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Intervenor Exhibit I-32-A,consisting of 841211 Stipulation on Mailgram Evidence Re Responses to Questionnaire Concerning TMI Alert First Set of Interrogatories.Supporting Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/1984
From: Blake E
SP-I-032-A, SP-I-32-A, NUDOCS 8508200152
Download: ML20136H089 (43)





                                                                                                                                        )           Docket No. 50-289 SP (Three Mile Island Nuclear                                                                             )       (Restart-Managcment Remand)

Station, Unit No. 1) ) STIPULATION ON MAIIERAAi EVIDENCE In order to respond to many of TMIA's first set of interrogatcries, , Licensee prepared a thireen-page questionnaire (Attachment 1) which was distributed to 456 individuals. A cover letter signed by J. R. Thorpo accut:panied the questionnaires sent to past and present GPU System employees (Attachment 2). The individuals receiving the questionnaire were present i and past GPU System and B&W csployees whose name appeared in one or Itcre of I

the following categories
1. Specifically named individuals in Intervenor Three ' Mile'

' Island Alert's First Request for Production to General i , , Public Utilities, request number 6; I

2. Individuals who were issued thermo luminescent ' osimetkers d >

' (TIDs) by Three Mile Island on March 28 through' 30, ;1979, and were engineers or analysts or were in the, Operations, Maintenance, Quality Control, Rad Waste / Rad Chem, Chcmistry ' cr Training Department; ' ' u , 3. B&W personnel listed in the NRC Special Inquiry droup. ' i Report at page 886 or identified in L. Roger's . Statement dated June 12, 1979 or identified by B&W as possibly having knowledge of the TMI-2 incident. < PDR ' __ . _ _ _ _ . . . - . . --.._.-.-___---_------.-----.-----.---.--.-_--.___.---------_.--..__._.---_--...m- -

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Responses were received frm 355 individuals. Question 1(a) .of the questionnaire reed:

                 .On Wednesday,-March 28,1979, (the first day of the
                 .. accident), were you aware or infonned of the contain-
ment pressure spike which was recorded at approximately 1:50 P.M. on that date at DiI-2?
             'Ihe -following individuals answered "yes" to said Question 1(a):

3 Donald A. Berry Guilford E. Stambaugh, Jr. George T. Steuerwald

William H. Zewe i

j Daryl L. Wilt-

]                                    G. M.. Olds Mark S. Coleman
)                                    Michael S. Richards                          ,
 !                                   Howard C. Crawford-j                                     Beverly A. Good Charles E. Rippon Dale J. Inudermilch l                                    Michael L. Kuhn l                                    Walter J. Marshall Brian A. Mehler 4

Adam W. Miller

  !                                  M. J. Ross f                                     George K. Wandling i

j Question 2(a) of the questionnaire read: On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, did you hear a " thud" or

                  " thump" or other noise indicating that hydrogen or sczno other burn, explosion, or an m aly occurred at or about 1:50 P.M. at 'IMI-2?

t 'Ihe following individuals answered "yes" to said Question 2(a): i Daniel M. Shovlin J. B. Iogan s-t j -

Question 3(a) of the questionnaire read: On Exlnesday, bbrch 28, 1979, were you aware or informed that a hydrogen explosion or cmbustion had occurred in the 'IMI-2 containment building?

          'Ihe following individuals answered "yes" to said Question 3(a):

Richard L. Denner James L. IIetrick Ibnald D. Natale Cm rge L. Civijic Margaret A. Pelen Richard R. Orberger David A. Kemble Thmas L. Mulleavy

                                  'Ihcrnas Riggenbach Joseph H. Debbn Donald E. Sntith David E. Zeiter Juanita A. Gingrich J. K. Lionarons Iorraine Beeman Curtis A. Conrad Edward D. Hahn Robert E. Eoyer A. P. Rochino Matthew Joyce David E. Reich Licensee contacted all persons who responded "yes" to Question 3(a) . In all but one instance Licensee discussed with each person his or her response to Question 3 (a) .   (T. Riggenbach, an ex-s ployee, was sent a bbilgram but never responded; Licensee was unable to call him because he has an unlisted telephone number.)     Licensee's discussion with each peruon amunted to asking each prson whether he or she understood Question 3(a) .

