ML20093N048 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Beaver Valley |
Issue date: | 08/01/1984 |
From: | Clements R, David Jones DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20093N042 | List: |
References | |
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.C.1, TASK-TM PROC-840801, NUDOCS 8408010156 | |
Download: ML20093N048 (116) | |
- - _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - _ . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - . -
R. H. Clements Af.d.ft, _. l ( .b? :<,;..
D. T. Jones e Reviewed by: '
-e . .
. A.' Moore PS-2 Operations Supv.
L' M
.D. H. Williams BVPS-2 Startup Engineer n
D. L7 Skidmore Nuclear Station Oper. Supv.
M '
T. P. Noohan Station Supt. Unit 2 8408010156 840726 PDR ADOCK O$000412 F PDR '
L1 .
SECTION 1 Introduction I. The Procedures Generation Package (PGP) has been developed in response to Supplement 1 of NUREG-0737, part 7.2.b. Its purpose is to describe the process for translating generic Westinghouse Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) into plant specific Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). This description includes the work necessary to complete the initial draft of the function-oriented E0Ps and for maintaining these E0Ps after implementation.
II. The PGP consists of the following sections:
Section 1 - Introduction
- Section 2 - Initial Emergency Operating Procedure Development
- Plant Specific Technical Guidelines
- Program for Verification / Validation
- Section 3 - E0P Administrative Controls Following Initial Implementation
- Purpose
- Applicability
- Definitions
- Responsibilities
- References
- Instructions
- Appendices
- Tables and Figures
- Section 4 - Training Prcgram Description
- Section 5 - Reference Plant /BVPS Unit 2 Plant Comparison Section 6 - References l
SECTION 2 Initial Emergency Operating Procedure Development
- 1. Plant Specific Technical Guidelines A. The generic Westinghouse Owners Group ERGS, Rev. 1, dated September 1, 1983, which are based on the re-analysis of transients and accidents as described in NUREG-0737 item 1.C.1, will be used as the technical guidelines from which plant specific E0Ps will be drafted. The resulting E0Ps will direct operator actions to mitigate the consequences of plant accidents and transients while maintaining the plant in a safe condition without the need for prior diagnoses of the event.
B. The following major items were considered in the methodology used in translating the Westinghouse ERGS into plant specific E0Ps:
- 1. Identification of design differences between the Westinghouse reference plant and Beaver Valley Unit 2.
These differences are itemized in Section 5.
- 2. Mechanics of conversion
- 3. Plant specific technical information
- 4. Documentation requirements
- 5. Use of background documents supplied with the technical guidelines
- 6. Best use of extensive operating experience.
C. Mechanics of Conversion
- 1. The designated E0P writers obtained and reviewed the following E0P source documents appropriate to the specific procedure generated.
- a. Westinghouse Owners Group, Emergency Response Guidelines Revision 1, dated September 1, 1983.
- b. Corresponding Westinghouse Owners Group Background Documents (Procedure specific, and Generic Issues),
- c. Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 Final Safety Analysis Report.
- d. Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 Technical Specifications.
- e. As built plant drawings.
7 n -
- 2. -The-EOP draft was generated in accordance with the EOP Writers Guide contained in Section 3 Appendix A.
- a. By following the guidelines found in the generic ERGS and the EOP Writers Guide, the resulting draf t EOPs have been prepared utilizing acceptable human factors principles.
- b. The direct involvement of a human factors special-ist during the CRDR will further ensure the cor-rect application of human factors principles as applied to the draft EOPs during performance of the CRDR.
- 3. The designated E0P writer genera ted EOP drafts, attempting to follow to the maximum extent pos sible ,
the ERGS. A step by step correspondence between the draf t EOP and the ERG, although ideal, is most probably C not pos s ib le . It was therefore import ant that the writer; attempt to maintain consistency of intent between the EOP and the ERG, while incorporating those deviations deemed necessary to account for:
- b. Licensing commitments for BVPS Unit 2.
- d. Recommendations obtained from . BV-1 operator expe -
rience. .
- 4. " The EOP : writer will document all deviations as ident i-fie in Step ' 3 - above on the "EOP-ERG Deviation Form"
.(Figure 53.B-1 in Section 3). This documentation is necessary to:
- a. Provide required information during .EOP verifica-
~ tion.
- b. Provide required basis information during future EO revision.
- c. Provide documentation to allow for adequate evalu-stion' of the safety significance .of- the deviation during review prior to final approval.
Provide justificat ion for the deviation' during
vali dation of the EOP.
, s
- e. Demonstrate to the NRC, upon request, that all deviations to the ERGS have been recorded and the safety significance of each has been determined.
NOTE: Examples of deviations that do not constitute a change in mitigation strategy include:
- changes in wording to clarify the intent of a step
- change in step order to accommodate plant design
- deletion of a step to accommodate plant design
- addition of a step to accommodate plant design
- addition of notes, cautions or steps based on existing operating procedures, operator experience, or plant license commitments
- 5. If a significant deviation is determined to exist during the review, it can remain as part of the E0P provided an analysis has been prepared for review that demonstrate that the deviation is acceptable and that the plant can be brought to a safe condition.
- a. A deviation which has safety significance (significant deviation) shall be reported to the NRC along with the analysis or technical justification.
- 6. The POP writer will generate a background document providing a step by step description of the EOP in accordance with the BVPS Unit 2 EOP Background Document Writers Guide. (Appendix B of Section 3.)
D. Control Room Instrumentation and Centrols
- 1. The generic ERGS have as their basis, the re-analysis of transients and accidents from which the operator information and control needs necessary for mitigation of the events were identified. Consistency will be maintained between the operator information and control needs identified in the generic ERGS and the draft E0Ps.
- 2. The CRDR task analysis, which includes a verification of instrumentation activity, will utilize the draft E0Ps in order to:
> a.- - identify the ch aract eristics of the ins trument a-tion _ and controls needed to satisfy the operators information and control requirements..
- b. determine the availability and suitability of existing instruments and controls to satisfy these requirements.
- 3. _ The CRDR task analysis will be doc'uunt ed to provide fe ed- '
back to the EOP development ef fort and resolve any resulting human engineering deficiencies in ac cordance with the CRDR Program Plan.
'4. Deviations to 'the ERG background document equipment qualifi-cation statements need not be addressed as this issue is being documented separately under 10CFR50.49 and the review of instrumentation identified in Regulatory Guide 1.97. To do - so could influence the EOP development objective for maintaining ' consistency between the generic ERGS and draf t EOPs.
- a. . The results of the approved Regulatory Guide 1.97, Rev.
2, review of the NRC's Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for EV-2 will . provide feedback to the operation instru-
' mentation and control requirement , if required.
- b. Additilonal' deviations may be identified by the review of the NRC's SER and as such will be reviewed to deter-mine their safety significance. ,
-II., -
Program for Verification / Validation A. The programs - for verification and ' validation provide assur-ance that each draft E0P is:
1.- Technically correct in that it accurately reflects the
. generic technical guidelines.
- 2. Written correctly in that it accurately reflects the E0P Writers Guide.
- 3. -Useable in that the procedure can be understood and followed by -trained ope rato rs , 'without confusion, delays or errors.
- 4. Operationally correct in that there is a corre spo n-dence bet **een the procedure and the control room / plant hardware, and that the language and level of informa-tion presented in' the E0P is compatible with the mini-
- . mum number, qualification, training and experience of the operating staff. i
- 5. Capab le of directing the operating staff in managing emergency' conditions.
n b
f B. The verification program is described in Appendix F of Section 3.
- 1. The detailed . instructions of.this program provides the administrative process to be followed in determining if I('~
each E0P .is technically correct and written correctly.
This verification program includes:
L a. a process for identifying discrepancies
- b. a process for resolving discrepancies
- c. a feedback mechanism for evaluating changes to the E0P which may result from the verification process 3, 2. This verification program was prepared following guidance contained in the Emergency Operating Procedures
-Verification Guidelines written by the Emergency Operating Procedures Implementation Assistance (EOPIA)
Review Group and published by INPO.
C. The validation program includes: table ^op, control room
. walk-through and simulator validation.
- 1. The validation programs provide .the administrative process to be followed in determining if the procedure
- is useable and operationally correct. The validation program includes:
- a. a process for identifying discrepancies
- b. a process for resolving discrepancies
- c. a feedback mechanism for evaluating changes to the E0P which may result from the validation process.
- 2. All three programs will be used for validating E0Ps with one exception:
Due to the dual licensing concept sought by BVPS, the BVPS-1/BVPS-2 E0Ps will be duplicated as much as possible while allowing for plant specific differences.
BVPS-1 simulator validated E0Ps will be used when possible to validate the BVPS-2 E0Ps and plant specific differences which cannot be simulated by the BVPS-1 simulator will receive exte.nsive table-top validation and control room walk-through validation.
- 3. Detailed instructions for each of the validation r programs are included in Section 3. Each E0P will be i validated using at least one of the following methods:
- a. Table-Top Validation; Appendix C, Section 3 L._
- b. Control Room Walk-Through Validation; Appendix D, 1 Section 3 ,
- c. E0P Validation on the Simulator; Appendix E, Section 3 4 .' The criteria for selecting scenarios, when used, will be developed as part of the CRDR to assure procedures can be used by the operators in the control room with minimum shift staffing. The following bases will be used to select the final set of event sequences when developing a scenario so that:
- a. .They represent the example events that are recommended for analysis in Section 3.8 of NUREG-0700 as determined applicable.
- b. They represent a good cross-section of the operation of safety-related systems and equipment,
- c. They _ represent event sequences from Section 15 (Accident Analysis) of the FSAR.
- d. They represent a good cross-section of the events to which specific human factors engineering evaluation. criteria can be applied for which significant problem areas were identified during the CRDR operating experience review.
- 5. This validation program was prepared following the guidelines contained in the Emergency Operating Procedures Validation Guidelines written by the Emergency Operating Procedures Implementation Assistance (EOPIA) Review Group and published'by INPO.
- 6.-
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DUQUESNE LIGIIT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 Operations Startup Manual APPROVAL SilEET - NONADMINISTRATIVE UNIT 2 - OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER 53.B - Emergency Operating Procedures Executive Volume SECTION 1 - Generation, Revision, Review, and Approval of Emergency Operating Procedures Prelim Issue Rev. Approval Effective Nr. Pages Issued Signature j Date Date 0 i through 7. Appendix A i through 18 Appendix B
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2 f g/ Not to be issued until i through 6. Appendix C E0Ps are 1 through 5. Appendix D completed 1 through 6. Appendix E 1 through 6, Appendix F 1 through 3. Tables 53.B.1 through 53.B.4, !
Figures 53.B.1 through 53.B.18
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r BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
' Figure 53.B '
- lii - PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 idh
- t. BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume i
I. PURPOSE f- This procedure identifies and describes the process requirements for the preparation, revision, review and approval of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), and E0P supporting documents (eg.,
administrative procedures, background information).
II. APPLICABILITY This procedure applies to all station personnel, vendors and consultants who prepare or revise E0Ps.
A. BV-1 Control Room Simulator - A full scale model of the BV-1 Control Room that dynamically models plant operating characteristics and responses to a given set of conditions.
B. Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) - Symptom and function based plant procedures directing operator actions necessary-to mitigate consequences of transients and accidents.
C. Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) - Westinghouse Owners Groups (WOG) generic technical guidelines that provide the bases for the development of the E0Ps.
D. E0P Source Documents - Documents or records upon which E0Ps are based.
E. E0P Validation' - The evaluation performed to determine that the actions specified in the E0Ps will mitigate plant transients and accidents and that the E0Ps can be followed by trained operators to manage the emergency conditions in the plant.
F. Scenario - A structured plan of parameter and plant symptem changes that- provide operating cues for conducting the assessment of the E0Ps in the mitigation of plant transients and accidents.
G. Significant Deviation -
A difference between the ERGS and j E0Ps that changes the overall mitigation strategy or intent delineated by the ERG that is significant to safety.
H. Simulator Validation - A method of E0P validation whereby control room operators perform actual control functions on the BV-1 Control Room Simulator in response to a scenario for an observer / review team.
