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Letter from B. Halliburton, Cert, Dated August 1, 2022 with Financial Statements for the Cimarron Environmental Response Trust January 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 08/01/2022
From: Halliburton B, Nalefski S
Cimarron Environmental Response Trust, Environmental Properties Management
To: James Smith
James Smith, 301-415-6103
Download: ML22228A131 (5)



environmental properties management, LLC August 1, 2022 Pam Dizikes P. C layton Eubanks Attorney. Office of the General Counsel Assistant Attorney General Ok lahoma Depa1tment of Environmental Quali ty Environmenta l Protection Uni t 707 >l . Robinson Office of the Attorney General of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1677 3 13 N. E. 2 I ;i Street Okl~:horna City, OK 73 101-1677 Oklahoma City, OK 731 05 P;:,iil J;;JVis, Pro_iect Manager Robert William Yalen Oklahoma Depaitment of Environmental Quality Ass;stant L'n ited States Attorney 707 '.\. Robinson Oftice of the United States Attorney PO Box 1677 for the Southern District of New York Oklahoma City, OK 731 01-1677 86 Chambers Street, T hird Floor "\' ew York, t\i Y I 0007 Robert. Chie f, Environmental Enforcement Section USA N YS.TronoxTrustR~ports@usdo j.2,0\

  • Environment and Natural Resources Division L .S. Oepartment of Justice P.O. Box 7611 Washington, DC 200ti4-761 1 r*i!e Ref. ?s:o. 90-11 09688 Andrea Koch, Deputy Director James Smith , Project \-tanager Decomm issioning & Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Un ited States N uclear Regulatory Comm ission United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockv ille Pike
vtailstop T-8F5 Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Hollis Luzecky, Attorney-Advisor Lnited States E!wironmental Protection Agency l)ftice of Site Remediation Enforcement. Regional Suppoct Division 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (Mail Code 2272A)

Washington, DC 20460

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Environmental Properties Management. LLC. Tru stee for the Cimarron Environmental Response Trust, hereby submits the attached financi al statements for the following Trust Accounts to the beneficiaries of the Cimarron

  • f'ru st:

( 1) Cimarron Trust Federal Environmental Cust Account (2) Cim arron Trust State Env iron mental Co~t Account (3) Cimarron Trust Administrative Account 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: 816-333-9400 Fax:816-822-3463


environmental properties management, LLC Page 2 August I, 2022 Beneficiary Letter The attached financial statements cover the period from January I, 2022 th rough June 30, 2022 and are submitted pursuant to the Cimarron Trust' s obligations under paragraph 6.1 of the Environmental Response Trust Agreement.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions pet1aining to the attached.

Sincerely, Stephan L. Nalefski Vice President Bill! lallibu11011 Tntst r\chn in istn1tor Attach;nents (2) 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: 816-333-9400 Fax: 816-822-3463

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets 30-Jun-22 Administrative Federal State Account Account Account Total ASSETS Current Assets Cash Eq ui valents $ 3,598,888.58 $ 55,260,448.47 $ 12,557,890.48 $ 71,417,227 .54 Accrued Income Total Current Assets 3,598,888.58 55,260,448.47 12,557,890.48 71,417,227.54 TOT AL ASSETS $ 3,598,888.58 $ 55.260,448.47 $ 12,557,890.48 $ 7 1,4 17,227.54 LIABILIT IES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabil ities Accounts Payable 76, 175.22 504,208.83 24,067.60 604,451.65 Accrued Property Taxes 339.00 - 339.00 Total Current Liabilities 76,5 14.22 504,208.83 24,067.60 604,790.65 Net Assets 3,522,374.36 54,756,239.64 12,533 ,822.89 70,8 12,436.89 TOTAL LIAB ILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 3,598,888.58 $ 55,260,448.47 $ 12,557,890.48 $ 71,417,227.54

