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Revised LACBWR Decommissioning Plan
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1999
Shared Package
ML20207A945 List:
NUDOCS 9903050331
Download: ML20207A959 (36)


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Revised January 1999 1


( 9903050331 990211-PDR ADOCK 05000409 M PDR


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The interior of the shell is lined with a 9-inch-thick layer of concrete, to an elevation of 727 ft.10 - ~

' in., to limit direct radiation doses in the event of a fission-product release within the containment '

L building.

The containment building is supported on a foundation consisting of concrete-steel piles and a pile l

capping of concrete approximately 3 ft thick. This support mns from the bottom of the

! semi-ellipsoidal head at about el. 612 ft 4 in. to an elevation of 621 ft. 6 in.' The 232 piles that L support the containment structure are driven deep enough to support over 50 tons per pile.

i The containment bottom head above el. 621 ft. 6 in. and the shell cylinder from the bottom head

to approximately 9 in. above grade elevation (639 ft 9 in.) are enveloped by reinforced concrete y laid over a 1/2 in, thickness of premolded expansion joint filler. The reinforced concrete consists of a lower ring, mating with the pile capping concrete. The ring is approximately 4-1/2 ft thick at .

its bottom and 2-1/2 ft thick at a point 1-1/2 ft. below its top (due to inner surface concavity).'

j The ring then tapers externally to a thickness of 9 in. at the top (el. 627 ft. 6 in.) and the 9 in.

thickness of concrete extends up the wall of the shell cylinder to 639 ft. 9 in. The filler and .

l concrete are not used, however, where cavities containing piping and process equipment are

immediately adjacent to the shell.

! Except for areas of the shell adjacent to other enclosures, the exterior surface of the shell above'

p el. 639 ft 9 in. is covered with 1-1/2-inch-thick siliceous fiber insulation, faced with aluminum.

l \ The insulation of the dome is Johns-Manville Spintex of 9 lb/R' density, faced with embossed aluminum sheet approximately 0.032 in. thick. The insulation of the vertical walls is


f Johns-Manville Spintex of 6 lb/n' density, faced with corrugated embossed aluminum sheet l' approximately 0.016 in. thick. The insulation minimizes heat losses from the building and

! maintains the required metal temperature during cold weather, and reduces the summer L air-conditioning load.

I The shell includes two airlocks. The principal access to the shell will be through the personnel i 4 airlock that connects the containment building to the turbine building. The airlock is 21 ft 6 in.

long between its two doors, which are 5 n. 6 in. by 7 ft. and are large enough to permit passage of


a spent fuel element shipping cask. The containment building can also be evacuated, ifnecessary, l through the emergency airlock, which is 7 ft long and 5 ft. in diameter, with two circular doors of 32-1/2 in. diameter (with a 30-in. opening). Both airlocks are at el. 642 ft. 9 in. and lead to


platform structures from which descent to grade level can be made. When the doors are closed, a ,

L clamp exerts a positive force, which is transmitted through the doors to live-rubber gaskets j around the door frames to ensure gas tightness. i a

< An 8 R. by 10 ft freight door opening in the containment building accommodates large pieces of -i

. equipment.- Nine-inch-thick concrete blocks were placed on the outside of the door for shielding. l l m The door is holted internally to the door frame in the shell. Two rubber gaskets between the door ,

and door frame ensure a pressure-tight seal. l


D-PLAN- .4-2 January 1999 ; .

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- Approximately 300 mineralinsulated (MI) cables and 75 bulkhead conductors penetrate the j containment shell. These are in the northwest quadrant of the shell adjacent to the electrical room under the control room. The majority of pipe penetrations leave the containment vessel 1 to 10 ft.


below grade level and enter either at the northwest quadrant into the pipe tunnel that runs to the j turbine building, or on the northeast side into the tunnel connecting the turbine building, reactor j building, stack, and the water treatment and waste gas storage areas. j An approximately 45,000-gal. storage tank in the dome of the containment building supplied water for the emergency core spray system and the building spray system. The piping connection l
to the emergency core spray system is near the bottom of the tank. The connection to the
building spray system supply header is a standpipe within the tank (the spray system piping and i nozzles having been removed); the top of the standpipe is sufficiently above the bottom of the tank to leave 15,000 gal. of water for use in the emergency core spray system. The storage tank i ~also provides water for use during refueling, normal makeup, and other operations in the fuel l element storage well.


A 50-ton traveling bridge crane with a 5-ton auxiliary hoist is located in the upper part of the

containment building. The bridge completely spans the building and travels on circular tracks
supported by columns around the inside of the buildingjust below the hemispherical upper head.


. A trolley containing all the lining mechanisms travels on the bridge to near the crane rail, and it I

permits crane access to any position on the main floor under the trolley travel-diameter. The lining cables of both the 50-ton and the 5-ton hoists are also long enough to reach down through l'

hatchways into the basement area. Hatches at several positions in the main and intermediate

floors may be opened to allow passage of the cables and equipment.

The spent fuel is stored in racks in the bottom of the spent fuel storage well located adjacent to the reactor biological shielding in the containment building. The storage rack system is a two-tier l- configuration such that each storage location is capable of storing two (2) fuel assemblies, one

! above the other. Fuel assemblies stored in the lower tier are always accessible (e.g., for periodic inspection) by moving, at most, one other assembly. Each storage rack consists of a welded i assembly of fuel storage cells spaced 7 inches on center. A neutron absorbing B C/ Polymer Composite plate is incorporated between each adjacent fuel storage cell in each orthogonal

direction. Horizontal seismic loads are transmitted from the rack stmetures to the fuel storage well walls at three elevations (the top grid of the upper tier rack section, the top grid of the lower i tier rack section and the bottom grid of the lower tier rack section) through adjustable pads j attached to the rack structures. The venical dead-weight and seismic loads are transmitted to the storage well floor by the rack support feet. The fuel storage racks and associated seismic bracing I are fabricated from Type 304 stainless steel.
O 1

i 4-3 January 1999 - l D-PLAN-

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() 5.1 FUEL INVENTORY 5.1.1 Soent Fuel During June 1987 all fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor vessel.

Currently there are 333 spent fuel assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool.

This spent fuel consists of three different types of fuel assemblies. Type I (82 assemblies) and Type II (73 assemblies) were fabricated by Allis-Chalmers (A-C) and Type III (178 assemblies) by. EXXON. All of the fuel assemblies are 10x10 arrays of Type 348 stainless steel clad rods with stainless steel and Inconel spacers and fittings. The initial enrichment of the uranium in the Type I and Type II fuel was 3.63% and 3.92% respectively and the nominal average initial enrichment of the Type III fuel was 3.69%. The Type III assemblies contain 96 fueled rods and 4 inert Zircaloy-filled rods.

The 72 fuel assemblics removed from the reactor in June 1987 have assembly average exposures ranging from 4,678 to 19,259 megawatt-days per metric ton of uranium. The exposures of the 261 fuel assemblies discharged during previous refuelings range from 7,575 to 21,532 MUD /MTU. The oldest fuel stored was discharged from the reactor in August 1972. Forty-nine of the A-C fuel assemblies discharged prior to May 1982 contain one or more fuel rods with visible cladding defects and 54 additional A-C fuel assemblies discharged prior to December 1980 contain one or more leaking fuel rods as

- indicated by higher than normal fission product activity observed during dry

!g sipping tests.

