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Intervenor Exhibit I-TMIA-21,consisting of Forwarding Alarm Printout Produced in Response to TMI Alert, Interrogatory 12 & Licensee 841017 Fourth Supplemental Response to TMI Alert First Set of Interrogatories
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1984
From: Doris Lewis
To: Bernabei L
SP-I-TMIA-021, SP-I-TMIA-21, NUDOCS 8508200373
Download: ML20136H513 (9)


{{#Wiki_filter:' O .. 77h a9 cg SHAw. PITTMAN, PoTTs & TROWBRIDGE A pamfutesMap or pnOFCessONAL ComponAtiOms 1800 M STREET. N. W. TELEcopiCR TELEN W ASHINGTON. O. C. 20036 (3033 eaa.cose & 833-189 9 89-3693 ESMAWLMF WSMB CASLC "SHAWLMr* mapiFAX tOO Eaoas 6a8-4078 TELEPHOest Ences .aa-iOOO October 18, 1984 wateTER'S DestECT ORAL NUNGER (202) 822-1474 Lynne Bernabei, Esquire Government Accountability Project 1555 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 In the Matter of Metropolitan Edison Company (Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1) Docket No. 50-289 Dear Lynne Attached is a copy of the alarm printout previously pro-duced in response to Interrogatory No. 12 of TMIA's First Set of Interrogatories. The printout has been annotated to indi-cate the color of the line entries. Also attached is another acknowledged letter addressing question 3(a) of Licensee's questionnaire. Sincerely,


N David 3. Lewis Counsel for Licensee 1 Enclosures cc: Service List (w/o encls.)




8508200373 841205 , PDR 0 ADOCK 05000289 /

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f .00 13:-34633 02 - 0504 ll4 lNCORE-T/C 0-- L =TD4P  ???.?

        '              13:34:39 BAD        1445 FLUX 10-R LEVEL 6 (flat 10N4PS)          -????.

13;33.09 N0itt 0504 itt-ftiCtRE-T/O-6-l.-TEtiP G05.3 Y I 13:35:10 10RM 0525 If4 It/ CORE T/C 5-0 TDiP G00.4 13:35;10 "E 1210 ILUX IJ 0; LEVEL 3 (ta:0 #TS)  ????. 0000000057 13:35:21 BAD 1265 FLUX 12-F LEVEL 2 (flN10 NIPS) -????. I 13 m :35 SE 1415-BACKGROUND-5-0 (N#40MPS)  ???.? 13:35:39 NORM 1447 BACKGROUrlD 10-R (flAf10 AMPS) 193.5 13:30;00 0?O 1130 ILUX 04 LEVEL i=(tMNON4PS)  ????. [ 1 13:37:03 CONT 2956 RC PUrtP 2A SEAL LEAK TI' LVL 13;38:10 CAO 0525 ;i4 lNCCRC T/C 34 TC4P t0Rf1

                                                                                         -777.7 13:38:13 BAD        1133 BACKGROUND 7-M          (NAf40 AMPS)     -???.?

O 13:59:09-BAD 0504 iM-iNCORE-T/C 0-L TC4P -777.7 13:40:36 LOW 0151 INTER CLG PUMP DISCH PRESS 94.3 13.40 #1--CCNT-3246-ttGMD-ctg-PHP-tC-P-15 Gii O 13:40:51 NORM 0151 IrnER CLG PUtiP DISCH PRESS 14G.4

   -                   u.,tata     uunn vuus      i.civw u uun w vun.cs                   Atu.u 13:46:08 NORM 1137 FLUX 6-G LE'EL 2 (NNON1PS)                          11.
     .O 13:4G:09-BAD        0042-NAT-DFT-ctg TWR N FUGFi'i)               -Ti.ii 13:4G:14 PORM 0042 flat DFT CLG TWR MU FL(GPM)                         .00 13;47:00--8AD--1137-FtuX-6-G ttVELTfutOAMP5)                      -iiii.

