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Forwards List of Remaining Open Items Requiring Resolution Before Finding of Readiness for Operation May Be Endorsed by Region Ii.Licensee Projected Fuel Loading by 820423.Const Approximately 97% Complete
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Grand Gulf
Issue date: 03/19/1982
From: Robert Lewis
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20246C819 List:
FOIA-89-226 NUDOCS 8908250144
Download: ML20246C823 (12)






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MAR 191982 l

SSINS 50-416


D. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, Office of i

Nuclear Reactor Regulation j

R. C. Lewis, Director, Division of Project and Resident Programs" FROM:



MISSISSIPPI POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, GRAND GULF UNIT 1 In accordance with Inspection Procedure No. 94300B, the enclosures list tne remaining open items that require resolution before a finding of readiness for operation may be endorsed by NRC Region 11.

Remaining construction, testing, and I

inspection items identified in the enclosures nave been categorized by our -

i recommended mandatory completion milestones.

The licensee's. projected fuel loading date is April 23, 1982.

As of March 1, i

1982 construction was approximately 97 percent complete.

Region 11 considers the fuel load date to be optimistic by sp,eks.



R. C.




Items, tg. be completed prior to Fuel ~ Loading 2.

Items to be completec prior to Initial Criticality 3.

Items to be completed prior to Exceeding 5% Rated Power 4.

Preoperational Testing Status and Operational Preparedness 5.

Status of Inspections Required by MC 2512 MC 2513, and 11C 2514 cc:

J. Taylor, DDRP B. Grimes DDEP E. Jordan, DDEQA L. Cobb, DDFFMS 4

D. Houston, LPH



A. K. Hardin 242-4182 1

8908250144 890816 PDR fDIA -


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. Items to be' Completed Prior 'to Fuel Loading


The licensee will complete to the satisfaction of f RC Pegion '!I the following open items.


Verify that battery capacity testing conducted at less than FSAR requirement of 125 percent is adequate (80-21-10).

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Verify 'the effect of the vibration monitoring system not being

'3 operational during the instrument air preoperational test (Procedure 1P53PT01) as required by chapter 14 of the FSAR (81-13-01).


Evaluate testing of the instrument air system (Procedure 1P53PT01) that did not conform to Regulatory Guide 1.80 (81-13-02).


Resolve conflicts between wiring installations installed per the

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schematic and the connection diagram (81-14-02) l II. The licensee will complete to the satisfaction of NRC Region !! the following Construction Deficiency Reports 10 CFR 50.55(e):


Resolve' internal defects that affect operation of actuators used on Henry Pratt valves.



Resolve environmental qualification of ASCO valves.

(81-14) 1 C.

Verify adequacy of Rockbestos series 100 coaxial cable above 230*F.



Resolve settings on Bergen-Patterson hanger springs.


III. The licensee will complete to the satisfaction of NRC Region II the following preoperational/ acceptance testing:


Sixty-three preoperational test must be completed and results evaluated.

(Twenty-nine are in progress and twenty have been completed.)


Twenty-five acceptance tests must be ccmpleted and results evaluated.

(Ten are in progress and eight have been completed.)


Five special tests nust be completed and results evaluated.

(* lone are in progress and four have been completed.)



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1 h ENCLOSURE 5 STATUS OF INSPECTION REQUIRED BY MC 2512, 2513, AND 2514 All modules in the OIE Regional Office inspection program have been completed except as noted below: s 1 l 1 } $,

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ENCLOSURE 5 STATUS OF INSPECTION REQUIRED BY MC 2512, 2513,'AND 2514 'I.! a All modules in the OIE Regional 0ffice inspection program have been completed except as. noted below: Percent MC 2512 Complete j 35065B Procurement, Receiving and Storage 90-i 37051B Review of As-Builts 70 l 3705E3 On Site Design ~ Activities 50 50090B. Safety-Related Pipe Support and Restraint 10 Systems 510518 Electrical (Components & Systems) Review of 90 QA Implementing Procedures 63050B Containment Structural Integrity Test 60 73053B Preservice Inspection-Observation 90 I of Work and Work Activities Percent .fic 2513 Complete 803308 Environmental Protection - Preop 0 / Cod 811008 Physical Protection 50 82331B Emergency Plan - Facilities Equipment -B. cf g 7, Procedures 84330B Radioactive Waste Systems - Preop Liquid 30 and Solid Waste System 84331B i Radioactive Waste Systems - Preop Gaseous 20 l Waste System u 843328 i Radioactive Waste Systems - 80 QC and Capability Test 70304 Preoperational Procedure Review - ESF 90 70305 Preoperational Procedure Review - RPS 80 ..g.

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+ - Encl osure,5 ' 2 70306 Preoperational-Procedure Review - LOP ' 0 70311-Preoperational Procedure Verification 80 70315 Witness ESF-40 ~ 70316 Witness LOP 0 70317-Witness RPS .0 '70320 Evaluation of Test Results 10 -70322 Evaluation of Test Results - ESF 0 70325 Evaluation of Test Results - RPS 0 70326 E<aluation of Test Results - LOP 0 70329 Verification Tests Evaluation by Licensee O MC 2514 70308B Procedure Review--Integrated Hot 0 Functional Test.. 72500B . Initial Fuel Loading Procedure Review 0 72502B Approach to Critical Procedures Review 0 72504B Heat-Up Phase Procedure Review 0 '~ 725068 Power, Ascension Procedure Review (HPCI or 0 CRD System) 1 72509B Power Ascension Procedure Review - 0 CRD(GroupB)- 725108 Power Ascenston Procedure Review - 0 (RV or MSIV) 725128 Power Ascension Procedure Review 0 RCIC or RECIRC Inst. - RECIRC Pump Trip 72514B Power Ascension Procedure Review - 0 (Turbine Trip or Generator Trip) 72516B Power Ascension Procedure Review - 0 (Shutdown Outside Control Room-Loss of Off-Site Power) 1 _______-____.-__---_-_-.__-_._.__-_-_.--_-.__-__--_------------.__----Q l4: _ i;d

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l ' :'1 .i.~*^ r w -Enclosure 5 . 3.i r i-7 1 -725178-Power Ascension Procedore' Review - LOP 0 (Group: B)' s' 3


f.- 725188-' Power.- Ascension Procedure Review- . 0~ ~ (Core Performance)- T/I' 2514/01. -

NT0L Inspection Re'quirements.

20 p .Rev. 2.iEncl. 1-4 4 e d 4 W i O t I .___._-___m_ m.------.-- -" -- - - - - ^ - - '