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Discusses Steps Taken to Resolve Coordination Concerns Re Annual Full Scale Exercise Involving State of Mississippi & Local Govts & Licensee
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Grand Gulf
Issue date: 03/03/1983
From: Trojanowski R
Shared Package
ML20246C819 List:
FOIA-89-226 NUDOCS 8908250157
Download: ML20246C857 (17)



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Files - Mississippi i


Robert E. Trojanowski,' Director State and Government 4ffairs Staff l



JANUARY 26 - 27 983 The annual full scale er e involving l e State and local governments (within l

the 50 mile EPZ) and

's Grand Gulf Nju, ear Facility was conducted on January 2bth and 27th, 1983.


Subsequent to the xercise, and prior to departing Jackson, Mississippi on January 27, 1983 FEPA (STOVALL) advised the undersigned that due to the less than desired level of coordination between MP&L and the State, FLMA was anxious to meet with NRC management to discuss what actions NRC plans to take to resolve the coordination concerns. A meeting.was tenatively scheduled for tebruary 1, 1983 subject to the availability of key NRC personnel on that date.

This meeting was confirmed with FEMA (WOODARD) on January 31, 1983 at which time Messrs. Woodard ano Heard were invited to attend, and they were advised that NRC Regicn 11 senior management would be in attendance.

James P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator, NRC Region II, was also briefed on January 31, 1983 of the scheduled meetino with FEMA and advised that NRC may have to initiate action to cnhance the level of coordinating between MP&L and the State of Mississippi.

Mr. O'Reilly was also advised that our findings during the course of the exercise supported the FEPA concerns.

The meeting with FE'MA did occur on February 1,1983 et 9:00 a.m. in the offices of NRC's Region 11.

Representatives of FEMA IV in attendance consisted of John C. Heard, Chief, Technological Hazards Branch, Cheryl Stovall and Bradley Loar, Community Planners.

Representatives of the NkC included J. P. Stohr, Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Setety Programs; G. H. Jenkins, Chief. Emergency Preparedness Section; W. E. Cline and G. N. Huf tman, Emergency Planning Team Leaders; t. M. Clark, Director, Public Affairs Staft, and the undersigned.

During the course of the meeting, NRC acknowledged that coordination between MP&L and the State of Mississippi was oeficient ene egreed to initiate corrective action.

Specifically, NRC agreed to advise MPLE via telecon of thesE concerns. FEMA (HEARD) requested that NRC not call MP&L until at least February 4,1983 so that he (HEARD) would have an opportunity to discuss these



x 8908250157 890B16 PDR; JGLA g/g


.a matters with Mississippi (MAHER) to determine the exact nature of the coordination problems the State was experiencing with MPf,L (?).

NRC agreed to wait until February 4,1983.

On the afternoon of February 3,1983, FEMA (HEARD) advised the undersigned that Mississippi (MAHER) would rather resolve the whole matter with MP&L directly and specifically requested that NRC not intervene at the time.

Tne undersigned advised FEMA (HEARD) that no guarantees could be made since NRC senior l

management was convinced of a problem and concerned with its timely resolution..

L On February 4,1983, the undersigned advised NRC senior management of this turn of events.

NRC 11 reluctantly agreed not to intervene pending confirmation from Mississippi that the State was confident that the problem could be resolved.

The undersigned discussed these matters with Mississippi on February 4, 1983 at which time the State did express this confidence and felt that NRC intervention at this time may be counterproductive. The basis for this is that MP&L (STAMPLEY), after the exercise, apparently did express a desire to the State (MAHER) to improve their working relationship.

NRC 11 will confinue to follow this item.

Sincerely, K

Robert E. Troja 0



3 i


l b

b ll REPORTS l 2512 l

2513 l

2514 l


l l

l ll 73-74 all 7

l 200(est.)l l

l ll 200 75 ll 9

l 300 l

l l

ll 300 76 ll 10 l

556 l

l l

2 ll 558 l

77 ll 9

l 360 l

20 l


ll 380 i

78 ll 20 l

307 l

24 l

l ll 331 i

79 ll 23 l

425 l

1 l

ll 425 80 ll 20 l

322 l

27 l

l ll 349 81 ll 13 l

419 l

l l

ll 419 82 ll 14 l

317 l

137 l

l ll 554 83 ll 29 l 1,493 l 1,627 l

196 l

146 ll 3,462 c 84 d ll 4

l 8

l 26 l

l ll 34 TOTALS 158 4,807 1,951 196 148 7,102 (68%)






CP issued 11/73 b.

as of 2/22/84 c.


