ML20140H626 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 05/08/1997 |
From: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
References | |
ACRS-3053, NUDOCS 9705130201 | |
Download: ML20140H626 (39) | |
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l II. Canability of RELAPS/ MOD 3 Code to Assess 1
the AP600 Desian (Open/ Closed) 1 III. Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA Test Facility (Open/ Closed) 2 IV. Arthur Andersen Reoort, " Recommendations to Imorove the Senior Manacement Meetino Process" (Open) 4 l
V. Risk Informed, Performance-Based Reculation and Related Matters (Open) 5 VI. Indeoendent Safety Assessment of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station (Open) 7 VII. National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study Reoort (Open) 9 VIII. Denartment of Enercy Procosal for Tritium Production (Open) 12 IX. Executive Session (Open/ Closed) 14 A.
Reports, Letters, and Memoranda REPORTS Procosed Standard Review Plan Sections and Reculatorv Guides for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reculation (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L.
Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 17, 1997)
Recommendations for Aeoointment of ACRS Members (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, h j
Chairman, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997) l
Publication of Procosed Journal Article Containino ROSA Test Data (Letter to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 17, 1997)
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Analyze AP600 Passive Plant Behavior (Letter to L. Joseph
- Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R.
L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
MEMORANDA Procosed Generic Letter Recardino Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency Mitication Functions While in a
Shutdown Condition (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Direc-tor, ACRS, dated March 14, 1997)
Draft Reculatory Guide DG-1060, "FASB Standards for Decommissionino Cost Accountino" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Draft Reculatorv Guide DG-1067, "Decommissionina of Nuclear Power Reactors" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Draft Commission Pacer to Provide a Status Recort and Modified Acoroach for Fire Protection Rulemakina (Memo-randum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Direc-tor, ACRS, dated March 24, 1997)
Draft Reculatorv Guide DG-1070, "Reauirements for Samolina for Dedicatina Simole, Metallic Commercial Grade Items in Nuclear Power Plants" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACES, dated March 25, 1997)
Procosed Amendments to 10 CFR Part 55, " Initial Licensed Ooerator Examination Reauirements" (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 25, 1997)
B; Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on March 5, 1997 (Open/ Closed)
Future Meeting Agenda ii
Federal Register Notice II. Meeting Schedule and Outline III. Attendees IV. Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities V. List of Documents Provided to the Committee a
DATEISSUED: 4/15/97 k~y)N 1N%
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TTTEE'p THIRTY-NINTH MEETING OF THE If0PT t ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS MARCH 6-8, 1997 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 439th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on March 6-8, 1997.
The purpose of this meeting war to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda.
The meeting was open to public attendance, except for portions that were closed to discuss proprietary material.
There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.
A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
[ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Neal R. Gross and Co.,
Inc., 1323
Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]
Dr. Robert L.
Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A.
Powers (Vice-Chairman), Dr. George Apostolakis (Friday and Saturday only),
Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr. Don l
Miller, and Dr. William J.
Dr. Ivan Catton attended as a consultant. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix III.]
[ Note:
Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
l Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting.
He regretful-ly announced that Dr. Carson Mark, a former ACRS Member, has passed away.
He reminded Members that one candidate for ACRS membership would be interviewed on Friday and mentioned that the Items of Interest document contained speeches by Chairman Jackson and Commissioner Dicus that were of particular interest.
He also recommended that ACRS Members attend the Regulatory Information Conference and noted that the agenda was included in the Items of Interest.
Caoability of RELAP5/ MOD 3 Code to Assess the AP600 Desion (Open/ Closed)
[ Note:
Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
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439th ACRS Meeting 2
4 March 6-8, 1997 1
I Introduction I
i Dr.
- Kress, Chairman of the Thermal-Hydraulic (T/H)
Phenomena i
Subcommittee, introduced this topic to the Committee.
He noted l
that the T/H Phenomena Subcommittee held a meeting on February 12-14, 1997 to review the RES RELAPS AP600 code adequacy assessment Program.
The Subcommittee concluded the following:
(1) the two scaling studies performed by the RES contractors (S. Banerjee,
University of California (UC) -Santa
- Barbara, and W.
- Wulff, l
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)) were well done, and demon-l strated that the test data are adequate for simulation of AP600; (2) the RELAPS code contains some weaknesses, but none are significant relative to the modeling of AP600 ECCS performance; j
and, (3) RES demonstrated.that the AP600 design is robust, in that i.
for the DBA cases analyzed, the core is adequately cooled.
k Dr. Farouk Eltawila, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES),
j discussed the RES Program to assess the adequacy of the RELAPS/ MOD- code to model AP600 passive plant thermal-hydraulic accident behavior.
The RES Program consisted of the following key elements: (1) two scaling studies conducted by contractors at UC-Santa Barbara and BNL to demonstrate that data from several integral and separate-effect test facilities are applicable to the AP600 and can be used to validate the RELAP5 code assessment of the ability of ' AP600 to meet design-basis-accident-criteria; (2) l calculations to both establish that the RELAP5 models and constitu-I tive equations are applicable to AP600 conditions, and to demon-strate reasonable agreement for small-break loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) code predictions of the test facilities vs. the nominal plant design.
RES believes that both of the above criteria have been demonstrated through its code adequacy Program.
RES also briefly discussed its Thermal-Hydraulic Code Upgrade Plan.
The goal of the Plan is to consolidate RES's analytical capabili-ties into a single state-of-the-art plant transient code for LWR 1,
and advanced light water reactor (LWR) analyses.
1 Conclusion 4
The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director Lor Operations, dated March 19, 1997, on this matter.
1 III. Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA Test Facility I
(Open/ Closed) a'
[ Note:
Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for j
this portion of the meeting.]
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l 439th ACRS Meeting 3
March 6-8, 1997 Dr.
- Kress, Chairman of the T/H Phenomena subcommittee, led a Committee discussion of this matter.
He noted that the Committee had received a letter, dated December 13, 1996, from the Executive J
Director for Operations that contained a request for the Committee j
to provide advice concerning plans by RES to publish a paper containing test data obtained from the Japanese ROSA test facility.
Specifically, Westinghouse (H) has objected to the publication of this paper in its current form, maintaining that it contains information on aspects of the AP600 design that H considers proprietary.
The NRC staff has taken the position that the information in this Paper will not result in the divulging of any proprietary design information.
Dr. Kress noted that the T-H Phenomena Subcommittee met on February 19, 1997 to consider this matter.
He detailed the pros and cons of the arguments presented by NRC and E on this issue.
He posed two questions for the Committee's consideration relative to the adequacy of the information available in the article, and whether this information in concert with the use of a computer code could lead a competitor to develop a credible AP600-like design; to wit:
Is there sufficient information available in the proposed article (in its current form) that could be used by a knowl-edgeable third party along with other information in the public domain to develop a technically defensible thermal-hydraulic computer mockup of the ROSA-V facility?
If so, can the data in the form currently proposed to be published in the article be used along with a computer model to provide credibility to a competing design for which the performance of the passive systems is demonstrated via the computer model?
Dr. Kress indicated that he believes that the answers to these two I
questions are "yes", and therefore the article should be modified to meet H's objections.
There was additional Committee discussion, including statements from representatives of both H and the NRC staff which contained elaborations of their positions on this issue.
Prior to recess, the Committee decided to consider a draft letter that the author, Dr. Kress, indicated contained the conclusion that the NRC staff should not publish the paper in question, unless NRC addresses H's Concerns.
Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated March 17, 1997, on this matter.
- o 439th ACRS Meeting 4
March 6-8, 1997 IV.
Ar_thur Andersen Report, " Recommendations to Imorove the Senior Manacement Meetino Process" (Open)
[ Note:
Mr. N. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting)
Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the Plant operations Subcommittee, introduced the session by noting that Arthur Andersen Consulting (Arthur Andersen), an NRC contractor, had prepared a report titled
" Recommendations to Improve the Senior Management Meeting Process. "
He explained that the report was prepared in response to a staff regirements memorandum dated June 28, 1996, which directed the staff to evaluate the development of indicators that could provide a basis for judging whether a plant should be placed on or be deleted from the NRC's Watch List.
Barton stated that following a~ Commission meeting on January 29, 1997, the Commission i
tasked the staf f with conducting a detailed peer review of the Arthur Andersen methodology.
1 Mr. Richard Barrett, AEOD, discussed the history and the process of the senior management meeting (SMM) and the Arthur Andersen report.
