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Proposed Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs 870825-26 Meetings W/Nrc,Ge,Doe & Anl in Idaho Falls,Id Re Problems Pertaining to Design,Const & Operation of Liquid Metal Reactors
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/10/1987
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-2521A, NUDOCS 8801270284
Download: ML20148H706 (12)



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A A DATE ISSUED: 9'10/87 xgg-asa /A Proposed Meeting Sumary For The Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee y //pda[/f Meeting - August 25-26, 1987 Idaho Falls, ID Purpose The Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs met on August 25-26, 1987 in Idaho Falls, ID witn ANL representatives to hear presentations and gain information on the problems pertaining to the design, construction, and oper3 tion af liquid metal reactors.

Attendees ACRS NRC Staff D. Ward, Chairman C. Allen, RES J. Ebersole, Member R. Landry, RES P. Shewmon, Member W. Morris, RES M. El-Zeftawy, Staff J. Wilson, RES ANL Others D. Cissel S. Burton, DOE R. Sevy G. Sherwood, DOE P. Planchon D. Rogers, RI

u. Golder. K. El-Sheikh, GE D. Pedersen i D. Porter i H. Harper l W. Lehto R. Lindsay J. Sackett Y. Chang R. Smith L. Burris R. Pahl B. Seidel Meeting Highliabts, Agreements, and Requests
1. Mr. Ward, Subcommittee Chairman, introduced the members of the Subcommittee present and stated the purpose of the meeting.

pgg12 g4070910' DESIGNATED ORIGINAL 2522A PDR . Certified By ( M[M

. I J Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987

2. Mr. D. Cissel, ANL/ Director of EBR-II Project, presented the EBR-I chronology. EBR-I was built and operated by ANL to prove the validity of the breeding principle, evaluate the feasibility of using liquid metal coolants, provide measurable quantities of 239 Pu, and to gain operating experience with NaK-to-water heat ex-changers. In the course of its useful life, EBR-I operated with four different fuel loadings. Mark-I(April 10,1951) was fueled with cyl .ndrical slugs of fully enriched metallic uranium in SS347 cladding. NaK was provided between the slugs and cladding as heat transfer medium. Mark-II loading consisted of U-2% Zr alloy and was installed in February 1954. On November 29, 1955, a partial core melting occurred under transient power test. In 1963, EBR-I was fueled entirely with metallic plutonium (and 1.25 wt% Alumi-


num). The use of plutonium fuel and in a series of intensive foil-activation experiments, a breeding ratio of 1.27 was measured.

In 1964, EBR-I was shutdown, decommissioned, and was declared a national historic landmark in 1966.

3. Mr. Cissel, indicated that due to the initial success of EBR-I in the early 1950's, EBR-II was designed and operated as an intermedi-ate step towards a full-scale commercial fast breeder. EBR-II is a small but complete LMR power plant with a sodium-cooled pool-type fast reactor as the heat source. All major primary components are imersed in a large double-walled tank that contains approximately 86,000 gallons of sodium at 700*F. The secondary sodium cooling system is isolated from the primary system at the heat exchangers.

The thermally hot but nonradioactive secondary souium is passed through two super heaters, eight evaporators, and into the surge tank. Superheated steam at 815 F and a pressure of 1250 psi is piped to a 20 MW turbine-generator.

EBR-II has a peak thermal power of 62.5 MWt, and a corresponding electrical power of 20 MWe. The net electrical power generation

4 .Ldvanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 (14 e 16 MWe) is fed into the Idaho National Engineering Lab (INEL) power grid. It has been operated over a range of power for the past 23 years. Among the EBn-II program objectives are the follow-ing:

  • To support netal fuel development, irradiation, and reprocess-ing for the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) program,
  • To demonstrate inherently safe characteristics of sodium-cooled reactors,
  • To develop an inherent operability program, supportive of innovative designs for LMRs,
  • To support steady-state irradiation of fuels and materials, including defense programs,
  • To demonstrate long-term reliable operation of sodium-cooled reactors, l
  • To transfer desian and operating experience to future LMR plants.

