itemized costs for Tasks #2 and #4:

  • Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. (Burns & McDonnell)
  • Enercon Services, Inc. (Enercon)
  • Veolia Nuclear Solutions Federal Services LLC (VNSFS) - Task #4 only TASK #1 - ADMINISTRATION - $293,016 Provides funding to manage the Trust and maintain the Trusts assets, including:
1. Pay taxes and utility bills and maintain the site office and Trust property.
2. Submit quarterly financial reports.
3. Conduct monthly status teleconferences.
4. Maintain files and a document repository TASK #2 - LICENSE COMPLIANCE - $889,848 Provides funding to maintain compliance with all license and federal regulatory requirements.

This includes:

1. Implement and maintain a Radiation Protection (RP) program, including performing annual environmental monitoring.
2. Implement and maintain a Quality Assurance (QA) program.
3. Implement and maintain a Safety & Health Program
4. Attending and responding to NRC inspections.

The following provides a description of the scope of work for each Task, and the estimated costs to perform that work.

Burns & McDonnell - $78,000

1) Project Management - $23,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Prepare and submit monthly reports providing a description of work completed, and upcoming activities, with task-specific cost and schedule status.

b) Conduct periodic teleconferences to status action items.

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c) Prepare and execute contracts and change orders (if needed).

d) Prepare and submit invoices and monitor accounts receivable.

2) Annual Environmental Monitoring - $7,000 - Provides funding to perform data quality review and database management, with assignment of data qualifiers as needed, import of data into the CERT EQuIS database management system, and export of data
3) Training - $22,000 - Provides funding for Burns & McDonnell personnel to attend or refresh applicable site-specific Radiation Safety, Quality Assurance, and Safety & Health training at a level commensurate with work they may perform.
4) Licensing Support - $26,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Revise figures for the license amendment request to redefine the licensed area.

b) Prepare and submit electronic and/or hard copies of documents to regulatory agencies and the NRC document control desk.

c) Review & comment on the draft amended license, including the Safety Evaluation Report and Environmental Assessment, as requested.

Enercon Services - $575,000

1) Licensing Support - $74,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Support a license amendment request to redefine the licensed area.

b) Respond to Requests for additional Information (RAIs) related to Section 6, Revisions to the License of the DP.

c) Provide review and comment on the draft amended license, Safety Evaluation Report and Environmental Assessment if issued.

2) Radiation Protection (RP) Program Support - $299,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Implement and revise as appropriate the radiation protection program, including the Radiation Protection Plan and associated procedures and desk instructions.

b) Provide or arrange radiological orientation, general worker, radiation worker, procedure, and instrument training. Train and/or update personnel as needed.

c) Respond to RAIs related to radiation protection, revise DP text or appendices.

d) Perform routine radiological surveys and RP surveys in support of field activities.

e) Prepare and implement an activity plan for the environmental monitoring program.

Collect, package, and deliver for shipment surface water and groundwater samples for annual environmental monitoring program.

f) Comment on and approve activity plans for other field activities.

g) Attend NRC or DEQ inspections and/or meetings.

3) Quality Assurance (QA) Program Support - $115,000 - Provides funding for the following:

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a) Implement and revise as appropriate the quality assurance program, including the Quality Assurance Program Plan and associated procedures.

b) Finalize QA program training materials and provide or arrange QA program training and maintain training and task qualification records.

c) Comment on and approve activity plans and other quality critical documents.

d) Respond to agency RAIs related to quality assurance and revise the DP text and/or appendices as needed.

e) Provide QA support during NRC or DEQ inspections and/or meetings.

f) Perform periodic observations and/or audits.

4) RP Procedure Development Related to Decommissioning Operations - $87,000 -

Provides funding to prepare, based on the DP and 90% design drawings, procedures addressing:

a) Waste package inspection, survey, storage, and shipment.

b) RP for construction operations (e.g., trench excavation, sediment/spoils mixture),

incoming material, and subsurface material.

c) Evaluation of in-process treatment system data and implementation of the Material Control and Accounting program.

d) Area and routine RP surveys during operations.

e) Air sampling and air and exposure rete monitoring.

