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Ro:On 920910,discovered That non-TS Hourly Fire Watch, Completed on 920908,improperly Performed,Per Suppl 1 to NRC Bulletin 92-001,resulting in Falsification of Fire Watch Log.Individual Disciplined & Addl Training Provided
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1992
From: Storz L
AB-92-048, AB-92-48, IEB-92-001, IEB-92-1, NP-22-92-08, NP-22-92-8, NUDOCS 9210080246
Download: ML20118B995 (2)


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% EDlucN A Ce%:m ( nmgp Crap.rq E DSON PL AZ A 3K) MADISON AVL NUE tdt EDO ohio 40U2 UAV NP-33-92-08 AE-92-048 Docket Number 30-346 1,1 cense Numbtr NPF-3 October 2, 1992 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Vashington, D.C.



Voluntary Report - Fire Protection Missed Thermo-M g Fire Vatch Gentlemen:

Summary on September 10, 1792, while performing a routine audit of fire watch patrol logs, security personnel discovered that a non-Technical Specification hourly ftre watch, completed on September 8, 1992, was not properly performed. This hourly fire vatch was established an September 1, '.992 as a compensatory measure in response to NRC Bulletin 92-01, a pplement 1, Failure of Thermo-Lag 330 Fire Barrier System to Perform its Specified Fire Endurance Function" (Log Number l-2726), dated August 31, 1992. This is a voluntary report summarizing the citeumstances of this incident.

Discussion on September 10, 1992, as part of an ongoing fire patrol self audit a comparison of fire watch patrol logs to dotr card reader time histories, security personnel discovered that Room 325 (High Voltage Switchgear Room A) was not e.itered from 1706 ui.til 1822 on September 8, 1992, a period of 76 minutes.

This exceeded the 60 +/

15 minute hourly fire watch requirement established in response to NRC Bulletir. 92-01, Supplement 1.

Further investigation revealed that the individual assigned to completing the required fire watch did eot enter Room 325 during the two patrols he performed from 1800 until 2000 on September 8, 1992.

A However, a qualified fire vatch individv3'. enters 3 Room 325 at 1822 and again at 1921 therefore, technically only one lite watnh was missed.

This event was not detected during the hourly reviews of fire watch logs because the fire watch log was incorrectl'/ signed by the individual as if the vatch was properly performed at 1806 and 1906.

Potential Condition Adverse To Quali.ty Report 92-0367 was initiated on September 10, 1992 to address this incident.

I 921008024.2 921002 4

l h PDR ADOCK 05000346

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Docket Number 50-346 hicense Number NPF-3 Page 2 Toledo Edison has investigated the incident and has coi.cluded that the individual who performed the vatch old not villfully falsify the fire vatch log.

Vhen interviewed, the individual freely tated that he had not entered Room 325 either on the first et second fire watch pattol, lie believed his actions in this area, which consisted of obsersing the door and the area around the door for evidence of a fita and recording the time, vere proper. The individual confitmed that he was trained to enter Room 325 when performing the fire watch but did not proparly recall this training during the September 8, 1992 fire watch patrols.

vas the first performance of the assigned roving fire vatch t oute by the j i hv al since he receivel training on September 1, 1992.

In addition, the to Room 325 was directly on the toute taken to perform the i

iro vatch and, as such, the individual passed by the door to Room 325 during the fire watch patrol.

The individual involved is a security officer and is aware that his duties can be audited and that computer histories are available to assist in audits. Toledo Edison has concluded that the cause of this incident was hurran er 3r and inattention to detail.

This investigation report is available on site ;or NRC review.

Toledo Edison has taken several actions in response to this incident.

Addi*ional tire vatch logs were reviewed and this appears to be an isolated incident.

The individual involved was disciplined.

He also received further training to ensure that he is knowledgeable and able to properly conduct fire vatch duties.

Fire Protection personnel accompanied security personnel on two separate fire watch patrols to ensure the patrols were performed properly.

4 Security personnel vere advised of the incident during shift briefings and the requirerrents of performing proper firevatch duties were reiterated.

Very truly yours, Q

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F. Stor:

Plant Manager MAT /ed G



11. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III J. 11. Ilopkins, NRC/NRR DB-1 Senior Project Manager K


Valton, NRC Region III, DB-1 Resident Inspector l
