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Forwards Request for Addl Info to Complete Review of Info Submitted in Psar.Confirmation That Two Methods of Detection of Unidentified Leakage Will Be Sump Level & Flow Monitoring & Airborne Particulate Radioactivity Monitoring Requested
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 09/11/1974
From: Pawlicki S
To: James O'Reilly
CON-WNP-1789 NUDOCS 8605300111
Download: ML20210T395 (13)


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. H,' Infeamation ==hateted by the applicent As the PSAE has been revieues' by ..

/ the Materials Ensianering Breech, Directoreta of Licemains. A. % aste '7 '^

reopeases to the ame1==ad roguest fer edditional information ara  :'

required before um een emeplete our evaluation. -,

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Materiale h 41amering Branch .- ;

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Dimmaterate of Licensing l

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i Encleemres:

I 1. Materiale Engineering Breach ,

! Meeting Aeonde Items (Q-1)

2. Interim Esgulatory Posittaa en Eagalatory Guide 1.31. Rev. 1 i a ce w/eec1 -

W. S. Essalton, L

1. M. Gustafees, L .,-- , ,

N. Bolsteky, L  :, / .s. . ,,..,.C e .: ,,,.

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12-1 4


.. (Note: Numbers in Parentheses are PSAR section numbers) 12.1 Although the applicant states in Section of the PSAR (S.2.7) that the leakage detection system of the reactor coolant pressure boundary will meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.45, the system has not been selected yet and the degree of conformance with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45 is not clear. Therefore, provide the following:

(1) Confirmation that two of the methods of detection of unidentified leakage will be (a) sump level and flow f monitoring and (b) airborne particulate radioactivity i monitoring. The third method may be selected from either l

the monitoring of condensate flow from air coolers, or monitoring airborne gaseous radioactivity.

Ilumidity, temperature, or pressure monitoring are to be considered as alarms or indirect indications of leakage to the containment.

(2) Sufficient information, including tables and graphs as applicable, to demonstrate that the sensitivity and response time of each leakage detection method for monitor-ing unidentified leakage is adequate'to detect a leakage rate of one gpm in less than one hour.

12.2 Provide your inservice inspection program for the AEC Quality (5.2.3) Group A components (ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Class 1 components), as follows:

(1) Indicate that the ASME Section III Class 1 components of

  • the RCPB subject to inspection are those defined in l Section XI of.the Code, 1974 Edition, unless excluded under IWB-1220 of Section XI. .

(2) Describe the design and arrangement of the RCPB indicat-ing the allowances for adequate clearances to conduct the necessary inspections and tests at the Code required inspection intervals. Indicate that the design and arrangement of the RCPB components are in accordance with' l IRA-1500 of Section XI, 1974 Edition.

(3) Indicate that the Class 1 inservice inspection program will comply with inspection intervals, examination categories, and all other requirements of the ASME Code i Section XI, 1974 Edition.



.Q .,

12-2 i


.' 12.3 Provide the inservice inspection program for the AEC Quality ( ' Group B and C components (ASME Section'III, Class 2 and 3 ( components), as follows:

-i (1) Indicate that the components subject to examination are those defined by Code Section III Subarticle NA-2140 and Code Section XI, 1974 Edition, Table IUC-2600 and j Subarticle IWD-2600.

q j (2) Describe the design and arrangement of Class 2 and 3 i systems indicating the allowances for adequate clearances I

to conduct the required examinations at the Code required I inspection interval. Describe the special design arrange-ments given to those systems that are to be examined during normal reactor operation.

(3) Indicate that the Class 2 and 3 inservice inspection program will comply with inspection intervals, examination categories, and all other requirements of ASME Code Section XI, 1974 Edition.

12.4 List the specifications for the principal pressure-retaining (6.1) ferritic materials, austenitic stainless steels, and non-ferrous metals, including bolting and weld materials, in each component (e.g., vesselt, piping, pumps, and valves) that is part of the ES *f .

, 12.5 Liat the ESF materials of construction that will be exposed to (6.1) the core cooling water and containment sprays in the event of a loss-of-coolant accident, and describe the compatibility of i the construction materials with the cooling solutions, j 12.6 Provide sufficient details for avoidance of significant i

(6.1) sensitization during fabrication and assembly of austenitic i

(10.3) stainless steel components to indicate that the degree of (10.4) freedom from sensitization will be comparable to the recom-

, mandations of Regulatory Guide 1.44, " Control of the Use of Sensitized Stainless Steel." Provide a description of materials (including provision for 5% minimum delta ferrite when required), welding and heat treating processes, inspections, and tests.

