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Discusses Visit by M Morris,B Kenyon,N Carns & P Loftas to Be Held on 980918.Informs That Northeast Utils Licensee of Listed Plants
Person / Time
Site: Millstone, Haddam Neck  File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 09/15/1997
From: Chan T
To: Dicus G
Shared Package
ML20154E211 List:
FOIA-98-252 NUDOCS 9810080116
Download: ML20154E245 (1)



September 15,1997 MEMORANDUM TO:

Commissioner Dicus FROM:

Terence L. Chan O


COURTESY VISIT BY MICHAEL MORRIS, BRUCE KENYON, NEIL " BUZZ" CARNS, AND PATRICIA LOFTUS You will be visiting with Messrs. Morris, Kenyon and Carns, and Ms. Loftus, on Thursday, September 18, at 3:15pm. Mr. Morris is the newly appointed Chairman, President and CEO of Northeast Utilities system (NU). Messrs. Kenyon and Carns are President and CEO, and Sr. Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, respectively, of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company. Ms. Loftus is Director of Regulatory Affairs for the Millstone Power Station. Bios of the individuals are included in this package.

As you are aware, Northeast Utilities is the licensee of the three Millstone units and the Haddam Neck nuclear plant. Millstone Unit 1 is an older vintage GE BWR; Unit 2 is a CE PWR; and Unit 3 is a 4-loop Westinghouse PWR. Haddam Neck is an older vintage Westinghouse PWR. The Millstone units require Commission approval to restart; Haddam Neck has permanently shut down and is undergoing decommissioning.

This is primarily a meeting to introduce Mr. Morris to the Commissioners, as well as to discuss the latest schedule for the Millstone units. Very briefly, the NRC's Operational Safety Team Inspection for Millstone Unit 3 originally scheduled for September 30, has been delayed until November 1. However, the scheduled Commission meeting prior to restart for MS-3 is stm mid-December and has not slipped. The schedule fer Units 2 and 1 remain unchanged, with Commission meetings prior to restart anticipated for the February 1998 and June 1998 time frames, respectively.

One recent item of interest in the news relates to an internal NU investigation of the dismissal of certain employees, for which,ncluded that they had inappropriately dismissed two employees for " whistle-blower" related activities.

Ycu last met with Messrs. Kenyon and Carns on June 5, at which time status of the Millstone restart effort, training of new managers, assessments of employee performance, and effectiveness of INPO relative to Millstone, were discussed.

You may also wish to make note th.

ou met with the NE Utilities Nuclear Commission on August 22, Messrs. Conway at

/is, and Ms. Kennan, during which time employee apprehension with the.

, nployee Concerns Program, and concerns w?

the Independent Corrective Action Verification Program were discussed.

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