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Partially Deleted, Interview Rept of R Clark, on 970128 Re Allegation That Former Plant Employee J Masset Was Discriminated Against Because He Had Raised Concerns W/Design Change for Plant Advanced Off Gas Sys
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1997
From: Teator J
Shared Package
ML20197H509 List:
FOIA-97-365 1-96-005, 1-96-005-02, 1-96-5, 1-96-5-2, NUDOCS 9801020144
Download: ML20197J310 (27)


_ _ .

L INTERVIEW REPORT F 0F RUSSELL CLARK On January 28, 1997, CLARK was interviewed by the re)orting agent. The interview was conducted under oath at Yankee Atomic Energy Comoany, 580 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740. CLARK was re) resented during the interview by Jeremiah O'SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law, C1oate, Hall & Stewart, Exchange Place, 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109 2891. 0'SULLIVAN's telephone number is (617) 248 5000. CLARK stated that O'SULLIVAN personally represented hi'n during the interview, although O'SULLIVAN instructed CLARK to not answer that question. CLARK stated that he was not under any pressure from YankBe Atomic Energy Company (YAEC) management to have O'SULLIVAN represent him during the interview. CLARK provided the following information regarding an allegation that former Vermont Yankee (VY) employee James MASSEY was discriminated against because he had raised concerns with a design change for the VY Advanced Off Gas System (A0GS).

His Social

-CLARK was born on in Security Num He resides at s home  %'

h r is His office tele one number .and O ,

tele $onenum (508 568 2230. He gra ate rom'the University of Michigan in with a-Bachelor of Science in Biology and Masters in Education, was hired by YAEC in April 1981. He is currently the YAEC and VY Executive Director of Outlity Assurance (QA). His supervisor is YAEC President Andy KADAK.

CLARK stated that he was chosen to be one of the three members of the

" Investigation of Certain Anonymous Allegations Concerning the Advanced Off-Gas System at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station," to act in a independent cverview and oversight role, and to insure that the team functioned correctly end independently. His specific assignment was to insure that the required resources and employees were available to the team during the conduct of the investigation. Michael GOSEKAMP and David McELWEE (team leader) were the other team members. CLARK stated that neither GOSEKAMP nor McELWEE expressed any concerns to him that they were harassed during the investigation or suffered any retaliation as a result of participating in it.

CLARK :tated that, prior to beginning the interviews of employees associated with the A0GS, the team develo>ed a list of prepared questions which they wanted to ask every employee tlat they interviewed. CLARK said that, initially MASSEY Jefused to be interviewed, but that eventually MASLEY_came over to the interview room. CLARK said that when MASSEY arrived atT he interview room he a>peared very agitated and' told the teac that he didn't want to talk to them wit 1out his attorney being present. CLARK said that the team tried to get-MASSEY to answer some of the )repared questions, but MASSEY l wouldn't answer and began to walk out of tie interview room. CLARK said that, at that point, he asked MASSEY something to the effect of, "do you mind if I ask you one thing? Is there a plant safety issue with the A0GS that' I need to do something about?". CLARK said that MASSEY replied, "no, there was not that '


kind of issue," snd then sat down and answered a few more questions as indicated on the transcribed notes of MASSEY's interview (attached). CLARK C stated that after the interview was completed, and MASSEY had left the room, cAsENO. 1-96-005' T~

veo102o144 971223 3- PAGE / OF Y PAGE(S)


$O(C(2 o/t,g _

4-J the team recapped what had been discussed and transcribed whit had been discussed during the interview.

CLARK-stated that, due to inforwetion tridt the tesm d!unwred during the course of the investigat10n. specifically that MAUiU wrote on certain documents that there was a plant safety issue 'aith the A0GS, the team discussed with VY Vice President Don Rfl0 whetner MAYJ' should be re-interviewed by dei team to clarify the inconsistencies between what MASSEY had told them and what MASSEY had alleged in writing during the design change picject.. CLARK said that REID decided that MASSEY did not need to be re-interviewed, but that the team would pursue the inconsistencies by interviewing the engineers, instrumentation and control tech,11cf ans, and O wrations department employees who had worked on the system and/or the design c1ange project. CLARK said that review did not uncover any information that there was a plant nuclear safety issue with the A0GS. CLARK added that their conclusion was supported by the fact that the NRC insactions of the A0GS also did not uncover any safety issues with the A0GS. CLAE stated that if, during the course of the team investigation or review of the NRC inspection reports, he had learned that there was a safety concern or .that an individual had a potential safety concern, he would have acted on patinforma .

