1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 VOLUME I -
PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Identification and Qualification of Contractors DEFINITIONS METHODS OF TECHNICAL PRESENTATION 3.1 Purpose 3.2 Radioactive Material Barrier Concept 3.3 Organization of Contents 3.4 Format Organization of Chapters PRINCIPAL DESIGN CRITERIA
,4.1 Principal Design Criteria-Functional Classification 4.2 Principal Design Criteria, System-By-System CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS, AND COMPONENTS 5.1 Quality Group Classifications 5.2 Loading Classification COMPARISON OF PRINCIPAL DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS 6.1 Nuclear System Design Characteristics 6.2 Power Conversion Systems Design Characteristics 6.3 Electrical Power Systems Design Characteristics 6.4 Containment Design Characteristics 6.5 Structural Design Characteristics STATION RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND FURTHER INFORMATION; REQUIREMENTS AND RESOLUTIONS
REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER I I-1-1 I-1-1 I-2-1 I-3-1 I-3-1 I-3-1 I-3-1 I-3-1 I-4-1 I-4-1 I-4-7 I-5-1 I-5-1 I-5-1 I-6-1 I-6-1 I-6-1 I-6-1 I-6-1 I-6-1 I-7-1 I-8-1 02/06/01
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 VOLUME I -
DESCRIPTION 1.1 Location 1.2 Site Ownership 1.3 Activities at the Site 1.4 Access to the Site 1.5 Description of the Environs SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location and Area 2.2 Population Distribution 2.3 Character of Site Surroundings 2.4 Conclusions METEOROLOGY 3.1 General 3.2 Meteorological Design Bases 3.3 Meteorological Monitoring HYDROLOGY 4.1 General 4.2 Stream Flow River Usage Ground Water 4.3
- 4. 4 4.5 4.6 Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Water Conclusions GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY 5.1 Geology 5.2 Seismology and Design Response Criteria RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER II PAGE II-1-1 II-1-1 II-1-1 II-1-1 II-1-1 II-1-1 II-2-1 II-2-1 II-2-1 II-2-2 II-2-7 II-3-1 II-3-1 II-3-3 II-3-8 II-4-1 II-4-1 II-4-1 II-4-9 II-4-10 II-4-12 II-4-12 II-5-1 II-5-1 II-5-2 II-6-1 II-7-1 07/09/03
1.0 2.0 3.0
- 4. 0 5.0 6.0 VOLUME I -
DESCRIPTION FUEL MECHANICAL DESIGN 2.1 Safety Objective 2.2 Safety Design Basis 2.3 Power Generation Objective 2.4 Power Generation Design Basis 2.5 Description 2.6 Safety Evaluation 2.7 Inspection and Testing REACTOR VESSEL INTERNALS MECHANICAL DESIGN 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Bases 3.3 Power Generation Objectives 3.4 Power Generation Design Bases 3.5 Description 3.6 Safety Evaluation 3.7 Inspection and Testing REACTIVITY CONTROL MECHANICAL DESIGN 4.1 Safety Objective 4.2 Safety Design Bases 4.3 Power Generation Objective 4.4 Power Generation Design Basis 4.5 Description 4.6 Safety Evaluation 4.7 Inspection and Testing CONTROL ROD DRIVE MECHANICAL DESIGN 5.1 Safety Objective 5.2 Safety Design Bases 5.3 Power Generation Objective 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Power Generation Design Basis Description Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing NUCLEAR DESIGN 6.1 Safety Objective 6.2 Safety Design Bases 6.3 Power Generation Objective 6.4 Power Generation Design Bases 6.5 Nuclear Requirements 6.6 Fuel Nuclear Characteristics 6.7 Safety Evaluations 6.8 Testing and Verification PAGE III-1-1 III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-1 III-2-5 III-2-11 III-3-1 III-3-1 III-3-1 III-3-1 III-3-1 III-3-2 III-3-9 III-3-16 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-1 III-4-3 III-4-4 III-5-1 III-5-1 III-5-1 III-5-2 III-5-2 III-5-2 III-5-16 III-5-24 III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-1 III-6-2 III-6-11 III-6-12 02/20/17
REACTOR (CONT'D) 7.0 THERMAL AND HYDRAULIC DESIGN 7.1 Safety Objective 7.2 Safety Design Bases 7.3 Power Generation Objective 7.4 Power Generation Design Bases 7.5 Thermal and Hydraulic Limits 7.6 Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics 7.7 Safety Evaluation 7.8 Testing and Verification 8.0 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING SUPPORTS 8.1 Safety Objective 8.2 Safety Design Bases 8.3 Description 8.4 Safety Evaluation 8.5 Inspection and Testing 9.0 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM 9.1 Safety Objective 9.2 Safety Design Bases 9.3 Description 9.4 Safety Evaluation 9.5 Inspection and Testing 10.0 THERMAL-HYDRAULIC STABILITY ANALYSIS 10.1 Safety Objective 10.2 Safety Design Basis 10.3 Description and Performance Analysis 10.4 Ultimate Performance Limit Criteria and Conformance 10.5 Conclusion
FOR CHAPTER III PAGE III-7-1 III-7-1 III-7-1 III-7-1 III-7-1 III-7-1 III-7-3 III-7-14 III-7-1 7 III-8-1 III-8-1 III-8-1 III-8-1 III-8-2 III-8-3 III-9-1 III-9-1 III-9-1 III-9-2 III-9-4 III-9-7 III-10-1 III-10-1 III-10-1 III-10-2 III-10-5 III-11-1 02/05/10
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 VOLUME II -