BUDGET CATEGORY #3 - FEDERAL AGENCY FEES - $800,000 Provides funding for:

1) Performing inspections.
2) Meeting with the licensee and contractors as needed.
3) Providing regulatory oversight of the license.
4) Reviewing a license amendment request and issuing Amendment 22.
5) Reviewing and responding to licensee submittals associated with Facility Decommissioning Plan - Rev 1.

BUDGET CATEGORY #4 - SITE DECOMMISSIONING - $3,569,840 Provides funding for design and field activities associated with the planning and/or implementation of work performed to decommission the site.

The following provides a description of the scope of work for each Task by Contractor, and the estimated costs to perform that work.

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Burns & McDonnell - $1,283,000

1) Project Management, Project Execution Planning, Utilities, Permitting, and Construction Funding - $330,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Performing project management activities such as conducting monthly budget reports, preparing monthly reports describing work completed and upcoming activities, with task-specific cost and schedule status, and providing cost and schedule controls.

b) Preparing a Draft Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC) Project Execution Plan.

c) Obtaining utility easements as needed.

d) Completing evaluation of air permitting requirements for backup generators and spill pollution control and countermeasures and providing data quality review for OPDES samples.

e) Prepare a cost estimate for the construction of all remediation and treatment infrastructure and process equipment, including the fabrication of groundwater treatment and waste processing systems, civil, structural, and foundation construction, installation of wells trenches, piping, controls, and utilities, and provision of radiation protection and quality assurance support. This cost estimate will provide the basis for a request to fund construction.

2) Respond to NRC Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) and Revise Facility Decommissioning Plan - $126,000 - Provides funding for the following:

i) Revise the decommissioning plan as needed in response to the pre-application audit.

ii) Respond to RAIs based on the technical review of the decommissioning plan.

iii) Revise the decommissioning plan text, figures, tables, and drawings in response to RAIs.

iv) Prepare and submit electronic and/or hard copies of the decommissioning plan to regulatory agencies and the NRC document control desk.

3) Redox Evaluation and Site Maintenance - $243,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Redox Evaluation i) Contract with GEL for laboratory analysis of redox samples. Samples collected during 2 quarterly events will be analyzed only for specific redox parameters and uranium. Samples collected during the other quarterly events will be analyzed for an expanded list of analytes.

ii) Perform data quality review, compile data into a digital site management tool.

When compiled data is sufficient to draw reasonable conclusions, prepare a report on the oxidation-reduction conditions created in Burial Area #1, the consequent immobilization of uranium in groundwater, and the subsequent re-oxidation of groundwater and re-mobilization of uranium.

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b) Site Maintenance i) Contract for and oversee maintenance of site, including site mowing, maintaining access to monitoring wells and environmental dosimeters, and other site maintenance activities as needed.

4) Final Remediation System Design & Pre-Construction Bidding and Conditional Award -

$584,000 - Provides funding for the following:

a) Conduct internal Burns & McDonnell design team meetings and coordination meetings with Veolia Nuclear Solutions - Federal Services (VNSFS) design team as needed.

b) Conduct a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Evaluation, update codes & standards, and advance design to 90%.

c) Support finalization of VNSFS architectural design. Solicit and evaluate bids for the pre-engineered treatment system building. Contract with a pre-engineered building supplier to obtain shop drawings for the building.

d) Contract with a pre-engineered structural steel platform supplier to obtain remote terminal unit (RTU) platform shop drawings. Update RTU foundation drawings.

e) Prepare an injection skid bid package and conduct design coordination with prospective suppliers.

f) Prepare a control systems integration bid package and conduct design coordination with prospective suppliers.

g) Complete Engineering Basis of Design deliverable and Issue for Bid Design revisions. Consolidate the Project Manual containing specifications for water treatment and well field systems construction.

h) Advance design to 90%; prepare and issue bid packages for the design of the engineered building, injection skid, and control system; evaluate bids, and contract for the design work.

i) Advance design to Issue for Bid status; prepare and issue +/- 10% bid packages to construction contractors; respond to bidder requests for information; evaluate bids and select bidder to be conditionally awarded contract; negotiate contractual terms &


j) Incorporate building, injection skid, and control systems design into Issue for Bid design and prepare Best and Final Pricing bid packages for all aspects of fabrication, construction and installation.