Report y; f '

L ['

JeffrdyA.Teator,SpecialAgent Office of Investigations

( Field Office, Region I


As stated f- .

kd Case No. 1 96 005 2



l1 Interview 20 The person inteniewed indicated he had nothing to say to the withxt his legal council present We went on and did get the response to some questions asked as follows:

1. Do you Imow there was a design change developed to modifyhipgrade the AOG system?


2. What is your involvement with the AOG system (operate, maintain, engineer)?

Plant Engineer

3. Do you believe AOG is not working correctly? If so, why?

No releases but went on to say "there is a lot more than meets the eye to AOG"

4. Do you believe the design change should have been canceled? If so, why?

No response


5. Do you believe the design change was canceled for financial reasons?

No response

6. Was the basis of cancellation of EDCR adequateIy communicated?

No response

7. Do you know of any unreported releases of radioactisity?


8. Have you gone to management in the past with an issue and felt you were not given a reasonable response' Yes - this issue WITHHOLD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PER 10CFR 2.790 g i EXgBIT /


',- gf '



9; _ Do you feel' comfortable going to management with a concerr?

Yes ..

10. - Do you know there is a Safety Suggestion Program at Vermont Yankee? -

LNo response 1 1. - Do you know you can go to the NRC with concerns?

Yes but why would I need to -I have a chain of command 12.- Do you feel threatened going to management with a safety concern?

No - feels he's being punished by management for being honest L

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Exhibit 19A Case No. 1 96 005 r


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Senior Electrical Engineer Date assigned to present position: 4/8/91 Date assigned to this reviewer: 4/8/91 Date of Performance Planning:

( - Date of last Performance Review:

The purpose of Performance Reviews at Vermont Yankee is to prwide a systematic method for Supervisors and Employees to define job expectations, evaluate performance, discuss development planning opportunities, and provide a rational and consistent basis for Personnel actions throughout the organization.

Such discussions frequently produce improved job performance - and job satisfaction.



CASENPI ]-96-005+ PAGE

/ oFhPAGE(S)


1. Performance Review A. DEFINITION OF JO6  : Priority: Assignment
  • This section recorde previously '3 e Higham presy

.._- f pedomanae .2 = Egh priority

.".prannae and pnmd. eood = pam additional opportsnwy to clarify what is esposted of this employes

, and how performones will be measured B. EVALU1 TION OF JOB . Rating PERFORMANCE Sa o m--*

n.soid the 4.=n, of o. 5ri

, icy ='s me.m.smas in '7-s vny cond e

ny.g on the f 3 4 m es .

ef the job. How did the employee .FuDy t- 9 do? naoord trende .ad changes in 34 Below Frparea'N ad.ntify constrauung 12 poor /U==mU

i. o,r=- ,.st.g pertarmance p Goals / Performance Evaluation


Goal Descrintion Priority 1 i

1. Mana ge expenditures for ?rojects under your control to be equal to or less than the approved budget. For this goal it is ac cnowledged that PRF revisions will be required to address 'the new organization and project management directives and will be applied based upon those revisions.

Evalunion Rating ISI p Jim makes every effort to maintain the budget and insure that the cost are proper for the installation. The changes required to the budget on the main transformer project were due to

. external factors that were totally outside of his control.


Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority X

2. Manage the projects assigned to insure that milestones for the 1992 outage are met and the outage is properly prepared for.

FJaluati9n Rating k

' g., ' All Outage m@nes relative to assigned design change were met. In zddition, Jim performed the outage sch1Riuling for EEAC projects insuring titat they were properly scheduled and that adequate time was allowed for the mstallations. His was in addinon to maintaining his own project on schedule. On the main transformer project he has made every attempt to prepare for the installation and due to his diligence and perseverance the project is proceeding and will be able to be installed in the time allowed during the outage.


