MONTHYEARML20206B9211999-04-23023 April 1999 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs Stating That Characterization of Revised Review & Audit Function Remain in Plant TS Rather than Be Transferred to Plant QA Plan ML20205N1821999-03-24024 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting Condition 2.C(10) from Plant License ML20204E5701999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Section 6.7, Procedures & Programs & Section 6.9, Record Retention, from TS & Transferring to Yankee Decommissioning QA Program ML20204E5241999-03-17017 March 1999 Revised Tech Specs,Consolidating Mgt Positions & Transferring Review & Audit Functions to Yankee Decommissioning QA Program ML20204D9031999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.2.2,deleting Overtime Restrictions Currently Incorporated in Ynps TS ML20155A2561998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs Re Required Frequency of Submittal of Radioactive Effluent Release Rept ML20237E3631998-08-20020 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Definition of Site Boundary from Subsection 1.10 of Definitions & Modifying Subsection 5.1 of Design Features ML20216E2101997-09-0505 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Defueled TS 3.1.3 to Allow Util to Continue W/Implementation of Ynps Decommissioning Plan Which Has Been Incorporated Into Ynps FSAR ML20126E7601992-12-21021 December 1992 Permanently Defueled Tech Specs ML20055D4031990-06-25025 June 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes in Safety Injection Tank Min Water Inventory ML20043E6231990-05-31031 May 1990 Proposed Tech Specs 3.10.3 & 3.10.4 Re Limiting Conditions for Operation ML20034B3071990-04-19019 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re HPSI & LPSI Pump Surveillance Frequency ML20042E2211990-04-12012 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs,Addressing Administrative Changes ML20006A4651990-01-18018 January 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re HPSI Throttle & Pressurizer Auxiliary Spray Mods & Surveillance Requirements for ECCS ML20005F1431990-01-0505 January 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Instrumentation Sys ML19332D1161989-11-22022 November 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Wording from Generic Ltr 84-13 Which Removes Table 3.7.4 Re safety-related Mechanical Snubbers ML20247L3581989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Limiting Condition for Operation & Surveillance Requirements for Control Rod Insertion Limits, Boron Control,Peak LHGR & Xenon Redistribution Multiplier ML20246M0541989-08-31031 August 1989 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Pages 3/4 3-19,Table 3.3-4 & 3/4 3-21,Table 4.3-3,to Add Steam Line Monitors & Primary Vent Stack Noble Gas Monitor to Listing of Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & Surveillance Requirements ML20247M6321989-07-24024 July 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Power Distribution Limits ML20246M0221989-07-12012 July 1989 Proposed Tech Spec Tables 3.3-4, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & 4.3-3, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements ML20244D3841989-04-14014 April 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Steam Generator Pressure/Temp Limits, Primary Pump Seal Water Sys,Control Room Emergency Air Cleaning Sys & Sealed Source Contamination ML20246P1401989-03-21021 March 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Adding Snubber DRH-SNB-1 to Table 3.7-4 ML20196B0771988-11-22022 November 1988 Tech Spec Page 3/4 3-2 Inadvertently Omitted from Util 881021 Proposed Change 222 to Tech Specs ML20205L1691988-10-21021 October 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Description of High Pressurizer Water Level & Modifying Description of Main Coolant Sys High Pressure ML20151Z1871988-08-11011 August 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Changes to Remove Ref to Specific Value of 2,200 Ppm & Provide Generalized Boron Concentration Value & Remove Requirement for Inverse Count Rate Multiplication Measurement After Insertion of Each Five Fuel Assemblies ML20150B0371988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Installation of Two Piping Mods Necessary for Installation of