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Partially Deleted Interview Rept of J Osmond, on 970122 Re Allegation That Former Plant Employee J Massey Was Discriminated Against Because of Raised Concerns W/Design Change for Plant Advanced Off Gas Sys
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1997
From: Teator J
Shared Package
ML20199C790 List:
FOIA-97-365 NUDOCS 9801300121
Download: ML20199D026 (3)


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EXHIBIT 31 9001300121 900128 PDR FOIA HICKEY 97-365 PDR in!a,r'.in in t!2 a:ccd was d::cted f-( 1 act:rd; ace w;th tiie frecdc.11 c? In!Nmation

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l Case No. 1 96 005 Exhibit 31

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.)0HN OSMOND On January 22, 1997, OSMOND was interviewed by the re wrting agent. Tie interview was conducted under o.sth at the Vermont Yantee Nuclear Power Plant (VY), Governor Hunt House, Vernon, VT. OSMOND provided the following information regarding an allegation that former VY employee James MASSEY was discriminated against because he had raised concerns with a design change for the VY Advanced Off Gas System (A0GS).

3 rn on Numberi de 'r His home r is His o r (802 258 5651. He rst Lieutenant from the U.S. Army Reserves, M /

Army Corp of Engineers. He graduat Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical Institute (Canton, MA) in it sociate in Applied Science.

He graduated.from Northeastern Univ with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology. He was hired by ee Atomic Energy Company (YAEC) in June 1981. He was hired by VY in February 1988. He is currer.tly an Electricsl Engineer / Environmental Qualification Coordinator. Roger Vibert (YAEC) is his supervisor. From December 1994 until December 1995, Pat CORBETT was his supervisor.

OSMOND stated that he did not perfond any work on the A0GS design change project. He stated that he was interviewed by the VY team assigned to C independently investigate the allegations (re in a Brattleboro Reformer newspaper article. garding He believes the that heA0GS) was that appeared . .


' interviewed because he has known team leader Dave McELWEE for a long time, and ~~

he happened to see McELWEE during an apparent break in the team's interview schedule. He said that the team members asked him if he wanted to be interviewed and he told them, "yes."

OSMOND stated that his answers to the team's questions were solely based what - -

he had heard from others (attached). Regarding his answer to question number -

4, OSMOND said that he recalls seeing PASSEY working on the drawings in the VY plant engineering library and asking MASSEY how it was going, and that was when MASSEY told him of the problems with the drawings.

Regarding his answers to gut.stion nu sers 9 and r OSMOND stated that he was very comfortable in raising a nuclear safety concern to CORBETT, end that he was personally comfortable in talking to Bernie BUTEAU, alt h BUTEAU was a _

very busy Mrson who would not normalls have as much detailed ~

ledge of an issue as CORBETT. In the answer to question ntaber 12, OSMOND said that he is not referring to CORBETT, but maybe to BUTEAU and Jim PELLETIER. tie stated

  • that he did notTse the word " retribution" with the independent tian, but he -

does feel that he could be passed over for a promotion if he raised a nuclear safety concern to VY management. OSMOND stated that MASSEY did not tell him that he was thre:tened by any YY employee or manager for raising his concerns with the A0GS design change project.

C. OSMOND stated that he worked with MASSEY occasionally between L?B2 and 1988, when he (OSMOM)) was employed by YAEC, and that he has worked with MASSEY on a

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8 daily basis since 1988, although he never worked with him on a )roject for an extended period of time. He described MASSEY as a " medium

  • ranced job C performer.

Regarding the High Pressure Coolant 1njection and Reactor Coolant Injection System issues raised by MASSEY, OSMOND stated that he was involved in the issues in 1988. He stated that, based on a safety evaluation he performed in 1988, he concluded that the heaters on the pumps did not need to be hooked up.

(iSHOND stated that he did not perform any work on those issues in the 1995 or 1996 time periods, although VY employee Doug AMEDON interviewed him regarding the safety evaluation tha; he performed in 1988.

OSMOND stated that MASSEY discussed his belief (sometime early in the process of MASSEY performing work on it) that the heaters needed to be hooked up, to which he told MASSEY that he had evaluated it and concluded that there was no reason for them to be there. OSMONO stated that he informed MASSEY of the names of the contractors that he had discussed the issue with in 1988, but he does not know if MASSEY contacted them. ,

Reported bM l

Jeffrey A lieator, Special Agert Office of, Investigations Field Offico, Region I


As stated

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