Goals /Perf:rtnacce Evcluatio]

'PriorityM fr oa l Descriotion

3. Become personally involved 'm improvbig 'VY . rfonrance 'in ~industnal safety and radiological protection areas'by insuring that you an any;personne) working with you are following the plant safety polices.

Evaluadon . Rating d Jim attended first stop trainiag class, and has performed 'the diepartment supervisor safety inspections. The one detractor in Jim's performance is: tin attitudt toward safety rules which he feels are excessive. If he does not personally seeDr.importance ufuhe rule he is sometimes not as aggressive in following it.


Goals / Performance Evaluation ,

Goal Descriotion Priority 8 1

4. Propose 1 improvement in processes or practices that enhance the productivity of the department. Additional proposals, improvements of higher sir.nificance, or of wider impact will result in higher rating.

Evaluation Rating d Jim's major productivity improvement this year was incorporated into the design of the mah.

transformer replacement. At Jim's insistence the new transformer was digned such that all termination pomts would be as close to the existing transformer as possible. This was done for

( two purposes. One to make the replacement as easy and error free as possible, and second to make future use of the old transformer possible without having to have a design change since the existing plant drawings showing all mterconnections are the same for both transformers.

While not directly dealing *with improving department productivity it is felt to be an significant overall plant producti ' rovement and thus rated under this goal.

P = RATING POINTS Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority M

5. Insure designs under your control are prepared, reviewed, and approved to meet the agreed to schedule. Any deviations from the schedule will be identifi d immediately upon identification and if appro,r riate a memo discussing will be prepared to identify the area of concern and the proposed actions to' reduce the impact. Upcates to the schedule will be ?rogfi5$ to the department supervisor in a timely manner to insure the design change schedu e is maintained up to date.

EvaluatiN Rating [ b Jim was assigned one design over this year, the Main Transformer Replacement. He was a n.ajor contributor to design and is directly responsible for the design quality. The YNSD CE was inexperienced in transformers and design and installation requirements. Jim identified numerous errors in design and insured that they were addressed. He also addressed numerous C-items in the design which, when included as part of the design, will greatly enhance future maintenance etforts. /) A PRI -


, Goals / Performance Evaluatio2 Goal Descriotion PrioritL_h

6. Meet commitments on the agreco x ut,enJue Counc:xmenrwill nut'be considered met if they are technically or programmad:allyincom;sce or incorrect This includes commitments which are implicit in the job descripoon. Ranng shall be br.a' upon the timeliness and completeness of responses. eg. On time =5-6 carly=7+,. late pre warning =5 .

Evalumdon Rating.d .

Due to the magnitude of the main trusformer project Jim was not assigned any direct commitments. He was active however in providing susistance to other engineers in the installation area. Several of engineers in the departirent have not.had direct exjyrience in construction activ,ities and dealings with the contractor. Jim was assigned the task 5T providing assistance to others in this area and has proved to be a reservoir of knowledge in this area which he has willingly shared to the benefit of all. 'Ihe main detractor to Jim's this area is his resistance to assuming non-construction administrative duties.


Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Description Priority g

7. Improve typing proficiency directed toward the increased use of the plant computer system

, C for improved work efficiency.

Evaluation Rating & ](j Jim has made steady progress in this goal. His typing , speed and accuracy has improved over this period. For someone who has had little past expenence with the computer he has been to make use effective use of the MPAC system for his projects.


1. Add Priority Points (P) g
2. Add Rating Points t (R)
3. Divide R by P to arrive /

at overall rating and enter:

Overall Rating EXH BIT III. Additional Supervisory Comments Jim is a tireless worker on task which he believes in. He has provided willing support to me C in support of the new organizadon and has performed all task assigned. His assistance has been invaluable in support in the constniction area and outage ? reparations. The main detractor to Jim's performance is his attitude toward niles/ policies whic i he finds excessive or unnecessary.

He is resistant to following these rules and sometimes is overly vocal to the point.that it has an affect on junior members of th department This attitude cannot conunue and must be addressed in the near term for the good of the department. ,


i Employee has/has not demonstrated unusual behavior pattern chaages.

(Check One):

C .X._ Has Not no comment required Has comment on separate memo to Plant Manager or applicable Department Supervisor if Corporate Staff.

