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Proposed Tech Specs Revising Section 3 to Incorporate Revs to Surveillance Criteria for Steam Generator Tube Insp
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/1986
Shared Package
ML20211J226 List:
TAC-63437, NUDOCS 8611110050
Download: ML20211J240 (19)


_ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5, o ;;q .


Page 2.12 Con trol Room Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59 2.13 Nucl ea r De tector Cooli ng Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 2.14 Engineered Safety Features System Initiation Ins trumentati on Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 2.15 Instrumentation and Control S 2- 65 2.16 Ri ve r Leve1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . . .ys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-71 .....

2.17 Miscellaneous Radioactive Material Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-72 f 2.18 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73 2.19 Fire Protection System................................... 2-89 2.20 Steam Generator Coolant Radi oactivi ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-96 2.21 Pos t-Accident Moni toring Ins trumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97 2.22 Toxic Gas Monitors....................................... 2-99 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS...................................... 3-1 3.1 Ins trumenta ti on and Cen trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 '

3.2 Eq ui pmen t a nd S ampl i ng Tes ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 17 3.3 Reactor Coolant System,eSteam-Generatordrubes, and I Other Components Subject to ASME XI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Inspection and Testin Surveillance..............................g............. 3-21 3.4 Reactor Coolant Sys tem Integri ty Tes ting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 3.5 Containment Test......................................... 3-37

$ 3.6 3.7 Safety Injection and Containment Cooling Systems Tests... 3-54 Emergency Power Sys tem Periodi c Tes ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58 3.8 Main Steam Isolation Valves.............................. 3-61 3.9 Au x i l i a ry Fe edwa te r Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 6 2 3.10 Reac to r Co re Pa rame te rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63 3.11 Radiological Environmental Moni toring Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64 3.12 Radiological Waste Sampling and Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-69 3.12.1 Liquid and Gaseous Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-69 3.12.2 Solid Radioactive Waste.......................... 3-71a 3.13 Radioactive Material Sources Surveillance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76 3.14 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)............................. 3-77 3.15 F i re P ro te c t i o n Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 80 3.16 Recirculation Heat Removal System Integrity Testing...... 3-84 da 7 6/eam Gemerder- Edm . .

. . . .- *% J 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES................................................ 4-1 4.1 4.2 Site..................................................... 4-1 Containment Design Features.............................. 4-1 4.2.1 Co n ta i nmen t S t ru c t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 1 4.2.2 P e n e t ra t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .4-1 ...

4.2.3 l Containment Structure Cooling Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2  ;

8611110050 861105 5 PDR ADOCK 0500 11 Amendment No. 38,43,/6,54,60,84,26,93,N

6 ..

'ae 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.3- Reactor Coolant System oc6 team-Generator-Tubes, and Other Comeonents f k Subiect to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Inspection and Testing Surveillance Applicability Applies to in-service surveillance of primary system components and other components subject to inspection and testing according to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Object'ive To insure the integrity of the reactor coolant _ system,-steam-generator- l

-tubes, and other components subject to inspection and testing according I to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Soecifications (1) Surveillance of the ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 systems, except the steam generator tubes inspection, should be covered by ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. I

a. In-Serv. ice inspection of ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components and in-service testing of ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with.Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves'sel Code, as required by 10.CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(1) .
b. Surveillance of the reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be performed as indicated in Table 3-6.
c. A surveillance program to . monitor radiation-induced changes in the mechanical and impact properties of the reactor vessel materials shall be maintained.(1) The specimen removal schedule shall be as indicated in Table 3-7.

('(2)~ Surveillance of -the-Steam -Generator-Tubes--

Each steam ' generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the following'in-service inspection-program.-

-- a.--Steam Generator Samole Selection and--Inspection Methods _.

143<cD /

'ft. I -The- in-service- inspection shall-be - performed on-each-s team._

g, p'f { generator on a-rotating. schedule-encompassing-300-tubes.

