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Intervenor Exhibit I-TMIA-24,consisting of 810126 Comments on Draft IE Investigation Rept Into Info Flow Re TMI Accident.Comments Do Not Represent Thorough Critique of Investigative Effort Due to Limited Participation
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/1984
From: Gamble D
To: Moseley N
SP-I-TMIA-024, SP-I-TMIA-24, NUDOCS 8508200114
Download: ML20136G975 (7)


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NUOLGAR RECULATCRV CC*t.:,1CC4 (l( u yi v.y7[ g



..e ar.sumasam e.c.scane J.x . , . .

January 26. 1981 -


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.r Y ' N3 CRC 3DI FOR: 1:orcan C. Itscoley. Director Division of Pre 0rca 00Volc;mant and Approical. 4 p.m .

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1 Oavid W. Gc:$10. Invecticstor


1 i.~$ ?' FC31

.'-  : Offica of Inspector and Auditor - s


5tc.12CT: It !!WESTICAT!03 18370 INRI::;GT1038 FLOU CD::CECJIf;3 TEE

,Pl- 1RI Af,CID3ff .

... ,- ~: .

Att::h:d cro w ec:=ents en the stMoet draft IE report which you trcaco8W

' to tha C:=1ccica un J nesry 17. 1931. Ecc:u:0 g particlpstien in tho


invectiC3tica c:s licHtod to pottatially cricinal as;; cts, this acr.rt -

C;3 not c:ctituto. nor cm I prc?sred to giva, a there::ch critiqua of tlw int : tic:,tivo cffort. Th:Co wb cro limitsd to thoca catters daice c';vic::o to c2 fees a reading of this draft in tha short c=::nt of tica "'

2 M:3 cv 11chio to OIA; I hovo not cc:rc =d catters cc:ft cs tha cnicire e c:ticas I:cica c:acidered or tha c::acr in difch tha investiga***

8 Cs ccr.C::t d. I c2 providing thoco c:=:nts to yoi in tinic foru baccuse C.:n I hic 311tht:d scvoral to ycu on Janusry 21. ycu res;::: tad that ttw Cl' c=0 t:Oro C t cttt:stici ccd therefore you had tv int:ation od ic=PG:rcting thc2 into ycur report. .

.e 1

!, At*ht: As sected t- cc t /ett: J. Ce=ings, CIA - .

- R. Fortens. DIA R. tho. CC

  • R.safiin, no .

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If INVE37!!:AT!M8 PE . .

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'k. Pp 2.'9A. and 99'a'ad the cover sheet must be revised to accurately i ref1cet the extent of 0!A's participstion (i.e., as outifnod fa the  !


- Chain::::n's Ptirch 21,1930, rcrtorandum which directed the investigatier, '

P I undarstand fesa you that those chargos will be nade.


Throughout the report are conclusions dich ! do not feel are

' .' ' ' 2.

staqactoly sucported by the report. W.ile the opposito conclusfoe t::ald not ha justified eithor, the report confusos opinions wit' cc::1ccicas - icplicit in the lettor is that thay have a factual hesis. For c=cnplo, at the end of the first parcgraph on popo 19 yco *cc: leda" that none of the conflicts c=c:ninod cro the resu'-

of lyings h==cvor it is just as rensanchie boccd c:::n tho facts i ortscetod in your recort to conclude that they ware the msuit o-

}ygag, . . . , .

3. P.1. cara. 3. centence 3. attc=sts to define the invostigation's scc;o, hat has tuo prebicas:- ,
a. Tho stste:ent prct::c;;ssos that inferisatica did not cdov;ustel:

f1cu. This my of phrasino it is not apprcpriato for en intred:: tien unlocs ysu hcd reached this conclusion hafore ths intostigatica es initiated.

6 Tha t:nt::..o includos the flew of inforestion to tt:2 Stato C:: verr. ::nt utthin tho investigstion's sec;e. Ny ur.dorst:: ding

of tt
o s:cco es that it es ,r,;g to in ledo TH1's relaticashir with the stato. R: sag tha c=cn:ngos that lod re to this .

undcret= ding uoro y:ur dirc:ticas to thoto of us participatinc in tho intervicws of stato officials to corofully rostrict out .