4. DEVELOPMENT /BIPROVEMENT AREAS or .km ,,ir.d. un 4. u, i. .ur d for imp, .m in =,= p taaud.s w-i k b.h.nore/arynelanane d.w.d
1. Jim has a tendency to make quick decisions based upon his past experience in the power industry and is r,omeumes not open to the ideas of others. He needs to be more open minded and consider all alternatives before he makes a decision. This ha.t been discussed with Jim, and irnprovements are being made.
2. Jim must improve his attitude and acceptance of the new policies and procedures associated with his position in the current organization.
3. Jim is reluctr.nt to get up in frort of a group and make presentations. For example he is very resistant to present items to PORC.
4. Jim needs to improve his computer usage to improve his efficiency. His goal for 1992 is to learn and use more of the processes available through the computer.
5. DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION PLANS Lisa what steps art to be taken to address de dopmers tisied in M. On the joWormder special assignments, projects, ersaching and gmdance. Off the joWonsider .ompany traines, outside educauon. ocU study, etc.

k 1. Jim has been scheduled for additional management t:aining in 1992,

2. Jim's progress in dealing with others, acceptance of restrictive policies, and making presentations to PORC etc. will be monitored and counceling provided to improve these areas.
3. Jim will receive additional training on the VAX programs to increase his use.
6. CAREER DESIRES (Preparing for the Futt e)

A Employee's stated interests and aspirations (satisfied wi th current position, interest in other areas, etc.)

l' P :s! ?v c,


B. Manager's assessment of employee's stated interests and aspirations.

~ J 6 ' o < p . % +.'< ,, e m n,~ts ye.&v .W, s

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1 .

Employee's Coenments:

(If employee wishes to do so, any comments concensag rte C performanx plan, evaluadon or career direction may oc wrinen in or attached.)

/^e w c

Employee's signature does not necessarily mean agreement with content of documentadon but does indicate Performance Review took place and documentadon ieflects an accurate representadon of meenng.

5.Y. % uun Date

.1 ? 2.

Empjayee Ergnaturef nW0db y/3/f2 SMSignature' Date

,2, 2 A-iL um u-emencme 5,gnature Date C



6 e O c .


(- , aa: Waaa in tha recard was dehted a accordance tiith the freedom of Information  !

A:t. exemptions 7d

. F0IA. 7/-J(.5 ___

Case No. 1 % 005 Exhibit 196

I ,


Senior Electrical Engineer Position


Date assigned to present position: 4/8/91 Date assigned to this reviewer: 4/8/91 Date of Performance Planning: 4/21/92 Date of last Performance Review: 2/3/92 1

The purpose of Performance Reviews at Vermont Yankee is to provide a systematic method for Supervisors and Employees to define job expectations, evaluate performarae, discuss development planning opportunities, and provide a rational and consistent basi f;r Personnel actions throughout the organization, Such discussions frequently produce improved job performance and job satisfaction.


CASENO. 1_- 9'6 - 0.0 5 ' .

. - - . - , - - - ..-,w - ,w v.- -- -.,, .-- -

I. Pe'rf:nnance Review A. DEFINITION OF JOB Priority Assignme:t

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. .- dw m.w* w,.m d m , ,.,< . an. i . u ,. m


w o==4., w PERFORMANCE 74 v.ry0 d R rde.dcry .Ia. ,6.yra hrw.m sa

.,,r .te. M.n ed ,wr u w.= .

d .n , i. ,.rv.m.a.. Ir .,, pews. F or sesmery d.1 a d e d.

% h w .,- - 9 a.i s -w

  1. 6 d. L 12 w --,

Goals /Perfonnance Evaluation Goal Description Priority

1. Manage expenditures for projects under your control to be equal to or less than the approved budget.

Spend only approved dollars. Ensure that Type 25 estimates are presented and approved as type 5 or 10 estimates prior to commencing installation.

Evaluation Rating . h Jim managed the projects under his control to complete the projects in the most cost effective manner within the constraints placed upon him. All but one project was completed for less than the budgeted 4 amount. 'Ihe one exception was the Main Transformer Replacement. This project was the exception and was largely a result of forces beyond Jim',s control and would have threatened the project completion except for Jim's diligence and dedication.