Operating performance of EBR-II as an LMR power plant has been j highly satisfactory, with attainment of respectable annual capacity factors, during the conduct of the diverse experimental programs which constitute the primary mission of EBR-II. l Mr. Cissel indicated that there ' n effective training program j i for plant operating, maintenarc- support personnel, in compli-ance with DOE requirements. TN .so m effective training i and plant familiarization service. ';r non-EBR-II personnel.


6 Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 EBR-II has low personnel exposure to radiation and low environ-mental releases of radiation in effluents (only noble gases, no liquids). It possesses versatile and unique experimental capabil-ities in irradiation work and system testing with demonstration of inherent s'afety features. Experience has shown that maintenance and repair of sodium components and systems can be accomplished by straightforward techniques, with relatively simple equipment, and without undue hazards to personnel.

Since the installation of the Cover Gas Cleanup System (CGCS) in mid-1977, the average annual release rate has decreased to approx-imately 300 Ci/yr. During periods of run-beyond-cladding-breach testing, noble gas releases increase because operation of the CGCS is restricted. The average annual radiation dose for operating personnel during the period 1970-1984 was approximately 90 mrem.

4. Mr. Y. I. Chang, ANL/ General Manager, presented an overview of the IFR concept. The IFR concept is an innovative LMR concept that utilizes four technical features
  • Liquid metal cooling
  • Pool configuration
  • Metallic fuel l
  • Integral fuel cycle, based on pyrometallurgical processing and i injection-cast fuel fabrication, with the fuel cycle facility collocated with the reactor (if so desired).

Basically, the IFR exploits the inherent properties of liquid metal cooling to achieve 'reakthrough u in economics and safety. The IFR concept has potential adventages in the areas of fuel performance,

  • Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 fabrication, reprocessing, safety, economics, waste, transporta-tion, diversion and theft resistance, and flexibility in plant size and deployment strategy.

Much of the technology for the IFR is based on EBR-II. During 1964-1969, about 35,000 fuel pins were reprocessed and refabricated in the EBR-II fuel cycle facility, which was based on an early pyroprocessing. With simple design changes, the new EBR-Il fuel has a design burnup of 140,000 MWD /T. Over 2,500 pins actua:1y achieved burnups greater than 100,000 MWD /T, and one full assembly of 30 pins achieved 185,000 MWD /T. The new IFR process replaces melt-refining with two new steps, one for the fuel and one more for the blanket. Notice that, recently, EBR-II fabricates its own fuel, l The necessary facilities needed to demonstrate the IFR fuel cycle are already in place. Another major objective is to expand the IFR U-Pu-Zr fuel irradiation data base to provide a technical bridge ,

between this alloy and extensive data base already in hand. A l single step injection casting capability for U-Pu-Zr fuel has been Yullydevelopedwithover100batchesofIFRfuelcastingsare l successfully produced. l Mr. Chang stated that the metallic fuel sharply improves the inherent safety characteristics. The metallic fuel has high I thermal conductivity which results in a favorable reactivity j feedback characteristics under loss-of-flow and loss-of-heat sink l conditions.

l The quantification of the IFR fuel cycle economics, along with the inherent safety potential of the metallic core design, was per-formed in conjunction with the industrial LMR designs (e.g.,

PRISM /GE-design,SAFR/RI-design).  ;

2 Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987  !

5. Mr. H. P. Planchon, ANL, pointed out that the EBR-II test program has demonstrated:
  • Passive removal of decay heat by natural circulation,
  • Passive reactor shutdown for a loss-of-flow-without scram (LOFWS),and
  • Passive reactor shutdown for a loss-of-heat sink-without scram (LOHSWS).

Transient overpower without scram (TOPWS) can also be made benign and is the subject of follow-on testing at EBR-II.

The (LOFWS) tests involved bypassing the normal loss of flow scram function, deenergizing the control rod drive motors and tripping the main coolant pumps. The tests are indicating that natural processes such as thermal expansion of reactor materials and thermal convection of the sodium coolant can shut down the reactor and maintain cooling even if a serious accident was to disable the normal safety systems.