He summarized the information in the report, which included the assessments,
- findings, and recommendations regarding the SMM outcomes, information base, and processes. He presented the Arthur Andersen Performance Trend Model and provided an example of the model using historical data from an operating plant.
The report concluded that the senior managers were sometimes slow to take action and that the results of the meetings had been inconsistent.
Other report findings included:
SMM assessments tend to focus on the root causes of events, 1
the decisionmaking process is highly subjective, the amount of information inundates senior managers, and deregulation may cause economic stress.
Mr. Barrett noted that the staff expected to issue a Commission paper on about March 31, 1997, regarding a plan for incorporating the report recommendations into the SMM process.
J Mr. Steven Floyd, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), expressed an industry concern regarding continually rising SMM standards.
He explained that work done by NEI indicates that the trend of the industry average for all SMM performance indicators has been improving since 1986; however, the number of plants on the Watch List has increased.
In some cases, plants were placed on the Watch List when the trends of their performance were improving.
The Committee members and representatives of the staff, Arthur Andersen, and NEI discussed the following issues:
439th ACRS Meeting 5
l March 6-8, 1997 e
development of objective SMM performance indicators and absolute criteria for SMM actions, e
the amount of available data, e
flaws in the consensus building process such as dominance of the Regional Administrators, j
e the prospect of developing meaningful SMM oper*tions and management effectiveness performance indicators, and e
continually rising SMM standards.
Conclusion The Committee decided that the Plant Operations Subcommittee should review future staff activities in this area.
- Informed, Performance-Based Reculation and Related i
Matters (Open)
[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
Dr. Dana Powers, Acting Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), introduced the topic to the Committee.
He discussed the issues from the last Subcommittee meeting, February 20-21, 1997, regarding proposed Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections and associated regulatory guides.
He noted that all ACRS Members had attended the Subcommittee meeting and summarized the views of individual Members regarding the subject guidance documents.
He stated that some Members felt the general guidance documents were ready to be issued for public comment.
He noted that the individual applications for Technical Specifications (TS) and inservice testing (IST) were also nearly ready.
- However, Dr.
Powers stated that several Members hr.u expressed concern regarding the regulatory guide for graded quality assurance (GQA).
In particular, they stated that it was too timid in its approach and could be viewed as an additional layer of regulatory burden without any particular safety benefit.
NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Gary Holahan, Director, Division of Systems Safety and
- Analysis, NRR, and Thomas King, Deputy Director, Division of Systems Technology (DST), RES, led the discussions for the NRC staff. Messrs. Mark Cunningham, Chief, Probabilistic Risk Analysis Branch, DST /RES, and Robert Jones, Chief, Probabilistic Safety
439th ACRS Meeting 6
March 6-8, 1997 Assessment
- Branch, DSSA/NRR, provided supporting discussion.
Significant points made during the discussion include:
The staff requested a letter from the ACRS by March 14, 1997, regarding the general guidance documents and individual
applications for TS, IST, and GQA.
The staff planned to issue NUREG-1602 for public comment, but were not requesting ACRS comment at this time.
The staff stated that they agree with the Subcommittee criticism regarding GQA.
They stated that there could be more of a
balance between analysis and monitoring while acknowledging that the level of proof may be too high.
The staff emphasized that it is important to issue these documents for public comment, including GQA, in order to move forward with their development.
Dr. Powers stated that the questions the staff has prepared, to solicit industry /public comment on specific technical and policy matters in the documents, were very good.
He asked if the current list was complete.
The staff stated that the list had been revised and offered to provide an updated version.
Dr. Kress asked the staff to clarify what it considers to be a full-scope PRA.
He asked how acceptance criteria which implies full-scope would consider differences in PRAs.
The staff stated that full-scope PRA includes full power operation, low power and shutdown operation, fire, and seismic, etc.
The staff stated that the burden of proof is on the licensee to provide sufficient analysis and assessment for the NRC to make regulatory decisions.
The staff stated that it would consider qualitative assessments where quantitative analysis or modeling could not be provided.
Dr. Powers reiterated Subcommittee concerns regarding the focus of GOA on items being eliminated rather than highlighting those which are more important in terms of risk.
Powers and Kress questioned the relationship between QA and reliability.
Dr. Seale expressed the view that GQA, as provided in the Regulatory Guide, could have a negative effect on industry participation in risk-informed initiatives.
The staff acknowledged that more could be done to evaluate the level of proof required for GQA submittals and to highlight a broader range of applications to be considered.
The l
staff agreed to revise the Regulatory Guide to incorporate ACRS comments and concerns prior to issuance for public comment.
At the conclusion of the briefing, Dr. Powers requested the staff to provide the revised list of questions for the Committee to consider in preparing a report regarding this matter.
5 4
439th ACRS Meeting 7
March 6-8, 1997 Conclusion The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated March 17, 1997, on this matter.
Indeoendent Safety Assessment of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station
[ Note: Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Introduction Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the Plant Operations Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee.
Mr. Barton stated that the purpose of this presentation was to brief the Committee regarding the results of the independent safety assessment (ISA) of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station.
NRC Staff Presentation Mr. Edward Jordan, Deputy Executive Director for Operations (Team Manager of the Independent Safety Assessment Team), briefed the Committee regarding the results of the ISA, including an overview of the team goals, conclusions regarding licensee performance, and the associated root causes of performance problems.
Goals e
Independently assess the conformance of Maine Yankee to its design and licensing bases, including appropriate reviews at the site and the corporate offices.
Independently assess operational safety performance, including l
e risk perspectives, where appropriate.
e Evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, i
corrective actions, and improvement plans.
o Determine the root cause (s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.
The ISA report was issued on October 7, 1996, and the public exit meeting was held on October 10, 1996, to discuss the findings of the report.
The following is a summary of the findings:
l l
439th ACRS Meeting 8
March 6-8, 1997 Conclusions e
Overall performance at Maine Yankee was adequate for opera-tion, although a number of deficiencies were identified by the team in each of the areas assessed, including such issues as problem identification and resolution, scope and evaluation of equipment testing, and declining material conditions.
e Maine Yankee was in general conformance with its licensing basis although significant items of non-conformance were identified.
In the area of operations, performance was very good, with strengths noted in operator performance during routine and transient operating conditions, shift turnovers and pre-evolution briefs, use of risk information to assure safe operations, and the involvement of management in day-to-day operations.
Weaknesses were noted in " operator workarounds" and compensatory measures which unnecessarily burdened the operators or complicated their response to transient condi-tions.
In the area of maintenance, overall performance was good; however, the scope and evaluation of testing was weak.
e The quality of engineering work was mixed but considered good overall.
Licensee self-assessments were generally good; however, they occasionally failed to identify weaknesses or incorrectly characterized the significance of the findings.
Furthermore, some corrective actions were not timely and others were ineffective, leading to repetitive or recurring problems.
Root Causes e
Economic pressure to be a low-cost energy producer limited available resources to address corrective actions and some plant upgrades.
Management effectively prioritized available l
resources, but financial pressures caused the postponement of some needed programs and actions.
The lack of a questioning attitude resulted in the failure to 1
identify or promptly correct significant problems in areas perceived to be of low safety significance.
Management appeared to be complacent with the current level of safety performance, and there did not appear to be a clear incentive for improvement.
l l
a 439th ACRS Meeting 9
March 6-8, 1997 Conclusion This briefing was for information only.
No Committee action was required.
VII. National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study ReDort (Note: Dr.
El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Dr. Don Miller, Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Instrumenta-tion and Control and Computers, welcomed the National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council (NAS/NRC) Committee Chairman and its members.
Dr. Miller stated that the NAS/NRC Committee was charged by the U.S. NRC to recommend guidelines for regulating and certifying the use of digital instrumentation and control (I&C) systems in nuclear power plants.
The study was carried out in two phases.
The ACRS report to the Commission regarding Phase 1,
issued on October 13, 1995, stated:
"We agree that the issues identified in the Phase 1 report will be important considerations as digital technology is used more extensively in nuclear power plants."
The Phase 2 study report was completed by the NAS/NRC Committee on January 31, 1997.
Dr. Douglas M. Chapin, NAS/NRC Chairman, noted that in Phase 1, the Committee was charged with defining the important safety and reliability issues concerning hardware, sof tware, and human-machine interf aces that arise from the introduction of digital I&C techno-logy in nuclear power plant operations, including operations under
- normal, transient, and accident conditions.
