Figure No.
I-1-1 I-2-1 I-2-2 I-2-3 I-5-1 VOLUME I -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At End of Section I)
Reactor Heat Balance - Rated Relationship Between Safety Action and Protective Action Relationship Between Protective Functions and Protective Actions Relationship Between Different Types of Systems Actions and Objectives Relationship of Various Categories of Systems 02/06/01
Figure No.
II-1-1 II-2-1 II-2-2 II-2-3 II-2-4 II-2-5 II-4-1 II-4-2 II-4-3 II-4-4 II-4-5 II-4-6 II-4-7 II-4-8 II-4-9 II-5-1 II-5-2 II-5-3 II-5-4 II-5-5 II-5-6 VOLUME I -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section II)
Site Map Depicting Location of Nearest Airport Aerial Photograph of Site Site Location Plan Population Distribution (0-5 Miles Radial Distance from Site)
Population Distribution (5-50 Miles Radial Distance from Site)
Area Boundary Locations Location of Upstream Dams Missouri River Hydraulic Data, 1955-1958 Missouri River Hydraulic Data, 1959-1962 Missouri River Hydraulic Data, 1963-1966 Missouri River Hydraulic Data, 1967-1969 Flood Profiles Platte Plus Missouri River(s) Hydrograph Estimated Stage Discharge Relation, Missouri River at Brownville, Nebraska Levee System/Flood Control Project, Missouri River Regional Bedrock Geology and Cross-Section Configuration of Precambrian Surface and Principal Structural Features in Southeastern Nebraska Generalized Columnar Section of Rock Underlying Region Stratigraphic Chart of Portions of Wabaunsee Group and a Plan of its Outcroppings in Southeastern Nebraska Interpreted Location of Former Natural Levees Earthquake Epicenter Map 01/16/01
Figure No.
II-5-7 II-5-8 II-5-9 II-5-10 II-5-11 II-5-12 II-5-13 VOLUME I -
(At end of Section II)
Design Acceleration Response Spectra for Maximum Probable Design Earthquake (Arithmetic Plot)
Design Response Spectra for Maximum Probable Design Earthquake (Four Way Logarithmic Plot)
Design Acceleration Response Spectra for Hypothetical Maximum Possible Design Earthquake (Arithmetic Plot)
Design Response Spectra for Hypothetical Maximum Possible Design Earthquake (Four Way Logarithmic Plot)
Comparison Between FSAR Design Acceleration Response Spectra and Average Acceleration Spectra Comparison of Unsmoothed Acceleration Response Spectra from Taft and El Centro Accelerograms for 2% Damping Comparison of Unsmoothed Acceleration Response Spectra from Taft and El Centro Accelerograms for 20% Damping 01/16/01
Figure No.
III-2-1 III-2-4 III-3-1 III-3-2 III-3-3 III-3-4 III-3-5 III-3-6 III-3-7 III-3-8 III-3-9 III-3-10 III-4-la III-4-2 III-5-1 III-5-2 III-5-3 III-5-4 III-5-8 III-6-1 VOLUME I -
Title Typical GE BWR Fuel Assembly Schematic of Four Bundle Cell Arrangement Reactor Internals Arrangement Reactor Internals Flow Paths Axial Flow Stearn Separator Fuel Support Pieces Jet Pump Assembly Stearn Dryer Pressure Nodes Used for Depressurization Analysis Transient Pressure Differentials Following Stearn Line Break at 105-Percent Rated Stearn Flow Transient Pressure Differentials Following Stearn Line Break at 20-Percent Rated Power and 110-Percent Rated Recirculation Flow Analytical Model of Reactor Vessel Internals Marathon Control Rod Assembly Control Rod Velocity Limiter Control Rod to Control Rod Drive Coupling Control Rod Drive Unit Control Rod Drive Unit (Schematic)
Control Rod Drive Unit (Cutaway)
Control Rod Drive Hydraulic Control Unit Generic Figure-Stuck Rod Margin as Function of Core Average Exposure 02/20/17
Figure No.
