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Package Consisting of Task 3,Scope of Work for Mitre Corp Contract NRC-85-060,Plant License Extension
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/12/1987
Shared Package
ML20213G677 List:
FOIA-87-220 NUDOCS 8705180403
Download: ML20213G686 (6)


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00t.TcACT NPC-ES-000 PLAN 1 LICENSE Dif t;510h BACKGROUtiD A sizeable capital insestrent has t'etn made by thc nuclear powc-r industry in plants that, with a few exceptions, have been issued c; crating licenses for a period of forty years. The first U.S. plant license expiration will be in 1997 and it is expected that between 2005 and 2010, twc-thirds of the December 1985 nuclear generating capacity will be retired due to license expiration.

The industry has various options for acquiring replacement capacity. One that has licensebeen receiving (PLEX).

extension increasingfor Applications attention license e> is the notionwill tensions of require nuclear pcwer plant review and subsequent action. The NRC will need a process for establishing ,

that a plant should be relicensed.

  • While clearly it will be similar to, and where expedient, derived from the Standard Review Process, an appropriate rechanism for relicensing will need to address operational, maintenance, anc reliability questions which go t,eyond the original Safety Analysis Reports. Issues in these areas will be both 4

technical and institutional in nature. Technical concerns are the focus of the current pilot projects at Surry 1 and Menticello, where license extension t planning strategies are being prepared to include technical methods, l managenent considerations (cost-benefit, the preferred extension period), and

'i actions required by the utility to implement a license extension prograr..

SPECIFIC TASKS The institutional and regulatory policy concerns from the NRC's perspective

! will be the focus of this task. The objective is to assist in the development i of the regulatory approach, the proposed regulations, and the definition of the documents that will be required to support relicensing. The four subtasks will be:

Task 3A - Identify Regulatory Policy issues and Related Infomatior Requirenents Task 3E - Ide'ntify Options for Relicensing Regulations Test 3C - Evaluate Current Support, and Identify Additional Required Sup-port for the Developrent of Relicensing Regulations Task 3D - Draft a Relicensing Regulatory Development Program Task 3A: Identify Reculatory Policy issues and Related Inforrvtion Requirements Review the current regulations, Rt;ulatory Guides. Standard Review Plans, Generic Letters General Design Criteria, Branch Technical Positions, p g 51 g 3 870512 i

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inspectior and Enforcen<rt Eulletins, and other regulatory co:unents and procedurci (including require ents for notices and hearinos) to:

4 Icentify reculatory policy issues and information requirements Identify technical information associated with establishing relicensing regulations Task 3E: Identify Options for Relicensing Regulations j

Identify options for revising regulations to permit rclicensing and discuss the pros and cons of each option. Relicensing may be expected to bt less cor. plex and involve a staller resourct conrittent than the criginal licensing process. The following questions should be included in a corplete set of questions that should be explored in identifying and develeping NRC options:

15 it possible to simplify relicensing procedures compared to the j original CP/0L process? .

Is it possible to dispense with the NEPA and antitrust reviews, or can the reviews be abbreviated?

2 Will plants licensed in the early years be required to meet current j licensing requirenents?

Can relicensing be based on Probabilistic Risk Assessments to show that a plant will continue to meet the Connission's Safety Goal over 4 its extended life, perhaps coe.bined with an augmented inspection and replacement program?


  • i Do options suggest " big ticket" itens which may need replacement for relicensing?

How can management performance be used as a relicensing consideration?

1 Task 3C: Evaluate-Current Support, and Identify Additional

Required Support, for the Developrent of kelicensing Regulations Feview the ongoing prograns of research and development into aging / license 4

extersion issues within the NRC; revie. other efforts supported by utilities, the Electric Power Research Institute, the U.S. Department cf Energy, the IAEA, and other specific national prograes; anc review other efforts by the NSSS and Balance-of Piant vendors, etc.

j Evaluate the score and pace of these endeavors and relate their j objective and schedults to the requirements of the options discussed '

i in Task 3B.

j Identify other research that may be needed to establish a relicensing i process.


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3-i last 3D: Craf t a Relicensin; Reguletory Develop < r.t Prograr.

Idtntify the work electr.ts that will t,e requirec te develop a final set of 4

regulations (legislation if necessary) and the reculetory documents necessary tc support r(licensinc.

Ocvelop a draf t rian of wurt


! The NRC's estimate of the total scicntific, technical, ar.d clerical cf fort for l this project is appros.imately 2.0 staf f years. This information is advisory and is not to be considered as the sole basis for the development of the contractor staffing plans. The contractor must oetail how each objective covered herein will be accomplished.

