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Proposed Tech Spec 4.5.2.b.4,increasing Allowable Open Time for LPSI Min Recirculation Line Valve CS-MOV-532 to 120 Minutes Per Wk
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 10/22/1986
Shared Package
ML20215N624 List:
NUDOCS 8611070094
Download: ML20215N628 (1)



"$MERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 3 Verifying that the following valves are in their normally closed position with power to the valve operator removed by disconnecting the power cables as they' leave the motor starter:

Valve Number Valve Function b.

CS-MOV-534 LPSI Pump Header Isolation Valve Bypass 4.

Verifying that the follouing valves are in their normal position with power to the valve operator motors separated by dual contactors from the motor control center:

Normal Valve Humber Valve Function Position

a. CS-MOV-532 LPSI Recirculation Line Clcsed
b. CS-MOV-533 LPSI Pump Header Isolation Open
c. CS-MOV-535 LPSI Pump Header Isolation Open

~d. SI-MOV-518 HPSI and LPSI Pump Header Suction Isolation Open

e. SI-MOV-48 HPSI and LPSI Minimum Recirculation Line Open
f. SI-MOV-49 HPSI and LPSI Minimum Recirculation Line Open
g. SI-MOV-515 Hot Leg Injection Isolation Closed
h. SI-MOV-514 Hot Leg Injection Isolation Closed
i. SI-MOV-516 V.C. Sump Isolation Closed
j. SI-MOV-517 v.C. Sump Isolation Closed
k. SI-MOV-46 HPSI Flow Control Open
1. SI-MOV-4 LPSI Pump Crossover to HPSI Pump Open
m. CS-MOV-536 SI Header Isolation to Cold Log Open
n. CS-MOV-537 SI Header Isolation to Cold Leg Open
o. CS-MOV-538 SI Header Isolation to Cold Leg Open
p. CS-MOV-539 SI Header Isolation to Cold Leg Open
q. MC-MOV-301 MCS Loop Isolation Open
r. MC-MOV-302*-

MCS Loop Isolation Open

s. MC-MOV-309 HCS Loop Isolation Open
t. MC-MOV-310*

MCS Loop Isolation Open

u. MC-MOV-318*

MCS Loop Isolation Open

v. MC-MOV-319 MCS Loop Isolation Open
w. MC-MOV-325 MCS Loop Isolation Open
x. MC-MOV-326*

MCS Loop Isolation Open Note: CS-M0V-532uaybeopenedfor$E120minutesperueekfor l

safety injection tank cixing or low pressure safety injection pump testing.

  • In Modes 2, 3*,


5*, MCS loop isolation valves are required to be closed for main coolant pump (s) starting. After the pump (s) has been started, the valve (s) shall be reopened.

YANKEE R0WE 3/4 5-6 AmendmentNo.%,,f 8611070094 861022 4

PDR ADOCK 05000029 p

