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1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) for Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1998
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ML20206E202 List:
NUDOCS 9905050054
Download: ML20206E216 (10)


{{#Wiki_filter:,s m e, m m e, m em A V PECO ENERGY Limeric< Generating Ste. tion Annual Environmental Operating Report E" R 288M 3s8886pg COGSD

5/14/9,9, FRI 15:09 FAI

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v  ! PECO ENERGY  ; Limeric< Generating Station j Annual Environmental Operating Report MA' 288M Ps8888s2 R pg ()c;0"> 109


 ' OS /14 /9ft FRI 13: 09 FAI                                                                                     @ 0'04     i l

l l Limerick Ginerating Station f 1998 Annual Environmental Operating Report


0 ;on-Radiologican i

1. Introduction -t This report describes the implementation of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP),  !

LGS Appendix B Technical Specifications, from January 1,1998 through Jecember l 31,1998.  ! Provided herein are summaries and results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of the EPP. 2.0 Environmental Protection Activities l 2.1 Aaustic Magitadng The Environmental Protection Plan states that the NRC will rely on  ! decisions made by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, unier the authority of the Clean Water Act, for any requirements for tq.tatic monitoring. Industrial waste NPDES Permit PA 0051926 crovides the mechamsm for protecting water quality and indirectly aqua: c biota. In accordance with the requirements of Section 3 of the Pernrt, monitoring results were summanzed for each month and reported on I scharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) which were submitted to the P.iDEP and US EPA. I A summary of the results as reported in the monthly DMR ; is presented I in Table--I for discharge points at the Limerick Station and the Bradshaw Reservoir discharge to the East Branch Perkiomen Creek. :n addition, studies of corbicula, Zebra mussels, and water quality sam: ling and observations at Still Creek and Owl Creek Reservoirs were performed in l support of LGS in 1998. Periodic inspections of the Still Creek and Owl Creek resemoirs and receiving streams revealed no sign of increased erosion, se:imentation, or other environmental damage. ) Spring, summer, and fall surveys for the presence of zebra :nussel were  ; conducted at several points along the Point Pleasant water diversion l route including the Delaware River at Point Pleasant, the intake on the Perkiomen Creek at Greaterford, and the two boat ramp lo:ations on the Schuylkill River (upstream near . Limerick Island and downitream from 1

05/14<99 FRI 19: 09 FAI @ 005 l Limerick U:ocrating Station 1998 Annual Environmental Opstating Report ( on-Radiological) $ the Cromby Generating Station). Concrete blocks were ph ned in the water at each location and later inspected for colonization. No zebra mussels were found, although dense populations of Asiatic t lams were observed on the Schuylkill as well as throughout the riivers.m system , (including Bradshaw Reservoir and near the outfall strucmm on the East l Branch Perkiomen Creek). l l Fish tissue samples were collected as part of the Radiologic tl l Environmental Monitoring Program biannually on the Scht71 kill River, I both upstream and downstream. These collections allowed 'or a descriptive assessment of the fish community in the vicinity of Limerick. Most common were spottall, spotfin, and common shiners, :a:p, white sucker, redbreast and pumpkinseed sunfish, smallmouth an: largemouth bass, brown and yellow bullhead, and channel and white cr fish. The species composition upstream and downstream of Limerick appeared to be similar. l 2.2 Terrestrial Monitoring No terrestrial monitoring is required. 2.3 Mala ** nance of Transm!=sion Line Corridors Transmission line maintenance records conceming herbicid: use are being maintained by the PECO Energy Company Consumei Energy Services Group - Power Delivery Division (Electric Transr:ission and i Distribution Department). As required by the LOS AppenJix B Technical Specifications, Section 4.2.3, these records can ie made l available to the NRC upon request. 2.4 Noise Monitorino l All noise surveys required by the LGS Final Environmenu t Statement, Secrbn 5.14.4, Atomic Safety Licensing Board (ASLB) ru ng LBP 11, dated March 8,1983, and LGS Appendix B Technical Upecifications, Sections 2.3 and 4.2.4. were completed in 1990 for Limera k Generating Station Unit 2 operation and Bradshaw Reservoir. These nadies were 2

E,~08/14/99 FRI.19:10 FAI @ 006 Limerick ' encrating Station 1998 Annual Environmenta' Oprating Report t!!an Radiologietl) reported on in the 1990 Annual Envimnmental Operating lieport (Non-radiological). No further noise monitoring is required per LGS Appendix B Technical Specifications,' Section 2.5 Environmental Protection Plan There were no Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) non-wmpliances identified by the Nuclear Quality Assurance Department o by Station Self-Assessment in 1998. ( 2.6 Channes in_ Station Dalon or Oneration. Tests or E.Xpet mints There were no changes in the Limerick Generating Station design or operation and performance of tests or experiments that req . ired an Environmental Evaluation in accordance with the requiren ants of Section 3.1 of the Environmental Protection Plan. 2.7 Mon-routine Renorts Submitted Three non-routine reports containing three incidences of n:n-compliance were submitted in accordance with EPP Section 5.4.2. Cmies of all letters were supplied to the NRC.

