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Staff Exhibit S-3,consisting of 820830 Confidential Draft Plan for Evaluation of C Husted as Licensed Operator Instructor
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/1986
From: Knief R, Long R
AFFILIATION NOT ASSIGNED, External Citizen/Individual/Media (Affiliation Not Assigned)
CH-S-003, CH-S-3, NUDOCS 8607210340
Download: ML20207C326 (4)


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, CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT 00 EO C. Husted Evaluation 4 17 A9:34 On the morning of June 4,1982, R. L. Long met witn R. A.

S. L. Newton to develop a plan of action for an ongoing assessment of '

Mr. Husted's attitude and performance as a licensed operator instructor. This plan included the following elements:

1. R. L. Long and H. D. Hukill should interview Mr. Husted.
2. R. A. Knief was to explore the potential usefulness of Mr. Husted interacting with a staff member of Stress Control, Inc.
3. R. A. Knief and S. L. Newton were to review opportunities and make recommendations for, Mr. Husted to enroll in an " interpersonal ,

relations" training program.

4. R. A. Knief and S. L. Newton were to initiate a performance evaluation which would include at least one classroom ooservation per month.
5. S. L. Newton was to ask selected snift supervisors to evaluate Mr. Husted's attitudes and classroom effectiveness.

The results of tnese activities are as follows:

1. On the afternoon of June 4,1982, R. L. Long and H. D. Hukill interviewed Mr. Husted. Tney were satisfied that ne understood tne seriousness witn which they viewed tne criticisms of nis interactions witn the NRC IiE investigators, the intervenors during deposition, and tne Special Master i

and others during nis appearance in the reopened AS.B Hearings. They l 1

informed him that nis attitude.and performance would ce closely ooserved nucttAR RIGULATDef COMMISSION l oadet no. h4% 9 IM I Offidal Ed. No. 2 8607210340 860606

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.' f over a period of months and that they would interview him again with tne i results'of these observations in hand. Mr. Husted indicated that he would welcome this opportunity to demonstrate that botn his attitude and performance were satisfactory.

l 2&3. R. A. Knief and S. L. Newton have discussed among themselves, as well as with Mr. Husted, the potential usefulness of interaction with Stress -

Control, Inc. and of various training programs related to " interpersonal relationships." Based on their perception of Mr. Hasted's needs and of current program availability, neither approach was judged to have mucn potential value at this time. They did recognize a potential benefit for a session between Mr. Husted and one or more of the Shaw-Pittman lawyers present during the entire hearings. The idea was that latter could serve to clarify those actions and statements upon which the ASLB and State of Pennsylvania findings were based, as well as providing guidance to lessen the prospect for similar concerns in the future.

4. S. L. Newton has held tnree formal sessions witn Mr. Husted, including
  • one of two-nours length prior to nis June 4,1982, meeting witn ,

l R. L. Long and H. D. Hukill. R. A. Knief has neld one session with j Mr. Husted individually and an additional one in conjunction witn tne other TMI-I licensed instructors. Both S. L. Newton and R. A. Knief nave also observed his actions and talked to him informally on a numoer of occasions. In all cases a very cooperative and positive attitude was observed.

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Due in part to vacation and other schedule conflicts, classroom ,

abservations by S. L. Newton and R. A. Knief have not yet Deen conducted. However, such ooservations have been made on two occasions oy Data Design Laboratories. As a result of one of these, D. Boyd stated that he coserved Mr. Husted's attitude to be quite positive and not to show any of the traits over which the ASLB expressed concern. D. Boyd has agreed to provide documentation to R. L. Long for ootn DDL evaluations. -

During this time period, a classroom observation was also made oy H. D. Hukill. An ensuing discussion with R. A. Knief and S. L. Newton indicated no concerns over Mr. Husted's attitudes and effectiveness.

5. Mr. Husted's attitudes and classroom effectiveness have been the subject of discussion at weekly meetings between Operator Training personnel and Shift Supervisors. Since the Shift Supervisors, M. J. Ross, and all Training Department SRO-licensed instructors attend the Requalification Training, a broad base of observation exists. To date, no adverse reports have been received on Mr. Husted's attitudes and classroom performance.

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It is plamed that the five-part assessment plan will continue with special attention to be focused on assuring formal classroom evaluation at least monthly by S. L. Newton and R. A. Knief. Evaluation Dy other Training Department personnel will also be specified. A second interview of Mr. Husted by R. L. Long and H. D. Hukill should be appropriate about the first week of October.

Prepared by R. L. Long and R. A. Knief August 30, 1982 cc: R. C. Arnold E. L. Blake S. L. Newton 1


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