Construction Team Inspection 83-19 (631 hrs) - unissued Resident Monthly Inspection 83-32 (118 hrs) - unissued d.

6 unissued reports in progress




1 d

b ll REPORTS l 2512 l

2513 l

2514 l


.ll l

l l

l ll 73-74 all 18 l

300 (est.) l l

l ll 300 75 ll 12 l

600 l

l l

ll' 600 76 ll 10 l

586 l

17 l

l 6

ll 609 77 ll 15 l

794 l

20 l

l ll.

814 i

78 ll 23 l

921 l

47 l

l ll 968 79 ll 42 l 1,452 l

394 l

l ll 1,846 80 ll 33 l

800 l-953 l

l ll 1,753 81 ll 29 l

512 l 1,592 l

20 l

42 ll 2,166 82

-l l' 45 l 1,128 l 2,110 l 2,220 l

140 ll 5,598 83-ll 30 l

l 15 l

456 l

1,597 c ll 2,068 84 d ll 3

1 l

l 21 ll 21 l

TOTALS 260 7,093 5,148 2,696 1,806 16,743 (42%)






CP issued 11/73 b.

as-of 2/22/84 c.

includes Resident Inspection 83-29 (107 hrs.) - unissued d.

6 unissued reports in progress e.

Unit 1 Milestones:

Low Power License 7/17/82 Initial Criticality 9/10/82 Generator Synchror.ized 11/16/82 Commercial Operation 6/8/83 l

l l

7 9'


.- Enclosure 1-(Cont'd) 3 CHARACTERIZATION Or




l ll l


.ll l

Comments l

ll l

Program Breakdown l

IR ll Period l Inspector - Area l Report ll Total l l


l' No.

ll Ending 1 (Violations) l Issued II Hours 1 2512 l 2513 1 2514 l'2515 l ll l

l ll i

l l

l l-83-01 ll.3/8 l Resident i

3/14 ll 79 l

20 l

59 l

l l

ll 1

I il l



ll l

l ll l

l l

l l

83-02 ll 1/28. l Varela-Mech. Equip.I 2/23 ll 28 l

28 l l

l l

ll I

i 11 l

i I


'l' 11 1

I ll l

l l

l l

83-03_ll-4/5 l Resident &

l 4/15 ll 50 l


l. 43 l

l l

ll l Nicholas-SU/ Test I

ll +65 I

I i

I l

ll l

l 11 1



83_-04 ll 5/3

'l Resident I. 5/16 ll 56 l

9 l 47 l

l l

ll l (Level V Violation)I ll l

l l

l l

ll I

I ll l

l l

l 1

83-05 ll 3/18 l Finkel-Instr.

l 4/4 ll 33 1

33 l

l l

l il I

l ll l

l l

l l-11-1 I

ll l

l 1

1 I

83-06 ll 6/7 l Resident l

7/12 ll 98 l

41 l

57 l

l 1

il I (2 IV, 1 V)

I ll l

l l

l l

ll 1

I ll l

l 1

1 1

83-07 ll 6/27 l Resident l

7/1 ll 70 l

8 l

62 l

l l

I 1

I Il i


I l

l l

l ll-l l

l l

1 83-08 ll ' 6/20 l Nicholas-Hydrc.

l 7/7 ll 27 l

l 27 l 1

l ll l Test l

ll l

l I

ll l

l 11 l

l I

I 83-09 ll 7/8 l Finkel-Instr.

l 8/15 ll 30 l

30 l l

l l

ll l

l ll l

l l

l l

ll l

l ll 1

l l

l l

83-10 ll 7/15 l Nicholas-Preops.

l 8/15 ll 30 l

l 30 l

l l

11 I

I ll l

l I

l I

ll 1

1 11 l

i l

I i

83-11 ll 8/9 l Resident l

8/25 ll 138 l

38 l 100 l

l l

11 1

I 11 I


I i

11 1

I il l


I l

83-12 ll l


ll l

l l

l l.

Il l

I 11 I


I l

ll 1

I ll 1

1 I


83-13 ll 8/18 l Nicholas-Preop /

l 9/22 ll 23 l

l 23 l

l l


! UI-2 inter-tie 1

ll l

l l

1 1

L {.