The Committee identified the following six technical issues and two strategic issues:
Technical Issues:
Systems aspects of digital I&C technology e
Software quality assurance e
Common-mode software failure potential e
Safety and reliability assessment methods e
Human factors and human-machine interfaces Dedication of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software Stratecic Issues:
o Case-by-case licensing process e
Adequacy of the technical infrastructure
i i
439th ACRS Meeting 10 March 6-8, 1997 In performing its Phase 2 study, the NAS/NRC Committee limited its work to those issues identified in the Phase 1 study.
The specific j
charge for the Phase 2 study was as follows:
e Identify criteria for review and acceptance of digital I&C l
technology in both retrofitted reactors and new reactors of advanced design e
Characterize and evaluate alternative approaches to the certification or licensing of this technology e
Where suf ficient scientific basis exists, recommend guidelines on the basis of which the U.S.
NRC can regulate and certify (or license) digital I&C technology, including means for identifying and addressing new issues that may result from future development of this technology e
Where sufficient scientific basis exists, recommend ways in which the U.S. NRC could acquire the required information Dr.
Chapin noted that there are two major intertwined themes associated with the use of digital I&C in nuclear power plants.
These concern the specific characteristics of digital I&C technolo-gy as applied to nuclear power plants, and the fact that this technology is more advanced than that widely used in nuclear power plants and is advancing at a rate largely uncontrolled by the nuclear industry.
Dr. Chapin indicated that both the nuclear industry and the U.S.
NRC need to be more proactive in participating in the relevant technical communities and should strengthen the infrastructure in digital systems. The communications barriers among participants in key technical communities and individuals could be addressed systematically; e.g.,
by paying increased attention to the definition of terms and context and by encouraging early communica-tion among interested parties.
In carrying out its Phase 2 mandate, the NAS/NRC Committee recognized that:
e Only a limited number of issues could be dealt with in the relatively brief duration of the study e
General, high-level criteria would not be particularly useful e
Criteria are legally the responsibility of the U.S. NRC Licensing criteria should be developed in a detailed interac-e tion among the regulators, the industry, and the public
439th ACRS Meeting 11 March 6-8, 1997 e
The Committee is not a surrogate for this interaction among the stakeholders The conclusions and recommendations of the NAS/NRC Committee fall into four broad categories:
Current practice that is essentially satisfactory or requires o
some fine tuning e
Points of weakness in the U.S.
NRC approach e
Issues that merit further inquiry and research before satisfactory criteria can be developed Criteria and guidelines that are unreasonable to expect in the e
near future Dr. Chapin stated that the NAS/NRC Committee expects the U.S. NRC and the industry to extend the work of specific criteria develop-ment beyond the Phase 2 study report.
Regarding high-level issues related to digital technology, the NAS/NRC Committee emphasized.:
Deterministic assessment
- methods, including design basis accident analysis, hazard analysis, and other formal analysis procedures are applicable to digital systems, as long as they are applied with care.
Software failure probability can be used for the purposes of performing PRA to determine the relative influence of digital system failures on the overall system. Including software failures in PRA is preferable to the alternative of ignoring software failures.
e Hardware and software must be treated together as a system; focusing solely on one or the other should be done with great caution.
Most practical I&C systems cannot be exhaustively tested and e
thereby shown to be error free.
However, adequate approaches exist and can be applied within practical resource constraints to support using digital systems in safety-critical applica-tions in nuclear power plants.
In summary, the NAS/NRC Committee concluded that digital I&C systems offer powerful capabilities that can affect the nuclear industry. However, digital applications should be treated careful-ly, particularly in safety-critical applications. The U.S. NRC and the industry are moving forward with procedures and technical infrastructure.
The Committee considers the use of digital I&C
439th ACRS Meeting 12 March 6-8, 1997 systems in new nuclear power plants and in modifications and upgrades of existing plants to be appropriate and desirable.
CONCLUSICN The ACRS decided to postpone its comments until after a meeting of its Subcommittee on I&C Systems and Computers, to be held in May, 1997, during which the U.S. NRC staf f will discuss its views on the Phase 2 study and other issues related to the Standard Review Plan Chapter 7 update.
VIII. Denartment of Enerov Proposal for Tritium Production
[ Note: Dr.
El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Dr. Powers, Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Reactor Fuels, stated that representatives of the Department of Energy (DOE) would discuss the DOE proposal for tritium production.
DOE is pursuing a dual path to evaluate and develop a primary tritium capability.
The two options under considerations are accelerator production of I
tritium and tritium production in a commercial light water reactor (CLWR).
The two options present fundamentally different technical issues that must be evaluated to determine the basis for selection.
Mr. Stephen M. Schinki, Director, CLWR Project / DOE, stated that all warheads in the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile depend upon tritium to function as designed.
Tritium decays at a rate of 5.5% per year (12.3 year physical half-life).
Tritium is rare on earth and it must be man-made with reactors or accelerators. Tritium production was stopped in 1988 when the last of the Savannah River reactors was shut down.
The current stockpile is being supported with tritium recycled from dismantled units. The 1996 Nuclear Stockpile Plan and accompanying Presidential Decision Directive require DOE to establish a new tritium supply by 2005, if commercial reactors are to be used, and/or by 2007, if a new accelerator is to be used.
The Secretary of Energy's December 1995 Record of Decision for the tritium supply and recycling programmatic Environmental Impact Statement described the following activities:
e Design, build, and test critical components of an accelerator for production of tritium (APT)
Initiate purchase of a CLWR or irradiation services e
By late 1998, the Secretary will select CLWR or APT as the primary
c, i
439th ACRS Meeting 13 i
March 6-8, 1997 tritium supply.
The other alternative, if feasible, will be i
developed as a backup.
In any case, the CLWR option will be used to establish a contingency capability that can deliver new tritium on short notice.
Immediate DOE activities are as follows:
e Complete qualification activities with the NRC e
-Fabricate initial inventory of tritium-producing materials e
Construct Tritium Extraction Facility (TEF) e Establish options contracts with utilities 3
DOE has tasked the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)' to develop and qualify the design and fabrication requirements for a i
tritium-producing burnable absorber rod (TPBAR) lead test assembly (LTA) in CLWR.
Dr. Jerry L.
Ethridge, PNNL, described the PNNL report on this issue.
PNNL developed the design of TPBAR using F
lithium, rather than boron, in PWR fuel assemblies. As a result of I
j irradiation by neutrons in the reactor core, the lithium in the l
target rods is converted to tritium. The irradiated TPBAR can then be removed from the fuel assemblies and shipped to another location (Savannah River) for tritium extraction.
j 1
DOE expects that LTAs will be available for irradiation in a core of a CLWR (e.g., Watts Bar) in late 1997 or early 1998.
At each of the one or more.CLWRs involved in the LTA demonstration, 32 target
rods (8 each in 4 LTAs, one LTA in each quadrant of the_ core) would be irradiated for one fuel cycle.
The PNNL report documents the j
fact that irradiation of four LTAs can be accomplished at a J
commercial utility host reactor when combined with plant-specific
safety evaluations under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.
l l
Some of the major conclusions of the PNNL report are:
LTAs are compatible with existing fuel assemblies and conventional handling tools and use materials with known and predictable characteristics.
e TPBARs operate within established thermal-hydraulic criteria and will not fail during normal operation.
LTAs do not adversely affect reactor nctironics.
e Off-site doses due to relear,a of tritium from TPBARs are within regulatory limits.
e TPBARs will not fail during analyzed accidents, with the exception of large-break LOCAs (LBLOCAs).
Off-site dose consequences of non-LBLOCAs are within e
a small fraction of 10 CFR Part 100 dose limits.
439th ACRS Meeting 14 March 6-8, 1997 6
Off-site dose consequences of LBLOCAs are within 10 CFR Part 100 dose limits.
e No impact on host facility Technical Specifications e
Evaluation of irradiation at a CLWR is within the criteria of 10 CFR 50.59 The Commission has approved the NRC staff plan to review the DOE proposal for production of tritium in CLWRs.
The NRC staff is currently reviewing the PNNL report and is planning to issue its safety evaluation report regarding this matter shortly.
Conclusion This briefing was for information only.
No Committee action was required at this time.
The Committee plans to continue its discussion of this matter after the staff has completed its evaluation of the DOE proposal.
[ Note:
Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Reports, Letters and Memoranda Procosed Standard Review Plan Sections and Reculatorv Guides for Risk-Informed.