The estimated radioactivity inventory in the 333 spent fuel assemblies is tabulated in Table 5-1.


Radio- Italf Li{g) Activity l Radio- ItalfLi{g) nuclide (Years) (Curies) I nuclide (Years) (Curies)

Ce 7.801 E-1 2.636 E+6 Sr 2.770 E+1 1.147 E+6 Cs 3.014 E+1 1.666 E+6 l Pu 1.440 E+1 1.138 E+6 06 55 Ru 1.008 E+0 1.524 E+6 l Fe

  • 2.700 E+0 5.254 E+5 sm N

D. PIAN 5-1 March 1992

~~5. PLANT STATUS ,(cont'd) 1 5.2.12 Component Cooling Water System The Component Cooling Water System provides controlled quality cooling water to the various heat exchangers and pumps in the Reactor Building. It also serves as an additional barrier ,

between raJioactive systems and the river.

The Component Cooling Water System is a closed system consisting of two pumps, two heat exchangers, a surge tank, and the necessary piping, valves, controls, and instrumentation to distribute the cooling water.

The Component Cooling Water Pumps, Coolers,' and the Surge Tank are located in the Turbine Building. . Water flows from the pumps, to the cooler, and then to the component cooling water supply header in the Reactor Building.  ;

The flow requirements of the components cooled by the Component Cooling Water System were as follows during plant operation:

Design Nominal (GPM)- (GPM) 60 60 (1) FCP Hydraulic Coupling Coolers .. .... ... ...

30 30 (2) FCP Lube Oil Coolers .. .......... .............

75 75 (3) S hield Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30 30 (4) Control Rod Nozzle EfIluent Pumps .... .... ....

15 15 (5) Purification Pump ........ ....... . .... ... .

260 200

-O. (6) Purification Cooler . . . . . . .... ... ... ... .....

60 ea '120 (7) Reactor Building Air Conditioners .. ... ......

20 20 (8) Decay IIcat Pump . . . . . . ...... .. ... .. .... .

570 100 (9) Decay Heat Cooler . . ... .. . .. ... ..

(10) Fuel Element Storage Well Cooler . .. .. . 260 100 (11) Sample Coolers .. 5-10 ea 40


i-(12) Failed Fuel Element Location System Cooler . .

40 0

(13) Station Air Compressors . ... ...... . ..... 20 ea 0 (14) PASS (a) Reactor Coolant Sampic . .. .. .. . ... .. 10 5 i (b) Containment Atmosphere Sampic . . 40 _0 TOTAL ..... . .. ..... ... . . .,. . 1560 855 I Water from each of the components, listed above, flows to the component cooling water return header. This header leaves the Reactor Building and connects to the suction of the Component -

Cooling Water Pumps. A sample stream from the supply header is monitored for radioactivity

- and returned to the suction header. The temperature of the water in the supply header is ,

automatically controlled by varying the Low Pressure Service Water flow to the tube side of the j Component Cooling Water Coolers.

i Syltem Status i iI i

This system remains operable and is run as needed to provide cooling water to the Fuel Element Storage Well Cooler and Reactor Building Air-Conditioners.

DiPLAN: 5-14 January 1999-

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5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd)-


5.2.14 Shutdown Condenser System The primary function of the Shutdown Condenser was to provide a backup heat sink for the .

reactor, in the event the reactor was isolated from the main co'ndenser, by the closure of either the Reactor Building Steam Isolation valve or the Turbine Building Steam Isolation valve. In addition, the Shutdown Condenser acted as an over-pressure relief system in limiting .

over-pressure transients.

The Shutdown Condenser is located on a platform 10 feet above the main floor in the Reactor Building. Steam from the 10-inch main steam line passed through a 6-inch line, two parallel inlet steam control valves, back to a 6-inch line and into the tube side of the condenser where it was condensed by evaporating cooling water on the shell side. The steam generated in the shell was exhausted to the atmosphere through a 14-inch line which penetrates the Reactor Building. An area monitor was located next to the steam vent line near the containment shell penetration in - ]

order to detect excessive activity release in the event of Shutdown Condenser tube failures. The main steam condensate was collected in the lower section and returned to the reactor vessel by -

gravity flow. The condensate line leaving the condenser is a 6-inch line along the horizontal run and is reduced to 4 inches for the vertical section. Two parallel condensate outlet control valves are located in the 4-inch return line. The condensate line also contains two 2-inch vent lines which join together and return to the lower section of the condenser for returning any vapors and/or non-condensible gases which were carried into the condensate line to prevent pertmbions in the condensate flow leaving the condenser. The lower section in turn was vented to the offgas system through a 1-inch vent line. Flow in this vent line is restricted by a 1/16th-inch orifice, which is built into and is an integral part of the shutdown condenser offgas control valve seat.

A vent line containing two parallel control valves is connected to the 6-inch condensate return line. The valves discharge directly to the Reactor Building atmosphere and were capable of remote manual operation to vent the primary ~ system directly to the Reactor Building atmosphere under emergency conditions. They performed the function of" Reactor Emergency Flooding Vent Valves" to equalize water level in the building with that in the reactor vessel, for a below-core break, and " Manual Depressurization System (MDS)" to rapidly depressurize the reactor vessel, on failure of the IIPCS coincident with a major leak.

System Status .

This system is not required to be operational.

[O-L D. PLAN 5-16 January 1999 '

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5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd)

O ' 5.2.16 Well Water System Water for this system is supplied from two deep wells. Well No. 4 is located 115 feet southeast of the containment vessel center, and Well No. 3 is located 205 feet northeast of this centerline.

The wells are 12 inches in diameter, with 8-inch pump casings and piping. The upper 40 feet of casing is set in concrete. The pumps are sealed submersible pumps. They take suction through.

stainless steel strainers, and they discharge into pressure tanks.

The system supplies water to the plant and office for sanitary and drinking purposes and to the generator and radwaste washdown stations. Water supplied by the system is used at personnel l and matarisi decontamination stat %ns, at five (5) emergency showers, and at three (3) eyewash statious. It is used as cooling water nr the two Turbine Building air-conditioning units and in the l

heating boiler blowdown flash tank and sample cooler. The well water system is the source of l l

supply to the LPSW pumps seal water system, priming water for the lube oil purifier and laundry equipment.

System Sjatus 1

This system is maintained in continuous operation.

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v 5-18 January 1999 D-PLAN

,5, . PLANT STATUS -(cont'd)-

~3.2.17 Demineralized Water System.

The Virgin Water Tank provides the supply to the Demineralized Water Transfer Pumps which distribute demineralized water throughout the' plant, including to the Overhead Storage Tank and -

the Fuel Element Storage Well Makeup in the Containment Building. Water is demineralized in batches at the Genoa #3 generating plant, transferred to LACBWR where it is sampled, and, ifof acceptable quality, stored in the Virgin Water Tank.

The Condensate Storage Tank and the Virgin Water Tank are actually two sections of an integral aluminum tank located on the office building roof. The lower section of this tank is the .

Condensate Storage Tank. and it has a capacity of 19,100 gallons. The upper, virgin-water, section will hold 29,780 gallons. Both tanks have high- and low-level alarm protection, and each .

tank level is transmitted to and shown on level indicators in the Control Room.

Systsuditants The Demineralized Water System will remain in service, mainly as a source of water for the Fuel Element Storage Well and the heating boiler. l The Condensate Storage Tank status is covered under the Condensate System, as it provided the makeup supply for that system.

