MONTHYEARML20206S6461999-02-17017 February 1999 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Plant Operations & on Regulatory Policies & Practices Subcommittees 981119-20 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Options Make 10CFR50 & 10CFR50.59 risk-informed ML20206S4381999-01-25025 January 1999 Summary of 458th ACRS Meeting on 981203-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6611999-01-11011 January 1999 Summary of 981215-17 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re T/H Code Activities/ NRC T/H Research Status ML20206S6101998-12-23023 December 1998 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee 981029 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Options to Make 10CFR50 risk-informed,NEI Whole Plant Study & Options for Developing risk-informed Approach,Revising 10CFR50.59 ML20206S8501998-11-13013 November 1998 Summary of 456th ACRS Meeting on 980930-1002 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2481998-11-12012 November 1998 Summary of 455th ACRS Meeting on 980902-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S7621998-11-12012 November 1998 Summary of 980924 ACRS Submommittee on Reliability & PRA Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Options for Developing risk-informed Approach to Revising 10CFR50.59, Options for Broader Changes to 10CFR50 ML20206S4161998-09-29029 September 1998 Summary of 980826 Open ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability & PRA Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Issues in SRM on situation-specific Cases Where PRA Results & Insights Have Improved Existing Regulatory Sys ML20206S3851998-09-0303 September 1998 Summary of 980729 Open ACRS Joint Meeting of Subcommittees on Plant Operations & Fire Protection in Atlanta,Ga Re Region II Activities & Other Items of Mutual Interest, Including Significant Operating Events & Fire Protection ML20206S6831998-09-0101 September 1998 Summary of 453rd ACRS Meeting on 980603-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3761998-08-24024 August 1998 Summary of 980716 ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Presentations by & Holding Discussions with NRC Staff Re License Renewal,Proposed Staff Plans & Schedule for Reviewing License Renewal Applications ML20206S3811998-08-0404 August 1998 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee Meeting on 980717 in Rockville,Md Re Comments & Recommendations in 980616 ACRS Rept, Core Research Capabilities & Associated Staff Response ML20206S3721998-07-29029 July 1998 Summary of 980707 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Info on AP600 Test & Analysis Program & Responses to ACRS Questions Asked During Previous Meetings ML20206S6721998-07-0808 July 1998 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee 980601 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion with NRC Concerning SECY-98-076, Core Research Capabilities ML20206S3671998-06-30030 June 1998 Summary of 980619 Open ACRS Meeting of Subcommittee on Plant Operations in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Changes to 10CFR50.59,status of Resolution of Issues Identified in 980324 SRM Related to SECY-97-205 & Related Matters ML20206S3501998-06-26026 June 1998 Summary of 980617-18 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Advance FSER Chapters 4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18,level 1 AP600 Pra,Itaac & Associated ACRS Open Questions ML20206S5991998-06-23023 June 1998 Summary of ACRS Reactor Fuels,Onsite Fuel Storage & Decommissioning Subcommittee 980423-24 Meeting in Rockville, MD Re Basis of Proposed NRC Fuel Failure Criterion for High Burnup Conditions & Adequacy of NRC Fuel Codes ML20206S3361998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980611-12 Open ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Results of W Test & Analysis Program in Support of AP600 Design Certification ML20206S6411998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980601 ACRS Matls & Metallurgy Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re NRC Staff Concerns Related to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section III Rule Revs ML20206S2561998-06-17017 June 1998 Summary of 452nd ACRS Meeting on 980430-0502 in Rockville, MD Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6301998-06-17017 June 1998 Summary of 980602 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommitteemeeting in Rockville,Md Re GE Extended Power Uprate Program for Operating BWRs & NSP lead-plant Application for Power Uprate ML20206S5761998-06-0404 June 1998 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee 980416 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Subcommittees Review of Matters Related to Elevation of CDF & Possible Rev to Commissions Safety Goal Policy Statement ML20206S5671998-05-30030 May 1998 Summary of ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee 980513-15 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of AP600 Standard SAR & Associated Advanced FSER Chapters 3,6,14,16 & 17 ML20206S2521998-05-14014 May 1998 Summary of 451st ACRS Meeting on 980402-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2801998-04-30030 April 1998 Summary of 980219-20 ACRS Open Meeting of Subcommittee on Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Proposed Final SRP Sections & RGs for risk-informed,performance-based Regulation ML20206S2951998-04-15015 April 1998 Summary of 450th ACRS Meeting on 980305-07 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2871998-04-15015 April 1998 Summary of 449th ACRS Meeting on 980302-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6481998-03-26026 