Enhanced Water Cleanup Sys ML20196K7361988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Table 3.6.1, Containment Barriers, Deleting Valve VD-V-752 & Tech Spec, Main Coolant Leakage Detection Sys, Adding Operability,Action & Surveillance Requirements for Telltale Level Switch ML20196K1391988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.6-1 ML20196J2831988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.1.e,increasing Nitrogen Supply Pressure to Safety Injection Accumulator to 488 Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge ML20154J5991988-05-19019 May 1988 Proposed Tech Spec, Spent Fuel Pit ML20148Q8911988-04-0404 April 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Defining Incore Detection Sys as Combination Sys of Both Fixed & Movable Detectors & Associated Equipment ML20151D0671988-04-0404 April 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Page 3/4 8-10 Re Battery Chargers ML20150E2381988-03-25025 March 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Containment Isolation Barriers ML20148J2991988-03-25025 March 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Table 3.3-2, ESF Instrumentation & Table 4.3-2, ESF Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements, Reflecting Deleted Modes 5(1) & 5*, Respectively ML20148J2701988-03-23023 March 1988 Proposed Tech Spec,reflecting Change in Shutdown Margin Switching Temp from 490 to 470 F ML20150C0171988-03-11011 March 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Section 6.2 & Moving Organization Charts (Figures 6.2-1 & 6.2-2) to Section 501 of FSAR ML20148K1671988-01-15015 January 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Shipping Cask Liners,Vol Reduction Equipment,Shipping Casks Not for Spent Fuel & Spent Fuel Assembly Nondestructive Test Equipment to Tech Spec 3.9.7 ML20149E8871988-01-0505 January 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Tables 3.3-2,3.3-3 & 4.3-2 to Require 18-month Functional Test of First Level Undervoltage Protection for Each of Three 480-volt Emergency Buses ML20149E7271988-01-0505 January 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Figure 6.2.2, Facility Organization, Reflecting Elevated Mgt Concerns Re Security ML20210A5041987-01-29029 January 1987 Proposed Tech Specs Re Extension of Cycle 18 in-core Instrumentation Sys to Cycle 19 ML20213A4431987-01-22022 January 1987 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Flexibility in Areas Governing Integrity Testing of Steam Generator Tubes ML20215N6281986-10-22022 October 1986 Proposed Tech Spec 4.5.2.b.4,increasing Allowable Open Time for LPSI Min Recirculation Line Valve CS-MOV-532 to 120 Minutes Per Wk ML20197A7611986-10-20020 October 1986 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing for Performance of 10CFR50.59 Reviews for Future Core Reloads ML20211E8091986-10-0909 October 1986 Proposed Tech Spec Table 4.3-1, Reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements ML20204F7191986-07-31031 July 1986 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs,,, & Re Operation of in-core Instrumentation Sys ML20211K7501986-06-24024 June 1986 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs to Allow Performance of 10CFR50.59 Reviews for Future Core Reloads ML20151U5571986-02-0505 February 1986 Proposed Tech Specs,Per Generic Ltr 84-43, Reporting Requirements of 10CFR50... & Generic Ltr 85-19, Reporting Requirements on Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes & Supporting LER Sys Mods ML20136J3981986-01-0808 January 1986 Proposed Changes to Tech Spec Table 3.6-1,replacing Manual Containment Isolation Valve W/Blank Flange ML20141G3461986-01-0606 January 1986 Proposed Tech Spec Changes,Permitting Filing of Supplemental Dose & Meteorological Summary Rept within 150 Days of Jan 1 Each Yr ML20138N3131985-10-31031 October 1985 Proposed Tech Spec Changes Per NUREG-0737,Item II.F.1.6, Containment Hydrogen Monitors 1999-04-23