. (Cont'd) 4 ll 1

l Il l

l ll l

Comments l

ll l

Program Breakdown l

IR ll Period l Inspector - Area l Report ll Total l l


ll Ending I (Violations) l Issued 11 Hours 1 2512 l 2513 l 2514 l 2515 l ll l

11 l

l l-l l-83-14 ll_ 10/2 l Resident' l 10/27 ll 65 l

15 l 31 l

15 l

4 l 11 l Level IV-Proceduresl ll l

l l

l l-ll l

l 11 l

l l

l 1

83-15 11 9/16 l Paolino-Constr.

l 11/4 ll 39 l

39 l l

1. -- l 11 I I&C & Elec.

ll l

l l

l l-ll l

t ll 1

1 I

.I 1 16 ]l 9/23 :l Nicholas-Preop.

l 11/9 ll 62 l

l 62-l l

l ll l Proced. & Results I ll l

1 l

l l

ll l

l 11 1


i 1.

83-17 ll 7/15 l Harris-NDE Van l

9/2 ll352 on l 600 l l

l l

ll IPiping/Suppt./ Welds I ll248 offl l

I l

l' ll l Nicholas-Preop.

l ll l

l l

l l

83-18 ll 10/27 l Test Review, Fuel l 1/13/84 ll 99 l

l 99 l

I l

ll l Rec.

I ll l

l l

l l

ll l

l ll 1

1 1


-l 83-19 ll 10/28 l Bettenhausen-Team lUnissued ll 631 l 524 l 107 l

l l.

Il I (1 IV, 2V)

I il l

I l

l l

11 1

I il l


i i

83-20 ll 10/14 l Bailey-Preop.

l 11/30 ll 46 l

l l

l 46 l 11 i Security Program I

ll l

l l

l l

11 1

I ll l

1 1


83-21 ll 11/6 I Resident l 1/4/84 ll 155 l

l 155 l 1

l ll 1

I il i



ll 1

I 11 l

1 1

I i

83-22 ll 11/4 l Chung-Preop.

I 1/18/84 ll 143 l

I l 143 l

-- - l l

l ILRT and SIT l

ll l

l l

l l

I; I

I ll l

l 1

1 l

83-23 ll 11/17 i Nicholas-Preop.

l 1/25/84 ll 58 l

l 58 l l

l ll l

l 11 I


I i

11 1

I il l


I i

83-24 ll 12/18 l Resident / Specialist l 1/20/84 ll 116 l

l 116 l

l l

11 (Manoly) l

'l l

l l

1 l


ll I



I l

83-25 ll 12/2 l Caphton-Team l 1/26/84 [] 243 1

[ 243 l

1 l

ll 1 (2 IV, 1 V) l ll l

l l

l l

ll l

l ll 1

1 I

I l

83-26 ll 12/2 l Jang-Radwaste 1 2/8/84 ll '32 l

l l

l 32 l 11 1

1 11 1



ll 1

I il i



83-27 ll 11/21 l Mgmt. Mtg.-M199 l

12/9 ll 8

l 5

l l

l 3 l ll l Piping Design 11 I

i l

l 11 l

83-28 ll 12/30 l Nicholas-Preops Il I

l I

l I

l 2/2/84 ll 195 l

l 169 l 26 l

l ll l U1-2.. Inter-tie I

ll l

1 1

I l

. (Cont'd) 5 11 I

l ll 1

l ll l

Comments l

ll l

Program Breakdown l

IR ll Period l Inspector - Area l Report ll Total l l


ll Endino I (Violations) l Issued ll Hours l 2512 1 2513 1 2514 l 2515 l ll l

l ll l

l l

l l

83-29 ll 12/1 l Narrow-0I Status l

12/23 ll 31 l

31 l

l l

l ll l

l Il I

I l

l ll l

l ll l

l l

l l

83-30 ll 12/16 l Nimitz-Rad.

l 2/8/84 ll 48 l

l 28 l

5 l

15 l ll i Prote: tion l

ll l

l l

l l

ll l

l ll l

l l

1 l

83-31 ll 12/23 l Eapen-Procedures l 1/27/84 ll 46 l

l l

l 46 l ll l Level IV-Procedures l ll l

l l

l ll l Resident l

ll l

l l

l 83-32 llI/30/84 l (Level IV -

lUnissued ll 118 l

l 111 l

7 l

l ll l SGTS Malfunction) l ll l

l l

l l

l l

l l




Inspection Percent Reason Not Module Title Complete Completed

  • 35301 Preop QA Program and 50%

Duplicates other Implementation NRC Inspection

  • 39301 Preop Records Control 0%

Duplicates other Program-NRC Inspection

  • 71301

-Technical Specifications 20%

Resource Limitation (to be assigned to contractor)

  • 81100 B-Physical Protection 30%-

Inspection scheduled for 2/20-30 85102 - 85111 Materials Accountability 0%

Inspection scheduled.

for ' 3/26-30

  • 82204 Emergency Planning 0%

Same plan, EOF, TSC and control room as Unit 1. -Routine 822XX coverage planned on routine basis.