Goals /Perforrnance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority h ,

2. Manage the projects assigned to insure the 1992 outage is properly prepared for and that projects are implemented as planned during the outage..

Evaluation Rating A

- c

, .m g .

q f All Jim's o projects were properly prepared and were implemented during the outage. The Main Transformer replacem_ent was especially difficult to prepare for due to the late selection of the installation contractor. Jim overcame this difficulty and many others during the implementation to insure that the installation was completed as scheduled during the outage. Jim's perforTnance in this area would have been outstanding except that he sometimes becomes to involved directly in the project instead of managing the project overall.



W: *: se . : . es G = RATING POINTS




Goals / Performance Evaluation l

Goal Descriotion Priority.k l


3. Become personally involved in improving VY perfomance 'in ' industrial safety and radiological protection arras by insuring that you and any per:,onnel wtyking with yet:re trollowing the plant safety polices.

Evaluation Rating S; ,

Jim's support for the ir.dustrial safety policies has improved over the year. He still sometimes is not a active in his support of policies that he feels are unnecessary and sometimes places project implementation above safe work practices. ,

FRI RATING POINTS Goals / Performance Evaluation .'

Goal Descripli2n Priority

4. Insure designs under your control are of high quality and prepared, reviewed, and approved to meet the agreed to schedule. Any deviations from the schedule will be identified immediately upon identification and if appropriate a memo discussing will be prepared to identify the area of concem and the proposed actions to reduce the impact. Updates to the schedule will be provided to the depanment supervisor in a timely manner to insure the design change schedule is maintained up to date.

Rating will be based upon the quality'of the design relative to the satisfaction of the end users, th'e number of significant comments relative to design quality, schedule milestones, and timeliness of updates. .

Evaluation Rating O Designs under Jim's control were actually prepared during 1991 and implemented in 92. They were of high quality and met the agreed to schedule. Designs assigned for work in 1992 were delayed due to higher priority plant support work and were not completed at 1992.


P; e : se .:


y Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriotion- Priority [

5. Commitments shall be met on the agreed to schedule. Comrnitments will not be considered met if they are technically or programmatically incomplete or ir.currect. This includes commitments which are implicit in the job description. Rating shall be based upon the quality, timeliness and completeness

{ of responses, eg. On time =5-6 carly=7 +, I. ate with no pre warning =5 .

E SIT, /k

- PAGE .E 7 PAGE(S) j

Rating 7 Evaluation Jim's commitment have been met on schedule. He wu invclved in several plant support projects this year. He performed the evaluation of the RUPS problems and designed the modifications required to

{c.ddress ompletion.

the problems. He kept the NRC appraised of the project status a PRIORITY X RATING = RATING POINTS Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriodon Priority A -

6. Propose one improverhent which will improve depamnent productivity.

Rating will be based upon the significar>ce, feasibility, completeness of proposal and implementation method proposed, and number of the improvem:nts proposed.

Evaluation Rating Jim worked to insure that the design of the new main transformer replacement was identical to the original transformer such that should future replacement be required that the original transformer can be reused with a minimum of rework. This will result in a significant savings in the future.




Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriotion PriorityM , g

7. Become proficient in the use of the plant computer system, eg. Wordperfect for document composition (memorandums, one for-one evaluations,LER's, etc.) and Wordperfect Mail for correspondence. ~

Evaluation Rating h Jim has made some improvement in computer use over the year but he still has a tendency to avoid computer usage when possible. This goal will be continued into 93. _


s#, . . ,g -



~ ~


. Goals / Performance Evaluadon Goal Description Pri:rity M f, Improve proficiency in new areas of responsibility assumed during the consolidation of the (78.

  • ngineering and construction departments. eg. PRO evaluations, LER preparation. one.for one evaluations, etc.

Evaluation Rating Jim has been 'mvolved with a variety of projects over the year which task him in additiont.) a'reas. These projects have involved engineering evaluations and PORC presentations. In all cases the projects have been completed satisfactory.


Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority M- l

9. Improve PORC pre:c.ntation skills. Rating shall be based upon observed performance and feedback from other PORC members.