Performance-Based Reculation (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R.
Seale, Chair-man, ACRS, dated March 17, 1997)
Recommendations for Accointment of ACRS Members (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R.
Seale, Chair-man, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Publication of Procosed Journal Article Containino ROSA Test Data (Letter to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 17, 1997)
NRC Office of Nuclear Reculatory Research Procram to Demon-g_t; rate the Adeauacy of the RELAP5/ MOD 3 Code to Analyze AP600 Passive Plant Behavior (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive l
Director for Operations, NRC, from R.
Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Pronosed Generic Letter Recardino Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency 1
439th ACRS Meeting 15 March 6-8, 1997 l
Mitication Functions While in a Shutdown Condition (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 14, 1997)
Draft Reculatorv Guide DG-1060, "FASB Standards for Decommis-sionino Cost Accountino" (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Draft Reculatory Guide DG-1067. "Decommissionina of Nuclear Power Reactors" (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 19, 1997)
Draf t Commission Pacer to Provide a Status Reoort and Modified Acoroach for Fire Protection Rulemaking (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 24, 1997)
Draf t Reculatory Guide DG-1070, "Reauirements for Samolino for pedicatino Simole. Metallic Commercial Grade Items in Nuclear Power Plants" (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 25, 1997)
Proposed Amendments to 10 CFR Part 55,
" Initial Licensed Onerator Examination Recuirements" (Memorandum to L.
Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.
Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated March 25, 1997)
Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)
The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on March 5,
The following items were discussed:
DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN ACRS REPORTS / LETTERS Certain documents were referred to in the report to Chairman Jackson approved by the full Committee on the Human Performance Program Plan.
While the Subcommittee Chairman was f amiliar with all the documents cited in the 1
text of the report or the list of references, many of j
them had not been distributed to ACRS Members, nor to the i
Members were reminded to distribute supporting i
documents well in advance so all Members will "have
l 439th ACRS Meeting 16 l
March 6-8, 1997
benefit of the documents referenced" before reports or i
letters are approved.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the cognizant Subcom-mittee Chairman and Staff Engineer ensure that all documents to be referenced in an ACRS report or letter are distributed to all ACRS members prior to the meeting at which such a report or letter is written.
A further check will be made during the final review of the draft report or letter prior to presenting it for final approval.
NONPOWER REACTOR SURVEY Dr. Seale, ACRS Chairman, issued a memorandum requesting the Members to provide questions and comments on the nonpower reactor survey prepared by the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data.
These questions and comments will be used by the Committee in deciding on the need for a briefing on this matter.
Members were reminded to submit their questions and comments to Sam Duraiswamy or Michael Markley before the end of the March meeting.
Comments were received from Dr. Powers and Mr. Barton before the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that a presentation by the staff on this matter be scheduled for the April 3-4, 1997 meeting.
- meeting, Members interviewed one candidate for appointment to the ACRS.
A schedule and the candidate's r6 sum 6 were made available to the Members at the beginning of the meeting.
Results from the Committee's previous interviews were discussed briefly on March 6,
Additional discussions were held on
- Saturday, March 8,
During this meeting, the Committee completed a report to the Commission recommend-ing a slate of candidates for Commission approval.
j i
OUESTIONS FOR PRESCREENING ACRS CANDIDATES A list of questions for prescreening candidates for ACRS membership, especially utility personnel, was distributed j
to the Members during the February meeting.
Since then,
'439th ACRS Meeting 17 March 6-8, 1997 i
they have been reformatted and revised.
This revised version was provided to the Members.
1 Applicants previously employed by utilities have submit-ted these prescreening questionnaires, which were i
forwarded to the Office of General Counsel and the Office of Investigations for review.
e A fax message was transmitted to Dr. Adolf Birk-j' hofer, Chairman of the German RSK Committee, re--
questing information concerning the proposed Quad-ripartite Meeting as well as the meeting proposed last fall between the ACRS and the RSK.
A fax was received from.Dr. Candeli advising the ACRS that April 30 would be the preferred date for a meeting l
between the RSK and the ACRS.
A second faxed memorandum from Dr. Car. deli transmitted a proposed -
agenda for a two-day meeting, April 29 and May 1, j
The Subcommittee recommended that Dr. Candeli be l
contacted to discuss the agenda. proposed by the RSK.
A 2-day meeting would be possible only if it I
j could be scheduled for April 29-30, 1997.
Minimal French participation was recommended.
The commit. ce decided to hold a one-day meeting on April 30, 199",
j i
e Members were requested to advise the Executive i
Director of any foreign travel to be taken before l
September 30, 1997.
f RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members notify the ACRS Staff immediately if they were planning i
j any international travel before September 30, 1997, i
to allow sufficient funds to be allocated.
No plans for international travel before September 30, 1997, were reported.
t 4
439th ACRS Meeting 18 March 6-8, 1997 7)
A memorandum from Dr. Powers recorded his observa-tions of the new procedures for letter-writing during the February ACRS meeting.
RECOMMENDATIOE The Subcommittee recommended that Members read and comment on Dr.
Powers' memorandum and provide additional comments on how the new procedures are working, as appropriate, o
A memorandum from Dr. Powers recommended that a Subcommittee on Research be established.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members consider Dr. Powers' proposal and that it be discussed in depth at the April 3-4, 1997 meeting.
Future Meetina Acenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 440th ACRS Meeting, April 3-4, 1997.
Proposed Reculatory Anoroach Associated with Steam Generator Intecrity - The Committee will hear presenta-tions by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed regulatory approach for dealing with steam generator integrity issues. Represen-tatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
Consecuences of Reactor Water Cleanun System Line Break Outside Containment - The Committee will hear presenta-tions by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of the study performed by the staff on the consequences of reactor water cleanup system line break outside containment.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
Subcommittee Recort - The Committee will hear a report by the chairman of the Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcom-mittee regarding the items discussed during the March 28, 1997 Subcommittee meeting.
Proposed Reculatorv Guidance Related to Imnlementation of 10 CFR 50.59 Recuirements - The Committee will hear
'439th ACRS Meeting 19
. March 6-8, 1997 i
presentations by and hold discussions with representa-tives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed regulatory guidance related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests and Experiments). Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
Boraflex Decradation in Soent Fuel Pool Storace Racks -
The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives-of the NRC staff regarding the resolution of issues associated with the degradation of Boraflex used in spent fuel pool storage racks and licensee responses to Generic Letter 96-04, i
"Boraflex Degradation in Spent Fuel Storage Racks."
Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
Use of Potassium Iodide After a Severe Accident - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions j
with the representatives of the NRC staff regarding the NRC policy on the use of potassium iodide after a severe i
accident and other related issues.
The 439th ACRS meeting was adjourned at 1:52 p.m.
on Saturday, March 8, 1997.
i l
,,,7810 Federal Register / Vcl. 62. No. 34 / Thursday, ' February 20,1997 / Notices
Advisory Committee on Reector 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m.: Arthur Andersen 1:30 p.m.-2:30 Department of f
Seteguarde;Heeting Report, Recommendations to impmve Energy's (DOE's) Tritium Production the SeniorManagement Meeting Progm m In accordance with the purposes of Procem
sections 29 and 182b. of the Atomic (Open)--The Committee will hear Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b), the (Open)-N Committw will hear presentations by and hold discuulons Advisory Committee on Reactor presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of DOE regardin Safeguards will hold a meeting on with representatives of the NRC staff DOE's tritium production program. g March 6-8,1997,in Conference Room regarding the results of the Arthur Reprueentatives of the NRC staff will Andersen study that was performed to Partidpate, as appropriate.
T-283,11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville. evaluate the Senior NRC Management j
Maryland. h date of this meeting was, Mating Procus for assessing the 2:30p.m. 3:00p.m.: Future ACRS 1
previously published in the Federal performancs.of operating nuclear plants.