70302 Test Program Implementation 95%

Testing not complete 70320 Primal Test Results 95%

Testing not complete

~70329 Cat I, II, III System 90%

Tests still in progress Test Results MC 2514 (Startup Program Prior to Fuel Load) 25401 TMI Items 85%

Some items not yet ready.

Detailed status included in.

7250X Startup Test Procedure 60%

Consistent with Review itcensee status.



l 1'

ENCLOSURE 2 SUSQUEHANNA CONSTRUCTION STATUS EVALUATION (From 2/14/84 DPRP Director Report To Regional Administrator)

The quality of structures and equipment is good.

The. architect-engineer (Bechtel) is one of the better performers in this area, and Unit 2 has bene-fitted from previous experience as well as high quality standards from the con-struction of Unit 1.

However, timely design change documentation has not been a licensee strength. Several significant design deficiencies have been identi-fied late in construction in both units (e.g., small bore pipe supports). Al-though these deficiencies have not resulted in degraded equipment, reanalysis was required to prove adequacy. Change incorporation into design documentation has been slow and much work has been regnired to assure FSAR compliance.. How-ever, the licensee has responded effectively to resolve these issues. Manage-ment control of construction is good but somewhat over-optimistic; the Unit 2 construction schedule has been delayed by several months.

The. licensee's inspection effort and recordkeeping have been very good. They are aggressive and thorough, both in routine and suspected problem areas. The AE's quality assurance / control group was well organized and effective.

Inspec-tion and QA activities keep up well with construction progress even though pro-blems 'are occasionally identified rather late.

Special NRC actions contemplated are (1) temporary assignment of an experienced operations senior resident inspector to aid the two new residents during Unit 2 fuel loading and startup, and (2) special team inspection of operating staff in order to assess the licensee's readiness to operate two units.

m 3.-

l Status List ENCLOSURE 3 February 22, 1984 Susquehanna Unit 2 l

Region I Open Items A.

Prior to Fuel Load Enforcement 1.

83-25-13 Control of Temporary Setpoint Changes (Level IV)

TMI 0737-1.

(I.D.1) Control Room Design Review 2.

(II.E.4.2) Containment Isolation Dependability 3.

(II.F.1) Extended Range Noble Gas Effluent-Monitor 4.

(II.K.1.5) Engineered Safeguard Valve Control 5.

(II.K.3.28) ADS Accumulator Leakage and Capacity i


(III.D.3.3) Inplant Iodine Radiation Monitoring Upgrade Construction Deficiencies i


80-00-19 Overfill of Wiring Ducts of PGCC 2.

80-00-03 Defective Bobbins in GE HFA Relays 3.

80-00-06 Bailey Instruments not Seismically Qualified 4.

82-00-18 Medium Voltage Penetration Single Failure 5.

82-00-20 Verification of Maximum Length of Low Voltage Cables 6.

83-00-02 Reactor Mode Switch 7.

83-00-03 Feedwater Penetration Water Seal Post-LOCA 8.

83-00-05 Jet Pump Cavitation During IHSI 9.

83-00-07 SDV Vent and Drain Waterhammer on Scram Reset

10. 83-00-11 Hydrogen Recombiner Power Cable
11. 83-00-14 Separation in Multiple Division Pull and Junction Boxes
12. 83-00-19 SGTS Logic Deficiency
13. 84-00-01 SPDS Isolation from Safety Circuitry
14. 84-00-03 Cable Tray Angle Fitting Cracking Outstanding items (Unresolved or Follow-up) 1.

82-13-01 Electrical Cable Cards Doni L'st As-Built lengths 2.

82-13-02 Erroneous Data in Power and Voltage Analysis 3.

83-09-02 SRM/IRM Preamplifier Deficiencies 4.

83-09-03 Auxiliary Safeguards Bus Cleanliness 5.