L. .
f V l b l l BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume o' I. Table-Top Validation - A method of E0P validation in a
!- classroom environment whereby qualified personnel explain l' and/or discuss E0P action steps, for an observer / reviewer in response to a scenario or as part of an actual industry operating experience review.
J. Walk-Through Validation - A method of E0P validation whereby control room operators conduct a step-by-step enactment in the control-room and plant, of their actions in response to a scenario for an observer / review team without carrying out the actual control functions. I IV. RESPONSIBILITIES i i
A. The Nvelear Station Superintendent is responsible for final approval of all E0Ps, E0P revisions, and revisions to E0P administrative procedures.
B. The Nuclear Station Operating Supervisor (NSOS) or his designee is responsible for the following:
- 1. Review and maintenance of E0Ps and E0P supporting documents.
- 2. Review and approval of all discrepancies discovered in such documents .during the review process prior to document implementation.
- 3. Assign appropriate personnel to draft or revise an E0P or refer the E0P to the appropriate station departments.
, V. REFERENCES LA. " Guidelines for .the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures", (NUREG-0899) August 1982.
.B. " Emergency- Operating Procedures Implementation Guidelines",
(INPO 82-016) June 1982.
C. " Emergency Operating Procedures Writing Guideline", (INPO 82-017) July-1982.
I' '
D. ; "Emergency Operating Procedures Verification Guideline",
(INPO 83-004) March 1983.
b -"Emergency Operating Procedures Validation Guidelines", (INPO
E .'83-006) July 1983.
F. " Westinghouse Owners Group Emergency Response Guidelines",
- (HP-Revision 1) September 1983.
.l Um
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume VI. INSTRUCTIONS A. The development of E0Ps, E0P revisions, or revision to E0P supporting documents (eg., administrative procedures, background information, etc.) shall be identified by the NSOS or his designee.
- 1. This type of activity will normally be initiated by:
- a. action by the WOG-ERG subcommittee
- b. plant modifications
- c. plant procedures revision
- d. feedback from plant operators or training group.
- 2. An E0P writer designated by the NSOS or his designee shall generate a draft E0P or E0P rev,ision in accordance with the following guidance: .
- a. Obtain and review appropriate E0P source documents for the E0P being generated to assure previous conclusions reached and assumptions made during the initial drafting of the E0P is not invalidated.
- WOG-ERG (most hurrent approved revision)
- WOG-ERG Background Documents (procedure specific and generic issues)
- BVPS Unit 2 Technical Specifications
- BVPS Unit 2 Operating Manual
- Previous E0P draft deviation sheets
- As built plant drawings (eg., P&ID, elementaries)
- Additional information as appropriate
- b. Any revision to the E0Ps not initiated by the WOG must be reviewed against the source documents.
This is to assure the mitigation strategy is maintained and that a deviation significant to safety is not incorporated which could invalidate the analysis which forms the basis for the acceptability of the symptom based ECPs.
g BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
- c. Follow to the maximum extent possible the ERGS or guidance provided by the WOG for all revisions to the E0Ps initiated by an ERG revision. This avoids, if possible, significant deviations which
. constitute a change in mitigation strategy. A step-by-step correspondence between the E0P draft and the ERG, although ideal, will most probably not be possible. Therefore, it is important that the writer ' attempt to maintain correspondence of intent, while incorporated those deviations deemed necessary to account for:
! 1) Known equipment / plant condit. ion differences between the ERG reference plant and BVPS Unit 2.
- 2) Resolutions of deviations identified in previous Ve'rification and Validation efforts.
- 3) BVPS 2 licensing commitments.
- 4) Operations deparement recommendations.
- d. Generate the draft or revision in accordance with the ." Writers Guide for . Emergency Operating
- Procedures", Appendix A of this procedure,
- e. Draft' a background information document or revise the existing background information document in accordance with " Writers Guide for E0P Background Information",. Appendix B of this procedure.
- f. . Document any deviations between the ERGS and
.the E0P on the "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" t (Figure 53.B-1). This documentation is required to:
'1) Provide required information during E0P
.c verifications.
I "
, 2)- Provide required basis information for future E0P revisions.
' 3 ) .. l Provide -documentation to allow for adequate evaluation of the safety significance of the deviation during the E0P review prior to final
? -approval.
4). Provide -justification of the deviation during validation of the E0P.
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
- Note
- Examples of deviations that do not constitute a change in mitigation strategy include, but not limited to:
- Changes in wording to clarify step intent.
- Changes in step order to accomodate plant design.
- Delet' ion or addition of steps to accomodate
. plant design.
- Addition of Notes, Cautions or Steps based on existing operating procedures, experience or.
licensing commitments.
- 3. All draft E0Ps or revisions to existing E0Ps shall undergo a procedure validation prior to implementation.
- a. Validation will demonstrate that the ' operating staff can manage the emergency. condition through the E0P's use and the E0P is operationally correct in respect to the following:
- 1) Usability -
i.e., the E0P can be understood and followed by trained operators, without confusion, delays or errors.
- 2) Technically correct -
i.e., there is a correspondence between the E0P and the control room / plant hardware.
- 3) Operationally correct - i.e., the language and level of information presented in the E0P is compatible with the minimum number, qualifications, training and experience of the operating staff.
- 4) Effective - i.e., there is a high level of assurance that the procedure will work.
- b. The NSOS or his designee shall determine the extent and duration of the E0P validation effort. This determination should be based on the complexity and scope of the draft or revision, but must address
.the usability, technical and operational correctness, and the effectiveness as described above.
- c. The validation evaluation criteria (Table 53.B-1) should be utilized when selecting specific methods PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
? \
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume of validation. The validation effort will consist of either a table-top, walk-through or simulator method of validation OR a combination of those methods.
- 1) The validation method and evaluation criteria shall be documented on the " Validation Evaluation Criteria", form-(Figure 53.B-2) for each draft E0P or E0P revision.
- d. Detailed instructions for performance and documentation of each method of validation are contained in:
- 1) Appendix C, " Detailed Instructions for Performance of Table-Top Validation".
- 2) Appendix D, " Detailed Instructions for Performance of Control Room Walk-Through Validation".
- 3) Appendix E, " Detailed Instructions for Performance of E0P Validation on the Simulator".
- 4. All draft E0Ps or E0P revisions shall undergo crocedure verification prior to implementation.
- a. Verification of the E0Ps will assute that consistency has been maintained between EOP source documents and the E0Ps by determining that they are:
- 1) Technically correct, i.e., they accurately reflect the generic technical guidelines.
( 2)~ ' Written correctly, i.e., they accurately i; follow the guidance of the " Writers Guide for Emergency Operating Procedures", Appendix A of this procedure.
- b. Detailed instructions for the performance and documentation of E0P ve'rification are contained' in
-Appendix F, " Detailed Instructions for Performance P 'of E0P. Verification", of this procedure.
'5. 'The- configuration of the -EOPs will be controlled by
callowing revisions only on an entire E0P set basis.
There will be N0 page-by page changes permitted for any p procedure in the . E0P - set. Due to the complex PRELIM. ISSUE REV 0 1
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s BVPS - E0P - 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume b', referencing and branching.that occurs within the E0Ps, revision to the complete set may be required if any step number changes are made.
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-END- l
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume I
APPENDIX A Writer's Guide For Emergency Operating Procedures O
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
~ A'.' Introduction 1
.B. Title Sheet 1 C. Procedure Title 1 ,
D. Procedure Numbering 1 (
E. Revision ~and Issue Numbering and Designation 2 l F. Page. Numbering 3 III. FORMAT. 3
' A. 'Page Format ~ 3 B. Procedure Organization 4 IV. WRITING INSTRUCTIONAL SHEETS 5
- A. Instruction Step Length and Content 5 B. Instruction Column 7 C. Response Not Obtained Column 7 D. Use of Logic Terms 7
- E. - Use of. Cautionary.Information and Notes 8 F. Calculations 9
.G. . Referencing and Branching to Other Procedures or Steps 10
.H. -Component Identification 10
- 1. Level of Detail 11 J. Printed Operator Aids 12
,(Continued on next page) t.-
C .1.
C f~
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
P_ age V. . MECHANICS OF STYLE 13 A. Spelling 13 B. Punctuation 13 C. Use of Underlining 14 D. Vocabulary 14 E. Numberical Values. 15 F.. Abbrevations, Letter Symbols, and Acronyms 16 VI. CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED CONDITIONS 17 A. Symptomatic Response / Unexpected Conditions and/or
, Critical-Safety Function Status Trees (CSF) 17 4
m p+
r BVES - E0P 2.53.B.1
~ Executive Volume APPENDIX A g ~I. ' INTRODUCTION m: - A .~ Purpose-
- 1. . The purpose of . this document- is to provide administrative and technical guidance on the preparation of Emergency . Operating Procedures - (EOPs) .
, B. Scope-
- 1. -This writers guide applies to the writing of all E0Ps and subsequent revisions to E0Ps.
II. E0P DESIGNATION AND NUMBERING A. .Each E0P shall be uniquely identified. This indentification will ; permit efficient- administration of the process of
. procedure. preparation, -review, revision, distribution, and operator use.
B. Title Page
- 1. One- Title Page shall_be placed in the front of the E0P set to identify and introduce the E0Ps (See Figure 53.B-
C. Procedure Title
- 1. Every procedure shall have its own descriptive name that summarizes the scope of that procedure or states the event which it is intended to mitigate.
2 .- The. title 'should be consistent with the generic guidelines title.
'D. Procedure Numbering
- 1. E0Ps are to be subdivided into 3 categories:
Procedure for diagnosis or mitigation of design a.
basis events (E-series).
- b. Function Restoration procedure (FR-series) to address or respond to a challenge to a Single Critical Safety Function.
w: .]
> BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
$- c. Emergency Contingency procedures (ECA-series) to
-address events that go beyond the design basis events and that are not easily covered in the E-series or which may complicate or reduce the effectiveness of the E-series procedures if
> included therein.
- 2. Alphanumeric Procedure Designators
- a. Design basis event procedures should be designated
.E, using the same number as designated by the generic guideline.
Example: E-0
- b. Subprocedures to these design basis event procedures should be designated as follows:
Example: E-0; ES-0.1, ES-0.2, etc.
- c. Function Restoration procedurs should be designated FR, using.the same alphanumeric system used by the ,
generic guideline.
Example: FR-H.3 FR-C.1, FR-I.2, etc.
- d. Emergency contingency procedures and subprocedures should be designated ECA, using the same decimal number used by the generic guideline.
Example: ECA-1.1, ECA-0.0, ECA-0.1, ECA-0.2. etc.
E. ' Revision.and Issue Numbering and Designation
- 1. 20ne or 'two ' digits following the word "REV" will be used
to designate the revision level of the E0P.
Example: ' REV ,0, or REV ,1,. .
Revision Level y
1 i
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- 2. One or two digits following the word " ISSUE" will be
-used to designate the revision level of the ERG utilized as a reference to the E0P.
Example: ISSUE ,1, Revision Level of the Reference ERG
- 3. The procedure revision and issue numbers are to be placed at the bottom right margin of each page.
- 4. To identify revisions to the text of an E0P, a change bar located in the left margin alongside the text change will be used to indicate a change in the left column, and a bar in the right margin will indicate the text change in the right column.
- 5. A Non-Administrative - Approval Sheet (See Figure 53.B-
- 4) will be maintained to track revisions. This Approval Sheet shall be placed behind the Title Sheet and shall record revisions for the entire E0P set.
F. Page Numbering
- 1. Each page of the procedure will be identified by:
- a. 13ue page number shall be specified as "PAGE OF
" to be centered at-the bottom of each page.
III. F_0RMAT A. Page Format
- 1. Each page of the E0Ps shall include the BVPS unit designator followed by the Operation Manual chapter number that the E0Ps will be placed in, at the upper right corner of the page.
Example: ,2,. 5 3 . A
- Operating Manual BVPS Unit Designator PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 w
m BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- 2. Each 'page of _ the E0Ps shall include a facility designator'and identification as an E0P which shall be centered on the top of each page.