0 13:47:30 BAD 1021 RB AIR CLG COILS B D4ER DISCH -???.? 7 13;45;GG NGiFi 1021 R5 air CLG CUits 5 EiiER DisCH 22.1 E - s Q _)c ,2;ut;ia A Ann-eRtNTcR-Return-To-twm. i f *13:50:18 C0fE 2984 RCP 2B UPPER 01L POT LVL 2 LGl 5 R e13:30:13-CONT- 2986 RCF 1B vFPER Ott POT i.Vi. 2 i.Un O & .13:50:19 C0tn 2983 RCP 2A UPPER 01L POT LVL 2 LOW e 13:50;4v win en* uw a m n a uuus isi e13:50:20 C0flT 2935 DHP B MTR STATUS NORf1

                  ^ e13:50:21--CONT-3167-t-psf-R8 PRESS-RED-CH-TRtF                         HiGH
                     *15:03:25 ATRA 0397 RC LOOP B lilLET TEMP WIDE 2                    ATR 07. 200.0/  2.0       -

Il e13:50:21-CONT-3165 4 FSI-RS PRESS-GRtt-CH-TRIP Htati


A .13:50:21 C0fE 3169 4 PSI RB PRESS YEL CH TRIP HIGli i ;13:50;21 CONT-3241 DH REH0 vat-PHP-1A Gil f *15:04:06 ATRA 0397 RC LOOP B lilLET TDiP WIDE 2 ATR 02 150.0/ 2.0 gO e 13 :50:21-CONT-3242-OH-RB OVAL-PMP-1B Gil G #13:50:21 CONT 3245 INTMD CLG PMP IC-P-1A 0FF

     $                 15:50:21--C0ta-3248--ttoe-ctg Fi4F iC-e-18                           0FF
     *O          ft .13:50:21 CONT 3278 ES BLDG ISLil SW ACT B Cil-1 TRIP                   TRIP
     $            P e13:50;21 C0iii 3275 E5 Bi.LG i5Ui 5ii ACT-8-Cli-2 TRiF                 TRiF "O           K *13:50:21 N 3280 ES B W ISLN SW ACT B CH-3 TRIP                         TRIP 0, e13:50:21-t0W--0151--tNTER-CLO-PtfiP-OtSCH-PRESS                      10'i.5 R *13:50:21 CONT 2818 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC DiER INJ GP1                    ACT O         ^ e13:50:21-Cote-2819 E5 ACT-A-2/3-t0GIC-EMER-1NJ-Gr4                     n. i R 813:50:21 CONT 2820 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC BtER ltu GP3                    ACT
                  " e13;50;21 wm           tou ca aus a ua uGGtC-St.DG i5i.H GFi             i5i.ii O         8 *13:50:21 CONT 2828 ES ACT A 2/3 WIC BW ISLN GP2                         ISLN E ei3:50:21-00NT-2829--ES-ACT-A-2/5-LOG 10-BLOG-1St.H-GP!                  lSLl?

A*13:50:21 C0flT 2833 ES BLDG ISLil SW ACT A Citi TRIP TRIP O hi3:50:21--C0tn-2834-ES-8 LOG -t St.f t-SW-ACTWCi t2-TR t r mtF R #13:50:21 C0:IT 2835 ES BLDG lSLil SW ACT A Cll3 TRIP TRIP O a +13:50:22-c0te-28 3-*S-^CT-e-2/2-t0Gic-e4ER-iN <. -i "R*13:50:21 CONT 2844 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC DiER llu GP2 ACT O . G13:50:21-CONT-2845-ES -ACT-8-2/3-t.0GlC-DiER-tNJ-GP3 /,':7 R*13:50:21 CONT 2852 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC BLDG ISLN GP1 ISul O 313 :50: 21-00tn-2853 -ES-ACT-8-2/ 3-t0G I C -BLOG -I s til-OF2 istti R *13:50:21 CONT 2854 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC BLDG ISLN GP3 ISLil

                  ? 013tS0:21-C0fn-2991-RCP-1A-LOWER-OIt-POT-LVI. 4                         LG!
            ,,    (613:50:22 CONT 3170 4 PSI RB PRESS BLUE CH TRIP                          HIGH        , m "n ., , _

u-- 0-13:50:22-C0f(T-2991-ROP-1A-LOWER-01L--POT-L% 4 l0R:1 ma R *13:50:23 C0tR 2991 RCP 1A LOWER OIL POT LVL 4 LOW e 013r50:-23-CONT-2921-HUP P10-HTR-STATUS NOR:1 A *13:50:23 CONT 2994 RCP 1B LOWER CIL POT LVL 4 LOW

                /:Lrwngun emo ccm cra rcmcrum_armszua,                                      mrrno

[ O1$:50:24 bbHT 2bbk RbP 10 LbWER OIL POT LVL 4 iMt ,. E *13f5DT25' TONT 2993 RCP 2B LOWER ~ 0ll POT LVL 4 LW . O 13:50:26 CONT 2953 BSP A MTR STATUS imi t 13:50:26-C0fE-2954 --BSP -B MTR STATUS -

