U-602714, Proposed Tech Specs Table Re Loss of Power Instrumentation

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Proposed Tech Specs Table Re Loss of Power Instrumentation
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/01/1997
Shared Package
ML20137K836 List:
LS-97-001, LS-97-1, U-602714, NUDOCS 9704070114
Download: ML20137K856 (6)


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Attachment 3. ~

.j . ..

to U-602714 l LS-97 001

. . Page1of2 l l  :

1 A*aru Marked-Up  ;

. Pages of the Technical Specifications , . i i

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9704070114 970401 N PDR ADOCK 05000461 P PDR 3-w-w- _ ___ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _

i LOP Instrumentation I

'  !


. Tatde 1 (page 1 of 1) to U-602'14 Less of Peuer Instrumentation LS-97-001

' Page 2 of 2 -


1. Divlelens 1 and 2-4.16 W

, smorgency sus underwettape 1

a. Lees of Vettage-4.16 W 6 .st t 2345 V and s 3395 V beels at l'
b. Less of vettage-Time 6 at s 10 seconds Delay at i'
c. Degraded Vettage 2 SR t 3876 V and 5 3901 V (a)

Roset -4.16 W beste at l SR

d. Degraded yettage 2 et a 3s48 Y and s 3876 V (b) l Drep out-4.16 kV beste '

M ~*

et j i e. Degraded vettage - Time 1 st 2 14 seconds and s 16 seconds I Delay' et et i j 2. Divlelen 3-4.16 kV Emergency

Bus undervettage

! a. Less of vettage-4.16 kV ,4 sa t 2345 V and s 2730 V bests at -

b. Lees of Vettage-Time ~ 1 et s 3.0 seconds Detey SR
c. Degraded Vettage 2 et k 3876 Y and s 3901 V (a)

Roset -4.16 kV beels at SR

d. Degraded Vettage 2 (c) .SR t 3868 V and s 3876 Y (b)

. Drep out -4.16 W bests et st

e. Degraded Vettage-Time 1 et t 14 seconds and 5 16 seconds Delay at 3R 3.3.1L1.4 (a) This vetue is to be used after RF0 of the corresponding plant modificetten. Prior to RPO this Fisietten le not applicable.

(b) This vetue is to be used after RF0 of the corroepending plant modificatten. Prior to RF0 of the

w. _ _; Jlegg plant modificetten the Degraded Vettage Drop-out -4.16 W bests Atteuebte Vetue shall be
  • I

@ =InisI venue nt V ens is sso3s32 v.ff_' af ter RF0 of the w,- 1;- Jing plant modificatten.

== --- Prior to RF0 of the l

corresponding plant modification the Degraded Vettage Drep-out -4.16 W bests Required Channels Per Division ahatt be 3. -

J Mministrud controls as descr. led 'n the "Mmin;stmEve- l (entreg" sec% o( Anuhmem 2. to IlIinois?cwe< %%n I' o.wz nq Atte per:t i.,tm swit be nwnteneJ unt"

  • 4he corresponAinj plant twdNcMOS -

b M'#M ') m CLINTON 3.3-80 Amendment No. M

e e Attachment 4

, to U-602714 LS-97-001

, Page1of4 Technical Specification Bases Changes l


. +-  ;

LOP Instrumentation '

B  !

- Attachment 4 i

! 1MSES to U-602714  !

LC 07 001

- - - Page 2 of 4

APPLICABLE . 1.a. 1.b. 2.a. 2.b. 4.16 kV Emeroency Bus Undervoltaae


SAFETY ANALYSES, (Loss of Voltaae) (continued)

LCO, and  :

APPLICABILITY required equipment. The time delay specified for the .

Divisions 1 and 2 4.16 kV Emergency Bus Loss of Voltage  !

Functions corresponds to a voltage at the 120 ' volt Basis l trip setpoint of a 67 volts and 5 97 volts. Lower voltage l conditions will result in decreased trip times. The .

Division 3 4.16 kV Emergency Bus Loss of Voltage Function t
120-volt Basis trip setpoint is a 67 volts and s 78 volts. i i l

' Six channels of 4.16 kV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Loss of  ;

Voltage) Function per associated emergency bus for Divisions  ;

I and 2 and four channels for Division 3 are only required  !

l to be OPERABLE when the associated DG is required to be  !

OPERABLE to ensure that no single instrument failure can preclude the DG function. (Six channels input to each of the Divisian 1 and Division 2 DGs and four channels input to the Divisisn 3 DG. Each of the six channels for Division 1 i

and six channels for Division 2 is an inverse time delay relay. Each of these time delays are considered to be

separate channels. For Division 3, the Loss of Voltage l Function logic inputs to a single time delay relay. Thus,

, only one time delay channel is associated with Division 3.)

j Refer to LCO 3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating," and LCO 3.8.2,

"AC Sources-Shutdown," for Applicability Bases for the DGs.

0 1.c. 1.d. 1.e. 2.c. 2.d. N.e. 4.16 kV Emeraency Bus undervoltaae (Dearaded Vo' taae)

A reduced voltage condition on a 4.16 kV emergency bus

{> O'N"4M 3 indicates that while offsite power may not be completely w;% cdynin;5O lost to the respective emergency bus, power may be insufficient for starting large motors without risking  :

nWoM (Ref.Q }1 damage to the motors that cou d disable the ECCS function.

