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WEC June 2020 CA Progress Report
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 07/08/2020
From: Joyner D
To: Kuhn K
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of SC, Dept of Health & Environmental Control
Trefethen, JA
Download: ML21187A264 (118)


Westinghouse Electric Company Nuclear Fuel Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility 5801 Bluff Road Hopkins, South Carolina 29061 USA SCDHEC, BLWM Direct tel: 803.647.1920 Kim Kuhn Direct fax: 803.695.3964 2600 Bull Street e-mail: Columbia, SC 29201 Your ref:

Our ref: LTR-RAC-20-59 July 8, 2020


June 2020 CA Progress Report Ms. Kuhn:

In accordance with Item 19 of Consent Agreement (CA) 19-02-HW, this progress report is being submitted to you, including the following requested information:

(a) a brief description of the actions which Westinghouse has taken toward achieving compliance with the Consent Agreement during the previous month; (b) results of sampling and tests, in tabular summary format received by Westinghouse during the reporting period; (c) a brief description of all actions which are scheduled for the next month to achieve compliance with the Consent Agreement, and other information relating to the progress of the work as deemed necessary or requested by the Department; and (d) information regarding the percentage of work completed and any delays encountered or anticipated that may affect the approved schedule for implementation of the terms of the Consent Agreement, and a description of efforts made to mitigate delays or avoid anticipated delays.

In response to the above requirements, the following is being reported to the Department since the last progress report on June 15, 2020:

(a) Actions during the previous month:

Westinghouse began implementation of the Final Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan on 6/10/19. To comply with Item 4 of the CA, the following actions were completed this month.

  • Submitted the East Lagoon Closure Plan in LTR-RAC-20-57 dated June 30, 2020
  • Continued preparing the report for the Tc-99 Source Investigation Work Plan Results - Phase I and Phase II
  • Completed the following activities to support the Southern Storage Area (SSA) Operable Unit (OU) Work Plan:

© 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved

o Removed and packaged for off-site shipment as low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) 3 intermodal containers from the Southern Storage Area (C-41, C-56, C-60)

Conducted radiological soil surface surveys under all removed containers.

The surface surveys did not indicate the need to remove soil.

Collected soil samples underneath the containers on June 29, 2020. The sampling included bias VOC samples underneath C-56 and C-60 where previous contamination was documented within the intermodal containers.

o Continued wet combustible material (WCM) drum removal from 3 intermodal containers (C-64, C-19, and C-54) that have been on hold. Drums potentially containing perchloroethylene were segregated and stored.

Intermodal container C-64 was safely emptied of its contents on 6/17/2020.

  • Health physics radiological surveys of the pallets and the sealand flooring indicated no environmental impact.

Intermodal container C-19 was safely emptied of its contents on 6/26/2020.

  • Health physics radiological surveys of the pallets and the sealand flooring indicated no environmental impact.

Intermodal container C-54, was safely emptied of its contents on 7/1/2020.

  • Health physics surveys of the pallets indicated no impact to the environment. A subsequent survey of the sealand flooring indicated a small area of impact towards the back, measuring approximately 1-foot in diameter. The impact was quantified at 1,000 dpm/100cm² for alpha contamination.

o Seven (7) of the original eleven (11) intermodal containers with drums potentially containing perchloroethylene have been emptied since April 14, 2020.

(b) Results of sampling and tests:

  • Tabulated results of Hydrofluoric Acid Spiking Station #1 (HFSS#1) Soil Sampling conducted May 4-6, 2020 are included as Attachment A. The associated laboratory reports are included as Attachment B.

(c) Brief description of all actions which are scheduled for the next month:

  • In accordance with Item 4 of the CA, Westinghouse will continue to implement the Work Plan to include the following actions:

o Submit Final Interim Remedial Investigation Data Summary Report o Submit the Hydrofluoric Acid Spiking Station #1 (HFSS#1) Soil Sampling Report and associated Technical Basis Document o Submit an assessment report of the Tc-99 Source Investigation Work Plan Results -

Phase I and Phase II o Host a webinar to discuss and propose the scope for the RI Phase II Work Plan o Continue WCM drum removal from the 4 remaining intermodal containers; segregate and store drums potentially containing perchloroethylene o Submit tabulated data from the Southern Storage Area Soil Sampling conducted on June 29, 2020 for intermodal containers C-41, C-56, C-60 (d) Percentage of work completed and any delays encountered or anticipated:

  • Assessment activities identified in the Final Remedial Investigation Work Plan and associated addendums have been completed, with a summary report submitted.

Respectfully, Diana P. Joyner Principal Environmental Engineer Westinghouse Electric Company, CFFF 803.497.7062 (m)

Cc: N. Parr, Environmental Manager J. Ferguson, EH&S Manager J. Grant, AECOM Project Manager ENOVIA Records

Attachment A Hydrofluoric Acid Spiking Station #1 (HFSS#1) Soil Sampling - Tabulated

Table 1 Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility HF Spiking Station #1 Soil Analytical Results Analyte pH Fluoride Nitrate Technetium99 Uranium233/234 Uranium235/236 Uranium238 Unit SU mg/kg mg/kg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g Sample Sample ID Depth Depth BSS Sample Date HF1B1(12) 1 2 ft 1 2 ft 5/4/2020 4.81 28.3 180 0.447 U 13.2 0.828 3.22 HF1B1(24) 2 4 ft 2 4 ft 5/4/2020 4.02 706 707 0.88 U 8,310 465 1,620 HF1B1(46) 4 6 ft 4 6 ft 5/4/2020 3.88 1500 1240 0.0772 U 10,100 436 1,680 HF1B1(68) 6 8 ft 6 8 ft 5/4/2020 4.03 936 971 0.871 U 4,500 252 802 HF1B1(810) 8 10 ft 8 10 ft 5/4/2020 4.26 96.4 303 0.656 U 1,440 79.4 263 HF1B2(12) 1 2 ft 1 2 ft 5/5/2020 6.38 1.28 76.5 0 4.65 0.455 1.39 HF1B2(24) 2 4 ft 2 4 ft 5/5/2020 5.16 0.623 J 90.8 0 0.847 0.107 U 0.785 HF1B2(46) 4 6 ft 4 6 ft 5/5/2020 6.05 1.09 94 0 1.5 0.0943 U 0.955 HF1B2(68) 6 8 ft 6 8 ft 5/5/2020 5.98 1.1 45.9 0.00658 U 0.926 0.0131 U 0.218 HF1B2(810) 8 10 ft 8 10 ft 5/5/2020 6.17 0.8 J 23.4 0 1.52 0.0407 U 0.421 HF1B3(12) 1 2 ft 1 2 ft 5/5/2020 4.82 6.24 285 0 3.52 0.0795 U 1.13 HF1B3(24) 2 4 ft 2 4 ft 5/5/2020 4.08 683 589 0 3,510 159 582 HF1B3(46) 4 6 ft 4 6 ft 5/5/2020 3.96 1020 1290 0 5,600 264 948 HF1B3(68) 6 8 ft 6 8 ft 5/5/2020 4.11 546 700 0 2,790 171 632 HF1B3(810) 8 10 ft 8 10 ft 5/5/2020 4.25 343 398 0 2,600 139 636 HF1B4(12) 1 2 ft 1 2 ft 5/6/2020 5.46 65.8 69.3 0 563 29 110 HF1B4(24) 2 4 ft 2 4 ft 5/6/2020 3.97 335 70.4 0.171 U 511 22.1 105 HF1B4(45.33) 4 5.33 ft 4 5.33 ft 5/6/2020 3.29 359 82.5 2.6 U 700 31.9 139 HF1B5(12) 1 2 ft 1 2 ft 5/6/2020 5.07 1.55 232 0 9.36 0.396 2.56 HF1B5(24) 2 4 ft 2 4 ft 5/6/2020 4.39 135 288 0 1,520 82.8 246 HF1B5(46) 4 6 ft 4 6 ft 5/6/2020 4.28 21.7 440 0 1,250 50.9 224 HF1B5(68) 6 8 ft 6 8 ft 5/6/2020 5.67 1.11 150 0 9.67 0.587 1.61 HF1B5(810) 8 10 ft 8 10 ft 5/6/2020 4.35 0.879 J 54.3 0 2.65 0.294 1.02 HF1B6(02) 0 2 ft 01.90 ft 5/6/2020 8.09 NA NA NA NA NA NA HF1B6(24) 2 4 ft 1.903.79 ft 5/6/2020 6.35 5.67 14.5 0 403 19.3 78.5 HF1B6(45.67) 4 5.67 ft 3.795.37 ft 5/6/2020 6.22 43.8 38 0 226 9.66 41.6 HF1B7(02) 0 2 ft 01.88 ft 5/6/2020 4.72 40.4 127 0 2,140 93.5 313 HF1B7(24) 2 4 ft 1.883.75 ft 5/6/2020 4.41 158 178 3.15 U 2,020 92 355 HF1B7(45.42) 4 5.42 ft 3.755.08 ft 5/6/2020 5.21 121 83 0.627 U 799 46.5 158 HF1B7REFUSAL 5.42 5.42 ft 5.08 ft 5/6/2020 4.58 NA NA NA NA NA NA Remedial Action Screening Level 3,100 130,000 88,400 3,310 39 179 Notes: SU standard units ft feet mg/kg milligram per kilogram U not detected above the method detection concentration pCi/g picocuries per gram Shaded cells exceed the remedial action screening level BSS below soil surface