12.7 Provide sufficient details about the process controls to (6.1) minimize exposure to contaminants capable of causing stress-corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel components j to show that the process controls will provide a degree of surface cleanliness, during all stages of component

[ manufacture and reactor construction, comparable to the j

recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.44, " Control of the Use 4

i f


, . _ m._. . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - . _ . . _ _ - . _ _

. 12-3 of Sensitized Stainless Steel," and Regulatory Guide 1.37,-

!- "Qualief Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Cocponents of Water Cooled Nuclear Power -

! Plants."

i 12.8 Provide details on cold worked austenitic stainless steels (6.1) for components of the ESF. If such steels have yield strengths j greater than 90,000 psi, provide assurance that they will be I compatible with the core cooling water and the containment sprays in the event of a loss-of-coolnnt accident.


12.9 Provide sufficient information about the selection, procure-1 (6.1) ment, testing, storage, and installation of any nonmetallic (10.3) thermal insulation for austenitic stainicas steel components (10.4) to indicate that oncentration of chloride, fluoride, sodium ,

and silicate in the insulation will be comparable to the -

recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.36, " Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Steel."

12.10 Regulatory Guide 1.31, Revision 1, " Control of Stainless Steel (6.1) Welding," published in June 1973, is being revised. The (10.3) interim Regulatory position on this guide is appended to (10.4) these Q-1 questions. Describe the degree of conformance with this interim Regulatory position and provide technical justification for all deviations from it.

12.11 Describe your method for establishing and controlling the pH (6.1) of the coolants of the ESF, during a loss-of-coolant accident, to avoid stress-corrosion cracking of the austenitic stainless

-l steel components of the ESF and to avoid excessive generation ,

, of hydrogen by corrosion of containment metals. Provide details on methods, equipment, etc. for long term as well as short term operation of the ESF's.


-~ 12.12 The additivec to core and containment cooling water, such as

, (6.1) boron for reactivity control, thiosulfates for reacting with gaseous fission products, hydroxides for pH control, etc.,

must be stable under long term storage conditions. Describe your methods for storing ESF coolants and demonstrate that the coolants can be stored for extended periods without significant corrosive attack on the storage vessel.

12.13 The failure of a turbine disk or rotor might produce a high energy (10.2.3) missile that could damage a safety related component. Provide information to demonstrate the integrity of turbine disks and

, rotors, as follows:


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12-4 a

j (1) Provide materials specifications, fabrication history, y and chemical analysis of the disk and rotor forgings, i particularly those items affecting fracture toughness and metallurgical stability.

I 1 (2) List the mechanical propert1es of the disk material, such j as yield strength and fracture toughness. Describe methods to cStain these properties.

(3) Provide a description of the criteria to ensure protection against brittle failure of low pressure turbine disks.

Include detailed information on ductile-brittle transition temperature (NDT or FATT), minimum operating tempetartires, and if a fracture mechenics approach is used, describe the analytical method including the assumed flaw sizes.

(4) Provide the stress-rupture properties of the high pressure rotor material and the method to obtain these properties.

(5) Describe the preservice inspection procedures and acceptance criteria to verify the initial integrity of


the disks and rotors.

(6) Provide the following' design information for low pressure disks and high pressure rotors:

(a) The tangential stress due to centrifugal loads, interference fit, and thermal gradients at the 3

bore re'gion at normal speed and design overspeed.

(b) The maximum tangential and radial stresses and their location.

(7) Describe the inservice inspection program for the turbine assembly. Describe the inspections and tests on the main steam stop and control valves and the reheat stop and intercept valves.

12.14. Indicate the degree of compliance with the test methods and

.(10.3) acceptance criteria of the ASME Code,Section III, Summer (10.,4) Addenda 1972, Articles NC-2300 and ND-2300 rules for fracture

- - toughness for ferritic materials used for Class 2 and 3 components. These rules require detemnination of the following:  ;

  • ~

(1)- NDT temperatures obtained from dropweight (DWT) tests; 1

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. (2) temperatures at which " weak direction" Charpy V-notch

, specimens exhibit at least 35 mils lateral expansion 4

and not less than 50 ft-lbs absorbed energy; and i

j (3) lowest service temperature in accordance with the methods 3 . contained in Appendix G, ASME Code Section III, 1972 l Summer Addenda.

l 12.15 For Class 2 and 3 components, provide the mechanical properties (10.3) of any material not included in ASME Code Section III, (10.4) Appendix I, and provide justification for the use of such materials.

12.16 For all Class 2 and 3 components, provide information on the (10.3) cleaning and handling of such components, and state the (10.4) degree of conformance with 'legulatory Guide 1.3), " Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water Cooled Nuclear Plants," and N45.2.1-73, " Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components for Nuclear Plants," and provide justification for any deviations shown in these documents.

12.17 Provide the preheat temperatures used for welding low-alloy

.(10.3) steel of Class 2 and 3 components, and indicate whether they (10.4) are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.50, " Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding Low-Alloy Steel." Justify any deviations from the procedures shown in the Guide.