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Statement of Receipts and Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Year to Date thru Jun 30, 2022 Administrative Federal State Account Account Account Total RECEIPTS Interest Income $ 6,827.46 $ I 04,9 I 8.87 $ 23,764.96 $ 135,51 1.29 Trust Distributions $

Easement/Lease/Property Sale Income 1,292.33 1,292.33 10,338.54 12,923 .20 TOTAL RECEIPTS 8, 119.79 106,2 11 .20 34, 103.50 148,434.49 Proposed Over (Under)

EXPENSES Budget Budget Administrative Expenses Trustee & Administrator Fees 71 ,261.33 7 1,261.33 261 ,416.00 ( 190, 154.67)

Site Maintenance & Security 2,633.23 2,633.23 11,600.00 (8,966.77)

Utilities 2,429.1 1 2,429. 11 8,000.00 (5,570 .89)

Legal & Professional Fees 10,000.00 ( 10,000.00)

Taxes 348.97 348.97 2,000. 00 ( 1,65103) 76,672.64 76,672.64 293,0 16.00 (2 I 6,343.36)

Federal Expenses License Compliance 174,489.80 174,489.80 889,848.00 (7 15,358.20)

License Admendmcnt Request 329,867.65 329,867.65 3,327,090.88 (2,997,223.23)

Agency Fees 102,456.00 102,456.00 800,000.00 (697,544.00) 606,8 13.45 606,8 13.45 5,0 16,938.88 (4,4 10, 125.43)

State Expenses License Admendment Request 24,216.39 24,216.39 242,749.12 (2 18,532 .73 )

Agency Fees 41 ,2 12.25 41 ,2 12.25 30,000.00 11,212.25 65 ,428.64 65.428.64 272,749.12 (207 ,320.48)

U nanticipated Work Additional Activities 88.424 00 (88,424.00)

TOTAL EXPENSES 76,672.64 606,8 13.45 65,428.6'1 748,9 14.73 5,67 1, 128 .00 $ (4,922,2 13.27)

CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (68 ,552.85) (500,602.25 ) (3 1,325. 14 ) (600,480.24)

NET ASSETS, beg inning of period :l,590.927.2 1 55.256,84 1.89 12,565, 148.03 7 1,4 12,917 .1 3 NET ASSETS, end of period $ 3,522,37436 $ 54,756,239.64 $ 12,533,822.89 $ 70,8 12,436.89

Cimarron Environmental Response T rust Statement of Receipts and Expenses and Changes in Net Assets For Quarter ending Jun e 30, 2022 Federal State Admin istrative Account Account Account Total RECEIPTS Interest Income $ 5,041.06 $ 77,470.00 $ 17.56 1.79 100,072.85 Trust Di stributions $ $ $

Easement/ Lease/ Property Sale Income $ 734.3 1 $ 734.3 1 $ 5,874.47 7,343.09 TOTAL RECEIPTS 5,775.37 78,204.3 1 23,436.26 107,415.94 EXPENSES Administrative Expenses Trustee & Adm in istrator Fees 7 1. 187.92 71, 187.92 Site Maintenance & Security 2,633.23 2.633.23 Utilities 2,429.1 1 2,429. 11 Legal & Professional Fees Taxes 169.50 169.50 76,419.76 76.4 19.76 Federal Expenses License Compliance 174,416 .22 174,416.22 License Admendment Request 329,867.65 329,867.65 Agency Fees 33,696.00 33,696.00 537.979.87 537,979.87 State Expenses License Admendment Request 24. 142.98 24,142.98 Agency Fees 24, 142.98 24.1 42.98 Unanticipated Work Additional Activities TOTAL EX PENSES 76,4 19.76 537,979.87 24 ,142.98 638,542.61 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (70,644.39) (459,775.56) (706.72) (531,126.67)

NET ASSETS, beginning of period 3,593,0 18.75 55,2 16,0 15.20 12.534,529.6 1 7 1.4 12,9 17. 13 NET ASSETS, end of period $ 3,522,374.36 $ 54,756,239.64 $ 12.533,822.89 $ 70,881 ,790.46