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0 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, List of Tables
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Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/2021
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML21130A114 List: ... further results
Download: ML21130A078 (20)


Table No.

I-3-1 I-4-1 I-6-1 I-6-2 I-6-3 I-6-4 I-6-5 I-7-1 I-7-2 I-7-3 I-7-4 VOLUME I -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Documents Incorporated Into the CNS USAR by Reference I-3-4 Unacceptable Safety Results for Station Event Categories Comparison of Nuclear System Design Characteristics Comparison of Power Conversion System Design Characteristics Comparison of Electrical Power Systems Design Characteristics Comparison of Containment Design Characteristics Comparison of Structural Design Characteristics Cooper Nuclear Station Topical Reports Submitted to the AEC in Support of Docket Cooper Nuclear Station ACRS Concerns - Resolution Cooper Nuclear Station AEC Staff Concerns -

Resolutions AEC-ACRS Concerns on Other Related Dockets -

Cooper Capability for Resolution I-4-2 I-6-2 I-6-10 I-6-11 I-6-12 I-6-14 I-7-2 I-7-5 I-7-7 I-7-9 02/06/01

Table No.

II-2-1 II-2-2 II-2-3 II-3-1 II-3-2 II-4-1 II-4-2 II-4-3 II-4-4 II-5-1 VOLUME I -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Population Histories and Projections at Various Distances from Reactor Building Population Histories and Projections by Selected Counties Population Histories and Projections of Selected Cities, Towns, and Villages Annual Climatalogical Data -

Lincoln, Nebraska Annual Climatalogical Data -

Omaha, Nebraska Missouri River Dams Analytical Determination of River-Stage Discharge Chemical Characteristics of Missouri River Water Bacteriological Characteristics of Missouri River Water Selected Design Earthquakes II-2-3 II-2-4 II-2-5 II-3-4 II-3-6 II-4-2 II-4-4 II-4-13 II-4-14 II-5-6 01/16/01

Table No.

III-2-3 III-2-4 III-2-5 III-3-1 III-3-2 III-7-1 III-10-1 III-10-2 VOLUME I -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Summary of Leading Experience on Operating Production Fuel -

Zircaloy-Clad 002 Pellet Fuel General Electric Developmental Irradiations -

Zircaloy-Clad 95% TD UO 2 Pellet Fuel Rods General Electric Developmental Irradiations Zircaloy-Clad 95% TD UO2 Pellet Capsules General Electric Test Reactor Reactor Vessel Fatigue Transient Occurrences Pressure Differences Across Reactor Vessel Internals End of Life Thermal and Hydraulic Conditions Core and Channel Decay Ratio Results Coordinates of Exclusion Region Boundary III-2-7 III-2-8 III-2-9 III-3-3 III-3-12 III-7-10 III-10-4 III-10-4 03/14/13

Table No.

IV-2-1 IV-2-2 IV-2-3 IV-2-4 IV-2-5 IV-3-1 IV-4-1 IV-4-2 IV-4-3 IV-7-1 IV-8-1 IV-9-1 VOLUME II -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Typical Reactor Vessel Data Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials Reactor Vessel Attachments Initial RTNDT Estimates for Cooper Vessel A508 Class 2 Forgings Equivalent Transverse RTNDT Values For Reactor Vessel Materials Reactor Recirculation System Design Characteristics IV-2-4 IV-2-5 IV-2-6 IV-2-13 IV-2-14 IV-3-3 Nuclear System Safety and Relief Valves IV-4-3 Low-Low Set Safety/Relief Valve System IV-4-9 Safety Valve -

Scram Availability IV-4-17 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Turbine--

Pump Design Data IV-7-2 Residual Heat Removal System Equipment Design Data IV-8-4 RWCU System Equipment Design Data IV-9-3 12/20/04

Table No.

V-2-1 V-2-2 V-2-3 V-2-5 V-2-6 V-3-1 V-3-2 VOLUME II -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Primary Containment System Principal Design Parameters and Characteristics Containment Vessel Penetration Schedule Drywell Atmosphere Cooling Data Sheet Primary Containment Pressure Control System Instrumentation Suppression Chamber Water Level Instrumentation Maximum Elevation of Terrain Within Half-Mile Interval Radial Distances from ERP Effective ERP Height Within Half-Mile Interval Radial Distances from ERP V-2-3 V-2-9 V-2-45 V-2-52 V-2-54 V-3-6 V-3-7 03/08/01

Table No.

