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Forwards Util Schedule Detailing Plan for Completion of Corrective Actions for Identified Open Items Listed in App a of Insp Repts 50-348/97-201 & 50-364/97-201
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/1997
From: Dennis Morey
50-348-97-201, 50-364-97-201, NUDOCS 9707220162
Download: ML20141H261 (5)



Dave Morey Southern Nuclear

%ce President Oper:tiIg C:mpany

. Farley Project P0. Box 1295 Birmingham. Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5131 k

SOUTHERN h COMPANY July 11,1997 Energy ro Serve Your%ld" Docket Nos.:

50-348 10 CFR 50.70 50-364 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Design Inspection - NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/97-201 and 50-364/97-201 Sixty-Day Response with Corrective Action Schedule Ladies and Gentlemen:

NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/97-201 and 50-364/97-201, dated May 13,1997, documented the results of the scheduled Design Inspection of selected systems at Farley Nuclear Plant. The accompanying NRC transmittal letter requested that Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) provide a schedule, within 60 days, detailing its plans to complete the corrective actions for the open items listed in Appendix A of the inspection report.

Enclosed is the SNC schedule detailing our plan for completion of corrective actions for the identified open items. Should you have further questions, please contact David Jones of my staff at 205-992-5984.

Respectfully submitted,

/ /

$'t A?le Dase Morey


CHM / cit:lR97-201. doc h/


Enclosure cc:

Mr. L. A. Reyes, Region II Administrator Mr. J.1. Zimmerman, NRR Project Manager Mr. T. M. Ross, Plant Sr. Resident Inspector Mr. L. B. Marsh, NRR - Chief, Plant Systems Branch Mr. Nennan Merriweather, Region 11 9707220162 970711 PDR ADOCK 05000348 G

PDR 220054 lllllllllllllll1llllll1ll1lllll

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Enclosure Open Item Resolution Schedule I

Design Inspecti:n - Sixty Day Resp:nse Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Enclosure Open Item Resolution Schedule Open Title SNC Action Plan Scheduled item Completion Date URI Unprotected CST Connections Interim action to support the continued 3-15-98 97-201-1 (Section El.2.2.lb2) operability of the CST has been implemented.

SNC will provide missile protection for these CST connections.

URI Tornado Protection for CST Interim action to support the continued 3-15-98 97 201 2 Level Instrumentation operability of the CST has been implemented.

j (Section El.2.2.lb3)

SNC will provide missile protection for these CST connections.

URI AFW Check Valve Reverse Procedures have been issued te perform the Complete 97 201-3 Flow Testing required testing during each refueling outage.

(Section El.2.2.4b)

The IST program and plan has becri revised.

Testing on both Units has been completed.

i I

URI AFW Check Valve Forward Procedures have been revised to reflect correct 12-15-97 97 201-4 Flow Testing acceptance criteria. A broadness review of other (Section El.2.2.4b) procedures for technical accuracy is in progress.

j URI TDAFW Battery Testing The maintenance and testing provide reasonable 6-15-98 97-201-5 (Section assurance that the battery could support the assigned loads. A preventive maintenance task has been established to perform the TDAFW Pump battery senice test every 18 months. A scnice test has been performed for Unit I and is scheduled for the Unit 2 outage in spring 1998.

URI TDAFWP Battery Installation The Unit 2 rack has been cleaned & repaired.

6-15-98 97-201-6 (Section

The installed structural configuration of the rack was reviewed and determined by calculation that the scismic design of the battery installation was adequate The existing rack will be rebuilt per approved drawings. This will be completed by the end of the Unit 2 outage in spring 1998.

IFI CST Level Alarm The calculation will be revised.

8-30-97 97-201-7 (Section

URI Tornado Protection for TDAFW SNC has performed an engineering evaluation 12-15-97 97-201-8 Pump Vent Stack on the adequacy of existing structures. The (Section El.2.6bl) results are being reviewed by Westinghouse. A broadness review of tornado missile protection is being performed.

URI Tornado Missile Spectra SNC letter to NRC dated May 28,1997 provides Awaiting NRR 97-201-9 (Section El.2.6b2)

SNC's position.

response E-1

Desig a Inspecti:n - Sixty Day Response Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Enclosure Open Item Resolution Schedule Open Title SNC Action Plan Scheduled Item Completion Date IFI CST Level Transmitter Freeze Heat tracing & insulation has been inspected and Complete 97-201-10 Protection (Section El.2.6b4) repaired on CST level transmitters.

URI AFW FSAR Discrepancies FSAR will be updated.

10-15-97 97-201-11 (Section El.2.7b)

URI Stress Analysis Temperature Calculations will be revised.

10-30-97 97 201-12 (Section El.3.2.lb5)

URI MOV Design Basis Differential Calculation will be revised.

9-30-97 97-201-13 Pressure (Section El.3.2.3b)

IFI CCW Pump Testing FSAR, FSD's, drawings and site procedures will 12-15-97 97-201-14 (Section El.3.2Au) be resised to allow operation with minificw closed.

URI Post Modification Testing Procedures will be revised to delineate post-mod 8-15-97 97 201-15 (Section El.3.2.5b) testing requirements for maintenance replacement design changes.

IFl Calculation Discrepancies The calculation will be revised.

10-15-97 97-201-16 (Section El.3.2.5b)

URI Drawing and Procedure Drawings have been revised. Site procedures 10-15-97 97-201-17 Discrepancies willbe revised accordingly.

(Section El.3.2.6b)

URI CCW FSAR Discrepancies FSAR will be resised.

12-15 97 97-201-18 (Section El.3.7b)

URI TS Change for Auxiliary Current procedures are conservative and provide 12-31-97 97 201-19 Building Battery reasonable assurance that Technical (Section El.4.2b)

Specification and design requirements are met.

SNC will submit a revised Technical Specification.

URI Fire Barrier Penetration Seal SNC will dr cument an evaluation for the 10 30-97 97-201-20 Documentation penetration cited in the report. Design 1

(Section El.4.4b) procedures will be revised to indicate the need to document evaluations of fire penetrations during all future design changes.

URI Electrical FSAR Discrepancies FSAR will be resised.

10-15-97 97-201-21 (Section El.4.5)



. - Design Insp;cti:n - Sixty Dry Risponie Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Enclosure 4

Open Item Resolution Schedule Open Title SNC Action Plan Scheduled item Completion Date URI Control of Calculations Design procedures have been in efTect since 1996 12-15-97 97-201-22 (Section El.5b) to ensure proper control of calculations. The current calculation index provides a comprehensive input of design calculations to the designer. A review of the current calculation index will be performed.

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