The (LOHSWS) tests were conducted by stopping flow in the secondary sodium loop and thereby essentially stopping the normal heat rejection from the primary pool. There was no manual or automatic concrol. The reactor was passively shutdown by inherent reactivity feedbacks. Othertestswerealsoperformedsuccessfully(e.g.,

steam load perturbation tests and flow perturbation tests). 4 Mr. J. Sackett, ANL, indicated that the shutdown and subsequent heat removal have been accomplished by natural processes and j in-core direct acting devices assuming safety equipment in the


first two levels of safety design had failed. An integral part of 1

a- Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 the strategy in eliminating a hypothetical core disruptive accident (HCDA) from design consideration showed that the reactor is pro-tected even from ATWS events.

6. Mr. D. Tracey, ANL, gave a brief presentation regarding injection l casting capability of EBR-II fuel (U-Pu-Zr). Out-of-reactor experiments to establish the compatibility of the IFR fuel with advanced cladding materials, to characterize the distribution of the alloying elements within the fuel, to measure the thermal and physical properties of the fuel, and to validate calculational methods of modeling the fuel behavior, are all underway.
7. Mr. D. Porter, ANL, described the metallic fuel technology at the EBR-II site. Lead irradiation test assemblies in EBR-II have reached burnup in excess of 50,000 MWD /T as of February 1986, and are continuing their irradiation to 140,000 MWD /T or to cladding breach. Interim postirradiation examinations have been perfonted at various burnup levels. Current programs are to characterize Run-beyond-cladding breach (RBCB). Substantial efforts are being l made to define the consequences of operating with one or more l tiefective fuel elements. Phenomena of particular interest include )

the loss and disposition of fission products from defective fuel, the effects of coolant interaction with various fuel materials, etc. The missions are EBR-II and FFTF's core conversions leading j to PRISM /SAFR design input and consequently to NRC licensability input.

8. Mr. R. H. Sevy, ANL, outlined the metal fuel safety experiments and fuel behavior modeling program. Some of the program objectives are to determine:


  • Spatial distribution
  • Eutectic interaction of fuel and cladding



l 4 Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987

  • Axial expansion of fuel relative to cladding
  • The experimental data to validate the unique inherent safety features of the IFR metallic fuel. The program involved detailed analysis, calculational modeling, TREAT in-pile tests, out-of-pile experiments, and full plant tests in  ;

EBR-II. Some of the main observations are: l

- Ternary behavior much like binary but less pre-failure expansion at low burnup (3 to 5% at 1.9 A/0 ternary, 7 to i 8% at 2.4 A/0 binary))

- Power to failure >, 4 x normal (a 50 KW/f t) - radial fuel motion through pre-existing cracks not a problem

- Failure at outlet end of fuel column I

- Large fraction of fuel ejected from cladding and swept l well downstream j i

- No plugging - flow restored to 80% of original Another unique characteristic of metallic fuel is that fission gases entrapped within the fuel alloy matrix itself can provide a self-dispersive mechanism that plays an important role in the l termination of transient overpower accidents. Three TREAT tests  ;

performed to date demonstrated a large margin to cladding failure threshold, and that the fission-gas driven axial expansion of fuel within the clad takes place that provides intrinsic favorable negative reactivity feedbacks.

9. Mr. L. Burris, ANL, outlined the pyroprocessing development pro-gran. The objective of this task is to establish the chemical feasibility of the processes for recycle of discharged core and i

4 Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes - August 25-26, 1987 blanket materials and for disposal of the fission product waste.

The major process steps are electrorefining for the core material, and halide slagging for the blanket. The work is to establish that product yields will be adequate, fission product removal will be sufficient, container materials and process reagents specified will perform as expected, and to develop the processes such that they are adaptable to remote operations.

Electrorofining experiments have been successfully conducted with plutonium on a 10g scale and with uranium on a 300g scale that establish chemical feasibility. A glove box facility has been constructed to perform pilot scale experiments, and the first series of electrorefining runs in this facility has been completed.