III-6-2 III-6-3 III-6-4 III-6-5 III-6-6 III-6-7 III-6-8 III-6-9 III-6-10 III-6-11 III-6-12 III-6-13 III-6-14 III-6-15 III-7-la III-7-lb III-7-3 III-7-4a III-7-4b III-8-1 III-10-1 VOLUME I -
(At End of Section III)
Title Generic Figure-Fractional Control Rod Density versus Average Moderator Density Generic Figure-Maximum Rod Worth versus Moderator Density Generic Figure-Maximum Rod Worth versus Power Level Generic Figure-Doppler Coefficient of Reactivity Generic Figure-Doppler Coefficient as Function of Fuel Exposure Generic Figure-Core Average Doppler Defect versus Core Power Level Generic Figure-Doppler Defect versus Fuel Temperature Generic Figure-Moderator Void Coefficient of Reactivity Generic Figure-Xenon Reactivity Buildup After Shutdown Beginning of Life Generic Figure-Relative Xenon Stability with No Flattening Flux Generic Figure-Effect of Power Density on Axial Xenon Stability Including Void Transport Generic Figure-Azimuthal Xenon Stability Generic Figure-Control Rod Scram Reactivity Characteristics Excursion Analysis Generic Figure-Scram Characteristics Assumed for Transient Analysis Operating Map Power/Flow Map -
MELLL and ICF Gross Power Peaking versus Exposure Axial Power Distribution (Case 1)
Axial Power Distribution (Case 2)
Control Rod Drive Housing Support Power to Flow Operating Map 08/07/08
Figure No.
IV-3-1 IV-3-4 IV-3-5 IV-3-6 IV-4-2 IV-4-3 IV-4-4a IV-4-4b IV-4-4d IV-4-5 IV-6-1 IV-9-4 VOLUME II -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section IV)
Title Recirculation System - Elevation, Isometric Jet Pump - Operating Principle Recirculation System Core Flooding Capability Recirculation Pump Trip (RPT) Logic Configuration Nuclear System Relief Valve Closed Position Nuclear System Relief Valve Open Position Safety Valve Sizing Transient: MSIV Closure with Flux Scram MSIV Closure Transient (Flux Scram) (Cycle 32, 1 SRV 00S, +3%
SRV Setpoints)
MSIV Closure Transient (Flux Scram)
(Cycle 32, 1 SRV OOS, Max SRV Setpoints)
Mark IT-Quencher Discharge Device Main Steam Line Isolation Valve RWCU Leak Detection and Isolation 02/22/21
Figure No.
V-2-1 V-2-2 V-2-3 V-2-4 V-2-5 V-2-6 V-2-14 VOLUME II -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section V)
Primary Containment Pressure Suppression System Pressure Suppression Chamber Primary Containment High Pressure Process Line Penetration -
Type 1 Primary Containment Process Line Penetration -
Type 2 Primary Containment Process Line Penetration -
Type 3 Typical Instrument Penetration Containment Atmosphere Monitoring System 05/30/00
Figure No.
VI-5-15 VI-5-16 VOLUME II -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section VI)
Title Minimum Containment Pressure for Operation of ECCS Pumps (0-1000 seconds)
Minimum Containment Pressure for Operation of ECCS Pumps (1000-10 6 seconds) 02/11/13
Figure No.