DESCRIPTION REACTOR VESSEL AND APPURTENANCES MECHANICAL DESIGN 2.1 Safety Objective 2.2 Safety Design Bases 2.3 Power Generation Objective 2.4 Power Generation Design Bases 2.5 Description 2.6 Safety Evaluation 2.7 Inspection and Testing REACTOR RECIRCULATION SYSTEM 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Bases 3.3 Power Generation Objective 3.4 Power Generation Design Bases 3.5 Description 3.6 Safety Evaluation 3.7 Inspection and Testing NUCLEAR SYSTEM PRESSURE RELIEF SYSTEM 4.1 Safety Objective 4.2 Safety Design Bases 4.3 Power Generation Objective 4.4 Power Generation Design Bases 4.5 Description 4.6 Safety Evaluation 4.7 Power Generation Evaluation 4.8 Inspection and Testing 4.9 Overpressure Protection Analysis MAINSTEAM LINE FLOW RESTRICTOR 5.1 Safety Objective 5.2 Safety Design Bases 5.3 Description 5.4 Safety Evaluation 5.5 Inspection and Testing MAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION VALVES 6.1 Safety Objectives 6.2 Safety Design Bases 6.3 Description 6.4 Safety Evaluation 6.5 Inspection and Testing PAGE IV-1-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-1 IV-2-10 IV-2-17 IV-3-1 IV-3-1 IV-3-1 IV-3-1 IV-3-1 IV-3-1 IV-3-7 IV-3-8 IV-4-1 IV-4-1 IV-4-1 IV-4-1 IV-4-1 IV-4-2 IV-4-10 IV-4-13 IV-4-13 IV-4-14 IV-5-1 IV-5-1 IV-5-1 IV-5-1 IV-5-1 IV-5-2 IV-6-1 IV-6-1 IV-6-1 IV-6-1 IV-6-4 IV-6-6 12/20/04
PAGE 7.0 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM IV-7-1 7.1 Safety Objective IV-7-1 7.2 Safety Design Bases IV-7-1 7.3 Power Generation Objective IV-7-1 7.4 Power Generation Design Bases IV-7-1 7.5 Description IV-7-1 7.6 Safety Evaluation IV-7-7 7.7 Inspection and Testing IV-7-8 8.0 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM IV-8-1 8.1 Safety Objective IV-8-1 8.2 Safety Design Bases IV-8-1 8.3 Power Generation Objective IV-8-1 8.4 Power Generation Design Bases IV-8-1 8.5 Description IV-8-2 8.6 Safety Evaluation IV-8-6 8.7 Inspection and Testing IV-8-7 9.0 REACTOR WATER CLEANUP SYSTEM IV-9-1 9.1 Power Generation Objective IV-9-1 9.2 Power Generation Design Bases IV-9-1 9.3 Description IV-9-1 9.4 Inspection and Testing IV-9-5 10.0 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE RATE LIMITS IV-10-1 10.1 Safety Objective IV-10-1 10.2 Safety Design Bases IV-10-1 10.3 Description IV-10-1 10.4 Safety Evaluation IV-10-6 10.5 Inspection and Testing IV-10-7
- 11. 0 MAIN STEAM LINES AND FEEDWATER PIPING IV-11-1 11.1 Safety Objective IV-11-1 11.2 Safety Design Bases IV-11-1
- 11. 3 Power Generation Objectives IV-11-1
- 11. 4 Power Generation Design Bases IV-11-1
- 11. 5 Description IV-11-1
- 11. 6 Safety Evaluation IV-11-2
- 11. 7 Inspection and Testing IV-11-3 12.0 HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK (HELB) STUDY IV-12-1 12.1 Description IV-12-1 12.2 Subsequent HELB Analyses IV-12-3
- 13. 0 REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER IV IV-13-1 02/23/01
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
- 1. 2
- 1. 3 Primary Containment Systems Secondary Containment System PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 2.1 Safety Objective 2.2 Safety Design Basis 2.3 Description 2.4 Safety Evaluation 2.5 Inspection and Testing SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Basis 3.3 Description 3.4 Safety Evaluation 3.5 Inspection and Testing REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER V PAGE V-1-1 V-1-1 V-1-1 V-1-1 V-2-1 V-2-1 V-2-1 V-2-1 V-2-55 V-2-63 V-3-1 V-3-1 V-3-1 V-3-1 V-3-5 V-3-9 V-4-1 05/28/03
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 VOLUME II -
EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION 4.1 High Pressure Coolant Injection System 4.2 Automatic Depressurization System 4.3 Core Spray System 4.4 Low Pressure Coolant Injection System SAFETY EVALUATION 5.1 Summary 5.2 5.3 5.4 Performance Evaluation ECCS Pumps NPSH Protection Provisions INSPECTION AND TESTING REFERENCES PAGE VI-1-1 VI-1-1 VI-2-1 VI-3-1 VI-4-1 VI-4-1 VI-4-5 VI-4-6 VI 4-8 VI-5-1 VI-5-1 VI-5-1 VI-5-16 VI-5-18 VI-6-1 VI-7-1 06/03/08
1.0 2.0 VOLUME III -
DESCRIPTION 1.1 Safety Systems 1.2 Power Generation Systems 1.3 Safety Functions 1.4 Station Operational Control 1.5 Definitions 1.6 System Suppliers and Design Basis 1.7 Design Criteria REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM 2.1 Safety Objective 2.2 Safety Design Basis 2.3 Description 2.4 Safety Evaluation 2.5 Inspection and Testing 3.0 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM 4.0 5.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Safety Objective Safety Design Basis Description Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION 4.1 Safety Objective 4.2 Safety Design Basis 4.3 Power Generation Objective 4.4 Power Generation Design Basis 4.5 Description 4.6 Safety Evaluation 4.7 Inspection and Testing NEUTRON MONITORING SYSTEM 5.1 Safety Objective 5.2 Safety Design Basis 5.3 Power Generation Objective 5.4 Power Generation Design Basis 5.5 Identification 5.6 Source Range Monitor Subsystem 5.7 Intermediate Range Monitor Subsystem 5.8 Local Power Range Monitor Subsystem 5.9 Average Power Range Monitor Subsystem 5.10 Rod Block Monitor Subsystem 5.11 Traversing In-Core Probe Subsystem PAGE VII-1-1 VII-1-1 VII-1-1 VII-1-2 VII-1-3 VII-1-4 VII-1-4 VII-1-5 VII-2-1 VII-2-1 VII-2-1 VII-2-3 VII-2-14 VII-2-19 VII-3-1 VII-3-1 VII-3-1 VII-3-3 VII-3-17 VII-3-20 VII-4-1 VII-4-1 VII-4-1 VII-4-2 VII-4-2 VII-4-3 VII-4-23 VII-4-25 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-1 VII-5-6 VII-5-9 VII-5-14 VII-5-18 VII-5-19 04/06/05