Activities i
1 Register on Thursday, January 23,1997 Representatives of the nuclear (Open)-De Committee will discuss (62 FR 3539),
industry will participate, as appropriate, the mcommendations of the Plannin and Procedures Subcommittee Thursday, March s,19e7 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.: Risk Informed, items proposed for consideration y the ng B:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m.: Opening Remarks fe Regulation and full Committee during future meetings.
by the ACRS Chairman (Open}-N Committee will hear 3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.: Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and (Open)-The ACRS Chairman will presentations by and hold discussions Recommendations
make opening remarks regarding with sprosentativw of the NRC staff conduct of the meeting and comment regarding the proposed Standard (Open)--The Committee will discun briefly regarding items of curmot Review Plan (SRP) Sections Regulatory re8Ponees from the NRC Executive interest. During this session' the Guides, and obr matters associated Dimetor for prations (EDO) to Committee will discuss priorities for the ri infmed, perfmance.
preparation of ACRS reports.
c3 dedin roce t A orts The i
ses are expecte[to be i
& Mw EDO res 8:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.: Capability of industry will partidpate, as appropriate. pmvid to the ACRS prior to the RELAPS/ MOD 3 Code to Assess the
- W AP600 Design 4 43 p,,__y;,5 p,,_; y,,,,,g;,,,,
ACRS Reports 3:30 P.m.-7:15 p.m.: Prepamtion of (Open/ Closed)-The Committee will (Open)-The Committee will discuss ACRS Repons hear presentations by and hold proposed ACRS reports on matters (OpenHb Comrninee wiu endnue discussions with representatives of the considered during this meeting.
13 d 2
b m W M NPons NRC staff regarding the capability of the on matters considemd during this RELAP5/ MOD 3 code to assess the "I'
" 7' I "
""U"8' adequacy of the AP600 passive plant 8:30 a.m.: Opening Remarks Saturday, March s,1997
- design, by the ACRS Chairman g;3g,,, _g;gn,_, ; p,p,g,,,y, The Committee may hear (Open}-% ACRS Chairman will Planning and Procedures Subcommittee presentations by representatives of the make opening remarks regarding Westinghouse Electric Corporation, as conduct of b mating.
(Ope /Clowdb'I'h Comina 4 appropnate.
hear a report of the Planning and 8:35 a.m.-e:45 a.m.: Independent Safety Procedures Subcommittee on matters Note: A ponion of this session may be Assessment of the Main Yankee Atomic related to the conduct of ACRS business closed to discuss Westinghouse proprietary Power Station Information.
and organizational and personnel (Open}-The Committee will hear manese mlating to the ACRS.
10:45 a.m.-22:25 p.m.: AP600 Test Ihta Presentations by and hold discussions Nees: A of this sweion may be from ROSA and Oregon State University with mpresentatives of b NRC staff closed to organizational and (OSU)-APEX Test Facilities ng the t fin ad Q *
,,3, fthis (Open/ Closed)-The Committee will Atomic Power Station.
^dM,commiuw, and ma"'"
hIar presentations by and hold Representatives of the nuclear i
,, e 9t,. deer discussions with representatives of the industry will participate, as appmpriate. unwarramed invasion of personal privacy.
i NRC staff mgarding the issues m.
p.m.:Prepamtion of associated with the release of test data 9:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: National from ROSA and OSU-APEX test Academy of Sciences / National Reseamh P '
facilities to the public.
Council (NAS&lRClPhase 2 Study (Open)-b Committee will continue Repod its discussion of m osed ACRS reports The Committee may hear rs consi e during this presentations by representatives of the (Open)-N Comm' nee wiu hear mm Westinghouse Electric Corporation, as presentations by and held discussions with b Chairman of the NAS/NRC 2 2 P.m.-2:00 p.m.:Stmtegic Planning appmpriate.
Committee regarding the results of the (Open)-The Committee will continue Note: A portion of this sowion may be NAS/NRC Phase 2 Study on the digital its discusalon ofitems of significant closed to discuse Westinghouw proprietary instrumentation and corstro: stems.
Importance to NRC, including a
Information and metters the prematum Other member (s) of the N C
rebaselining of the Committee activities disclosure of which would be likely to Committee, representativu of the NRC for FY 1997, signtScantly frustrate implementation of a staff and nuclear industry will Procedures for the conduct of and proposed esency action.
participate, as appropriate.
participation in ACRS meetings were G
t 1
'~ ~
~ '
Federal Register / Vcl[62, No. 34 / Thursday Fsbruary 20, 1997 / N:tices 7811 u
published in the Federal Register on internet ct http://www.nrc. gov /
Comments may be submitted October 1,1996 (81 FR 51310). In ACRSACNW.
electronically,in eitha ASCII t:xt or accordance with these pmmdures, oral Dated: February 13,1997.
Word erfect format (version 5.1 or P
or written statements may be presented Andrew L Bates, later), by calling the NRC Electronic by members of the public, electronic Bulletin Board on FedWorld. The recordings will be permitted only say ConunineWeogement @cer.
bulletin board may be acmssed using a during the open portions of the meeting, D D c. 97-4174 Filed 2-19-97; 8:45 am) personal computer, a modem, and one and questions may be asked only by sus coon ne***
of the commonly available members of the Committee,its communications software packages, or consultants, and staff. Persons desiring direct)fng a persona.l computer and via Internet 13 make oral statements should notify
%ulatory Me; h, if us Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, Chief, Nuclear
'808 %
modem, the NRC subsystem on Reactors Branch, at least five days The Nuclear Regulatory Comraission FedWorld can be accessed directly by before the meeting,if possible, so that has issued for public tomment a dialing the toll free number: 1-800-appropriate arrangements can be made proposed revision of a guide in its 303-9672. Communicatin softwam t3 allow the necessary time during the Regulatory Guide Series. This series has Parameten should be set t.s follows:
ty to none, data bits to 8, and stop fits to 1 (N,8,1). Usin ANSI or VT-100 meeting for such statements. Use of still, been developed to describe and make motion cture, and television cameras available to the public such information terminal emulation, e NRC NUREGs during s meeting may be limited to as methods acceptable to the NRC staff selected portions of the meeting as for implementing specific parts of the and RegGuides for Comment subsystem determined by the Chairman.
NRC's regulations, techniques used by can then be acmssed by selecting the, Information regarding the time to be set the staff in eva!uating speciBc pmblems " Rules Menu" option from the "NRC, i
Main Menu. For further infonnation l
aside for this purpose may be obtained or postulated accidents, and data by contacting the Chief of the Nuclear needed by the staffin its review of about options available for NRC at i
Rasetors Branch prior to the meeting. In applications for permits and licenses.
FedWorld, consult the Help /
j I"I*'**d"..Conter imm the,NRC view of the possibility that the schedule The draft guide is a pro sed Main Menu Users will find the for ACRS meetings may be adjusted by Revision 3 to Regulatory ide 1.134, FedWorld Online User,s Guides the Chairman as necessary to facilitate and it is temporarily identified as DG-the conduct of the meeting, persons 1068 " Medical Evaluation of Licensed Parucularly helpful. Many NRC planning to attend should check with Personnel at Nuclear Power Plants."
subsystems and data bases,,also have a Hel Information Center option that the Chief of the Nuclear Reactors Branch The guide will te in Division 1," Power 4
if such rescheduling would result in Reactors." This regulatory guide is being $,N[su
[o d can ys rn on F ma}or inconvenience.
revised to endorse an updated ANSU also be accessed by a direct dial phone In accordance with Subsection 10(d)
ANS-3.441996, " Medical Certification number for the main FedWorld BBS, P.L. 92--463, I have determined that it is and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring 703-321-3339, or by using Telnet via necessary to close portions of this Operator Licenses for Nuclear Power Intemet, fedworld. gov. If using 703-meeting noted above to discuss Plants," which describes methods 321-3339 to contact FedWorld, the NRC proprietary information per 5 U.S.C.
acceptable to the NRC staff for subsystem will be accessed from the r
552b(c)(4), information the premature determining the medical qualifications main FedWorld menu by selecting the disclosure of which would be likely to of applicants for initial or renewal
" Regulatory, Government significantly frustrate implementation of operator or senior operator licenses for Administration and State Systems."
a proposed agency action per 5 U.S.C.
nuclear power phnts and for notifying then selecting " Regulatory Information 552b(c)(9)(B). matters that relate solely the NRC of an operator's incapacitating Mall." At that point, a menu will be to the internal personnel rules and disability or illness.
displayed that has an option "U.S.
practices of this Advisory Committee The draft guide has not received Nuclear Regulatory Commission" that per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2), and to discuss complete staff review and does not will take you to the NRC Online main matters the release of which would represent an official NRC staff position. menu. The NRC Online area also can be constitute a clearly unwarranted Public comments are being solicited accmssed directly by typing "/go nrc" at invasion of personal privacy per 5 on the guide. Comments should be a FedWorld command line. If you access U.S.C. 552b(c)(6).
accompanied by supporting data.
