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Intervenor Exhibit I-4,consisting of Portions of Undated Publication Entitled, Flammable & Combustible Liquids Code, Re General Provisions
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/1984
OL-I-004, OL-I-4, NUDOCS 8412130156
Download: ML20100N458 (4)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . __

l h,.h 4 30-8 F1.AMM art.F. AND cOMBUsTIRLE 1.IQUIDs CODE Cr.Nr.R At. PRovtsIONs 30 9

'f "1 1 1.5 In particular installations the provisions of this code may he 1-1.7.5 Mists, sprays or foams. (Exceptflammable aerosols in con.

l {y. 'h. s iA altered at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction after rainers, which are included in Chapter 4.)

l k ,Q@hp'4.' .. consideration of the special features such as topographical condi-tions, barricades, walls, adequacy of building exits, nature of oc.

I 1-1.8 Installations made in accordance with the applicable re.

g,Yg,,p . [fp o cupancies, proximity to buildings or adjoining property and quirements of standards of the National Fire Protection Association:

M .@;r p)'f ',Qrire;$g character of construction of such buildings, capacity and construc- NFPA 32. Dry Cleaning Plants: NFPA 33 Spray Application Using

-ygj.. tion of proposed tanks and character of hquids to be stored, nature Flammable and Combustible Afaterials: NFPA 34, Dip Tanks Con.

(F,u JU.y:, ;,,rt'h[*h # p, .

of process, degree pf private fire protection to be provided and the faining Flammable or Combustible Liquids: NFPA 35 Afanufacture adequacy of facihties of the fire department to cope with flammable of Organic Coatings: NFPA 36. Solvent Extraction Plants: NFPA 37.

s. or combustible hquid fires. frutallation and Use ofStationary Combustion Engines and Gas Tur.

Yg .W'. h bines: NFPA 45 Fire Protectionfor Laboratories Using Chemicals:

[IIn;),$'] , ,

and NFPA 56C, Laboratories in Ilealth.Related Irutitutions, shall

  • fd .y W]

I-1.6 Existing plants. equipment, buildings, structures and in.

be deemed to be m compliance with this code.

Ihf [EW4 td stallations for the storage, handling, or use of flammable or com.

bustible liquids which are not in strict compliance with the terms of this, code may be continued in use at the discretion of the authority F .h,yk x d

,,da' havmg junsdiction provided they do not constitute a recognized 1-2 Definitions.

hazard to life or adjoining property. The existence of a situation Aerosol. A material which is dispensed from its container as a

' y% g 8

3.h'[q which might result in an explosion or sudden escalation of a fire, mist spray or foam by a propellant under pressure.

h. g such as inadequate ventilation of confined spaces. lack of adequate Mg.$y g,g.), o . emergency venting of a tank, failure to fireproof the, supports of Apartment IIouse. A building or that portion of a building con.

g . ). clevated tanks, or lack of dramage or dikes to control spdis may con.

stitute such a hazard.

taining more than two dwelling units.

  • g
  • M D Approved. Means " acceptable to the authority having jurisdic.

.j"['fkf I-1.7 This code shall not apply to: tion."

.1 y h.

1-1.7.1 Transportation of iammable and combustible liquids.

}g hm ,%,va) gq These requirements are co itamed m the U.S. Department of NOTE
The National Fire Proarction Avoriation does not approve, inspect

.yk. .,',$ n, cen;ry any instanaiions.

iniing ta b.mcedurn. rquipmeni. or themaieriai nor docs or inii sp.

' $ ]I Transportation regulations or in NFPA 385, Recommended prove or evaluate atoriet In driermining anepiahitity

  • 'U^ti*n' P'"'cdu'n. "lui ' ment or materials. the authorniv having Y  %" h Regulatory Standardfor Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Com. O' t G

g, 4g s ,1 ',,s

. gl -

f bustible Ligutg,.

jurisdiction may base acceptame on comphame with NFPA or other ap propriair standardt In the ah. cme or such standards, said authorier may re-

q. Q quire evidence of roper installation. procedure or use. I he authority having E'i'di"i"" *'Y * '" "'" '" 'h' 'ii"K' "' '*hi"5 Practices of an organisa g,v .

4 eM b)Y yconnected l-1.7.2 Stor w.aEe, handlinE and u,se of fuel oil tanks and containersimn concerned with prmiuce evainations which is m a possimn to determme rg* i.;.ce: Do v ith equipment. These requirements are compi;ance wiin approp,;aic ,ianaa,a, go, ihe c ,ren, p,oduction or linied covered separately in NFPA 31, Standardfor the Irutallation of Oil it ems.


. f..htk.. .ldk, 'Q .

h .N[ T Burning Equipment. ,

ic%,',$ .A b Assembly Occupancy. The occupancy or use of a building or l-1.7.3 Storage of flammable and combustible liquids on farms 5"C.ture r any portion thereof by a gathering of persons for civic, h '"" ,

p htical, travel, rehgious or recreational purposes.