Example: BVPS - E02 Precedure Type Designator Facility Designator
- 3. A dual-column format shall be used. The left-hand column is desinated for operator action or expected plant _ response, and the right-hand column is designated for contingency actions to be taken when the expected response is not obtained. A >smple page format is presented in Figure 53.B-5.
- 4. Step numbering and identification shall be in the format presented in Figure 53.B-5.
- 5. A -border shall frame the procedure page to ensure that information is not cut off of a page duling reproduction as shown on Figure 53.B-5.
~ 6 .' The margins of each procedure page shall allow sufficient space that the border is 41early visable and space exists- on the left side margin to allow hole punches for a standard ring binder.
- 7. The procedure steps should be separated by a minimum or-two line spaces. Procedure sub-steps shall be separated by a minimum of one line space.
B. ' Proc'edure Organization
- 1. Cover Sheet
- a. Each' procedure _shall have a Cover Sheet (See Figure r 53.B-6) which shall contain the following sections:
- 1) Procedure Number; which conforms to the requirements of II.D.I. and 2., " Procedure Numbering".
- 2) Title; which shall be stated for operator association with the symptoms.
- 3) Purpose; which states the purpose or intended objective of the procedure in a specific, concise form.
~ Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- 4) Symptoms or Entry Conditions; which includes 5 s only those alarms, indications,. operating conditions, automatic system actions, or other unique conditions that the, operator is to consider in deciding to use the EOP.
12 Operator Actions Section
- a. .The ~ remaining section of the procedure is the Operator Acticns Section which shall contain the following sections:
- 1) STEP; the actions or expected responses shall be numbered using alpha-numeric convention in a sequential order with circled steps indicating IMMEDIATE ACTION STEPS.
- 2) . ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE; operator actions and expected plant responses should be short concise identificable instructions that provide appropriate directions for the user.
, : 3)- RESPONSE JKnr OBTAINED; .these steps shall parallel.the ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE steps and provide operator' guidance when the expected plant- response specified is not obtained.
IV. ' WRITING ~ INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS A. Instruction Step Length and Content 1.- ' Instructions should be short'and concise. Genral rules to'be used-in meeting these objectives are as follows:
- a. Instruction' steps should deal with only one idea.
- b. Short, simple sentences should be used in preference to long, compound, or complex sentences, c._ Complex evolutions should be prescribed in a series l of- steps, with each step made as simple as practicable.
- d. Objects of operator actions should be specifically stated. This includes identification of exactly what is to be done and to what.
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- e. Limits should be expressed quantitatively whenever possible.
- f. Mandatory sequence of steps is assumed unless otherwise stated.
- g. Identification of components and parts should be complete.
- h. Instruction content should be written to communicate to the user.
- 1. Expected results of routine tasks need not be stated.
- j. When actions are required based upon receipt of an annunciated alarm, list the setpoint of the alarm for ease of verification.
- k. When requiring resetting or restoration of an alarm or trip, list the expected results immediately following the resetting or restoratAon if it would be beneficial to the operator.
- 1. When considered beneficial to the user for proper understanding and performance, describe the system response time associated with performance of the instruction.
- m. When system response dictates a time frame within which the instruction must be accomplished, prescribe such time frame. If possible, however, avoid using time to initiate operator actions.
Operator actions should be related to plant parameters,
- n. Units of measure specified in procedural steps shall be consistent with actual units used on plant instruments.
- o. When anticipated system response may adversely effect instrument indications, describe the conditions that will likely introduce instrument error and means of determining if instrument error has occured by using a NOTE.
- p. When additional confirmation of system response is considered necessary, prescribe the backup readings to be made.
?ii BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
'S Executive Volume
'B. Instruction Column
- 1. The left column of the dual-column format will contain the operator instructional steps. The following rules are established for this column, in addition to the general rules above.
- a. Expected indications should be presented in this column.
- b. Operator actions in this column should be appropriate for the expected indications.
C. Response Not Obtained Column
- 1. Contingency actions will be presented in the right column of the dual-column format. Contingency actions are operator actions that should be taken in the event a stated condition, event or task does not represent ,or achieve the expected result. The need for contingency action occurs in' conjunction with. tasks involving verification, observation, confirmation and monitoring.
- 2. Contingency ~
actions will be specified for each circumstances in which the expected results or actions might not be achieved. The contingency actions should identify, as appropriate, directions to override automatic controls and to initiate manually what is normally automatically initiated.
D. Use of Logic Terms
- 1. The logic terms AND, QR, NOT, IF, IF NOT, WHEN, and THEN are describe precisely a set of conditions
.or sequence of actions. When logic statements are used, logic terms will be highlighted so that all the conditions are clear to the operator. Emphasis will be achieved by using capitilization and underlining. All letters of the logic terms shall be capitalized and the logic term shall be underlined.
- 2. The use of AND and QR within the same action should be avoided. When AND.and OR are used together, the logic can be very ambiguous.
- 3. The dual-column format used equates to the logic, IF NOT the action in the left column, THEN follow the action specified .in the right column. Refer to Figure 53.B-5.
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
. Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- 4. Use other logic terms as follows:
- a. When attention should be called to combinations of
, -1 conditions, the word AND should be placed between the description of each condition. The word AND should not be used to join more than .three conditions.
If four or more conditions need to be joined, a list format should be used.
9: ,
- b. The word OR should be used when calling attention to alternative combinations of conditions. The use of the word OR should alcays be in the inclusive sense. To specify the exclusive "0R" the following may be used: "either A OR B but not both".
- c. When action steps are contingent upon certain conditions or combinations, the step shall begin with the word IF or WHEN followed by a description of. the condition or conditions (the antecedent), a comma, the word THEN followed by the action to be taken .(the consequent). WHEN is used for an expected condition. IF is used for an unexpected but possible condition.
- d. Use- of' IF NOT should be limited to those cases in
-which the operator must. respond to the second of two possible conditions. IF should be used to specify-the first condition.
- e. THEN should not be used at the end of an action step to instruct-the operator to perform the next-step because it runs actions together.
E. Use'of Cautionary Information and Notes
-1. Because the' present' action-step wording is reduced to.
the minimum essential, certain additional information is-sometimes desired, or necessary, and cannot be'merely included in. training. This non-action information is presented as either a NOTE or a CAUTION.
u a. - CAUTION describes some potential hazard to personnel. or . equipment associated with the following instructional step.
- b. NOTE .is used to present advisory or administrative information necessary to support the following action instruction.
v:n BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- 2. The' entire contents of a CAUTION or NOTE should be able to be read completely without interruption by intervening steps and shall be completed on the same page started.
- 3. CAUTIONS and NOTES should be accurate and concise.
4.- The following format shall be used to denote a CAUTION:
- a. To distinguish a CAUTION from action steps, a box composed of astrisks will outline the CAUTION information and will extend across the entire page as shown in Figure 53.B-5.
- b. .The word CAUTION shall be underlined and printed in large type.
- c. The CAUTION information will immediately precede the. step to which it applies.
- d. Multiple statements included under a single descriptive heading shall be separetly identified.
- 5. The following format shall be used to denote a NOTE:
- a. To distinguish a NOTE from action steps and CAUTION information, the NOTE shall be enclosed in boxes (framing) and will extend across the entire page as shown in Figure 53.B-5.
- b. The word NOTE shall be underlined and printed in large type,
- c. The NOTE will immediately precede the step to which it applies.
- d. Multiple statements included under single descriptor heading shall be separately identified.
- 6. As a general rule, neither a CAUTION or NOTE will be used to replace an instruction / operator action step.
However, procedure transitions can be included as non-action information in a NOTE when absolutely necessary.
F. Calculations
- 1. Mathematical calculations should be avoided in the E0Ps.
If a value has to be determined in order to perform a PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
m e
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A procedural step, a chart or graph should be used whenever possible.
G. Referencing and Branching to Other Procedures or Steps
- 1. Referencing implies that an' additional procedure or
, additional steps will be used as a supplement to the procedure presently being used.
- a. Referencing other steps within the procedure being used, either future steps or completed steps, should be minimized.
b .~ .When only a few steps would be involved in the
. referencing, the steps- should be stated in the procedure as they are needed.
- 2. -To minimize potential operator confusion, branching will be used when the operator is to leave one procedure or step and use another procedure or step.
- a. Use the key words."GO T0" to direct the operator to leave the present step and not return until Jdirected.
- b. Specify .information ~as to procedure and step
' directed to.
- 3. -Use the key words " Refer to" when the operator is directed to use a procedure'or attachment as a guideline concurrently with.the procedure in use.
O '4; Use quotation marks to 2emphasize the title of the referenced or< branched procedure; examples: GO-TO E-1,
" Loss of Reactor Coolant"; GO T0 Step 20.
6 H. 1 Component Identification
- 1. With. respect :to' identificat' ion. of components, the
-following rules are to be followed:
[r p--
( a. Equipment, . controls, and displays will be h identified in operator language (common usage) h;4J terms. These terms may not always match engraved y
names on panels but will be complete.
- b. When the engraved. names and numbers on- panel placards and alarm windows- are specifically the item of concern in the procedure, the~ engraving t- >
~ '
fi r
y ^
y, -
- ~
- (
BVPS -EOP 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A e
should be quoted verbatim and emphasized by using
- all capitals.
- c. The ' names of plant system titles are emphasized by initial, capitalization.,When the word " system" is
. deleted ,from 1the' title because of brevity and is understood because of the context, the title is also emphasized by initial capitalization.
'd. If. the component is seldom used, or if felt-that.the component would be difficult to find, the benchmark- information should be specified in brackets and location information should follow.
Example: [2 SIS *MOV864A] at BB-A I. Level of Detail'
'E 1. Too' much : detail in E0Ps should be avoided in the interest - of . being able- to effectively execute the instructions .in a timely manner. The level of detail required is the detail that a newly trained and licensed operator would desire during emergency conditions.
~2. To assist: in determining the level of E0P detail, the-Efo11owing general rules apply.
- a. Fo'r control circuitry. that executes an entire
' function upon actuation'of the control switch, the action'_ verb appropriate to the-component suffices without further' amplification of how to manipulate the- control device; for example "CLOSE Pressurizer L
-Spray Valves [2RCS-7CV455A(455B)]". . Recommended action verbs are as follows:
- For power-driven rotating equipment, use START, STOP.
- For valves, use OPEN, CLOSE, or THROTTLE.
- For power distribution breakers, use SYNCHRONIZE,
- For control switches with a positional placement that establishes a standby readiness condition, the verb " Set".should be used, along with the engraved name of the desired' position. Positional placements are typically named "AUT0" or " NORMAL"; for example, L SET PORV control switches in AUTO.
. - . - -_- -.__.-.,,.,,,_-4
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L BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A
- For multiposition control switches that have more than one position for a similar function, placement to the desired position should be specified; for example, " Place Sample Return Valve Control Switch in NORMAL".
- Standard practices for observing for abnormal results need not be prescribed within procedural steps.
For example, observation of noise, vibration, erratic flow, or discharge pressure need not be specified by steps that start pumps.
J. Printed Operator Aids
- 1. When information is presented using graphs, charts, tables, and figures, these aids must be self explanatory, legible and readable under the expected conditions of use' and within the reading precision of the operator.
- 2. Units of Measure i a. Units of measure on figures, tables, and attachments should be given for numerical values that represent observed, measurement data, or calculated results. A virgule (slant line) should be. used instead of "per". For example: ft/sec.,
lbs/hr., etc.
- 3. Titles and headings
- a. Capitalization should be used for reference to tables, figures, titles of tables, figures within text. material,'and column headings within a table.
Examples: Refer to Figure 201 for . . .
as shown in Table 20 . . .
Equipment Power Supplies, etc.
Figure, Table, and Attachment Numbering 4.
- a. . Sequential arabic numbers should be assigned to figures, tables, and attachments. In separate The sequence should correspond with the series.
order of their reference in.the text. The symbol
"#" and abbreviat' ion "No." are unnecessary and should not be used. The number alone suffices.
