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c. O ~ j. \\ DCA #6,314 REV.6. Page 2 of 11 NOTES The maxisaan allowable static tny load is 35 P5F as specified in 1. Specification No. 2323-ES-19. This load includes the weight of the cables, the tray and the added siderails. 2.. Cut out new. additional.siderails at cable tray support locations as requirsd, similar to Detail showni at ' tray splice connector locations.-- - -- ---- - A minians of two (2) bolts per new additional siderail section is 3. required except where physical limitations exist or minimum bolt spacing would be violated. This diransion to be' 2" for 6" siderails and 3" for 8" siderails. 4. For cable tray fittings where a lip is needed for installation of a 5. tray cover,.a siderail shall be constructed from electroplated gal-vanized sheet metal (16 gauge minimum 12 gauge maximum) to the di-This sheet metal material is NNS. The sansions shown on Page 10. additional siderail shall be attached to the existing tray using the Details shown in this DCA. N N The position of side rail can be adjusted so that the effective tray I 6. Refer to sections height as shown in the detail can be maintained. on Pages 3 and 10 and detail on Page 9. ~ Me ( e e \\O* c l 1 \\
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- 3) 1E6McW6 5Hsc CDtd.s*
r=Avois exace ~ TAMAdE. VERhcAL KDrv5T KetE OFF5cr5 6v.3 T TITLE ' MciverscAr ton or ex.nsroM cAat t RAM i ~" OF DRAWING l DATE' 'APPR: SCALE' t DWN. BY % #<Twver.e lfz._7.rt' l c.AN an s REVISIONS: NO. DWN. C KT' D. DATE TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. M,- W 6-6 COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION vo cpAvg 4 moJ
.z. m O r~ -s.2ML No&JAprs 3 //l cM i-/ OWG,l p g g 2'. l AM cA AA re 4 /pl W g.24,8s NO. s ww -wa------w ,,,-,,ww,---.m,----vm3-p.,,mwy,,---w-----% --.y.
{ Q PAGE 7 or 'll
- 3 ocA $hiA, psy 6 y
srivreuct.t. (vsmA c>sut m amen) I. + l i i%'*n' r Urnc7M Tv 16 vect'enniaan "By TNe F/dD.D.
- ]
8' e4M,.- i't Ye* M l 1*r y'h6 M'W. 7. Tot.Tr sA4H ri-c - --t ove sinaAit. sm sce. - e i + j, + +'!
- +
.i ~ 1 NOTES 8tn. DETAit I
'2.ONP CorJ r >4 0 c O 3 STLFCEeJER. Pt. ATE MAY gg USED AT M cA, Mat.g S.1DERAL SPtJCE 1.ccAT1 N. s.sriFRrNER. Punus Fost. oFGssT FamWG5 To as cur ey Aab ro suG. ),. ! srsar-sNER. PumE DETAIL 5 TN OF DRAWING l l 3,hd 4.-hMoams k DWN. BY' l 'D. MeTtWr.4/-- .3 REV1SIONS* NO. DWN. CKT8 Q DATE TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. S Md CM r l COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION ho C#fE65 6 /M O J FD Z-17-d d ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP 2 pH c.4 7" .1-2 T42
- 0 #5
- J' /AZ cA r N9P3 DWG. j No CAAn*
4 /M nor A2o 63 NO. e -,------w.,---,-. ---,--.,e----..-e.-
~ Q Q pAsr y/ // 3 DcAk 48/4 A. 6 l l l 'NEW ADD'L S1DERAZL FRoht.. l ' w\\%,. CABLE TRAY cover. Ste pnGE l 3 FOR SECTION VZCW.S 'k h t s J n un. jg EXISTING CABLE TRAY STRINGER NO CABLE TAM LZP A ) 6 6 s sr ae rs.r pa. 2 'r} Q ~. m. 2 soLTsmo NOTFS: (Q FOR ZNVQ MOT' 4McWW.tEC PAer 3 (p,)RtMove sHano costs ro AVOZ O CABLE DAMN 0E. t TEE F.LTTXNGS G)u.w rar.s cernri ran (nn) ~ Y rzrrzass. i l M0DIFICATZON ofEXZstrNS CABLE TRAY TlTLE OF DRAWING l f DWN. BY* lI M/'---# l, g El lAPPp. 7 SpLp. } g REVISIONS: NO. DWN. C MT8 0. DATE TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC l N NO rre S
No r##A/5E 6 m 0J 80 1-f 744.' gtggyggggt ggggggggggg ggggp I g Add.! 64* ? 3 Ab'6 &W /~M* 93 DWG. l No CAsAls s 4 /kl W 4:?945 NO. 1 ) . ~ _ _- - ~ ' __._ _ _ -,-.._ - -- -. -. - _ - _ _. - __.____ _ _.____ _
c o DcAd dBI1 A. 6 f4QE 9 er/L DETATL FOR ADDING SIDERAILS ' A T b" TO A" TRAY CONNECTION ADDEO 6"SIDERAZL. y-CAZSTZNG &" }"pg, j CABLE TRAY ( . i,p'[ I .,[ O 1.'.m -=-==e,=-- ---r
- O ^.~ Q.l l* O a.Tb
.....I l 9-- A g ' " *' j 'm O-8 v i g 5_ SN /- - 4"To 6" 1*A Ay C X ZS T 1 Nr. A ~ ~ CARLE TRAY CONNEC.YoA NOTES
- PIO. DWN. C KT8 D.