Attachment B Hydrofluoric Acid Spiking Station #1 (HFSS#1) Soil Sampling - GEL Analytical Results GEL Analytical Results Sampling conducted: May 4, 2020 GEL Work Order: 510581 Report Date: May 28, 2020 GEL Analytical Results Sampling conducted: May 5, 2020 GEL Work Order: 510757 Report Date: June 1, 2020 GEL Analytical Results Sampling conducted: May 6, 2020 GEL Work Order: 510807 Report Date: June 4, 2020

May 28, 2020 Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Re: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Work Order: 510581

Dear Ms. Logsdon:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on May 05, 2020. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4707.

Sincerely, PM_SIGN_HERE Katelyn Gray Project Manager Purchase Order: 4500799254 Enclosures Page 1 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for WNUC008 Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC (4500775170)

Client SDG: 510581 GEL Work Order: 510581 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound H Analytical holding time was exceeded U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Katelyn Gray.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 13:13 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.46%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 28.3 0.366 1.08 mg/kg 9.95 1 JLD1 05/05/20 1932 1994861 1 Nitrate-N 180 1.77 5.38 mg/kg 9.95 5 JLD1 05/06/20 0110 1994861 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.81 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1446 1994735 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/05/20 1814 1994849 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 13:43 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.57%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 706 7.38 21.7 mg/kg 10.0 20 JLD1 05/06/20 0243 1994861 1 Nitrate-N 707 7.16 21.7 mg/kg 10.0 20 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.02 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1448 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/05/20 1814 1994849 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 14:58 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 1500 19.1 56.1 mg/kg 9.90 50 JLD1 05/06/20 0314 1994861 1 Nitrate-N 1240 18.5 56.1 mg/kg 9.90 50 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 3.88 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1449 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/05/20 1814 1994849 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 5 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 16:10 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 936 9.45 27.8 mg/kg 9.83 25 JLD1 05/06/20 0345 1994861 1 Nitrate-N 971 9.17 27.8 mg/kg 9.83 25 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.03 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1450 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/05/20 1814 1994849 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 6 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 17:02 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 96.4 3.90 11.5 mg/kg 10.0 10 JLD1 05/06/20 0415 1994861 1 Nitrate-N 303 3.79 11.5 mg/kg 10.0 10 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.26 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1451 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/05/20 1814 1994849 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 7 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 13:13 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.46%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 13.2 +/-0.986 0.221 0.500 pCi/g HAKB 05/09/20 1307 1994680 1 Uranium-235/236 0.828 +/-0.286 0.186 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 3.22 +/-0.486 0.111 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.447 +/-1.94 3.34 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/10/20 0542 1994733 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC1 05/05/20 1018 1994664 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 81.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.3 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 8 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 13:43 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.57%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 8310 +/-213 11.4 0.500 pCi/g HAKB 05/11/20 1159 1995912 1 Uranium-235/236 465 +/-56.2 5.28 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1620 +/-94.3 8.12 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.880 +/-2.19 3.75 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/10/20 0603 1994733 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC1 05/05/20 1018 1994664 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 62 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.5 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 9 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 14:58 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 10100 +/-239 9.20 0.500 pCi/g HAKB 05/11/20 1159 1995912 1 Uranium-235/236 436 +/-55.3 7.65 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1680 +/-97.6 8.76 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.0772 +/-2.09 3.63 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/10/20 0625 1994733 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC1 05/05/20 1018 1994664 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 67.1 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 95.8 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 10 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 16:10 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 4500 +/-119 4.20 0.500 pCi/g HAKB 05/07/20 2115 1994680 1 Uranium-235/236 252 +/-31.3 4.22 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 802 +/-50.2 3.97 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.871 +/-2.06 3.53 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/10/20 0647 1994733 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC1 05/05/20 1018 1994664 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 15 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 96.1 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 11 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: May 28, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B1-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510581005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 04-MAY-20 17:02 Receive Date: 05-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 1440 +/-43.8 1.98 0.500 pCi/g HAKB 05/07/20 2115 1994680 1 Uranium-235/236 79.4 +/-11.5 1.79 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 263 +/-18.7 1.69 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.656 +/-2.13 3.65 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/10/20 0708 1994733 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC1 05/05/20 1018 1994664 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 31.5 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 92.7 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 12 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: May 28, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 2 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510581 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Ion Chromatography Batch 1994861 QC1204556272 510581001 DUP Fluoride 28.3 37.9 mg/kg 29.1 (0%-109%) JLD1 05/05/20 23:07 Nitrate-N 180 238 mg/kg 28 (0%-104%) 05/06/20 01:41 QC1204556271 LCS Fluoride 25.3 24.1 mg/kg 95.6 (90%-110%) 05/05/20 22:36 Nitrate-N 25.3 24.8 mg/kg 98.2 (90%-110%)

QC1204556270 MB Fluoride U ND mg/kg 05/05/20 22:05 Nitrate-N U ND mg/kg QC1204556273 510581001 MS Fluoride 26.9 28.3 40.8 mg/kg 46.8 * (75%-125%) 05/05/20 23:38 Nitrate-N 26.9 180 221 mg/kg N/A (75%-125%) 05/06/20 02:12 Titration and Ion Analysis Batch 1994735 QC1204556044 510581001 DUP Corrosivity H 4.81 H 5.15 SU 6.83 (0%-10%) RXB5 05/07/20 14:47 QC1204556042 LCS Corrosivity 7.00 7.00 SU 100 (95%-105%) 05/07/20 14:42 Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

< Result is less than value reported Page 13 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510581 Page 2 of 2 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time

> Result is greater than value reported B The target analyte was detected in the associated blank.