VI-3-1 VI-5-1 VI-5-2 VI-5-3 VI-5-4 VI-5-5 VOLUME II -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Emergency Core Cooling Systems Equipment Design Data Summary ECCS Performance Results CNS Single Failure Evaluation Operational Parameters for LOCA Analysis Plant ECCS Parameters Summary of Results VI-3-3 VI-5-5 VI-5-6 VI-5-7 VI-5-8 VI-5-12 03/08/00

Table No.

VII-1-1 VII-1-2 VII-1-3 VII-1-4 VII-1-5 VII-1-6 VII-1-7 VII-2-1 VII-2-2 VII-3-2 VII-3-6 VII-4-1 VII-4-2 VII-4-3 VII-4-4 VII-5-1 VII-5-2 VII-5-3 VII-5-4 VOLUME III -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title System and Subsystem Separation Reactor Protection System and Primary Containment Isolation Inputs Sensor Suffix Letters and Division Allocation Reactor Protection System Four Division Grouping for a Six Channel Neutron Monitoring System Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) Sensor Suffix Letters and Division Allocation System and Subsystem Separation Documentation of Seismic Compliance with IEE-344 or GIP-3 Reactor Water Level Instrumentation Reactor Protection System Instrumentation Environmental Conditions Reactor Protection System/ATWS Scram Trip Functions and Analytical Limits Primary Containment Isolation System Instrument Specifications Primary Containment Isolation System (PCIS)

Signals and Isolations High Pressure Coolant Injection System Instrument Specifications Automatic Depressurization System Instrument Specifications Core Spray System Instrument Specifications Low Pressure Coolant Injection Instrument Specifications SRM Trips IRM Trips LPRM Trips APRM Trips VII-1-9 VII-1-25 VII-1-26 VII-1-27 VII-1-28 VII-1-31 VII-1-32 VII-2-15 VII-2-22 VII-3-10 VII-3-21 VII-4-5 VII-4-12 VII-4-16 VII-4-20 VII-5-5 VII-5-10 VII-5-13 VII-5-17 04/06/05

Table No.

VII-6-1 VII-7-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-2 VII-12-1 VII-12-2 VII-13-1 VII-13-2 VII-16-1 VII-16-2 VOLUME III -


Refueling Interlock Effectiveness Reactor Manual Control System Instrument Specifications Reactor Vessel Instrumentation Instrument Specifications Reactor Vessel Level and Pressure Instrument Cross Reference VII-6-6 VII-7-11 VII-8-3 VII-8-4 Process Radiation Monitoring Systems Characteristics VII-12-3 Process Radiation Monitoring System Environmental and Power Supply Design Conditions VII-12-6 Plant and Augmented Radwaste (Drum Handling)

Area Radiation Monitoring System Environmental and Power Supply Design Conditions Plant and Augmented Radwaste (Drum Handling)

Area Radiation Monitoring System Channels, Ranges, Locations Typical Nuclear Process Monitoring Instrumentation Input Summary Typical PMIS Instrumentation Output Summary Signal Output Description VII-13-2 VII-13-4 VII-16-3 VII-16-8 01/23/01

Table No.

VIII-1-1 VIII-1-2 VIII-1-3 VIII-4-1 VIII-5-1 VIII-5-2 VIII-5-3 VIII-5-4 VOLUME IV - USAR LIST OF TABLES List of Major Electrical Equipment Normal, Startup and Emergency AC Power Sources List of Major Electrical Equipment Auxiliary Power System List of Major Electrical Equipment 125/250 Volt DC Power Systems List of Major Loads Auxiliary Power System Diesel Generator Loading Table Standby AC Power System Standby Diesel Generator System Typical Sequential Loading of Diesel Generators Standby AC Power Source Equipment Nominal Ratings Abnormal Diesel Generator Disabling Conditions and Control Room Indication VIII-1-2 VIII-1-3 VIII-1-4 VIII-4-4 VIII-5-3 VIII-5-6 VIII-5-11 VIII-5-12 02/28/00

Table No.