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION (CONT'D) 6.0 REFUELING INTERLOCKS 6.1 Safety Objective 6.2 Safety Design Basis 6.3 Description 6.4 Safety Evaluation 6.5 Inspection and Testing 7.0 REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM 7.1 Safety Objective 7.2 Safety Design Basis 7.3 Power Generation Objective 7.4 Power Generation Design Basis 7.5 Description 7.6 Safety Evaluation 7.7 Inspection and Testing 8.0 REACTOR VESSEL INSTRUMENTATION 8.1 Safety Objective 8.2 Safety Design Basis 8.3 Power Generation Objective 8.4 Power Generation Design Basis 8.5 Description 8.6 Safety Evaluation 8.7 Inspection and Testing 9.0 RECIRCULATION FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM 9.1 Safety Objective 9.2 Safety Design Basis 9.3 Power Generation Objective 9.4 Power Generation Design Basis 9.5 Description 9.6 Safety Evaluation 9.7 Inspection and Testing 10.0 FEEDWATER CONTROL SYSTEM 10.1 Power Generation Objective 10.2 Power Generation Design Bases 10.3 Description 10.4 Inspection and Testing 11.0 PRESSURE REGULATOR AND TURBINE-GENERATOR CONTROL 11.1 Power Generation Objective 11.2 Power Generation Design Basis 11.3 Description 11.4 Power Generation Evaluation 11.5 Inspection and Testing 12.0 PROCESS RADIATION MONITORING 12.1 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitoring System 12.2 Air Ejector Off-Gas Radiation Monitoring System PAGE VII-6-1 VII-6-1 VII-6-1 VII-6-1 VII-6-4 VII-6-5 VII-7-1 VII-7-1 VII-7-1 VII-7-1 VII-7-1 VII-7-1 VII-7-10 VII-7-10 VII-8-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-1 VII-8-7 VII-8-8 VII-9-1 VII-9-1 VII-9-1 VII-9-1 VII-9-1 VII-9-1 VII-9-6 VII-9-6 VII-10-1 VII-10-1 VII-10-1 VII-10-1 VII-10-4 VII-11-1 VII-11-1 VII-11-1 VII-11-1 VII-11-4 VII-11-4 VII-12-1 VII-12-1 VII-12-4 04/22/02
CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION (CONT'D) 12.3 Process Liquid Radiation Monitors 12.4 Reactor Building Isolation Ventilation Radiation Monitoring System 12.5 Elevated Release Point Radiation Monitoring System 12.6 Radwaste/Augmented Radwaste Building Ventilation Radiation Monitoring System 12.7 Turbine Building Ventilation Radiation Monitoring System 12.8 Multi-Purpose Facility Building Ventilation Monitoring System 12.9 Reactor Building Ventilation Radiation Monitoring System 13.0 PLANT AND AUGMENTED RADWASTE (DRUM HANDLING) AREA RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM 13.1 Power Generation Objective 13.2 Power Generation Design Bases 13.3 Description 13.4 Inspection and Testing 14.0 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTS 14.1 General 14.2 Description 15.0 RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION AND RADIOCHEMISTRY INSTRUMENTS 15.1 Portable Radiation Survey Instruments 15.2 Personnel Radiation Monitoring Devices 15.3 Personnel Contamination Monitoring Devices 15.4 Constant Air Monitors 15.5 15.6 15.7 Counting Room Instruments Radiochemistry Instruments Inspection and Testing 16.0 PROCESS COMPUTER SYSTEM 16.1 Power Generation Objective 16.2 Power Generation Design Basis 16.3 Description 16.4 Power Generation Evaluation 16.5 Inspection and Testing 17.0 STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM 17.1 Safety Objective 17.2 Safety Design Basis 17.3 Description 17.4 Safety Evaluation 17.5 Inspection and Testing PAGE VII-12-5 VII-12-8 VII-12-9 VII-12-10 VII-12-12 VII-12-13 VII-12-14 VII-13-1 VII-13-1 VII-13-1 VII-13-1 VII-13-3 VII-14-1 VII-14-1 VII-14-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-15-1 VII-16-1 VII-16-1 VII-16-1 VII-16-1 VII-16-13 VII-16-13 VII-17-1 VII-17-1 VII-17-1 VII-17-1 VII-17-3 VII-17-3 01/17/14
PAGE 18.0 ALTERNATE SHUTDOWN CAPABILITY VII-18-1 18.1 Safety Objective VII-18-1 18.2 Safety Design Basis VII-18-1 18.3 Description VII-18-1 18.4 System Operation VII-18-2 18.5 Safety Evaluation VII-18-2 18.6 Inspection and Testing VII-18-2
FOR CHAPTER VII VII-19-1 04/08/15
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
- 7. 0 VOLUME IV -
DESCRIPTION NORMAL AND STARTUP AC POWER SOURCES 2.1 Normal AC Power Source 2.2 Startup AC Power Source 2.3 Transmission Line Design Considerations EMERGENCY AC POWER SOURCE 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Bases 3.3 Power Generation Objective 3.4 Power Generation Design Basis 3.5 Description 3.6 Safety Evaluation 3.7 Inspection and Testing AUXILIARY POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 4.1 Safety Objective 4.2 Safety Design Bases 4.3 Power Generation Objective 4.4 Power Generation Design Basis 4.5 Description 4.6 Safety Evaluation 4.7 Inspection and Testing STANDBY A-C POWER SOURCE 5.1 Safety Objective 5.2 Safety Design Basis 5.3 Description 5.4 Safety Evaluation 5.5 Inspection and Testing 125/250 VOLT DC POWER SYSTEMS 6.1 Safety Objective 6.2 Safety Design Bases 6.3 Description 6.4 Safety Evaluation 6.5 Inspection and Testing 24 VOLT DC POWER SYSTEM 7.1 Power Generation 7.2 7.3