Evaluation Rating A t

Jirn has improved his PORC presentation skills over the year. He has had several projects where it was C recessary to make a presentation to PORC over the year. These presentations have improved year and the one observed by me at the end of the year was effectively presented.

G YX '

= RATING POINTS rg II. Overall Rating -

Steps: /

1. Add Priority Points I (,6/
2. Add Rating Points
3. Divide R by P to arrive at overall rating and er.ter: ,


Overall Rating e

~~~ '

U D#, su.,& ,

III. AdditionalSupervisory Comunents Jim is a talented individual with a wealth of knowledge he is willing to share with his coworkers. He is however somewhat dissatis5ed in his present position and sometimes lets his negative feels become to apparent to his coworkers. Jim must work to control this better to insure the smooth functioning of the department.

C '

eA PAGE [Ok '7 PAGE(S)

- ', . .. l

. .' MANDATORY INFORMATION Employee han/has not demonstrated unusual behavior pattern changes. t f

h(Check.XX.One): .

Has Not. no comment' required j

Has comment on separate memc, to Plant Manager or applicable Department Supervisor if Corporate Staff. j


= List spesine aseds to be addressed for 5 mr is surroetjob imeloding additionni ksewledge or skill requitoJ. different  !

beteviers/sryle/asimule desired.


1. Jim has made some gains, but still needs to work on 'md.r.g his },erformance in the non traditional j construction areas.


2. Jim still needs to improve'his usage of the computer system to achieve better emelency.  !

1 e

3.-Jim must still improve his compliance to what appear to him as restrictive plant policies and l

procedures. '

4. Jim needs to work on incorporating the techniques taught in the Project Management training which l

was provided this year. While he normally knows what needs to be accamplished for a project it is very l

difficult for him to track his progress and milestones.


5. DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION PLANS List what seeps are to be sakes is address devoleposet areas lissed im M. De the job consider special assisaments, p eensklog and svidaece. Off the jobwoesider essepoey trelates, seaside eduesales, self sudy etc. .

C"1. Jim has been scheduled for additional management training in 1

2. Jim's progress 11. dealing with others, acceptance of restrictive policies, and making presentations to PORC etc. will be continue to be monitored and counseling provided to improve these areas.  ;
3. Jim will receive additional training on the VAX programs to increase his use. .


4. Jim's use of project management techniques will be monitored on the Vernon Tie Upgrade project [

and counseling provided if required.

6. CAREER DESIRES (Preparing for the Futute)

~ A. Employee's stated interests and aspirations (satisfied with current position, interest in other areas, etc.)

7Le i.s %f r sean e&&4 k 6y aase ,s m v,w 1


" i i

..C  :

EX IBIT ' b PAGE .0F- 7 PAGE(S) +


'B'. Manager's a:sessment cf employee's stated interests and asp'ntions.


\ T com-~n m nw Employee's Comments:

If employee wishes to do so, any comments concerning the performance plan, evaluation or career direction may be written in or anached. ,

Om fhaN mLo Y > >, g

,A L x W&i $Y L,As.) A A,J ,

Employee's signature does not necessarily mean agreement with content of documentation but does indicate Performance Review took place and documentation reflects an accurate representation of meeting.

L . M W *?~ 9.7

( Empigee Sign 6tre / Date M /A >

  • VtOJ Supervisor's SignTiture Date k -

Next Management Level Signature 1-1, Al Date C



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Casts No.' 1 96 005 Exhibit 190 ,

g C



Senior Electrical Engineer Date assigned to present position: _4/8/91 Date assigned to this reviewer: 4/8/91 Date of Performance Planning: 5/15/93 Date of last Performabce Review: 2/3/93 The purpose of Performance Reviews at Vermont Yankee is to provide a systematic method for Supervisors and Employees to definejob expectations, evaluate performance, discuss development planning opportunities, and provide a rational and consistent basis for Personnel actions throughout the organization. Such discussions frequently produce improved job performance and job satisfaction.

C EXHIBIT /b CASENO. 1-96-005- PAGE_ / OF_ (A PAGE(S)

I. Performance Review

' *. A. DEFLNTTION OF JOB Pri:rity Assignment

m. - , n-ar m ,.w s. w -
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PERFORMANCE Sioe - A=., a a-.e = = a = w. = -w u v.y o a .

m., m e = w. n u w ,i.r s4 w aw.a. w do? Rm.rd v d. d .h em a p.f mm. It.pp prm., pay s fm ry .g 4d=.4 n m.e h w m. mme. h.,m.m H ad.= .&r *;