-Ii u
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-BVPS -~EOP. 2.53.B.1 E '
Executive Volume
. APPENDIX A n-ll Examples: Figure 1,' Figure 2, etc. Table 1, Table 2, etc. Attachment 1, Attachment 2, etc.
1 lb. Page ' identification for attachments should consist of a block of information that identifies:
- 1) Procedure number
- Attachment number
- 3) Page number
- 4) Revision number Page numbering _ of attachments shall conform with the requirementsSection II.F.1.a., "Page Numbering". The first page of an Attachment will be PAGE 1 0F __.
. l. Spelling should be consistent with modern usage. When a choise of spelling is offered by a dictionary, the first spelling should be used.
B. Punctuation-
.i. Punctuation should be used- only as necessary to aid reading and prevent misunderstandings. Word order
- . > should be selected-to require a minimum of punctuation.
When extensive punctuation is necessary for clarity, the sentence should be rewritten and possibly made into several sentences. Punctuation should be in accordance with:the following rules:
- a. Brackets - shall be used to indicate equipment benchmark numbers.- (i.e., [2RSS*I'21A(P21B)(P21C)(P21D)] .
- b. Colon -
shall be used to indicate that a list of items is to follow, for example: Restore cooling flow as follows:.....
- c. -Comma -
Use of many commas is a sign the instruction is too complex and needs to be rewritten. Therefore, evaluate the number of commas to' ensure the instruction is not too complex. Use a comma after conditional phrases for PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 v
BVPS'- E0P 2.53.B.1
. Executive Volume APPENDIX A clarity and ease of reading. Example: WHEN level decreases to 60 inches, THE_N start pump ....
'd. Parentheses - shall be used to indicate alternative
. items in a procedure or instruction. Usually denotes B train components (i.e.,
[2 SIS *MOV836A(8363)].
- e. Periods -
shall be used at the end of complete sentences and for indicting the decimal place in numbers.
- f. Capitalization - shall be used to emphasize the directing of equipment operation, for example:
CLOSE PRZR PORV(s). "GO T0" shall be capitalized I when directing branching to other procedures. All accronyms and logic words shall be captialized.
- g. Hyphenation -
shall be used between elements of a
. compound word'when standard usage calls for it.
When . doubt exists, the compound word should be restructured to avoid hyphenation.
C. Use of Underlining
- 1. Underlining will be used for emphasis of the following items:
- a. The major task defined in each step.
- b. Logic terms (i.e., ,IF, THEN, IF NOT, etc.)
- c. Heading's of _ CAUTIONS and NOTES (i.e., CAUTION, NOTE).
d '. Headings of l Attachments, and . columns in attachments' .
D. Vocabulary 1; Words used . in procedures should convey precise understanding for. a trained person. The following rules apply:
- a. Use simple words. Simple words are usually short 4
words offfew syllables, Use common usage if it makes the procedure easier b.
to understand.
w1 _
L. 'h 9' R.s: G .
, -h
[ BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 og Executive Volume th ,
i ' APPENDIX'A y .:
}'. -
- c. Use .words that are concrete rather than vague, specific rather than general, familiar rather than formal, precise rather than blanket.
'd. Define key words that may be understood in more than one sense.
- s. Verbs with specific meanings should be used.
.f. Equ5pmentOtatusshouldbedenotedasfollows:
.,,. 1) [ Operable / operability-Thesewordsmeanthata
~ ' system, subsystem, train, component, or device Q , is capable of performing its specified QA. q, function (s) in the intended manner. Implicit. -
i in' this definition is the assumption that all
@g~ y,,,necessary attendent instrumentation, controls, C- s ' normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other m'N auxiliary equipment required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing related support function (s).
- 2) Operating - This word means that a system, subsystem, train, component, or device is in service and is performing its specified
, function (s) and that, Equipment Clearances, or I other -conditions do not prevent 'it from 3 y maintianing that service.
'Q, ' '
- 3) Available -
This ord' means that a system, subsystem, train, component, or device is operable and can be used as desired; however, j it need not be in service, s
, 4) Additional terms are listed in Table 53.B-2.
E.- Numerical Values
- 1. The use of numerical values should be consistent with the following rules:
- a. Arabic numerals should be used.
- b. Far-' numbers less than unity, the decimal point
< should be preceded by a zero; for example 0.1.
m 7' % ;
- PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 s t j,',. S'
. s.
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX A k-
- c. The number of significant digits should be equal to the number of significant digits available from the display and the reading precision of the operator.
- d. Acceptance values should be specified in such a way that addition and subtraction by the user is avoided if possible. This can generally be done by stating acceptance values as limits. Examples:
510F maximum; 300 psig minimum; 580 to 600F. For calibration points, statement of the midpoint and its lower and upper limits would accomplish the same purpose: For example: 10 mil 11 amperes (9.5 to 10.5). Avoid using i.
- e. Engineering units should always be specified for numerical values of process variables. They should be the same as those used on the control room displays, for example: psig instead of psi.
F. Abbreviations, Letter Symbols, And Acronyms
- 1. The use of abbreviations should be minimized because they may be confusing to those who are not throughly familiar with them. Abbreviations may be used where necessary to save time and space, and when their meaning unquestionably is clear to the intended reader.
Consistency should be maintinaed through the procedure.
- 2. Capitalization of abbreviations should be uniform. If 1 the abbreviation is comprised of lower case letters, it L should appear in lowercase in a title or heading. The period should be omitted in abbreviations except in cases where the omission would result in confusion.
- 3. Letter symbols may be used to represent operations, qualities, elements, relations and quantities.
- 4. An acronym is a type of symbol formed by the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or
- major parts of a compound term. Acronyms may be used if
( they are defined, or commonly used.
- 5. Abbreviations, symbols, and acronyms should not be g
overused. Their use should be for the benefit of the p reader. They can be beneficial by saving reading time, ensuring clarity when space is limited and communicating mathematical ideas.
- g. ,- .=---
1 P
2.53.B.1 BVPS!- E0P
- Exectitive Volume w:- ,; APPENDIX A-4 NN 6. Refer >to Table 53.B-3 for a list of approved acronyms
.and' abbreviations,.
- g
- . r I . A .- Since[ plan't!symptomchangesmayoccur,itemsnotidentified h{c4Q L- p'# M(a '
ijf %. +.#
by;the~ E0P are' addressed by -the use- of: " Symptomatic
-Response / Unexpected- Conditions"' and/or " Critical Safety Furiction -Status Trees".
- 4. .. .
n 11./ ' Symptomatic Response / Unexpected Conditions
-^ ., x . t" 3 _
- a. Provides a mechanism to identify operator actions
- . -that;should he performed any time a listed symptom appears during the performance of an E0P.
y s
< h. The ,information listed will be contained on one page'in the format presented in Figure 53.B-7.
. J' ; .
y_y , c .
g, .,
c.: - A Symptomatic Response / Unexpected Conditions sheet
- pQ- 7 # fJ will beLprovided for each E-series and ECA-series
g s procedure which will appear. on the back side of
each page'in t6e procedure body.
1 ts .
- 2. _ Critical Safety,Funcelon Status Trees.(CSF)
.-h ,) e '
M -j- 7 a. Provides- Ta.~ mechanism to* address potential
_., y,,.s s> k ,P wu challenges to'thelstate of plant safety that could hM '
Q my occur at any' time'during an E0P which would require a transition to a FRP.
v c
, ., f b. The CSF should be formated as presented in Figure
,.U ,
R?erj 53.B-8.
Y j j , c. The information shall- be compJeted on one page and
/ *6 be assidned its own unique: number. i.e., F-0.1, y !';
etc. , ,
f ,1 2, ,
M d. Line pattern / coding shall be provided from each hn f/,p i
, last branch,topits terminum which will be referred
- ' 3 .- -"
1 i to as colored <p"aths in the E0Ps and FRPs as M4
. follows: oi W. *: -
.g :x ,
, ;. m. '~
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume 9 .
- e. Severity- Designation RED path. solid heavy lines
, ORANGE path dashed heavy lines
-YELLOW path dotted heavy lines GREEN path hollow lines n=
., ' k I-,,_
'.4-". y I
, e
<' 's 4 .,.
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX B Writer's Guide For Emergency Operating Procedures Background Information PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
A b 'q -
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1 4 ,,,
. BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
, Executive Volume APPENDIX B 'l TABLE OF CONTENTS Page
- A'.' ; Background Informatica Title Sheet 1
-B. Table of Contents 1
,C. , Chapter Title Sheets' 1
>- .D. Revision'and Draft Numbering, Designation, and Approval 1 JE. ,Page Numbering and Designation 2 F .' . Station and Unit Designation 2
-G. Content: 2
- B. Printed Format 5
+x .
9 3 .I L :.-
1 -
.. n-,
k 2 I'
V BVPS - E0P - 2.53.B.1
' Executive Volume a
APPENDIX B I. -PURPOSE The purpose of this detailed instruction is to provide guidance in
.the preparation of Background Information for E0Ps, to ensure uniformity in the information presented.
II. SCOPE This writers guide applies to the writing of all 60P Background i[CF Information Documents and their subsequent revisions, y
III. FORMAT A. Background Information Title Sheet
- 1. The completed set of E0P Background Information will have a title sheet as shown in Figure 53.B-9.
B. Table of Contents
- 1. A table of contents will be placed behind the title sheet listing the E0P Background Documents covered in
- the same sequence as the E0P set.
C. -Chapter Title Sheets
- 1. _Each E0P Background Information package shall have a
' title sheet as shown in Figure 53.B-10.
- 2. This title sheet shall have the same procedure title and number as it's associated E0P.
D. _ Revision and DraftLNumbering, Designation, and Approval
- 1. A standard -BVPS-2 Non-Administrative Approval Sheet shall be placed after the Background Information Title Sheet. This sheet -identifies the revision level and individual EOPs and pages affected by each revision.
- 2. Each .page of the Background Information package shall
. clearly identify revisions in effect as follows:
- a. Numbers- following the word "REV" shall be used to designate the revision level of the Background
Information Package.
- b. The revision number will be placed in the lower right margin of each page of the background 1- PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
+u .
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX B information . package directly beneath the Issue number of the E0P.
- c. Revisions to the text will be clearly marked by a revision bar in the right margin of the affected pages adjacent to the change.
- d. The revision level shall be the same as that of its associated E0P.
- 3. Each page of the' Background Information Packahe shall clearly identify its issue in effect as follows:
- a. Numbers following the word " ISSUE" shall be used to designate the Issue level.
- b. The issue level shall be the same as the latest revision level of the source WOG-ERG. i.e., WOG-ERG REVISION 1 shall be denoted on the E0P Background Documents ISSUE 1.
- E. Page Numbering and Designation
- 1. Each page. shall be sequentially numbereo using arabic numbers.
'2. The page number shall be specified by: "PAGE OF ".
F. Station and. Unit Designation
-1. :Each page shall include a station designator and indication that the document is part of the E0P series located at the top of each page.
i.e., BVPS - E0P
"'~~ Procedure Series Designator Beaver Valley Power Station Designator
- 2. Each page:.shall include the BVPS unit designator followed by the Operating Manual Chapter in which the document is placed which will be located in the upper right =argin of each page.
i.e., ,2L. 5 3. B
' Operating Manual Chapter BVPS Unit 2 Designator
- G. ' Content PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 L-
mr -
M BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX B
Y :a r ~ 1. Each background informaticn package shall contain the following sections . arranged as shown on referenced h figures.
- Introduction (Figure 53.B-11)
- Recovery / Restoration Techniques (Figure 53.B-11) s
- Step Description Tables (Figures 53.B-12)
The information presented in each section is explained in Section IV of this Appendix.
IV. ORGANIZATION-A. The ' background information package for each E0P should be arranged as follows and present the following information:
- 1. T,itle Sheet -conforming to the requirements of Section III.C.
- - 2. Introduction presenting the same information found on the E0P cover sheet including:
- A discussion of event symptoms the E0P is intended to mitigate
- A discussion of possible entry conditions, transitions or symptoms
- A discussion of possible exit conditions.