IX-4-1 IX-4-2 IX-4-3 IX-4-4 IX-4-5 IX-4-6 IX-4-7 VOLUME IV -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Gaseous Radwaste System Data Noncondensible Gas Flow Rates (Lb/Hr) Entering Augmented Off-Gas Treatment System Stream Composition After Dilution Activity Profile Maximum Expected Activity Release to the Environment From Gland Seal Leakage Particulates Buildup in Environment System Failure Analysis IX-4-3 IX-4-7 IX-4-9 IX-4-12 IX-4-15 IX-4-16 IX-4-18 03/20/01

Table No.

X-5-1 X-6-1 X-6-2 X-7-1 X-7-2 VOLUME IV - USAR LIST OF TABLES Fuel Pool Cooling and Demineralizer System - System Performance Equipment Supplied by the REC System REC System Equipment Data - No. of Subsystems -

2 Equipment Cooled by the TEC System Turbine Equipment Cooling System Equipment Data X-5-2 X-6-3 X-6-4 X-7-2 X-7-3 10/25/00

Table No.

XII-2-1 XII-2-2 XII-2-3 XII-2-4 XII-2-5 XII-3-1 VOLUME IV -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Allowable Stresses for Class I Structures Live Vertical Loads Responses Obtained from Modal Analysis Station Structures -

Damping Factor Jet Forces Loading on Primary Containment Station Shielding Design Basis Limitations Page XII-2-12 XII-2-14 XII-2-24 XII-2-28 XII-2-32 XII-3-2 01/17/14

Table No.

XIII-3-1 XIII-5-1 XIII-10-2 VOLUME V -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Job Title Matrix Startup and Power Test Program Power Block Buildings Page XIII-3-3 XIII-5-3 XIII-10-5 04/08/15

Table No.

XIV-5-1 XIV-5-2 XIV-5-4 XIV-6-1 XIV-6-2 XIV-6-3 XIV-6-4 XIV-6-5 XIV-6-6 XIV-6-7 XIV-6-8 XIV-6-9 XIV-6-10 XIV-6-11 XIV-6-14 XIV-6-15 XIV-6-16 XIV-6-17 VOLUME V -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Page Input Parameters and Initial Conditions for SAR Transient Analyses for Initial Core Only XIV-5-4 Input Parameters and Initial Conditions for Transient Analyses for Reload Licensing Analysis (RLA)

XIV-5-6 Conditions for ATWS Event Analyses XIV-5-48 Determination of the CRDA Source Term XIV-6-7 X/Q Values for the Exclusion Area Boundary and Low Population Zone XIV-6-9 CRDA Exclusion Area Boundary, Low Population Zone, and Control Room Radiological Dose Consequences XIV-6-10 Comparison of Cooper Containment and Bodega Bay Test Facility XIV-6-18 Input Parameters Used for OBA LOCA Primary Containment Analysis XIV-6-22 Loss-of-Coolant Accident Primary Containment Response Summary SGT System Flows and Iodine Removal Efficiencies X/Q Values for the Exclusion Area Boundary and Low Population Zone X/Q Values for the Control Room Intake Loss-of-Coolant Accident Exclusion Area Boundary, Low Population Zone, and Control Room Radiological Dose Consequences Fuel Handling Accident Secondary Containment Airborne Fission Product Inventory 24 Hours After Shutdown X/Q Values for the Exclusion Area Boundary and Low Population Zone X/Q Values for the Control Room Intake Fuel Handling Accident Exclusion Area Boundary, Low Population Zone, and Control Room Radiological Dose Consequences Plant Operational Parameters Used in Cooper SAFER/GESTR-LOCA Analysis XIV-6-24 XIV-6-32 XIV-6-33 XIV-6-34 XIV-6-35 XIV-6-39 XIV-6-42 XIV-6-43 XIV-6-44 XIV-6-47 07/14/11

Table No.