1. On January 7,1998, the net Total Suspended Solidi (TSS) for the cooling towers was identified to be 71.4 ppm, thersy exceeding the NPDES permit daily limit of 60 ppm. This eles ated TSS reading also caused the monthly average of 30 ppn. to be exceeded. The cause of the elevated TSS levels has two causal factors. First, the Schuylkill River TSS level had r:cently spiked due to transient conditions related to storm nmoff. This resulted in unusually high turbidity in the cooling tower malz up water.

Second, the sample line had accumulated solids wUch were purged into the sample duri:,g its collection. An it;/estigation revealed that the sample tubing had been in service for over 12 months and was fouled. This tubing will be sched lied to be changed out semi-aruiually using existing plant schiduling tools. 3 l, t o

E 09/14/09' FRI 10:10 FAI @ 007 1.imerick iimetating Station

                                                         . 1998 Annual Environmental Operatmg Repon C i on. Radiological)
2. On April 14,1998, while performing a chemical clureng of a chilled water system, total iron discharged through 3utfall 001 exceeded limits set in a letter dated May 8,1996. 'he PA DEP imposed a discharge limit of 1.5 ppm Total Iron ~ at ?.mtfall 001 during cleaning with Betz Deposi-Trol 855D. The Total Iron i limit was exceeded durmg this cleamng evolution. During the event, cooling tower iron was measured at 1.8 ppm .:xclusive of the cleaning solution used to clean the chiller. A se mple of the chiller solution was analyzed and a calculation perfmmed for J' dilution. The contribution to the outfall sample due to the cinning solution was determmed to be 0.04 ppm 'Iherefore, this event was not due to the cleaning evolution, bu; a natural occurrence of the cycling of river iron within the ccoling tower similar to that of total suspended solids. Since tota: irou is not a monitored parameter, the actual cooling tower iron i oncentration was not known in advance of the cleaning evolutior:. Suce the time of this exc@nce, PECO Energy has contacto1 Mr. Sohan Garg and Mr. Robert Ryan concerning the application of the limit. Based on these discussions, it is understood 3at the limit is being revised (per Chapter 93.5.a, " Application a f Effluent Limitations") and the concentration of Total Iron re ported will not exceed the new limit. Therefore, no further acilans were being pursued by PECO Energy.
3. During the month of June 1998, the NPDES limit f:r fecal coliform concentration at the discharge of the Brad: law Reservoir into the East Branch Perkiomen Creek w1s nr.4 met.

The permit requires five consecutive grab samples, :ach collected on diffemnt days.' The geometric mean of the five !amples must  : be less than or equal to 200 colonies per 100 ml. /.a ozone  ; disiM:.? tion system is utilized for treatment at the E:adshaw Reservoir. Water Processing Facility. On June 19, : 998, the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentration w.u calculated to be 223 colonies per 100 ml, thereby exceeding the 'IPDES permit { limit. The limit was exceeded due to two anomalous data points. An additional sample was taken on June 23,1998 vhich brought i J

                            ' the geometric mean back within the limits (128 colanies per 100 ml). This non-compliance occurred in the followir.J. manner.

Three of the samples taken were within the limits inposed by the permit. The other two, occurring on June 4 and Jwe 16, were 4 i 1

08/14/09 FRI 19:10 FAI @ 008 Limerick C :nerating Station 1998 Annual Environmental aperating Repon 0 bn-Radiological) greater than the 200 colonies per 100 ml limit. The 'une 4* reading had been attributed to random spiking. The tample at the discharge was Sve time greater than a concurrent sa:1ple that was taken prior to disinfection. This phenomenon has p- viously been acknowledged by the DEP. The high reading ')r June 16* was antibuted to the ozonation units being out of see tice for maintenance at the time the sample was taken. The ozonators were placed back in service in the early afternoon o ' June 16* Sampling procedures have been enhanced to ensure tormal operating conditions of the ozone disinfection syster: prior to sampling. 1 i i 1 5

09/14/09 FRI 15:11 FAI @ 009 l l

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