.Under_some. circumstances,--the operating conditions-in-one-5 steam generator may^be found~to be more' severe-than those_,

. in the-second -steam generator ---Under -such-circums tances ,

  1. h the sample sequence shall be modified to ~ inspect the -steam-I . generator-with the'~most~3evere conditions, Amendment No. 46 %( 3-21 jg;/g C: it -li [ /\



3. 3 Reactor Coolant System, Stere: Generator Tubes, and Other Components 7 Subject to AS!E XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Coce Inspection and Testing Surveillance (continued) 7 I[- /


\, , b. Steam Generator Tube Sanple Selection and Inspectica/

t N '

\ 'g The steam generator tube minimu= sample size, inspection N result classification, and the corresponding action required

'\shall be as specified ia Tab?r. 3-8. The in-re dice inspection of steam generator tubts nhr il be performed according to Specification 3. 3(2)d. (1) , " Tube In spection," and at the fre-quencieu specified in Specification 3 3(2)c. The inspected tubes shall be verified acceptable per the acceptance cri-teriaof Specification 3 3(2)d. The tub'es select.ed for each in-service inspection shall include at least 300 tubes and the tubes selected for these inspections shall be selected on a random basis, except:

(i) If the tube is recorded as a degraded tube, taen  !

an adjacent tube shall be inspected.

s ,

(ii) The first sample inspection during each in-service inspection of each sten = generator shall include 7dovtD ,

all non-plugged tubes that previously had detectable p . vall penetrations (>20%) and shall also include I tubes in those ' areas where experience has indicated

.. bO potential problems. N


\. y (iii) The second and third sample inspections, if required, may be less than an entire tube length inspection j

provided the inspection concentrates on those areas s of the tube sheet array,and on those portions of the s


\ tubes where defects were previously detected.


{ 's s (iv) To the extent practical, where experience in similar l

plants with similar water chemistry indicates criti-cal areas tc be inspected, then at least 500 cf the


tubes inspected sha.11 be frem these critical a ee s.

Tne re s ut s c eaca c cpie inspecticn sh:.- be e t sci:;e_

j into one of the following three categories.

Cate gory s Inspection Results C-1 ' Less than 15 tubes are de6raded tubes and none of the inspected tubes are defective, s

\ 's C-2 Less than 3 tubes are defective, or between 15 and 30 are degraded 1 tubes.

Amend:ent lio. k6 3-22

- 4

  • 6 * .

u .


3. O
3. 3 Reactor coolant system, Steam cencrator Tubes, and other compenenta '

Subject to ASME XI hoiler & Pressure Vessel Coce Insnecticn and Testing /


[ Surveillance (continued) p

{ .



Caterory Incoection Results <

s, C-3 More :.han 3 tubes are defective,

\ or non th n 30 tubes tre aeg bd.

\ /

' NOTE: In all inspections, . iously decradeu tuods must

\ exhibit simificant (>fC further vall penetrations to be included in che calcuhtions-l


c. Inspection Frecuencies /

y /

The above required in-ceriv;c inupect'ons' of steam generator e tubes shall be performea t the following frequencies (inspections shall be periormed, unless otherwise specified,


coincident with refueling outages or any scheduled cold shutdown for plant repair and maintenance):


/ (i) In-serv ce inspections shall be performed at inter-h0V60 j vals of not less than 12 nor more than 2h calendar

/ months after. the previous inspection, with one I.C exception. If a plant operating cycle is 'less 3,g 7 than 12 months, inspections may be performe'd, at j the end of thatl cycle. If two consecutive inspec-w j tions following service under all volatile treat-i ment conditiors result in all' inspection resultK i falling into the C-1, category or if two k inspections demonstrate that previously observed i i degradation has not continued and no additional degradation has occurred', the inspection interval s may be extended to a maximum of ence per 40 months. ,


(ii)s If results of the in-service inspection of the

, steam generator tubes conducted in accordance with \

/T able 3-8 at 40-month intervals ' fall in Category C-3, the inspection frequency shall be increased to at least once per 20 months. The increase in inspection frequency shall apply until a subsequent inspection meets the conditions specified in (i) above, ht which time the interval can be extended

, to a 40-rdonth period. -

(iii) Unscheduled'in-service inspections shall be perfcrmed on each steam ~ cencrator in accordance with the first sample inspection specified in Table 3-8 during the shutdovu subsequent to any of the followinC conditions:

1. Primary-tc-secondary tube leaks (not including lertka originnting from tube-to-tute sheet velds) in excess of the limits of Section 2.1.h of the Technical Specificat$ons, Amendment No h6 3-23


A. '

. .}

3. O , ::UkVM i !J.ANCr HM4UlitMMMNti /

l3 3 lienetor Coolstrit f;yutem, Utmus Gener9tor Tuben, and 4t.her Comoonents s /

/ f;ubject to ASME XI Boiler s Pressure Vessel Code _ Inspection and Tentini Surveillance (continued) /