' 3.if;% ,

and isolated construction projects. These requirements are covered separately in NFPA 595, Standardfor the Storage of Flammable and f ! Q.  %. '

Combustible Liquids on Farms and Isolated Construction Projects. . Atmospheric Tank. A storage tank which has been designed to R '.&,9w operate at pressures from atmospheric through 0.5 psig.

k1 Ifj /,'[@h. '.t

i ,

j 1-1.7.4 Liquids without flash points that can be flammable under some conditions, such as certain halogenated hydrocarbons and mix.

tures containing halogenated hydrocarbons. (See NFPA 321, Basic Authority Having jtirisdiction. The " authority having jurisdiction" is the organization, office or individual responsible for 8:.h'p V 4'y

.,h l Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids.) " approving" equipment, an installation or a procedure.

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Combustible Liquids shall be subdivided as follows:


' l ,rys, , [- ( The flash point of a liquid having a viscosity of 45 SUS or more at


5 100*F (37.8'C) or a flash point of 200*F (93.4'C) or higher shall be 'ACass H l.iquids shall .melude those havm.g flash points at or "s, bgg ; t.a.> W i determined in accordance with ASTM D 93-73,* Standard Afethod of Testfor Flash Point by the Pensky Afartens Closed Tester. above 100 F (37.8 C) and below 140'F (60*C).

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As an alternate ASTM D.3243-73T, Standard Afethods c' Tests Class IIIA liquids shall include those having flash points at or 5 @ Jg' g t; 140*F (60*C) and below 200*F (93.4*C).

&d .,n f ' , for Flash Point of Atiation Turbine Fuels by Setaflash Closed 'Testcr.

may be used for testing aviation turbine fuels within the scope of this h, j.

  • procedure. Class IIIB liquids shall include those having flash points at or

%. Ite%nya%

  • uhgh,p.M l above 200*F (93.4'C).
  1. L As an alternate. ASTM D.3278 73, Standard Afethod of Testsfor hgls?  ?:,i Flash Point of Liquids by Sctaflash Closed Tester, may be used for paints. enamels, Iacquers, varmshes and related products and their Flammable Liquid. A liquid having a flash point below 100*F (37,geC) and having a vapor pressure not exceedmg 40 pounds per g,t 4.3 y,9

~ ' ' '

- components having flash pomes between 32*F (ri'C) and 230'F square inch (absolute) at 100*F (37.8'C) shall be known as a Class !

Q;M Qh g,m,%. (Il0'C), and havmg a viscouty lower than 150 stokes at 77'F(25'C). liquid.

llotel. Building or groups of buildings under the same m,anage. Class ! liquids shall be subdivided as follows:

/\ Wr, ment in which there s!cepmg accommodations for hire, pnmanly ,

@M;* ... fg.r,;p% used by transients wh( are lodged with or without meals including Class IA shall include those having flash points below 73*F t,g. m..g. y u .

but not limited to inns, clubs, motels and apartment hotels. (22.8'C) and having a boiling point below 100*F (37.8'C).


[ N.(d,' Institutional Occu pancy. The occupancy or use of a building or Class IB shall include those having flash points below 73*F N' . structure or any portion thereof by persons harbored or detained to I (22.8'C) and having a boiling point at or above 100'F (37.8'C).


.c receive medical, chan, table or other care or treatment, or by persons 4 IN.s+Qg s,.

h,.L . involuntarily detained. Class IC shall include those having flash points at or above

  • / 1] 73*F (22.8'C) and below 100*F (37.8'C).

,A' p, i Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a 4.:(Jy rp f a.r i .3 label, symbol or other identifying mark of an organization accep- Unstable (Reactive) Liquid. A liquid which in the pure state g , $ p .j  !.y table to the " authority having jurisdiction" and concerned with pro- or as commercially produced or transported will vigorously y, duct evaluation, that mamtams penod,c i mspection of production of polymerize, decompose, condense, or will become self reactive under g.g. , _ % labeled equipment or matenals and by whose labelmg the manufac- conditions of shock, pressure, or temperature.

a'1 3 ,,. $y ,, . y .

turer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or perfor.

W :y y mance in a specified manner.

, I'd 1,d .[kf . Listed. Equipment or materials included ir; a list published by Liquid. For the purpose of this code, any material which has a an organization acceptable to the " authority having jurisdiction" and

. Y ' S.%M


%'.,7 ' , yy . , f,gaccordance with ASTM D-5-73*, Test for Penetration for fluidity greater than that of 300 penetration asphalt when tested in concerned with product evaluathn, that maintains periodic mspec-tion of production of listed equipment or materials and whose hstmg

.' ' . r J4W Bituminous Afaterials. When not otherwise identified, the term states either that the equipment or material meets appropnate stan.

Ot*"Q.W W  ! liquid shall mean both flammable and combustible liquids. dards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified 4 Y:/f.h# - manner, kh "J. ' %.t g W' 's QI:;il$I Combustible Liquid. A liquid having a flash point at or above 100'F (37.8'C). NOTF.: The means for identifying listed equipment may vary far each 3 4 , . , T '- organisation concerned with prminct evaluatian. some of which da nne

[(Ls...n',h.4,v}' 4 recognire eguipment as listed unless it is also tabeled. The "authmity having

, 9 h?k' N, I ; EIaIIable A fmm American Society for Testing and Materiah.1916 Ra.c St., jurisdiction sh ukt utilire the system employed by she listing organisasien to adentify a listed product.