E General Chemistry--Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Per section of Method 1664 Revision B, due to matrix spike recovery issues, this result may not be reported or used for regulatory compliance purposes.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Z Paint Filter Test--Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

d 5-day BOD--The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample e 5-day BOD--Test replicates show more than 30% difference between high and low values. The data is qualified per the method and can be used for reporting purposes h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 14 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: May 28, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 3 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510581 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1994680 QC1204555898 510581001 DUP Uranium-233/234 13.2 12.1 pCi/g 9.25 (0%-20%) HAKB 05/07/20 20:55 Uncertainty +/-0.986 +/-1.02 Uranium-235/236 0.828 0.575 pCi/g 36.1 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-0.286 +/-0.253 Uranium-238 3.22 2.27 pCi/g 34.6 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-0.486 +/-0.450 QC1204555899 LCS Uranium-233/234 12.2 pCi/g 05/07/20 20:55 Uncertainty +/-0.829 Uranium-235/236 0.933 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.257 Uranium-238 12.9 12.0 pCi/g 93.5 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-0.821 QC1204555897 MB Uranium-233/234 0.428 pCi/g 05/09/20 13:07 Uncertainty +/-0.164 Uranium-235/236 0.0679 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0763 Uranium-238 U 0.0889 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0914 Batch 1995912 QC1204558442 510581002 DUP Uranium-233/234 8310 8000 pCi/g 3.74 (0%-20%) HAKB 05/11/20 11:59 Uncertainty +/-213 +/-253 Uranium-235/236 465 379 pCi/g 20.5 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-56.2 +/-61.4 Uranium-238 1620 1420 pCi/g 13.5 (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-94.3 +/-107 Page 15 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510581 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1995912 QC1204558443 LCS Uranium-233/234 162 pCi/g HAKB 05/11/20 11:59 Uncertainty +/-27.6 Uranium-235/236 17.4 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-10.6 Uranium-238 160 168 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-28.1 QC1204558441 MB Uranium-233/234 U -1.59 pCi/g 05/11/20 11:59 Uncertainty +/-2.31 Uranium-235/236 U -0.163 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-2.70 Uranium-238 U 0.176 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-3.14 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1994733 QC1204556036 510581001 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.447 U 0.433 pCi/g N/A N/A JJ3 05/10/20 07:52 Uncertainty +/-1.94 +/-2.00 QC1204556037 LCS Technetium-99 57.1 49.8 pCi/g 87.1 (75%-125%) 05/10/20 08:14 Uncertainty +/-3.28 QC1204556035 MB Technetium-99 U 2.16 pCi/g 05/10/20 07:30 Uncertainty +/-2.07 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation Page 16 of 26 SDG: 510581

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510581 Page 3 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 17 of 26 SDG: 510581

Technical Case Narrative Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC SDG #: 510581 General Chemistry Product: Ion Chromatography Analytical Method: SW846 9056A Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-086 REV# 27 Analytical Batches: 1994861 and 1994849 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581001 HF1-B1-(1-2) 510581002 HF1-B1-(2-4) 510581003 HF1-B1-(4-6) 510581004 HF1-B1-(6-8) 510581005 HF1-B1-(8-10) 1204556270 Method Blank (MB) 1204556271 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204556272 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204556273 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Matrix Spike (MS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Matrix Spike (MS)/Post Spike (PS) Recovery Statement The percent recoveries (%R) obtained from the spike analyses are evaluated when the sample concentration is less than four times (4X) the spike concentration added. The matrix spike recovered outside of the established acceptance limits due to matrix interference and/or non-homogeneity.

Analyte Sample Value Fluoride 1204556273 (HF1-B1-(1-2)MS) 46.8* (75%-125%)

Technical Information Sample Dilutions The following samples 1204556272 (HF1-B1-(1-2)DUP), 1204556273 (HF1-B1-(1-2)MS), 510581001 (HF1-B1-(1-2)), 510581002 (HF1-B1-(2-4)), 510581003 (HF1-B1-(4-6)), 510581004 (HF1-B1-(6-8)) and 510581005 (HF1-B1-(8-10)) were diluted because target analyte concentrations exceeded the calibration range.

Dilutions may be required for many reasons, including to minimize matrix interferences or to bring over range target analyte concentrations into the linear calibration range.

Page 18 of 26 SDG: 510581

510581 Analyte 001 002 003 004 005 Fluoride 1X 20X 50X 25X 10X Nitrate 5X 20X 50X 25X 10X Product: pH Analytical Method: SW846 9045D Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-008 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 1994735 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581001 HF1-B1-(1-2) 510581002 HF1-B1-(2-4) 510581003 HF1-B1-(4-6) 510581004 HF1-B1-(6-8) 510581005 HF1-B1-(8-10) 1204556042 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204556044 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Holding Times Samples (See Below) were received by the laboratory outside of the method specified holding time. The data is qualified.

Sample Analyte Value 1204556044 (HF1-B1-(1-2)DUP) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510581001 (HF1-B1-(1-2)) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510581002 (HF1-B1-(2-4)) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510581003 (HF1-B1-(4-6)) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510581004 (HF1-B1-(6-8)) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510581005 (HF1-B1-(8-10)) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 Radiochemistry Page 19 of 26 SDG: 510581

Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1994680 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1994664 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581001 HF1-B1-(1-2) 510581004 HF1-B1-(6-8) 510581005 HF1-B1-(8-10) 1204555897 Method Blank (MB) 1204555898 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204555899 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Method Blank Criteria The blank result (See Below) is greater than the MDC but less than the required detection limit.

Sample Analyte Value 1204555897 (MB) Uranium-233/234 Result: 0.428 pCi/g > MDA: 0.138 pCi/g <= RDL: 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-235/236 Result: 0.0679 pCi/g > MDA: 0.0509 pCi/g <= RDL: 0.500 pCi/g Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1204555898 (HF1-B1-(1-2)DUP) Uranium-235/236 RPD 36.1* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.24 (0-3)

Uranium-238 RPD 34.6* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 2.31 (0-3)

Technical Information Recounts Samples 1204555897 (MB) and 510581001 (HF1-B1-(1-2)) were recounted due to high MDCs. The recounts are reported.

Page 20 of 26 SDG: 510581

Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1995912 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1994664 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581002 HF1-B1-(2-4) 510581003 HF1-B1-(4-6) 1204558441 Method Blank (MB) 1204558442 510581002(HF1-B1-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204558443 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1204558442 (HF1-B1-(2-4)DUP) Uranium-235/236 RPD 20.5* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.05 (0-3)

RDL Met The blank (See Below) did not meet the detection limit due to keeping the blank volume consistent with the other sample aliquots.

Sample Analyte Value 1204558441 (MB) Uranium-233/234 Result -1.59 < MDA 7.84 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-235/236 Result -0.163 < MDA 5.72 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-238 Result 0.176 < MDA 6.81 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Technical Information Page 21 of 26 SDG: 510581

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were reprepped due to low carrier/tracer yield. The re-analysis is being reported.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: ASTM D 2216 (Modified)

Preparation Procedure: GL-OA-E-020 REV# 13 Preparation Batch: 1994664 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1994664 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581001 HF1-B1-(1-2) 510581002 HF1-B1-(2-4) 510581003 HF1-B1-(4-6) 510581004 HF1-B1-(6-8) 510581005 HF1-B1-(8-10) 1204555869 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1994733 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510581001 HF1-B1-(1-2) 510581002 HF1-B1-(2-4) 510581003 HF1-B1-(4-6) 510581004 HF1-B1-(6-8) 510581005 HF1-B1-(8-10) 1204556035 Method Blank (MB)

Page 22 of 26 SDG: 510581

1204556036 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204556037 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 23 of 26 SDG: 510581

Page 24 of 26 SDG: 510581 Page 25 of 26 SDG: 510581 List of current GEL Certifications as of 28 May 2020 State Certification Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220201 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352017 Utah NELAP SC00012202032 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 26 of 26 SDG: 510581

June 01, 2020 Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Re: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Work Order: 510757

Dear Ms. Logsdon:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on May 06, 2020. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4707.