NRC fmm FedWorld's main menu. you Further information regarding topics Written comments may be submitted to may return to FedWorld by selecting the is be discussed, whether the meeting the Rules Review and Directives Brsuch, *Retum to FedWorld" option from the has been cancelled or rescheduled, the Division of Freedom ofInformation and NRC Online Main Menu. However,if Chairman's ruling on requests for the Publications Services, Office of you access NRC at FedWorld by using cpportunity to present oral statements Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory NRC's toll free number, you will have and the time allotted therefor can be Comminion, Washington DC 20555.
full access to all NRC sy>tems but you obtained by contacting Mr. Sam Copies of comments received may be will not have access to the main Chief, Nuclear Reactors examined at the NRC Public Document FedWorld system.
Duralswamy, hone 301/415-7364).
Roorn,2120 L Street NW., Washington, If you contact FedWorld using Telnet, Branch (telep between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. EST.
DC. Comments will be most helpfulif you will see the NRC area and menus.
ACRS meeting notices, meeting received by March 17.1997.
. including the Rules menu. Although transcripts, and letter reports are now Although a time limit is given for you will be able to download i
available on FedWorld from the "NRC comments on this draft guide, documents and leave messages, you will MAIN MENU." Direct Dial Access comments and suggestions in not be able to write comments or upload nurnber to FedWorld is (800) 303-9672 connection with items for inclusion in files (comments). If you contact er ftp.fedworld. These documents and guides currently being developed or FedWorld using FTP, all files can be the meeting agenda are also available for improvements in all published guides necessed and downloaded but uploads downloading or reviewing on the are encouraged at any time.
are not allowed; all you will see is a list
Feelsral Register / V:1. 62, No. 47 / Tuesday, March 11,1997 / Notices 11231 The amendment is effective as of the Richland PubP.c Uhrary,955 Northgate Consequences (PUBUC MEETING) date ofissuance.
Street,'FwMand Washington 99352.
(Contact: Smanne Black,301-415-The m.t.sodment replacas,in their Daud at Rockvule, Maryland, this 4th day 1017) entirety,the current technical of March 1997.
I speciacaticas (TS) with a set of TS y, eh, p ci, =a --- ca..i i,
Dmisday, March 13 li bened on NUREG-1434," Standard
% g, %,'
11:30 a.m.-AfBrmation Session T
s en El I
g 3,,j,, p,,j,,, y,,,,,,, p,j,,, py,,,,,,,
. (PUBUC MEETING)(if needed) ril 19%. 'n addition, the amendment W-2, DMsion ofJiaoctor Projects ilvW, Ofice ofNuclearflooctorRegulation.
Week ofMarch 17-Tentotive~
( lt D c. 97-6998 Filed 3-10 47; 8:45 aml se as eaco n
There are no meetings scheduled for
" 88'8 "o8 ""*
h.' apotion of TS requimments the week of March 17.
tohnsentrolled documents and theimplemntation of Regulatory Guidel
- Commenee on flooctor y,,g ofy,,g3 24-Tentative those commitments.fSofegue'rde; Hovised Momeng W hesday, March 25 1.160.The amendment also adds an Tbpendix Clis A
====dment deletes license
'The agenda for the 439th meeting of. 20:00 a.m.-Briefing on High-Burnup condition 2.C.(18)(c) which had the Advisory Committee on Reactor Fuel kaues (PUBUC MEETING) required the licensee to provide, prior to Safeguards scheduled to be held on (Contact: Ralph O. Meyer,301-415-startup from the first refueling outage, March 6-4,1997,in Conference Room 8789)
TS for the bypass timer setting and T-2B3,11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, 11:30 a.m-Affirmation Session manualinhibit sv itch of the automatic Maryland, has been revised to include (PUBUC MEETING)(if needed) depressurization system.
Committee discussion of a proposed The aPr Metion for the amendment ACRS report on plant specific Week ofMarch 32-Tentauve
complies v.h the standards and application of safety goals. All other Monday, March 32 requirements of the Atomic Energy Act items pertaining to this meeting mmain Cf 1954, as amended (the Act), and the the same as published in the Federal 11:30 a.m.-Affirmation Session Commia lon's rules and regulations.
Essister on Thursday, February 20, (PUBUC MEITTING)(if needed)
The %==laalon has made appropriate 1997 (62 FR 7810).
r Andings as required by the Act and the Further information regarding topics 2 00 p.m.--Classified Security Briefing (Closed-Ex. 2)
Commission's rules and regulations in to be discussed, whether the meetina 10 CFR Chapter 1, which are set forth in has been cancelled or rescheduled, the 2:30 p.m.-Meeting with DOE on the license ashondment.
Chairman's ruling on requests for b Extemal Regulation of DOE Notice of Consideration ofIssuance of Opportunity to present oral statements Facilities (PUBUC MEETING)
Amendment and portunity for and the time allotted therefor can be Nees: The schedule for Commission Hearing in conn on with this action obtained by contacting Mr. Sam u== data is subhet to change on short notice.
iras published in the Federal Register Duraiswamy, Chief, Nuclear Reactors To verify the status of meetings, call en June 26,1996 (61 FR M144). No Branch (telephone 301/415-7364),
(recordinsH3011415-12s2. contact person request for a hearing or patition for between 7:30 A.M. and 4:15 P.M. EST.
for more information: Bill 11111 (302) 415-leave to intervene was filed following Dated: March 5,1997.
this notice.
Andow 1. sem.,
The NRC Commission Meeting The Commission has papared an Advisory canunittee "-.
cyrar Schedule can be found on the Internet Envimamental m
ma t
(FR Doc. e7-s997 Filed 3-10-07; ads am) at: http://www.nrc. gov /SECY/smj/
' prepare an environmenulimpact schedule.htm.
ou88 ones m**$*
statement. Based upon the This notice is distributed by mail to environmental assessment, the Sunshine Act Moodng several hundmd subscribers; if you no Commiasion has concluded that the Nuclear to be added to it, please contact the longer wish to receive it, or would like issuance of this amendment will not AcesCY HDt.DeeG THE teEETo00:
have a significant effect on the quality Regulatory Commisalon.
OfBee of the Secretary, Atta: Operations of the hus,an environment.
DATE: Weeks of March 10,17,24, and Branch, Washington. D.C. 20555 (301-For further details with respect to the 31,1997, 415-1661).
action see (1) The application for ptAct:Commisaloners' Conference In addition, distribution of this amendment dated December 8,1995, as Room.11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, suppl====ted by letten dated July 9, Maryland.
meeting notice over the internet system is available. If you are interested in August 30,1996 pa 6
STATUS: Public and Closed.
receiving this Commisrlon meeting
1997 January 31,1997, &nd February esArtans 70 BE cosessense:
schedule electronically, please send an i
10,1997,(2) Amendment No.149 to Week ofMarch 20 e e roni message to winhnrc. gov or Facility Operating Uconse No. NPF-21, dkwnrc. gov.
and (3) the Comminion's related Safety Monday, March 20 Dowd March 7.see7.
Eva:uation and Environmental 10:30 a.nt-Briefing on to CFR 50.59 William M. Hill, Jr.,
Assessment. All of these items are Regulatory Process improvements evallable for public inspection at the (PUBUC MEITTING)(Contact:
secy Tmcking Officer. Office of the Secretary Commission's Public Document Room.
Eileen McKenna,301-415-2189)
IFR Doc 97-4226 Filed 3-7-97; 2:05 Pml i
the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, 2:30 p.m.-Bricfing on Implementation same caos me4um j
NW., Washington, DC, and at the local of Maintenance Rule, Revised public document room located at the Regulatory Guide, and
- /> wso w4ALMM 10J
- cenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1)
8:30 O
Opening Statement (RLS/SD) 1.2)
Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.3)
Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 37
/c:.23 2) 8: 45 - h A.M.
Cacability of RELAPS/ MOD 3 Code to Arsess the AP600 Desion (Open/ Closed) (TSK/PAB) 2.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 2.2)
Briefing by and discussions with CtosED: h @ -/C.'&
representatives of the NRC staff regarding the capability of the RELAP 5/ MOD 3 code to assess the adequacy of the AP600 passive plant design.
Representatives of the Westinghouse Electric Ccrporation will participate, as appropriate.
3 (NOTE:
Most of this session may be closed to discuss Westinghouse proprietary information.)