Philadelphia. PA 19105.

N Je\~* 'b O.* t.tgs h.q .

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, ~ !; n a .t f* 30-14 rt nMM ABLE ANo COMBUST 151.E_ L,.iQUIDs CODE CF.NrRAl PRovistoNs 30 15

e I

s d TD " b. s

- Low Pressure Tank. A storage tank designed to withstand an '

Attached Building. A building having only one common wall ressure above 0.5 psig (3.45 kPa) but not more than 15 psig '

,l mterna with a building having other type occupancies.

y kN ' D *) Service Stations.

h *hf-6 M Mercantile Occupancy. The occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof for the displaying, selling or buying I


. Autom tive Service Stat.ion. That portion of property where I.'9". ids used as motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed

'e ~dh


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of goods, wares or merchandise.

  • equipment mto the fuel tanks of motor vehirles and shallinclude any facilities available for the sale and service of tires, batteries and ar.

cessories, and for minor automotive maintenance work. Major Av -

Office Occupancy. The occupancy or use of a building or struc- i

. ?pd{g ture or, any portion thereof for the transaction of business, o the '

automotive repairs, painting body and fender work are excluded.

{v - y rendermg or receivmg of professional services.

Marine Service Station. That portion of a roperty where liq.


<( '

,N yly  % Portable Tank. Any ciosed vessel having a liquid capacity over
' uids used as fuels are stored and dispensed from exed equipment on (M.2.q 60 U.S. gallons (227.1 L) and not intended for fixed installation. shore piers. wharves, or floating docks into the fuel tanks of self-propelled craft and shall include all facilities used in connection Q @ p , } K, therewith.

'r- J $ N,M " h. . l Pressure Vessel. Any fired or unfired vessel within the scope of i f-E:M the applicable section of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. .

Serv. ice Stati n Located Build.m gs. That portion of an kb di available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers. United i

automotive service station I cated withm the perimeter of a building hh

,gr G. @.* J/.

vgr . M.

  • g ,'*i Engineering Center 345 East 47th St.. New York. NY 10017.

or building structure that also contams other occupancies. The ser-vice station may be enclosed or partially enclosed by the building Protection for Exposures. Fire protection for structures on pro- walls, floors. ceilings, or partitions, or may be open to the outside.

g<,[M.Vp E5 N W.~!<


Perty adjacent to hquid storage. Fire protection for such structures The service station dispensing area shall mean that area of the service pg*.4;. g ;

s/j. C 4.p.Q shall be acceptab!c when located (1) withm the junsdiction of anY public fire department, or (2) adjacent to plants having private fire station required for dispensing of fuels to motor vehicles. Dispensing of fuel at manufacturing, assembly. and testing operations is not in-g,h@ 'y bngades capable of providmg cochng water streams on structures on cluded within this definition.

W-M P,d /g.e 'd, property adjacent to hquid storage.

Vapor Pressure. The pressure. measured in pounds per squaic

$'.k QM.q v Refinery. A plant in which flammable or combustible liquids inch (absolute), exerted by a volatile liquid as determined by ASTM D323-72*. Standard Afethod of Test for Vapor Pressure of j r.y - are produced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural if '3.p%gg,j,y,]n.a..

M. .. e.

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gasoline, or other hydrocarbon sources. Petroleum Products (Reid Afethod).

Vapor Processing Equipment. Those components of a vapor

$1Q 9,f.Q Ef f l Safety Can. An approved container, of not more than Iive gallons capacity, having a spring-closing tid and spout cover and so pnxessmg system which are designed to process vapors or h, quids captured dunng fill,mg operations at service stations, bulk plants. or

  • j,G ?,3

. e I,cj designed that it will safely relieve internal pressure when subjected to " * *I5- -

N..p q3 fire exposure.

.h .b . .

Vapor Processing System. A system designed to capture and p g hq', Separate Storage Area. A room or used for the i

process vapors displaced during filling operations at service stations, storage of hquids in containers or portable tanks, separated from bulk plants, or terminals by use of mechanical and/or chemical k( ?,o 1 &y .i other types of occupancies. Such areas may mclude: mea ns. Examples are systems using blower-assist for capturing i%I MKiM r

, Inside Room. A room totally enclosed within a building and vapors, and refrigeration, absorption and combustion systems for processing vapors.

KG..".S,'-g PO

  • ""E"*'*" '"*"' .

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E*1 l;YM. 4 N'I Cut-Off Room. A room within a building and having at least CATaHaEic. ten American Soct ry for Testing and Materials. 1916 Race St..

p g ..., p i . # g - one exterior way. Philadelphia. PA 19I03.

nfs-f,*- ]wM. A .$q fW ; .,


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