\ s /

2. A seismic ' occurrence greater tbn the Opert ting

'\\ \

Basis Earthquake,


A lo.s-of-coolant accident requiring actuation



3 of the engineered . careguards , or ,/

,, / wa'<

I g h. A main stcam line or.,=ain feedvater 'i~


d. Acceptance Criteria \, . /

\ /

(i) A 'uned in this specification': / ,

\ fi Imper'ection f meana. A exception to the dimensions, finish or contour or a tube ,from that required by fabrication drawings or spebifications. Eddy-current testing indications below 20% of the nominal tube vall thickness, if. detectable, mays be considereu as imperfectibns. j N

N& LED j ' s l Degradation means a service-induced cracking, b wastace, wear or e;eneral corrosion occurring' on 6 either inside orfoutside of a tube. '



.l] / N Degraded Tube means a tube containing imperfections

>20% of the nominal walls thickness caused by degra .

dation. Any tube which does not permit the passage of the eddy-current inspection probe through its s entire length and U-bend shall be deemed a deEraded N tube. ,/ \,

j s t% Degradation _ means the percentage of the tube vall thickness affected or removed by degradation.

's \,

Defect means an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the plugging limit. A tube containing

'a defect is defective. x \

/ \

Plugging Limit means the imperfection depth at or beyond vbich the tube shall be removed from service because it may become unserviceable prior to the next inspection and is equal to h0% of the nominal

/ tube vall thickness. ,


4 j

Uncerviceable describes the condition of a tube if N

,.' it leaks or contains a defect large enough to '


/ affect its structural integrity in the event of an Operating Basin Earthquake, a lons-of-coolant j $ accident, or a stenra line or\ eedwater f line break.

i '. '


- Amendment No. h6 3-24

-,w..w--mm...,.,__w... - _,,_.._....r__,.~ ,.,,,.m _ , , . , _ . , y__ ,_..____.m.y,wm._,-, ._.y..m..,,m_g. - . , _ , , , . , , - - , , .


3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS-3.3 Reactor Coolant Systemdteam Generator-Tubes, and Other Ccmponents

% Subject to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Inspection and Testing Surveillance (Continued)

/ s ---Tube-Inspection-means-an-inspection of-the steam-generator N tube from the point of er.try (hot leg side) completely /

N around the U-bend to the top support of the cold leg. j

(ii}N The steam generator shall be detennined OPERABLE after

' completing the corresponding actions (plug all tubes exceeding the plugging limit and all tubes containing through-wall cracks) required by Table 3-8.'

e. Reporting Req'uirements ,-

(i) Following 'each in-service inspectidn of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commission within 30 days.' N filovt'Ck b (ii) The complete result's cf the steam generator tube inservice s inspection shall be reported to the Commission within six (6) months following completion of the inspection.


3,1 [

This report shall include:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected.
2. Location and. percent of wall' thickness penetra-tion for each imperfection. ,
3. Identification of tubes plugged. x (iii) Results of steam generator tube inspections which fall into Category C-3 and require prompt notification of the Commission shall be reported pursuant to Section 5.6 of l the Technical Specifications prior to resumption'of plant operation. The written followup of this report shall provide a description of investigations conducted l '

, to detennine cause of the tube degradation and correc-N

./ tive measures taken to prevent recurrence. A

(' C {(3)' Surveillance of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves

a. Periodic leakage testing
  • on each valve listed in Table 2-9 shall be accomplished prior to entering the power operation
  • To satisfy ALARA requirements, leakage may be measured indirectly (as from the performance of pressure indicators) if accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and supported by computations showing that the method is capable of demonstrating valve compliance with the leakage criteria.

3-25 Amendment No. 46, 0/dd/ ddfdd 4/20/8J 99

~,- '

, 1 L. , ~- . e ,


, i e x r 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.3 Reactor Cooiant Systeme-Steam-Cenerator-Tubes, and Other Components /

Ad$ ~ . Subjecc to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Inspection and Testine ,

Surveillance (Continued) ,

mode every time the plant is placed in the cold shutdown )

1 condition for refueling,.each time the plant is placed in a cold shutdown condition fot.72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> if testing has not been accomplished in the preceding 9 months, and prior to return-


g ing the valve to service af ter maintenance, repair or re-placement work is performed. )

b. Whenever the integrity of a pressure isolation valve l listed in Table 2-9.cann,oc be demonstrated the inregrity of the c remaining valve in each high pressure line having a leaking \

valve;shall be determined and recorded daily. In addition,


the position of one other valve located in the high pressure q

line shall be recorded daily.