- 3. . Recovery / Restoration Techniques presenting a discussion of the operator stratagies involved while performing the major action steps of the E0P. This consist of the follosing.
- a. High Level Action Summary -
provides the major catagery of operator actions to be discussed prior to entry into the more specific details provided in the step description tables.
- b. Key Decision Points presents situations covered in the E0P where the operating staff would probably request TSC staff- advice, i.e., when alternate response stratagies may be available.
- 4. Step Description Tables provide a separate detailed description for each Step, Caution or Note by providing
., BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 r Executive Volume APPENDIX B C
the following information items. When an item is not
- applicable, it should be denoted N/A and not left blank t or deleted.
= a. STEP, CAUTION OR NOTE - Repeats the High-Level Step, CAUTION or NOTE verbatum.
- b. PURPOSE - summarizes the purpose or intent of the 7 step, caution or note.
- c. BASIS -
Explain or technically justify the
, requirement to perform the referenced step. This step should state any assumptions made and describe
[L any unique step construction or objective intended.
This step may also be used to explain any theory
- behind the specified corrective action.
h d. ACTIONS - List the decisions the operator is required to make and any task he must perform. It l: should summarize the actions performed by the E0P i step. Contingency actions should be included.
- e. INSTRUMENTATION - List preferred instrumentation or
, indications the operator should use to perform a required task or monitor plant conditions. This list should also include the benchboard
[ identification of required instrumentation.
- f. CONTROL / EQUIPMENT - List the controls or equipment which the operator is expected to use to perform a task. This section should also provide benchmark identification of required equipment controls.
- g. KNOWLEDGE - List knowledge or training requirements that are unique to the understanding or prformance of the step which is beyond the knowledge required by operator training for day-by-day normal plant operations.
- 1. Spelling should be consistent with modern day usage.
When a choice of spelling is offered in a dictionary, the first spelling should be used.
y BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume 1
- 2. Punctuation should be consistent with " Writers Guide for
. Emergency Operating Procedures",
(Appendix A) Section
- 3. Grammatical style in the usage cf sentences and phrases should take the following into consideration:
- Sentence construction should imitate normal conversational' style.
- Overly long and/or complex sentences should be avoided.
- Complete sentences-should be used in all sections requiring text.
- Phrases may be used in supplying lists.
- Additional grammatical guidance is found in Appendix A.
- 4. The vocabulary or choice of words selected must convey
. j, precise meaning to the expected readers. Simple words j[ typical of common usage by the operators are preferred.
- 5. . Acronyms and abbreviations should be consistant with usage in the E0P. Some approved acronyms and abbreviations are listed in Table 53.B-3.
- 6. Details presented in background information should provide the following:
- The theory behind'the performance of a step to the maximum extent possible.
- sufficient information.such that it can be utilized to train operators in the implementation of the E0Ps.
- sufficient description of components utilized in the E0P to mitigate the accident such as to avoid operator confusion in identification of equipment.
B. Printed Format
- 1. A minimum of one and one-hall inch left side margin shall be used to permit use of a standard ringed binder without punching holes in written matter.
- 2. A minimum of one inch right side margin is permitted.
1 BVPS - EOP 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX B
- 3. A minimum of one line space shall be permitted between a major subject heading and the following subject matter.
- 4. A minimum . of one line space shall be permitted between the-subject matter of one major subject and subsequent
- major subject heading.
-END-4 3
J s
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i BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C Detailed Instructions For Performance of Table-Top Validation PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
F BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C I. PURPOSE The purpose of this detailed instruction is to provide guidance in performing table-top validation of E0Ps and to ensure uniformity in documentation of E0P table-top validation.
II. VALIDATION PROCESS A. The validation process will be conducted in three parts; preparation, assessment and resolution.
- 1. The preparation phase of validation includes actions required of various members of the assigned Review Team to ensure satisfactory completion of the review.
- a. Review Team Chariman
- 1) The Review Team Chairman will normally be the author of the draft E0P or the revision being considered.
- 2) The Review Team Chairman shall:
a) Select the approach used for this validation method which may consts of:
- a step-by-step, word-by-word review, or
- evaluation against some scenario.
b) If a scenario is selected it need not be described in detail but should ensure that all " Action / Expected Responses" and
" Response Not Obtained" steps are examined. This description shall be documented on the " Table-Top Validation Summary Form" (Figure 53.B-13) and shall include as a minimum:
- Initial plant conditions at the time of the event, including status of all major ECCS equipment.
- Plant operating history prior to event 1- PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
10, BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C
- A list of actions that will have been accomplished during performance of E0Ps prior to entry into the E0P under review
- Assumption concerning plant response to operator actions
- Necessary information to guide the review flow path at transition points (i.e., plant response that guide the review team through the proceduro vice transition to a different procedure).
c) Select the appropriate evaluation criteria to be applied during this phase of validation from Table 53.B-1 and obtain the necessary approval on form
" Validation Evaluation Critiera" (Figure 53.B-2).
d) Ensure all members of the Review Team are provided- the draft E0P or revision, appropriate E0P background documents, scenario description (if appropriate) and a list of the evaluation criteria to be applied. These materials should be made availabe prior to the meeting to allow the- team members an opportunity for familiarization.
e) Ensure the applicable deviation forms "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" (Figure 53.B-1) are available for review during the Assessment Phase,
- b. The required number of Review Team Members will be selected by the procedure author with the concurrence of the NSOS or his designee.
- 1) The ' review team. members will normally consist of:
a) The designated review team chairman b) Senior Reactor Opsrator c) Reactor Operator d) Shift Technical Advisor PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 L:-
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C e) A member of the Training Department staff f) Any additional members required as determined by the review team chairman.
- 2) The review team members should, upon receiving the draft E0P or revision, review the material and familiarize themselves with the draft and the criteria for evaluation. They should record any comments, criticism or recommendations appropiate for reference during the Assessment Phase.
- 2. The assessment phase of the validation will consist of a review of the draft E0P or E0P revision by the Review Team, and will be conducted in a seminar environment.
Members of the team will perform the following functions:
- a. Review Team Chairman will direct the review effort by:
- 1) Reviewing with the team the approach selected for this validation effort (eg. use of a scenario, or word-by-word review).
- 2) Reviewing with the team the evaluation criteria to be applied (Figure 53.B-2).
- 3) Initiating the team review.
- 4) Pointing out each deviation from the WOG guidelines during the course of team review and explaining the justification for the deviation. (Figure 53.B-1)
- 5) Directing the team through the successful completion of the E0P by providing necessary plant response information at key transition points.
b, Review Team Members shall:
- 1) Participate in the review of the E0P draft and make comments, criticisms, or recommendations appropriate to the procedure by applying the evaluation criteria.
6 y
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C
- 2) Evaluate 'each deviation from the ERGS to L determine if the change constitutes a change t in over all strategy significant to safety and
. if f the strategy presented by the WOG is acceptable for BVPS Unit 2.
- c. Review Team Recorder shall ensure that the required validation documentation is- initiated during the team review. This documentation consists of:
- 1) " Table-Top Validation. Summary Form" (Figure 53.B-13).
- 2) " Validation Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-
- 14) recording all comments, or recommendations made during the review.
- 3) Recording any additional deviations from the ERGS that the team identified on "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" (Figure 53.B-1).
- 3. The resolution phase of the validation will consist of evaluating and resolving all discrepancies identified during the Assessment Phase.
- a. The Review Team Chairman will:
- 1) Review all discrepanices recorded during the ,
assessment phase.
- 2) Research and propose resolutions for all discrepancies.
- 3) Forward the proposed resolutio'ns for all ;
discrepancies, the discrepancy sheets and the Validation- Summary Form to the NSOS and Procedures Group for review and incorporation of resolutions into final draft E0Ps.
- 4) Determine with the concurance of the NSOS or his designee if follow-up Validation or Verification of the E0P draft or revision is required.
- b. The responsible Procedures Engineer will incorporate the proposed resolutions into the procedure following the appropriate reviews and approvals.
J BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX C
, -III. DOCUMENTATION-I 'A . The following documentation of Table-Top Validation shall be maintained for each draft E0P or E0P revision.
- 1. Completed " Table-Top Validation Summary Form" (Figure 53.B-13).
- 2. Completed " Validation Discrepancy Sheets" from assessment phase.(Figure 53.B-14).
- 3. Completed " Validation Evaluation Criteria" sheets used ,
during the review (Figure 53.B-2).
- 4. A completed "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" for each deviation (Figure 53.B-1).
-END-i s
t} '
" '----------h.._____ _ _ _
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX D Detailed Instructions for Performance of Control Room Walk-Through Validation PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
c = -
- BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX D I. : PURPOSE The purpese of this detailed instruction is to provide guidance in performing control room walk-through validation of E0Ps and to ensure uniformity in documentation of the validation.
'II. VALIDATION PROCESS A .- This validation process will be conducted in three parts; preparation, assessment and resolution.
1.- The preparation phase of validation includes actions
~ required of various members of the assigned l Observer / Reviewer Team to ensure satisfactory completion j
"' of.the review.
.a. The NSOS shall:
- 1) Designate an individual knowledgeable in E0P i usage and formatting as the Team Leader who ]
shall: i la) Obtain and become familiar with the appropriate. source documents.
b)- Select the.' approach for this validation l
- ', method which'may consist of
- ;
- a! step-by-step, word-by-word examination,:or
- evaluation against some scenario to
-exercise specific portions of the
.EOP draft. j c)- If a scenario is selected it need not be ;
described in detail but should ensure ,
that. all " Action / Expected Responses"La'nd
" Response Not Obtained" steps are l l
examined. This description should be documented on the " Table-Top Validation s
, Summary Form" (Figure 53.B-13) and'should o , include as a minimum:
- Initial plant conditions at the time of the event, including status of all major ECCS equipment. ,
l 1- PRELIM ISbOE REV 0 h([ >
m BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX D v:
" ^' ~
- Plant operating history prior to event ,
- A list of actions that will have been accomplished during performance of E0Ps prior i to entry of the E0P under review
- Assumption concerning plant response to operator actions
- Necessary information to guide the review flow path at transition points (i.e., .
plant responses that guide the review team through the procedure vice transition to a different procedure).
d') Select the appropriate evaluation criteria to be applied during this phase of validation from Table 53.B-1 and obtain the necessary approval on form
" Validation Evaluation Criteria" (Figure 53.B-2). (
e) Ensure all members of the Review Team are provided the draft E0P or revision, appropriate E0P background documents, scenario description (if applicable) and a list of the evaluation criteria to be applied during the walk-through/ talk-through validation. These materials should be'made available prior to the meeting to allow the team members an opportunity for familiarzation.
f) Select one of the following options for performing this validation method and then organize the observer / review team.
- one-on-one; one observer / reviewer and one operator.
- one-on-crew; one observer / reviewer and one operating crew.
- team-on-crew; observer / reviewers and the operating crew.
- team-on-one; observer / reviewers and one operator.
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX D g) The Team Leader will select team members with the concurrence of the NSOS or his designee.
- 2) Select a typical operating crew to exercise the draft E0P or E0P revision.
- b. Observer / Review Team
- 1) The observer / review team may consist of the following depending upon the option selected for conducting this validation effort.
a) The designated Observer / Review *1eam Leader.
b) A member with experience applying human factors principles, c) A member of the procedure writing staff (when required).
d) A Senior Reactor Operator e) Additional data takers as determined necessary by the team leader.
- 2) The review team members should upon receiving the draft E0P or revision, review the material and familiarize themselves with the draft and the criteria for evaluation. They should record any comments, criticism or recommendations appropriate for reference during the Assessment Phase.
- 2. The assessment phase of the validation will consist of a step-by-step walk-through in the control room aad plant of the draf t E0P or E0P revision being validated. The members of the Observer / Review Teams shall perform the following functions:
- a. Team Leader will direct the effort by:
- 1) Briefing the operator (s) participating in the walk-through on the draft E0P or E0P revision, and the intent of the walk-through. The briefing will consist of:
- an explanation of the objective of the PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
c 4:
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
-Executive Volume APPENDIX D 4 (
n '
C assessment including what the operators are expected to do.