1 L l.

                                                                                   -As a result, Licensee prepared and sent a letter to each individual I

confirming Licensee's understanding of the conversation. Subsequently i Licensee sought acknowledgement of its letter frcm each person contacted (except- Mr. Joyce' who is not currently an sployee of the GPU System Cmpanies) . 'Ihe letters with acknowledgements are attached. In the case

                                                                            .of Mr. Riggenbach and Mr. Joyce,'a copy of the Mailgram to Mr. Riggenbach

{ - and a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Joyce are attached. (Attachment 3) 4 Question 4(a) .of the questionnaire read: On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, were you aware or informed of containment spray actuation at 'IMI-2 at apptuxinntely j 1:50 P.M. on that date? 1

                                                                                    'Ihe following ' individuals answered "yes" to said Question 4(a):

I j Julien Abramovici

Donald A. Derry ,

j William 11. Zewe q Daryl L. Wilt j Mark S. Coleman f Howard C. Crawford 4 Tim liipple-Dean R. Kessler Michael L. Kuhn

j. Douglas F. Spath$ II Walter J. Marshall-Brian A. Mehler -

Adam W. Miller

l. M. P. W rrell M. J. Ross j Cearge K. Wandling 3

i i J. Seelinger and J. Chwastyk were among those persons who were sent a questionnaire but did not respond to it. f I I 1 _4 4

& t Respectfully subnitted SHAW, PITINAN, R7I'IS & TBGGRIDGE

                                 %> 1. AnA.

Ernest L. Blake, Jr., P.C. Counsel for Licensee Dated: Decc.ter 11, 1984 se , ATriCILEtfr 1 GFL1:C USE l I l l l l l 6 I I I I GME: (Please Print) 1(a) On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, (the first day of the accident), were ycu aware er informd of the centainment pressure spike which was recorded at approxirately 1:50 P.M. en that date at 'ntI-27 l~l Yes, I was aware, l_~l Yes, I was informed. l~l _  !*.o l~l I do not rece her. 1(b). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, at v. hat time did you tecern aware or at what time were ycu inferred of the spike? l_~l I becare aware or vias informed cf the spike at alcut o'clcek. l[I I do not remember. 1(c). .If your answer to 1(a) is yes, hcw were you rade aware or did ycu beccce infomed of the spike? l~l _ (State briefly telcw) l_~l I do net rcrcel:er. A7IAQ! ADClTICIE G21TS IP !!ECESCIJY. PL17SC EC ELTE TO ICE:.TITY IULY WAT ITIM i:LITEP. IS ECD:G FESPCtIED 'M Cli N;Y SUCI IECITIr",% MII.TS. (CS1'04)

e , l 2-l 1(d). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell or otherwise cet=unicate with anyone else ateut the pressure spike? If so, wlet did you tell, when, hew, and why? l 1_l Yes, I told NME CATE AND TDE FEIECD PURPCSE (e.g., conversation, report, interview, deposition, testi-reny, etc.) l~l _ t'o l[l I do nct rer. ember. 1(e). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, descrito your experience ccncerning any electrical ralfunc.tiens of cquipment that cccurred at 'Z*.I-2 during the year preceding the accident. , l~l' Ecscription: 1 l l~1

                     ,_,       I am not aware of any such ralfuncticn.

l~l _ I do not rererber any cuch ralfunctien. 2(a). On Wednesday, Parch 28, 1979, did ycu hear a " thud" cr "thu p" or cther noito irdicating that hydrcgen or scr.c ether burn, explosien, or ancraly occurred at or about 1:50 P.M. at 'ntI-27 l l

1 0 , il . s 3_ 2(a). (Cent'd.) 1 l_'I Yes l~l _ No, althouch I was at er in the vicinity of D:I-2 at that time. ( ( l_~l No, I was net at or in the vicinity of 'UtI-2 at that j time. l~l _ I do not remember. - I

2(b). If ycur answer to 2(a) is yes, what, at the tire, did ycu think caused the noise?

a ((i At the time, I thcught the noise cauccc Lys i l~l _ 1 did not krcw. ' l_~l I do not retecher. 2(c). If your answer to 2(a) is yce, did you tell cr otherwise cc:rrunicato with anytody also about the noise at tJ:y tito en l' arch 20, l' arch 29, or March 307 If co, who did you tell and at what tice? l~l Yes, I told: t*J 1E CATI:

                                                                                      *g    ;



l 3 l l l 2(c). (Cent'd.) l~l

                       -           No l~l           I do not rcrember.