4:c:tiening to prev:nt providing thoco ststo cfficials with a fcrc:s ts air their difficultics in cbtaining infomstics frcn THI. Fy entrct:: ding of tha c:tual curpsco. of thaco intarviom, w:s to det:mino thetitor TH! provid:d the stato with fnfomstfor 4

that tes not previded to fGC (cich .4ald indicato that WI c:;y h=o withh:1d tho infortstien frca TOC). H:::ver, tho l rc;;;rt p:rtrcys the limited in::uiry perfomad in this cres 'at satisfying a grcoter tec;3. There oro other courcos dich te did not attcsst to c:ploro (o.0.. e chand::od tr.s idos of intervic:ing tho Licaton:nt bocc::o his cctedul'o u..uld not c11cu cn intarvicu then e e nt:d it; wa did tr=k de=a dother cny ninutos toro tchoa of m!'s triofino ci tho Licutoncnt Governor). It cec:.s str:ngs to n::u take actier l ,

boccd epon this restricted phaco of the invo:tigstion. l

! . . )



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l 1

.4. P. 2. paro. 3.. sentonce 2. refers to SIG denositions. 'Iot all o'

$1G's interviews tore depositions.*

. .z v .

5. P. 3.. the contonce which began on the previous page refers to a l Congrossional subcaznittee, but it does not indicate which corriittee j er tAich house of Congress the subcormittee is fron. .
0. P. 3. para 1. scatonce 2. said "... all interviews were conducted

'un6r c:th with a ccurt reportar providing a verbation transcript Cst chut tho intervicus (infomal proscrooninti or whatever yee i cc11 th:3) of individuals such as Eldon Brunner which are not i roficcted caytcore in tho , report?

'l '

P.12. pra. 3. - The Regio:a1 Director mst have told the IE

t:r caro th:n tho bare fcet that the Regicnol Fcorgancy CC:0:r !=d M:n c:tivated. bcn you cro moortino en investicat"- -
of infer. :tica ficu this secas to arrcnt a little more detal' kcro, ccg= icily because if the Regicaal Director provided thit
infc:::tica ts Ite:ducrters at 8:00 a.m.. IE usuld hardly te da .

p::itica to cito THI for not providing the infomation

8. Cat G2 cMvo is gonorolly coalicable to the conclusions at op


j - -

19-20. to cdditica l a. Cc :1c:ic=s C4 ord $5 rolate to the state / Tit! relationshir .

Eco c a t G3.b. chovo.

l t- Cc::!c:fcn 07 specks of f;2C's having en inoffoetive sveten re info f1cu. It is intorcsting to c.c:. care this to tha'"iiMiiTar cc::1c:1cas ro R2t-Ed: cc: lesics #2 says Mat-Ed cles had ar. '

i in ffe:tivo cyst:1; hc= ver ec :lecten G3 goes furt':or by c:ying tt:t Mat-Ed porcenac1 centributed to tha. infomation fic:s crcb1c=s. New b::k to ec=:1ucica 97: tha report conclude tt:01:~.'s nuctm t:ss a prc51ca. 6t it is silent en whothar IC r-diccitrit::ted to tho info f1cu pr:bicas. This stic; a w :. r=ga in Itcht of pur c:prosecd intenticas to rc;:=t a revic:s of cetions by I.pc porcennal as soon as thic rc;;rt is ist::cd.

' I do c t rc=11 tbt R2rtic11 t:30 intervice d, yot ha c;pesrs to i fic;ro in ca tho (=:uled;3 of tha C'.37 boing cpan (cco p. 36. par..

! 2., td:fch stat:s that Higgins rc:cived his info on this aros fram i Ittcb11). ..

i tC P. 44. p:ro 1. scat =:0 3. Ctates "This cenjo:tura, tAon ecsbined .

j with ctt:r infe:T:stica, cucccctd that tha coro e:sy have hcon

! cc:c::r:3.? 1hir scat:x:o is not cle r: Aro s u stating that the


ccef=tiva <td. in fcet. c ptcet to cc== a (when?) that t'.3 core r:y I Vo I::n c :cvorcs? or cro y u statinn

  • hat in retreseect 4+

co c ct = t:af l *.