- reviewing the team approach selecte'd for this validation effort.(eg., use of scenarios,
- or word-by-word review).
- an explanation of the criteria provided on Figure 53.B-2, " Validation Evaluation Criteria",
that will be used in evaluating the procedure A
or revision.
- an explanation of the overall strategy'of the procedure or revision.
- a description of any scenario (s) to be used during the walk-through
- familiarizing the operators with the draft E0P or E0P revision.
2). ' Initiating the walk-through and providing changing plant parameters and guidance to the operators and observer / review team.
3)- Ensuring 'that the required validation documentation is completed during this effort.
-This documentation consists of:
- " Control Room Walk-Through Validation Summary Form" (Figure 53.B-15).
- " Validation Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-14) recording all comments or recommendations made during the review.
- Recording any additional deviations from
-the ERGS that the team identified on "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" (Figure 53.B-1).
, 4) Stopping' the walk-through for discussion of identified discrepancies (when appropriate).
- b. Team Members will participate in the validation effort by observing the operators during the walk-through to:
- 1) Evaluate the draft procedure using the criteria specified.
.BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 g.
Executive Volume APPENDIX D i
- 2) Record all identified discrepancies and comments including operators comments on the
" Validation Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-n 14).
- 3) Propose resolutions for discrepancies during the debriefing.
.c. Upon completion of Ele walk-through, the entire team (Observer / Reviewers, Leader and Operators) shall conduct a debriefing to include:
1)' Discussion of discrepancies or pr :blems
identified during the walk-through.
- 2) Discussion of possible resolutions to all identified discrepanices.
- 3) A summary of the overall assessment of the draft E0P or'EOP revision.
- 3. The resolution phase of the validation will consist of
-evaluating and resolving all discrepancies identified Sduring the assessment phase.
- a. The Team Leader shall perform the following functions:
- 1) Review all discrepancies and comments from the assessment phase.
- 2) Research. and propose resolutions for all discrepancies.
- 3) Forward the proposed resolutions for all
- discrepancies, the discrepancy sheets, and the e .' ; Validation Summary Form to the NSOS and Procedures Group for review and incorporation of resolutions into final draft E0Ps.
4)- . Determine with the concurrence of the NSOS or
'his designee if follow-up Validation or Verification of the E0P draft or revision is required,
- b. The responsible Procedures Engineer will J1' incor.porate the proposed resolutions into the
" procedure following the appropriate review and approvals.
t BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX D sl III. DOCUMENTATION A. The following documentation of the control room walk-through validation shall be maintained for each draft E0P or E0P revision.
- 1. Completed " Control Room Walk-Through Validation Summary Sheet", Figure 53.B-15.
- 2. Completed " Validation Discrepancy Sheets" (Figure 53.B-
- 14) from the assessment phase.
- 3. Completed " Validation Evaluation Criteria" sheets (Figure 53.B-2) used during the review.
- 4. A completed "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" (Figure 53.B-1) for each deviation.
-END-P f
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX E I. PURPOSE A. The purpose of this detailed instruction is to provide guidance in performing E0P validation on the BVPS Unit 1 simulator, and to ensure uniformity in documentation of the validation.
B. Due~ to the dual licensing concept sought by BVPS, the BVPS-1/BVPS-2 E0Ps will be duplicated as much as possible while allowing for plant specific differences. BVPS-1 simulator validated E0Ps will be used when possible to validate the BVPS-2. E0Ps and' plant specific differences which cannot be simulated by the BVPS-1 simulator will receive extensive table-top validation and control room walk-through
. validation.
II. VALIDATION' This validation process will be conducted in three parts; preparation, assessment and resolution.
A. The preparation phase of validation includes actions required of various members of the observer / reviewer team to ensure satisfactory ecmpletion of the review.
- 1. The NSOS or his designee shall:
- a. Select- a typical operating crew to exercise the draft E0P or E0P revision.
- b. -Designate an individual. knowledgeable in E0P usage and formatting as the Team Leader. This team leader shall:
- 1) Obtain and become familiar with the appropiate source documents.
, 2) Select the appropriate evaluation criteria to be applied during this phase of validation jU from Table 53.B-1 and obtain the necessary F approval on " Validation Evaluation Criteria" form (Figure 53.B-2).
- 3) In conjunction with a training representative,
-determine the scenario (s) and malfunctions to be employed in the simulator validation. The scenario need not be described in detail, but should ensure that the E0P objectives stated in the PURPOSE and the background information
%gc i 'J '
h BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.3 Executive Volume
- s are - satisfied. The scenario description
- ~
should include as a minimum:
E *-Initial plant conditions at the event initiation, including status of all major ECCS
- equipment.
I ,
- Plant. operating history prior to the event.
- A list of actions that will have been accomplished during performance of other procedures prior to entry into the E0P being validated.
- Necessary information to guide the review flow path at transition points (i.e., plant responses that guide the review through the procedure, vice transition to a different procedure).
- 4) Ensure all members of the observer / reviewer team are provided appropriate background information, scenario description (if applicable) and a list. of the evaluation criteira to be applied during the simulation.
These materials should be made available prior to the simulation briefing to allow the team .
members an opportunity for familiarization.
- 5) Ensure that all materials to be used by the operating team participating in the validation are available (eg., draft E0Ps, necessary graphs ar.d tables, related reference materials).
- 6) Ensure appopriate forms for documentation of the validation are available, and used during
'the review.
- 7) Select one of the following options for performing this validation:
- one-on-one, one observer / reviewer and one operator
- one-on-crew, one observer / reviewer and an operating crew
- team-on-crew; observer / reviewers and the operating crew l
's. . - . - .- _ _ _ -- -- . . . _ _ _ _ _ - , - . _ _ . _ - _ - _ - _ . _ - - . . _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ - - - - - . - . _ . - _ . _ . - _ _ - - - . - _ _ _ _ - - . . _ _ _ - - . - -
1 BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX E
- team-on-one; observer / reviewer and one operator.
- 8) Select the observer / reviewer team members with the concurrence of the NSOS or his designee.
9)- Coordinate with Training Section the scheduling of the simulator to accomplish the validation effort.
- 2. The Observer / Reviewer team may consist of the following members depending on the option selected in II.A.1.b.7) above for conducting the validation effort.
- The designated observer / reviewer team leader.
- A member with experience in application of human factors principles.
- Member of procedure writing staff (when required).
- Additional data takers as deemed necessary by the team leader.
- Personnel required for operation of the simulator (eg., a simulator instructor),
- a. The review team members should, upon receiving the I
' draft E0P or revision, review the material and to l the extent possible familiarize themselves with the E0P and the~ criteria for evaluation specified. For extensive additions or revisions to the E0P set, l this may be accomplished through formal group training.
B. The assessment phase of the validation will consist of an i objective observation of the performance of the draf t E0P on l the simulator, applying specific evaluation criteria to l determine the acceptability of the E0P. Members of the observer / reviewer team shall perform the following functions.
- 1. Team Leader will direct the effort by:
- a. Briefing the control room operating team prior to l
)0 . beginning~ the ' simulator run. This brief will l consist of ,
(3 +
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX E debriefing on the " Validation Discrepancies Sheet",
(Figure 53.B-14).
- Provide proposed resolutions for discrepancies during the debriefing.
- 3. Operating Crew Members will:
- Assume normal watch standing positions prior to J s initiation of the scenario.
- 0perate the simulator referencing the E0Ps being
- * , validated as to allow for evaluation by the observers.
- During the debriefing, identify any problems encountered during the simulation, and propose resolutions to the w problems.
C. The resolution' phase of the validation will consist of
- s
' s evaluating and resolving all discrepancies identified during
'V' the assessment phase.
4' 1. The Team Leader shall perform'the following functions:
- a. Review all discrepancies and comments from the
( assessment phase,
- b. Research and propose resolutions for all discrepancies.
- c. Forward the " Validation Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-14) containing the proposed resolutions, and the " Summary of E0P Validation on the Simulator" form (Figure 53.B-16) to the NSOS and Procedures Group for review and incorporation of resolutions y' into the final draft E0Ps.
- d. Determine, .with the concurrence of the NSOS or his designee, if follow-up Validation or Verification of the E0P draft, or EGP revision is required.
III. DOCUMENTATION The following documentation of the validation of E0Ps on the simulator shall be maintained for each draft E0P or E0P revision.
A. Completed " Summary of E0P Validation on the Simulator" Form (Figure 53.B-16),
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX E B. Completed " Validation Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-14) from the assessment phase.
. C.- Completed " Validation Evaluation Criteria" sheets (Figure
-53.B-2) used during the review.
D. 'A completed "EOP-ERG Deviation Form" (Figure 53.B-1) for each deviation.
-END- ;
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BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX F I.- PURPOSE The purpose of this detailed instruction is to provide guidance in determining that consistency has been maintained between E0P sourca documents and the E0Ps, and to ensure uniformity in documentation of this verification process.
II. VERIFICATION PROCESS A. The process of E0P verification consists of three phases:
preparation, assessment, and resolution.
- 1. Preparation
- a. The Nuclear Station Operating Supervisor or his designee (the appropriate supervisor if E0P draft preparation has been performed by another station group), shall appoint the necessary personnel as evaluators to conduct the comparative evaluation.
Personnel shall be designated based on operations experience, understanding of plant hardware, the WOG ERGS and the E0P writers guide.
- b. The designated evaluators shall obtain and review the appropriate E0P source documents. This review should be made to familiarize the evaluators with
. the draft E0P or E0P revision, and the criteria to be applied during the evaluatio'n (Table 53.B-4).
- 2. The assessment phase of the verification process shall consist of a step-by-step comparitive evaluation 1etween the source documents and the draft procedure or E0P revision by the evaluator to include the following areas:
- a. Review of the draft procedure or E0P revision to examine written correctness. This review will address the following:
, 1)- Legibility
- 2) Format consistency i
- 3) Information presentation
- 4) Procedure presentation
- 5) Identification Information 1
s + _ _
. BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX F
- b. Review the. procedure or revision to examine technical accuracy. This review will address the following' areas:
- 1) Entry conditions or symptoms information
- 2) Instruction step, caution or note information
- 3) Quantitative information
- 4) Plant hardware information
- 5) Operator Instrumentation and Controls Needs
- c. The review for written correctness and technical accuracy will be made by applying the appropriate critr;ia delineated in the Evaluation Criteria Checklist (Table 53.B-4).
- d. The evaluator will record for each step, note, or caution of the E0P or revision, any discrepancy noted on the "EOP Verification Discrepancy Sheet" (Figure 53.B-17). The proposed resolution of the discrepancy should also be recorded.
- e. A- summary, ~ documenting that the comparitive evaluation was performed and indicating that each step, note or caution was either acceptable, or listing the applicable discrepancy sheet shall be recorded on the "EOP Verification Summary Sheet" (Figure 53.B-18).
- 3. The- resolution phase of the validation will consist of evaluating and resolving all discrepancies identified during the assessment phase.
- a. The ass'igned Procedure Engineer will:
- 1) Review all discrepancies and comments from the assessment phase.
- 2) -Incorporate proposed resolutions, or make appropriate corrections to the E0P draft or revision.
- 3) Document the discrepancy resolution on the
. Discrepancy Sheet, and the Verification Summary Sheet.
- a. .
~- - -
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume APPENDIX F
- b. The evalaator shall datermine, with the concurrence of the Nuclear Station Operating Supervisor, or his
-designee, if follow-up Verification or Validation of the draft E0P or E0P revision is required.
III. DOCUMENTATION A. The documentation developed through out the verification process will be maintained by the Procedures Group and shall include:
' Completed "EOP Verification Summary Sheets" (Figure 1.
- .5 3. B - 18 ) .
- 2. Completed "EOP Verification Discrepancy Sheets" (Figure 53.B-17).