s s

s 4

5 Anendment No. J6, Order dated-4/20/31 3-26

) -


-TABLE 3-8

)  : :

x .

x STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION-IST SAMPLE INSPECTION 2ND SAMPLE INSPECTION 3RD SAMPLE INSPECTION Sample Size Result Action Required Result Action Required Result Action Required Am mu C-1 None N/A N/A NA N/A f t bes per S.G. C-2 Plug' defective tubes C-1 None / N/A N/A and inspect additional Plug defective tubes C-1 None 600 tubes in this S.G. C-2 and inspect additional - ug efecdve tubes 1200 tub'es in this C-3 Perform action for S.G. - . C-3 result of first sample w ' C-3 Perfonn action for C-3 c'o

' result of first sample ao The-C-3 Inspect all tubes in nd this S.G., plug defec-tive tubes and inspect is C-1 600 tubes in other.,, ,

p S.G.

The Perform action'for R Prompt notification second C-2 result of second. N/A N/A M to NRC pursuant to S.G. sample NN specification 5.6 is C-2 l E.

P The Inspect all tubes in 's '

d second the second S.G. and

.? S.G. plug defective tubes. N/A\ N/A g e' is C-3 Prompt notification N

/ to NRC pursuant to f specificatio'n 5.6 \s l N/A d'Not Applicable. s'

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ \s s

ut Ps&

1 7 b' h

% [' CL

. 4 9.'. *


Basis Undetected prolonged leakage of borated reactor coolant onto carbon steel sets up an unusual corrosion mechanism. Detection of this leakage at an early stage can best be accomodated directly after an outage and before startup. The inspection program specified in Specification 3.3(1) places-major emphasis on the areas of highest stress concentration as determined by general design evaluation and experience with similar systems. The inspections will rely on non-destructive analysis methods utilizing up-to -

date analyzing equipment and trained personnel. Volumetric inspection of the reactor pressure vessel is to be performed completely from the outside diameter. The testing techniques and acceptance criteria of Section XI of the ASi1E B&PV Code will be util.ized, except where specific relief is granted-by the Comission.

The surveillance requircments for inspection of the steam generator tubes ,- N ensure that the structural integrity of this portion of the RCS will be-main- T tained. The program for in-service inspection of the steam generator tubes is based on a modification of Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1,' dated July I 1975. In-service inspection of steam generator tubing is essential in order to' maintain surveillance of the conditions of the tubes in'the event that  !

there is evidence of mechanical damage or progressive de' gradation due to l design, manufacturing errors, or in-service conditions that lead to corrosion.  ;

) -

.In-service inspectio 'of steam generator tubing'also provides a means of.

characterizing the nature and cause of any tube degradation so that corrcc-  ; b:,4 tive measures can be taken.x , j

+ + y ./

9 Wastage-type defects are unlikely with proper chemistry treatment of the .

( / /,

g secondary coolant. However, even if a defect should develop in service, it I;.

will be found during steam generator tube examinations.

o N . Plugging will be required for all tubes with imperfections exceeding the

- plugging limit of 40% of the tube nominal' wall tnickness. Stecm generator tube inspections of operating plants have demonstrated the capability to reliably detect degradation that has penetrated 20% of the original tube ,

wall thickness. ,/ i I

Whenever the results of any steam generator tubing in service inspection fall  ;

into Category C-3, these results will be promptly reported to the Commission I

pursuant to Section 5.6 of the Technical Specifications prior to the resump- l ,

tion of ' plant operation. Such cases will be considered by the Comission on i a case-by-case basis and may result in a requirement for analy' sis, laboratory '

examinations, tests, additional eddy-current inspection, and revision of the

, -Technical Specification _s. if_necessary.

Ns <



References (1) FSAR, Section 4.5.3

  • i,JSA %

N 3-29 Amendment No. AB, Orddf dudd A/20/BJ, gg

s. <


!. I '/ ' . 3. 3 ' Reactor Coolant Svstem. Steam Generator Tubes. and Other-Comeonents-Subiect- to ASME-XI BoilerTPressure--Vessel-Code-Inspection-and-Testinz, Surveillance -

Applicability Applies to in-service surveillance of-primary-system-components and_.

other-components-subject tc in~spectibn- and testing secording to TSME-MI-Boiler-&-Pressure-Vessel--Gede .Mearn gjcn e red c r- t u c e :b ,

Obiective To insure the integrity of the reactor-coorlent--systea,. steaia generator tubes, and-other-components-subject-to-inspection-and-testing _according

- t o - ASME - XI-Bo ile r- &- P r e s s u re-Ves s e-1-To d er Soecifications ,./

.(1) v---._'rveillance s Su of the ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 systems, exce[t thej steam generator tubes inspectlin 7should-be-covered-by-ASME-XI- Q Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. ,-

h  !

a. In-Serv. ice inspection of ASME Code Class 1,', Class 2, and Class jli 3 components and in-service testing o,f.ASME Code Class 1, Classf 2, and Class-3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with.Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves'sel Code, as required by 10 CFR~Part 50,.Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief.has been granted by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(1) .