PERIOD OF PERFOR"ANCE The technical effort to be performed under this cortract shall be completed within a period of 23 n.onths beginning with the effective date of this task order. The total period of performance shall be for a duration of 24 months beginning with the effective date of this contract.

r p0RTING RE0L'IREMENTS The contractor shall furnish a draf t report at the conclusion of each subtask for the staf f review and comments. The final report, which will be furnished to the staff at the conclusion of the project will contain the draft reports incorporatino the staff comments.

1 Monthly status reports are required by the urbrella cor, tract. The centent and I

l form should conforr. to the instructions in the attachmert to this 50W.


'l It is anticipated that only local travel will be necessary in the execution of

] this project. One trip each for two people to lhPO and EPRI nay be planned to j obtain the benefit of their research.

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. EN:LOS'JRE M:nthly Letter Status Report A Monthly Letter Status Report will be issued by the co . tractor by the 15th of each month to the NER Technical Assistance Project Managers with copies provided to: Director, [ Division], ATTN: [ Program Assistant or S. Bajwa, Chief TAMB) and M., Technical Assistance Prograrr Ma ager, NRR. Each repcrt will identify t'.e title of the project, the FIN, the Principal Investigator, the period of perforcance, and the reporting period and will contain three sections as follo,.s:

(1) Proiect Status Section

a. A listing of the efforts undertaken and the milestones '

reached during the period; if milestones are tissed an explanation should be provided.

b. Any problems or delays encountered or anticipated and recommendations for resolution. If the recommended resolution involves a Work. Order modification, i.e. , change in work requirements level of effort (costs), or period of performance, a sep,arate letter should be prepared and submitted to the Project Manager, the Division Director and the Technical Assistance Program Manager, same as above,
c. A sum.ary of progress to date (this may be expressed in terms of percentage completion for the project).
d. Plans for the next reporting period.

(2) Financial Status Section a.

Provide the total direct staff use and the amount of funds expended (costed) during the period and a year-to-date total cu.ulative in the following categories.

Year Current to Month Date I. Direct Staff Effort (months) of charged effort) XXX XXX j

II. Direct Salaries $ XX $ XX Materials and Services XX XX l (excluding ADP)

ADP Support XX XX Subcontracts XX XX Travel XX XX .

- Indirect labor Costs~

XX XX Other (specify) XX XX General and Administrative Expense XX XX Total Costs $ XX 5 XX Percentage of available funds XKi III. Funding Status:

Provide the prior year carryover, the current fiscal year funding level as reflected in the proposal (NRC Form 189), funds received to date for the current fiscal year, and the balance of funding needed in the current fiscal year, as follows:

Prior FY- FY 87 Projected FY 57 Funds Fi 67 Funding Carryover Funding Rec'd to Date Bal. Needed 5 XX $ XX $ XX

$ XX (3) Fee Recovery Cost Status Section Pursuant to the provisions of NRC Regulation 10 CFR 170, provide the total amount of funds expended (costed) during the period and o cumulative to date for each task (e.g. , by facility or report) that are fee recoverable and report them on a separate page as part of this report in the following format:




Facility Identi- Costs Facility Name/ Docket / Report fication per Report Title Number Number

  • Period This Fiscal Year Task 1 Taski -


If there exists a task under this project that is relevant and con on to several other tasks and the effort is required -

in order to perform the reviews, the costs for the com on effort must be prorated to each review to which it applies.

- 3 Cor. on costs may also benefit all sirilar licensees within a single task; such costs will be reported as a single line item for each 1a56 and accrued on a monthly basis. Con on costs include the preparatory or startup effort to interpret and reach agree ent on methodology, approach, acceptance criteria, regulatory position, or TER format; efforts associated with the " lead plant" concept that might be involved during the first one or two plant revie s as estimated by the contractor; meetings / discussions involving the above efforts to provide orientation, background kno ledge, or guidance at the beginning or during performance of work; and any technical effort applied to a category of f acilities, e.g. , reactor analyses on all BWR facilities. At task completion or the end of the fiscal year, whichever occurs first, cumulative common costs are to be apportioned by the contractor to affected licensees by either of the following methods: (1) equally to all licensees whether or not plant specific costs have been incurred or (2) in proportion to costs incurred during th~e apportioning period. The specific method will be determined by the N,RR Technical Assistance Project Manager.

" applicable. The identification number may have different labels, such as TAC Nu-bers or Planned Accomplishment Nu.ber. All activities related to operating reactors, except for operator licensing, must have a TAC number.

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