DATE. gg g g 4,.gg TEXA5 UTILITIES SERVICES INC. COMANCHE PEAK STEM El EITRIC STATION No C#A/dr 5 //6 W 6-M 67 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP Alo Gt/ >JGt b m t. J PO 2-17-8 4 DWG.j .r NO. i -~='~ = ~ ~ -
(' O / DcA# 4C/+ A6 L') }"(wf,,,.,, AeoL $Z9f/A2L dy(MW1 "f go g" 5 ~ }w o sterrou 'n.s' Ho AIZnNTAL FITTIN65 l Qo* rznzns suown) FOR Z NFO NO T ~ SM CWN ~ ~ SEE PAGE 3 s
- o l
A DD'L $2DCAnZL cxrsr:xa TAny % 9 ' - l' I{h4 --.u - (' y l {myc1_ x wy.,yg,_, 3.* (NNS),w> we.o 1 1 atv. 4 4 T' .a. VEATICA L FITTT#d 5_ sec"P8M 'S-B (so'r1Tr.TNG sumw) t TITLE l ADDmoN ce stDEFAILS w c4st.E TRA'r' A7DWG5 OF DRAWING l WHERE TIEW CDVERS ARET RECOlRED 6 l DWN. BY' K.CROV/ ELL. l g,g ' gR Sp 'j D 'O, aevisioss: wo. ow". cxT>o. o^rs TEXA5 UTILITIES SERVICES INC. gg y g y g p' COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION NO C#4N64 / /;fD J FD 2/754 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP DWG. NO. er.-+--------v-- ...-,--,,p-g e -s p --ww.y---._.-----.m.----e,_.-ww .me m --.m ,m--- mv
C O .? T OCA 6SIV % O SHEET _ !! cr iI- /.- DETAll FOR BARRIER .TNSTARATION y ^ -A i GG0lSa QARRIER e' C =., l ---=f -=.f.=.- \\ b,'.fNT!h7 l~~ A z 1 a NUT ,s: x/ 6,f,0 ',/+, ' l t L t s .f. v NDTE 6ARRIER S7 RIP PART ND. TYPICAL JWTALLATIDW n uox sm aum rny trn l ET'All F6 R LADDER OR as ou.ssit,a v voeu g v'rnovani 1 of l TRDVGH 77PE TRA Y in"lADD2R I OI to I l dM s/ } 6~ LToua# 4 T sil.E l TKn Y B ARRIER DETAIL OF DRAWING l l DWN. BY* l Al D.J o,,e.3 lz M s'APPR g pgy4gtf SjA r REVISIONS: - NO. DWN. CMT8 D. DATE' TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. NEW SNEE7 G tw OJ t'O 21744 COMANCHE PEAX STEAM ELECTRIC STATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GRCUP DWG. NO-
= n. PAGE 1 0F_2_ _ _ ~ ~ WAR 06 (; ') ICSTATiON - G1BBS & Hill Inc.COMNCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRDE l DCA NO.' 199TO (WILL) ( hBEINCORPORATEDINDESIGNDOCUMENT 1. SAFETY RELATED DOCUMENT:M YES _NO 2. ORIGINATOR: CPPE g ORIGINAL DESIGNER 3. DESCRIPTION: APPLICABLE M /DWG/ % % 2 M M - E.1 ~71 7 REY. A A. 5. DETAILS 998Al GW. f AAL66 us AF1WR rw diesEAi(A Ar te Av NotnA TIS KFjwlE; T1M RECE,t; 'rIRK ECAlta. T'i4KEDb 5, TNKEcki'M; TMKEnM% i utM Prat /U.MTiuG, T1?AN MMes CROM BEiW, tOSTALGD. MetrnOLH TkMTALL (o" MD6 Ro t_4 oki TL4E 'tRAN MoDa<, LtSTED ASoVE, 6ec NE 2 r-on 64Erca. 35-1.195_ R ECElv tu MAR 141984 RM CM> __... u-ee n uTo nt RK6 #9C.3 - l10% UUbuim m l 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: s 1 Da (.o8 f41. [ LATEST REV) ris.3 nrrarsr-am iVT VI I IUL M1J i DiGliEERi;G' USE Oii.Y. 5. APPROVAL SIGNATURES: fv /t d DATE 8-4--8M A. ORIGINATOR: b M '( ~ DATE 9 a[ 4 4 f B. DESIGN REPRESENTATIVE: DESIGN REVIEW PRIOR TO ISSU(f /sJ 'f/o -, DATE 4 M C. VENDOR RELATED CHANGE Y Y NO P.O. NUMBER 6. 7. STANDARD DISTRIOUTION: EE ((( )) Allen W. Hollis Aggs'(ORIGINAL) EE Reed Smith QUALITY ENGINEERING Robert P. Joyce EE QA I, / DCTG FOR ORIG. DESIGN J DCA FORM 9-83 O gg Qq Mark Welch T gumpame, m aso.