..e  ;

b. Surveillance of the reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be indicated in Table 3-6. N l

, t

c. \


,- -the mechanical and impact properties of the reactor vessel  !

,- materials shall be maintained.(1). The specimen removal. schedule

,/ shall-be -as indicated in. TableJ-L '


-(2)-Surveillance -of- the. Steam Generator-Tubes-Each steam generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the following in-service inspection program.

( h 'a. Steam Generator Sample Selection and Inspection Methods The in-service inspection shall be performed on each steam generator on a rotating schedule. encompassing-300-tubes.--

Under some circumstances, the operating conditions in one steam generator may be found to be more severe than those

~ in the second steam generator. Under such circumstances, the sample sequence-shall be modified to inspect the steam generator with the most severe conditions.

.. 3-36 Amendment No. H, 76  : 21-


3. 0 .SURVEILU.NCE REQUIRE?ENTS 5./7-3. 3 ~ Reactor-coolant--System. Steam Generstor Tubes , -and-other_ con:uonents Subject-to ASME -XI -Boiler-&~ Pressure-Vessel-Coce-Inspe ction and Testing ,

Surveillance (continued) -

(2) b. Steam Generator Tube Sample Selection and Inspection 3 -83 The steam generator tube minimum sanpl$ size, inspection result classification, and the corresponding action required shall be as specified la Table. & The in-scrrice inspection of steam generator tubes shril be performed according to Specification -3r3(27dv(i), " Tube Ir.spection," and at the fre-


~~ quencies specified in Specification 3 3(2)c. The inspected

,y,t.7(4)(i) tubes shall be verified acceptable per\ the acceptance cri-teria of Specification 3.13(2)d. The tnbes selected for



~~^ each in-service inspection shall include at least -300< tubes i cp fie f t fora.I s

'n the.$ W *

, and the tubes selected for these inspections shall be - 'wJ gemmkb selected on a random basis, except: ' M7(3)

' 3. l'l({ )

(i) If the tube is recorded as a degraded tube, then an adjacent tube shall be inspected.

(ii) The first sagle inspection during each in-service inspection of cach steem generator shall include all non-plugged tubes that previously had detectable vall penetrations (>20%) and shall also include tubes in those areas where experience has indicated potential problems.

(iii) The second and third sample inspections, if required, may be less than an entire tube length inspection provided the inspection ' concentrates on those areas of the tube sheet array and on those portions of the tubes where defects were previously detected.

(iv)' To the extent practical, where experience in similar plants with similar water chemistry indicates criti-cal areas to be inspected, then at least 50% cf the tubes inspected shall be frem these critical a-eas.

The results cf eacn se.ple inspecticn shr___ be c.assifiei into one of the following three categories.

Category Inspection Results ,


& Ct.UwlG M .chU?

Less than 15'tubestare degraded

. tubes and none of the inspected tubes are defective. - ^ i j%y H h!$ 2?-- l C-2 Less than y tube @s are defective, or between 15 and/30 are degraded.

. tubes. i;v .7';L j (Id'\

,_m s 7 ,

-finc im M

,_AmendmentrNonh6- 3_22 (h-PM

O . .


.3 3 , Reactor-Coolant-System, Ster.m Cencrator Tubes t and Other-Comptne..ts.

. I 7 Subject to ASME-XI-Boiler 4 Pressure Jessol2 Code-Inst.ection_and Testiner Surveillance (continued)

Category Inn _cection Result s,

! Z d th e ;,c o:ct u 1, C-3 More than3:ns"are defective, or mor2 lad.

.3Q, th n 1,U/c ha ' 3\io:acu et tubes re deg ed FOTE: In all inspections, .rs. . lously degradeu tuces must exhibit siDaificant (>105', further wall penetrations tc; be included in the above calculations.