  • e *

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m. . e

.( l il. 8. 47. Iioro 1, lists "the testinony of Chusstyk and Mahtor" as the third accoct pertinent to a discussion of the 28 psig contalesment spiko. As you subscauent analysis indicatos, there are others

.whose testimony is cloorly sortinent to this issue; thorofore, to only cito Chastyk's and Mahler's testimony in this introduction may unduly narrow the readers' focus before they reach the subsequent

! discussion. ' -

17 P. 48. poro. 2. santonce 1. states that the reactor building

'peccturo roto to 28 psig. Isn't it more correct to say that the prettum indicated 29 psig? That is to say, isn't it pessible that tha c::plosion genorated grootor than 2f psig for er

' instat (! un:'crst nd that. thoro is ss=3 tmoll time laa hatt:pon cet:01 proccuro end the indication on the ro w - h . I u:uld guoss that cxn a fec:tica of a soccad's dolay usuld man that the octua5

Decctum C:rring on osolosion may have hear msnowhat 51ghor than the indicated pcccaro). .
13. P. 48. pero. 2. tentesco 5, said that only two Mat-Ed croloyees j (ch:::styk cad Ech1cr) attributed the proscuro spike, ote., to cuythin;; other th:n electricci fcults or instrenant asifunctient This centc:co fails to take Iljos' ccmonts into account (soa po

la P. 49, p:ro. 2. c:::':mri:cs knculedge of hydre;mn and points cut Cht::styk's c d Ibhicr's diffor it rc:011c:ticas. This discussion fc11s th:rt of taing eciploto by fo111cq to matica othars who rc=11 bydrc;:n dic ccsion on the day of the cecidont (f.o., !1jos ccdPlc1co). .

15 P. 51, cara 1. 2. Youc:c$1bden011ccaNdiccussiennot

a esteihin dic
c:sien (IF did not indepcadonYlv explom tha cassibi!+ .. l
t!.a in: ;u cre:3 caly k==Co Ch:Wastyk cnd Hohlor have alloCad that cc:h a dic:ccica t=k picco). In cdditien, tha alleged discccstor cs not fast "in the proccaco of an f:2.C incpoctor" - 1t cs eithar with or in tho pcc::co of cn 1:::C incp:: tor." l 4 .
16. P. 51, pero 1. scaten:o 5. states that caly Chusstyk cr.d I4ahlor i cca p!cced en I::C insp:: tor in the ccatrol m:n. I halieve other'.

.cico said this (o.g., Zc::3. R::c, Higgins, and I;ooly).


" P. 52, pars 2. tenter.:o 2, ststcc that I: coly's dicccesien wttn

! Fchlor uns in Pril. In t:s tubcc:; cat intervicus by O!A. f:331y c id this dic::aug.a es cc: tico ofter l'ay 15. 1979 (0!A roport pr G cad 17). T! sic sco centc:::o dcc:ribcd Rahlor as "a lbt Ed c- ,1:y:o." This is reic1c: ding. It is 6 port:nt that Rahlor's narc ta c:c:1 li:m t=:=o ho is c::o of th3 Hat-Ed caloycos allocing th:t cn f.;sc in:;"ht:r cc fnfom d of tho coiko - if I' chlor had if f el t 1:c :1y c:ro tho insp::ter, it umuld havo hon highly unlikely i A. t!.: t Ithlor culd have confided this infomation in Nogly (see (11A rc;;;rt P. ? p:ra 1. Inst sentonce).


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' 18. P. 52. para. 2 santonce 3. says that Woofy turned Mahler's a11oost'or

. "over to the !E 1%vostiaation toan, whose findf nps are contained ir i! NU2EU-0600." This sentonce is also nislooding. 0!A's investigatio-

' '!'* fc::r.d that, cpparcatly through a misunderstanding, !E cddressed the information pccly crovidod by interviewine !1jes ant' nehody to detr