2(d). For any individual identified in your answer to 2(c), stato very briefly the substance of your cer=unication l~l _ I told the follcwing: l~l _ I do not rere:ber. 2(o). If your answer to 2(a) is yea, did ycu take any ccticn in recpcace to the reico? 1. tat? l~l Yes, I tcck the folicwing ccticn at atcut o'cicc): cn l_~l _. No l~l _ I do not re orter. 2(f). If your ancwor nnyone olco in to 2(a) in to renrcnno yes, theworo you nw.iro of any netien taken by raine? \ tat? l~l


Yea, on at ninut o'cicek (naro) tcok the follcwing acticn l_~l No

e . l 1 2(f). (Cent'd.) l~l

                       -            I do not reecrter.

l L 2(g). If your answer to 2(a) is yes, did you cenclude, either at the tire or later, that the noise had been caused by a hydrogen explcsien er hydrogen ccchustion? If so, en what date and at what tire? l~l


Yes, en at abcut o'cicek I cencluded that the notce had toen caucca ty a hyd:c-gen explcsien or certustion. k l~I No l~l I do not rcrcrber. 3(a). Cn Wednceday, Parch 28, 1979, were you aware er inferred that a hydrogen explcalen or ccatustion had cccurral in tho ?tI-2 c:ntatn-ment buildire37 l_~l Yes, I was aware. l_~l Yea, I was inferred. l[l  !!o l~I _ 1 do not recceror. 3(b). If your annwer to 3(a) in yea, at what tiro did you tece: o aware or at what tiro woro you inferred of the explenien or certuaticn? l~l _ I becano aware er was inferred there had lcen a hydrc-gen explosien or certuaticn at dcut O'clcck. l~l _ I do rot errerter. I


, 3(c). If your answer to 3(a) is yes, hcw were you rado aware er did you l teccee infer:cd of the hydrogen explosien or ccebustien? ll_ (State briefly telcw) I L l i l_l I do nct remember. 3(d). If yeur answer to 3(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell er cthersico ecm:nicate to anycno else ateut the explosien or ccchustien7 If co, whcm did you tell, when, and why? l_~l Yes, I told MRT PATE N3 TL'I !MCC IUPPCEE (e.g. , ccnver:ation, report, interview, dercsiticn, testi-reny, etc.) I t ll- No l~1

                    , , ,        I do not rceerter.

4(a). On Wx!necday, !brch 28, 1979, wero you awaro cr inferred of centain-rent spray actuation at 7tti-2 at apprcxtrately 1:50 P.M. en tint dato: l~I Yes, I was awnro. l ,",,~ 1 Yoo, I informal. ' i I l~l

                   ~            No l

l l_l I do ret rcrcrior.  ; l  ! l

a . i  : i e 4 t 4(b). If ycur answer to 4(a) is yes, did ycu subsequently tell er ctherwise r comicate with anycne else abcut spray actuation? ' r l~l Yes, I told: i l-l No 1 l l-l _ I do not remerter. 5(a). On Wednesday, March 28; Thursday, P. arch 29, cr Friday, !brch 30, l 1979, were you aware or informed of any instructicn not to activato 4 equipment in the ntI-2 reacter building tocause it micht cauce a 3 spark and/or hvdrecen explonien? 1 i l~l


Yea, I was aware. i )i l_~l Yes, I was inforred. 1

}                            l-l

_ UO i l_~l 1 do not rer.crrter. I j - S(b). If your an wcr to 5(a) is yes, en what date was the instructicn given? l_-l '1ho instructicn was given on :: arch . 1979. l I l_'l I do not reecrier. { i 5(c). If your answer to 5(a) is yen, who gavo the instructien7 { l~l I gave the inntructien.  ! i l~l 1 do not rcremier.

;               5(d). If your ancwor to t(a) in yen, hcw did ir,u learn of tho inctructicn?