83-25-01 Unit 1 Lead Responsibilities for Shared Systems 6.

83-25-09 Upgrade of Q-List (Safety-Related Structures, Systems, J

Components) 7.

83-25-10 Implementation of 5-List (Safety Impact Items) 8.

83-25-12 STA Guidance on Two-Unit Scrams or Concurrent Failures 9.

83-25-22 Conduct of a Comprehensive and Independent Operational Readiness Assessment (Refer to Onsite Jan. 20, 1984 Meeting)

10. 83-32-02 Impact of Spray Pond. Modifications on Ultimate Heat Sink Performance
11. 83-30-01 Preop. Tests of ARM Monitors
12. 83-30-03 Preop. Tests of PRM Monitors IE Bulletins


guepin gp }{ { ure g g ongol Rods to Fully Insert )

',$usquehanna Unit 2 2 j i 1 . B. By Specified Date 'TMI 0737 I.D.2 SPDS Console (July 1, 1984) Outstanding Items 1. 83-04-01 Minor FSAR Discrepancies (July 31,1984) 2. 83-24-01 M199 Specification Piping Design Input (June 30,.1984) 3. 83-30-05~ Sampling, Handling and Disposal of Contaminated Liquids (August 1, 1984) Bulletins 1. 83-03 Check Valve Failures in Diesel Cooling Systems (December 31,1984) 2. 83-07 Ray Miller Products (June 30,1984) CDR's 1. 83-00-16 ESW Pipe Corrosion Allowance (1988) 2. 83-00-17 Same as 01 83-24-01; (resolved, except for drywell spray header, which is not required by safety analyses or TechSpecs) C. Prior to Initial Criticality TMI-0737 (II.K.3.18) ADS Logic Modification to Avoid Reliance on Manual Actuation COR's 1. 81-00-10 PGCC Cable Separation 2. 83-00-15~ Containment Nitrogen Makeup Single Failure 1 Outstanding Items 1. 83-30-04 Review of Startup Radiation Surveys 2. 83-31-02 Revised Startup Procedure to Include Diesel Lineup D. Prior to Full Power Operation IE Circular 78-11. Recirculation M-G Set Overspeed Stops TMI 0737 Item I.G.1, Completion of Training Program During Low Power Tests 01 83-30-02, Containment Atmospheric Monitor Representative Samples E. Prior to Startup From First Refueling Outage CDR's i 1. 81-00-33 Cavitation Caused by Throttling Valve in RHR Line l 2. 82-00-06 ESW Waterhammer During Shift to Diesel 3. 83-00-18 Pacific Scientific Snubber Capstan Springs 1

L. - .l ENCLOSURE 4 ENFORCEMENT HISTORY Susquehanna Unit 2 Report Severity (Issue Date) Subject Requirement Level 83-32 Uncorrected repetitive Part 50 IV-(unissued). malfunctions of SGTS Appendix B during preoperational Criterion XVI testing 83-31 Inadequate. disposition of Part 50 IV (1/27/84) two nonconformance reports Appendix B Criterion XV l 1 83-25' Failure of three individuals Part 50 V i (1/26/84) to receive necessary plant Appendix B training within one year Criterion II '83-25 Uncontrolled temporary Part 50 IV (1/26/84) setpoint changes Appendix B Criterion II (ANSI 18.7) j 83-25' Lack of coverage and Part 50 IV (1/26/84) effectiveness assessment Appendix B i for QA audits Criterion XVIII (Proposed) l 83-19 Complete ultrasonic pre-Part 50 IV 4 .(unissued) service inspection of a weld Appendix.B l was precluded by inadequate Criterion IX preparation for examination (Proposed) 83-19 Cleanup Leak Detection Part 50 V (unissued) System dual element tem-Appendix B perature units identified Criterion V I incorrectly on nameplates (Proposed) 83-19 Small bore pipe installa-Part 50 V (unissued) tion not in accordance with Appendix B design basis calculation Criterion III 83-14 Safety-related bracket on Part 50 IV (10/27/83) a conduit removed without Appendix B a documented instruction or Criterion V procedure (QA Manual)