e \\ ..' Q... ocA. useso (.. P%45. 2 cv 2 Q, ._..__s., m.044f Tl3KECW60- .Tl4XEDN34- -TI4KEDN33 ' GL. 845'. EL 845' ~ ~ ' ' ' ~ GL9%' Tl3KECW62 E1.645 Tl4KEDN35 ,q S." - } g f I l 'Tl3XECW61]' EL.84(* C%AA ouTuos.D sect 1o% l wn_i_ nAva (," SCERAct S 4CED. NOTE: TRAY Mops HUMBERS ARE FOR REFERGUCE Ol/LY TITLE l ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AREA CABLE TRAY OF DRAWING l PLAN EL.a3/# DWN.BY*[ /,W, k l$ l[gEg MO./ P4n1 MS ~ REV151ONS. NO. DWN. CKT8 D. DATE TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. O O 4Wu cu 2 29.M CD ENCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP j DW. l 9333 5,_7,7 N0 \\ w-e
- 8. DETAILS PROBLEM: Cables are above side rails in tray node T130ECG41.
SOLUTION: Install 6" side rails at trav node T118FCG41. ~ Add trav node T118ECG41 to Note 17 en Drawino 2323-El-0716. mn DFFICE AfD rum.w. ra..m n lisE C LY p W ww= e l,, u 11cm RECEIVED apR 2 01994 hm * ' A3 3 0 u<rs eser DOCUMENT CONTROL ,,,,,g u w 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: 1 5. APPROVAL SIGNATURES: RTK:pg April 12, 1984 -A. ORIGINATOR: M CM_' DATE /E #Ae'n DATE g/3rg
- khh 8.
- ~.::~-._- _
--c s ' ' ) Fa%' l of 1 R E C.E I V E D' - s co m ,JAN 2 h ' COW NCHE P N 5 ECWCSTATh0N DESIGN CHANGE AUTHORIZATION i /,(s DCA NO. 19.687 O (wit' ' NNbr%PORATED IN DESIGN DOCUMENT ~ 1. SAFETY RELATED DOCUMENT: XX YES NO 2. ORIGINATOR: CPPE XX _ ORIGINAL DESIGNER 3. DESCRIPTION: A. APPLICABLE SOEC/DWG/U M D WCI 2323-El-0602-03 REY. 16 '. DETAILS ?ROBLEM: Cables at tray node T14KSDN61 are above siderails. i 50tuTION: Add note to drawing El-0602-03 to read as follows: " Field will replace 4" siderail tray with cable trav havino 6" siderails or modify 4" siderail tray to have 6" siderails at_ the following nodes: T14KSON61." y _ yy RECEIVED FEB 011984 OGCUtviF.iG GON snus. u n . rn.a. n.eccc.. - A. SuRRoRTiNG 00cusExTATION: ElEME E MW January 2,5, 1984 5. APRROVAL 'i!GNATURES: RTX:pg DATE n.u y,- A. ORIGINATOR: 8 #M [ OATE / J7-## 8. DESIGN REPRESENTAT VE: 3//84 C. SecogN REVIEW PRIOR TO ISSUE a,o C tw sv<, DATE t < / pP. O. N n YE R: VENDOR RELATED CHANGE: XX NO 7. STANDARD DISTRIBUTION: Roy T. King EE Reed Smith EE ARMS (ORIGINAL) R. P. Joyce EE QUALITY ENGINEERING N Welch QA (1) OCTG FO..R ORIG. DESIGN e .n..c e., Y ~~~ ._m _m-
(..., )
- ggy )
All LY613 ko. Fo820s A CTu-I-6I9 14A9 TH6 6lPE$%ll. 5xTEA16 LOLL. scalu6 e Mu 2 0F 1{uYTILL, MMMAKf. ffBM 6) is wtu$f CF mm, 6Ipe$WL, EMW4SO4 WA6 dukuowd, llo 1410RMATtod WA6 fOuuD 04 TWl3 MATfm. 36 V 4) 6105$WL,1EXTf4+t0@ Wt*t, NW IWoKTot4TED 19f0 146 AMAl,Y6F/ (. AWALTlutt A flMt, tf416l04 A6 To .p(NJ T46-cifuAflod 69 TO M HAWLED). A 2*6 -rnst im 1,wy wAc usp a, 1yg 6ile 4 lilLL twwiw:8. BM, J.!!+rAKzA