MONTHYEARML20206B9211999-04-23023 April 1999 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs Stating That Characterization of Revised Review & Audit Function Remain in Plant TS Rather than Be Transferred to Plant QA Plan ML20205N1821999-03-24024 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting Condition 2.C(10) from Plant License ML20204D9031999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.2.2,deleting Overtime Restrictions Currently Incorporated in Ynps TS ML20204E5241999-03-17017 March 1999 Revised Tech Specs,Consolidating Mgt Positions & Transferring Review & Audit Functions to Yankee Decommissioning QA Program ML20204E5701999-03-17017 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Section 6.7, Procedures & Programs & Section 6.9, Record Retention, from TS & Transferring to Yankee Decommissioning QA Program ML20155A2561998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Defueled Tech Specs Re Required Frequency of Submittal of Radioactive Effluent Release Rept ML20237E3631998-08-20020 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Definition of Site Boundary from Subsection 1.10 of Definitions & Modifying Subsection 5.1 of Design Features ML20197D4341997-12-31031 December 1997 Rev 1 to Ynps License Termination Plan ML20216E2101997-09-0505 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Defueled TS 3.1.3 to Allow Util to Continue W/Implementation of Ynps Decommissioning Plan Which Has Been Incorporated Into Ynps FSAR ML20141F6391997-05-15015 May 1997 License Termination Plan for Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20198G6381997-02-0707 February 1997 Rev 12 to Ynps Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual ML20138Q5301996-10-31031 October 1996 Rev 11 to Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual ML20198S6131993-12-31031 December 1993 Partially Deleted Rev 9 to Edcr 93-303, Vessel Internals Segmentation Component Removal Program 1995 ML20198S5681993-08-0202 August 1993 Partially Deleted Rev 6 to Edcr 93-303, Reactor Vessel Internals Segmentation Component Removal Program 1993 ML20126E7601992-12-21021 December 1992 Permanently Defueled Tech Specs ML20058D8451990-10-29029 October 1990 Separate Rept Re Local Leak Rate Test Results from Core 19/20 Refueling Outage ML20058D8421990-06-30030 June 1990 June 1990 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test & Periodic Local Leak Rate Tests ML20055D4031990-06-25025 June 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes in Safety Injection Tank Min Water Inventory ML20043E6231990-05-31031 May 1990 Proposed Tech Specs 3.10.3 & 3.10.4 Re Limiting Conditions for Operation ML20034B3071990-04-19019 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re HPSI & LPSI Pump Surveillance Frequency ML20042E2211990-04-12012 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs,Addressing Administrative Changes ML20006A4651990-01-18018 January 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re HPSI Throttle & Pressurizer Auxiliary Spray Mods & Surveillance Requirements for ECCS ML20005F1431990-01-0505 January 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Instrumentation Sys ML19332D1161989-11-22022 November 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Wording from Generic Ltr 84-13 Which Removes Table 3.7.4 Re safety-related Mechanical Snubbers ML20247L3581989-09-14014 September 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Limiting Condition for Operation & Surveillance Requirements for Control Rod Insertion Limits, Boron Control,Peak LHGR & Xenon Redistribution Multiplier ML20246M0541989-08-31031 August 1989 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Pages 3/4 3-19,Table 3.3-4 & 3/4 3-21,Table 4.3-3,to Add Steam Line Monitors & Primary Vent Stack Noble Gas Monitor to Listing of Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & Surveillance Requirements ML20247M6321989-07-24024 July 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Power Distribution Limits ML20246M0221989-07-12012 July 1989 Proposed Tech Spec Tables 3.3-4, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & 4.3-3, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements ML20244D3841989-04-14014 April 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Re Steam Generator Pressure/Temp Limits, Primary Pump Seal Water Sys,Control Room Emergency Air Cleaning Sys & Sealed Source Contamination ML20244D3931989-04-11011 April 1989 Core 20 Startup Program for Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20246P1401989-03-21021 March 1989 Proposed Tech Specs Adding Snubber DRH-SNB-1 to Table 3.7-4 ML20196B0771988-11-22022 November 1988 