,-v n a. m -

3 3 Pome? ,

Goals /Perfonnance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority I

1. Manage expenditures for project: under your cc -'rol to be equal to or less than the approved budget.

Spend only approved dollars. Ensure that Type 25 estimates are presented and approved as type 5 or 10 estimates prior to commencing installation.

Evaluation Rating 8 Expenditures on Jim's project were managed such that the projects c:, % under the approved budget.

Budget updates were provided when directed. Due to Jim's research and innovation rehme to the routing of the Vernon Tie cable, an alternate method was utilized to cross the stream between VY and the Vernon Hydro station resulting in significant savings in the overall project cost.


N Goals / Performance Evaluation Daal Description

' PriorityM e

.e .y _

2. Manage the projects assigned to Lsure the 1993 outage is properly preparul for and that projects are implemented as planned during the outage.

Evaluation RatingI_

All of Jim's outage projects were properly prepared for and implemented in the outage. This included C one which had been intended to be installed after the outage. Operations reques Fire Panel upgrade be installed during the outage instead of after. When this occurred schedules were EX IBIT. Nb PAGE _.0F ,d? PAGE(S)

readjusted and the project factored into the outage and installed without impact to the outage schedule t or the main transformer repair effon. Additionally, during the outage Jim assumed project manager duties for Maintenance on the Main Transformer repair effon. As pan of the agreement Jim was to

( oversee the project and Maintenance wa.4 0 provide all required toppn. Iim assumed responsibility

\ for the project and when the Maintenance support was lacking pt fanb & extra effen to insure that thel necessary preparatory work was completed. There was one Lue with security during the early phases of this project which resulted in a written waming to Jim. This issue was promptly addressed and there were no further incidents during the remainder of the repair effon. During this effon all repairs were completed plus several pending problems were identified and addressed. ,

y e; . :, n' = RATING POINTS J-e Q

Goals /Pedonnance Ehaluation Goal Descriotion Priority O 'O

3. Become personally involved in improving VY performance in industrial safety and radiological protection areas by insuring that you and any personnel working with you are following the plant safety polices. Perform required observation inspections.

Eyaluation Ratingh Jim's performance in this area w.s improved however'he was not as diligent as he should have been in his required observation inspections. During installation of his projects industrial safety

( the Vemon Tie line noted goc,d saicty practices in effect. There were two the safety manual noted early in the repair c'fon on the Main Transformer. These were aggressively addressed and during the rest of the project no further deviations were observed.

E e : em : :. 1'G = RATING POINTS Oc Goals /Pedormance Evaluation Goal Descriotion Priority h

4. Insure designs under your control are of high quality ar.d prepared, reviewed, and approved to meet the agreed to schedule. Any deviations from the schedule will be identified immgilately upon

-relentification and **fpriate a memo discussing will be prepared to identify the areasf concem and the proposed actions to reduce the impact. Updates to the schedule will be provided to the'depanment supervisor in a timely manner to insure the design change schedule is maintained up to date.

Rating will be based upon the quality of the design relative to the satisfaction of the end users, the number of significant comments relative to design quality, schedule milestones, and timeliness of epdates.

C ex isrr #6


oAGEf _.0F 4 PAGE(S)

Evalention Rating &

Designs under Jim's control were of high quklity. Jim pushed hard on the YNSD Ce to try to get the Vernon Tie Line Upgrade EDCR out on schedule and get the information needed for purchase of materials needed for the installation. Unfortunatdy during ponions of thrprrpect he did not teceive the C suppon required from the YNSD CE due to his involvement in the rim penetration effort. Jim pushed during the preparation of the Yemon Tie EDCR to make sure that all design and installation concems were addressed in the design dunng preparation making it a better graEty design than would have otherwise have been provided, a e Les . : . ps ' = RATING POIh'TS q,

Goals / Performance Evaluation # -,