- XT 9711
+%. amu ~ '~~ g no PAGE IM PELL@ t "*^ *
e n Y d 4.1 TrsyTiusammary CableTrsy Teight Ub/ft) Esaser Number Actual 10% of Cover. 5mb-Valm te (trsy made of Cable maa Trsy total Thorse-1UfAL Variance be used seint) Cables Fill (3sof) w
- ht (sete 1) laawt vt (sese 2)
(note 3) 906 76 11 04 Ao
- 11. 2 1 Mas
- u. A.,
24.2 ( e448 M.M
- b/4%
76 12 o 4 6.0 IL2l 'd9.As 29.2 ( o 49'd i 46 % 76 a.o4 6,o ll.01 d9.A( 29 2 ( dea 3 V )
- "/'HB 46
- 6. o 11.2 1 22.01 92.ot a#44 SM
\\ ,
- /6W 46' kl.%
6.0 4f.01 s2.o? Wb>og AC A.% s.o ll.'il 42.07 i 41.01 6444 \\"%So 96 m.% 4.4 9.s4 as.t an, o,602 963 s h $49 44 n.4 9A4 m 28.9 c.s02
- kso 96 I4.86 U.S 9.M 98.1 983 Mo1 l 0
*b119 96 tA.% n.4 q.s4 an., sen o.m1 Y '###[642248' is.q 4.6 4.94 m oi 29.of d47-A901
- b2g 98 ts.N 4.4 994 14.01 mou
- Yl2l 98 I6A U.$
A.%4 M OI 09.0f .497 i 96 IT,l? 4.4 4.3d 14.01 A9.0f .44 7 9 62g Note 1: Sebastal-(actual ceWe fulk(les of anz tray vt. inct cableb(cover +ttsy vt3 (Sohstal e 35 psf) None 2: Variance N-
- " far==k 'Y'-' = :-**-M (useescalvt)
(Mas.value for rus) Nese 3: If Variance le 3025.them use amitiple ceMe tray weights. If Variance is s 925.them use the maalaus vales for the whole sea. Tucco CPSES UNIT 1 0210-040 ' doe w IMO %2.ou ~$ e_.s --4
4 i Tray Tul5eamary, I CableTasy feight(t/A) Masser Number Actual 10% of Cever+ Sub-Value is (itsy made of Cable man Trey total Thermo-TUTAL Variance be used seist) Cables FBI (lasf) weiaht (aets I) Ima vt vt (sets 2) (note 3) f (o ll(o 198 d.4 0.94 es.I,4 ( 49.ul ,4/6 93 64 he, II/, \\q.R u.6 4 34 93.ol .#/4 Y5M I1(o R.8 4.6 4.34 43.6d ss.I,V .#/6 y i 14 lllo A.s 4.4 9.b4 %.6d $4.0 6 4.64 e.oo 69.b4 y. I4e 111 m2 6.0 W.W 9/.o v.7x o 47 3(,, "$m 121 sG2 6.0 W,W 46.% sfo ver o g f. kfS4 l11 %.c.1 h.0 N.ul ab.% s.o mm % o i O ""/u,4 ixi m2 6.o w.24 u6 ..o ,,s o N2f(4 12l soz 6.0 14H
- 6,%
sl.o vvs 6 t 'l I Nets 1: Sebastal-(actual emble futb(ISS of man tray vt. laci embleb(cover.ttsy vt.) l (Settstal < 35 puf) Nets 2: Varinaco au... 6-r., m.).rs.awtA..: g.
- 4. k-1 l
(essestalvt) (Man.value for rus) t Nets 3: If Variance is > 025.nes use multiple ce68e tray weights. If Variance is s 025.tes oss se maalaus value for te whole sua. TUGC0 CPSES UNIT 1 Jos no 0210-040 '*{ l O iuLpsLLa e. W IM 82-o4 9 arv ev
== c = c. =
== L
r 4.1 TrayTal5eamary* d CableTrey hiskt Ub/A) O-Enager Ifumber Actual 19% of Cover
- 5mb-Value te (itsy sede of Cable man Trsy total Thorse-TUTAL Variance be used asiat) r9 '--
FMI (lasfl weaht (sana 1) an. vt vt (note 2) (sete 3) i il,9 227 424 4eA( (.S 14.WI 6 0.54 41,o 4I.99 ecr 024 14A( 6,0 14.P1 60.54 @o 9.9 eo N/$N& Md 94M 6,0 14.v1 60 9f 11.0 9I.44 80 1' l M 66 12d 94M b,6 t4.'el 60.A4 SD et.qq ep b
- s sa 6,o it.21 w.n.