O D-PLAN; 5-19 January 1999

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u Sc PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) ,

5.2.19 Station and Control Air System There are two single-stage positive displacement lubricated type compressors.- The complete l

compressor consists of an encapsulated compressor system,' inlet system,' cooling system, and control system. The encapsulated compressor includes compressor unit, fluid management _

system, and motor section. One compressor is normally reaning, and the other compressor can be started when necessary. The air receivers act as a volume storage unit for the station.

JU l The air receiver outlet lines join to form a header for supply to the station and the control air >

systems. Station air is provided to the Cribhouse, where it is piped to near the suction of the Low l j Pressure Service Water pumps; to the High Pressure Service Water tank to charge the tank; and ,

j to the generator and reactor plants at all floor levels, for station usage as needed.

Control air is supplied from the receiver discharg uler through a refrigerated air dryer and l coalescing filter to various instruments and valve' .he reactor and generator plants.


Alarms are provided in the Control Room to warn oflow control air header pressure and '{

compressor failures. i l~

i  :

L System Status


t This system is maintained and in continuous operation.

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D-PLAN ; 5-21 January 1999


5. PLANT STATUS .-(cont'd) 10

()~ 5.2.24 Reactor  ;

The feedwater pumps took preheated condensate from No. 2 feedwater heater and delivered it - i through No. 3 feedwater heater to the reactor. The pumps boosted the system pressure from ,

about 200 psi to approximately 1300 psi. The pump coupling arrangement is such that pump speed, and therefore capacity, may be varied to control reactor water level. Each pump was a l ,

separate unit containing all the auxiliaries, controls, and other components necessary for independent operation.

i System Statuji i The Reactor Feedwater Pumps have been removed. l. ,

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D-PLAN - 5-26' . - January 1999 i ;




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5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd)

U 5.2.29 I_Le_ aline. Ventilation. and Air-Conditioning Systems The Reactor Building ventilation system utilizes two 30-ton,12,000-cfin air conditioning units for ]

drawing fresh air into the building and for circulating the air throughout the building. Each air-conditioning unit air inlet is provided with a filter box assembly, face and bypass dampers, and one 337,5000-Utu/hr capacity steam coil that is used when heating is required. The air enters the j 1 through two 20-inch isolation dampers in series and is exhausted from the building by a centrifugal exhaust fan that has a capacity of 6000 cfm at 4 inches of water static pressure. The exhaust fan discharges through two 20-inch isolation dampers in series to the tunnel. ,

A 20-inch damper is also provided for recirculation of the exhaust fan discharge air. The exhaust system is provided with conventional and high-efficiency filters and with a gaseous and particulate

- radiation monitor system.

The Waste Treatment Building ventilation is provided by a 2000-cfm exhaust fan that draws air from the shielded vault areas of the building and exhausts the air through a duct out the floor of the building to the waste gas storage vault. The stack blowers then exhaust the air from the waste gas storage vault through the connecting tunnel and discharge the air up the stack.

The exhaust air from the Reactor Building and from the Waste Treatment Building are discharged into the tunnel connecting the Waste Treatment Building, the Reactor Building, and the Turbine Building to a plenum at the base of the stack. The stack is 350 feet high and is of structural concrete with an aluminum nozzle at the top. The nozzle tapers to 4 feet 6 inches at the discharge, providing a stack exit velocity of approximately 70 fps with the two 35,000 cfm stack )

blowers in operation.

The Turbine Building heating system provides heat to the turbine and machine shop areas through unit heaters and through automatic steam heating units.

The Control Room IIcating and Air-Conditioning unit serves the Control Room, Electrical Equipment Room, Shift Supervisor's area, and adjacent office.

The office area and laboratory are provided with a separate multi-zone heating and air conditioning unit.

The heating boiler is a Cleaver-Brooks, Type 100 Model CB-189,150-hp unit. At 150 psig, the boiler will deliver 6,275,000 Btu /hr. The boiler fuel is No. 2 fuel oil. The oil is supplied by and atomized in a Type CB-1 burner which will deliver 45 gph.

Two 14.7 kW resistance heaters with power supplied from the essential busses are availabic to j heat the Containment Building in the event normal heating is lost.

Sy_sRnLSajmi These systems are maintained operational and used as conditions require.

D-PLAN- 5-31 January 1999

5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd)

O V a local generator panel, and a remote selector switch and alarms in the Control Room. The Diesel Generator set is located in the emergency generator cubicle which is on the grade floor level adjacent to the Machine Shop.

The function of the 1 A Diesel Generator is to supply emergency power to the 480-v Essential Bus

! A which, in turn, supplies power to the Turbine Building MCC 1 A, the Turbine Building 120-v Bus, the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus, the feed to the Regulated Bus Auxiliary Panel, l and the Reactor Plant Battery Charger.

The IB Diesel Generator System consists of a 400 kw diesel driven generator, a 300-gallon fuel oil day tank, a 5500-gallon fuel oil storage tank, fbel oil transfer system and external remote radiator and fan, a 300 kw fan-cooled test load, a local engine control and instrument cabinet, and remote instrumentation and controls in the Control Room. The diesel generator set is located in i the Generator Rooni of the Diesel Building which is south of the Electrical Penetration Room at elevation 641 feet.

The function of the IB Diesel Generator is to supply emergency power to the 480-v IB Essential Bus, which in turn supplies power to the Reactor MCC 1 A 480-v Bus, Diesel Building MCC 480-v Bus, and the vital loads supplied by these MCC. J20-V Non-Interruptible Buses The 120-v Non-Interruptible Buses maintain a continuous non-interruptible power supply to a portion of the essential plant control circuitry, communications equipment and radiological monitoring equipment.

The 120-v Inverter I A is designed for 3 KVA output and is powered by 125-v de from the Reactor Plant Battery Bank through the Reactor Plant de Distribution Panel. An automatic trasfer switch is provided which will transfer the output to an alternate 120-v ac source in the event the inverter or its de source fails. The alternate source for Inverter I A is the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus. The Inverter I A is located in the Electrical Equipment Room.

The 120-v Non-Interruptible Bus IB had the capability of being supplied with power from three sources. The normal main feed power source was supplied by Static Inverter IB. The 5 KVA IB Static Inverter was powered by 125-v de from the Diesel Building Battery Bank through the Diesel Building 125-v de Distribution Panel. Its alternate source was the Diesel Building MCC 480-v Bus through a static switch. The reserve feed power source was supplied by the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus, through a breaker on TB MCC 1 A, that was used when the Static Inverter IB was out of service. Static Inverter IB has been removed from service. The Non.

Intermptible Bus IB is now supplied from the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus and has been renamed the Regulated Bus Auxiliary panel.

The 120-v Inverter IC is powered by 125-v de from the Generator Battery Bank through the Generator Plant dc Distribution Auxiliary Panel. An alternate 120-v ac source is supplied through o

() a breaker on Turbine Building MCC 1 A through a static switch in the inverter.

5-36 January 1999 D PLAN

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6.1 QBJECTIVES The primary objective of the Decommissioning Program at LACBWR will safely monitor l the facility and prevent any unplanned release of radioactivity to the environment. Some of the j '

goals during the S AFSTOR period are as follows:

  • To safely store activated fuel until it can be removed from the site. ,


  • To establish a monitoring and surveillance program for comparison to baseline conditions.

+ To maintain systems required during the SAFSTOR period. i

+ To lay up non-operating systems.