(d) Inspection Frequencies

.sce vi c a The above required in-serivce inspections of steam Senerator tubes shall be pcrformeu at the following frequencies (inspections shall be perturmed, unless otherwise specified, coincident with refueling outages or any scheduled cold shutdown for plant repair and maintenance):

(i) In-service inspections shall be performed at inter-vals of not less than 12 nor more than 2h calendar months after the previous inspection, with one exception. If a plant operating cycle is less than 12 months, inspections may be performed at d%, the end of that cycle. If two consecutive inspec-s- tions following service under all volatile treat-ment conditions result in all inspection results falling into the C-1 category or if two consecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation has not continued and no additional degradation has occurred, the inspection interval may be extended to a maximum of once per 40 months.

(ii) If results of the in-service inspection of the steam generator tubes conducted in accordance with a -; T ~ Table 8 at h0-month intervals fall in Category C-3, the inspection frequency shall be increased to at least once per 20 months. The increase in inspection frequency shall apply until a subsequent inspection meets the conditions specified in (i) above, at which time the interval can be extended to a h0-month period.

(iii) Unscheduled in-service innpections shall be perfonned on each steam generator in accordance with the first sample inspection specified in Table 3-8' during the shutdown subsequent to any of the following conditions:


1. Primary-to-secondary tube leaks (not including leaks originating from tute-to-tube sheet velds) h in excess of the limits of Section 2.1.h of the Technical Specifications ,

_ A=endmen t- No .-h 6' ~3;23-

. *.. +


3. 'O GultVM i l.I.AN Cr IE41111tMMr:N'III

..d3. 3 }<egetor-coolant-fiyutem, Ste ua Cencrator Tubes ,-nnd-f nper-Componente subject to. AUME XI-Boiler- e tressurc ~ Vessel-Code-Inspection and Testinc

. Surveillance (continued)

2. A seismic occurrence greater than the Operatinc Basis Earthquake, 3 A loss-of-coolant accident requiring actuatica 4 of the engineered safeguards , or
h. A main steam line or main feedwater line break.

A( eptance Criteria


(i) As used in this specification:

Imperfection meant i exception to the dimensions, finish or contour of a tube from that required by fabrication drawings or specifications. Eddy-current testing indications below 20% of the nominal tube wall thickness, if detectable, may be considerea as imperfections.

Degradation means a service-induced cracking, vastace, wear or general corrosion occurrinc on either inside or outside of a tube.

Degraded Tube means a tube containing imperfections

>20% of the nominal wall thickness caused by degra-dation. Any tube which does not permit the passage of the eddy-current inspection probe through its l

entire length and U-bend shall be deemed a degraded tube.

5 Degradation _ menns the percentage of the tube wall thickness affected or removed by degradation.

Defect means an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the plugging limit. A' tube containing a defect is defective.

Plugging Limit means the imperfection depth at or beyond which the tube shall be removed from service because it may become unserviceable prior to the next inspection and is equal to.h0% of the nominal tube _ wall thickness.

Unserviceable describes the condition of a tube if it leaks or contains a defect large enough to l affect its structural integrity in the event of an Operating Basis Earthquake, a loss-of-coolant i_I accident, or a steam line or feedwater line break.

I o

~Am~endEent Nor 46- '3-24 l


_,77 Subject to ASME.XI. Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Inspection-and Testing Surveillance (Continued)

Tube Inspection means an inspection of the steam generator tube from the point of entry (hot leg side) completely around the U-bend to the top support of the cold leg.

(ii) The steam generator shall be detennined OPERABLE after completing the corresponding actions (plug all tubes exceeding the plugging limit and all tubes containing through-wall cracks) required by Table 3-8; M S.

(Li) 'e. Reporting Requirements (i) Following each in-service inspectidn of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commission within 30 days."

(ii) The complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be reported to the Commission within six (6) months following completion of the inspection.

This report shall include:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected.
2. Location and percent of wall thickness penetra-tion for each imperfection.
3. Identification of tubes plugged.

(iii) Results of steam generator tube inspections which fall into Category C-3 and require prompt notification of the Commission shall be reported pursuant to Section 5.6 of l the Technical Specifications prior to resumption of plant operation. The written followup of this report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to detennine cause of the tube degradation and correc-tive measures taken to prevent recurrence.

-(3)~-Surveillance 'of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves -

a.-Periodic -leakage testing

  • on each valve-listed-in Table 2-9_

- shall be accomplished prior to entering the power operation-


  • To satisfy ALARA requirements, leakage may be measured indirectly (as from

/s the performance of pressure indicators) if accomplished in accordance with

.' - approved procedures and supported by computations showing that the method is capable of demonstrating valve compliance with the leakage criteria.