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Fire Protection Subcommittee 980122 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Staff Actions Taken Related to Development of Revised Fire Protection Rule ML20196L0531998-03-20020 March 1998 Summary of 980205-07 ACRS 448th Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6561998-03-13013 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee 980123 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Renewal Implementation Issues & Proposed Industry Guidelines ML20206S2751998-03-0909 March 1998 Summary of 980218 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of RES Program in Area of thermal-hydraulic Phenomena in Support of ACRS Planned Rept to Commission ML20217A8561998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS 448th Meeting on 980205-07 Re Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltr.Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20206S6791998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant Operations Subcommittee 980203 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Subcommittee Review of Proposed Improvements to Senior Mgt Meeting Process ML20206S2651998-02-23023 February 1998 Summary of 980203-04 ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Chapters 1,4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18 of AP600 SSAR & AP600 Test & Analysis Program IR 07100203/20064471998-02-0505 February 1998 Summary of 971203-06 447th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3931998-01-28028 January 1998 Summary of 980121 ACRS Subcommitee on Human Factors Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Human Performance & Reliability Plan & Integration of Human Factors Insights Into Insp Process ML20217A8461998-01-0909 January 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant Operations Subcommittee 971202 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re SER on industry-sponsored Utility Resolution Guidance for Issue of Blockage of Suction Strainer in ECCS ML20217A8771997-12-23023 December 1997 Summary of ACRS 446th Meeting on 971106-07 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed on Attached Agenda.W/ Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees, Future Agenda & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217A9911997-12-23023 December 1997 Summary of 447th ACRS Meeting on 971203-06 Re Proposed Revs to 10CFR50.59 & Credit for Containment Overpressure to Provide Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for ECC & Containment Heat Removal ML20217A8651997-12-15015 December 1997 Summary of ACRS Reliability & PRA Subcommittee 971112-13 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Final SRP for risk- informed,performance-based Regulation ML20217A9831997-12-0303 December 1997 Summary of 971203 ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Conduct of ACRS Business ML20217A5901997-12-0202 December 1997 Summary of 445th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md on 971002-03 Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda.W/ Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees, Future Agenda & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217A8811997-12-0202 December 1997 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee 971104- 05 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re NRC Safety Research Program & Draft Annual Rept to Congress ML20217A8221997-12-0101 December 1997 Informs That During 446th Meeting on 971106-07,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Ltr. Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda,Listed ML20217A8901997-11-21021 November 1997 Summary of ACRS Reliability & PRA 971021-22 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Matter Included in Staff Requirements Memo, ML20217B1921997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of ACRS Planning & Procedures Subcommitte 971105 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Conduct of ACRS Business ML20217A6381997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of 444th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md on 970903-05 Re Appropriate Action Items Listed in Attached Agenda.W/Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217A8001997-10-21021 October 1997 Informs That During 445th Meeting on 971002-03,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltrs. Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20217A8141997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of ACRS Subcommittees on Pra,Plant Operations & Fire Protection 970828-29 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Staff Requirements Memo ML20217A7011997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of 970826-27 ACRS Subcommittees on Matls & Metallurgy & on Severe Accidents Joint Meeting W/Nrc,Nei & Industry in Rockville,Md Re Review of Proposed Draft GL & Associated Draft Regulatory Guide Re SG Tube Integrity 1999-02-17
[Table view]Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "". Category:MEETING SUMMARIES-INTERNAL (NON-TRANSCRIPT)