,I has interviend Hohler seccifically roc' arding *he informatioe he provided to Neely (DIA report pp. 20-2 ). )


j t' 19. P. 53. pero 1. cotos Niggins' description of why he my have l nisced the " thud." Namver, the report statos that this is Miggin?' I f - omplcastion of i:hy he as not tuore of the spike on the pressure recordor. Obvicusly the c;uotation is not aporoprieto to answer the questica posed in the report. This makas Higgins appear to he non rc:p::sivc he=avor, if you furnishod the ecpleto cotation, the i ec:dar t:suld sca that Riggins es responding to o esJostica oLw his taculed;;3 of oither the spike Le the thud - his encuor uns cc: rcatly not intended to cddress his Imculedga of the soika. Vot; si::ald ute a c:::otatien here in whfeb Higgins directly addresses hit ,

i kc aledge of tho spito itsol' (sog. e.g., the O!A report of p.12,
. paro. 2 cad p.13, pro.1).
20 P. 44, pro 1 tentence 3. c
:nticas a Hillor/usrshal' discussier

! rc;srding the tbd - cs Marcha11 intervicmd?

( P. 67, pro 1. describs 0!A's intarvious of Plcloe and Sec11ager Tliis pre:;resh has thrco probic:ss:

l e The first sente::o coyd 0!A intervic::od c5eoral inspoetors whc w: t to 1H! on ti:2 day of the c:cident. Tna rcet of the cater is that O!A intervicu::d all of the inspectors who were

!, et 1HI by 1:50 (tim tir.o of tho TiPJregen esplostca).

l. -

). I The sc:end senteneo saiel Plc1co "oxprosnod cavoral concerns" dcMnc tho intervices. It is interesting that Plcmfoo is tha caly intervic=::o t^.cco roccensos cro cimroctorized as c:;rossiner of ec::crcs - rotter than recollecticas. 10:110 ! rc:0gn12e

>- t!st t!m rc;srt ultf=stcly disaissos P1cico's state:cnts. I c:uld I:;gost that the norrative acccant of his stst:2tants be t:ro cbjectivo.

c. . The rc;:rt caly attribtos Plcloo's ststc=nts to his 0!A
in ervic
ing en 00:cstor 2 cod 3. Ic;D. H::: ver, chan IE i

intervic=d P1calco en Ity 30, 1979, for CCS-c;CD Plcloo

, cico sted timt im Icarned " tint the c ntain :nt bildian hat-

,' t!to liydres:n prosant in tho,atuccchere in a significcat

c;=ntity" (Tr.5). Furthorcaro Plenica rc;;stod cad 01c5cratet up a his ststc .:nts wson IE catensively rointervicmd hin in Jc::=ry IC31. Conc 1:,tcat ststa: ents at various scints of ti.9e

.(.cc;:: folly tbco clocar to the ovent.' cdd to the credibility

( jof en intervicme.

. ee .,g -

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, . 22. D. 62. poro. 2. " concern" #1 eddresses knowledgeof hydrogen by Pegion I persennel. 1his fails to state the irtportant fact that this loculoege was r ,, tedly held by Pegion ! mancocaent.

?3. P. 63, para. 2. lists tuo sourcos for Plunloo's belief that regiona?

mrsennel hed knowledge of hydrogen. The first is what ho bo11oved

) als becach chief said rcgorvHng hydregon (this would chicus indicatt kne=1cdco by rogional porsennol). The second is Pf aloo's c:a

enclysist honover, it doos not necessarily follow that P1mloe usuld have concluded that regional personnel knew of hydrogen basr sp:n his em chility to enslyzo the situation. A third factor which is not dos:r1bcd in tho Mport is tha corret:orstion P1 mice

! rc;crtedly rc:oived frca scolingar regsrding the hydregen smolos

< corly on the c:y of the occident .tcolingor's ccavorsstien undoub'ef-.

l reicforecd Plum 1co's boliof that his branch chte" hcd c:tuall.i scationed hydrecca during the briefing.

i v P. G5, scatenco 3. ststos, "P1mico was also cortain that, uhen he

  • told Callina of his ccavorsation with Scolingar, Gallica told hir'

! thst thoro uss circady goncrol.spseulation that the ht.-Jrce-n burr hcd c: curred" (c:,,hosis added), fhring 0!A's intorvwas t'oTA~

' rc; rt. P. 27, p:ro 3-4), Pitaileo sair8 the erotturo eniko (no th hydrcgon turn) uns I: noun.


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