- 7. 4 Power Generation Design Bases Description Inspection and Testing PAGE VI II-1-1 VI II-2-1 VIII-2-1 VIII-2-2 VIII-2-6 VIII-3-1 VIII-3-1 VI II-3-1 VI II-3-1 VII I-3-1 VIII-3-1 VIII-3-2 VIII-3-3 VII I-4-1 VI II-4-1 VII I-4-1 VII I-4-1 VIII-4-1 VII I-4-1 VIII-4-3 VIII-4-7 VI II-5-1 VIII-5-1 VIII-5-1 VIII-5-7 VIII-5-14 VIII-5-15 VIII-6-1 VIII-6-1 VIII-6-1 VIII-6-1 VIII-6-2 VIII-6-3 VIII-7-1 VIII-7-1 VIII-7-1 VI II-7-1 VIII-7-2 04/08/15
8.0 9.0 VOLUME IV -
ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS (CONT'D) 120/240 VOLT VITAL AC POWER SYSTEMS 8.1 Power Generation Objectives 8.2 Power Generation Design Bases 8.3 Description 8.4 Inspection and Testing OFF-SITE DISTRIBUTION POWER 9.1 Power Generation Objective 9.2 9.3 9.4 Power Generation Design Bases Description Inspection and Testing
FOR CHAPTER VIII VI II-8-1 VIII-8-1 VIII-8-1 VIII-8-1 VIII-8-2 VIII-9-1 VIII-9-1 VIII-9-1 VIII-9-1 VIII-9-1 VIII-10-1 02/06/01
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 VOLUME IV -
DESCRIPTION LIQUID RADWASTE SYSTEM 2.1 Safety Objective 2.2 Safety Design Basis 2.3 Power Generation Objective 2.4 Power Generation Design Basis 2.5 Liquid Radwaste System (Non-Augmented) 2.6 Augmented Liquid Radwaste (LRW) System 2.7 Safety Evaluation 2.8 2.9 Power Generation Evaluation Inspection and Testing SOLID RADWASTE SYSTEM 3.1 Power Generation Objective 3.2 Power Generation Design Basis 3.3 Description 3.4 Power Generation Evaluation 3.5 Inspection and Testing GASEOUS RADWASTE SYSTEM 4.1 Power Generation Objective 4.2 Power Generation Design Basis 4.3 Off-Gas System (Non-Augmented) 4.4 Augmented Off-Gas (AOG) System 4.5
- 4. 6 Power Generation Evaluation Inspection and Testing REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER IX PAGE IX-1-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-1 IX-2-4 IX-2-4 IX-2-5 IX-2-5 IX-3-1 IX-3-1 IX-3-1 IX-3-1 IX-3-6 IX-3-6 IX-4-1 IX-4-1 IX-4-1 IX-4-1 IX-4-5 IX-4-14 IX-4-17 IX-5-1 03/21/13
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
- 8. 0 VOLUME IV -
DESCRIPTION NEW FUEL STORAGE SPENT FUEL STORAGE 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Basis 3.3 Power Generation Objective 3.4 Power Generation Design Basis 3.5 Description 3.6 Safety Evaluation 3.7 Inspection and Testing FUEL HANDLING AND MOVEMENT OF HEAVY LOADS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Fuel Servicing Equipment 4.3 Refueling Equipment 4.4 Reactor Building Crane 4.5 Fuel Handling Operations 4.6 Control of Heavy Loads FUEL POOL COOLING AND DEMINERALIZER SYSTEM 5.1 Power Generation Objective 5.2 Power Generation Design Basis 5.3 Description 5.4 Power Generation Evaluation 5.5 Inspection and Testing REACTOR EQUIPMENT COOLING SYSTEM 6.1 Safety Objective 6.2 Safety Design Basis 6.3 Power Generation Objective 6.4 Power Generation Design Basis 6.5 Description 6.6 Safety Evaluation 6.7 Inspection and Testing TURBINE EQUIPMENT COOLING SYSTEM 7.1 Power Generation Objective 7.2 Power Generation Design Basis 7.3 Description 7.4 Inspection and Testing SERVICE WATER AND RHR SERVICE WATER BOOSTER SYSTEM 8.1 Service Water System 8.2 RHR Service Water Booster Service PAGE X-1-1 X-2-1 X-3-1 X-3-1 X-3-1 X-3-1 X-3-1 X-3-1 X-3-6 X-3-9 X-4-1 X-4-1 X-4-1 X-4-1 X-4-2 X-4-3 X-4-6 X-5-1 X-5-1 X-5-1 X-5-1 X-5-4 X-5-5 X-6-1 X-6-1 X-6-1 X-6-1 X-6-1 X-6-1 X-6-8 X-6-9 X-7-1 X-7-1 X-7-1 X-7-1 X-7-4 X-8-1 X-8-1 X-8-7 04/22/16
9.0 10.0 FIRE 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 VOLUME IV -
PROTECTION SYSTEM Power Generation Objective Power Generation Design Basis Description Codes and Standards Seismic Criteria Inspection and Testing HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 10.1 General 10.2 Reactor Building Heating and Ventilating System 10.3 Control Building Heating and Ventilating System 10.4 Main Control Room Air Conditioning System and Habitability Controls 10.5 Diesel-Generator Building Heating and Ventilating Systems 10.6 Non-Essential Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems 11.0 MAKEUP WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM 11.1 Power Generation Objective 11.2 Power Generation Design Basis 11.3 Description 11.4 Inspection and Testing 12.0 INSTRUMENT AND SERVICE AIR SYSTEMS 12.1 Power Generation Objective 12.2 Power Generation Design Basis 12.3 Description 12.4 Inspection and Testing 13.0 POTABLE AND SANITARY WATER SYSTEMS 13.1 Power Generation Objective 13.2 Power Generation Design Basis 13.3 Description 13.4 Inspection and Testing 14.0 EQUIPMENT AND FLOOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 14.1 Safety Objective 14.2 Safety Design Basis 14.3 Power Generation Objective 14.4 Power Generation Design Basis 14.5 Description 14.6 Safety Evaluation 14.7 Inspection and Testing 15.0 PROCESS SAMPLING AND POST-ACCIDENT SAMPLING SYSTEMS 15.1 Power Generation Objective 15.2 Power Generation Design Basis 15.3 Description 15.4 Inspection and Testing PAGE X-9-1 X-9-1 X-9-1 X-9-1 X-9-5 X-9-5 X-9-6 X-10-1 X-10-1 X-10-3 X-10-7 X-10-11 X-10-16 X-10-18 X-11-1 X-11-1 X-11-1 X-11-1 X-11-2 X-12-1 X-12-1 X-12-1 X-12-1 X-12-6 X-13-1 X-13-1 X-13-1 X-13-1 X-13-1 X-14-1 X-14-1 X-14-1 X-14-1 X-14-1 X-14-1 X-14-4 X-14-7 X-15-1 X-15-1 X-15-1 X-15-1 X-15-2 07/28/15