3-25 - Amendment No. -/6.-0/ddf ddfdd


' ~

0 TABLE 3-8 : - I - ,

STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION IST SAMPLE INSPECTION 2ND SAMPLE INSPECTION 3RD SAMPLE IN5PECTION Samole Size Result Action Required Result Action Required Result Action Required Am mu None C-1 N/A N/A N/A N/A

{ t bes per .G.

C-2 Plug defective tubes C-1 None N/A N/A and inspect additional Plug defective tubes C-1 None 600 tubes in this S.G. C-2 and inspect additional -

ug efect.

1200 tub'es' in this C-3 Perform act}ve ion fortubes S.G.

. C-3 result of first sample w C-3 Perfonn action for C-3 g result of first sample The C-3 Inspect all tubes in this S.G., plug defec-m ond tive tubes and inspect 600 tubes in other is C-1 g S.G.

m The Perform action for E Prompt notification second C-2 result of second. N/A N/A M to NRC pursuant to S.G. sample y specification 5.6 is C-2 l 2

The Inspect all tubes in i second the second S.G. and

  • S.G. plug defective tubes.

. N/A N/A g is C-1 P mnpt notification i, .o NRC pursuant to

'specificatio'n S.6 l N/A = Not Applicable.

e. . .


. Surveillance (continued)

Basis Undetected prolonged-leakage of-borated reactor coolant onto carbon ste$1 sets up an unusual corrosion mechanism. Detection of this leakage at an early stage can best be accommodated directly after an outage and before startup. The inspection program specified in Specification 3.3(1) places major emphasis on the areas ~of highest stress concentration as determined by general design evaluation and experience with similar systems. The

. inspections will rely on non-destructive analysis methods utilizing up-to-4 date analyzing equipment and trained personnel. Volumetric inspection of lthe reactor pressure vessel is to be performed completely from the outside l diameter. The testing techniques and acceptance criteria of Section XI of 4the ASME B&PV Code will be util.i_ zed,_except_where_ spec.if_ic_reliefQ-ted by the-Commission.~ x A

The surveillance requirements for inspection of the steam generator tubes ensure that the structural integrity of this portion of the RCS will be main-tained. The program for in-service inspection of the steam generator tubes is based on a modification of Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1, dated July 1975. In-service inspection of steam generator tubing is essential in order to maintain surveillance of the conditions of the tubes in the event that there is evidence of mechanical damage or progressive degradation due to design, manufacturing errors, or in-service conditions that lead to corrosion.

In-service inspection of steam generator tubing also provides a means of characterizing the nature and cause of any tube degradation so that correc-tive measures can be taken.

Wastage-type defects are unlikely with proper chemistry treatment of the secondary coolant. However, even if a defect should develop in service, it %

will be found during scheduled in-service steam generator tube examinations.

- Plugging will be required for all tubes with imperfections exceeding the

- plugging limit of 40% of the tube nominal wall thickness. Steam generator tube inspections of operating plants have demonstrated the capability to reliably detect degradation that has penetrated 20% of the original tube wall thickness.

Whenever the results of any steam generator tubing in-service inspection fall into Category C-3, these results will be promptly reported to the Commission pursuant to Section 5.6 of the Technical Specifications prior to the resump- Q' tion of plant operation. Such cases will be considered by the Conmission on a case-by-case basis'and may result in a requirement for analysis, laboratory examinations, tests, additional eddy-current inspection, and revision of the Technical Specifications, if necessary.

References (1) FSAR,-Section~4.5.3

'$ 3-29 Amendment No. AB, 0/Adf ##ttd .

A/20/E7,gg 1

0 a

. ATTACHMENT B Discussion, Justification and No Significant Hazards Considerations Discussion This proposed change removes Technical Specification Section 3.3(2) and Table 3-8 from Section 3.3. Section 3.3(2) and Table 3-8 have been moved to a new section, Section 3.17. Section 3.3(3) han subsequently been renumbered as i


The purpose of this change is to alleviate a long-standing misunderstanding in labeling of the surveillance section concerning steam generator tube examina-tions. According to OPPD's existing Technical Specifications, testing of steam generator tubes falls under Section 3.3, " Reactor Coolant System, Steam Gener-ator Tubes, and Other Components Subject to ASME XI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Inspection and Testing Surveillance." The Technical Specifications title is misieading in that it appears that the Steam Generator Tube Inspections are under the scope of ASME Section XI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The intent has never been to place steam generator tube examinations within the scope of an ASME Section XI inspection. The intent was, rather, to perform the examina-tions in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1, as stated in the

" Basis" of Section 3.3. Thus, it is proposed to move the steam generator tube examination segment from Section 3.3 and create a new section dedicated specifi-cally to steam generator tube examinations.