u.A. s 22, w 25.22 5229/ *J 422 Ja Act 6.0 it.21 ed.n ( M.22, rre l MG
- 58 A of Lo it.21
$(22 1s.22, rso i
- MM8 4
A.or 6.0 it.21 sc.o s I M.22 tm T /4 S10 % not 6,o \\i.1l K 22 v $f2.2 69 l l l l Ilses 1: Sekstal=(actual ceMe fulb(Its of aan tray vt. lect cableb(cwor.trur vt.) (Sekstal
- 35 psf)
IIsas 2: VarinaceF-- - ' far aanW-*-' =::+ '-1 (assesealvt) Gdas.vahne for rea) IIsse 3: If farinace le s ea,thea sa mehiple emble troy weights. If Variance le s 95.thea oss the maalaus vakse for the whole sea. TUGC0 CPSES UNIT 1 = O dh o me mo 0210-040 [3 b W tef es. o# .a .,,,s.e .a
'd ) ~ (V't NAMc Cup y MuliA Ga. 4897 3 d56 0F lt 96AA/L. G(,TdNJiCAA3. $Uh ((C 7 ~kNALfNS W..!./'1S-0$2-0R..._.-. copy or Toy Fah - s to 4rrecMe.o 14(err.s.- 0694h'Tef Stos Mit EA7en 3 rows t (fy /r /to a d. . ~. NSC/rf>7 ten c/ llod7/Cy'rs tucOfoU160...... _ _ _.. kt */447 efwt /N Qu J/143<Oss s : C74~/=EL~d/44f>4/4$~f4/Z6, f FCf SpAA)
- 4/44 l4/4'3 /
<4 N.yst: 05$ Mtt, A s UK4 TEM) h/7 diC. N . :o Der 4#7 th instd m M</x4 7/G I
- Y"Q Ws.$4'/Tf f. - Ai/Kysts aswune as.kw4 MAy,43
, u t t A t. V 6
- ot/SA t i** kcent D^J Eo.<f 70
(~') } & T B l / k f k dy f ll h N $wij$ GZ ~ 07/4.Not't #12 ~ o "$lte hay T s U k7// />e ou,6laet,,ot G o. l N p c p s o e e x, ,2ddet M n'~ tt /4to/ ut n maaa. a. b asena, riie a~ap. u m,c,.y .-.._.... A coauet tiryadm..syeaig Nas Mu. u ..._}._.. .,I e w ..._.. L w em. }.. ._.._....-........._..._..__..1._..._... .1 ...L.-... OQ Joe ho PAGE A IM PELL r LA m a un w,a,a un
4 A. l - CCHTIMUE0 @^ HANGER NO. m lPLo s l P lTu u %. i ccMMEN7s. ym ggg5 not ymm l w (DCP) Ru u - 3 i l i ! 6.o iz.4i l N/A ! 47s Tize an s 3:s0 s iso 4 l i i md6 5219 l l l l l %-ua-n. s6is l l I .i I m2gejsis-W. 4 i.s 'g lso7 i eog -l l m o seie, sm 2s.s ~ E2.32. l-l l 4 i i i i i si i 5233 l l l 1 , Ti24pjoil Ti14 mtB l-i I Sge l 5243 i l 1 l } 7n4m:3 60 l 1 I l
- M 4 Ear 5q E194 o
o g g o l Run-4 i j i g Ni-isst.-i2 i g 1*l. iO 'l 4 60 IO.46 e NA 32.i 3I6b 2-l w,32.t{ 8 iso 4
- m. 2i.2" t
l l l 7, pr003 6 I i --L*24 EF004 56:3 8 m l 8507 I l l j y I I l g-24 st.-e z rum-5 i W: 65 o iko 17 is28 io4 i 3.og ! e,,o, i4.fo21 310. 70,7 , T: 90
- ,,g",
h l l 1 5 7 2. I Ti3 ac se 3 e3 no i l l I i go,t %.24st-i z. 4 I I i 7,34ee.g, W, g,3 5i 6E SM4 I e i l Ti3eecc,90 3 " 24 i iros i i kI'3@Y88 8 l 3 I T.An 5232 i isi t 5 2.?,3 l 1, 7 36.G e { 8 l B9.Q nu cce s7 c Dou-5 (Fum.>ln To. 3314), TWeTrAy gt. is 6as@ m a 24 4 TEA.y koto : tui Tite M4 Tle+3 No Ps*<-fie 5 us*P is r o.34 44 To-3 Tf3G ADDifio s.1AL 80 d., pue ro Tk sapet.AtL trxisurreal i Tiis IS TO AccoeutT l TMT MG 66 I45TH,l.EQ p eg ScTg. lg, C, y 14.. *)(M(.rg. '40. G.T. -07/6 casts my usw.wr cai r = inou f^ JosNo oat 0-040 O IM PELLbeY 196-082-09 nEv sv om cueceuin oats 3 z.