VII-1-1 VII-1-2 VII-1-3 VII-1-4 VII-1-5 VII-1-6 VII-2-3 VII-2-4 VII-2-5 VII-2-7 VII-2-8 VII-2-9 VII-2-11 VII-3-3 VII-3-4 VII-3-5 VII-4-9 VII-4-10 VII-5-2a VII-5-3 VII-5-5 VII-5-6 VII-5-7 VOLUME III -
Title Use of Protective Definitions System Control and Instrumentation Single-Cycle-BWR Control System Functional Block Diagram (Flow Control Section)
Reactor Protection System Scram Trip Circuits ESF Separation Concept Cable Separation Scheme -
ESF Primary Containment Isolation System Separation Concept Schematic Diagram of Logics in One Trip System Schematic Diagram of Actuators and Actuator Logics Reactor Protection System, Scram Functions Relationship Between Neutron Monitoring System and Reactor Protection System Functional Control Diagram for Neutron Monitoring System Logics Typical Arrangement of Channels and Logics Typical Configuration for Main Steamline Isolation Scram Reactor Building -
Plan, Elevation 859 ft. 0 in.
Reactor Building -
Plan, Elevation 903 ft. 6 in.
Main Steam Power Supply and Logic LPCI Component Arrangement Typical Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Instrumentation Detector Drive System Functional Block Diagram of SRM Channel Source Range Monitoring System Core Locations Functional Block Diagram of IRM Channel IRM Locations 02111113 I
Figure No.
VII-5-8 VII-5-9 VII-5-11 VII-5-13a VII-5-13b VII-5-14 VII-5-15 VII-5-16 VII-5-18 VII-5-19 VII-5-23 VII-5-24 VII-5-25 VII-6-1 VII-7-2 VII-7-4 VII-9-1 VII-9-4 VII-12-2 VII-13-2 VOLUME III -
(At End of Section VII)
Title Control Rod Withdrawal Error Normalized Flux Distribution for Rod Withdrawal Error LPRM Locations LPRM to APRM Assignment Scheme (System A)
LPRM to APRM Assignment Scheme (System B)
Envelope of Maximum APRM Deviation, Reduction in Power by Flow Control APRM Tracking With On-Limits Control Rod Withdrawal Assignment of LPRM Assemblies to RBM's Assignment of LPRM Strings to TIP Machines Traversing In-Core Probe Subsystem Block Diagram Ranges of Neutron Monitoring System Typical IRM Circuit Arrangement for Reactor Protection System Input Typical APRM Circuit Arrangement for Reactor Protection System Input Refueling Interlocks RBM Flow Variance Circuit, Schematic Typical Process Computer Printout Recirculation Flow Control, Illustration Recirculation Pump Trip (RPT) Logic Configuration Effluent Radiation Monitoring System Area Radiation Monitoring System 02111113 I
Figure No.
Title 345 kV Switchyard One Line Diagram 021111u I
Figure No.
Title 021111u I
Figure No.
X-3-1 X-3-2 X-4-10 X-8-4 VOLUME IV -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section X)
Title Fuel Cask Area Holtec Rack A Layout Fuel Cask Area Holtec Rack B Layout Horizontal Controlled Path of Spent Fuel Cask Water Jet Spraying System at Bottom of Intake Structure 02111113 I
Figure No.
Title 02111113 I
Figure No.
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section XII)
Title 021111u I
Figure No.
XIII-2-2 XIII-2-4 XIII-2-5 XIII-5-1 VOLUME V -
(At end of Section XIII)
Title NPG Management Organization Construction Test Pre-Op and Startup Test Startup Test Sequence 12/10/14
Figure No.