                                                                                     "0Ri                     -#       -

I R *13:50:26 CONT 3204 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT B CH2 TRIP TRIP R = 13 -50:2-7-CONT-2836 --- ES BLDG-SPRAY-SW ACT-A-CH1-TRI" SPRY g 8 *13:50:27 CONT 2837 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT A CH2 TRIP SPRY 0000000058-

                 " 013:50:27-CONT-2838-ES--BLOG-SPRAY-SW ACT-A-CH3-TRIP               OPRY R *13:50:27 CONT 2839 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC RB SPRAY                  ACT 13 ; 50 : 27-CONT-2995 -RCP 10HER-C l L- POT -1.YL1      iiGiii 6 *13:50:27 CONT 3050 ES ACT B 2/7 LOG 1C RB SPRAY                  ACT O.g           8 013:50:27-CONT-5265-ES-BLDG-SPRAPStf-ACT"B-CH3 inir                     inir g-      R 813:50:27 CONT 3281 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT B CH1 TRIP             TRIP R 013:50:-29-HIGH-0994-1.ETDOWN CLR 1A OUTLET--                   152.0               .

R *13:50:29 HIGH 0995 LETDOWN CLR 1B OUTLET 160.0 g  ; 13;50:31-C0flT-5265-ES-BLDG -SPRAY-Stf-ACT-8 CH3-TRtF iiGiii ,

                    *13:50:31 CONT 3281 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT B CH1 TRIP             t10Rf1 e13.50.31 CONT 305G ES ACT G 2/3 i.0GtC-itB-5 FRAY              idui
   ' '.O            e13:50:32 CONT 3264 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT B CH2 TRIP              iMt s 13: 50 :32-CONT -2836 -ES-BLOG -SPRAPS1 -ACT-A-Ci 11-TRt F    iiGiWi e13:50:32 CONT 2837 ES BLDG SPRAY SW ACT A CH2 TRIP              NOR!t O         : 13 : 50:32--CONT-2838-ES -BLDG-SPRAY -SW -ACT-WCtt3-TR t P      iiORii
                    *13:50:32 C0fR 2839 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC RB SPRAY                 NORf1 t          R 413;50;35 !!!GH--0403-RO-PRESS-ret-VtV-RVIA-00T T&iF            203.7 l      1 R e13:50:35 HIGH 0404 RC PRESS REL VLV RV1B OUT TEff              205.0 (O         n     13:50s-36-HIC" 0422--RCP-1A-AIR-TO4P-DEGF                   157.5 j        ' R *13:50:36 HIGH 0425 RCP 10 AIR TEMP DEGF                        124.7                                 l E

O R e 13:50:37-BAD--0451--10-RCP-1A-000L-OUTLET-TO7 -777.7 ' e *13:50:38 BAD 0475 SP STARTUP FDWTR FLOW A (IN/H2O) -???.? ie-13;50;32 CONT--2983 RCP 2A-UPPER-Olt-POT L'/L 2 iiGiii e13:50:40 CONT 2984 RCP 2B UPPER 01L POT LVL 2 NORfi (v = 13:50:40--CONT-2956-RC-PttiP-2A-SEAL-TEAK-TK i 'A. R *13:50:41 CONT 2980 RCP 2A UPPER OIL POT LVL 1 iMi HIGH

      =          n 013:50:41-CONT-2981--RCP-28-UPPER-01t-POT-tVL 1                     iiiGli gO
  • 13:50:41 C0fn 2982 RCP 1A UPPER OIL POT LVL 2 fM4 l

l e13.50.41 CONT 233G RCP-iB-tfPPER -Gii. FOT i.iL 2 idsi l


A *13:50:42 C0f6 2956 RC PtkP 2A SEAL LEAK TK LVL HIGH l gO m :Sc;44 NORM-O6O5-RP-tOOP-A-RC-DE LTA-PRES S-N NI G ) .0 y 8 *13:50:45 C0flT 2979 RCP 1A UPPER OIL POT LVL 1 HIGH 2 # 13.50:45-CONT 2530 ES 5O DEFT