g 41-coum uue c A o i.s r m Ay w 12 H T (Ibts) ham No. COMMENTE gg CAgg,g (MRW0i TMAL ,t 00 I TRkt l M I (M) F.u y. 5,. co a t. l l T64 6g.N cL -IL I 6 01 lb 1 - 39.i3!60 Mab1! 31 D B9.6 v> ' 9 0 8 i me*I6 - se. u... 5 i i 33,, I H.74 I 8'l J Ti38 Ecc a ( y,,to 33 5 I i g3 qc.use_2 I i 23i3 I i I -l 1 6364 knJ4 p BL-Tm ' 25 8-i .g i i reeccess 33I4 i e e y 1 l 1 I I I I l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l I 8 I i I .l l I 1 I I 8 I i I i g I l l I l e I I l I I 1 8 I I l l t i l I 8 l l l l l 1 l a l i l l 1 I i i i i i i I I I l l 1 I I I 8 I I I l l l l t CABLE TR A9 (JKl&MT PA81*th Aviod '""E ~ Jose Oaf 0-040 wate b e,.ee -.J....
l 4.1 TrsyFi11 Summary sow 7.uuo. l Cable Trsy Yeight(ib/ft) l Hanger Number Actual 10% of Cover. Sub-Value to l (truy node of Cable man Trsy total Thermo-TUTAL Variance be used l point) Cables Fill (3 osf) weight (note 1) laa vt vt (note 2) (note 3) cl scst-it Ruu - 6 i .>.to6 5' 15'l2.(5su) 24l 4790 750 lb.6l 72.01 36.6 108 5l d tu es,z II63 /6163) 163 34.27 58 36 %gg el26 ~ 3167.l6162) 16$ 34.2.7 W'4.l.9f 5214 (62743 Ib5 34.27 l Sm 77 9 l eog (6sog3 'i-1550les s I isso l6sso) e p o y t b# PM -b dFrew 3 43 to is6o) 74c rg W. is bas 90 ce o so*6 T% bv t *T Vc Secken !?coh ce&c ttsent ir % a. % < 4 TwN. r phs is to acw ni Tan a idiNone ( AM - o & Tb Tioic W it i ., 6, f 4 3Aug. E d blSi 04 Tll A7 MA- / SE IGTM.lf 9 PF.A 40TE - 12 i No.63-Sb Note 1: Subtotal-(actual cable fl11M10% of max tray vt. lac! cable)+(cover + tray vt.) (Sebtetal 4 35 pef) Note 2: Varianceau., v.iu. rne run)-tindi, tai.i.innnre (use totalvt) (Max.value for rus) Note 3: If Variance is > 025.then use multiple cable tray weights. If Vuiance is s 025.then use the maximum value for the whole run. TUGC0 CPSES UNIT 1 GE Jos no 0210-Ot40 O W PELL6eY 195-087 09 mv sv oan c*ecuso oan --s-w. i.--- --m- - -... - s.m.
46fou f *> AtJALYSIS N O 876-Ob4 = L teev ef TRA4 FIL L WIM N A W 15 firTACHb1) ') THE M/C CF SIDERAIL EGEA' S!ONS tAJA S N OT A \\t A I L L CLE, RlL CTVI-l-723 REFE R T^O i k THI5 SIDERAIL gy. TEN Slo N t/A S N O T BEEN INCCMPorb 'D i IN TO 7til6 }/JAlYSt.S S/Alld THE EXTEAf r OF RA ILS I S N o r GivChi ON TH6 Ok)&$ - SEEM$ TD 66 \\ /CfJFINGD TD cPENitJ{r THMcu GH THtRNOL A G-lvilKC BilRTON X +760 O l 9 O =:. wggp ~ ~ -r. c,c..c
41 TrsyTill5ummary s l Cable Trsy Teight Ub/ft) Hanser Number Actual 10% of Cover. Sub-Value to l (tray node of Cable man Trsy total Thermo-TUTAL Variance be und soint) Cables Fill (3 osf) weight (note 1) laa vt vt (note 2) (note 31 0&0% \\>_ga o7 Apptage ou cwc, 4w eg -ng% n _Skb? '/ de, we c k 44cb \\60to (cA
- > a W 60 (1 44 4S.-G
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n.t 0 45 4 0 4 g.g Note 1: Subtotal-(actual cable fillM10% of max trzy vt. inct cable)+(cover + tray vt.) (Sobtotal < 35 psf) Note I.; YarianCg.(Max value for runkfindhriAual ma_nnnrivainel (use totalvt) (Max.value for run) Note 3: If Variance is 305.then use multiple cable tray weights. If Variance is s 95.then use the maximum valos for the whole run. TUGC0 CPSES UNIT 1 M Joe wo 0210-040 O IN PELL r o-nes qq v, e
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NSE of $/Og EAIL 6XTENSIOU S ON C46LL 71.A.v'S I At outL ti, cope WE. NEED TO INVESTI6ATt ALL TEAVS THAT thAuf. BEGA/ MODIFIED BY ADDIAl4 . SIDE ILht G E.x TLAISION S /^/ OM/L St. OPE Pilom A(Ls LY wE. AllL LOOK.rssc. AT THE SAFE 6uAl2D SMIL01^tG P0/LY10Al f3w"IF V0M HAUL 9ISC.O VEEGO AM Y tM THL (LaAC. Toll. B UIL O IM &, PLGASL lb/CLUOG 7 HEM AGSO. WHAT kJE N/2.CO I$ A LL SYSTEM.S TO O E. LEVIEveD FO/L VSE. of SicetArc Ex7,tus tons,. Fot2 7140 sit. S Y sTE.^<<,, THAT l-MUL TH4xt PLEASL Su P, PLY T1+L FOLLOWIN G IN FOdMAT10M: !) ANAtysis *
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ATTM:34MEuT @ cAOLG T' RAY W~!!2HT (Ib/m) HM NO. COMMENTS (A M l total (pggy l 15 *G%( l;sen a I B1.00 2n%4TL 604lC 2 cs 1 31 lG596 Tsos l l Pis.cii6 i l I i. I IAbrf/C%I s 2Cro-q i h r g I 9 dG091 4 /4SI/?ddl n ~1 4AA n Al.M IA4, WA g i a I i i 25.G% 7.G0$14*%f Es,o s t.M 30Xd. TL Grf,LSpl42/S O I I JGO //GGo1 75 I i l t 1Go9/Gso9 Gr 25 G9a n t g l 763l = G25 d 232 6" eBol f l / I I i i I 170 SA.GZ G.M P1 4l OS. *5 edr.48. 24x4TL /50j>/4, Site l l mrpm n ,,o i i I g 1*2ClVMiIl.dll I CA*Abt Zdbd..TKDE)&B IA%'Tl1so-1 Gb a 1 l l I._.gA.1b 149(/l7496 M '1.n1 I l i i i l sost/-rest w -1 o 9 t I l i g i g l n i n l l .__gth& IAD$7 tCe rob -125 L/-U>9 2A99 2 12G n I l i 1491lA441 112 sG.t Gr.d ik.co2.I 3I.0 b151 24>tb TL l l 149(/ W I45 51 8 A5.lfe 's 3 3 IO% stoGAl I I l 1 IA9/,lb491 ~i I i t 1 cam 8