I ] l ___.1 _, 1 tenrd givo tho inntructicn. i

 \ ___ _____
 .- . ..     -        .     . .       .  -~          _. ..        . _ _ . - - . -.          . ,    . - - - -

f 5(d). (Cent'd.) I l[I ' _ told to atcut the instruction. < l~l _ Other (explain) 6 i l~l _ I do not renerter. 5(o). If your answer to 5(a) is yes, did you tako any crecific acticns in respence to the instructien? hhat actienn? 5 l[l Yes, I tcok the follcwing actiencs l_l 1;o l_~l 1;o specific acticn en cr/ part rcquired. , l~l I do not reecrter. i 5(f). Do you know of anyono olce who, en Parch 20, Parch 29, er Parch 30, was aware of any instruction not to activate equipent in the reactor buildire tecauco it might cauno a spark cnd/cr hydec9en explosien? l l~l Yos, the follcuing porcens were aware of such an r instructien - { I , I < l-l 1o  ; i l

                                 ~                                                                             <

l_l I do r.ct re. erter. 5

9 5(g). If your answer to 5(f) is yes, did the percens identified in your ' answer take any specific actica in res;x:nse to the instructien? l~l Yes, the follcwing percens teck the fellcwing actions: 1 f l~l _  !!o i l~) I do not reec:ter.

,                                                                                                             6(a). Cn !! arch 28, 1979, woro ycu aware at any tiro cf any alart(s) actu-

. ated by the pressuro spike or hyd:cgen explcaten? l~l Yes 11

                                                                                                                               -          lb l~l          I do not rcecri.or.

6(b). If your an wcr to 6(a) is yes, which alarm (s)? l~I l~l _ I do not reecrrtor. 6(c). If your anmser to 6(a) is yes, w1wt at the tiro did ycu think c:.uel tho alarm (a)? l~l I thought the alar:(c) wa:s caused b,*: E

6(c). (Cent'd.) . l~l I did net knew. l[i I do not remerter. 6(d). If your answer to 6(a) is yes, did you talk cr otherwise ccccunicate with anycne atout the alarm (s), either at that tire or later7 i-l~l Yes, I told: l'#T CATE IED TIM.E 6M:CE OF 'NI CC:2U:ICATICM l I i l l_l 1o ll _ I do not rore: cr. 6(e). If your answer to 6(a) is yes, did ycu take any action after tcccring aware of the alarm (s)? l~l _ Yes, I teck; the folicwirej acticns: l~l _  !!o l-l _ I do not rcecrter. , 7(a). 1!1th recpect to the hydrcgen hurn, prcecuro spike, er centairrant I cpray actuaticn that cccurred at 3:I-2 at cheut 1:50 P. :. cn !dreh 28, 1979, did ycu participato in, cvorhear, eco, cr learn of any ccecunicaticn on theco cubjectn between any CTU ceployee and anytuly ) i frcm BLil, NFC, Ccerenwealth of Pernsylvania, er any cther state j agency or effico en !! arch 29, thrch 20, cr 25rch 3C,197?? I l


7(a). (Ccnt'd.) 1_1 Yes l_~l .".o 11 _ I do not rer.erber. 7(b). If ycur answer to 7(a) is yes, fcr each such ccrrunicatica ansteor the follcuing: (Utilize correspending nurrercd lines in iters 7(b)(1) throuen answered.) 7(b)(5) telcw to identify the cpecific instance being 7(b)(1) . Identify the subject ratter, tire, dato, and (c.c., telernene, in percen, telctype) in each instance. ELL'Ecr '"I."E / c?C "m CD I II III IV 7(b)(2). k' rat was the cubstance of cach ccr unicaticn. I II III IV 7(b)(3). Identify all p articipantc in each ccenunicaticn. I II III IV h

i o . i l l l 7(b)(4). If you were not a participant, did you cverhear or see the ccrcunica-tien in each instance? l l I II III IV 7(b)(5). If you did not participate in, overhear, or see the ccreenicaticn, did you learn about the coctunicatien frem any participant? State frem when you learned and the tire, date, methcd, and reascn you were inferred. bWI TIME /CATE Z '15?CD FI. TIC:t I II III IV l S(a). to you have decuments, including perscnal nctes and files. *..hich re-l late to cne or rcre of the folicwing7

1. Generation and subsequent cenbustica of hydrogen en l' arch 2E, l

i 1979 at ntI-2:

2. 'Ihe pressure spike in the T4I-2 reacter building at er ahcut 1:50 P.!!. cn l' arch 28, 1979;
3. The actuaticn of the t!I-2 reacter building spray at or abcut 1:50 P.M. en t' arch 28, 1979;
4. Any instruction en thrch 28, March 29, or l' arch 20, 1979 net to activate equipment in the 'ntI-2 reactor building becauce it night cause a spark and/or hydrogen explcsien

i The " thud" cr "thutp" er other noi::e indicating that a hydrogen or come other burn, explosien, or anoraly cccurred at or arcut

50 P.M. en March 20, 1979, at T I-2;

! 6. /ny alarm (s) actuated by the pressure spike or hydregen l explcsion en tbrch 23,1979, at %tI-2; ard l l l t


  • 8(a). (Cent'd.)
7. Any ccm.unications or methcds or lines of cermunicatien en ." arch 28, 1979, related to generation and subsequent ccetustien of hydrogen, pressure spike, or containment spray actuatien that occurred that date at 'D1I-2.

l~l _ Yes, I do have documents. l_~l No, I do not have any dccutents. 8(b). If your answer to 8(a) is yes, please cceplete the folicwing: Ycu ray contact te at (telephone number), en (date) at receiving ecpics of these dccurents. (tite), to arrange Date t; arc C532u

   .         . . , +, . .

Attachment 2 g

  • UheNI GPU Nuclear Corporation 100 Interpace Parkway Parsicoany.New Jetsey 07054-(201)263 6500 TELEX 136 482 Writer's Direct OialNurnber:

Dear-As you may be aware. the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board recently ruled that further hearings on management issues were necessary in the Three Mile Island Uni: No. 1 Restar: Proceeding. As part of this reopened hearing, Intervenor Three Mile :sland Alert, 4 Inc.. has asked a series of ques::cns and requested certain documents relating to the TMI-2 acciden:, which GPU Nuclear must answer and provide. To assis: us in this } effort, we ask that you complete the enclosed ques:ionnaire and return it to us no later than August 23, 1984. A self-addressed, postage prepaid envelope is enclosed for your convenience. For the purpose of this request, document means *every writing of every type or description, and every other instrument

                    'or device by which, through which or on which information has i
 !                     been recorded and/or preserved, including but not limited to memoranda, neces, letters, drawings, files, graphs, char:3, photographs, slide presentations, handwritten notes, legs, ledgers, studies, data sheets, appointment calendars, telephone messages, meeting minutes, calculations, computations, financial GPU Nuclear Corporaten is a subs @ary of General Pubhc Utslites Cotorwatum


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -statements,. voice recordings and other data compilations or every
other device or medium on which or through which information of any type is transmitted, recorded or preserved."

l ) Thank you for your prompt attention and cooperation. If you have any questions, please call John F. Wilson at GPU Nuclear's headquarters at (201) 263-6136 or 263-6103. Very truly yours, 3 E. % J. R. Thorpe Direc:or Licensing & Re?ulatory Affairs Enclosures 4 I e P 1 s r i 1 *

. .r Attachment 3 QPU Nuclear I44INuclear e o 8 "8o Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717-944 7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number September 14, 1984 Ps. Lorraine Beeman Chemistry 'DfI Unit 1

Dear Ms. Beeman:

This letter will confirm your interview of September 6,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on Aitgust 24, 1984 and that you believe you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the 'BtI-2 containment building (which occurred on March 28,1979) several days after the event. Very trul yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u

           /OA. Y N l           W       r
                       /        & h Ct>1                    1                     4 Y'WO
       -Ay kb pthw n Assudul.

W/W W10)tJ 4-it r 7 GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Public Utihties System i

GPU Nuclear Gar P O. Box 480 Middletown Pennsylvania 17057 717-944-7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number: September 14, 1984 Mr. Richard L. Benner Rad Con. Bil Unit 1

Dear Mr. Benner:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 11, 1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 19, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first becane aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the DtI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours, hN J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u W 8 .6 M Ki a LM d'Cw i GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Pubhc Utikties System

GPU Nuclear

   #          $UClear                                                                 P-    B "8 Midd!etown. Penns ilvania 17057 717-944-7621 Writer's Direct D ai Number:

September 17, 1984 Mr. R. E. Boyer OPS - B!I - Unit 1

Dear \tr. Boyer:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 14, 1984 with str. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you conpleted on August 18, 1984 and that although you returned to work on March 29, 1979 at 15:00 hours you do not renenber being briefed by operations personnel of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the l'tI-2 containnent building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours, L% v - J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 9' 7 0665u , (y ' yl*