AUXILIARY SYSTEMS (CONT'D) 16.0 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 16.1 Power Generation Objective 16.2 Power Generation Design Basis 16.3 Description 16.4 Inspection and Testing 17.0 STATION LIGHTING SYSTEM 17.1 Power Generation Objective 17.2 Power Generation Design Basis 17.3 Description 17.4 Inspection and Testing 18.0 OPTIMUM WATER CHEMISTRY (OWC) SYSTEM 18.1 Power Generation Objective 18.2 Power Generation Design Basis 18.3 Description 18.4 Inspection and Testing
PAGE X-16-1 X-16-1 X-16-1 X-16-2 X-16-3 X-17-1 X-17-1 X-17-1 X-17-1 X-17-1 X-18-1 X-18-1 X-18-1 X-18-1 X-18-2 X-19-1 04/08/15
DESCRIPTION 2.0 TURBINE-GENERATOR 2.1 Power Generation Objective 2.2 Power Generation Design Basis 2.3 Description 2.4 Turbine Missile Analysis 2.5 Power Generation Evaluation 2.6 Inspection and Testing 3.0 MAIN CONDENSER 3.1 Safety Objective 3.2 Safety Design Basis 3.3 Power Generation Objective 3.4 Power Generation Design Basis 3.5 Description 3.6 Safety Evaluation 3.7 Inspection and Testing 4.0 MAIN CONDENSER GAS REMOVAL AND TURBINE SEALING SYSTEMS 4.1 Power Generation Objective 4.2 Power Generation Design Basis 4.3 Description 4.4 Inspection and Testing 5.0 TURBINE BYPASS SYSTEM 5.1 Power Generation Objective 5.2 Power Generation Design Basis 5.3 Description 5.4 Power Generation Evaluation 6.0 CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM 6.1 Power Generation Objective 6.2 Power Generation Design Basis 6.3 Description 6.4 Inspection and Testing 7.0 CONDENSATE DEMINERALIZER SYSTEM 7.1 Power Generation Objective 7.2 Power Generation Design Basis 7.3 Description 7.4 Inspection and Testing 8.0 CONDENSATE AND FEEDWATER SYSTEM 8.1 Power Generation Objective 8.2 Power Generation Design Basis 8.3 Description 8.4 Inspection and Testing 9.0 CONDENSATE STORAGE SYSTEM 9.1 Power Generation Objective 9.2 Power Generation Design Basis 9.3 Description 9.4 Inspection and Testing
FOR CHAPTER XI PAGE XI-1-1 XI-2-1 XI-2-1 XI-2-1 XI-2-1 XI-2-1 XI-2-2 XI-2-2 XI-3-1 XI-3-1 XI-3-1 XI-3-1 XI-3-1 XI-3-1 XI-3-3 XI-3-3 XI-4-1 XI-4-1 XI-4-1 XI-4-1 XI-4-3 XI-5-1 XI-5-1 XI-5-1 XI-5-1 XI-5-1 XI-6-1 XI-6-1 XI-6-1 XI-6-1 XI-6-2 XI-7-1 XI-7-1 XI-7-1 XI-7-1 XI-7-2 XI-8-1 XI-8-1 XI-8-1 XI-8-1 XI-8-2 XI-9-1 XI-9-1 XI-9-1 XI-9-1 XI-9-1 XI-10-1 01/17/14
1.0 2.0 3.0
- 4. 0 VOLUME V -
DESCRIPTION STRUCTURAL DESIGN 2.1 Classification of Structures and Equipment 2.2 Description of Principal Structures 2.3 Loading Considerations 2.4 Foundation Analysis SHIELDING AND RADIATION PROTECTION 3.1 Design Basis 3.2 Control of Access to Radiological Areas 3.3 Shielding Description 3.4 Inspection and Performance Analysis 3.5 Radioactive Material Safety REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER XII PAGE XII-1-1 XII-2-1 XII-2-1 XII-2-3 XII-2-11 XII-2-34 XII-3-1 XII-3-1 XII-3-3 XII-3-3 XII-3-7 XII-3-7 XI-I-4-1 01/17/14
1.0 2.0 3.0
- 4. 0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 VOLUME V -
DESCRIPTION ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY 2.1 Nuclear Organization 2.2 Construction Testing Responsibility 2.3 Preoperational Testing Responsibility 2.4 Startup and Power Testing Responsibility 2.5 Nuclear System Supplier Technical Direction 2.6 Balance of Plant Technical Assistance PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING 3.1 Plant Personnel Training Program 3.2 INPO Accredited Training Programs 3.3 Simulator Training 3.4 General Orientation Training 3.5 Personnel Qualification Requirements 3.6 Records CONSTRUCTION AND PREOPERATIONAL TEST PROGRAM 4.1 Objectives 4.2 Preoperational Test Schedule Considerations 4.3 Summary of Construction Test Content 4.4 Summary of Preoperational Test Content STARTUP AND POWER TEST PROGRAM 5.1 General Objectives 5.2 Discussion of Startup and Power Tests NORMAL OPERATIONS 6.1 Administrative Procedures 6.2 Site Support Procedures 6.3 Operations Procedures 6.4 Engineering Procedures 6.5 Instrumentation Operations Procedures 6.6 Emergency Procedures 6.7 Surveillance Procedures 6.8 Maintenance Procedures 6.9 Chemistry Procedures 6.10 Radiological Protection Procedures 6.11 Nuclear Performance Procedures 6.12 Station Computer Procedures 6.13 Quality Control Procedures 6.14 Performance Evaluation Procedures 6.15 Instrument and Control Procedures 6.16 Surveillance (Non-Technical Specification) Procedures 6.17 Shift Crew Requirements EMERGENCY PLANNING RECORDS 8.1 Initial Testing and Operations 8.2 Normal Operations and Maintenance PAGE XIII-1-1 XIII-2-1 XIII-2-1 XIII-2-2 XIII-2-2 XIII-2-2 XIII-2-2 XIII-2-3 XIII-3-1 XIII-3-1 XIII-3-1 XIII-3-1 XIII-3-2 XIII-3-2 XIII-3-2 XIII-4-1 XIII-4-1 XIII-4-1 XIII-4-2 XIII-4-3 XIII-5-1 XIII-5-1 XIII-5-6 XIII-6-1 XIII-6-1 XIII-6-1 XIII-6-1 XIII-6-2 XIII-6-2 XIII-6-2 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-3 XIII-6-4 XIII-6-4 XIII-6-4 XIII-6-4 XIII-6-4 XIII-7-1 XIII-8-1 XIII-8-1 XIII-8-1 01/24/19