+ To salvage equipment that is no longer being used.

i To handle radioactive waste generated during the SAFSTOR period in accordance with  ;


plant procedures and applicable requirements.

+ To reduce general area radiation levels in the vicinity of equipment operated or maintained during the SAFSTOR period to limit personnel dose to as low as reasonably achievable.

+ To start decontaminating and dismantling unused systems while minimizing the generation of radioactive waste and personnel dose from this activity.

  • Maintain qualified and trained staff to fulfill these goals.


The organization of the SAFSTOR staff at LACBWR is as indicated in Figure 6-1. The staff may l change as activities being performed vary and stafling needs change. The organization is directed by a Plant Manager, who reports directly to the Dairyland Power Cooperative Vice President, l i

Generation. The individuals who report directly to the Plant Manager each have distinct functions in insuring the safety of the facility during the SAFSTOR mode. j i

The Plant Manager is responsible for the safety of the facility, its daily operation and surveillance, long range planning, licensing and any other responsibilities which may come to light in long-term S AFSTOR operation, Quality assurance activities and security control and support are provided ,

by a Cooperative-wide quality assurance and security program. The Plant Manager is responsible for operation of any onsite security required as well as insuring compliance with the quality assurance program. l vD 1 January 1999

. D-PLAN-I w - ,,.

6. DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM -(cont'd) 6.6 SCHEDULE The tentative decommissioning schedule is shown in Figure 6-2. As can be seen, DPC received a possession-only license in August 1987. The LACBWR Deconunissioning Plan was approved in August 1991, and the facility entered the SAFSTOR mode.

As discussed in Section 7.2, some modifications are considered beneficial to support the plant in .

the SAFSTOR condition. .

During the SAFSTOR period, DPC expects to ship the activated fuel to a federal repository, interim storage facility, or licensed temporary monitored retrievable storage facility. The timing of this action will be dependent on the availability of these facilities and their schedule for receiving activated fuel. A modification to the Decommissioning Plan will then be submitted to describe the change in plant status and associated activities.

DPC is a part of the consortium of utilities that formed the Private Fuel Storage (PFS) Limited Liability Company (LLC) for the sole purpose of developing a temporary site for the storage of spent nuclear fuel for the industry. PFS is projecting a startup date of 2002 for the facility.

Proposals for studies of what is required for LACBWR to ship spent fuel in that time frame are being initiated.

At this time, DPC anticipates the plant will be in SAFSTOR for a 30-50 year period. Prior to the end of the S AFSTOR period, an updated detailed DECON Plan will be submitted. The ultimate plan is to decontaminate the LACBWR facility in accordance with applicable regulations to permit unrestricted access and termination of the license.

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(- I D-PLAN 6-11 January 1999  ;


O V 6.7 COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING DPC is currently estimating a 30-50 year SAFSTOR period (Section 6.6). For cost estimating purposes, however, it was assumed that dismantlement commences as soon as possible, which would be shortly after the fuelis sent to a federal repository. The year 2011 was chosen as the earliest possible for DECON to commence. The reason for approaching financing in this manner was to assure that sufficient monies have accumulated by the earliest possible date at which they could be used. A later dismantling date will allow additional funds to accun.ulate to compensate for the cost ofinflation. After the fuelis removed from site, SAFSTOR costs will decrease substantially. These costs will continue to be borne by Dairyland for the duration of the SAFSTOR period.

6.7.1 S AFSTOR (1987_-2010)

The cost of SAFSTOR will be borne by the Dairyland system. The cost during the SAFSTOR period will be principally labor in scope. The cost also will include necessary administrative costs, parts and supplies and consultant support.

6.7.2 DECON The cost of deconning will be based on the selection of total radiolegical cleanup as the option to O

U be pursued for the final decommissioning of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor. Once radio-active material and sources of contamination have been removed and the site meets established release criteria, buildings will be released for whatever activity the Cooperative chooses to perform. They may be used for other Cooperative purposes, sold for another purpose or demolished. The original cost of the DECON phase was indicative of knowledge of technology as it existed at the time of preparation of this plan (1987). It is expected that better technologies will exist by the time that this activity is carried out and Dairyland Power Cooperative is committed to the utilization of the most effective technologies available at the time in optimizing the DECON activity.

In 1983, the Dairyland Power Cooperative Board of Directors resolved to ensure adequate funding for the decommissioning of LACBWR. An annual funding of $1,300,000 was ,

established, to be continued through 1999. This fund, with accumulated earnings, was projected l to be able to adequately fund the decommissioning cost in 2010, based on the original cost estimate of $20 million in 1983 dollars. l The decommissioning fund was placed in an external fund, outside DPC's administrative control, l invested in instruments such as Treasury Notes.

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D-PLAN 6-12 January 1999 )

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By the end of 1987, the decommissioning fund had accumulated to approximately $9,400,000 '

The decommissioning fund in the year 2000 was projected to reach $50 million (assumed equal to the original cost estimate), with the fund by the year 2010 at approximately $92,600,000 accrued.

l t

The 1994 site-specific decommissioning cost study performed by Sargent & Lundy identified a l l need for increased funding. The Dairyland Power Cooperative Board ofDirectors authorized and i approved an adjusted annual deconunissioning accrual of $3 million with c niinued funding -  !

through 2010 to provide sufficient funding with commencement of decorr-issioning in 2019. l f

t The cost study revision completed July 1998 places the cost to comp :c Nommissioning at ~ l I

$98.7 million in 1998 dollars. The current annual decommissioning funding level required to meet the 2010 objective is $2.2 million. An adjustment to this level of funding has been authorized by the Board of Directors. .

t The DPC Board of Directors remains committed to assuring that adequate funding will be l available for the decommissioning of the LACBWR facility and is prepared tc adjust the funding l level for the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan, from time to time, and/or take such other actions i

as it deems necessary or appropriate to provide such assurance, based upon its review of the most recent decommissioning cost estimate and other relevant developments in this area. l p, Every five years during the SAFSTOR period, a review of the decommissioning cost estimate will l V be performed in order to assure adequate funds are available at the time final decommissioning is performed.

6.8 SPECI AL NUCLEAR MATERIAL (SNM) ACCOUNTABILITY The LACDWR Accountability Representative is'the person responsible for the custodial control of all bi:M located at the LACBWR site and for the accounting of these materials. He is

appointed in vriting by the Dairyland Power Cooperative President & CEO. l i

i J


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[ D-PLAN ,6 13- January 1999 l

- A Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 - 2039 2nd 3rd 4th Actisities Qtr Qtr Qtr Reactor Shutdown x File for Possession-Only License x Reactor Defueling x Receive Possession-Only License x File Technical Specifications for Interim Period ,

Submit Decommissioning Plan x Submit SAFSTOR Technical Specifications x Perform Baseline Radiation Survey Perform System Modifications Decommissioning Plan Approval x SAFSTOR Period * - - - - ------

Limited Dismantlement - - - - - - - - ----------------

Shipment of Fuel Offsite ** x Modification to Decommissioning Plan for SAFSTOR ** x Update DECON Plan * ----------

, Comrtence DECON * ----------

  • SAFSTOR period expected to last 30-50 years. A detailed DECON Plan will be submitted prior to end of that period.
    • Dependent on schedule of federal repository or availability ofinterim storage. l Tentative Schedule for LACBWR Decommissioning D-Plan FIGURE 6.2 January 1999

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DECOMMISSIONING PLAN i i Revised January 1999 i


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A The interior of the shell is lined with a 9-inch-thick layer of concrete, to an elevation of 727 ft.10 in., to limit direct radiation doses in the event of a fission-product release within the containment building.

