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Special Rept:On 910304,electric Fire Pump Removed from Svc for Planned Outage for More than Seven Days.Pump Removed to Replace Existing Controller.Replacement of Controller Accomplished & Electric Fire Pump Returned to Svc
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1991
From: Storz L
AB-91-0005, AB-91-5, NP39-91-001, NP39-91-1, NUDOCS 9104190310
Download: ML20072U809 (2)


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6 EESON f DISoN PLAZA l 330 #AADtSON AVLNUE Docket Number 50-346 teaco oHiod3t

  • D001 Licence Number NPF-3 April 10, 1991 NP39-91-001 AB-91-0005 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Contrel Desk Vashington, D. C. 20555 Subj ec t : Fire Protection - Special Report Pursuant to Technical Specification, Fire Suppression Vater System

, Gentlement in Toledo Edison (TE) let ter Setial Number 1718, dated October 11, 1989, TE committed to replace the existing controller for the electric fire pump vith a controller that met the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code requirements. On March 4, 1991, TE removed the electric fire pump from '

service for a planned outage in order to replace the existing controller.

This action caused the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DDNPS) to intentionally enter Technical Specification (TS) action statement

This action statement requires either the restoration of the inoperable pump to an operable status within seven days or the submission of a Special Report vithin the next 30 days to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission outlining the plans and procedures to be used to provide for the loss of redundancy in the fire suppression water system.

Replacement f the controller has been successfully accomplished and the electric fire pump vas returned to service on March 22, 1991. Because the electric fire pump vas inoperable for more than seven days, this Special Report is being submitted.

Prior to the start of-the electric fire pump outage, TE assessed the planned temporary loss of redundancy in the fire suppression water system. TE reviewed the fire protection program and the TS regarding the fire suppression water system and documented its plans for the actions required once the electric fire pump would be declared inoperable. Other planned outage preparations included verification of the_ availability of the local fire department pumper truck to function as a backup fire suppression water system supply. Additionally, no maintenance activity vas allowed to be performed which could affect the diesel fire pump operability.

9104190sio 91o33o /

[DR ADOCK 05000346


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I-I Docket Number 50-346  ;

9 License Number NPT-3 NP39-91-001 Page 2 During this planned outage. TE also installed a new pump impeller having the same part number. Post-modification testing of the electric fire pump identified reduced flov rates. Upon discovery of the discrepancy, TE reinstalled the original impeller and additional testing was performed. The flow rate was returned to the acceptable pre-outage levels. Discussions with the vendor indicate that the reduced flov-rate was a result of the new impeller not having been machined to fit the electric fire pump casing. TE is eval: . ting, for a future electric fire pump outage, the purchase of a new impeller assembly (casing and impeller) or the shipment of the existing

, casing to the vendor for precise impeller fitting.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. R. V. Schrat;or, Hannger -

Nuclear Licensing, at (419) 249-2366.


~ p ,^f QSd.,

f j' 7.c::72b i L. F. Storz Plant Manager KBR/mmb 4

cci P. H. Byron, DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III J. R. Hall, NRC Senior Project Manager H. D. Lynch, NRC Senior Project Manager 4

Utility Radiological Safety Board l

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