~ Enclosure 4~ 2 Report Severity l (Issue Date) Subject Requirement Level 83-06 Acceptance of an improper Part 50 IV. (7/12/83) dimension for a support Appendix B bracket of a large pipe Criterion VI support due to use of-an (QA Manual) unapproved installation document 83 Partial penetration welds Part 50 V (7/12/83 on a pipe hanger made by a Appendix B process different than that Criterion IX l specified on the hanger's detail drawing 4 l 83-06 Field inspection of pre-Part 50 IV -(7/12/83) weld fitup for a hanger Appendix B penetration weld failed. Criterion X-to detect excessive root opening in the end of an I-beam 83-04 Lack of identification tags Part 50 V-(5/16/83) and log documentation for Appendix B a temporary. modification Criterion V involving several pulled fuses and two lifted leads in Power Generation Control Complex panels 82-05 A Inadequate protection of PSAR V (11/23/82) ' safety-related piping Appendix D material stored outdoors Storage Procedure 81-07 Installed Damper Components Part 50 IV (8/31/81) Not Per Certified Vendor Print Appendix B Criterion VII 81-06 Electrical conduit / cable tray Part 50 V (7/27/81) installations did not meet 1 Appendix B inch separation criteria Criterion V 81-06 Two nonconforming solenoid Part 50 V (7/27/81) valves, not identified with Appendix B hold tags, installed on Criterion XV safety-related duct dampers 81-04 Inadequate design allowance Part 50.55a(g) IV (5/29/81) for ISI accessibi'ity

f I 3 Report Severity (Issue Date) Subject. Requirement' Level 81-04 Drawing requirement of hydrogen Part 50 IV 5/29/81) analyzer atmosphere sample line . Appendix B length in excess of vendor Criterion III installation. instruction 81-04 Isotopic Calibration Results in Part 50 IV

(5/29/81) nonconformance with Certified Appendix B Performance Data used to esta-Criterion VII blish minimum detectable sensi-tivities for leak rate detection 81-04 QA Procedure Changes Issued Part 50 V

(5/29/81) without review / comments Appendix B Criterion V 81-04 Incorrect Use of a QA Part 50 VI (5/29/81) Procedure Appendix B Criterion V 81-04 Improper Auditor Certification Part 50 VI (5/29/81) Appendix B Criterion V (NOTE: Report 81-04 was a construction team inspection conducted March 1981) 80-16 Failure to provide adequate Part 50 Infraction (10/20/80)- acceptance criteria in a Appendix B grouting inspection procedure Criterion V 80-14 Uncontrolled welding filler Part 50 Deficiency (9/15/80) materials (unused weld rods) Appendix B Criterion V 80 Failure to perform post-Part 50 Infraction (8/15/80) placement cleanliness inspec-Appendix B tion of a Primary Containment Criterion V concrete joint, resulting in a debris-Laused imperfection 80-06 Failure to protect control rod Part 50 Infraction (7/21/80) drive cable assembly connectors Appendix B j during lay-up Criterion XIII I 80-06 Failure to provide condensation / Part 50 Infraction (7/21/80) temperature control in upper / Appendix B lower relay rooms to protect Criterion V stored equipment 80-02 Failure to document chemical Part 50 Infraction (5/29/80) analysis of stainless steel Appendix B weld filler materials Criterion VII t l

yl qI (1 [ 3 8 4 / 4 8 0 8 e oe n . / 2 . / g . 9 . 9 / stmt. . 0 2 0 i . / oe es d oMo n . / 1 t 1 l C e 1 l . 0 P d. r . 0 3 noet y, d 8 rvI eeys 3 e I 8 lE r 3n g/r n ta n tbn. l o / e/r r 3 8 pen 0o; o eh ye 3 li 8 / .ri3 g i 3 4 4 .n rp 8 esnil &. 0 uAo e / 0t es/wn 8 t 8 8 we)oo / B esd 2 d sr ewn9ei . 0 1 / ne / / op3t 4 .ksde.. / l .s s 2 v gk'r n 3 /r e is 4 ol 8 1 r 0cs 1 .gauatd. iswee . / 5escdvs 1 i pe 0 3 r t 0. rei . / Rstc ie 1 . 9 vli teo / tmt / / an 7 u sost. du er . 0 n e ald R p 2 cos 6 3 Ne3in . C ySsinne nS?nt Osn - 0 ACo 0 0 m8 b hd ol .n.fo_ I i int nl ep d t. ,tge Li3ot 9 dhaeasn. sunc . & gi k.n r cpi a. etrnhee.. .noen aAca v go gt sob i )deseCm ytI g Remet t bn a e, innh4as. aiaes . o Rm l sne n kt h rb. . o eotp ot l ssrts . m Maetniv o e dct gl m c oeseu. . e (nsl r o m d inA e e ,h t ovs teo a e in 'c n R i . M rnpnten. y eufkh . M eradb r Mq n3hatea p M so obu. ei:t o i y o tl St ei