XIV-4-1 XIV-4-2 XIV-5-1 XIV-5-2 XIV-5-3 XIV-5-4 XIV-5-5 XIV-5-6 XIV-5-8 XIV-5-9 XIV-5-10 XIV-5-11 XIV-5-12 XIV-5-13 XIV-5-14 XIV-5-15 XIV-5-15a XIV-5-16 XIV-5-17 XIV-5-18 XIV-5-19 XIV-5-20 XIV-5-21 VOLUME V -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Section XIV)
Title Station Safety Analysis -
Method for Identifying and Evaluating Abnormal Operational Transients Station Safety Analysis -
Method for Identifying and Evaluating Accidents Generator Trip (Load Rejection) with Bypass Generator Trip (Load Rejection) without Bypass, Cycle 32 Turbine Trip with Bypass Turbine Trip without Bypass, Cycle 32 Closure of One Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV)
Closure of All Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs)
DEH Pressure Controller Output Fails High Inadvertent Opening of a Safety/Relief Valve Loss of Feedwater Flow Loss of Auxiliary Power (Trip without Transfer)
Loss of Auxiliary Power (Loss of Grid Connection)
Recirculation Flow Controller Failure -
Decreasing Flow Trip of One Recirculation Pump Trip of Two Recirculation Pumps Single Loop Operation Pump Seizure Recirculation Flow Controller Failure -
Increasing Flow Startup of Idle Recirculation Pump Feedwater Controller Failure -
Maximum Demand, Most Limiting during Cycle 32 with all TBV in Service ATWS -
MSIV Closure - with ARI ATWS -
MSIV Closure -
no ARI (First 100 Seconds)
MSIV Closure -
No ARI (Long Term Response) 02/22/21
Figure No.
XIV-5-21a XIV-5-21b XIV-5-22 XIV-5-23 XIV-5-23a XIV-5-23b XIV-5-24 XIV-5-24a XIV-5-24b XIV-5-25 XIV-5-26 XIV-5-26a XIV-5-26b XIV-5-27 XIV-5-28a XIV-5-28b XIV-6-1 XIV-6-2 XIV-6-3 XIV-6-4 VOLUME V -
(At end of Section XIV)
Title ATWS -
MSIV Closure, BOC, 76.8% Flow, 3 SRVOOS, MAX SRV Setpoint ATWS MSIV Closure, BOC, 76.8% Flow, 3 SRVOOS, MAX SRV Setpoint ATWS -
Turbine Trip with Bypass - with ARI ATWS -
Inadvertent Opening of a Relief Valve - with ARI Transient Response of IORV at MELLL and EOC Transient Response of IORV at MELLL and EOC ATWS -
Pressure Regulator Failure Open - with ARI ATWS -
Pressure Regulator Failure, BOC, 76.8% Flow, 3 SRVOOS, +70 PSI SRV Setpoint ATWS -
Pressure Regulator Failure, BOC, 76.8% Flow, 3 SRVOOS, +70 PSI SRV Setpoint ATWS -
Loss of Normal Feedwater -
Loss of Normal AC Power - with ARI Transient Response of LOAP at MELLL and EOC Transient Response of LOAP at MELLL and EOC Station Blackout Inadvertent HPCI/LB Turbine Trip, All TBV in Service, Cycle 32 Inadvertent HPCI/L8 Turbine Trip, 1 TBVOOS, Cycle 32 Loss of Coolant Accident, Humboldt Primary Containment Pressure Response Loss of Coolant Accident, Bodega Bay Primary Containment Pressure Response Loss of Coolant Accident, Bodega Bay Primary Containment Pressure Response Loss of Coolant Accident, Comparison of Calculated and Measured Peak Drywell Pressure for Bodega Bay and Humboldt Tests 02/22/21
Figure No.
XIV-6-5 XIV-6-6 XIV-6-7 XIV-6-8 XIV-6-9 XIV-6-9a XIV-6-10 XIV-6-11 XIV-6-12 XIV-6-13a XIV-6-13b XIV-6-16 XIV-6-16a XIV-6-18 XIV-6-19 XIV-6-20 VOLUME V -
(At end of Section XIV)
Title Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case A Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case B Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case C Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case D Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case E Loss of Coolant Accident, Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response, Case F Primary Containment Leak Rate Primary Containment Capability Index for Metal Water Reaction Main Steam Line Break Accident, Break Location Main Steam Line Break Accident, Mass of Coolant Through Break (10 Second MSIV Closure)
Steamline (Outside Containment) -
DC Power Source Failure (Nominal) Break and SRV Flow Rates (5 Second MSIV Closure)
Containment Pressure Containment Pressure Response DBA Containment Pressure Response -
Mark I Containment Program DBA Containment Temperature Response -
Mark I Containment Program Original Short-Term Primary Containment Pressure and Temperature Response Following a Loss of Coolant Accident 02/22/21
Figure No.