/ c;.23
/ O : 4'S 14:25 h-iH) A.M.
- BREAK ***
N P.M.
Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA Test Facility (Open/ Closed) (TSK/PAB/AS) 3.1)
Report by the Subcommittee Chairman 3.2)
Discussions with representatives of r c o.s r.b f of yy.g,.py the NRC staff and Westinghouse Electric Corporation, as needed, regarding the issues associated with the release of test data from ROSA Test Facility to the public.
Most of this session may be closed to discuss Westinghouse proprietary information.)
{g,y>ycgiyn t%? 7?ous c r TM HE^2 M M.
i 1
2 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
A ' I? S I? ' f'
/;05 - j. 30 PM.
4) 1:30 -
3:00 P.M.
Arthur Andersen Recort, " Recommendations to Imorove the Senior Manacement Meetino i
Process" (Open) (JJB/NFD) 4.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 4.2)
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of the Arthur Andersen study that was performed to I
evaluate the Senior NRC Management Meeting process for assessing the performance of operating nuclear j-plants.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will i..
participate, as appropriate I
3:00 -
3:15 P.M.
- BREAK ***
Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reculation 5) 3:15 4:
- ~
and Related Matters (Open) (GA/MTM) 5.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 5.2)
Briefing by and discussions with
i representatives of the NRC staff i
regarding the proposed Standard Review Plan Sections, Regulatory Guides, and other matters associated with the risk-informed, performance-based regulation.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
4:k -
- BREAK ***
i i
r 6:37 7:34-P. M.
Precaration of ACRS Recorts (Open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
Capability of RELAPS/ MOD 3 Code to C L OSE4.< 5.'.5~.3 - t'llo pg Assess the Adequacy of the AP600 Design (TSK/PAB) 6.2)
Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA i
DeScvss cr/ OF A/EK1 Test Facility (TSK/PAB/AS)
I 3
Standard Review Plan Sections and 4
Regulatory Guides Associated with Risk-Informed, Performance-Based l
Regulation and Related Matters j
(GA/MTM) 6.4)
Arthur Andersen Report (JJB/NFD)
7) 8:30 -
8:35 A.M.
Ooenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (open)
J 8) 8:35 -
9:45 A.M.
Indeoendent Safety Assessment of the Main l
Yankee Atomic Power Station (Open) 4 (JJB/AS) 8.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 8.2)
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of independent safety assessment of the Main Yankee Atomic Power Station.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
i 4 s-9) 9:45 - 12 : IB P. M.
National Academy of Sciences / National (11:00-11:15 A.M. BREAK)
Research Council (NAS/NRC) Phase 2 Study Report (Open) (DWM/MME) 9.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 9.2)
Briefing by and discussions with the Chairman of the NAS/NRC Committee regarding the results of the NAS/NRC Phase 2 Study on the digital instrumentation and control systems.
j Other member (s) of the NAS/NRC Committee, and representatives of the NRC staff and nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
.xc vs 12 :M -
1:30 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
- s 45 3:co 10) 1:3 -
2550 P. M.
Deoartment of Enercy Proposal for Tritium j
Production (Open) (DAP/MME) j 10.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 10.2)
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding DOE's' tritium production progrcm.
j i
Representatives of the NRC staff will participate, as appropriate.
h 11) 2.30 3.00 P.".
Future ACRS Activities (Open).(RLS/SD) y ; )y. 9: gp A M, Discussion of the recommendations of the pg.njg g4 y Planning and Procedures Subcommittee j
regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings 12) 3.00 -
3.15 P.M.
Reconciliation ofsACRS Commhets and Rec 85mendations (Op (RLS, e al./
SD, et.
Discussion the respons from th NRC Executive Dir or for Opera ns to comments and rec endations in luded in recent ACRS reports 60 15 3:26 -
3:30 P.M.
- BREAK ***
15 c :sr r'
N P.M.
Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open) 13) 3:50 (5:30-5:45 P.M. BREAK)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
- 13. )
Standard Rev'ew Plan Sect'ons and i
Regulatory Gu' des Associat d with Risk-Informed, Performance-sed Regulation and elated Matte GA/MTM) i 13.2)
S/NRC Phase 2 tudy on Digit I
trumentation a d Control Sys ems (D
/MME) 13.3)
Cap ility of RELAP / MOD 3 Code to Asse the Adequacy f the AP600 Desig (TSK/PAB) 13.4)
Releas of AP600 Test ata from ROSA Test Fa ility (TSK/PAB
Arthur dersen Report JJB/NFD)
0_0 0 ?_ ".
Recort of the Plannino and Procedures
/J:ro -
l op f. h.
Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)
Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to i
the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications j
of candidates nominated for appointment to the ACRS, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.
j (Note:
A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)
J : 52 P H-15) 1-see-P. M.
Precaration of ACRS Reports (Open)
(10.00 1@e45 * "_ ""?AK)
Complete discussion of proposed ACRS reports listed under Item 13.
16) 0.00 -
2.00 T.M.
Stratuoic Planniho (Open) (
Discus n of ite of signi ' cant importanc to NRC, cluding re aselining of the Committee act ities for Y 1997.
e Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.
The remaining 50 percent j
of the time is reserved for diwcussion.
1 e
Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.
_ -. _.. ~ _... _ _. _. _.. _. _ _. _ _. _. _. -.. _. _ _. _.
i e
March 6-8, 1997 i
J. Beall OCM
.l S. Black NRR R. Borchardt NRR i
i R. Caruso' NRR P. Castleman NRR j
i F. Coffman RES l
S. Dins nore '
Fischer NRR l
j B. Gram NRR J. Guttmann RES l
Holzle OGC t
l W. Jemsen NRR
.M.~ Johnson NRR R. Jones NRR J.
Kelly RES J.
Kramer RES T.
.RES l'
Levin NRR A. Madison AEOD J. Mitchell OEDO D. Morrison RES V. Mousseau RES J. Murphy RES M. Paduan AEOD J.
Peralta NRR
G.. Perry NRR
J. Persensky' RES C. Rossi AEOD M. Rubin NRR J. Schiffgens NRR S. Smith RES J. Uhle RES G. Uyeda RES D. Wessman NRR T. Wolf.
1 4
Appendix III-2 439th ACRS Meeting l
I FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1997 R.
Calvert RES i
M. Chiramal NRR D.
Coe NRR F. Coffman RES D. Dorman NRR
.J.'Gallagher NRR W. Hodges RES K. Kavanagh NRR J '. Kramer RES S. Mays AEOD J. Mitchell OEDO D. Morrison RES J.
Persensky RES J. Rosenthal AEOD J.
_J. Wermiel NRR J. Wilson NRR T. Wilson Oak Ridge (Contractor) b J
r i
l i
Appendix III 3
L.'Allenback Arthur Andersen I
J. Andre Westinghouse B. Bradley NEI B.
Christie Performance Technology B.
Cowan W
C. Fletcher INEEl S.
Floyd NEI K. Kelly Arthur Andersen A. Lieherman Arthur Andersen B. McIntyre Westlye M. Neal NUS
Neymes CYE T. Rurtt LMITCO FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1997 J. Chardos TVA D. Chopin NPR Assoc.
M. Clausen DOE J.
Curtis Winsten & Straw D.
Damon Bechtel Corp J. Ethridge Pacific NW National Lab C. Guy General Atomic D. Hill Argonne National Lab.
S. Hinki DOE R. Latorre PNNL M. Mani National Research Council C. Mitchell Georgia Tech M. Neal NUS P. Neymes CYE J. Roorly DNFSB P.
Salas TVA G.
Surensen DNNL J. Trutler Polestar Applied Tech J. White Oak Ridge A. Wilson National Research Council J.
Zurchutis National Research Council
- l s>
FUTURE AGENDA The Committee agreed to consider the following during the 440th ACRS Meeting, April 3-5, 1997:
THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1997 1) 8:45 A.M.
10:45 A.M.:
Proposed Reculatory Acoroach Associated with Steam Generator Intecrity (Open)
The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed regulatory approach for dealing with steam generator integrity issues.
2) 11:00 A.M.
- 12:30 P.M.:
Consecuences of Reactor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside Containment (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of the I
study performed by the staff on the consequences of reactor water cleanup system line break outside containment.
3) 1:30 P.M.