Enercon Services - $279,000

1. Project Management - $44,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Monthly reports on work completed and upcoming activities, and cost and schedule status.
b. Periodic action item status teleconferences.

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c. Execution of contracts, invoices, and change orders.
2. Administrative and Safety & Health Program Support - $26,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Training of Enercon personnel on the CERT Safety & Health program.
b. Maintain hard copy and electronic documentation of S&H training records for the Trust.
c. Provide S&H program support as needed (e.g., conduct monthly fire extinguisher inspections and annual service, maintain Safety Data Sheet documentation, etc.)
3. Redox and OPDES Sampling and Miscellaneous Field Support - $139,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Collect, package, and deliver for shipment groundwater samples for six redox sampling events.
b. Collect, package, and deliver for shipment surface water samples for two OPDES sampling events.
c. Provide field support for miscellaneous onsite activities.
4. Respond to RAIs and Collaborate on Procedure Development Related to Operating Systems - $70,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Prepare responses to RAIs not covered under License Compliance.
b. Meet with EPM, the NRC and the DEQ to present the DP should the NRC or the DEQ consider such a meeting appropriate.
c. Prepare, based on the DP and 90% design drawings, and in collaboration with Burns & McDonnell and VNS - Federal Services, procedures addressing:
i. Collection, packaging, and shipment of in-process monitoring samples.

ii. Spent resin processing, sampling, storage, and shipment loading.

iii. Startup and operation of treatment systems and spent resin processing.

Veolia Nuclear Solutions - Federal Services - $1,704,000

1. Project Management - $105,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Prepare monthly reports on work completed and upcoming activities, and cost and schedule status.
b. Prepare invoices and prepare and execute contracts and change orders as needed.
c. Manage subcontractors.
2. Respond to RAIs and Prepare Decommissioning Plan - $211,000 - Provides funding for the following work:

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a. Revise design drawings twice; in response to the NRC pre-application audit, and in response to RAIs. Revise decommissioning plan text as needed.
b. Prepare and deliver a presentation on water treatment, in-process monitoring, and waste processing if needed.
c. Prepare responses to RAIs related to water treatment, in-process monitoring, and processing of wastes generated by water treatment. Responses may include revisions to sections of the DP and/or design drawings presented in Appendix K to the DP.
d. Prepare and deliver a presentation on VNSFS responses to RAIs if needed.
3. Advance Design to Issue for Bid - $1,053,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Conduct internal VNSFS design team meetings as needed both for development of the DP and responses to RAIs and conduct coordination meetings with Burns & McDonnell design team as needed.
b. Conduct a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Evaluation.
c. Conduct annual code review and update codes and standards matrix accordingly.
d. Update Western Area Treatment Facility (WATF) building details Per Final Building Manufacturer Selection and Architectural Reviews.
e. Coordinate with Burns & McDonnell design team on the development of the control / electrical design system, preparation of a control systems integration bid package, and conducting design coordination with prospective suppliers.
f. Conduct design interface coordination with BMcD (all disciplines).
g. Advance design to Issue for Construction design level.
h. Prepare and issue 8 bid packages
4. Pre-Construction Bidding and Conditional Award - $335,000 - Provides funding for the following:
a. Respond to bidder requests for information; evaluate bids and select bidder to be conditionally awarded contract; negotiate contractual terms & conditions.
b. No contracts will be executed at this time.

BUDGET CATEGORY #5 - STATE AGENCY FEES - $30,000 Provides funding for agency oversight.

BUDGET CATEGORY #6 - UNANTICIPATED WORK - $88,424 Provides funding for work not anticipated at the time this budget was finalized.

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1. Should it become necessary to perform work outside the defined scope of work provided in this budget submittal (unanticipated work), EPM will prepare a scope of work and budget.
2. Provided the work can be performed within the allotted funding for Task 6, EPM will proceed with the work.
3. Costs incurred will not be allocated to the Trust Accounts until the beneficiaries agree upon the allocation of costs.