                                                                 /              cr y;( #

y u GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Public Utilities System

                                                                                                               .t GPU Nuclear Corporation N                                                                         a si p    y.t ew Je sey 07054 201 263 6500 TELEX 136 482 Writer's Direct Dial Number-September 14, 1984 Mr. Curtis A. Conrad Met-Ed - Reading

Dear Mr. Conrad:

This letter will confim your telephone conversation of September 12, 1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on September 7,1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the BtI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very tru yours,

      -                                                            N J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u

[! / j pws Y. J & en d a As&/ 6Jakf. '


ie . GPU Nuc! car Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation

' . 7

                                                                                             ~.),a .o ! * ' l ! 3.o s

c .. tjCI - 1934

   '                                                                                   GPU Nuclear Corporation h                                                                                      s pany,t ew Je s y 07054 201 263 6500 TELEX 136 482 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

August 31, 1984 ' Str . George L. Cvific . OPS , T>t I - 2

Dear >tr. Cvijic:

This letter will onfirm your telephone conversation of August that 29, 1984 during whch you represented to R. Schaicker you misunderstood question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 20, 1984, that you were absent from T>tl on

     >farch 28, 1979 due to illness and that you were unaware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the TMI-2 containment on
     >tarch 28, 1979.

Very truly yours,

                                                                          @C J. R. Thorpe RDS:jd1 0616u bec:       E. Blake, Esq.

c\- E -93 4 m ch_ %-A w M . 9dec f-

       ,                                                                2 q.(>sb GPU Nuclear Corporationis a subsidiary of the GeneralPubhc Utihbes Corporation

GPU Nuclear 8 , .! g gf P.O. Box 480 Middletown. Pennsylvania 17057 717-944-7621 Writer's Direct Dici Number- - 4 % +S

7. *-~
                                                                                                                  , - X i ,'
     , .                                                                                -       . :-. e , ...:. a    $1?5 September 14, 1984 Mr. Joseph H. DeMan                                                                     ~

Training Education Facility

        'IMI l

Dear Mr. DeMan:

l l This letter will confim your interview of September 6,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd l during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 20, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the BiI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours, ( J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 I 0665u I

                                                                      -1' W l{l/9/I'l l

t 1 I GPU Nuc: ear is a part of the General Puche Uhhnes System

I i GPtJ Nuclear E U '

                                                                                               . M dd e own. Pennsylvania 17057 717-944-7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number
                                                   .                                                                               I September 14, 1984 Ms. Juanita Gingrich Chemistry - Bil Unit 2

Dear his. Gingrich:

This letter will confim your interview of September 6,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd . during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 30, 1984 and that you cannot remember.when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the 31I-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u i fe5 T q r ge_. w s "Th Eb G n ,-

               ,                                                     1/xM -f~'
  • Gpil Niselaar ie a nart nf ma Canarne p .N.r. t ie.i.e.. c.. .,3-

GPU Nuclear (UClear " - 8

  • 48 Middietown. Pennsylvania 17057 717-944-7621 Wnters Direct Dial Number:

September 14, 1984 Mr. E. D. Hahn Maintenance 2 - Electrical Bil

Dear Mr. Hahn:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 13, 1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to str. Lloyd that you nisread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on September 11, 1984 anJ that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the BtI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours, JRT/cf1 0665u GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Publ c Utilities System

GPU Nuclear (UClea P.O. i3cx 480 Mdd:etown. Pennsylvania 17057 717.c44-7621

              -                                                          Wnters Direct Dial Number:

September 14, 1984 Mr. James L. Hetrick Maintenance - B1I-2

Dear Mr. Hetrick:

This letter will confim your telephone conversation of September 7,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 21, 1984 and that because of a death in your family you did not work for the period of March 29, 1979 through April 1, 1979 and that you were unaware on March 28, 1979 of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the B11-2 containment building.