The containment building is supported on a foundation consisting of concrete-steel piles and a pile capping of concrete approximately 3 ft. thick. This support runs from the bottom of the semi-ellipsoidal head at about el. 612 R. 4 in. to an elevation of 621 ft. 6 in. The 232 piles that support the containment structure are driven deep enough to support over 50 tons per pile.

The containment bottom head above el. 621 ft. 6 in. and the shell cylinder from the bottom head to approximately 9 in. above grade elevation (639 ft. 9 in.) are enveloped by reinforced concrete laid over a 1/2 in. thickness of premolded expansion joint filler. The reinforced concrete consists of a lower ring, mating with the pile capping concrete. The ring is approximately 4-1/2 fl. thick at its bottom and 2-1/2 n. thick at a point 1-1/2 ft. below its top (due to inner surface concavity).

The ring then tapers externally to a thickness of 9 in. at the top (el. 627 ft. 6 in.) and the 9 in.

thickness of concrete extends up the wall of the shell cylinder to 639 R. 9 in. The filler and concrete are not used, however, where cavities containing piping and process equipment are immediately adjacent to the shell.

Except for areas of the shell adjacent to other enclosures, the exterior surface of the shell above G el. 639 A. 9 in. is covered with 1-1/2-inch-thick siliceous fiber insulation, faced with aluminum.

O The insulation of the dome is Johns-Manville Spintex of 9 lb/ft' density, faced with embossed aluminum sheet approximately 0.032 in. thick. The insulation of the vertical walls is Johns-Manville Spintex of 6 lb/R2 density, faced with corrugated embossed aluminum sheet approximately 0.016 in. thick. The insulation minimizes heat losses from the building and maintains the required metal temperature during cold weather, and reduces the summer air-conditioning load.

The shell includes two airlocks. The principal access to the shell will be through the personnel airlock that connects the containment building to the turbine building. The airlock is 21 ft. 6 in.

long between its two doors, which are 5 ft 6 in. by 7 fl. and are large enough to permit passage of a spent fuel element shipping cask. The containment building can also be evacuated, if necessary, through the emergency airlock, which is 7 fl. long and 5 ft in diameter, with two circular doors of 32-1/2 in. diameter (with a 30-in. opening). Both airlocks are at el. 642 n. 9 in. and lead to platform structures from which descent to grade level can be made. When the doors are closed, a clamp exerts a positive force, which is transmitted through the doors to live-rubber gaskets around the door frames to ensure gas tightness.

An 8 ft. by 10 ft. freight door opening in the containment building accommodates large pieces of equipment. Nine-inch-thick concrete blocks were placed on the outside of the door for shielding. l The door is bo!ted internally to the door frame in the shell. Two rubber gaskets between the door and door frame ensure a pressure-tight seal.


D-PLAN 4-2 Jenuary 1999



Approximately 300 mineral insulated (MI) cables and 75 bulkhead conductors penetrate the containment shell. These are in the northwest quadrant of the shell adjacent to the electrical room under the control room. The majority of pipe penetrations leave the containment vessel 1 to 10 ft below grade level and enter either at the northwest quadrant into the pipe tunnel that mns to the turbine building, or on the northeast side into the tunnel connecting the turbine building, reactor building, stack, and the water treatment and waste gas storage areas.

An approximately 45,000-gal. storage tank in the dome of the containment building supplied water for the emergency core spray system and the building spray system. The piping connection to the emergency core spray system is near the bottom of the tank. The connection to the building spray system supply header is a standpipe within the tank (the spray system piping and nozzles hav'mg been removed); the top of the standpipe is sufliciently above the bottom of the tank to leave 15,000 gal. of water for use in the emergency core spray system. The storage tank also provides water for use during refueling, normal makeup, and other operations in the fuel l clement storage well.

A 50-ton traveling bridge crane with a 5-ton auxiliary hoist is located in the upper part of the l containment building. The bridge completely spans the building and travels on circular tracks supported by columns around the inside of the budding just below the hemispherical upper head. I A trolley containing all the lifling mechanisms travels on the bridge to near the crane rail, and it permits crane access to any position on the main floor under the trolley travel-diameter. The lifling cables of both the 50-ton and the 5-ton hoists are also long enough to reach down through


C hatchways into the basement area. Ilatches at several positions in the main and intermediate floors may be opened to allow passage of the cables and equipment.

The spent fuel is stored in racks in the bottom of the spent fuel storage well located adjacent to the reactor biological shielding in the containment building. The storage rack system is a two-tier configuration such that each storage location is capable of storing two (2) fuel assemblics, one above the other. Fuel assemblics stored in the lower tier are always accessible (e.g., for periodic inspection) by moving, at most, one other assembly. Each storage rack consists of a welded '

assembly of fuel storage cells spaced 7 inches on center. A neutron absorbing B C/ Polymer Composite plate is incorporated between each adjacent fuel storage cell in each orthogonal l direction. IIorizontal seismic loads are transmitted from the rack structures to the fuel storage I

well walls at three elevations (the top grid of the upper tier rack section, the top grid of the lower l

I tier rack section and the bottom grid of the lower tier rack section) through adjustable pads attached to the rack structures. The vertical dead-weight and seismic loads are transmitted to the storage well floor by the rack support feet. The fuel storage racks and associated seismic bracing f are fabricated from Type 304 stainless steel.

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4-3 January 1999 D-PLAN

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'I SHOWER & Cp ROOM WASH AREA 1 WASTE TREATMENT BUILDING gr;ule_l'loor of Turi ine2 Containment, and Waste Treatment Buildings, El. 640'0" FIGURE 4.5 D-PLAN

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ ._ - _ -. ..~


(/ FUEL INVENTORY 5.1.1 Spent Fuel During June 1987 all fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor vessel.

Currently there are 333 spent fuel assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool.

This spent fuel consists of three different types of fuel assemblics. Type I-(82 assemblies) and . Type II (73 assemblies) were fabricated by Allis-Chelmers (A-C) and Type III (178 assemblies) by EXXON. All of the fuel assemblies are 10x10 arrays of Type 348 stainless steel clad rods with stainless steel and Inconel spacers and fittings. The initial enrichment of the uranium in the Type I and Type II fuel was 3.63% and 3.92% respectively and the nominal average initial enrichment of the Type III fuel was 3.69%. The Type III assemblies contain 96 fueled rods and 4 inert Zircaloy-filled rods.

The 72 fuel assemblies removed from the reactor in June 1987 have assembly average exposures ranging from 4,678 to 19,259 megawatt-days per metric ton of uranium. The exposures of the 261 fuel assemblies discharged during previous refuelings range from 7,575 to 21,532 MVD/MTU. The oldest fuel stored was discharged from the reactor in August 1972. Forty-nine of the A-C fuel assemblies discharged prior to May 1982 contain one or more fuel rods with visible cladding defects and 54 additional A-C fuel assemblies discharged prior to December 1980 contain one or more leaking fuel rods as p indicated by higher than normal fission product activity observed during dry ,

sipping tests.

The estimated radioactivity inventory in the 333 spent fuel assemblies is tabulated in Table 5-1.