XIV-6-18 XIV-6-19 XIV-6-20 XIV-7-1 XIV-7-2 XIV-7-3 XIV-8-1 XIV-8-2 XIV-8-3 VOLUME V -


Title Main Steam Line Break Accident Sequence for 10CFRS0.46 and 10CFR50 Appendix K Main Steam Line Break Accident Radiological Dose Consequences XIV-6-48 XIV-6-53 Dose for Various Main Steam High Flow Settings XIV-6-55 Station Safety Analysis, Results of Abnormal Operational Transients XIV-7-3 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report Results for Cooper Nuclear Station Reload 31 Cycle 32 XIV-7-5 Station Safety Analysis, Results of Design Basis Accidents XIV-7-7 Activity, Mass Loading and Heat Loading at Various Locations for TID-14844 Release Assumptions XIV-8-3 Standby Gas Treatment System Heat Loads and Temperatures for RG 1.183 AST LOCA Release Assumptions XIV-8-4 Dose Rates and Integrated Doses for Various Equipment and Locations Based on TID-14844 Release Assumptions XIV-8-6 02/22/21

Table No.

C-2-1 C-2-2 C-2-3 C-2-4 C-2-5 C-2-6 C-2-7 C-2-8 C-2-9 C-2-10 C-2-11 C-2-12 C-2-13 C-2-14 C-2-15 C-2-16 C-3-1 C-3-2 C-3-3 C-3-4 C-3-5 C-3-6 C-3-7 VOLUME VI -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Reactor Building Foundation Reactor Building Floor System Reactor Building Concrete Walls Reactor Building Structural Steel Columns Reactor Building Steel Roof Truss-Frame Above El. 117' Drywell Shielding Concrete Reactor Concrete Pedestal Drywell Membrane Stresses Jet Impingement Force Stresses Drywell Stabilizer Shear Lugs Summary of Mark I Containment and Piping Modifications Original Tabulation of Critical Pipe Stresses Due to Dead Weight Plus Pressure, Plus Operating Basis Earthquake, Plus Thermal Loads Control Building Foundation Control Building Floor System Control Building Concrete Walls Elevated Release Point Foundations and Tower Loading Condition Probabilities Deformation Limit Primary Stress Limit Buckling Stability Limit Fatigue Limit Minimum Safety Factors Loading Criteria Reactor Vessel Internals and Associated Equipment Main Steam Piping Recirculation Loop Piping C-2-7 C-2-8 C-2-9 C-2-11 C-2-12 C-2-14 C-2-16 C-2-19 C-2-20 C-2-22 C-2-28 C-2-32 C-2-39 C-2-40 C-2-41 C-2-43 C-3-4 C-3-5 C-3-6 C-3-8 C-3-9 C-3-10 C-3-11 C-3-11 C-3-24 C-3-26 01/02/15

Table No.

C-3-7 Cont.



Class IN/IS -

Core Spray Discharge Piping CS-ID C-3-27 Class IN/IS -

Clean-Up Recirculation Pump Suction Piping CU-IS C-3-28 Class IN/IS -

Main Steam Piping to HPCI Turbine and Residual Heat Exchangers lA and 1B C-3-29 Class IN/IS - Reactor Feed Piping C-3-31 Class IN/IS - Residual Heat Removal Pump Suction Piping Class IN/IS - Residual Heat Removal Pump Discharge Piping Recirculation Pumps RHR Pump Core Spray Pump HPCI Pump RCIC Pump Standby Liquid Control Pump HPCI Turbine RCIC Turbine Main Steam Isolation Valves Main Steam Safety Valves Main Steam Relief Valves Recirculation Valves Standby Liquid Control Tank C-3-33 C-3-35 C-3-37 C-3-41 C-3-43 C-3-45 C-3-47 C-3-49 C-3-51 C-3-55 C-3-59 C-3-62 C-3-67 C-3-70 C-3-73 03/08/01

Table No.

D(l)-1-1 VOLUME VI -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Quality Assurance Manual List of Abbreviations D (1) 2 10/04/99

Table No.

G-3-1 G-4-1 VOLUME VI - USAR LIST OF TABLES BWR Operating States Events Applicable in Each BWR Operating State Page G-3-2 G-4-2 10/04/99 I

Table No.

K-2-1 K-4-1 VOLUME VI -

USAR LIST OF TABLES Title Newly-Identified SSCs Requiring Aging Management Consolidated List of License Renewal Commitments Page K-2-35 K-4-2 03/04/15