Therefore, power supply to the bus is transferred from

.____-- offsite power to onsite DG power when the~ voltage on the bus idWupt reqv:ed rops below the Degraded Voltage Function Allowable Values I k W-@ dMMW alegracea voltage equate power will with a une celay).

be available to the Thislensuresthat required equipment.

UM The Bus Undervoltage Allowable Values are low enough to admin iamkQet6*W'd 16 P k prevent inadvertent power supply transfer, but high enough en Me Ok4** to ensure that sufficient power is available to the required o Akt wl$ b equipmeng As stated above, the purpose of this }

( AievMhg@equive pineJ$s 120-Wlf ' -


CLINTON B 3.3-225 Revision No. MT


.e I '

Attachment 4 LOP Instrumentation to U-602714 B 4 ts-97-001 BASES Page 3 of 4 APPLICABLE 1.c. 1.d. l.e. 2.c. 2.d. 2.e. 4.16 kV Emeraency Bus SAFETY ANALYSES, Undervoltaae (nearaded Vo'taae) (continued)

LCO, and

~ APPLICABILITY The Time Delay Allowable Values are long enough to provide ,

time for the offsite power supply to recover to normal i

-voltages, but short enough to ensure that sufficient power is available to the required equipment.

Two channels of 4.16 kV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Function per associated emergency bus for Divisions .

Voltage)d 1, 2, an 3 (except 3 channels for Division 3 prior to RF0 of modification AP-029) are only required to be OPERABLE when the associated.DG.is required to be OPERABLE to ensure l that no single instrument failure can preclude the DG l function. (Two channels input to each of the Division 1, 2, I and 3 DGs (except that 3 channels input to the Division 3 DG j prior to RF0 of modification AP-029). The Degraded Voltage  ;

e l MpoirW ana %d' Function delay relay.logic foronly Thus, each oneDivision time delay inputs toisa single time channel I Refer to LCO 3.8.1 and  !

(%nneE oef DW.'strojassociated LCO 3.8.2with each Division.)

for Applicability Bases for the DGs. )

l Footnotes (a), (b), and (c) to Table 3.3 8.1-1 identify that the)f9changesarenoteffectiveuntil"'Dofthe l corresponding plant modification. The planned modifications are: AP-027 for Division 1, AP-028 for Division 2, and AP-029 for Division 3.y l ACTIONS _ A Note has been provided to modify the ACTIONS related to LOP instrumentation channels. Section 1.3, Completion h cvf4+ hon MohW ib Times, specifies that once a Condition has been enter 2 fiaquifM N odm. .n isW subsequent divisions, subsystems, components, or variables

 ,    CO d " *N" .'A MD) be   " " 8'     expressed in the Condition discovered to be inoperable or not within limits-will not result in separate entry into the ude4# N#M38' b                  Condition. Section 1.3 also specifies that Required Actions
   } all CME I6 tapp# t. 'of the Condition continue to apply for each additional unM tmd&mWni on                  failure, with Completion Times' based on initial entry into completed          f au tWee. the Condition. However, the Required Actions for inoperable LOP instrumentation channels provide appropriate dW.uns o 5dch. rewed com)ensatory measures for separate ino erable channels. As AC powe< clMrbbn.' suc1, a Note has been provided that al ows separate h e6e tro A M M a M Condition entry for each inoperable LOP instrumentation RP-33 4 % .s:oni                  ichannel.

Ap.h (br %iston2.[an31 AP-35 Otr IM640n 3. , (continued) ) CLINTON B 3.3-226 RevisionNo.[


  • LOP Instrumentatien


          *-                                                                Attachaent 4 BASES                                                             to U-602714 LS-97-001                                Page 4 of 4 SURVEILLANCE        SR REQUIREMENTS
,            (contintred)     A CHANNEL CALIBRATION is a complete check of the instrument loop and the sensor. This test verifies the channel responds to the measured parameter within the necessary range and accuracy. CHANNEL CALIBRATION leaves the chanr,c1 adjusted to account for instrument drifts between successive calibrations consistent with the plant specific setpoint methodology.
;                             The Frequency is based on the ass.umption of the magnitude of i

equipment drift in the setpoint analysis. SR l The LOGIC SYSTEN FUNCTIONAL TEST demonstrates the OPERABILITY of the required actuation logic for a specific channel. The system functional testing performed in

LCO 3.8.1 and LCO 3.8.2 overlaps this Surveillance to l provide complete testing of the ' assumed safety functions.

The 18 month Frequency is based on the need to p wform this

Surveillance under the conditions that apply d rin: 2 plant i outage and the potential for an unplanned transient if the Surveillance were performed with tie reactor at power.

0>erating experience has shown these components usually pass

tte Surveillance when performed at the 18 month Frequency.


2. USAR, Section 5.2.2.
3. USAR, Section 6.3.3.


4. USAR, Chapter 15.


5. IP Calculation 19-AN-19.
                          ' ' b , IP le tifX                  dAEd B            h CLINTON                                B 3.3-229                Revision No. h W}}