January 1988(*} f Radio- ItalfLig) Activity l Radio- ItalfLig (Years) (Curies) nuclide (Years) (Curies) I nuclide l 144 Sr 2.770 E+1 1.147 E+6 Ce 7.801 E-1 2.636 E+6 Cs 3.014 E+1 1.666 E+6 l Pu 1.440 E+1 1.138 E+6 6 55 Ru 1.008 E+0 1.524 E+6 l Fe

  • 2.700 E+0 5.254 E+5 l



e' \$ 1


l 0-PLAN = 5-1 March 1992 i

.5.-' PLANT STATUS -(cont'd).

5.2.12 Comnonent Coolinu Water System '

. The Component Cooling Water System provides contrc!!ed quality cooling water to the various - l heat exchangers and pumps in the Reactor Building. It aise serves as an additional barrier between radioactive systems and the river.-

n "

The Component Cooling Water System is a closed system consisting of two pumps, two heat' exchangers, a surge tank, and the necessary piping, valves,' controls, and instrumentation to -

distribute the cooling water.

4 5 The Component Cooling Water Pumps, Coolers, and the Surge Tank are located in the Turbine -

Building. _ Water flows from the pumps, to the cooler, and then to the component cooling water .

supply header in the Reactor Building.

i The flow requirements of the compo'nents cooled by the Component Cooling Water System were ,

2 as follows during plant operation: ,

! Design Nominal ~

' (GPlf) ' .{QEM);

60 60

(1) FCP Hydraulic Coupling Coolers ............. ...

30 30

, (2)_ FCP Lube Oil Coolers .............. ..... .......

75 75

(3) Shield Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30 .30 (4) Control Rod Nozzle Efiluent Pumps ..............

'q (5) Purification Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15 L15 j V_ (6) Purification Cooler .. ... ..... . ...... .... ..

260-60ca 200 120 (7) Reactor Building Air Conditioners ..............

20 20 (8) Decay Heat Pump ... .. . .. .......

570 100 (9) Decay Heat Cooler . . ..... .. ... .. ....

(10) Fuel Element Storage Well Cooler .... .... .. 260 100 (11) Sample Coolers . . . . . . . ...... . ..... . 5-10 ea '40 i (12) Failed Fuel Element Location System Cooler ..... 40 0 _3 (13) Station Air Compressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ea 0 i (14) PASS (a) Reactor Coolant Sampic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 ~

(b) Containment Atmosphere Sample .. .... . . 40 ._0 TOTAL ... ... .. . .......... .. ... . .. 1560 855 Water from each of the components, listed above, flows to the component cooling water return I header, This header leaves the Reactor Building and connects to the suction of the Component l Cooling Water Pumps. A sample stream from the supply header is monitored for radioactivity i and returned to the suction header. The temperature of the water in the supply header is automatically controlled by varying the Low Pressure Service Water flow to the tube side of the Componcat Cooling Water Coolers.

System Status This system remains operable and is run as needed to provide cooling water to the Fuel Element

'f Storage Well Cooler and Reactor Building Air-Conditioners.

D-PLAN . 5-14 January 1999 1


5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) ,

o v 5.2.14 Shutdown Condenser System .  ;


The primary function of the Shutdown Condenser was to provide a backup. heat sink for the . ,

reactor, in the event the reactor was isolated from the main condenser, by the closure of either the '

Reactor Building Steam Isolation valve or the Turbine Building Steam Isolation valve. In :

addition, the Shutdown Condenser acted as an over-pressure relief system in limiting ,

over-pressure transients. .

The Shutdown Condenser is located on a platform 10 feet'above the main floor in the Reactor.

Building. Steam from the 10-inch main steam line passed through a 6-inch line, two parallel inlet j

steam control valves, back to a 6-inch line and into the tube side of the condenser where it was -

condensed by evaporating cooling water on the shell side. The steam generated in the shell was exhausted to the atmosphere through a 14-inch line which penetrates the Reactor Building.L An area monitor was located next to the steam vent line near the containment shell penetration in . l .

order to detect excessive activity release in the event of Shutdown Condenser tube failures. The main steam condensate was collected in the lower section and returned to the reactor vessel by ,

gravity flow. The condensate line leaving the condenser is a 6-inch line along the horizontal run and is reduced to 4 inches for the vertical section. Two parallel condensate outlet control valves are located in the 4-inch return line. The condensate line also contains two 2-inch vent lines whichjoin together and return to the lower section of the condenser for returning any vapors and/or non-condensible gases which were carried into the condensate line to prevent perturbations in the condensate flow leaving the condenser. The lower section in turn was vented to the offgas system through a 1-inch vent line. Flow in this vent line is restricted by a 1/16th-inch orifice, which is built into and is an integral part of the shutdown condenser offgas control valve seat.

f A vent line containing two parallel control valves is connected to the 6-inch condensate return line. The valves discharge directly to the Reactor Building atmosphere and were capable of remote manual operation to vent the primary system directly to the Reactor Building atmosphere under emergency conditions. They performed the function of" Reactor Emergency Flooding Vent Valves" to equalize water level in the building with that in the reactor vessel, for a below-core break, and " Manual Depressurization System (MDS)" to rapidly depressurize the reactor vessel, on failure of the HPCS coincident with a major leak. .

Systgm Statns This system is not required to be operational.

J D-PLANl 5-16 January 1999

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~_ _ .__ _ ..

5, PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) 5.2.16 Well Water System Water for this system is supplied from two deep wells. Well No. 4 is located 115 feet southeast of the containment vessel center, and Well No. 3 is located 205 feet northeast of this centerline.

The wells are 12 inches in diameter, with 8-inch pump casings and piping. The upper 40 feet of s

casing is set in concrete. The pumps are scaled submersible pumps. They take suction through stainless steel strainers, and they discharge into pressure tanks.

The system supplies water to the plant and office for sanitary and drinking purposes and to the generator and radwaste washdown stations. Water supplied by the system is used at personnell and material decontamination stations, at Sve (5) emergency showers, and at three (3) eyewash stations. It is used as cooling water for the iwo Turbine Building air-conditioning units and in the heating boiler blowdown flash tank and sample cooler. The well water system is the source of l supply to the LPSW pumps seal water system, priming water for the lube oil purifier and laundry



System Status This system is maintained in continuous operation.

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D-PLAN 5-18 January 1999

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5. PLANT STATUS ~-(cont'd) p.

5.2.17 Dcmincralized Water System ,

The Virgin Water Tank provides the supply to the Demineralized Water Transfer Pumps which distribute demineralized water throughout the plant, including to the Overhead Storage Tank and the Fuel Element Storage Well Makeup in the Containment Building. Water is demineralized in .

batches at the Genoa #3 generating plant, transferred to LACBWR where it is sampled, and,' ifof t

acceptable quality, stored in the Virgin Water Tank.

The Condensate Storage Tank and the Virgin Water Tank are actually two sections of an integral aluminum tank located on the office building roof. The lower section of this tank is the Condensate Storage Tank, and it has a capacity of 19,100 gallons. The upper, virgin-water, section will hold 29,780 gallons. Both tanks have high- and low-level alarm protection, and each tank level is transmitted to and shown on level indicators in the Control Room.

System Stajus .

The Demineralized Water System will remain in service, mainly as a source of water for the Fuel Element Storage Well and the heating boiler. l The Condensate Storage Tank status is covered under the Condensate System, as it provided the makeup supply for that system.

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(v D-l'LAN , 5-19 - January 1999 -


~ . . . .