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sj Position on Reentaterv Guide 1.31.

j " Control of Stainicsa Steel 1:clJine"

.s I Pending Revision of Docur.ent


t Fabrications of welded austenitic stainless steel Classes 1, 2, 3, and CS d components should comply with the requirements of Section III and Section IX of the ASMI Soiler and Pressure Vessel Code Supplemented by the following:


1. The veld filler materials used shall meet the acceptance tes: require-

-1 ments of Section III of the ASME Bailer and Pressure Vessel Code, plus the following additional requirements:

a. Delta ferrite determinations should be perfor:cd on undiluted wele s'

deposits for each Lot and Heat of custenitic stainless steel veld metal (Para. QW 442 of Section'IX), except that delta ferrite deter-minations will not be required for SFA-5.4 Type 16-8-2 ueld cetal, I

nor for austenitic stainless steel weld filler metal to be used for gl weld metal cladding. Delta ferrite determinations for consumable a

t inserts, rod or wire filler metal used with the gas tungsten are process, or the plas=a arc welding process may be predicted using an

! applicable constitution diagram,1 to de=onstrate compliance with the Regulatory position for amount of delta ferrite as shown in Positien 1.;

b. For all processes other than Tig and Plasma Arc delta ferrite deter-
minations shall be made on undiluted weld deposits. An acceptable method for achieving this employs a weld pad made and tested in con-formance with the applicable sketch and tethods described in the i

.j American Welding Society Specification SFA-5.4. The undiluted weld l

Schaeffler, Modified Schaeffler, or DeLong Diagram, Ancrican Society for '5taL. .

! Handbook, Vol. 6, pp. 246-247.

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deposits'should contain between 5 ar.1 20 percent delta ferrite, er its equivalent ferrite nunber.

c. Chenical analysis should be perforced en undiluted weld deposits, l except when Tis or Plassa Arc prccesses are used, as indicated I above.
2. The results of the destructive and nondestructive tests required in f Regulatory position 1 above should be included in a Certified Materials I

i Test Report as required by AS:2 Code Section III, :'B-2130 or !;3-4130.

The present positions 3 and 4 are no longer decced necessary, and are deleted. Revisions to positions 5 ind 6 have been cade and are sheen in the new positions 3 and 4. Present position :;o. 7 has been deleted.

3. a. Production welds, except fillet velds having a throat dinensic? 3/ '

or less, should be examined to verify that adequate delta ferrite levels a;e present, by magnetic measurement devices. Welds 1 inch p

or greater in thickness shall be examined on a 100% baais, whereas, a sampling plan may be used for examination of welds less than 1 inte in thickness. The examination should show that each weld contains at least 3% delta ferrite based on the average of four test readings taken on the face of the co=pleted weld deposit at the centerline of the weld, and at 1/4 weld length intervals. Instrument readings should not be taken at " starts and stops" locations, or in weld bend-adjacent to the base materials. The average of four instrenent read-ings should not include any reading belou one percent delta ferrite.

-- Weld locations that show 1% or less delta ferrite may be reexanined,

,! ' to determine whether the reading represents a local condition.

I i i

I i

.I  :

.t i .

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't The magnetic instruments used for examination of weld pads de,1::


ferrite should have been calibrated using secondary standards tr :c-

! able to (National Bureau of Standards) standards, and to a Magne-;:ge i.

1 using the procedures shown in Weldinr Council document of July 1,

'l i 1972, " Calibration Procedures for Instruments to Measurr. the Delta l'

-!' Ferrite Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal," and as

.; supple =ented by procedures shown in AWS specification A 4.2-74.

i The upper limit on delta ferrite shown in Regulatory position 1(b) 5 b.

solutien' above need not be required for welds that do not receive heat / treat-ment subsequent to welding, nor for consumable inserta.

4. In the event that Regulato'ry position 3.a. above is not met, the respe:ti.-

production welds may be evaluated for acceptability using: *

a. An analysis of service requirements of the weldmenii, nd comparic:n of these requirements with the ASME Code criteria for fatigue stron::h.

but using conservative fatigue data that accounts for veld metal with micro-fissures, or -

b. An examinat, ion of the weld or welds co demonstrate the absence of unacceptable fissures or cracks. Where the produation weld is belm.-

the mini =um acceptable level of delta ferrite, a sample of the weld shall be removed, and a metallographic examination or a bend test shall be made ca a transverse section to determine the presence or absence of excessive fissures. The acceptance criteria is as

. follows: Fissures 1/64" and less shall not be counted. The i -)

] presence of a single tear or fissure larger than 1/16", or of a


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. l greater number than 3 of size between 1/64" and 1/16 in any 0.2 l square inch of weld r.ctal shall constitute failure of the tes:.

f 4

, - c. Welds found unacceptable shall be repaired, and reexamined for

_ .- {

i delta ferrite content in accordance with the procedure shown in


'I 3(a) above.