- 3:00 P.M.-
Proposed Reculatory Guidance Related to Imolementation of 10 CFR 50.59 Reauirements (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed regulatory guidance for assessing the adequacy of the licensees process for implementing the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59, " Changes, Tests, and Experiments."
3) 3:00 P.M.
- 4 : 00 F.M. -
AEOD Non-Power Reactor Survey (Open) -
The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) regarding the results of the survey conducted by AEOD on non-power reactors.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1997 4) 8:35 A.M - 10:00 A.M.:
Boraflex Degradation in Scent Fuel Pool Storace Racks (Open)
The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the resolution of issues associated with the degradation of Boraflex used in spent fuel pool storage racks and licensee responses to Generic Letter 96-04, "Boraflex Degradation in Spent Fuel Storage Racks."
5) 10:15 A.M.
- 11:45 A.M.-
Use of Potassium Iodide After a Severe Accident (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with the representatives of the NRC l
staff regarding the NRC policy on the use of potassium iodide i
after a severe accident and other related issues, including potential risk associated with the use of potassium iodide.
1 i
I "".
[ Note:
Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only.
These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.)
l 1'
I 1
Openino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman i.
j 1.
Items of Interest, 439th ACRS Meeting, dated March 6-8, 1997 l
.2 Cacability of RELAP5/ MOD 3 Code to Assess the AP600 Desian 2.
RELAP5/ MOD 3 Adequacy Demonstration for AP600 Application, dated March 6, 1997, presented by F. Eltawila, NRC/RES, i
Banerj ee, UCSB, and D.
Fletcher, INEL [Viewgraphs) 1 Proprietary Material - Not to be Released Without Prior Authorization l
Handout containing Presentation Schedule and Report of 1
ACRS Consultant V.
Schrock on February 12-14, 1997:
Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting, Los Angeles, CA [ Handout #2.1] Proprietary Material - Not to be Released Without Prior Authorization 3
Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA Test Facility 4
Arthur Andersen Report, " Recommendations to Imorove the Senior Manacement Meetino Process" 4.
Arthur Andersen Assessment of the Senior Management Meeting Process and Information Base, dated March 6,
1997, presented by Richard J. Barrett (Viewgraphs]
5 Risk
- Informed, Performance-Based Reculation and Related Matters 5.
Regulatory Guides and Standard Review Plans in Support of Risk Informed Regulation, dated March 6, 1997, presented by Gary Holahan, NRR; Thomas King, RES; Robert Jones, NRR; and Mark Cunningham, RES [Viewgraphs) 6.
Graded Quality Assurance, undated, presented by Susan Black, NRR [Viewgraphs)
Appendix V 2
439th ACRS Meeting j
8 Indeoendent Safety Assessment of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station 7.
The Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station, dated March 7, 1997, presented by Edward L.
Jordan, Ellis Merschoff, Jack Rosenthal [Viewgraphs) 9 National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study Reoort 8.
Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Safety and Reliability Issues, Briefing on Final Report, dated March 7, 1997, presented by members j
of NAS [Viewgraphs]
10 Decartment of Enercy Proposal for Tritium Production J
l 9.
Tritium Producing Burnable Absorber Rod:
Technical Discussion, dated March 7, 1997, presented by Dr. Jerry Ethridge [Viewgraphs) 10.
Commercial Light Water Reactor Tritium Production
Project: Overview, dated March 7,
1997, presented by Stephen Schinki, Department of Energy (Viewgraphs) 11 Future ACRS Activities 11.
Future ACRS Activities - 430th ACRS Meeting, April 3-5, 1997 [ Handout #11-1]
14 Reoort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee 12.
Final Draf t Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subconmit-tee Meeting - March 5, 1997 [ Handout #14.1)
s :.<'
Appendix V 3
Caoability 'c RELAPS/ MOD 3 Code to Assess the AP600 Desian 1 -.
Meeting Summary, ACRS Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting, February 12-14, 1997, Los Angeles, California.
Memorandum dated December 27, 1996 from M.
- Hodges, RES, to J.
Larkins, ACRS:
" Adequacy Assessment of the RELAP5 Code to Analyze AP600 Passive Plant Behavior Following Postulated Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Acci-dents."
Letter dated March 19, 1996, from ACRS to J. Taylor, EDO:
NRC Staff Program on the Adequacy Assessment of the RELAP5/ MOD 3 Code for Simulation of AP600 Passive Plant Behavior.
Letter dated April 25, 1996, from J.
Taylor, EDO to T.
Kress, ACRS.
NRC Staf f Program on the Adequacy Assessment of the RELAP5/ MOD 3 Code for Simulation of AP600 Passive Plant Behavior 5.
Memorandum dated March 18, 1996, from P. Boehnert to ACRS Members, transmitting a Certified Copy of the Minutes of the ACRS Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting of February 22-23, 1997 in Idaho Falls, ID.
Release of AP600 Test Data from ROSA Test Facility 6.
Letter dated December 13, 1996 f rom J. Taylor, EDO, to T.
Kress, ACRS:
ACRS Review of ROSA and APEX Data Prior to Publication.
Letter dated February 4,
1997 from B.
- McIntyre, Westinghouse, to R.
Seale, ACRS:
ACRS Review of ROSA Data.
Paper dated July 17, 1995: " Implication of the Rig of Safety Assessment /AP600 High-and Intermediate-Pressure Test Results," by L. Shotkin, NRC, and Y. Kukita, JAERI.
Arthur Andersen Reoort, " Recommendations to Imorove the Senior Manacement Meetina Process"
6 b CV b Appendix V 4
g 439th ACRS Meeting 9.
Memorandum dated January 20,
- 1997, from Michael T.
Markley, ACRS Staff, to John J.
Barton, Chairman Plant Operations Subcommittee: Arthur Andersen Study Of Senior Management Process'and Information Bases.
Memorandum dated February 4,1997, from Noel Dudley, ACRS Staff, to ACRS Members:
Commission Briefing on Opera-tional Reactors and Material Facilities.
Memorandum dated February 14, 1997, from John C.
- Hoyle, Secretary, NRC, to Hugh L.
- Thompson, Jr.,
Acting EDO:
Staff Requirements - Briefing on Operating Reactors and Fuel Facilities, January 29, 1997.
Memorandum dated February 21, 1997, from Noel Dudley, ACRS Staff, to ACRS Members:
Commission Meeting Regard-ing the Arthur Andersen Assessment of the Senior Manage-ment Meeting Process.
Memorandum dated February 25, 1997, from Noel Dudley, ACRS Staff, to ACRS Members:
NRC Meeting Regarding the Arthur Andersen Assessment of the Senior Management Meeting.
Risk Informed. Performance-Based Reculation and Related Matters 14.
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated January 22, 1997, from J.
Hoyle, SECY, to H. Thompson, Acting EDO, and K.
Cyr, OGC:
SECY-96-218, " Quarterly Status Update for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan,
Including a Discussion of Four Emerging Policy Issues Associated with Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regula-i tion," dated January 22, 1997.
l 15.
Letter dated September 6, 1996, from J. Taylor, EDO, to T.
- Kress, ACRS:
Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation Matters" 18.
Report dated August 15, 1996 f rom T.
Kress, ACRS, to Chairman Jackson, NRC: Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation and Related Matters 19.
Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 11, 1996, from J. Hoyle, SECY, to John T. Larkins, ACRS:
Requested ACRS actions regarding meeting with the Commission on May 24, 1996 9.
National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study Reoort
gS.o o Appendix V 5
439th ACRS Meeting 20.
October 13, 1995 report f rom ACRS to the Commission:
National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Study on " Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, Safety and Reliability Issues" -
Phase 1 21.
Memorandum dated February 21, 1997 from D. Miller to ACRS J
National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study Report 22.
ACRS members J.
- Barton, D.
- Powers, R. Seale, and G.
Apostolakis Comments on the NAS Phase 2 Study 23.
Memorandum dated January 23, 1997 from D.
Miller to J.
Issues and Requested Actions for NRC Staf f Use in Preparing for ACRS Review of Proposed Final SRP/BTP/RGs 10.
Decartment of Enerav Procosal for Tritium Production 24.
SECY-96-212, dated October 3, 1996: Review of Department of Energy's Proposal for Tritium Production in Commercial Light-Water Reactors 25.
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Nuclear Regulato-ry Commission and the Department of Energy, dated May 22, 1996 26.
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated December 10, 1996,
SECY-96-212: Review of Department of Energy's Proposal for Tritium Production in Commercial Light-Water Reactors