C-2-1 C-2-2 C-2-12 VOLUME VI -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At End of Appendix C)
Title Reactor Bldg. Dynamic Analysis Model Control Bldg. Dynamic Model Reactor Bldg. Total Acceleration 02/22/21
Figure No.
D(l)-2-1 D(l)-3-1 D(l)-3-2 D(l)-3-3 D(l)-3-4 0(1)-3-5 D(l)-3-6 D(l)-3-7 D(l)-3-8 D(l)-3-9 D(l)-3-10 D(l)-3-11 D(l)-3-12 D(l)-3-13 D(l)-3-14 D(l)-3-15 D(l)-3-16 D(l)-3-17 D(l)-3-18 D(l)-3-19 D(l)-3-20 D(l)-4-1 VOLUME VI -
[At End of Appendix D(l)]
Title NPPD -
QA Organization -- Cooper Nuclear Station Stearns-Roger Quality Assurance Organization -- Cooper Nuclear Station Document Review Log Weld Procedure Evaluation -
(two pages)
Purchase Order and Mill Test Report Status Shop Inspection Check List -
Example: Shop Inspection of Reactor Feed Pump Turbines -
(five pages)
Inspection and Expediting Narrative Report Inspection Punch List Report Deviation Report Deviation Report Log Concrete Placement Checkout Sheet Pipe Backfill Ticket Electrical Installation Check-Off List Concrete Batch Plant Inspection Report Lab. Work Sheet and File Lab Data Concrete Field Inspection Report Lab Field Data Compression Test of Concrete Documentation Requirements Documentation Requirements (Electrical)
Organization Flow Chart 02/22/21
Figure No.
D(l)-4-2 D(l)-4-3 D(l)-4-4 D(l)-4-5 D(l)-5-1 D(l)-5-2 D(l)-5-3 D(l)-5-4 D(l)-5-5 D(l)-5-6 D(l)-5-7 D(l)-5-8 D(l)-5-9 D(l)-5-10 D (1) 11 VOLUME VI -
[At End of Appendix D(l)]
Title Engineering and Design Flow Chart Specifications and Calculations Flow Chart Drawings Flow Chart Vendor and As-Built Drawings Flow Chart Organization Chart, Cooper Nuclear Station, Woodward-Moorhouse & Associates, Inc. -- Quality Assurance Program Flow Diagram of Laboratory Phase of Quality Control Testing of Structural and General Fills Locations of Piezometers, Heave Points, Deep Wells, Verification Borings, and In-Situ Compaction and Structural Fill Construction Areas Results of Observations of Excavation and Groundwater Levels in Reactor Building Area Results of Standard Penetration Tests and Calculated Relative Densities of In-Situ Compacted Material Representative Grain-Size Distribution Curves for Sand From Main Excavation and Dredged Sand Liquefaction Potential for the Existing Structural Fill and Sand Stratum Beneath the Radwaste Bldg. Mat Structural Fill Density Correlations Histograms of Relative Density Values Obtained in Structural Fill Results of Standard Penetration Tests in Structural Fill Cooper Nuclear Station Interpreted Groundwater Contour Elevations, 31 March, 1970 02/22/21
Figure No.
D(l)-5-12 D(l)-5-13 D(l)-6-1 D(l)-7-1 D(l)-7-2 D(l)-7-3 VOLUME VI -
[At End of Appendix D(l)]
Title Histograms of Relative Density and Degree of Compaction Values Obtained in General Fill Results of Standard Penetration Tests in Verification Borings Quality System Organizational Structure Applicable Projects:
Browns Ferry, I, II, III Cooper Limerick I & II Peach Bottom II and III Pilgrim Vermont Yankee Construction Test Pre-Op and Start-Up Test Pre-Operational Test Procedure Cover Sheet 02/22/21
Figure No.