Tech Spec Page 3/4 3-2 Inadvertently Omitted from Util 881021 Proposed Change 222 to Tech Specs ML20205L1691988-10-21021 October 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Description of High Pressurizer Water Level & Modifying Description of Main Coolant Sys High Pressure ML20151Z1871988-08-11011 August 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Changes to Remove Ref to Specific Value of 2,200 Ppm & Provide Generalized Boron Concentration Value & Remove Requirement for Inverse Count Rate Multiplication Measurement After Insertion of Each Five Fuel Assemblies ML20196K7361988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Table 3.6.1, Containment Barriers, Deleting Valve VD-V-752 & Tech Spec, Main Coolant Leakage Detection Sys, Adding Operability,Action & Surveillance Requirements for Telltale Level Switch ML20196J2831988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.1.e,increasing Nitrogen Supply Pressure to Safety Injection Accumulator to 488 Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge ML20196K1391988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.6-1 ML20150B0371988-06-27027 June 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Installation of Two Piping Mods Necessary for Installation of Enhanced Water Cleanup Sys ML20154J5991988-05-19019 May 1988 Proposed Tech Spec, Spent Fuel Pit ML20148Q8911988-04-0404 April 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Defining Incore Detection Sys as Combination Sys of Both Fixed & Movable Detectors & Associated Equipment ML20151D0671988-04-0404 April 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Page 3/4 8-10 Re Battery Chargers ML20148Q4681988-03-31031 March 1988 Rev 2 to Guidance for Development of Simulation Facility to Meet Requirements of 10CFR55.45 ML20150E2381988-03-25025 March 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Containment Isolation Barriers ML20148J2991988-03-25025 March 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Table 3.3-2, ESF Instrumentation & Table 4.3-2, ESF Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements, Reflecting Deleted Modes 5(1) & 5*, Respectively ML20148J2701988-03-23023 March 1988 Proposed Tech Spec,reflecting Change in Shutdown Margin Switching Temp from 490 to 470 F ML20150C0171988-03-11011 March 1988 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Section 6.2 & Moving Organization Charts (Figures 6.2-1 & 6.2-2) to Section 501 of FSAR ML20154L9791988-03-0606 March 1988 Rev 6 to Yankee Nuclear Power Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20148K1671988-01-15015 January 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Shipping Cask Liners,Vol Reduction Equipment,Shipping Casks Not for Spent Fuel & Spent Fuel Assembly Nondestructive Test Equipment to Tech Spec 3.9.7 ML20149E7271988-01-0505 January 1988 Proposed Tech Spec Figure 6.2.2, Facility Organization, Reflecting Elevated Mgt Concerns Re Security ML20149E8871988-01-0505 January 1988 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Tables 3.3-2,3.3-3 & 4.3-2 to Require 18-month Functional Test of First Level Undervoltage Protection for Each of Three 480-volt Emergency Buses 1999-04-23
[Table view] |
3 m,
During all modes of. operation The-following surveillance requiremen except Cold Shutdown and Refuci, apply to'all hydraulic snubbers excep-all hydraulic snubbers shall be
, those listed'in~3.6.I.2.
operabic except as noted in 3.6.I.2 through 3.6.I.5 below.
All hydraulic snubbcrs whose scal; material has been dctonstrated by 2.
The hydraulic snubbers listed operating.cxperience, l'cb testing-in Tabic 3.6.I are not required or analysis to be cc:patible
to protect the. primary coolant with the operating cnvironecnt systen or any other safety shall be visually it.spected to related system or component verify their operability in and are therefore exempt from accordance'with the following these specifications.
From and after thc.'tino that Number of Snubbers Next Required i
a hydraulic snubber is determined Found Inoperable Inspection l
to be inoperabic, continued During Inspection Interval l
reactor operation is per=issible or-During Inspection only during the succeeding 72 Interval:
i j
hours unless the snubber is sooncr-31 l made operabic.
0 18 nor.ths 1 250 1
12 conths + 25',
i 4.