9.0 10.0 VOLUME V -
OPERATIONAL REVIEW AND AUDITS 9.1 Administrative Control 9.2 Routine Reviews 9.3 FIRE 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 NPPD Safety Review and Audit Board PROTECTION PROGRAM Purpose and Importance of Fire Protection Fire Protection Regulatory Compliance Design Basis Summary NFPA 805 System Description Regulatory Evaluation Fire Protection Program Documentation, Configuration Control and Quality Assurance 11.0 IODINE MONITORING PROGRAM 12.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MANUAL 13.0 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM
FOR CHAPTER XIII PAGE XIII-9-1 XIII-9-1 XIII-9-1 XIII-9-1 XIII-10-1 XIII-10-1 XIII-10-1 XIII-10-1 XIII-10-3 XIII-10-6 XIII-10-6 XIII-11-1 XIII-12-1 XIII-13-1 XIII-14-1 04/08/15
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 VOLUME V -
STATION SAFETY ANALYSIS SAFETY OBJECTIVE 1.1 Background and Supporting Information SAFETY DESIGN BASES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATIONAL TRANSIENTS 2.1 Safety Design Bases for Analyzed Special Plant Events SAFETY DESIGN BASES FOR ACCIDENTS APPROACH TO SAFETY ANALYSIS 4.1 General 4.2 Abnormal Operational Transients 4.3 Accidents 4.4 Barrier Damage Evaluations ANALYSES OF ABNORMAL OPERATIONAL TRANSIENTS 5.1 Events Resulting in a Nuclear System Pressure Increase 5.2 Events Resulting in a Reactor Vessel Water Temperature 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Decrease Events Resulting in a Positive Reactivity Insertion Events Resulting in a Reactor Vessel Coolant Inventory Decrease Events Resulting in a Core Coolant Flow Decrease Events Resulting in a Core Coolant Flow Increase Event Resulting in a Core Coolant Temperature Increase Event Resulting in Excess of Coolant Inventory Special Events ANALYSIS OF DESIGN BASIS ACCIDENTS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Control Rod Drop Accident 6.3 Loss-of-Coolant Accident 6.4 Fuel Handling Accident 6.5 Main Steam Line Break Accident RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Abnormal Operational Transient Analysis Results and Conclusions 7.2 Special Events Analysis Results and Conclusions 7.3 Accident Analysis Results and Conclusions 8.0 EVALUATION OF ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE SYSTEMS USING TID-14844 SOURCE TERMS 9.0 8.1 Source Terms Assumptions 8.2 Standby Gas Treatment System 8.3 ECCS Components 8.4 Materials Within Primary Containment 8.5 Summary REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER XIV PAGE XIV-1-1 XIV-1-1 XIV-2-1 XIV-2-1 XIV-3-1 XIV-4-1 XIV-4-1 XIV-4-1 XIV-4-3 XIV-4-4 XIV-5-1 XIV-5-2 XIV-5-16 XIV-5-19 XIV-5-24 XIV-5-31 XIV-5-36 XIV-5-39 XIV-5-40 XIV-5-42 XIV-6-1 XIV-6-1 XIV-6-2 XIV-6-11 XIV-6-31 XIV-6-41 XIV-7-1 XIV-7-1 XIV-7-2 XIV-7-2 XIV-8-1 XIV-8-1 XIV-8-1 XIV-8-5 XIV-8-7 XIV-8-7 XIV-9-1 02/22/21
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 VOLUME VI -
PRESSURE INTEGRITY OF PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PRESSURE PARTS SCOPE 1.1 Codes and Specifications CLASSIFICATION OF PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PRESSURE PARTS 2.1 GE Company Classification and Pressure Integrity Requirements 2.2 Engineer - Constructor's Classification and Definition of Piping, Equipment and In-Line Pressure Parts 2.3 ASME XI Classification of Piping and Equipment 2.4 Tabulation of Equivalencies DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Piping Design 3.2 Valve Design 3.3 Pump Design MATERIALS 4.1 Material Application 4.2 Brittle Fracture Control for Ferritic Steels FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Welding Procedures and Processes 5.2 Bending and Forming 5.3 Heat Treatment 5.4 Descaling and Cleaning After Heat Treatment 5.5 Nondestructive Examination Techniques and Acceptance Standards Pressure Testing 5.6 5.7 Personnel Qualification Requirements REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX A PAGE A-1-1 A-1-1 A-2-1 A-2-1 A-2-1 A-2-2 A-2-3 A-3-1 A-3-1 A-3-3 A-3-3 A-4-1 A-4-1 A-4-2 A-5-1 A-5-1 A-5-2 A-5-2 A-5-3 A-5-4 A-5-4 A-5-4 A-6-1 os101;03 I
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The original FSAR submitted proposed Technical Specifications in Appendix B. The NRC revised the final Technical Specifications as Appendix A and B to the Facility Operating License. It is not intended that these current Technical Specifications become Appendix B to the USAR. os101;03 I