An example of a suitable examination plan is discussed in Attach:2nt 1.

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- - A. Ex.-i_n t

.ica (fcc Tabic I)


l. Presue:$cn 1:~1.'LC c.,rer Th:n one (1) T-ch in TV.ekne:::: l j . Delta ferrite determinations vill be n:dc on the completed rurf:;.

! of all such u21ds. 1han observed average delta ferrite levels ;f  !

3% or more are indicated..all of the ucids vill be considered

' acceptable, and no further testing is needed.

l In the event that the delta ferrite level i'n scoe velds is 1: war

$ than an average of 3%, a netallographic examination or a cacresc pi, examination performed on transverse side-bend speci=2ns to date::ina the presence of microfissutes will'be made. The specimens Icr

. metallographic or cacroscopic examination will be sc3 ceted fr:n the welds er.hibiting delta ferrite icvels lower than 3% averna2 in accordan:e with Tabic II.

k -

2. Prcduction I.' elds One Inch or Less in Thickness: (Sec Table I)

Delta ferrite deter =inations will be made en the completed surf ace

. . .i of such velds, selected in accordance with Table II. If observed

-delta ferrite levcir. of 3% or more are indicated for the sample velds,

[ , (i.e. , Colu=a 2, Table II) the entire batch of welds (i.e. , Column 1) ,

that the sample represents shall be considered acceptable. If the nu=b,er of velds in the sample si:e having less than an average of 37; delta ferrite equals or exceeds the rejection level (Column 3), all th2 welds in the batch (Cole =n 1) vill have to be inspected.

i For velds having an average delta ferrite icvel less than 3", a -:::-

6 scopic c::c:tination vill be perfor=cd on transverse side-bend ::. . 2 ; .-

( to deternine the presence of nicrofissures, or actallographic c::::.inz-j tion vill be en spe:1 :enu cut fro the .:c14. Specincus fr '

i. - - . . - - ~ , - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - . . . _ . - . . . . . . . . . , . . - . - . . .

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I' cxcuinA: Ion vill 5: :,cic. tc.i f rca u - J enhibitia; del:a Ie;; . ..

in acccrd:nca uith Tabic II.

! Icvels ic::er than nn average 3..

3.. Sampic lo:s or batcho.s for ucIds grea::: than one inch in thi.0- . .


' and for ucids one inch or less in thichness will not be gre:;e1


together, cnd will be cacroscopically excuined on a separctc b:: .-


r t

Acccatan:c ed Rej-c.cti:n for Delt.- Ferrit' Lcicle, ar.d ::icrafiu rcs 1


(All production velds)

3. All velds having an average delta ferrite level of 3% or c re crc acceptabic.

2' . Welds havins less than 3% average delta ferrite shall h?.ve :ren ..

side-bend tests taken and the ucids shall be exanined nacrc:.::p' .

( - for fissures, or thc. velds shall be c:.:enined =ccc11ographi::.'_:

sampling to be in cecordence uith Tabic II. 1:icrofissurin; d::::..


during these inspections shall be evaluated by the follouing criteria: Fissures 1/64" and less shall not be counted. The presence of a single tear or fissure larger than 1/16", 'or of :

( .

greater -number than 3 of a sice between 1/64" and 1/16" in cny O.2 square inch of veld netal, shall constitute failure of tha

. test. .


3. Ucids found unacceptable'shall be repaired and reexacined by :.he above procedure.

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.a-..- __ . . ~ . . . - . - . . --- .

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, Tal'I.I' I

( :o. of ticl '.:

tlc1dr, h .vhu Ucids 1..

Thickness of to be ra".netic average 3% or =cre than dec :3-

tic _1d Inm .'.
d delta fe crite delta fe: 4: ..


-! one (1) inch all teelds OK - no further Inspect f:: f' j or greater exc=inction per Tchic II l necessary Less than ona Inspect on a If all of sor:ple Inspect fer fic (1) inch ss=)1ing becis batch arc CK no per Tablo II per Tabic II further ,cn:n.

j . required fer entire troup I

TABLE II Colern 1 Colurn 2 Colu n 3 Total I;o of Sa=ple Sinc - :- o. cf h' elds Velds to be ennrined Rejectic ?cre'c

2-8 2 1

. 9-15 4 1

^(w 16-25


6 2 26-50 .

10 - 2 51-90 16 2 t'91-150 26 2 f 151-250 40 -


281-500 64 5


501-1200 100 7

-t 1201-3200 . 160 9 3200-10,000 250 13 . '.

  • If the tecids ensnined and found unacceptabic reach the figure she:en in

, Column 3, the teelds shetat in the rcyresentative batch in Colu n 1 shall

, be rejceted. .

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