If th'c requirencnts of 3.6.I.1 2
6 conths 7 25',
and 3.6.I.3 cannot be met, an 3,4 124 days orderly shutdown shall be initiated 5,6,7 62 dcys 7c and the reactor shall be in a
>8 31 days T 2 5'.,
cold shutdown condition within 36, hours.
The required insp e i:n intervcil shall not bc lengtc. ned uore than 5.
If a hydraulic snubber is deternined one step at a tinc.
to be inoperabic while'the reactor is in the, shutdown or refuel code, Snubbers may be c:.t.;0rized in the snubber shall be cade operable two groups, "accesi.:, c or prior to reactor startup.
" inaccessible" base, on their accessibility fop :.:.spection I
during reactor oper..:icn.
These two groups ta:' be inspected.
independently according to the i
l above schedule.
i 2.
All hydraulic snub',.ers whose seal I
materials have not been i
deiaonstrated to bc :capatible with the operatik; nreir:n=ent shall be visually.1 :spegted for operability' eve y 31 days.
-b fM
,4e60I: Hydraulic" Snubbers (cont'd)o 3.
The;initialcinspection'shall.be performed within 6 conths from the date of issuance of these specifi-For thc1 purpose of entering;;
4 cations.
the schedule-in specification 4.6.I.1, it shall be assumed that Lthe facility had been on a 6 r.onth.
linspection. interval.
- 4. ~ 0nc.c cach refueling cycle, a repre-li
.sentativo sample of.10 snubbers or.
.approxima'tcly 10%'of the snubbers, I
whichever is~1ess, shall bc functionally l tested forioperability: f; including verification 'of' proper
!4 piston movement, 1cck up and biced, l'
For each unit and subsce,uent i
unit found inoperabic, an addi icnal:
10% or ten' snubbers.sha'.1.bc so tested'uatil no acre failures are found' or all units have been tested, i
.g a
Once cach refueling cycle at. least
,two representative s,ub':ers
'fren 1
a relatively severe env rcr.cen:
shall be completely disassembled.
and examined for damage and i
abnormal seal degradation.
i G
4 6
e e
I 137b e
~ TABLE 3.6.I d'
- J i
Elevation New Boston Edison Co.'No.
. Location S-1-3Q-1
}!ain Steam Line ' A 24'9" 4
S-1-30-2 Main Stcas Line A 24'9"-
' Main Steam Line C 24'9" S-1-30-7 Main Stcan Line D-24'9" S-1-30-8 Main Stcan Line D 24'9" S-1-10-9 From Stop Valves 28'6" S-1-10-10
,From Stop Valves 28'6" <
S-1-10-11 To,Stop Valves 39' S-1-20-12 To.Stop Valves 39' S-1-10-13
.To Stop Valves 39'3" S-1-3-14 To Stop_ Valves 24'9" S-1-3-15 To Stop Valves 39'3" S-1-10-16 To Stop Valvcs-24'9"
,' S-1-3-17 Stcan By-Pass 40'3" S-1-3-IS-Stcan By-Pass 40'3" S-1-3-19 Stcan By-Pass 38'7"-
S-1-10-20 B Train Occr 2nd Point 21' S-1-10-21 D Train Over 2nd' Point.
21' S-1-10-22
. B Train Over 2nd Poin:
21' S-1-10-23 B Train Over 2nd' Point 21' S-1-10-24 B Train Over 2nd Point 21' S-1-10-25 A Train Over 2nd Pdint'-
21' S-1-10-26 A Train Over 2nd Point
21' S-1-10-27 A Train Cver 2nd Poin 21' S-1-10-2S A Train Over 2nd Point 21' S-1-10-29 A Train over 1st Point
,21' S-1-3-3S Air Ejectors.
34' S-1-3-39 Air Ejectors 2S' S-1-3-40 Air Ejectors 34' S-1-3-41 Air Ejectors 34' S-1-3-42 Air Ejectors 35' O
1 1
G t
e 137e 3
1, -.- -
llydraulic Snubbers 4
4 Snubbers are designed to prevent unrest' rained pipe' action under dynamic' loads as
might occur during an carthqua,ke'or severe transient, while. allowing nor:al-thermal motion during startup and. shutdown.