                     .13:50:46 CONT 2818 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC EMER INJ GP1                 iMt g              013.50.40 00NT 2315 C3 ACT A 2/3 LOGtC EiiEit -iiid GP2             iddi
      *O             e13:50:46 CONT 2820 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC B4ER lild GP3               FMt 013;50.4G CONT-2827-ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC-BLOG-tSttt-CP1             tiGiii
                     *13:50:46 CONT 2828 ES ACT A 2/3 LOGIC BLDG ISLN GP2               iM1
                     ;13.50:4G C0 tit 2829 ES-ACT-A-2/ 3-t0G1 C- BLDG -t Sttt-CP3      NGiii 0       # *13:50:46 CONT 2832 ES ACT A BLDG ISul CH3 DEFEATED                   DEFT 013;50;40 CCl,T 3245 ;M"4 OLG "il? ;C ~-1A                            Ci; O      R #13:50:47 CONT 3047 ES ACT B BLDG ISU4 CHI DEFEATED                   DEFT R e13:50:4: CONT 304: C: ACT 0 BLDG-ISt.N-OH3-DEFEATEC                   0C7 413:50:48 CONT 3246 INTIO CLG Pf4P IC-P-1B                          Oil
13;5 m ; C = 2:43 C: ACT a 2/3 mC = almi i=4 O
                   #13:50:48 CONT 2844 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC EMER INJ GP2                   NORf4 CO             013;50;43 CONT 2345 CS ACT G 2/3 LOGIC C24Cil iNJ GP3 e 13:50:48 CONT 2852 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC BLDG ISUI GP1 NGiiii fl0Rf1 t13;50;48--CCNT 2353 CS ACT 3 2/3 logic-BtDG iGLN GP2                  iM4
  • 13:50:48 CONT 2854 ES ACT B 2/3 LOGIC BLDG ISUI GP3 fM1 O " 013:50:49-00NT--2985-RCP-1B UPPCit-Ott-POT-tVL 1 NiGli
  • 13:50:51 NOR4 0151 INTER CLG PtJP 01SCH PRESS 159.9 013;;0;Z 00;,T 1031 RCP 1A L~.m'.R oil POT L'n 4 i;Cli;i R 613:51:01 CONT 2921 MUP PIC MTR STATUS TRIP b~. E ? 13:51.00 LOW G159 INTER-Ot.S-PtkP-SUCT FRESS G.23 g
                    *13:51:07 NORM 1123 FLUX 7-F LEVEL 4 (flAll0NPS) 013.51.03 N0is4 1134 FLUX 7-E LEVEt. 7 (NNiOAi@S)                         713.
12. . gy R *13:51:09 BAD 1140 FLUX 6-G LEVEL 5 (NANOAffS) -????.

g .,,.e,.5, n.n nen e u . . umm , m s n_ n ,2 un _,,, o

a 013:51:13 LOW 0503 RP CH A RC FLOW LOOP A (PCT) -

                                                                                                      .1 D         n e 13.51!13 1.tM       0595-RP-Cit-B- RC-FLQt LOOP-A-(PCT)                      .1           .
                ' R o13:51:13 LOW            0597 RP CH C RC FLOW LOOP A (PCT)                      G.2 6 e 13;5rh13-LOW
         . O _.      g ,13:51:13 LOW 0599-RP-CH-D-RC-FLOW-1.00P-A-(PCT) 0601 RP CH A RC TOTAL FLOW (PCT)               -
                                                                                                      .1 0000000059 -

R ;13;;1.13 LCW 0002 RP C 0 RC TOTAL-Ft:Oif-(PCT) .0 A *13:51:13 LOW 0603 RP CH C RC TOTAL FLQl (PCT) 3.1 O n-e13:51:13 LCW OG04 RP CH-D-RC-TOTAt-FLOW-(PCT) 1.G

                        *13:51:17 CONT 2629 480V M0T C0flT CTR 2-32A BKR                         OFF X &l3:51;17 CONT 2656-tEAKNIE-CLSD-etO-PUMP-DC+2A                            TRtr O        R e13:51:18 BAD          1232 FLUX 12-K LEVEL 1 (NANON4PS)             -????.

C e 13.51.23 I;0R4 1234 FLUX 11-C LEVEt--5-fNMONtPS) 1030. O e13:51:27 10RM 1326 FLUX 7-B LEVEL 7 (!!A!!0N4PS) 9G. e 13:5h32--CONT-2979-RCP-1A-UPPER-Of t-POT-1.VL 1 torii e13:51:36 f0RM 0150 INTER CLG PLItP SUCT PRESS 16.37 0 0 13 :51 : 30-tORM -0425-RCP-18-At R-TEtP -DEG F 103.3

                        *13:51:41 CONT 2985 RCP IB UPPIR OIL POT LVL 1                           il0R4 G13;51245 CGriT 2351 RCF 25 UFFER Oii. iOT i.ii.1                        iGiiii
                        *13:52:06 f0RM 0422 RCP 1A AIR TDP DEGF                               114.9 013:52:07-fl0RM-it26-FtUX - T-F-'tEVEt-7-(ttANGT6F5)                            G c13:52:08 iORM 1137 FLUX 6-G LEVEL 2 (ilNON4PS)                              54.

g e13a52;05 iaRii G501 iii iiiCORE T/C 5-G - TEiiF G23.7 e13:52:03 fl0RM 1140 FLUX 6-G LE'KL 5 (flN10N4PS) 139.