g Goal Description Priority

5. Commitments dall be met on the agreed to schedule. Commitment: will not be :onsidered met if they are technically or progmmmatically incomplete or incorrect. This includes commitments which are implicit in the job description. Rating shall be based upon the quality, timelies and completeness of responses, eg. On time =5-6 carly=7+, Late with no pre warning =5 .

Evaluation Rsting k b Cc . mitment responses provided by Jim were technically correct and well documented. Some were provided a little late howe rr others were completed significantly ahead of schedule. Jim was assigned several plant suppon items during 1993. These were completed in a timely manner and well

( documented.

I i e : se .' : . # 'G = RATING POINTS Goals / Performance Evaluation Goal Description Priority $ 9

6. Improve proficiency in plant suppon engineering areas, eg. PRO's, LER's, one-for-one evaluations, etc. Rating will be based upon quality of work performed.

Evaluation Rating d qQ

.g performed veryg in'this area. He was assigned several PRO's to evaluate latelnTe year and completed the evaluaaon it. a timet and competent manner. The evaluations were well documented and the conclusion well supported. One-for-ones performed were of high quality and well documented. Jim was assigned to seferal plant support projects over the year providing engineering support to Maintenance during troubleshooting and repair efforts. He assisted Maintenance in the troubleshooting and repair of the grounded stanup transformer cables and was instrumental in determining the appropriate repair and testing method for the other cables.




H. Overall Rating Steps:

1. Add Pdodty Points . xg
2. Add Rating Points i
3. Di' cide R by P to arrive at overall rating and enter:-

Overall Rating IH. Additional Supervisory Comments Jim has worked hard f'or me over the years and has provided good support. He readiIy assumes responsibility for projects assigned and always strives for the best results.

MANDATORY INFORMATION Employee has/has not demonstrated unusual behavior pattern changes.

(Check One):

XX. Has Not no comment required Has - comment on sepamte memo to Plant Manager or applicable Department Supervisor if Corporate Staff.

( 4. DEVELOPMENT / IMPROVEMENT AREAS List specific needs tc be addressed for improvement in current job including additional knowledge or ski!! required, different behaviors / style / attitude desired.

Jim sometimes tends to be to narrow minded. When he has reached a conclusion relative to a subject he sometimes closes his mind to other alternatives and refuses to listen to or consider other options. Jim needs to be more open minded and to listen to others before he opens his mouth.

Jim does very good work with design installations and has been assigned the installation intensive projects. Jim now needs to assume additional task relative to the non-design functions of engineering.

(PRO's, LER's, equivalencies, etc.)

5. DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION PLANS List what steps are to be taket to address development areas listed in #4. On the job-consider special assignments, projects.

coaching and guidance. Off tbs 1ob consider company training, cutside education, self study, etc. ..,.--..

g ..

g _

The above items will be addressed by selection of work assignments and Supervisor counsellai; sessions.


PaGE 5 6e@PAGE(S)

6. CAREER DESIRES (Preparing for the Future)

) .

A. Employee's sta:ed interests and aspirations (satisfied wita current position, interest in other areas, etc.)

C, *[is, pie,lr.. nn.n et { ,ana t-/ nimg.x_J _ --

.- /

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B. Manat.r's assessment of employee's stated interests and aspiratior.t

~Ji~ s s s r, , u 1. e e n~ _y.,,  :,, a y avJ mw 4e M Employee's Comments:

If employee wishes to do so, any comments conceming the performance plan, evaluation or career direction may be written in or attached.

u' a


( Employee's signature does not necessarily mean agreement with content of documentation but does indicate Performance Review took place and documentation reflects an accurate representation of meeting.

E Am., / Date d4v


Empfgee Sigrrfure 7 brYNA

  • WVh Super 6fr.'s,SignatGre Date

'c hQL .-G .-  :.. J. - %.

Next Management Lesel Signature Date EX IBIT ,



'D k ,.

d c..



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  • 4 0 Na L t.e.ed \\

C ,1 acc daate viith the freedom of Infonnation Act, exemptionj 7C.

F0IA- v7-JGI __

Case No. 1 96 005 ,

Exhibit 20

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