5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) 5.2.19 SigtipAgnd Control Air System There are two single-stage positive displacement lubricated type compressors. The complete compressor consists of an encapsulated compressor system, inlet system, cooling system, and control system. The encapsulated compressor includes compressor unit, fluid management system, and motor section. : One compressor is normally running, and the other compressor can be started when necessary. The air receivers act as a volume storage unit for the station.

The air receiver outlet lines join to form a header for supply to the station and the control air systems. Station air is provided to the Cribhouse, where it is piped to near the suction ofthe Low Pressure Service Water pumps; to the High Pressure Service Water tank to charge the tank; and -

to the generator and reactor plants at all floor levels, for station usage as needed.

Control air is supplied from the receiver discharge header through a refrigerated air dryer and coalescing filter to various instruments and valves in the reactor and generator plants.

Alarms are provided in the Control Room to warn oflow control air header pressure and compressor failures.

SystenJ_ Status O This system is maintained and in continuous operation.

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. D-PLAN 5-21 January 1999 i


5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) _

'(_, -

5.2.24 Reactor Feedwater Pumps ,  ;

The feedwater pumps took preheated condensate from No. 2 feedwater heater and delivered it through No. 3 feedwater heater to the reactor. The pumps boosted the system pressure from '

, about 200 psi to approximately 1300 psi. The pump coupling arrangement is such that pump speed, and therefore capacity, may be varied to control reactor water level. Each pump was a l 2 separate unit containing all the auxiliaries, controls, and other components necessary for d

independent operation.

i System Status The Reactor Feedwater Pumps have been removed. l 4


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. D-PLAN 5-26 January 1999 i


5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) a V 5.2.29 Heating. Ventilation. and Air-Conditioning Systems d The Reactor Building ventilation system utilizes two 30-ton,12,000-cfm air conditioning units for -

drawing fresh air into the building and for circulating the air throughout the building. Each air-conditioning unit air inlet is provided with a filter box assembly, face and bypass dampers, and one 337,5000-Btu /hr capacity steam coil that is used when heating is required.- The air enters the j building through two 20-inch isolation dampers in series and is exhausted from the building by a centrifugal exhaust fan that has a capacity of 6000 cfm at 4 inches of water static pressure. The exhaust fan discharges through two 20-inch isolation dampers in series to the tunnel.

i i A 20-inch damper is also provided for recirculation of the exhaust fan discharge air. The exhaust system is provided with conventional and high-efliciency filters and with a gaseous and particulate radiation monitor system.

!' The Waste Treatment Building ventilation is provided by a 2000-cfm exhaust fan that draws air from the shielded vault areas of the building and exhausts the air through a duct out the floor of the building to the waste gas storage vault. The stack blowers then exhaust the air from the waste

gas storage vault through the connecting tunnel and discharge the air up the stack.

The exhaust air from the Reactor Building and from the Waste Treatment Building are discharged

into the tunnel connecting the Waste Treatment Building, the Reactor Building, and the Turbine
Building to a plenum at the base of the stack. The stack is 350 feet high and is of structural concrete with an aluminum nozzle at the top. The nozzle tapers to 4 feet 6 inches at the

, discharge, providing a stack exit velocity of approximately 70 fps with the two 35,000 cfm stack blowers in operation.

The Turbine Building heating system provides heat to the turbine and machine shop areas through unit heaters and through automatic steam heating umts. l l

The Control Room Heating and Air-Conditioning unit serves the Control Room, Electrical l Equipment Room, Shift Supervisor's area, and adjacent office. l1

! The oflice area and laboratory are provided with a separate multi-zone heating and air-conditioning unit.

The heating boiler is a Cleaver-Brooks, Type 100 Model CB-189,150-hp unit. At 150 psig, the boiler will deliver 6,275,000 Btu /hr. The boiler fuel is No. 2 fuel oil. The oil is supplied by and atomized in a Type CB-1 burner which will deliver 45 gph.

Two 14.7 kW resistance heaters with power supplied frort the essential busses are available to heat the Containment Building in the event normal headng is lost.

Syntm Status O These systems are maintained operational and used as conditions require.


' D-PLAN 5-31 January 1999

5. PLANT STATUS -(cont'd) p V a local generator panei, and a icmote selector switch and alarms in the Control Room. The Diesel Generator set is located in the emergency generator cubicle which is on the grade floor level adjacent to the Machine Shop.

The function of the 1 A Diesel Generator is to supply emergency power to the 480-v Essential Bus l A which, in turn, supplies power to the Turbine Building MCC 1 A, the Turbine Building 120-v Bus, the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus, the feed to the Regulated Bus Auxiliary Panel, l and the Reactor Plant Battery Charger.

The IB Diesel Generator System consists of a 400 kw diesel driven generator, a 300-gallon fuel oil day tank, a 5500-gallon fuel oil storage tank, fuel oil transfer system and external remote radiator and fan, a 300 kw fan-cooled test load, a local engine control and instrument cabinet, and remote instrumentation and controls in the Control Room. The diesel generator set is located in the Generator Room of the Diesel Building which is south of the Electrical Penetration Room at elevation 641 feet.

The function of the 1B Diesel Generator is to supply emergency power to the 480-v 1B Essential Bus, which in turn supplies power to the Reactor MCC 1 A 480-v Bus, Diesel Building MCC 480-v Bus, and the vital loads supplied by these MCC. 120-V Non-Interruptible Buses The 120-v Non-Interruptible Buses maintain a continuous non-interruptible power supply to a (O~) portion of the essential plant control circuitry, communications equipment and radiological l

monitoring equipment.

l l

The 120-v Inverter I A is designed for 3 KVA output and is powered by 125-v dc from the Reactor Plant Battery Bank through the Reactor Plant dc Distribution Panel. An automatic  !

transfer switch is provided which will transfer the output to an alternate 120-v ac source in the l


cvent the inverter or its de source fails. The alternate source for Inverter I A is the Turbine l

Iluilding 120-v Regulated Bus. The Inverter l A is located in the Electrical Equipment Room, l The 120-v Non-Interruptible Bus IB had the capability of being supplied with power from three sources. The normal main feed power source was supplied by Static Inverter IB. The 5 KVA IB Static Inverter was powered by 125-v de from the Diesel Building Battery Bank through the Diesel Building 125-v de Distribution Panel. Its alternate source was the Diesel Building MCC 480-v Bus through a static switch. The reserve feed power source was supplied by the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus, through a breaker on TB MCC 1 A, that was used when the Static Inverter IB was out of service. Static Inverter IB has been removed from service. The'Non-Interruptible Bus IB is now supplied from the Turbine Building 120-v Regulated Bus and has been renamed the Regulated Bus Auxiliary panel.

The 120-v Inverter 1C is powered by 125-v dc from the Generator Battery Bank through the Generator Plant dc Distribution Auxiliary Panel. An alternate 120-v ac source is supplied through a breaker on Turbine Building MCC 1 A through a static switch in the inverter.

5-36 January 1999 D-PLAN





. 6.1 -

The primary objective of the Decommissioning Program at LACBWR will be to safely monitor the facility and prevent any unplanned release of radioactivity to the environment. Some of the 1- goals during the SAFSTOR period are as follows:

+ To safely store activated fuel until it can be removed from the site.

+ To establish a monitoring and surveillance program for comparison to baseline conditions.


+ To maintain systems required during the SAFSTOR period.

+ To lay up non-operating systems.