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BVPS - E0P Executive Volume 2.53.B.1 APPLICATION OF VALIDATION EVALUATION CRITERIA Validation Principles Procedure Characteristics Level of Detail Understandability Plant Compatibility Operator Compatibility 04"7 T93 L*"o5 La 88 25 325 i: 5 '8 113
- %.jn 1= 2m ". ;;; -
- 72. 8 2%. 2"s
- 77" "-22 ~2 22 4 ~2
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"I Validation 3=,4" n. t% I 7" Method ago ea e si 25 a
ggg o, 3 a ac e ae 7e
" "" g c, ,c R
- A ~
- 49
- 1"
,R Table-Top Method X
__ X 0 0 0 Walk-Through P X X Method P O P X
Simulator Method X X X X P X
Legend _:
X - Evaluation can be made with method.
P - Evaluation can be partially made with method.
O - Evaluation cannot be made with method.
Table 53.B-1 Page 1 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 m
r-BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume VALIDATION EVALUATION CRITERIA This list is intended to provide a basis for determining what evaluation criteria must be utilized to evaluate the acceptability of an E0P draft or revision with respect to usability, operational correctness and effectiveness. The list is not intended to be all inclusive, nor will every criterion apply to evaluation of every step in all drafts or revisions. The list will give guidar.ce in determining a set of criteria appropriate for a specific evaluation effort, and provide guidance in determining what the overall program for satisfactory validation (i.e. , for a given revision are all three methods of validation required?)
METHOD I. USABILITY T-T W-T S A. LEVEL OF DETAIL x x x 1. Is there sufficient information to perform the specified actions at each step?
x x x 2. Are the al.ternatives adequately described at each decision point?
x x x 3. Are the labeling, abbreviations, and location information as provided in the E0P sufficient to enable the operator to find the needed equipment?
x x x 4. Is the E0P missing information needed to manage the emergency condition?
x x x 5. Are the contingency actions sufficient to address the symptoms?
x x x 6. Are the titles and numbers sufficiently
. descriptive to enable the operator to find referenced and branched procedures?
x - may be evaluated with this method of validation o - cannot be evaluated with this method of validation T-T - table-top validation method W-T - walk-through validation method S' - simulator validation method Table 53.B-1 Page 2 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 L
c t
{%y BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume T-T W-T S. I '. B. UNDERSTANDABILITY s
- x- x .x 1. Is the E0P casy to' read?
- x'i x 2.
.x- 'Are the figures and tables easy to read with accuracy 7 x- x- 'x 3. Can the values on figures and charts be easily determined?
1x x= x 4. Are caution and note statements readily. understandable?
x x 1x' 5. .Are the E0P steps readily understandable?
- 1. Can the actions specified in the procedure be performed in the designated sequence?
x -x x '2. Are there alternate success paths that are not included in the E0Ps?
co x .x 3. Can the information from the plant instrumentation be obtained, as specified by the E0P?
o- o x 4. Are the plant symptoms specified by the E0P adequate to enable the operator to select the applicable EOP?
o "o. x 5. -Are-the E0P entry conditions appropriate for the plant symptoms displayed to che operator?-
.x. - may be. evaluated with this method of! validation o - cannot be' evaluated with this method of validation T-T - table-top validation method W-T - walk-through validation method
.Si - simulator validation method Table 53.B-1 i-Page 3 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
- p. ..
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
x- x x 6. Is information or equipment not specified in the E0P required to accomplish the task?
o o- x 7. De .he plant responses agree with the E0P basis?
x x x- 8. Are units of measure in the E0P the same as those used on the equipment?
.o o- x 9. Are the instrument readings and tolerances stated in the E0P consistent with the
"' instrument values displayed on the instruments?
o ~ x' o 10. Are the instrument readings and tolerances specified by the E0P for remotely located instruments accurate?
o x x 11. Is the E0P physically compatible with the work situation (too bulky to hold, binding would not allow them to lay flat in work space, no place to lay the E0Ps down to use)?
II. B. OPERATOR COMPATIBILITY o x x 1. If time intervals are specified, can the procedure action steps be performed on the plant within the designated time intervals?
_ o -x. x- 2. Can the procedure action steps be performed by the operating shift?
'x! - may be evaluated with this method of. validation o -
cannot be evaluated with this method of validation T-T -1 table-top validation method 3+? LW-T -~ walk-through validation method J S- 1 simulator validation mehtod
!L 4 -
e b Table 53.B-1
.a .
Page 4 of S. PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 b
3' .
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive. Volume
.T-T W-T 'S 'II.
- x. x 'x. 3. If specific actions are assigned to individual shift personnel, does the E0P adequately aid in the_ coordination of
_ actions among shift personnel where necessary?
x .x~ x 4. Can_the operating shift follow the designated acti*on step sequences?
x' x. 'x- 5. Can the particular steps or sets of steps be readily located when required?
x' -x x 6. 'Can procedure exit points be returned to without omitting steps when required?
x- x x' 7. Can procedure branches be entered at the correct points?
x- 1r x 8. Are E0P exit points specified adequately?.
x - may be evaluated with this. method of validation
.o - cannot be evaluated with this method of validation T-T table-top validation method W-T walk-through validation method-
, S '- simulator validation mehtod p.
Table 53.B-1 Page 5 of'5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 L
A li.. -
4 BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
- , ' Executive Volume GLOSSARY M"'-
- Check To nota a condition and compare with some procedure requirement.
Control .To manually or automatically operate equipment as necessary,to. satisfy procedure requirements.
s To make arrangements for a stated condition.
! Establish 1 Example: Establish normal pressurizer pressure and level control.
1Faulte'd Used to describe a secondary system component with a feedwater or steam break.
- Init'iate? To begin a process (begin is preferred).
! Intact L Describes a steam generator which has neither a tube
' rupture'nor is faulted.
-Local- An action performed by the' operator outside the control (Locally)~ room.
4 Maintain- To control a given plant parameter to some procedure requirement continuously.
, . Example: Maintain steam generator level in the narrow range.
Manual . ;An' action'perfo'med r by the operator in the control v 4- - c(Manually) room. (The word is used in contrast to an' automatic
> action, which; takes place without operator intervention).
'Menitor. Similar to " check", except. implies a repeated function.
Normal. A.value-of a process parameter experienced during routine plant operations.
s e
E' TRuptured :0 sed in' describing a steam generator with a tube (s) break.
-' Stable
.In reference to process parameters, it means controllable e
c~ ,
-'within'some desired range.
[ , ' Throttle' To operate a valve in an intermediate position to T9l , ~ - :obtain a certain flow rate. (control is preferred).
{ ' Verify To observe that'an expected. characteristic or condition exists. Typically .the expectation comes from some -
m previous 1 automatic or operator action,
. Table'53.B-2
. n~ istc ^
- r .Page 1 of 1- PRELIM. ISSUE REV 0 g=u
- t. g _ ,
d Y _ .
4 L ;;GSh.' k
g-BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS FOR E0Ps Abbreviation / Acronym Description
.AC' Alternating Current
-ACS Chilled Water System ACB Air Circuit Bre.aker AFW Auxiliary Feedwater Amp Amperes
_ ASS Auxiliary Steam System ATWS Anticipated Transient Without A Scram AUTO Automatic
. Aux Auxiliary BAT Boric Acid Tank Batt Battery
-BB Benchboard BIT Boron Injection Tank Bkr Breaker Bldg Building BLDN Blowdown Brg Bearing BRS Boron Recovery System
.BSCP Building Service Control Panel
. BTU British Thermal Units CCP Component Cooling Water (Primary System)
CCS Component Cooling Water (Secondary System)
CFM Cubic Feet Per Minute CHG Charging
'Chgr Charger CHS Chemical Volume Control System
.Ci Curies CIA Containment Isolation Phase A
'CIB Containment Irolation Phase B Clr Cooler CNMT Containment CNS Condensate System Comp Compressor COND Condenser CRDM Control Rod Drive Mechanism CSF Critical Safety Function CSS Containment Spray System CVS Containment Ventillation System CWS- Circulating Water System Table 53.B-3 Page 1 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 L
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
-Abbreviation / Acronym Description DC Direct Current DG Diesel Generator Disch- Discharge dP Differential Pressure DVS . Reactor Coolant Vent And Drain System ECCS- Emergency Core Cooling System E0P. Emergency Operating Procedure EPP. Emergency Preparedness Procedures ESF Engineered Safeguards Features
'ESS Extraction Steam System
'FCV Flow Control Valve FI Flow Indicator FIC- Flow Indicating Controller
- FK Flow Controller FNC Fuel Pool Cooling System
' FR Flow Recorder FRP Functional Restoration Procedures FW Feedwater FWE Auxiliary Feedwater System FWI Feedwater Isolation FWS Main Feedwater System Gal Gallons Gen- Generator GPM Gallons Per Minute GWS Gaseous Waste System HC- Hand Controller HCV- Hand Control Valve Hdr Header HDS Heater Drain System HHSI High Head Safety Injection HIC Hand Indicating Controller HO 2 Water (in. H 0)
Hr Hours Htr. Heater Ex Heat Exchanger In Inlet
'Isol Isolation
'- IX Ion Exchanger KV Kilovolts KVA Kolovoltamperes KW Kilowatts Table 53.B-3
.Page 2 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
l n BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS FOR E0Ps (Continued)
. Abbreviation / Acronym Description LC Level Ccitroller LCV. Level Contral Valve LHSI Low Head Salety Injection
.LI Level Indicator LLMS . Leak Monitoring System (Containment) -
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LR Level Recorder LTDN Letdown Lvl Level' LWS Liquid. Waste Disposal System
'MCC Motor Control Center MFW Main Feedwater Min Minutes MOD Motor Operated Damper
. MOV Motor Operated Valve
-MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSS Main Steam System MVA Megavoltamperes MW Megawatts MWe. Megawatt Electrical
.HWt Megawatt Thermal NBI Vibration Monitoring NIS Reactor Nuclear Instrument System NMI Intermediate Range Nuclear Power NMP Power Range Nuclear Power NMS Source Range Nuclear Power Non-regen Non-regenerative NR . Nuclear Recorder N.R. Narrow Range NSS Nuclear Shift Supervisor OCB Oil Circuit Breaker OM Operating Manual OST Operations Surveillance Test Pb Pushbutton PCM Percent Mille Reactivity PCV' Pressure Control Valve PDWST Primary Demineralized Water Storage Tank P.F. Power Factor PI Pressure Indicator PIC Pressure Indicating Controller PK. Pressure Controller Table 53.B-3 Page 3 of 5 PRELIli ISSUE REV 0 W m w w w
I BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
Abbreviation / Acronym Description Pal Panel PORV Power Operated Relief Valve Pp Pump PR Pressure Recorder Press Pressure Pri Primary
-PRT Pressure Relief Tank PRZR Pressurizer PSIA Pounds Per Square Inch, Absolute PSID Pounds-Per Square Inch, Differential PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch, Gauge PT Potential Transformer Pwr Power QSS Quench Spray System Rad Waste Radioactive Waste RCCA Rod Cluster Control Assembly RCP Reactor Coolant Pump RCS Reactor Coolant System Recire Recirculation
. Regen Regenerative RHS Residual Heat Removal System RNO _ Response Not Obtained RPM Revolutions Per Minute RQI Radiation Monitor RR Radiation Recorder RSS Recirculation Spray System RTD Resistance Temperature Detector RV Relief Valve RVLIS Reactor Vessel Level Indicating System RWST Refueling Water Storage Tank Rx Reactor Sec Seconds Ser. Bldg. Service Building SG Steam Generator SGC Steam Generator Clean-up SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture SI Safety Injection
. SIS Safety Injection System SLI Steam Line Isolation SOV Solenoid Operated Valve SPDS Safety Parameters Display System Table 53.B-3 Page 4 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 m
_ BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume ABBREVIATIONS ANC ACRONYMS FOR E0Ps (Continued)
Abbreviation / Acronym Description Stby Standby
'Stm Steam Suct. Suction Sup Supply SUR Start Up Rate SVS Atmospheric Steam Dump System Swbd- ' Switchboard SWE Standby Service Water System Swgr Switchgear SWS Service Water System Swyd Switchyard Sync Synchronize TAVG Average Reactor Coolant Temperature TCOLD- Cold Leg Reactor Coolant Temperature THOT.. Hot Leg Reactor Coolant Temperature TC. Thermocouple
.Tfar Tranformer TG Turbine Generator TI- Temperature Indicator TIC Temperature Indicating Controller
. TK- Tank-TR Temperature Recorder Turb- Turbine VAC Volts Alternating Current Vac Vacuum
~Vac Bkr Vacuum Breaker-VB Vertical Board VCT Volume Control Tank VDC Volts Direct Current
- V1v' Valve W.R. Wide Range WSS Solid Waste Disposal System X-tie Cross-tie X-conn Cross connect
- )
Table 53.B-3 Page 5 of 5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume VERIFICATION EVALUATION CRITERIA CHECKLIST I. Written Correctness A. Legibility
- 1. Are the printed borders visible on all procedure pages?