Sincerely, PM_SIGN_HERE Katelyn Gray Project Manager Purchase Order: 4500799254 Enclosures Page 1 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for WNUC008 Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC (4500775170)

Client SDG: 510757 GEL Work Order: 510757 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Katelyn Gray.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 09:12 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.89%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 1.28 0.376 1.11 mg/kg 10.1 1 LXA2 05/07/20 0024 1995237 1 Nitrate-N 76.5 0.730 2.21 mg/kg 10.1 2 LXA2 05/07/20 1557 1995237 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 6.38 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1453 1994735 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/06/20 1859 1995236 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 09:40 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.14%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride J 0.623 0.365 1.07 mg/kg 9.98 1 LXA2 05/07/20 0157 1995237 1 Nitrate-N 90.8 1.77 5.37 mg/kg 9.98 5 LXA2 05/07/20 1730 1995237 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.16 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1456 1994735 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/06/20 1859 1995236 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 10:43 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.79%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride U ND 0.372 1.09 mg/kg 9.98 1 LXA2 05/07/20 0227 1995237 1 Nitrate-N 94.0 1.80 5.47 mg/kg 9.98 5 LXA2 05/07/20 1800 1995237 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 6.05 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1457 1994735 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/06/20 1859 1995236 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 5 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 11:30 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.81%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride U ND 0.375 1.10 mg/kg 9.95 1 LXA2 05/07/20 0400 1995237 1 Nitrate-N 45.9 0.364 1.10 mg/kg 9.95 1 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.98 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1459 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/06/20 1859 1995236 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 6 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 12:30 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.1%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride J 0.800 0.388 1.14 mg/kg 9.93 1 LXA2 05/07/20 0431 1995237 1 Nitrate-N 23.4 0.377 1.14 mg/kg 9.93 1 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 6.17 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1500 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/06/20 1859 1995236 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 7 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757006 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 14:13 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.09%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 6.24 0.370 1.09 mg/kg 10.1 1 LXA2 05/14/20 2320 1996294 1 Nitrate-N 285 3.59 10.9 mg/kg 10.1 10 LXA2 05/14/20 2347 1996294 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.82 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1502 1994735 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/14/20 2018 1996293 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 8 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757007 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 14:44 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.9%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 683 18.7 55.0 mg/kg 10.0 50 LXA2 05/15/20 0229 1996294 1 Nitrate-N 589 18.2 55.0 mg/kg 10.0 50 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.08 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1501 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/14/20 2018 1996293 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 9 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757008 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 15:35 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.9%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 1020 19.9 58.7 mg/kg 10.1 50 LXA2 05/15/20 0417 1996294 1 Nitrate-N 1290 19.4 58.7 mg/kg 10.1 50 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 3.96 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1502 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/14/20 2018 1996293 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 10 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757009 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 16:20 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.3%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 546 9.79 28.8 mg/kg 10.1 25 LXA2 05/15/20 0511 1996294 1 Nitrate-N 700 9.50 28.8 mg/kg 10.1 25 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.11 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1504 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/14/20 2018 1996293 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 11 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757010 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 17:22 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 343 3.91 11.5 mg/kg 10.1 10 LXA2 05/15/20 0605 1996294 1 Nitrate-N 398 3.80 11.5 mg/kg 10.1 10 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.25 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/07/20 1505 1994735 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/14/20 2018 1996293 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 12 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 09:12 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.89%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 4.65 +/-0.740 0.316 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 0.455 +/-0.268 0.201 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1.39 +/-0.409 0.228 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.41 +/-1.95 3.51 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0610 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 99.6 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 99.5 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 13 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 09:40 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.14%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 0.847 +/-0.345 0.285 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 U 0.107 +/-0.154 0.186 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 0.785 +/-0.321 0.206 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.842 +/-2.14 3.79 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0626 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 87 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.6 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 14 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 10:43 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.79%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 1.50 +/-0.493 0.341 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0943 +/-0.162 0.141 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 0.955 +/-0.391 0.251 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.60 +/-1.99 3.66 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0643 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.6 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.2 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 15 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 11:30 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.81%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 0.926 +/-0.396 0.327 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0131 +/-0.137 0.286 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 0.218 +/-0.198 0.182 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.00658 +/-2.05 3.57 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0659 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 86 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.2 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 16 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B2-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 12:30 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.1%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 1.52 +/-0.453 0.248 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0407 +/-0.114 0.122 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 0.421 +/-0.253 0.231 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.27 +/-2.18 3.97 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0716 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 87.2 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.7 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 17 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757006 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 14:13 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.09%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 3.52 +/-0.714 0.281 0.500 pCi/g BXA4 05/09/20 0839 1995261 1 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0795 +/-0.156 0.217 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1.13 +/-0.414 0.256 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.758 +/-2.03 3.59 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0732 1995247 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1726 1995223 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 74.2 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 101 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 18 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757007 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 14:44 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.9%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 3510 +/-99.5 5.06 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/19/20 1147 1997576 1 Uranium-235/236 159 +/-23.6 2.72 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 582 +/-40.5 3.73 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.638 +/-2.39 4.21 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0429 1995246 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1723 1995224 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 66.5 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 93.3 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 19 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757008 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 15:35 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.9%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 5600 +/-137 6.49 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/19/20 1147 1997576 1 Uranium-235/236 264 +/-33.1 5.06 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 948 +/-56.3 3.66 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.0340 +/-2.23 3.89 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0445 1995246 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1723 1995224 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 61.5 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 93 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 20 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757009 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 16:20 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.3%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 2790 +/-98.0 5.36 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/19/20 1147 1997576 1 Uranium-235/236 171 +/-27.1 3.32 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 632 +/-46.6 4.21 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.07 +/-2.20 3.92 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0502 1995246 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1723 1995224 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 50.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.8 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 21 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 1, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B3-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510757010 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 05-MAY-20 17:22 Receive Date: 06-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 2600 +/-83.9 5.25 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/19/20 1147 1997576 1 Uranium-235/236 139 +/-21.6 3.66 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 636 +/-41.5 4.19 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.17 +/-2.15 3.92 5.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/12/20 0518 1995246 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/06/20 1723 1995224 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 64.6 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 96.1 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 22 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: June 1, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 3 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510757 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Ion Chromatography Batch 1995237 QC1204557123 510757001 DUP Fluoride 1.28 J 0.471 mg/kg 92.1 ^ (+/-1.10) LXA2 05/07/20 00:55 Nitrate-N 76.5 103 mg/kg 29.9 (0%-104%) 05/07/20 16:28 QC1204557122 LCS Fluoride 25.1 27.1 mg/kg 108 (90%-110%) 05/06/20 22:20 Nitrate-N 25.1 26.6 mg/kg 106 (90%-110%)

QC1204557121 MB Fluoride U ND mg/kg 05/06/20 21:49 Nitrate-N U ND mg/kg QC1204557125 510757001 MS Fluoride 27.4 1.28 10.7 mg/kg 34.2 * (75%-125%) 05/07/20 01:26 Nitrate-N 27.4 76.5 108 mg/kg 116 (75%-125%) 05/07/20 16:59 Batch 1996294 QC1204559298 510757006 DUP Fluoride 6.24 5.79 mg/kg 7.5 (0%-109%) LXA2 05/15/20 00:14 Nitrate-N 285 278 mg/kg 2.37 (0%-104%) 05/15/20 00:41 QC1204559297 LCS Fluoride 24.7 24.8 mg/kg 100 (90%-110%) 05/14/20 22:51 Nitrate-N 24.7 25.0 mg/kg 101 (90%-110%)

Page 23 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510757 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Ion Chromatography Batch 1996294 QC1204559296 MB Fluoride U ND mg/kg LXA2 05/14/20 21:55 Nitrate-N U ND mg/kg QC1204559300 510757006 MS Fluoride 26.8 6.24 12.7 mg/kg 24.1 * (75%-125%) 05/15/20 01:08 Nitrate-N 26.8 285 302 mg/kg N/A (75%-125%) 05/15/20 01:35 Titration and Ion Analysis Batch 1994735 QC1204556044 510581001 DUP Corrosivity H 4.81 H 5.15 SU 6.83 (0%-10%) RXB5 05/07/20 14:47 QC1204556042 LCS Corrosivity 7.00 7.00 SU 100 (95%-105%) 05/07/20 14:42 Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported B The target analyte was detected in the associated blank.

E General Chemistry--Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Per section of Method 1664 Revision B, due to matrix spike recovery issues, this result may not be reported or used for regulatory compliance purposes.