Verv trulv vours n J. R. Thorpe ~ JRTicfl

                                                    * * * ^'&  H"l     04DC 0665u
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GL U - (uclear GPU Nuclear e o 8 "oo Middletown Pennsylvarna 17057 717-944-7621 Wnter's Direct Dial Number September 14, 1984 Mr. Matthew A. Joyce 130 Blydenburg Avenue New London, Connecticut 06320

Dear Mr. Joyce:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 7,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to 'fr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 29, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the D1I-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very trulv yours, 3 J. R. Thorpe JRT/cEl 0665u GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Pubhc Utihties System l


GPU Nuclear Corporation SPU Wuclear = % : L os4 201 263 6500 TELEX 136 482 Writers Daect Dial Number: September 14, 1984 Mr. David A. Kemble Maintenance 2 - Turbine Building


Dear Mr. Kemble:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 13, 1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 17, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the DtI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979. Very trulv yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cEl 0665u i l i I l


l { GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utihties Corporation {

CPU Nuclear

    .r g     ys                                                 P.O. Box 480 2    -

ww a Midd'etown, Pennsylvania 17057 717-944-7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number October 1, 1984 , Richard D. Lloyd Legal Department GPU Nuclear 100 Interpace Parkway Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

Dear Mr. Lloyd,

I have reviewed the questionnaire that I completed on August 17, 1984, and I cannot remember when I first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the TMI-2 containment building, which occurred on March 28, 1979. Consequently, I misread question 3 (a) of questionnair #00285. Very truly yours,

              -6 0.L., +

D. A. Kemble DAK/dmk I l l l l I GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Pubhc Ut.hties System 1


RECEIVED OCT 2 31984 GPU Nuclear WMClear P.O. Box 480 Middletown. Pennsylvania 1705 717-944-7621 Wnter's Direct Dial Number: September 17, 1984

                           'fr. J. K. Lionarons GPS - !!I - Unit 2 D ar ifr. Lionarons:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 14, 1984

                            ;ith \tr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Str. Lloyd that you misread pestion 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 21, 1984 and that wi cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or nNistion in the DtI-2 containment building which occurred on Starch 28, 1979 Very trul yours,
                                                                                         . /cl ~ n w Q                                                                           J. R. Thorpe j
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p e U iuclear GPU Nuclear

                                                                                     > - - r-Parsiopany. New Jersey 0705 :

201 263-6500 TELEX 136-4d2 Writer s Direct Dial Number September 14, 1984 hit. Thomas L. Philleavy Trailer 129 - Dil

Dear Str. th:

11cavv: during which you represented to Str. Lloyd that you misin 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 20, 1984 and that you stated to htr. Lloyd that you concluded on liarch 28, 1979 that an explosion had occurred in the BtI-2 containment building but that you did not associate that explosion with the presence of hydrogen or as an indication of core danage. have discussed your conclusion with or who brought to yo pressure strip chart that led you to conclude that an explosion had occurred. You also stated that you cannot remember when you first became aware that the explosion or combustion in the DtI-2 containment building which occurred on htarch 28, 1979 was caused by the presence of hydrogen. Very trulv yours, C't b

                                                            . R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u
                  & a b o v e. Sla}emenls no e. c6r-rec b u                 A GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Pubhc Utinties System l

_ _ _ _ _ l

GPU Nuclear U GM P.O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717-944 7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number. September 14, 1984 Mr. Ronald D. Natale Maintenance 1 - DiI

Dear Mr. Natale:

This letter will confirm your interview of September 6,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 24, 1984 and that you believe you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the DtI-2 containment building (which occurred on March 28, 1979) several days af ter the event. Very trulv yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u I agree with the above summary which I discussed with Mr. R. Lloyd September 6,1934

                                                     $ A? 40 Ron D. flatale RDfi/njs GPU Nuclear es a part of the General Pubke Ubhhes Svstem
  • CPU Nuclear g{ P.O. Box 480 Middletown Pennsylvania 17057 717-944 7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number September 17, 1984 Ms. Margaret A. Pelen 1MI-1, Rad. Con.

Dear Ms. Pelen:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of this date with . Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on September 12, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the 1MI-2 containment building which occurred on March 28, 1979, althoingh your recollection is that you became aware of the event the same day it was reported on the 11:00 p.m. news. Very truly yours, tr[d-{ .- J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u dW 1m<_Jt4$.'n , Y 0 m Y b bt-iceb . f all

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Vb(JAlatu  : i l GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Pubhc Utikties System

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GPU Nuclear Corporation 100 lnterpace Parkway Parsippany. New Jersey 07054 201 263 6500 1 TELEX 136-482 1 Writer's Direct Dial Number:


August 31, 1984 Mr. David E. Reich Maintenance 1, IGC D11

Dear Mr. Reich:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of-August 29, 1984 during which you represented to R. Schaicker that you misunderstood question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 20, 1984 and that you were unaware of a 1 hydrogen explosion or combustion in the ntI-2 containment on March 28, 1979. Very truly yours,

,                                                                              LWLV'

J. R. Thorpe RDS:jd1 i 0616u

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f bec: E. Blake, Esq.