     .i                e13;32;13 i.Givi 1153 5ACiliROUiG 7-ii            (idiiGhiiF5)         155.5
     ?g                #13:52:18 NORM 1232 FLUX 12-K LEVEL 1 (NN10NtPS)                    -

4. E e13:52 31-CONT-2631 450V ib^T-C0tlT-CTR-2-42A BKR OFF 5


R 813:52:31 C0ffT 2657 LEAKAGE CLSD CLG PUMP DC-P-2B TRIP I e 13:52735---NORN 0402 RC PRESS-ret VtV RV2-00T-TEliF 150.5 e13:52:35 NORl4 0403 RC PRESS REL VLV RVIA OUT TaiP 173.6 e 13:52.35 iORi.i 1415 BACKGROUiG 54---ti;tJi0 tup 5) .5 I *13:52:39 C0rlT 2962 RCP IB LUBE 01L FLOld NORf1 13.52:53-CONT-3170-4-PSt-RB PRESS-BLUE-Ctt-TRtF i0iiii O 8 13:53:05 niGH 0402 RC eRESS aEt vtv Rv2 OUT Te4P f e13:53:08--BAD 20a.a

    =I                                       1134-FtuX E-tiVEL-7ifl#10NPS)             -iiii.

3 R e 133:10 BAD 0506 IM INCORE T/C 8-fi TEMP -???.? G15 Crik-CONT 31G7 4 PS: R3 PRESS-RED-t'H-TRiF i0iiii

    ?g             R #13:53:27 BAD          1326 FLUX 7-B LEVEL 7 (tMt0N4PS)              -????.

3 13tS3:32-CONT 3280-ES-BLDG -t SLfl -SW-ACT-B -CH-3-TR1 P l10Ri; 4 *13:53:32 C0tlT 3049 ES ACT B BLDG ISLil CH3 DEFEATED f0Rf1 i

    !g                 013:53:37-CONT-2830 C3                    TORI 1
                       *13:53:37 CONT 2833 ES BLDG ISul S11 ACT A Clil TRIP                     PORfi
    $                 e 13.53.39 BAC        0501 iki INCCRE T/C 54 TEi4F .                -777.7 s             R e 13:53:41 BAD y                                0539 IM INCORE T/C 10-0 TEMP                  -???.?

el3:53.43 il0RM--1487-BACKGROUND-14-0 {tRNON4PS) 200.0

                       *13:53:49 C0flT 3169 4 PSI RB PRESS YEL CH TRIP                         NORft y           e l3 : 54 : 01-CONT--2834-ES-8tfXI-tSttt-StPACT-A-Cit 2-TR t F           ieGidi
                       *13:54:03 C0flT 3279 ES BLDG ISLil Sil ACT B CH-2 TRIP                   IORf1 R 013;54:08 SE            1137 FLUX-6-&tEVEt-2-(NANON4F5)               -7777.

i e13:54:11 NORM 1162 FLUX 5-K LE5KL 3 (flN10N4PS) 1999. I 013tS4:25-N004 1300 FLUX-10-C-LEVEL 5 (NANON1PS) 35.

  • 13:54:29 NORM 0994 LETDOL#1 CLR 1A OUTLET 130.0 a ?13:54r36-BAD--1415-SACKGROUND-5-0 (tMNONfS) -iii.i 1
                      *13:54:41 NOR4 0542          IM INCORE T/C 13-L TEMP                   264.3                        l

! E O 13:54:43-BAD 1487-SACKOROUND-14=D--TNN10NPS) -iii.i ! ) ' *13:55:05 PORM 0402 RC PRESS REL VLV RV2 OUT TEMP 177.3

                  " 013:55;07-BAD 1126-FLUX--7-F -1.EVEL-7-(N#10 AMPS }         -7777.