In their new designation as Technical Specifications 3.17 and Table 3-13, additional changes are being made to convert the criteria for Sample Selection and Inspection Results from fixed numerical criteria to comparable percentages.

The purpose of the change is to accommodate steam generator tube inspection where the sample size has been increased from the minimum size required by the Technical Specification and Regulatory commitments.

The criteria for eddy current inspection of the steam generator tubes listed in Technical Specification 3.17(2) conform to the requirements of Regulatory Guide I.83, Revision 1, C.4, C.5 and C.6 and deviations approved by the Commission in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) Supporting Amendment No. 46 to Facility Oper-ating License No. DPR-40. When the sample size of tubes to be-inspected is the minimum sample size required, the Inspection Results listed as Category Class-ifications C-1, C-2, and C-3 of Technical Specification 3.17(b) specify the limits for degraded and defective tubes as a fixed number of tubes. The num- I bers specified represent a realistic, although conservative, conversion of percentage limits given in Regulatory Guide 1.83 when applied to the minimum sample size of 3 percent of the total tubes in the steam generators'. However when the sample size of tubes inspected is increased above the minimum number of 300 tubes, the fixed numbers associated with the degraded and deficient

-tubes specified for each category becomes unrealistically conservative.

To illustrate this, consider the following. As the Technical Specification now reads, a sample approaching 10 percent of the total tubes installed would re-duce the limit of degraded tubes permissible for a Category C-1 classification to-1.5 percent of the tubes inspected. Regulatory Guide 1.83, C.S.b specifies a 10 percent limit. The proposed percentages in this change are conservative because ~they are-less than the limits stated in the Regulatory Guide.


,, o



dTTACHMENT B (Continued)

Justification The content of the Technical Specification is not altered by this change, since the requirements of the existing specifications are maintained. Separation of the existing sections is involved. This change will serve to better demon-strate the requirements pertaining to steam generator tube inspections.

The probability of finding defective or degraded tubes _is not altered by this

! change when the sample size is equal to that currently specified in Table 3-8.

For sample sizes larger than the specified size _the probability of finding defective tubes i' creases n over the minimum criteria. When the inspection cri-

-teria .specified by 3.3(2)b are applied to large sample sizes, an excessive i number of steam generator. tube eddy' current tests are required. The extra time -

required to inspect the steam generator tubes causes increased radiation expo-sure to test personnel. This is contrary to the objectives of ALARA.

Sianificant Hazards Considerations i The proposed change to Technical Specifications associated with testing of the- "

steam-generator tubes have been reviewed relative to the provisions of 10 CFR

. 50.92 and resulted in the following conclusions:


1. Will_the change involve a significant increase in the probability or i

consequences of an accident previously evaluate? -

l No, because the change'only affects the organization of the Technical Specifications concerning steam generator tube inspections and not the

content of these sections. Additionally, the change affects only those inspections where sample size exceeds the minimum size used as a basis for the previous evaluation. The results of increased sample size will be evaluated by the same criteria used to evaluate the results of the re-quired minimum size. When sample size is increased from the minimum size, reliability of the inspection is increased over that of the minimum-requirements.

! 2. 'Will the change' create the possibility of a new or different kind of t

accident from any previously evaluated?

f l No, because the surveillance requirements have not been changed. Addition-

ally, the acceptance criteria, formerly designated numerically, have been changed to percentage designations. There are no changes in equipment or

) surveillance methodology.

3. Will the change result in a significant reduction in the margin of safety?
.No,-because the surveillance requirements have not been changed. For j large sample sizes, the inspection reliability is greater than that of the specified. minimum sample size.

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- 4


ATTACHMENT B (Continued)

The Commission has provided guidance concerning the application of the stan-dards for determining whether a significant hazards consideration exists by providing certain examples (51 FR 7751) of amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations. Example (i) relates to a change which 1s administrative in nature, intended to achieve consistency or a change in nomenclature. The proposed change is representative of Example (i) in that -it is intended to achieve consistency by clarification of the Technical Sp'ecification by isolating the Steam Generator Tubes Inspection from those items under the scope of "ASME Section XI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Inspection", and placing the Steam Generator Tubes Inspection in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.83, Revision 1.

-- -.-g -