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CIMARRON ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE TRUST SCOPE OF WORK AND ITEMIZED COSTS BUDGET FOR 2022 Task 2 - License Compliance Vendor Description Cost Burns & McDonnell Project Management $23,000 Annual Environmental Monitoring $7,000 Training $22,000 Licensing Support $26,000 TOTAL $78,000 Enercon Services Licensing Support $74,000 Radiation Protection $299,000 Quality Assurance $115,000 RP Procedure Development Related to

$87,000 Decommissioning Operations TOTAL $575,000 Task 4 - Decommissioning Support Vendor Description Cost Burns & McDonnell Project Management, Project Execution Planning,

$330,000 Utilities, Permitting, and Construction Funding Respond to Requests for Additional Information and

$126,000 Revise Facility Decommissioning Plan Redox Evaluation and Site Maintenance $243,000 Final Remediation System Design and Pre-

$584,000 Construction Bidding and Conditional Award TOTAL $1,283,000 Enercon Services Project Management $44,000 Administration and Safety & Health Program Support $26,000 Redox Evaluation & OPDES Sampling $139,000 Respond to Agency RAIs & Collaborate on Procedure

$70,000 Development Related to Operating Systems TOTAL $279,000 Veolia Nuclear Solutions - Federal Services Project Management $105,000 Respond to RAIs and Prepare Decommissioning Plan $211,000 Advance Design to "Issue for Bid" $1,053,000 Pre-Construction Bidding and Conditional Award $335,000 TOTAL $1,704,000 Page 10 of 10


CIMARRON ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE TRUST BUDGET FOR 2022 Hourly Expense Category Hours Cost Item Quantity Unit Cost per Unit Total Cost Rate Budget Task 1 - Administration Trust Administrator $284.00 340 $96,560 Burns & McDonnell Support 1 Lump $30,000 $30,000 Trustee Project Manager $236.00 546 $128,856 Office Expense (Mat'l & Maintenance) 12 Mo $550 $6,600 Travel & Incidentals $6,000 Utilities 16 Mo $500 $8,000 Taxes 1 Lump $2,000 $2,000 Site Maintenance 1 Lump $5,000 $5,000 Legal Expenses 1 Lump $10,000 $10,000 Trustee Support $231,416 Contractor Support and Expenses $61,600 Total Budget for Task 1 (Including Trustee Support) $293,016 Budget Task 2 - License Compliance Trust Administrator $284.00 97 $27,548 Burns & McDonnell Support 1 Lump $78,000 $78,000 Trustee Project Manager $236.00 800 $188,800 Enercon Support 1 Lump $575,000 $575,000 Travel & Incidentals $4,000 Lab Analysis 1 Lump $15,000 $15,000 Sampling Expense 1 Lump $1,500 $1,500 Trustee Support $220,348 Contractor Support and Expenses $669,500 Total Budget for Task 2 (Including Trustee Support) $889,848 Budget Task 3 - Federal Agency Fees NRC Fees 1 Lump $800,000 $800,000 Total NRC Fees $800,000 Budget Task 4 - Site Decommissioning Trust Administrator $284.00 160 $45,440 Burns & McDonnell Support 1 Lump $1,283,000 $1,283,000 Trustee Project Manager $236.00 1025 $241,900 Enercon Support 1 Lump $279,000 $279,000 Travel & Incidentals $7,500 VNS-FS Support 1 Lump $1,704,000 $1,704,000 Sampling Expense 1 Lump $5,000 $5,000 Miscellaneous Supplies 1 Lump $4,000 $4,000 Trustee Support $294,840 Contractor Support and Expenses $3,275,000 Total Budget for Task 4 (Including Trustee Support) $3,569,840 Budget Task 5 - State Agency Fees DEQ Fees 1 Lump $30,000 $30,000 Total DEQ Fees $30,000 Budget Task 6 - Out of Scope Work Trust Administrator $284.00 16 $4,544 Outside Services 1 Lump $50,000 $50,000 Trustee Project Manager $236.00 80 $18,880 Materials & Supplies 1 Lump $10,000 $10,000 Travel & Incidentals $5,000 Trustee Support $28,424 Contractor Support and Expenses $60,000 Total Budget for Task 6 (Including Trustee Support) $88,424 Total Trustee Support $775,028 Total Budget (Including Trustee Support) $5,671,128 Page 1 of 1