G-2-2 G-4-1 G-4-2 G-4-3 G-4-4 G-5-1 G-5-2 G-5-3 G-5-4 G-5-5 G-5-6 G-5-7 G-5-8 G-5-9 G-5-10 G-5-11 G-5-12 G-5-13 G-5-14 G-5-15 G-5-16 G-5-17 G-5-18 G-5-19 G-5-20 VOLUME VII -
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Appendix G)
Title Block Diagram for Nuclear Safety Operational Analysis Format for Protection Sequence Diagrams -
Planned Operation Format for Protection Sequence Diagrams -
Events Format for Auxiliary System Diagrams Format for Commonality Diagrams Auxiliary Systems for Front-Line Systems Auxiliary Systems for Front-Line Systems Auxiliary Systems for Front-Line Systems Auxiliary Systems for Other Auxiliary Systems Commonality Diagrams Commonality Diagrams Commonality Diagrams Commonality Diagrams Commonality Diagrams Commonality Diagrams Protection Sequences for Planned Operation in State A Protection Sequences for Planned Operation in State B Protection Sequences for Planned Operation in State C Protection Sequences for Planned Operation in State D Protection Sequences for Planned Operation in States A, B, C & D Protection Sequences for Turbine Trip or Generator Load Rejection with Bypass Protection Sequences for Turbine Trip or Generator Load Rejection without Bypass Protection Sequences for Isolation of All Main Steam Lines Protection Sequences for Isolation of One Main Steam Line Protection Sequences for Loss of Condenser Vacuum 02/22/21
Figure No.
G-5-21 G-5-22 G-5-23 G-5-24 G-5-25 G-5-26 G-5-27 G-5-28 G-5-29 G-5-30 G-5-31 G-5-32 G-5-33 G-5-34 G-5-35 G-5-36 G-5-37 G-5-38 G-5-39 G-5-40 G-5-41 G-5-42 G-5-43 VOLUME VII -
(At end of Appendix G)
Title Protection Sequences for Loss of Feedwater Heating Protection Sequences for Shutdown Cooling (RHRS)
Malfunction -
Temperature Decrease Protection Sequences for Inadvertent HPCI Pump Start Protection Sequences for Control Rod Withdrawal Error Protection Sequences for Pressure Regulator Failure -
Open Protection Sequences for Inadvertent Opening of a Safety or Relief Valve Protection Sequences for Loss of Feedwater Flow Protection Sequences for Loss of Off-Site Power Protection Sequences for Recirculation Flow Controller Failure -
Decreasing Flow Protection Sequences for Trip of One Recirculation Pump Protection Sequences for Trip of Two Recirculation Pumps Protection Sequences for Recirculation Flow Controller Failure -
Increasing Flow Protection Sequences for Start-Up of Idle Recirculation Pump Protection Sequences for Loss of Shutdown Cooling Protection Sequences for Feedwater Controller Failure -
Maximum Demand Protection Sequences for Control Rod Drop Accident Protection Sequences for Pipe Breaks Inside Primary Containment -
Sheet 1 Protection Sequences for Pipe Breaks Inside Primary Containment -
Sheet 2 Protection Sequences for Fuel Handling Accident Protection Sequences for Pipe Breaks Outside Primary Containment -
Sheet 1 Protection Sequences for Pipe Breaks Outside Primary Containment -
Sheet 2 Protection Sequences for Recirculation Pump Seizure Protection Sequences for Fuel Loading Error 02/22/21
Figure No.
G-5-44 G-5-45 G-5-46 G-5-47 VOLUME VII -
(At end of Appendix G)
Title Protection Sequences for Shutdown From Outside the Control Room Protection Sequences for Shutdown Without Control Rods Protection Sequences for Anticipated Transients Without SCRAM Protection Sequences for Station Blackout 02/22/21
Figure No.
USAR LIST OF FIGURES (At end of Appendix K)
Title 02/22/21