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.o O J.e e, 1,0e 0210-040-068 Texas utt11ttes Generating Campany Post Offias Box 1002 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 ATTENTION: Mr. Joe B. Georgo
Cm anche Peak SES Unit 1 Notice of Transmittals of Calculations for the Cable Tray Project REFERD4E Impe11 Specta1 Study Tht rd Party Revter Schedule, dated May 30,1986. Gentlemen, Draf t position papers for the following Impe11 special studies Itsted in the O referenced docuraent are being sent under separate cover to Mr. J. Padalino (ED ASCD), Mr. C. Ki rcher (J. Benj aatn & Assoc.), and Mr. C. Mortgat (TERA) for thier review. 1. Spectal Study No. 5.2 (01anond Core Bolt Holes) 2. Special Study No. 5.4 (Latest Hilti and Richmond Insert Allowables) 3. Spectal Study No. 5.9 (Oversize Bolt Holes) If you have any queettons, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, X{ Kevin C. Waraptu% r Project Manager IOf/HTY/bj p Enclosure cc Mr. H. A. Harrt son (w/o enc 1s) ltr. J. T. Iterritt (w/o encis) fir. R. E. Cmp (w/o enci s) ffr. E. Odar - ED ASCD (w/o encis) O fir. J. Padalino - EDASCD (w/oncis) Itr. C. Kt rener - J.R. Denj arain J. Assoc. (w/oncis) Ifr. C. Mortsat - TERA (w/oncis)
6/6/86 1 l OVERSIZED BOLT HOLES (Issue 14F) 1.0 Introduction This report addresses the issue of worsized bolt holes in the connections for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station cable tray supports. These connections occur primarily at the tier to tray connection and at the support anchorage connection. The issue centers around two primary points. The first is whether or not worsized holes are acceptable in bearing-type connections. The second pertains to the load distribution in connections with oversized bolt holes. Based on our review of the specifications and other reference documents, we feel that the use of worsized bolt holes in these connections at the Comanche Peak Station is acceptable. 2.0 Anal teabil ity of Overstred Holes In reviewing the applicability of worstzed holes relative to the AISC specification, it is important to remember the context in which the matertal in the spectf fcatton is presented. The AISC spectf feation is intended to prwide a untfone practice for the design of steel frame butidings. It is not intended to cover all problems within the full range of the structural design practice. The AISC committee cautions that O independent professional judgment must be used when interpreting and relying on the spectf fcations, and the committee indicates that the design of the structure is to be under the direction of a licensed professional who is responstble for the appl teatton of the spectficatton. The AISC spectf tcation has two sections which deal with bolted connections. These are Section 1.16, which deals with the design of the connection, and Sectf on 1.23, which deals with the fabrication of the connect 1on. In the seventh edttion of the AISC spectf fcation no mention is made as to the design of worsized hole connections. The eighth edttton prw1 des same guidance and requiraments for dosign of connect 1ons with oversized holes. Section 1.16 covers the allowable loads and stresses, the determination of bearing area, and other factors which contribute to the strength of the connection. This section discusses oversized holes, but does not put any limitation on their use or applicatton. In Section 1.23, the fabrication of connections is discussed. In Section 1.23.4, the use of oversized holes is clearly permitted for anchor bolts in concrete attachments. Section requires the use of standard holes for other connections unless oversized holes are permitted by the designer. Further portions of this section appear to limit the use of worsized holes to friction-type or non-slip connections. It would appear that the fabrication section places a more stringent requirement on the design of connections than the design section. In order to resolve this discrepancy, it is necessary to refer to the primary document on which the O connection design sections are based. This is The Guide to Design Criteria For Bolted and Riveted Joints (Reference 3).