MONTHYEARML20206S6461999-02-17017 February 1999 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Plant Operations & on Regulatory Policies & Practices Subcommittees 981119-20 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Options Make 10CFR50 & 10CFR50.59 risk-informed ML20206S4381999-01-25025 January 1999 Summary of 458th ACRS Meeting on 981203-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6611999-01-11011 January 1999 Summary of 981215-17 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re T/H Code Activities/ NRC T/H Research Status ML20206S6101998-12-23023 December 1998 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee 981029 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Options to Make 10CFR50 risk-informed,NEI Whole Plant Study & Options for Developing risk-informed Approach,Revising 10CFR50.59 ML20206S8501998-11-13013 November 1998 Summary of 456th ACRS Meeting on 980930-1002 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2481998-11-12012 November 1998 Summary of 455th ACRS Meeting on 980902-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S7621998-11-12012 November 1998 Summary of 980924 ACRS Submommittee on Reliability & PRA Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Options for Developing risk-informed Approach to Revising 10CFR50.59, Options for Broader Changes to 10CFR50 ML20206S4161998-09-29029 September 1998 Summary of 980826 Open ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability & PRA Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Issues in SRM on situation-specific Cases Where PRA Results & Insights Have Improved Existing Regulatory Sys ML20206S3851998-09-0303 September 1998 Summary of 980729 Open ACRS Joint Meeting of Subcommittees on Plant Operations & Fire Protection in Atlanta,Ga Re Region II Activities & Other Items of Mutual Interest, Including Significant Operating Events & Fire Protection ML20206S6831998-09-0101 September 1998 Summary of 453rd ACRS Meeting on 980603-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3761998-08-24024 August 1998 Summary of 980716 ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Presentations by & Holding Discussions with NRC Staff Re License Renewal,Proposed Staff Plans & Schedule for Reviewing License Renewal Applications ML20206S3811998-08-0404 August 1998 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee Meeting on 980717 in Rockville,Md Re Comments & Recommendations in 980616 ACRS Rept, Core Research Capabilities & Associated Staff Response ML20206S3721998-07-29029 July 1998 Summary of 980707 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Info on AP600 Test & Analysis Program & Responses to ACRS Questions Asked During Previous Meetings ML20206S6721998-07-0808 July 1998 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee 980601 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion with NRC Concerning SECY-98-076, Core Research Capabilities ML20206S3671998-06-30030 June 1998 Summary of 980619 Open ACRS Meeting of Subcommittee on Plant Operations in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Changes to 10CFR50.59,status of Resolution of Issues Identified in 980324 SRM Related to SECY-97-205 & Related Matters ML20206S3501998-06-26026 June 1998 Summary of 980617-18 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Advance FSER Chapters 4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18,level 1 AP600 Pra,Itaac & Associated ACRS Open Questions ML20206S5991998-06-23023 June 1998 Summary of ACRS Reactor Fuels,Onsite Fuel Storage & Decommissioning Subcommittee 980423-24 Meeting in Rockville, MD Re Basis of Proposed NRC Fuel Failure Criterion for High Burnup Conditions & Adequacy of NRC Fuel Codes ML20206S6411998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980601 ACRS Matls & Metallurgy Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re NRC Staff Concerns Related to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section III Rule Revs ML20206S3361998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980611-12 Open ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Results of W Test & Analysis Program in Support of AP600 Design Certification ML20206S2561998-06-17017 June 1998 Summary of 452nd ACRS Meeting on 980430-0502 in Rockville, MD Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6301998-06-17017 June 1998 Summary of 980602 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommitteemeeting in Rockville,Md Re GE Extended Power Uprate Program for Operating BWRs & NSP lead-plant Application for Power Uprate ML20206S5761998-06-0404 June 1998 Summary of ACRS Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee 980416 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Subcommittees Review of Matters Related to Elevation of CDF & Possible Rev to Commissions Safety Goal Policy Statement ML20206S5671998-05-30030 May 1998 Summary of ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee 980513-15 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of AP600 Standard SAR & Associated Advanced FSER Chapters 3,6,14,16 & 17 ML20206S2521998-05-14014 May 1998 Summary of 451st ACRS Meeting on 980402-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2801998-04-30030 April 1998 Summary of 980219-20 ACRS Open Meeting of Subcommittee on Reliability & Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Proposed Final SRP Sections & RGs for risk-informed,performance-based Regulation ML20206S2871998-04-15015 April 1998 Summary of 449th ACRS Meeting on 980302-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S2951998-04-15015 April 1998 Summary of 450th ACRS Meeting on 980305-07 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6481998-03-26026 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Fire Protection Subcommittee 980122 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Staff Actions Taken Related to Development of Revised Fire Protection Rule ML20196L0531998-03-20020 March 1998 Summary of 980205-07 ACRS 448th Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S6561998-03-13013 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee 980123 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re License Renewal Implementation Issues & Proposed Industry Guidelines ML20206S2751998-03-0909 March 1998 Summary of 980218 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of RES Program in Area of thermal-hydraulic Phenomena in Support of ACRS Planned Rept to Commission ML20206S6791998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant Operations Subcommittee 980203 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Subcommittee Review of Proposed Improvements to Senior Mgt Meeting Process ML20217A8561998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS 448th Meeting on 980205-07 Re Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltr.Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20206S2651998-02-23023 February 1998 Summary of 980203-04 ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Chapters 1,4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18 of AP600 SSAR & AP600 Test & Analysis Program IR 07100203/20064471998-02-0505 February 1998 Summary of 971203-06 447th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3931998-01-28028 January 1998 Summary of 980121 ACRS Subcommitee on Human Factors Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Human Performance & Reliability Plan & Integration of Human Factors Insights Into Insp Process ML20217A8461998-01-0909 January 1998 Summary of ACRS Plant Operations Subcommittee 971202 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re SER on industry-sponsored Utility Resolution Guidance for Issue of Blockage of Suction Strainer in ECCS ML20217A8771997-12-23023 December 1997 Summary of ACRS 446th Meeting on 971106-07 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed on Attached Agenda.W/ Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees, Future Agenda & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217A9911997-12-23023 December 1997 Summary of 447th ACRS Meeting on 971203-06 Re Proposed Revs to 10CFR50.59 & Credit for Containment Overpressure to Provide Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for ECC & Containment Heat Removal ML20217A8651997-12-15015 December 1997 Summary of ACRS Reliability & PRA Subcommittee 971112-13 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Final SRP for risk- informed,performance-based Regulation ML20217A9831997-12-0303 December 1997 Summary of 971203 ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Conduct of ACRS Business ML20217A5901997-12-0202 December 1997 Summary of 445th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md on 971002-03 Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda.W/ Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees, Future Agenda & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217A8811997-12-0202 December 1997 Summary of ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee 971104- 05 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re NRC Safety Research Program & Draft Annual Rept to Congress ML20217A8221997-12-0101 December 1997 Informs That During 446th Meeting on 971106-07,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Ltr. Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda,Listed ML20217A8901997-11-21021 November 1997 Summary of ACRS Reliability & PRA 971021-22 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Matter Included in Staff Requirements Memo, ML20217A6381997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of 444th ACRS Meeting in Rockville,Md on 970903-05 Re Appropriate Action Items Listed in Attached Agenda.W/Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees & List of Documents Provided to Committee ML20217B1921997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of ACRS Planning & Procedures Subcommitte 971105 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Conduct of ACRS Business ML20217A8001997-10-21021 October 1997 Informs That During 445th Meeting on 971002-03,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltrs. Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20217A7011997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of 970826-27 ACRS Subcommittees on Matls & Metallurgy & on Severe Accidents Joint Meeting W/Nrc,Nei & Industry in Rockville,Md Re Review of Proposed Draft GL & Associated Draft Regulatory Guide Re SG Tube Integrity ML20217A8141997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of ACRS Subcommittees on Pra,Plant Operations & Fire Protection 970828-29 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Staff Requirements Memo 1999-02-17
[Table view]Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "". |
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April 10,1989
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING March 23, 1989 Bethesda, MD The Joint ACRS Materials and Metallurgy / Structural Engineering n
Subcommittee met on March 23, 1989 at Bethesda, MD to review 1) the NRC staff's proposed amendment to the pressurized thermal shock (PTS) rule, " Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pres-surized Thermal Shock Events," 10 CFR 50.61 and supporting documents, and 2) the ORNL report on " Impact of Radiation Embrittlement on Integrity'of Pressure Vessel Supports for two PWR Plants "
Item one review was initiated.by the subcommittee and
- Arlotto/Serpan of RES, while item 2 review was initiated by G. Bagchi,
NRR.and M. Mayfield, RES.
l Notice of the meeting was published in the Federal Register on l
March 7, 1989. The schedule of items covered in the meeting and a l
L list of handouts are kept with the office copy of the minutes. There l
were no written or oral statements received or presented from members of the public at the meeting.
