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Applicant Exhibit A-HUSTED-1,consisting of 810729 Confidential Memo Recounting Questions & Answers from Investigation Interview W/Dd on 810729
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1986
From: Christman P
To: Joshua Wilson
CH-A-HUSTED-001, CH-A-HUSTED-1, NUDOCS 8607210329
Download: ML20207C297 (5)


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July 29, 1981

" C 0 N F I D E N T I A h" Ji 17 A9:14Fase 1 of &

Tor John' F. Wilson, Esq.

OFFICE OF SECRtin g FRIVILEGED 00CHETING A SEPvicr' BRANC4 Date: July 29, 1981 Time: From approximately 11:00 a.m. until approximately 11:28 a.m.

Place: NRC Trailers, Three Mile Island


DD - ,THI-1 . ,

Paul G. Christman - Manager, Plant Administration THI-1 Raymond H. Smith - NRC-Inspection & Enforcement Keith Christopher - NRC-Inspection & Enforcement Based on my review of notes and my recollection of the investigation interview conducted on the date, time and at the place noted above the following questions and answers were offered by the participants noted above.

In response to a question from one of the investigators,Mr. OO provided his name and job title.

Also in response to a question from one of the investigators,Mr. Christman provided his nsas and job title.

Mr. D9 .was asked whether Mr. Christaan was here at his request. He answered affirmatively.

l Mr. DD was asked whether he took both the R0 and SRO amaninations. He answered affirmatively.

Mr. DD indicated be took both awa=4 nations in the classroom designated for i smokers. He explafnad that the smokers classroom was classroom #1, and the non-smokers classroom was #7. j It was established that Mr. DD took the RO ====4 nation on Thursday, 23 April and the SRO awamination on Friday, 24 April. It was established that he took both the R0 and SRO "B" awa=4 nations.

8607210329 860624 PDR ADOCK 05000289 g PDR I


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l "C0NFIDENTIAL" July 29, 1981 Page 2 of 4 FRIVILEGED In response to a request from one of the investigators, Mr. OS sketched the classroom arrangement on the blackboard. This sketch showed a rec'== y1=e room with five eight foot tables with two chairs at each table. In response to a question, Mr. DD indicated he did not know in which seat he set for either aw=4 nation.

In response to a question, Mr. DD indicated be did.not know the names of anyone that took the RO awa=4 nation with him, and be indicated that P took the SRO ====4=mtion with him in classroom fl. The investigators inquired as to why Mr. Oo could remember the name of Mr. P whereas he could not remember the name of anyone who took the RO aramination with him. Mr..

DP exptain=d that he and Mr. P were the only two people taking the SRO examination in classroom #1 on Friday, 24 April. Mr. D9 did indicate there were several people in classroom #1 taking the RD examination with his on Thursday, 23 April. -

Mr. Op stated that the proctor for the ====4 nation located himself in the front of the classroom, but he did not know whether the proctor was sitting at a specific desk. In response to a question, Mr. 99 stated be did not )

know whether the proctor lef t the room during either awa=4 nation. In response )

to a question, Mr. 90 stated he knew one of the proctors whose name is Mr. Wilson.

Mr. DD stated that he and Mr. pa sat at different tables during the SRO examination. In response to a question, Mr. DD indicated the classroom was quiet during the examinations and the only' disruptions that occurred, .to the best of his knowledge, were the times when the proctor was asked by cas of the people taking the test to clarify a question. Mr. DD indicated that it is not unusual during these examinations for one of the persons taking the test to ask for clarification. I 1

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I "C0NFIDENTIAL" July 29, 1981 1 Page 3 of 4 )


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Mr. OD was asked whether candidates are allowed to bring notebooks, pads l of paper textbooks, etc. to the ==4aation. Mr. DD did not answer this l guestion. He was then asked did anyone bring articles as described above to either araminarina. He responded that he could only answer for himself and l that he did not bring auch articlaa to tha asaminations. He did state that the one textbook that he recalled being available in the classroom uma a set of Steam Tables.

Mr. DD was asked whether the proctor advised "against cheating before candidates started their awa=4 nations. Mr. DO responded that he does not recall exactly what the proctor said prior to the time the --==4aations started.

At this point Mr. DD described the process the proctor used to start the aw-insti'ns, o explaining that each candidate was given an ====4 nation as his name was called by the proctor.

In response to a question by one of the investigators, Mr. DD stated that the examinations are brought to the site by the proctor on the day of the examination.

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Mr. DD stated he has no opinion of whether the layout of the classroom is conducive to cheating. He reapended no uhan be was asked whether he had any knowledge of cheating. He refused to answer a quantion about whether he had heard any r e ors or gossip in regards to cheating on the April awa=4antions.

l When he was asked this quastion aSain, he answered that he cannot recall having i heard any rumors or gossip in regard to cheating on the April ===4==tions.

The interview concluaed by Mr. Smith requesting Mr. D0 to furnish zerozed copies of several ATfS aw=4 nations taken by Messrs. O and W . The l



f "C0NFIDENTIAL" July 29, 1981 Page 4 of 4 I


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copies furnished to Mr. Smith on Tusaday, July 28, 1981 vare not readable, {

therefore, this request was made ao that the investigativs taan would hava,, ,

f copies of ===fnations that they could read.

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