u. d y

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ENCLOSURE 6 SSES UNIT 2 SALP The latest period assessed was February 1,1982, through January 31, 1983. This was the first independent performance analysis for Unit 2, and was oriented towards construction. The prior assessment period, March 1,1981 through February 28, 1982, was heavily weighted toward Unit I activities. SALP Board Management Report Period Meeting Meeting Issuance 2/1/82 - 1/31/83 4/27/83 5/17/83 8/18/83 Introduction Susquehanna Unit 2 is a 1050 MWe General Electric Mark 4 Boiling Water Reactor, housed in a Mark 2 concrete containment. It is arranged side-by-side with a l sister unit and shares certain systems and structures. Unit 2 construction activity increased from 66 to 76% during the assessment period. The Unit 2 manual work force was increased from about 1,300 to 3,800 as personnel were released from Unit I work. Major construction activities included pipe hanger and support installations, cable termination, small pipe installations, sup-pression pool surface preparation and coating, system flushes, component tests and turnover. Resident inspection efforts were primarily directed toward Unit I until the licensing, fuel load, and initial startup activities were completed in September 1982. Principal Unit 2 inspection activities prior to Unit 1 11cen-sing consisted of review of licensee action on previous NRC findings common to both units. This was generally consistent with licensee activity. Summary of Results Category l Inspection Hours Functional Areas 1 2 l Hrs. % of time I l 1. Soils and Foundation No Basis 0 0 i 2. Containment and Other Structures No Basis l 47 8% ) 3. Piping Systems and Supports X l 95 16% 4. Safety-Related Components X l 103 18% 5. Support Systems No Basis l 15 3% 6. Electrical Power Distribution X l 104 18% 7. Instrumentation and Control No Basis l 20 3% l 8. Licensing Activities No Basis l 9. Preoperational Testing X l 190 34% l l 574 hrs. ] i Overview In general, the same staff that was involved in the construction, preoperational testing, and startup of Unit 1 is involved in the same activity for Unit 2. l This level of expertise has been found to be well-found and effective such that i the following has been observed: sound engineering practice, careful management, l thorough corrective actions, prompt response to safety concerns, and a conserva-l tive safety philosophy. i 1

i v Le ENCLOSURE 7 STATUS OF LICENSING ISSUES (Updated Sections 1.9 and 1.10 of Supplement 5 to NUREG-0776) Outstanding Review Items l Item Status 110. Ultimate heat sink performance for two Resolved unit operation Ill. Preservice inspection program Resolved 112. Review of 10 CFR Appendix G and H Resolved 113. TMI Action Plan items 6 Open l 114. Control of heavy loads Resolved (Phase I) 115. Response to IE Bulletin 79-27 Closed 116. Environmental qualification of electrical License Condition I equipment (by 3/31/85) 117. Seismic Qualification Review Team (SQRT) License Condition i 118. AC electrical distribution system Resolved License Conditions There were several issues for which a condition was included in Operating { License NPF-14 for Unit 1. NRC staff considers the issues listed below also to require license conditions for Unit 2 unless satisfactory resolution is reached on these issues before licensing: (1) Thermal and hydraulic design resolved. (2) Qualification of purge valves - resolved. (3) Operation with partial feedwater heating at end of cycle - license condition. (4) Inservice inspection program - license condition. (5) Nearby facilities - resolved. (6) Scram discharge system piping - license condition. (7) Environmental qualification - license condition. (8) Assurance of proper design and construction - resolved. i (9) seismic and dynamic qualifications - license condition. (10) Containment purge system - resolved. (11) Additional instrumentation and control concerns - license condition. (12) Survelliance of control blade - if cense condition. (13) Emergency diesel engine starting systems - license condition. (14) Nuclear steam supply system-vendor review of procedures - license condition. (15) Post-accident sampling - license condition. l (16) Instrumentation for detection of inadequate core cooling - license condition. (17) Modification of automatic depressurization system logic - license condition. (18) Effect of loss of power on alternating current pump seals - resolved. (19) Upgrade emergency support facilities - license condition. (20) Safety relief valve inplant test - confirmation required. (21) Control room design review - resolved. (22) Emergency service water system - license condition. l l l j}}