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VOLUME VI -
STRUCTURAL LOADING CRITERIA SCOPE CONCRETE AND STEEL STRUCTURES 2.1 Description 2.2 Loads 2.3 Load Combinations and Allowable Limits 2.4 Method of Analysis 2.5 Implementation of Criteria COMPONENTS 3.1 Intent and Scope 3.2 Loading Conditions and Allowable Limits 3.3 Method of Analysis and Implementation of Criteria REFERENCES PAGE C-1-1 C-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-2 C-2-5 C-2-6 C-3-1 C-3-1 C-3-1 C-3-74 C-4-1 os101;03 I
USAR APPENDIX D QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR OPERATION POLICY DOCUMENT This Appendix formerly contained the Policy Document for the Cooper Nuclear Station Quality Assurance Program for Operation. Although a part of the USAR, the Policy Document contents have been removed from this Appendix and are maintained,
- revised, and distributed under separate cover by the Quality Assurance Division. Changes to the QA Policy Document are processed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50. 54 (a) ( 3). os101;03 I
1.0 2.0 3.0 VOLUME VI -
CONSTRUCTION PHASE QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Purpose and Objectives of the Quality Assurance Program
- 1. 3
- 1. 4 SCOPE 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Definition Classification of Systems, Components, and Structures OF RESPONSIBILITIES Nebraska Public Power District Burns and Roe - Architect-Engineer Stearns-Roger - Quality Assurance Woodward-Moorhouse & Associates, Inc. - Quality Assurance General Electric -
NSSS Supplier Burns & Roe, Inc. - Construction Management STEARNS-ROGER QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Organization 3.3 Review of Contract Specifications 3.4 Quality Assurance Activities - Manufactured Items 3.5 Quality Assurance Activities - Construction and Field Fabrication 3.6 Special Activities 3.7 In-Process Document Control and Records 3.8 Non-Conforming Material or Workmanship 3.9 Owner's Final Plant Records 4.0 BURNS AND ROE QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE FOR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 5.0 4.1 General 4.2 Project Operations Division 4.3 Engineering Division 4.4 Key Personnel Related to the Project 4.5 Quality Control 4.6 Design Reviews 4.7 Summary QUALITY ASSURANCE OF EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION 5.1 Summary 5.2 Earthwork Quality Assurance 5.3 Conclusions 5.4 Construction of Structural Fill 5.5 Construction of General Fill 5.6 Verification of As-Built Condition of Structural Fill by Standard Penetration Tests 5.7 Documented Results of Quality Control Inspection and Testing and Formal Reports PAGE D(l)-1-1 D(l)-1-1 D(l)-1-1 D(l)-1-3 D(l)-1-3 D(l)-2-1 D(l)-2-1 D(l)-2-1 D(l)-2-2 D(l)-2-2 D(l)-2-2 D(l)-2-2 D(l)-3-1 D(l)-3-1 D(l)-3-1 D(l)-3-1 D(l)-3-2 D(l)-3-8 D(l)-3-13 D(l)-3-16 D(l)-3-17 D(l)-3-18 D(l)-4-1 D(l)-4-1 D(l)-4-1 D(l)-4-1 D(l)-4-1 D(l)-4-4 D(l)-4-4 D(l)-4-5 D(l)-5-1 D(l)-5-1 D(l)-5-1 D(l)-5-6 D(l)-5-8 D(l)-5-11 D(l)-5-12 D(l)-5-12 08101;03 I
PAGE 6.0 GENERAL ELECTRIC QUALITY SYSTEM FOR BWR NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY PROJECTS 7.0 8.0 FOREWORD 6.1 General 6.2 Classification of Systems and Components 6.3 Design Control 6.4 NED Manufactured Products 6.5 APED Purchased (Engineered) Equipment 6.6 NED Installation Control 6.7 Preoperational Testing 6.8 Plant Start-Up 6.9 Quality Records PREOPERATIONAL TESTING 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Construction Tests 7.3 Preoperational Tests 7.4 Instrument Calibration COMPARISON OF COOPER NUCLEAR QUALITY ASSURANCE WITH AEC QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA 8.1 Organization 8.2 Quality Assurance Program 8.3 Design Control 8.4 Procurement Document Control 8.5 Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings 8.6 Document Control 8.7 Control of Purchased Material, Equipment, and Services 8.8 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Calibration of Measurement and Test Equipment Handling, Storage, Shipping, and Preservation Inspection, Test, and Operating Status Non-Conforming Material, Parts, and Components Corrective Action Quality Assurance Records Audits D(l)-6-1 D(l)-6-1 D(l)-6-3 D(l)-6-4 D(l)-6-7 D(l)-6-10 D(l)-6-13 D(l)-6-15 D(l)-6-15 D(l)-6-16 D(l)-7-1 D(l)-7-1 D(l)-7-1 D(l)-7-1 D(l)-7-3 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 0(1)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-1 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-2 D(l)-8-3 D(l)-8-3 D(l)-8-3 D(l)-8-3 08101103 I
ELEVATED RELEASE POINT (ERP) RELEASE RATE LIMIT CALCULATIONS FOR COOPER This Appendix formerly contained the model and methodology for performing release rate limit calculations for releases from the Cooper Nuclear Station Elevated Release Point (ERP). This information has been superseded by the CNS Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM), which is incorporated into the CNS USAR by reference.