e13:55:15 C0flT 3047 ES ACT B BLDG ISul CH1 DEFEATED 10R1 413:55r15-CONT - 3278-ES-BLD0-ISLti-SW-ACT-B-CH-1-TRtF iiOHti A

  • 13:55:18 BAD 1238 FLUX 12-K LEVEL 7 (NNIONPS) -????.

i a :13:55:44 00 0042-NAT-DFT -Ct.G -TWR-f 4PFt(GPM ) -77.77 - l Re13:55:47 CONT 2681 PRESS HTR GROUP 8 TRIP l

                     ? 13:55:49-NORM-0042-f RT-OFT-CLG-TWR- MU-Ft-(Gm )
                                                                                                   .GG       , n ., f- -
  • 13:56:05 NORM 0404 RC PRESS REL VLV RVIB OUT TEMP 190.3 v i u e' 13 : 5G : 06-NOR4-1114-FLUX E-LEVEE-3-( N#10 AMPS) 1124. -I R#13:56:07 CONT 2953 BSP A MTR STATUS TRIP
                              ... . ~ . . . m,     . .   .... .... .                   .....

tt 013:56:09 BAD 0490 SP STM GOl UPPER DWNCl4R TD4P B2 -???.?

 "g                                         1140-FLUX-6 TD TpglNi-qq
       .?  .

October 17, 1984 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )



                                   .                           )      (Restart Romand (Three Mile Island' Nuclear                    )       on Management)

Station, Unit No. 1) )

                                 .                             )

LICENSEE'S FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THREE MILE ISLAND ALERT'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES i On October 9, 1984, Licensee, in its Third Supplemental Response to Three Mile Island Alert's First Set of Interrogato-ries and in accordance with Licensee's agreement with TMIA, provided a physical description of the alarms actuated by the l pressure spike. Licensee did so by describing all alarms on the computer printout that had been previously produced in re-sponse to Interrogatory No. 12 of TMIA's First Set of Interrog-atories. In its supplemental response, Licensee indicated that alarms printed on the printout with numbers or question marks in the fifth column had been printed at the request of the com-puter operator. Licensee has now learned that all but two of the alarms with numbers or question marks in the fifth column were printed automatically rather than at the request of an op-erator. In addition, the list of alarm numbers in Licensee's O n-.- -- , ~ , - - , . ,,


supplemental response requires correction. Accordingly, Li- l consee provides the following response to correct and supersede its previous response. Information printed at the request of an operator is printed in black, as are alarms automatically printed to indi-cate a return to normal conditions (those line entries with NORM in the second or fifth column). Alarms printed automat-ically in response to alarm conditicas are printed in red. I That some printout' lines are in red cannot be discerned by re-ferral to the photocopied printout previously provided to TMIA - (or to the copy Licensee used in preparing its previous re-t sponse). Licensee will provide TMIA with a copy of the

printout annotated to indicate the color of the line entries.

Licensee expects the annotated printout'to be available tomor-l row and will deliver it to TMIA's counsel. 1 The printing of alarm information in response to the com-puter operator's request or to in'dicate a return to normal conditions--printed in black on the printout--triggers no horn, light, or bell. Alarms triggered by actual alarm conditions--those printed automatically in red on the printout--do trigger horns, lights, and/or bells as follows: The alarms numbered below, if triggered by actual alarm conditions, trigger a flashing light on the annunciator panel and alarm. horn. Many of these alarms appear more than once. 2-4

  ,e   - -     - -            --v-.        .*         ,r ----

e i,. .-y--,' r--- '--

                                                                                            **v '= '-+-+=~v +<wr'   e- +Mr   - --evr-w---ye--=


      , /,   .

Pressing the acknowledge button changes the flashing light to a continuous light and turns off the horn for all alarms that have come in up to that time. The return to normal of these alarms causes the annu.nciator light to flash again until ac-knowledged. Elimination of the alarm condition before the ac- l knowledge button is pressed (momentary alarms) does not turn off horn or flashing light.

!                                 2818 through 2820                   3050 2827 through 2829                   3167 through 3170 2833 through 2839                   3264 through 3265 i

2843 through 2845 3278 through 3281 2852 through 2854 0150 through 0151 Alarms not listed above do not trigger lights or the horn. When the printer types these alarms in red, a bell sounds on the printer. Respectfully submitted, f $ k hr Ernest L. Blake, Jr., P.C. David R. Lewis Counsel for Licensee Dated: October 17, 1984 3 -- ya e +v--m- -,--r - t-& re-w-----w--e a r w e- ww---*gm--w+-- - w------}}