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Evaluation of 840911 Application to Amend License SNM-1168 Re Authorization to Modify Plant Activities & Functions Due to Removal of Pelletizing Operation.Issuance of Amend Recommended
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 06/12/1985
From: Crow W, Ketzlach N
Shared Package
ML20127A140 List:
NUDOCS 8506210034
Download: ML20127A148 (2)



JUN 121985 i

FCUP:NK DOCKET NO.: 70-1201 APPLICANT: Babcock & Wilcox FACILITY: Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant (CNFP)



, DATED FEBRUARY 4, AND MAY 7, 1985 Background -

Babcock & Wilcox, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant, by application dated September 11, 1984, requested authorization to modify its plant activities and functions due to(the removal of the pelletizing operations from service. By letter dated December 14, 1984, the CNFP requested authorization to store and maintain a Failed Fuel Rod Detection System (FFRDS) used at reactor sites. The supplements provided added information required to complete the safety evaluations of the applications.

Discussion A. Radiation Safety '

i The licensee has requested the addition of "up to 0.1 curies of byproduct material as contamination on/within equipment, and/or as waste." The FFRDS

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may contain contamination quantities of byproduct materials after it's return from a reactor site. The equipment will be stored and/or repaired at the CNFP until it is repackaged for shipment and use at another reactor site. The only unencapsulated byproduct materials previously authorized under this license were " contamination quantities on returned unitradiated fuel components."

The lfcensee will establish a Radiation Control Zone for handling the FFRDS.

Radiological surveys of the Zone will be made daily and will take corrective action when contamination levels exceed predetermined levels. The staff has determined that the present radiological safety program is adequate to ensure the safety of the facility personnel.

The present bioassay program is based on the requirements for handling uranium materials. The licensee has now revised his program to include the detection of fission products. The revised program is based on ANSI N343, "American National Standard for Internal. Dosimetry for Mixed Fission and Activation Products" and is acceptable.

8506210034 850612 PDR C ADOCK 07001201 pg

o 2

JUN 121985 B. Nuclear Criticality Safety i -

No change is necessary in the nuclear criticality safety program with the

storage and maintenance of the FFRDS. No fissile materials are involved.

C. Environmental Effects

! The elimination of 00 powder 2 handling operations should decrease the amount of effluents that may be released offsite. Also, the individual and cumulative occupational radiation exposures will decrease as wil' the potential for or consequences from radiological accidents. Therefore, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(11), neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is warranted for this proposed action.

Storage and maintenance of the FFRDS introduces contamination quantities (from reactor sites) of radioactive materials to the facility. The con-tamination is incident to performing services such as installation, maintenance, leak tests, and calibrations. Therefore, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(14)(x), neither an. Environmental Assess:aent nor an Environ-

, mental Impact Statement is warranted for this proposed action.

D. General The amendment applications and their supplements were discussed on May 31, 1985 with Gerald L. Troup, Region II Fuel Facility Inspector. He foresaw no safety or environmental problem with the requested amendment.

Conclusion Issuance of the amendment authorizing the modification of plant activities and

-functions due to removal of the pelletizing operations from service and the storage and maintenance of an FFRDS is recommended.

Driginal Signed By:

W. T. Crow Norman Ketzlach Uranium Process Licensing Section Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Origir.a1 Signed Bys. Material Safety, NMSS W. T. Crew Approved by:

W. T. Crow, Section Leader


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