R Sample results are rejected Page 24 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510757 Page 3 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Z Paint Filter Test--Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

d 5-day BOD--The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample e 5-day BOD--Test replicates show more than 30% difference between high and low values. The data is qualified per the method and can be used for reporting purposes h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 25 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: June 1, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 3 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510757 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1995261 QC1204557184 510752001 DUP Uranium-233/234 1.56 1.31 pCi/g 17.7 (0% - 100%) BXA4 05/09/20 08:39 Uncertainty +/-0.476 +/-0.436 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0219 U 0.0496 pCi/g N/A N/A Uncertainty +/-0.122 +/-0.136 Uranium-238 1.60 1.06 pCi/g 40.4 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-0.470 +/-0.376 QC1204557186 LCS Uranium-233/234 11.9 pCi/g 05/09/20 08:39 Uncertainty +/-1.09 Uranium-235/236 0.344 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.228 Uranium-238 12.5 13.2 pCi/g 106 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-1.15 QC1204557183 MB Uranium-233/234 U -0.0435 pCi/g 05/09/20 08:39 Uncertainty +/-0.0855 Uranium-235/236 U -0.0501 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0808 Uranium-238 U 0.0146 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.0813 Batch 1997576 QC1204562383 510757007 DUP Uranium-233/234 3510 2820 pCi/g 21.9 * (0%-20%) MP2 05/19/20 11:47 Uncertainty +/-99.5 +/-85.0 Uranium-235/236 159 128 pCi/g 21.6 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-23.6 +/-20.2 Uranium-238 582 417 pCi/g 33 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-40.5 +/-32.7 Page 26 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510757 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1997576 QC1204562384 LCS Uranium-233/234 71.6 pCi/g MP2 05/19/20 11:47 Uncertainty +/-16.2 Uranium-235/236 4.52 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-5.03 Uranium-238 97.3 97.1 pCi/g 99.8 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-18.7 QC1204562382 MB Uranium-233/234 U 0.523 pCi/g 05/19/20 11:47 Uncertainty +/-1.70 Uranium-235/236 U 0.147 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-1.49 Uranium-238 U -0.153 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.856 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1995246 QC1204557146 510757007 DUP Technetium-99 U -0.638 U -1.41 pCi/g N/A N/A JJ3 05/12/20 05:51 Uncertainty +/-2.39 +/-2.24 QC1204557147 LCS Technetium-99 59.9 52.9 pCi/g 88.3 (75%-125%) 05/12/20 06:08 Uncertainty +/-3.84 QC1204557145 MB Technetium-99 U -1.73 pCi/g 05/12/20 05:35 Uncertainty +/-2.25 Batch 1995247 QC1204557150 510757001 DUP Technetium-99 U -1.41 U -0.0762 pCi/g N/A N/A JJ3 05/12/20 08:22 Uncertainty +/-1.95 +/-2.19 QC1204557151 LCS Technetium-99 57.2 57.2 pCi/g 100 (75%-125%) 05/12/20 08:38 Uncertainty +/-3.64 QC1204557148 MB Technetium-99 U -1.52 pCi/g 05/12/20 07:49 Uncertainty +/-1.89 Page 27 of 39 SDG: 510757

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510757 Page 3 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 28 of 39 SDG: 510757

Technical Case Narrative Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC SDG #: 510757 General Chemistry Product: Ion Chromatography Analytical Method: SW846 9056A Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-086 REV# 27 Analytical Batches: 1995237 and 1995236 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757001 HF1-B2-(1-2) 510757002 HF1-B2-(2-4) 510757003 HF1-B2-(4-6) 510757004 HF1-B2-(6-8) 510757005 HF1-B2-(8-10) 1204557121 Method Blank (MB) 1204557122 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204557123 510757001(HF1-B2-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557125 510757001(HF1-B2-(1-2)) Matrix Spike (MS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Matrix Spike (MS)/Post Spike (PS) Recovery Statement The percent recoveries (%R) obtained from the spike analyses are evaluated when the sample concentration is less than four times (4X) the spike concentration added. The matrix spike recovered outside of the established acceptance limits due to matrix interference and/or non-homogeneity.

Analyte Sample Value Fluoride 1204557125 (HF1-B2-(1-2)MS) 34.2* (75%-125%)

Technical Information Sample Dilutions The following samples 1204557123 (HF1-B2-(1-2)DUP), 1204557125 (HF1-B2-(1-2)MS), 510757001 (HF1-B2-(1-2)), 510757002 (HF1-B2-(2-4)) and 510757003 (HF1-B2-(4-6)) were diluted because target analyte concentrations exceeded the calibration range. Dilutions may be required for many reasons, including to minimize matrix interferences or to bring over range target analyte concentrations into the linear calibration range.

Page 29 of 39 SDG: 510757

510757 Analyte 001 002 003 Nitrate 2X 5X 5X Product: Ion Chromatography Analytical Method: SW846 9056A Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-086 REV# 27 Analytical Batches: 1996294 and 1996293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757006 HF1-B3-(1-2) 510757007 HF1-B3-(2-4) 510757008 HF1-B3-(4-6) 510757009 HF1-B3-(6-8) 510757010 HF1-B3-(8-10) 1204559296 Method Blank (MB) 1204559297 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204559298 510757006(HF1-B3-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204559300 510757006(HF1-B3-(1-2)) Matrix Spike (MS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Matrix Spike (MS)/Post Spike (PS) Recovery Statement The percent recoveries (%R) obtained from the spike analyses are evaluated when the sample concentration is less than four times (4X) the spike concentration added. The matrix spike recovered outside of the established acceptance limits due to matrix interference and/or non-homogeneity.

Analyte Sample Value Fluoride 1204559300 (HF1-B3-(1-2)MS) 24.1* (75%-125%)

Technical Information Sample Dilutions The following samples 1204559298 (HF1-B3-(1-2)DUP), 1204559300 (HF1-B3-(1-2)MS), 510757006 (HF1-B3-(1-2)), 510757007 (HF1-B3-(2-4)), 510757008 (HF1-B3-(4-6)), 510757009 (HF1-B3-(6-8)) and 510757010 (HF1-B3-(8-10)) were diluted because target analyte concentrations exceeded the calibration range.

Dilutions may be required for many reasons, including to minimize matrix interferences or to bring over range target analyte concentrations into the linear calibration range.

Page 30 of 39 SDG: 510757

510757 Analyte 006 007 008 009 010 Fluoride 1X 50X 50X 25X 10X Nitrate 10X 50X 50X 25X 10X Product: pH Analytical Method: SW846 9045D Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-008 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 1994735 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757001 HF1-B2-(1-2) 510757002 HF1-B2-(2-4) 510757003 HF1-B2-(4-6) 510757004 HF1-B2-(6-8) 510757005 HF1-B2-(8-10) 510757006 HF1-B3-(1-2) 510757007 HF1-B3-(2-4) 510757008 HF1-B3-(4-6) 510757009 HF1-B3-(6-8) 510757010 HF1-B3-(8-10) 1204556042 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204556044 510581001(HF1-B1-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Holding Times Samples (See Below) were received by the laboratory outside of the method specified holding time. The data is qualified.

Sample Analyte Value 1204556044 (HF1-B1-(1-2)DUP) Received 05-MAY-20, out of holding 04-MAY-20 510757001 (HF1-B2-(1-2)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757002 (HF1-B2-(2-4)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757003 (HF1-B2-(4-6)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757004 (HF1-B2-(6-8)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757005 (HF1-B2-(8-10)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757006 (HF1-B3-(1-2)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 Page 31 of 39 SDG: 510757

510757007 (HF1-B3-(2-4)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757008 (HF1-B3-(4-6)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757009 (HF1-B3-(6-8)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 510757010 (HF1-B3-(8-10)) Received 06-MAY-20, out of holding 05-MAY-20 Radiochemistry Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1995261 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995223 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757001 HF1-B2-(1-2) 510757002 HF1-B2-(2-4) 510757003 HF1-B2-(4-6) 510757004 HF1-B2-(6-8) 510757005 HF1-B2-(8-10) 510757006 HF1-B3-(1-2) 1204557183 Method Blank (MB) 1204557184 510752001(NonSDG) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557186 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1204557184 (Non SDG 510752001DUP) Uranium-238 RPD 40.4* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.6 (0-3)

Page 32 of 39 SDG: 510757

Miscellaneous Information Manual Integration Manual integration of alpha spectroscopy spectra 510757003 (HF1-B2-(4-6)) was performed to fully separate counts in Regions of Interest which would have been biased.