E. G. Igne was Cognizant ACRS Staff member for the meeting.
$50I i
ppm,q l.
4 J
Certified By 8905150163 890410 h
Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
2 y
a Structural Engineeing March 23, 1989 l
Principal Attendees ACRS P.- Shewmon, Chairman of the Materials and Metallurgy Subcommittee E. Siess, Chairman of the Structural Engineering Subcommittee R. Odette, ACRS cortultant.
.NRC R. Johnson J. Ma J. Richardson F. Cheny M. Mayfield E. Serpan G. Bagchi N. Randall A. Murphy D. Guzy S. Lee R. Bosnak J. O'Brien B. Elliot H. Graves R. Woods Others
.W. Corwin, ORNL W. Pennell, ORNL R. Gambel, NOVETECH W. Shack Argonne C. Pezze, Westinghouse T. Griesbach, EPRI G. Kammerdeiner, Westinghouse Owners Group G. Holman, LLNL J. Braverman, BNL K. Balkey, Westinghouse Highlights Pressurized Thermal Shock i
N. Randall, RES, discussed the proposed amendment to the PTS rule 10 CFR 50.61. He stated that the objective of this action is to update +he formula given in the PTS rule for calculating the j
level.7 radiation embrittlement in reactor vessel belt lines.
The amendment is needed to reflect today's technology, to resolve a safety. issue for certain PWRs, and to make the PTS rule consistent with Regulatory guide 1.99, Revision 2, " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," published in May
Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
3 Structural Engineeing March 23, 1989 1988.
Based on surveillance specimen test results, it shows that the present formula significantly underestimates the
. embrittlement for certain ranges of copper and nickel contents of theie materials.
The principal amendment to the PTS rule that is being proposed is the deletion of Equations 1 and 2 in paragraph (b)(2) of 50.61 and the substitution of new cumulative procedures for the quantity RT PTS (reference temperature, pressurized thermal shock). This quantity is compared to the screening criteria U
given in the rule, 300 F for circumferential welds and 270 F for all other belt line materials.
It was noted that the screening criteria is not being changed. The proposed amendment affects all licensees of operating PWRs and all applicants for a PWR operating license just as the PTS rule did.
In general, they will be required to repeat the submittals required by the original PTS rule after recalculating, using the new formula for RT PTS, the condition of their reactor vessel relative to the screening criterion. The change should not be a surprise to the industry because Generic Letter 88-11, which implemented Reg.
Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, called the licensees attention to the fact that the staff was considering this amendment to the PTS rule.
However, it was stated that the staff expects challenges to the decision not to revise the screening criterion.
Plants for which the PTS rule amendment will reduce the E0L RTPTS I
l Y
1 Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
4 c
Structural Engineeing March 23, 1989 are Palisades, Fort Calhoun, Calvert Cliff Unit #1, Kewanee, and Point Beach Unit 2.
Other plants were stated to reach their EOL RTPTS at a later date or will not reach the screening criteria dur~ing their design lifetime.
PGS noted that he was surprised the a plant End-0f-life fluence 2
of about 10E20 n/cm is licensable in the U.S.
T. Griesbach, EPRI, discussed the industry perspective on changes to the PTS rule.
He stated that no new information exists to suggest.that the current PTS rule is inadequate, although, he admits that updating the fluence-embrittlement curve is a good idea. He also remarked that utilities are making long-range plans i.e., flux reductions, to comply with the current PTS rule and that if the NRC changes its rules frequently, it may be a disincentive for the industry to formulate long range plans.
This reasoning was suggested by the subcommittee to be flawed because the net effect of the proposed rule change is only the reordering of the plants with PTS concern i.e., the top 10 plants affected by the current PTS rule still remains the top 10 plants j
except that the order is changed.
Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Supports 3.
J. Richardson, NRR, briefly discussed the generic issue of radiation embrittlement of pressure vessel supports. Recent data l
from the HFIR vessel surveillance program indicate a substantial
Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
Structural Engin:eing L
March 23, 1989 radiation embrittlement rate effect at low irradiation temperatures, about 1200F, for A 212, 350, 105, 36 pressure vessel support materials and its corresponding welds. The
neutron fluxes and temperatures at PWR vessel supports are similar as those in the HFIR vessel and thus the embrittlement rate of these structures may be greater than anticipated.