t Oversized Bolt Holes Issue 14F (continued) Page Two The primary factor in detemining the acceptability of an oversized hole is the potential for slip in the connection under load. Connections which j must not exhibit slip under applied load are generally referred to as f ricti an-type connectt ons, i "If s11p is not considered a critical factor, a load transfer by sheer and bearing is acceptable." (Reference 3) The criteria for determining the t i acceptability of slip is based on the presence of repeated stress reversal, need to Ilmit undest rable utsal tenment in the structure, and the need to restat displacementsa due to dynamic loads such as machine vibration and crane operation. When ordinary structural bolts, such as A307, are used in bearing connections, slip is expected to occur under 3 working loads. ) For the connections in question at (FSES, the use of oversized holes for + base plates and base angles is not an issue. It has been normal practice over the years to use worsized holes at the anchorage connections to concrete. This is acknowledged even in the fabrication section of the et ghth edt tt on code. (1.23.4) In evaluating the appi tcability of worstaed holes at the tier-to-tray l connectim, the magnitude of slip must be considered. The standard hole Is 1/16 of an inch Iargor in diameter than the bolt. The originel l designers for the Comanche Peak Station have allowed an additional 1/16 j fnch, allowing a total gap of 1/8 of an inch. This would indicate that the maximia s11p that could be expected to occur at a cable tray fotnt would be limited to the full hole clearance, or 1/8 inch. In reality, the i slip is generally less than the full hole clearance. (Reference 3) In all i 11kelihood, the s11p wtil be considerably less, as there is some clamp 1ng force and f rictional resistance induced in A307 type bolted connections. Given the flexibility of the cable tray supports at the Comanche Peak Station, the possiblitty of an additional 1/8 inch displacement is l considered negl1gible. If s1ip wore actually to occur in the ceble j tray-to tier connection, there uould undoubted 1y be an incrosse in i internal damping in the system. This increase in damping would lead to a potential reduction in the setssic load, thus decreasing the probability j of a failure at the connections. 3.0 t and Dt stritstion and canaeitw of owaratmed Hota cannectinan l In bearing-type or slip connections, the ultimate capacity of the i connection is dependent on the bearing strength of the material and the strength of the bolt. Section 1.16 of the Code prwides requirements for edge distance, conter-to center spacing, and bearing area. In fact, the i section provides for the consideration of the reduction in the above t connection dimensf ons, depending on the size of hole that may be used. Reference 3 clearly indicates that the ultimate strength of a joint with oversized holes is the same as the ultimate strength of a joint with l l - - - -.
3 Oversized Bolt Holes j i Issue 14F (continued) Page Three 3.0 Lead D1atribution and Canactty of oreratpap Hala Omanactions (continued) i t i standard holes. (Page 141) There are many discussions contained within ( l Reference 3 and other references concerning the distribution of bolt loads in connections. Without a doubt, the load is not applied uniformly to the i bolts in the connection untti euch time as the ultimate capacity is apprend ed. The use of the design 1 faits set out in Sectf on 1.16 mill l l 1ead to an appropriate and conservative connection design for the tier and l tray connections with worsized holes. 4.0 Rafaranans f
- 1. AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Seventh Edition
- 2. AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Eighth Edttion
- 3. Guide to Design Criteria For Bolted and Riveted Joints, Fisher 4 i
Struth, 1974 1 !O i b I i I I O t .}}