Changes to the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual are processed in accordance with the provisions of CNS Technical Specifications Section 5.5.1.c. Major changes to radioactive waste treatment systems (liquid, gaseous, and solid) are subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 50.71(e) as specified in ODAM Section D 5.5. os101103 I
1.0 2.0 3.0 VOLUME VII -
DESCRIPTION CRITERION CONFORMANCE 2.1 Group I -- Overall Plant Requirements (Criteria 1-5) 2.2 Group II -- Protection by Multiple Fission Product 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Barriers (Criteria 6-10)
Group III -- Nuclear and Radiation Controls (Criteria 11-18)
Group IV -- Reliability and Testability of Protection Systems (Criteria 19-26)
Group V -- Reactivity Control (Criteria 27-32)
Group VI -- Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (Criteria 33-36)
F-1-1 F-2-1 F-2-1 F-2-2 F-2-4 F-2-7 F-2-10 F-2-12 2.7 2.8 Group VII -- Engineered Safety Features (Criteria 37-65) F-2-14 Group VIII -- Fuel and Waste Storage Systems (Criteria 66-69)
F-2-23 2.9 Group IX -- Plant Effluents (Criterion 70)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 VOLUME VII -
USAR APPENDIX G NUCLEAR SAFETY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS ANALYTICAL OBJECTIVE APPROACH TO OPERATIONAL NUCLEAR SAFETY 2.1 Comprehensiveness of the Analysis 2.2 Systematic Approach to the Analysis 2.3 Relationship of the NSOA to the Station Safety Analysis 2.4 Relationship of the NSOA to Safety-Related Structures, Systems, and Components 2.5 Unacceptable Results 2.6 Nuclear Safety Operational Criteria 2.7 Origin of Unacceptable Results and Nuclear Safety Operational Criteria 2.8 Plant Functions 2.9 Event Acceptance Limits METHOD OF ANALYSIS 3.1 BWR Operating States 3.2 Selection of Events for Analysis 3.3 Applicability of Events to Operating States 3.4 Rules for Event Analysis 3.5 Steps in Preparing Protection Sequence, Auxiliary System and Commonality Diagrams DISPLAY OF NUCLEAR SAFETY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS RESULTS 4.1 Protection Sequence, Auxiliary System and Commonality Diagrams NUCLEAR SAFETY OPERATIONAL ANALYSES FOR CNS 5.1 Auxiliary Systems 5.2 Planned Operations 5.3 Abnormal Operational Transients 5.4 Accidents 5.5 Special Events 5.6 Remainder of Nuclear Safety Operational Analysis CONCLUSIONS PAGE G-1-1 G-2-1 G-2-1 G-2-1 G-2-2 G-2-3 G-2-5 G-2-7 G-2-8 G-2-8 G-2-8 G-3-1 G-3-1 G-3-3 G-3-8 G-3-8 G-3-10 G-4-1 G-4-4 G-5-1 G-5-1 G-5-1 G-5-8 G-5-21 G-5-26 G-5-29 G-6-1 10/16/03
DESCRIPTION H-1-1 2.0 AREAS SPECIFIED IN THE COOPER NUCLEAR STATION ACRS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LETTER H-2-1 H-2-1 H-2-1 H-2-1 H-2-2 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Station Foundation Support 2.3 Emergency On-Site Power System 2.4 AEC General Design Criteria Number 35 Intent Design 2.5 Browns Ferry ACRS Comments (3/14/67) Applicable to Cooper Nuclear Station H-2-2 3.0 AREAS SPECIFIED IN THE COOPER NUCLEAR STATION AEC STAFF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT H-3-1 H-3-1 H-3-1 4.0 5.0 3.1 Introduction 3.2 General 3.3 Development Program of Significance for all Large Water-Cooled Power Reactors 3.4 3.5 Development Program of Significance for Boiling Water Reactors Areas Requiring Further Technical Information AREAS SPECIFIED IN OTHER RELATED AEC-ACRS CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING PERMIT LETTERS (REFER TO TABLE I-11-4 OF CNS-SAR SUBSECTION I-11) 4.1 General 4.2 LPCIS-Logic Control System Design 4.3 Re-Evaluation of Main Steam Line Break Accident 4.4 Design of Piping Systems to Withstand Earthquake Forces 4.5 Fuel Clad Disintegration Limitations 4.6 Automatic Pressure Relief System - Initiation Interlock 4.7 Effects of Blowdown Forces on Reactor Primary System 4.8
- 4. 9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 Components Separation of Control and Protection System Functions Concern Instrumentation for Prompt Detection of Gross Fuel Failure Scram Reliability Study Design Basis of Engineered Safety Features Hydrogen Generation Study Seismic Design and Analysis Models Automatic Pressure Relief System - Single Component Failure Capability -
Manual Operation Flow Reference Scram Matters of Current Regulatory Staff-Applicant Discussion Future Items of Consideration for Incorporation Development of Instrumentation -
Primary Containment H-3-1 H-3-2 H-3-5 H-4-1 H-4-1 H-4-1 H-4-2 H-4-2 H-4-3 H-4-3 H-4-4 H-4-4 H-4-5 H-4-5 H-4-6 H-4-6 H-4-7 H-4-7 H-4-7 H-4-8 H-4-8 4.19 4.20 4.21 Leakage Detection System -
Increased Sensitivity Studies H-4-9 Development of Instrumentation - Vibration and Loose 4.22 Parts Detection Studies H-4-9 CSCS Leakage Detection, Protection, and Isolation Capability H-4-10 Main Steam Lines -
Standards for Fabrication, Q.C.,
and Inspection Conclusions H-4-11 H-4-11
CONCLUSIONS H-5-1 08101103 I
USAR APPENDIX J INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM This Appendix formerly contained a condensed version of the First 10-Year Inservice Inspection Program at Cooper Nuclear Station. Although a part of the USAR, the Inservice Inspection Program has been removed from this Appendix and is currently maintained, revised, and distributed under separate cover. The program is based on the requirements of Section XI of the ASME Code as required by the provisions of 10CFR50.55a(g). 08/01/03
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VOLUME VII -
USAR APPENDIX K LICENSE RENEWAL UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT SUPPLEMENT INTRODUCTION AGING MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Aging Management Programs 2.1 2.2 2.3 Evaluation of Time-Limited Aging Analyses Newly-Identified Structures, Systems, and Components REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX K LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTS PAGE K-1-1 K-2-1 K-2-1 K-2-26 K-2-32 K-3-1 K-4-1 08/13/12