An on-going ORNL study of two plants selected for the specific plant evaluation were Trojan and Turkey Point 3, both of which are PWR plants with vessel support located in a cavity between the reactor vessel and biological shield and situated about mid-height of the core. Many of current nuclear power plant vessel supports are not situated at mid-height of the core, have low stress fields and thus should either experience smaller transition temperature shifts or is not an obvious structural concern.
For instance, most BWR vessels are supported by a compressive skirt structure at the bottom of the vessel where the fluxes are low.
The concern over radiation embrittlement is that it increases the potential for propagation of existing flaws that might exist in i
the support structures i.e., in the embedded-in-concrete-beam structure a 4 inch diameter flame cut grout hole at the point of about the maximum bending stress. Calculations performed by ORNL and presented at the meeting by W. Pennell indicate that best-estimate critical flaw sizes, corresponding to 32 EFPY, is
Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
6 Structural Engineeing March'23, 1989 about 0.4 inches for one plant and about 0.2 inches for the other. These flaw sizes are small enough to be of concern.
Preliminary staff conclusion froi. the Trojan analysis indicate that large uncertainties in the analyses exists, especially in flaw size and fracture tour,hness design data.
Further work is therefore needed in order to conclusively evaluate the integrity of supports. There is no immediate concern because the faulted conditions evaluated are low probability events, there is no known mechanism for flaw growth during service (low operational stresses) and that previous staff analyses indicate that reactor vessel can be supported by the inlet and outlet piping without benefit of the support structure.
J. O'Brien, RES, G. Holman, LLNL, and J. Ma, NRC, discussed the structural capacity and load evaluation for the Trojan RPV supports. All indicated that the supports could resist the maximum applied loads even when uncertainties are considered.
One of the major areas of uncertainties is the matter of concrete confinement.
If adequate confinement could be demonstrated, a i
significant increase in maximum end load would result. All agreed that the cavity liner makes a negligible contribution to the capacity of the support and all agreed that residual support capacity requires further study to arrive at a definitive conclusion.
Minutes / Materials & Metallurgy /
7 Structural Enginreing March 23, 1989 i
Generic Issue - 15 " Radiation Effects on Reactor Vessel Supports," has been up-graded to high priority ranking from low-priority ranking. This conclusion wn reached after
- reviewing the ORNL report NUREG/CR-5320.
R. Johnson, RES, is the
Task Project Manager. A task action plan is being formulated.
From the information received during the meeting, it was stated by the subcommittee that the safety significance and consequences was not addressed by the NRC staff. More embrittlement and structural analyses were suggested by the subcommittee, but these must be balanced by a safety need. The subcommittee would like to be kept informed of this matter.
W. Shack, ANL, briefly presented results of the evaluatier. of neutron shield tank samples from the PWR Shippingport nuclear power plant.
Shippingport neutron shield tank is quite similar l
to HFIR in terms of material (A212 B), operating temperature (130F), although the flux rate is somewhat higher 3E19 n/cm2 as compared to HFIR, about 2E18.
Preliminary results indicate a 15 ft-lb shift in transition temperature. The data is consistent I
with high flux test reactor irradiation data, but lower than HFIR data.
Shifts for samples transverse to the rolling direction are similar to those observed in the rolling direction. The base metal properties are very poor, i.e., upper shelf energy of 30-39 ft-lb, although the welds are tough, i.e., greater than 70 ft-lb at room temperature.
Minutes / Materials &' Metallurgy /
8 Structural Engineeing March 23, 1989 Subcommittee Action
'A subcommittee report on the above matters will be presented to the full committee at the April 1989 meeting. A committee report is l
planned for the proposed amendment to the PTS rule and radiation embrittlement of RPV support integrity.
A transcript of the meeting is available at the NRC Public Document Room, Gelman Bldg. 2120 "L" Street, NW.,
-Washington, D.C.-Telephone (202) 634-3383 or can be purchased from Heritage Reporting Corporation, 1220 L i
Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20005, Telephone (202) 628-4888.
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