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( f I GPU Nuclear Corporatien is a sues.ciary of the General Pubhc Utilities Corporation


)            ON THE TMI 2 ACCIDENT YOU !N0!CATED THAT YOU KNEW ON MARCH 28 1979                                                 ,


             ! WOULO GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR CALLING ME COLLECT AT 201-263=6237                                                                 '

OURING WORKING HOURS OR AT 91c=835=2458 !N THE EVENING ' ROBERT SCHMICKER  ! I i 13:33 EST I HGHCOMP 1 s M4,w ogg w CW d L qcw.Lc w 'Lc s W Uk~ b l  % (Lonun ni&cdIrm.] c, m Gw xt t v4 er Lt v .

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  • O ENuclear (h o
  • Rif"tair Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717-944 7621 Wnter's Direct Dial Number:

i l September 14, 1984 l l l htr. A. P. Rochino Cherry 11111 Building

Dear h!r. Rochino:

This letter will confirm your interview of September 7,1988 arvi telephone conversation of September 11, 1984 with h!r. R. Lloyd during which you repre sented to hir. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 27, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the 'DtI-2 containment building which occurred on !! arch 28, 1979. I Very truly yours, l St 4 J. R. Thorpe 1 JRT/cf1 i ! 0665u l Io : J & Tborf*, aben rc {/cds Cwcc Hy iny ajwsmk/s, r* foyk hA , fh I aut. 591 "/H

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a a CC{ll00 7 /[Jt/ GPU Nuclear is a part et the General Pubhc Utiblies System

  • e GPU Nuclear
        .IE ys T     '

E P.O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717-944 7621 Wnter's Direct Dial Number September 14, 1984 Str. Donald E. Smith OPS, BiI-1

Dear Str. Smith:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of September 11, 1984 with bir. R. Lloyd during which you represented to h!r. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 20, 1984 and that you cannot remember when you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the TS11-2 containment building which occurred on Flarch 28, 1979. Very trulv yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 0665u bO h M

                                  %)                        k           nw            S y l),19 Of Ob (l-/9-Of GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Puche Utihties System


 . es a GPU Nucletr Corporation
      ,%     3                                                                             a 5:00 y.New Je sey 07054
  ;                                                                                     201 263 6500 TELEX 136 482 Writer's Direct Deal Number:

August 31, 1984 Mr. Richard Umberger Maint. 2, Mechanical-TMI

Dear Mr. Umberger:

This letter will confirm your telephone conversation of August 29, 1984 during which you represented to R. Schaicker that you misunderstood question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 17, 1984 and that the only information you would have had on March 28, 1979 regarding a hydrogen explosion or combustion in the TMI-2. containment would have been gained froa public reports.- Very truly yours,


v'A b/m

                                                       /                   /

J. R. Thorpe RDS:jd1 0616u bec: E. Blake, Esq. N ,x ,

                                                                      /0~9-PY o

GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of ttle General Pubhc Utihties Corporation / l

                                                                                                                         /    j

o es a GPU Nuclear gg g{ P.O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717 944 7621 Wnter's Direct Dial Number September 14, 1984 Mr. David E. Zeiter Rad Con., Bil Unit 1

Dear Mr. Zeiter:

This letter will confirm your interview of September 6,1984 with Mr. R. Lloyd during which you represented to Mr. Lloyd that you misread question 3(a) of the questionnaire you completed on August 17, 1984 and that you first became aware of a hydrogen explosion or combustior. in the Dil-2 containment building on March 30, 1979 because you recall your wife being concerned about hydrogen in the reactor ccoolant system at BlI-2 which she had learned from a news source on that da Very truly yours, J. R. Thorpe JRT/cf1 ', 0665u

                      & <                z' u e                                '
                                                                     ) .

e e 1 GPU Nuclear is a part of the General Public Utilities System l ~}}