These experiments demonstrated that uranium could be electrorefined from a cadmium anode pool using an electrolyte containing rare earth fission products at their steady-state concentration. This proves the basic feasibility of the electrorefining process. Two halide-slagging experiments were also completed in which PuCl was 3

extracted into a salt phase from a molten U-Pu-Zr alloy. The results are in agreement with theoretical predictions and these experiments confirm the chemical feasibility of the halide-slagging process.  ;

10. Mr. R. Phipps, ANL, presented the IFR fuel cycle demonstration.

The radical changes in the IFR fuel cycle promise dramatic simpli- l fications and cost reductions in three major areas: reprocessing, l fabrication, and waste. All processes are compact and involve I batch operations. The low capital cost of the fuel cycle facility, combined with a low operating and maintenance cost, promises a competitive fuel cycle cost even for a small-scale deployment of the IFR fuel cycle.

4- AdvarL u Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 The refurbished fuel cycle facility (which is now called Hot Fuel Examination Facility / South HFEF/S), has been decontaminated and is ready for the new equipment. The principal modifications to the HFEF/S is to equip the system with plant-scale metallic processing and fabrication modules. Consequently, a complete prototype IFR can be operational in 3 years. EBR-II will then be in full-opera-tion as a complete Prototype, with fuel at target burnup levels and fuel being processed, fabricated, and returned to the reactor.

11. The Subcomittee members (along with the NRC staff) visited and toured the following:

' EBR-II - now accorrnodates about 60 subassemblies that have a capacity of up to 91 elements each to irradiate candidate fuels and materials in a fast-reactor environment.

  • Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF) Complex - HFEF originally consisted of the Fuel Cycle Facility, now designated HFEF/ South. It was constructed to develop and demonstrate remote reprocessing of reactor fuels and refabrication of fuel assemblies. After completing its original mission, HFEF/ South has been decontaminated and will be entirely converted to serve as a prototype / demo facility for the IFR fuel reprocessing. A larger and more recent facility, designated HFEF/ North, was added to extend the scope of activities l carried out at HFEF/S. l l
  • Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT) - The primary mission j of the TREAT reactor is to conduct safety-related tests in I support of the Breeder Reactor Program. Such tests include overpower transient tests on fuels to determine fuel dynamic behavior uuring reactor excursions, overpower transient tests j to investigate fuel-coolant interaction phenomena, steady- )



v Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 l state power tests with loss of flow to investigate coolant expulsion and related phenomena, and combinations of loss-of-flow and transient-overpower tests.

TREAT also provides neutron radiography services for the EBR-II experimental program, the fast-reactor loop programs, and other experiments.

  • Zero Power Plutonium Reactor (ZPPR) - The mission of the ZPPR is to provide basic experimental physics data for the design of fast-breeder-reactor demonstration plants and large fast-breeder-reactor central-station power plants. Operational and design parameters such as critical mass, control-rod worth, power-generator distributien, breeding-blanket effectiveness, and neutron fluence on support structures are measured in the ZPPR machine on configurations that exactly duplicate the neutronics of the proposed design.

Also measured and confinned in the ZPPR are safety-related parameters fundamental to the demonstration of a safe design, such as the Doppler coefficient and the sodium-void-coefficient.

12. Mr. Ward, on behalf of the ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs, expressed his satisfaction for very infonnative and well-organized presentation by the ANL staff. He indicated that the Subcomittee has achieved its objectives in making this site visit, and consequently. 1s better qualified to advise the NRC Commissioners on those matters pertaining to the NRC role in the advanced reactor program.

1 Advanced Reactors Designs Minutes August 25-26, 1987 Outcome The Subcommittee Chairman may wish to brief the full Committee (ACRS

-329thmeeting)onSeptember 10-12, 1987, regarding the Subcommittee activities on advanced reactor designs. No further action is requested at this time.

NOTE: Additional meeting details can be obtained from a transcript of this meeting available in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 li Street, !!.W., Washington, D.C., or can be purchased from ACE-Federal Reporters, 444 North-Capitol Street, Wash-ington, D.C.-20001, (202) 347-3700.


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