+ To salvage equipment that is no longer being used.

+ To handle radioactive waste generated during the SAFSTOR period in accordance with i plant procedures and applicable requirements.

+ To reduce general area radiation levels in the vicinity of equipment operated or maintained .

during the SAFSTO'R period to limit personnel dose to as low as reasonably achievable.-


  • To start decontaminating and dismantling unused systems while minimizing the generation l

2 of radioactive waste and personnel dose from this activity.

+ Maintain qualified and trained stafTto fulfill these goals.



The organization of the SAFSTOR staff at LACBWR is as indicated in Figure 6-1. The staff may change as activities being performed vary and stafling needs change. The organization is directed by a Plant Manager, who reports directly to the Dairyland Power Cooperative Vice President, l l Generation. The individuals who report directly to the Plant Manager each have distinct functions i in insuring the safety of the facilify during the SAFSTOR mode.  ;

The Plant Manager is responsible for the safety of the facility, its daily operation and surveillance, I

l long range planning, licensing and any other responsibilities which may come to light in long-term j SAFSTOR operation. Quality assurance activities and security control and support are provided by a Cooperative-wide quality assurance and security program. The Plant Manager is responsible - ,

i for operation of any onsite security required as well as insuring compliance with the quality l

j. assurance program.


![V l D-PLAN 6-1 January 1999


_- m.. . _ . - , - < . . .


%J 6.6 SCHEDULE The tentative decommissioning schedule is shown in Figure 6-2. As can be seen, DPC receivad a -

possession-only license in August 1987. The LACBWR Decommissioning Plan was approved in August 1991, and the facility entered the SAFSTOR mode.

As discussed in Section 7.2, some modifications are considered beneficial to support the plant in the SAFSTOR condition.

During the SAFSTOR period, DPC expects to ship the activated fuel to a federal repository, interim storage facility, or licensed temporary monitored retrievable storage facility. The timing of this action will be dependent on the availability of these facilities and their schedule for receiving activated fuel. A modification to the Decommissioning Plan wi:1 then be submitted to describe the chang in plant status and associated activities.

DPC is a part of the consortium of utilities that formed the Private Fuel Storage (PFS) Limited Liability Company (LLC) for the sole purpose of developing a temporary site for the storage of spent nuclear fuel for the industry. PFS is projecting a startup date of 2002 for the facility.

Proposals for studies of what is required for LACBWR to ship spent fuelin that time frame are being initiated.


% At this time, DPC anticipates the plant will be in SAFSTOR for a 30-50 year period. Prior to the end of the S AFSTOR period, an updated detailed DECON Plan will be submitted. The ultimate plan is to decontaminate the LACBWR facility in accordance with applicable regulations to permit umestricted access and termination of the license.

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l D-PLAN 6-11 January 1999 ]



6.7 ~ COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING DPC is currently estimating a 30-50 year S AFSTOR period (Section 6.6).- For cost estimating purposes, however, it was assumed that dismantlement commences as soon as possible, which would be shortly after the fuel is sent to a federal repository. The year 2011 was chosen as the earliest possible for DECON to commence. The reason for approaching financing in this manner was to assure that sufficient monies have accumulated by the earliest possible date at which they could be used. A later dismantling date will allow additional funds to accumulate to compensate for the cost ofinflation. After the fuel is removed from site, S AFSTOR costs will decrease substantially. These costs will continue to be borne by Dairyland for the duration of the SAFSTOR period.

6.7.I SAFSTOR (1987-2010)

The cost of SAFSTOR will be borne by the Dairyland system. The cost during the SAFSTOR period will be principally labot in scope. The cost also willinclude necessary administrative costs, parts and supplies and consultant support.

6.7.2 DECON The cost of deconning will be based on the selection of total radiological cleanup as the option to O be pursued for the fmal decommissioning of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor. Once radio-l active material and sources of contamination have been removed and the site meets established release criteria, buildings will be released for whatever activity the Cooperative chooses to

perform. They may be used for other Cooperative purposes, sold for another purpose or

- demolished. The original cost of the DECON phase was indicative of knowledge of technology


i i as it existed at the time of preparation of this plan (1987). It is expected that better technologies l

i will exist by the time that this activity is carried out and Dairyland Power Cooperative is committed to the utilization of the most effective technologies available at the time in optimizing l l the DECON activity. l i

In 1983, the Dairyland Power Cooperative Board of Directors resolved to ensure adequate

funding for the decommissioning of LACBWR. An annual funding of $1,300,000 was l l

' established, to be continued through 1999. Thi.s fund, with accumulated earnings, was projected

. to be able to adequately fund the' decommissioning cost in 2010, based on the original cost .


estimate of $20 miD n in 1983 dollars. l' The decommissioning fund was placed in an external fund, outside DPC's administrative control, l "

invested in instruments such as Treasury Notes.

6112 January 1999 '


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. O- By the end of 1987, the decommissioning fund had accumulated to approximately $9,400,000.

The decommissioning fund in the year 2000 was projected to reach $50 million (assumed equal to the original cost estimate), with the fund by the year 2010 at approximately $92,600,000 accrued.

The 1994 site-specific decommissioning cost study performed by Sargent & Lundy identified a l need for increased funding. The Dairyland Power Cooperative Board of Directors authorized and

' approved an adjusted annual decommissioning accrual of $3 million with continued funding .

4 through 2010 to provide sufficient funding with commencement of decommissioning in 2019.

The cost study revision completed July 1998 places the cost to complete decommissioning at 1

$98.7 million in 1998 dollars. The current annual decommissioning funding level required to meet the 2010 objective is $2.2 million. An adjustment to this level of funding has been authorized by .

the Board of Directors. ,

The DPC Board of Directors remains committed to assuring that adequate funding will be available for the decommissioning of the LACBWR facility and is prepared to adjust the funding

+ level for the LACBWR Decommissioning Plan, from time to time, and/or take such other actions ,

j as it deems necessary or appropriate to provide such assurance, based upon its review of the most recent decommissioning cost estimate and other relevant developments in this area.

4 Every five years during the SAFSTOR period, a review of the decommissioning cost estimate will O' be performed in order to assure adequate funds are available at the time final decommissioning is performed.

. 6.8 SPECIALNUCLEARMATERIAL(SNM) ACCOUNTABILITY The LACBWR Accountability Representative is the person responsible for the custodial control of all SNM located at the ACBWR site and for the accounting of these materials. He is appointed in writing by the Dairyland Power Cooperative President & CEO. l i


y 6-13 January 1999



f O O O l Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 - 2039 4

2nd 3rd 4th Activities Qtr Qtr Qtr Reactor Shutdown x File for Possession-Only License x Reactor Defueling x Receive Possession-Only License x Fib Technical Specifications for Interim Period Submit Decommissioning Plan x Submit SAFSTOR Technical Specifications x

Perform Baseline Radiation Survey Perform System Modifications Decommissioning Plan Approval x SAFSTOR Penod * ----------

Limited Dismantlement ------------------------

Shipment of Fuel Offsite ** x Modification to Decommissioning Plan for SAFSTOR ** x Update DECON Plan * ----------

jCommence DECON * ----------

SAFSTOR period expected to last 30-50 years. A detailed DECON Plan will be submitted prior to end of that period.

    • Dependent on schedule of federal repository or availability ofinterim storage. l_

Tentative Schedule for LACBWR Decommissioning D-Plan FIGURE 6.2 January 1999

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