Additional Comments The tracer peak centroid for sample 510757003 (HF1-B2-(4-6)) is greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1997576 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995224 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757007 HF1-B3-(2-4) 510757008 HF1-B3-(4-6) 510757009 HF1-B3-(6-8) 510757010 HF1-B3-(8-10) 1204562382 Method Blank (MB) 1204562383 510757007(HF1-B3-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204562384 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1204562383 (HF1-B3-(2-4)DUP) Uranium-233/234 RPD 21.9* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.48 (0-3)

Page 33 of 39 SDG: 510757

Uranium-235/236 RPD 21.6* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.18 (0-3)

Uranium-238 RPD 33* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 2.09 (0-3)

RDL Met The blank (See Below) did not meet the detection limit due to keeping the blank volume consistent with the other sample aliquots.

Sample Analyte Value 1204562382 (MB) Uranium-233/234 Result 0.523 < MDA 3.21 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-235/236 Result 0.147 < MDA 3.13 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-238 Result -0.153 < MDA 2.16 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: ASTM D 2216 (Modified)

Preparation Procedure: GL-OA-E-020 REV# 13 Preparation Batch: 1995223 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995223 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757001 HF1-B2-(1-2) 510757002 HF1-B2-(2-4) 510757003 HF1-B2-(4-6) 510757004 HF1-B2-(6-8) 510757005 HF1-B2-(8-10) 510757006 HF1-B3-(1-2) 1204557002 510752001(NonSDG) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Page 34 of 39 SDG: 510757

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: ASTM D 2216 (Modified)

Preparation Procedure: GL-OA-E-020 REV# 13 Preparation Batch: 1995224 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995224 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757007 HF1-B3-(2-4) 510757008 HF1-B3-(4-6) 510757009 HF1-B3-(6-8) 510757010 HF1-B3-(8-10) 1204557003 510757007(HF1-B3-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1995246 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757007 HF1-B3-(2-4) 510757008 HF1-B3-(4-6) 510757009 HF1-B3-(6-8) 510757010 HF1-B3-(8-10) 1204557145 Method Blank (MB) 1204557146 510757007(HF1-B3-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557147 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Page 35 of 39 SDG: 510757

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1995247 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510757001 HF1-B2-(1-2) 510757002 HF1-B2-(2-4) 510757003 HF1-B2-(4-6) 510757004 HF1-B2-(6-8) 510757005 HF1-B2-(8-10) 510757006 HF1-B3-(1-2) 1204557148 Method Blank (MB) 1204557150 510757001(HF1-B2-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557151 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 36 of 39 SDG: 510757

Page 37 of 39 SDG: 510757 Page 38 of 39 SDG: 510757 List of current GEL Certifications as of 01 June 2020 State Certification Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220201 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352017 Utah NELAP SC00012202032 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 39 of 39 SDG: 510757

June 04, 2020 Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Re: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Work Order: 510807

Dear Ms. Logsdon:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on May 07, 2020. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4707.

Sincerely, Samuel PM_SIGN_HERE Hogan for Katelyn Gray Project Manager Purchase Order: 4500799254 Enclosures Page 1 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for WNUC008 Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC (4500775170)

Client SDG: 510807 GEL Work Order: 510807 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Katelyn Gray.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:23 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.89%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 65.8 1.72 5.05 mg/kg 9.90 5 JLD1 05/13/20 1033 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 69.3 1.67 5.05 mg/kg 9.90 5 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.46 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1438 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 3 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:35 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.71%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Nitrate-N 70.4 1.68 5.10 mg/kg 10.0 5 JLD1 05/14/20 0218 1995671 1 Fluoride 335 3.47 10.2 mg/kg 10.0 10 JLD1 05/14/20 1038 1995671 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 3.97 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1443 1995459 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 4 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(4-5.33) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:55 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.19%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 359 3.56 10.5 mg/kg 10.0 10 JLD1 05/14/20 0350 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 82.5 3.45 10.5 mg/kg 10.0 10 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 3.29 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1446 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 5 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 09:47 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.03%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 1.55 0.372 1.09 mg/kg 10.1 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0423 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 232 3.61 10.9 mg/kg 10.1 10 JLD1 05/14/20 0421 1995671 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.07 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1447 1995459 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 6 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 10:15 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.57%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 135 3.72 11.0 mg/kg 10.1 10 JLD1 05/14/20 0452 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 288 3.62 11.0 mg/kg 10.1 10 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.39 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1448 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 7 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807006 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 10:45 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 14.3%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 21.7 0.396 1.16 mg/kg 9.98 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0525 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 440 9.60 29.1 mg/kg 9.98 25 JLD1 05/14/20 1312 1995671 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.28 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1448 1995459 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 8 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807007 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 11:51 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.4%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride U ND 0.377 1.11 mg/kg 9.83 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0556 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 150 1.83 5.55 mg/kg 9.83 5 JLD1 05/14/20 0656 1995671 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.67 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1449 1995459 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 9 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807008 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 13:40 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride J 0.879 0.393 1.16 mg/kg 10.1 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0626 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 54.3 0.381 1.16 mg/kg 10.1 1 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.35 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1450 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 10 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B6-(0-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807009 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 14:20 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 8.09 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1450 1995459 1 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 11 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B6-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807010 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 14:40 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.15%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 5.67 0.348 1.02 mg/kg 9.90 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0657 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 14.5 0.337 1.02 mg/kg 9.90 1 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 6.35 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1452 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 12 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B6-(4-5.67) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807011 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 15:25 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.47%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 43.8 0.350 1.03 mg/kg 9.83 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0728 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 38.0 0.339 1.03 mg/kg 9.83 1 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 6.22 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1454 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 13 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(0-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807012 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 15:53 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.63%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 40.4 0.349 1.03 mg/kg 9.90 1 JLD1 05/13/20 0759 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 127 1.70 5.14 mg/kg 9.90 5 JLD1 05/14/20 0726 1995671 2 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.72 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1455 1995459 3 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9056A 3 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 14 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807013 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 16:13 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.49%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 158 3.51 10.3 mg/kg 9.98 10 JLD1 05/14/20 0757 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 178 3.41 10.3 mg/kg 9.98 10 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.41 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1456 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 15 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(4-5.42) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807014 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 16:31 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 2.69%

Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Ion Chromatography SW846 9056A Fluoride and Nitrate "Dry Weight Corrected" Fluoride 121 1.76 5.19 mg/kg 10.1 5 JLD1 05/14/20 0828 1995671 1 Nitrate-N 83.0 1.71 5.19 mg/kg 10.1 5 Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 5.21 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1457 1995459 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 9056A SW846 9056A Total Anions in Soil CJ2 05/12/20 2001 1995670 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9056A 2 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 16 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-Refusal Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807015 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 16:31 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Titration and Ion Analysis SW9045D Corrosivity (pH<2or>14) "As Received" Corrosivity H 4.58 0.0100 0.100 SU 1 RXB5 05/28/20 1458 1995459 1 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 9045D Notes:

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 17 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807001 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:23 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.89%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 563 +/-16.4 0.997 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 29.0 +/-4.16 0.937 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 110 +/-7.26 0.595 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.924 +/-2.26 4.01 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0509 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 25.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 95.1 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 18 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807002 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:35 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.71%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 511 +/-14.7 0.721 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 22.1 +/-3.41 0.408 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 105 +/-6.66 0.771 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.171 +/-2.45 4.26 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0525 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 24.1 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 89.2 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 19 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B4-(4-5.33) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807003 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 08:55 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.19%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 700 +/-17.4 0.789 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 31.9 +/-4.14 0.668 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 139 +/-7.78 0.790 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 2.60 +/-2.27 3.78 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0542 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 25.4 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 91.7 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 20 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(1-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807004 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 09:47 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.03%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 9.36 +/-0.963 0.221 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 0.396 +/-0.242 0.233 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 2.56 +/-0.505 0.141 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.14 +/-2.33 4.21 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0559 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 109 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 92.4 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 21 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807005 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 10:15 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.57%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 1520 +/-51.1 2.49 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 82.8 +/-13.3 2.81 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 246 +/-20.6 2.55 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.79 +/-2.17 3.91 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0615 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 17.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.9 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 22 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(4-6) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807006 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 10:45 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 14.3%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 1250 +/-36.4 1.81 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1421 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 50.9 +/-8.19 1.84 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 224 +/-15.4 1.70 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.41 +/-2.27 4.05 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0632 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 25.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 92.8 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 23 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(6-8) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807007 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 11:51 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.4%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 9.67 +/-1.23 0.417 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1410 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 0.587 +/-0.346 0.147 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1.61 +/-0.510 0.277 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.28 +/-2.21 4.02 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0648 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 89.5 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 95.2 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 24 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B5-(8-10) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807008 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 13:40 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 12.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 2.65 +/-0.665 0.327 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1410 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 0.294 +/-0.267 0.245 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 1.02 +/-0.424 0.306 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -2.91 +/-2.17 3.98 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0705 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 81.8 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.7 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 25 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B6-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807010 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 14:40 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.15%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 403 +/-12.7 0.905 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1410 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 19.3 +/-3.11 0.618 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 78.5 +/-5.62 0.808 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.66 +/-2.31 4.14 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0721 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 32.9 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.7 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 26 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B6-(4-5.67) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807011 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 15:25 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.47%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 226 +/-9.28 0.962 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1410 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 9.66 +/-2.16 0.805 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 41.6 +/-3.99 0.858 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.09 +/-2.26 4.01 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0738 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 34.1 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.1 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 27 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(0-2) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807012 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 15:53 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.63%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 2140 +/-68.1 4.07 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/21/20 1152 1998535 1 Uranium-235/236 93.5 +/-15.9 2.09 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 313 +/-26.1 2.92 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.90 +/-2.17 3.91 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0754 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 90.4 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 28 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(2-4) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807013 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 16:13 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.49%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 2020 +/-59.9 3.64 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/21/20 1152 1998535 1 Uranium-235/236 92.0 +/-14.3 2.73 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 355 +/-25.1 1.97 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 3.15 +/-2.40 3.97 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0811 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 94.8 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 97.3 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 29 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: June 4, 2020 Company : Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Address : PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Project: Soil and Vegetation Analysis Client Sample ID: HF1-B7-(4-5.42) Project: WNUC00821 Sample ID: 510807014 Client ID: WNUC008 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-MAY-20 16:31 Receive Date: 07-MAY-20 Collector: Client Moisture: 2.69%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-233/234 799 +/-26.9 1.88 0.500 pCi/g MP2 05/11/20 1410 1995498 1 Uranium-235/236 46.5 +/-7.24 1.37 0.500 pCi/g Uranium-238 158 +/-12.0 1.40 0.500 pCi/g Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.627 +/-2.37 4.09 1.00 pCi/g JJ3 05/17/20 0827 1995744 2 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 05/07/20 1252 1995477 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description Analyst Comments 1 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Uranium-232 Tracer Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg "Dry Weight Corrected" 29.4 (15%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil "As Received" 94.1 (15%-125%)


Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity RL: Reporting Limit MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Page 30 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: June 4, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 3 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510807 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Ion Chromatography Batch 1995671 QC1204557905 510807001 DUP Fluoride 65.8 65.1 mg/kg 1.06 (0%-109%) JLD1 05/13/20 11:04 Nitrate-N 69.3 68.5 mg/kg 1.27 (0%-104%)

QC1204557906 510807002 DUP Fluoride 335 340 mg/kg 1.66 (0%-109%) 05/14/20 11:08 Nitrate-N 70.4 70.3 mg/kg 0.148 (0%-104%) 05/14/20 02:49 QC1204557904 LCS Fluoride 25.1 25.0 mg/kg 99.4 (90%-110%) 05/12/20 22:44 Nitrate-N 25.1 24.4 mg/kg 97.2 (90%-110%)

QC1204557903 MB Fluoride U ND mg/kg 05/12/20 22:13 Nitrate-N U ND mg/kg QC1204557907 510807001 MS Fluoride 25.1 65.8 94.2 mg/kg 113 (75%-125%) 05/13/20 11:35 Nitrate-N 25.1 69.3 95.2 mg/kg 103 (75%-125%)

QC1204557908 510807002 MS Fluoride 25.7 335 353 mg/kg N/A (75%-125%) 05/14/20 12:41 Nitrate-N 25.7 70.4 95.9 mg/kg 99.6 (75%-125%) 05/14/20 03:20 Page 31 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510807 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Titration and Ion Analysis Batch 1995459 QC1204557582 510807001 DUP Corrosivity H 5.46 H 6.08 SU 10.7 * (0%-10%) RXB5 05/28/20 14:40 QC1204557583 510807002 DUP Corrosivity H 3.97 H 3.98 SU 0.252 (0%-10%) 05/28/20 14:44 QC1204557581 LCS Corrosivity 7.00 7.00 SU 100 (95%-105%) 05/28/20 14:38 Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported B The target analyte was detected in the associated blank.

E General Chemistry--Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Per section of Method 1664 Revision B, due to matrix spike recovery issues, this result may not be reported or used for regulatory compliance purposes.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Z Paint Filter Test--Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

d 5-day BOD--The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample e 5-day BOD--Test replicates show more than 30% difference between high and low values. The data is qualified per the method and can be used for reporting purposes h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded Page 32 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510807 Page 3 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 33 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: June 4, 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Page 1 of 3 PO Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina


Ms. Cynthia Logsdon Workorder: 510807 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1995498 QC1204557617 510807001 DUP Uranium-233/234 563 534 pCi/g 5.32 (0%-20%) MP2 05/11/20 14:10 Uncertainty +/-16.4 +/-18.5 Uranium-235/236 29.0 22.9 pCi/g 23.7 * (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-4.16 +/-4.29 Uranium-238 110 98.1 pCi/g 11.7 (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-7.26 +/-7.94 QC1204557618 LCS Uranium-233/234 11.6 pCi/g 05/11/20 14:10 Uncertainty +/-1.29 Uranium-235/236 0.461 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.321 Uranium-238 12.3 12.1 pCi/g 98.8 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-1.31 QC1204557616 MB Uranium-233/234 U 0.0886 pCi/g 05/11/20 14:10 Uncertainty +/-0.216 Uranium-235/236 U 0.151 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.191 Uranium-238 U 0.211 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.209 Batch 1998535 QC1204564487 510807012 DUP Uranium-233/234 2140 1770 pCi/g 19 (0%-20%) MP2 05/21/20 11:52 Uncertainty +/-68.1 +/-56.9 Uranium-235/236 93.5 81.2 pCi/g 14.1 (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-15.9 +/-13.6 Uranium-238 313 276 pCi/g 12.6 (0%-20%)

Uncertainty +/-26.1 +/-22.5 Page 34 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510807 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 1998535 QC1204564488 LCS Uranium-233/234 104 pCi/g MP2 05/21/20 09:49 Uncertainty +/-11.8 Uranium-235/236 4.86 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-3.01 Uranium-238 109 101 pCi/g 92.4 (75%-125%)

Uncertainty +/-11.6 QC1204564486 MB Uranium-233/234 U -0.479 pCi/g 05/21/20 11:52 Uncertainty +/-0.824 Uranium-235/236 U 0.500 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-1.39 Uranium-238 U -0.104 pCi/g Uncertainty +/-0.812 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 1995744 QC1204558065 510807001 DUP Technetium-99 U -0.924 U -0.568 pCi/g N/A N/A JJ3 05/17/20 09:01 Uncertainty +/-2.26 +/-2.24 QC1204558066 LCS Technetium-99 55.0 49.6 pCi/g 90.2 (75%-125%) 05/17/20 09:17 Uncertainty +/-3.46 QC1204558064 MB Technetium-99 U -1.71 pCi/g 05/17/20 08:44 Uncertainty +/-1.93 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation Page 35 of 47 SDG: 510807

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 510807 Page 3 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

  • Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 36 of 47 SDG: 510807

Technical Case Narrative Westinghouse Electric Co, LLC SDG #: 510807 General Chemistry Product: Ion Chromatography Analytical Method: SW846 9056A Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-086 REV# 27 Analytical Batches: 1995671 and 1995670 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807001 HF1-B4-(1-2) 510807002 HF1-B4-(2-4) 510807003 HF1-B4-(4-5.33) 510807004 HF1-B5-(1-2) 510807005 HF1-B5-(2-4) 510807006 HF1-B5-(4-6) 510807007 HF1-B5-(6-8) 510807008 HF1-B5-(8-10) 510807010 HF1-B6-(2-4) 510807011 HF1-B6-(4-5.67) 510807012 HF1-B7-(0-2) 510807013 HF1-B7-(2-4) 510807014 HF1-B7-(4-5.42) 1204557903 Method Blank (MB) 1204557904 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204557905 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557906 510807002(HF1-B4-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557907 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Matrix Spike (MS) 1204557908 510807002(HF1-B4-(2-4)) Matrix Spike (MS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Sample Dilutions The following samples 1204557905 (HF1-B4-(1-2)DUP), 1204557906 (HF1-B4-(2-4)DUP), 1204557907 (HF1-B4-(1-2)MS), 1204557908 (HF1-B4-(2-4)MS), 510807001 (HF1-B4-(1-2)), 510807002 (HF1-B4-(2-4)),

510807003 (HF1-B4-(4-5.33)), 510807004 (HF1-B5-(1-2)), 510807005 (HF1-B5-(2-4)), 510807006 (HF1-B5-(4-6)), 510807007 (HF1-B5-(6-8)), 510807012 (HF1-B7-(0-2)), 510807013 (HF1-B7-(2-4)) and 510807014 (HF1-B7-(4-5.42)) were diluted because target analyte concentrations exceeded the calibration range.

Dilutions may be required for many reasons, including to minimize matrix interferences or to bring over range target analyte concentrations into the linear calibration range.

Page 37 of 47 SDG: 510807

510807 Analyte 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 012 013 014 Fluoride 5X 10X 10X 1X 10X 1X 1X 1X 10X 5X Nitrate 5X 5X 10X 10X 10X 25X 5X 5X 10X 5X Sample Re-analysis Sample510807006 (HF1-B5-(4-6)) was re-analyzed to verify the result.

Product: pH Analytical Method: SW846 9045D Analytical Procedure: GL-GC-E-008 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 1995459 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807001 HF1-B4-(1-2) 510807002 HF1-B4-(2-4) 510807003 HF1-B4-(4-5.33) 510807004 HF1-B5-(1-2) 510807005 HF1-B5-(2-4) 510807006 HF1-B5-(4-6) 510807007 HF1-B5-(6-8) 510807008 HF1-B5-(8-10) 510807009 HF1-B6-(0-2) 510807010 HF1-B6-(2-4) 510807011 HF1-B6-(4-5.67) 510807012 HF1-B7-(0-2) 510807013 HF1-B7-(2-4) 510807014 HF1-B7-(4-5.42) 510807015 HF1-B7-Refusal 1204557581 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1204557582 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557583 510807002(HF1-B4-(2-4)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplicate Relative Percent Difference (RPD) Statement The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) between the sample and duplicate falls outside of the established acceptance limits because of the heterogeneous matrix of the sample:

Analyte Sample Value Page 38 of 47 SDG: 510807

Corrosivity 1204557582 (HF1-B4-(1-2)DUP) 10.7* (0%-10%)

Technical Information Holding Times Samples (See Below) were received by the laboratory outside of the method specified holding time. The data is qualified.

Sample Analyte Value 1204557582 (HF1-B4-(1-2)DUP) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 1204557583 (HF1-B4-(2-4)DUP) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807001 (HF1-B4-(1-2)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807002 (HF1-B4-(2-4)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807003 (HF1-B4-(4-5.33)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807004 (HF1-B5-(1-2)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807005 (HF1-B5-(2-4)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807006 (HF1-B5-(4-6)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807007 (HF1-B5-(6-8)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807008 (HF1-B5-(8-10)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807009 (HF1-B6-(0-2)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807010 (HF1-B6-(2-4)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807011 (HF1-B6-(4-5.67)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807012 (HF1-B7-(0-2)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807013 (HF1-B7-(2-4)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807014 (HF1-B7-(4-5.42)) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 510807015 (HF1-B7-Refusal) Received 07-MAY-20, out of holding 06-MAY-20 Radiochemistry Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1995498 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995477 Page 39 of 47 SDG: 510807

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807001 HF1-B4-(1-2) 510807002 HF1-B4-(2-4) 510807003 HF1-B4-(4-5.33) 510807004 HF1-B5-(1-2) 510807005 HF1-B5-(2-4) 510807006 HF1-B5-(4-6) 510807007 HF1-B5-(6-8) 510807008 HF1-B5-(8-10) 510807010 HF1-B6-(2-4) 510807011 HF1-B6-(4-5.67) 510807014 HF1-B7-(4-5.42) 1204557616 Method Blank (MB) 1204557617 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204557618 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1204557617 (HF1-B4-(1-2)DUP) Uranium-235/236 RPD 23.7* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.08 (0-3)

Miscellaneous Information Manual Integration Manual integration of alpha spectroscopy spectra 510807014 (HF1-B7-(4-5.42)) was performed to fully separate counts in Regions of Interest which would have been biased.

Additional Comments The tracer peak centroid for sample 510807014 (HF1-B7-(4-5.42)) is greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Alphaspec U, Soil/Veg Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Page 40 of 47 SDG: 510807

Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 1998535 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995477 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807012 HF1-B7-(0-2) 510807013 HF1-B7-(2-4) 1204564486 Method Blank (MB) 1204564487 510807012(HF1-B7-(0-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204564488 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information RDL Met The blank (See Below) did not meet the detection limit due to keeping the blank volume consistent with the other sample aliquots.

Sample Analyte Value 1204564486 (MB) Uranium-233/234 Result -0.479 < MDA 2.7 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-235/236 Result 0.5 < MDA 1.5 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Uranium-238 Result -0.104 < MDA 1.93 > RDL 0.5 pCi/g Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: ASTM D 2216 (Modified)

Preparation Procedure: GL-OA-E-020 REV# 13 Preparation Batch: 1995477 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 23 Preparation Batch: 1995477 Page 41 of 47 SDG: 510807

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807001 HF1-B4-(1-2) 510807002 HF1-B4-(2-4) 510807003 HF1-B4-(4-5.33) 510807004 HF1-B5-(1-2) 510807005 HF1-B5-(2-4) 510807006 HF1-B5-(4-6) 510807007 HF1-B5-(6-8) 510807008 HF1-B5-(8-10) 510807010 HF1-B6-(2-4) 510807011 HF1-B6-(4-5.67) 510807012 HF1-B7-(0-2) 510807013 HF1-B7-(2-4) 510807014 HF1-B7-(4-5.42) 1204557593 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Soil Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 1995744 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 510807001 HF1-B4-(1-2) 510807002 HF1-B4-(2-4) 510807003 HF1-B4-(4-5.33) 510807004 HF1-B5-(1-2) 510807005 HF1-B5-(2-4) 510807006 HF1-B5-(4-6) 510807007 HF1-B5-(6-8) 510807008 HF1-B5-(8-10) 510807010 HF1-B6-(2-4) 510807011 HF1-B6-(4-5.67) 510807012 HF1-B7-(0-2) 510807013 HF1-B7-(2-4) 510807014 HF1-B7-(4-5.42) 1204558064 Method Blank (MB) 1204558065 510807001(HF1-B4-(1-2)) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1204558066 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

Page 42 of 47 SDG: 510807

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 43 of 47 SDG: 510807

Page 44 of 47 SDG: 510807 Page 45 of 47 SDG: 510807 Page 46 of 47 SDG: 510807 List of current GEL Certifications as of 04 June 2020 State Certification Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220201 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352017 Utah NELAP SC00012202032 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 47 of 47 SDG: 510807