The consequence of an inoperabic. snubber is.
.i an increase in' the probability of structural damage to piping as a.rcsult of a seismic l
or other event initiating dynamic loads.
It is therefore required that all. hydraulic snubbtrs required.to protect the pri ary. coolant system or any other safety system or component be operabic during reactor operation.
l L
Because the snubber protection is required only'during relitively low probchility l
cvents, a period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 'is allowed for repairs er replaccrents.
In case a j
shutdown is required, the allowance of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> to.rcach a cold shutdown ecndition
.c will permit. an orderly shutdown consistent with standard operating procedurcs.
Since plant startup should.not con =ence with knowingly" defective safety rciated equipment, Specification 3'.6.I.S prohibits s.tartup with incierabic snubbers.
All safety related hydraulic snubbers are visually inspected for overall integrity and operability.
The inspection.will include verification of. proper' orient: tion, adequate' hydraulic fluid 1cyc1 and proper attachment of snubber to piping and structures.
The inspection frequency is based upon naintaining a constant icycl of. snubber protection.
Thus the required inspection' interval varies inversely with th: observed snubber failures.
The number of inoperabic snubbers found during a required inspecticn determines the tino interval for the next required inspection.
Inspection 8 perfcraed' before that interval has clapsed nay be used as a new reference point to dr;crcino the next inspoetion.
However, the results of such cr.rly inspections pericrc.;d'before the original required time interval has clapsed (nominal tine less 25L) may not bc used to lengthen the required inspection interynl.
Any inspection whos~e results t,
require a shorter inspection interval will override the previous schedule.
Experience at operating facilitics has shewn tht.t the required surveillance program
should assure an acceptable Icyc1 of snubber porformance provided that the scal.
materials are compatibic with the operating environment.
Snubbers containing seal material which has not been demonstrated by operating experience, lab tests or analysis to be compatible with the operating environment should be inspected more frequently (cycry onth) until catorial compatability is confirmed or an appropriate changeout is completed.
Examination of defective snubbers at-reactor faci 11 tics and material tests performed at several laboratorie s (Reference 1) has shown that millabic gum polytrothanc deteriorates rapidly under the temperature and noisture conditions present in many snubber locations.
Although colded polyurethane exhibits greater resistance to those conditions, it also cay be unsuitabic for application in the higner temperature environments.
Data are not currently available to precisely deilne an upper temperature limit for the nolded polyurethane.
Lab tests and in-plant experience indicate that seal catorials are available, primarily ethylene propy.lene l
t I
'151a u
BASESJ 3.6.I and 4.6.I i
Hydraulic Snubbers (cont'd) componnds, which should give satisfactory performance.,4e.r the most severe conditions expected in reactor installations.
To further increase the assurance of snubber relinkiilty, functional tests shoul.'
These tests wi11' include stroking of the be perforced once cach refueling cyc1 t.
snubbers to verify proper pistr. cove cat, lock-up and biced.
Ten percent or ten. snubbers, whichever is less, represents an adequate sample l'or such tests.
Observed failurcs on these sampics should require testing of ad? tional ur.its.
Snubbers in high radiation areas or those especially difficult to recove need not be sc1ceted for functional tests provided operability was previously verified.
To complenent the visual exter.a1 inspections, disassembly and internal ex;mination for component damage and abnorail seal degradation should be performed.
The c'xamination of two units, each refueling cycle, selected from relative.y severe enviro..ments.should adeq2ately serve this purpose.
Any observed wear, breakdown or deterioration will provide a basis for additicaal inspections.
Report H. R. Erickson, Bergen Paterson to K. R. Coller, NRC, October 7, 1974
Mydraulic Shock Sway Arrestors IS1b a'