- 2. Are the test, tables, graphs, figures, and charts
-legible to the evaluator?
B. -EOP Format Consistency
- 1. Do the following section exist in each E0P:
- a. Cover Page that includes a " PURPOSE" and " ENTRY CONDITIONS OR SYMPTOMS" Section. l
- b. The cover page is consistent with page layout specified in Writers Guide,
- d. ACTION OR -INSTRUCTION STEP pages are consistent with sample page layout in Writers Guide.
C. Identification Information.
- 1. Is the procedure title descriptive of the purpose of the procedure?
- 2. Does the cover sheet correctly provide the following:
us . Procedure title
- b. Procedure number
- c. Unit number
- d. Revision number
, g.' - .e. Number of pages i ' Table 53.B-4 L
H .Page 1 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 c
.w s:
n- -
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume I. C. 3. Does each page correcly provide the following:
- a. Procedure designator.
- b. Revision number.
- c. 'Page of- numbers.
- 4. Does the procedure have all its pages in the correct order?
D. :Information Presentation
- 1. ' Arc instruction steps numbered correctly?
- 2. Are cperator-optional sequence steps identified?
- 3. Are instruction steps constructed to comply with the
- a. Steps deal with only one idea.
- b. Sentences are short and simple.
- c. Operator actions are specifically stated,
- d. Objects of operator actions are specifically stated.
- e. Objects of operator actions are adequately stated.
- f. If there are three or more objects they are listed separately as substeps.
- g. Punctuation and capitalization are' proper.
, h. Abbreviations are correct and understanable to the operator.
- 4. Do instruction steps make proper use of logic structure?
- 5. When an action instruction is based on receipt of an annunciator ~ alarm, is the setpoint of the alarm
- 6. Are precautions and cautions used appropriately?
Table 53.B-4 Page 2 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 E _
Jif .
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume I. D. 7. Are precautions and cautions placed properly?
- 8. ,Are precautions'and cautions constructed to comply with
'the following:
- a. .They do not contain operator actions.
i' b. They do not use extensive punctuation for clarity.
- c. They make proper use of emphasis.
-9. Are notes properly used?
. -10. Are notes properly placed?
- 11. Are- notes . worded so that they do not contain operator i-,.
- 12. f Are numerical values properly written?
- 13. Are values specified 'in such a way that mathematical operations,are not required of the user?
'14. Is a chart or graph provided in the procedure for necessary operator calculations?
- c
' - 15 .~ 'Are units of measurements in the E0P the same as those used on instrur. ants?
.E. . Procedure Referencing and Branching.
- 11. .Do the referenced and branched procedures identified in the E0Ps exist for operator use?
- 2. Is the use of referencing minimized?
- 3. Are ' referencing and branching instructions correctly
- e. worded?
a .- "GO T0" (branching)
- b. " REFER.T0" (referencing) 4, .
n 'Do' the instructions avoid. routing users past important a; : information such as cautions preceding steps?
.5. 'Are- the exit: conditions compatible with the . entry conditions of the referenced or branched procedure?
Table 53.B-4 f
-Page'3 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volame II. Technical Accuracy A. Entry _ Conditions or Symptoms Information 1.- _Are the entry conditions of the E0P listed correctly?
- 2. If- additional entry conditions have been added, do they
.. comply with'the following:
- a. Appropriate . entry conditions for which the E0P should be used.
- b. Not excessivo.
B. Instructional Step, Caution, and Note Information
- 1. Are E0P/ ERG differences:
- a. Documented
- b. Explained
~ 2. Is the ERG technical foundation (strategy) changed by the'following chages in E0P steps, cautions, or notes:
- a. Elimination
- b. : Addition 1:. Sequence
- d. Alteration
- 3. Are correct,' plant-specific adeptations incorporated per ERG:
.a. Systems
- b. Instrumentation
- c. Limits 7
- d. Controls
- e. Indications Table 53.B-4 Page 4 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
- L
r, '
l BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
. II. B. 4. Have licensing commitments applicable to E0Ps been addressed?
- 5. Are differences between the licensin commitments and the E0Ps or ERGS documented?
C. Quantitative Information
- 1. Do the quantitative values, including tolerance bands, used in the. E0P comply with applicable E0P source document?
2 .' -Where . ERG values are not used in the E0P, are the E0P values computed accurately?
- 3. When calculations are required by the E0P, are equations presented with sufficient information for cperator use?
D. Plant Hardware Information
'1. Is the following plant hardware specified in the E0P available for operator use:
- a. Equipment
- b. Controls
- c. Indicators
- d. Instrumentation
- 2. Do -instruments and controls have needed characteristics to meet operator information and control requirements.
- a. Visual Displays i
- 1) Displays should indicate values in a form usable. by the . operator. without mental conversion.
- 2) -Displays should be sensitive to operator use ofl information- (trending requirements, calculation, etc.)
.3) Scale units should be consistent with the degree of precision and accuracy needed by the operator.
L Table 53.B-4 E' Page 5 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 4
1 I
? I
yt I BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 l
. Executive Volume ';
-II. LD. 2. a. 4) Scale ranges should span the expected range of operational parameters.
- 5) Zone markings should be used to show the '
operator the implications of various readings. t c.
- b. Controls
~~1) Control positions' should be sufficient for i required control actions.
2). The precision and range of a control should not exceed the need.
- 3) Operators should be provided with feedback on control actions and system response.
s i ,
Table 53.B-4 Page 6 of 6 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
--~p p--+ y -- -e---+-g- y ,--*ww -
m7- - - ~ - - - - a - , - -- ------.,m.+-, , , , -+ar--.--, ,
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume E0P-ERG DEVIATION FORM BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 E0P-ERG DEVIATION I I Procedure No. E0P Step No. Deviation Sheet No.
BVPS-EOP Step (s)
(Continued on back)
REV 0 Figure 53.B-1 (1 of 2)
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 l Executive Volume E0P-ERG DEVIATION FORM (Backside)
BVPS-EOP 2.53.B.1 (continued from front)
SIGNIFICANT DEVIATION Is this a significant deviation?
No Yes; and it has been found acceptable for inclusion in the procedurc PLANT SPECIFIC INFORMATION/
J REV 0 Figure 53.B-1 (2 of 2)
Description of Criteria:
Review Team Chairman / Team Leader APPROVED BY: Date:
NSOS or designee REV 0 Figure 53.B-2 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume NONADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL SHEET DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 Operations Startup Manual i
APPROVAL SHEET - NONADMINISTRATIVE UNIT 2 - OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER 53.B - Emergency Operating Procedures Executive Volume SECTION 1 - Generation, Revision, Review and Approval of Emergency Operating Procedures Rev. Approval Effective No. Pages Issued Signature Date Date Figure 53.B-4 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
- . f n
> l! BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
.. Executive Volume
, n
.. t -;
4.r. ~
ES-0.1 Reactor Trip Response
- >-t y NACTION < EXPECTED khsr AdE: InL3PUNSF. NOT osTAINEI' Q. 8. Transfer Condense iteam i g condenser steam dump NOT L
), Dump to Prestme Cottrol Mode 4 available,TJH use residual
. 'j . ,_
t' J heat release valve.
If residual heat release valve
% NOT available, T_ HEN use SG atmospheric steam dumps.
, \
.. . ***********+*o ,y***************************
- On natural circulation, RTD by-pass temperatures and associated *
- interlocks will be inaccurate. *
'- **************************************n ****
'A k
%S RCP(s) should be run in order of priority to provide normal
. PRZR Spray.
yj %
\. 9. Check RCP Status - Attempt to start one RCP.
GO TO Attachment 0;
- 3. -
IF a RCP can NOT be started
. /f ' YL~ . T3H verify nEral circulation:
b\' " ,
- a. RCS subcooling based on core exit thermocouples - GREATER 9 THAN (Later)F.
i N b. Steam Generator pressures -
- c. RCS Hot Leg Terperatures -
(Step continued next page) s
\ *'\ ISSUE 1 x PAGE e CT 9 REV O Figure 53.8-5 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 1
m 1 - m_
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume E0P COVER SHEET BVPS - E0P 2.53.A NUMBER TITLE ES-0.1 Reactor Trip Response A. PURPOSE This procedure provides the necessary instructions to stabilize and control the plant following a Reactor Trip without a Safety Injection.
B. S W PTOMS OR ENTRY CONDITIONS This procedure is entered f rom E-0, " Reactor Trip or Safety Injection", step 7, when SI is neither actuated or required.
, . = ,w,
w; y ,
+. , i J y_,_ 1,c
.~ .a 4, , - -BVPS % E0P 2.53.B.1
" ",~' ' . ,
.s .
- Exscutive Volume s ,
- r. p ,
4+ ,
IN .
Symptomatic Response / Unexpected Conditions
_g- -m ,
E in all RCPs if BOTH conditions l'isted below- occur:
- [b.a. ' icharginy./HESI
,RCP Trip--?irameter pumps'-
t '
n! _
A,etuate SI and GO TO E-0, j' Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" Step 1, 4
y,/ p,f-EITHER
, . por.liltion w 11stef
,- -- below i,,,oge'urs:
_ )*,ECS subcoolin3 based on core exit TCs - LESS THAN (later)F tf [(later)sF ADVERSE CNMT] .
a j- [(1:3,er)%ADVERSECNMT]
. s .
v -
- 3 ,
- 4
- a. .SUBCRITIJALITY - Nuclear' power than 5%
1 -
- b. CORE COOLING -r,Core exit TCs greater than 100 F V, _ ,R .,
. it . 3 -ORj
- k,~
g-'~ P /'.
Core exit TCs grA.ater thor. 700 F .
I M RVLIS full E!6ae ,lasOha'n (later) %
n; a; with no RCPs runn{ng.
j, '_', ; '
w c.
HEAT SINK - Nar'rew range level in all SCs 'iess than 5% AR total.feedwater flow less th3n 350 gpm.
- d. INTEGRITY - Cold leg temperature decrease-greater 1than 100*F in last 60 minutes AND RJS "
cold leg teltperature
less'than (later) F,.
. e. CONTAINMENT - Containment pressure greater than 45 PSIG b w 4. AFW SUPPLY SWITCHOVER CRITERIQJ / j, ,
. Refer to 0.M. 2. (later) " td' Low PDWSD Level" IF PDWST level less than (later) inches'..' '
- b '
ISSUE 1 REV 0 l/f ,, _
./Y ..
'A A ) r F 2
d' 4 Figure 53.B-7
'+' =
., s; q ..
_, \ / a ,?
!- 4 ,
(- -
i (j l
- BVPS - EOP 2.53.B.1 Executive Volumn CRITICAL SAFETY FUNCTION STATUS TREE 3775 - ECF 2. 51A MG J P-4.1 Subcriticality A coro Fbk1 I fMMMMM ??E
- I ussnImT -
l ** c r.a.uto g
E intenusour: no INTERGIEotAft NQ A IM gc g _
a m.
u~ nog ~ -
rHAn 42 cm res l
csr SAT mo l
_ i;== __
o a-its
..} ::
!!E' SUR Z1AO CR NEGAM! yt3 Cater uneCome SymmetCase l
n s mm $ ess 5AT o, .... @
, .e ...... (3
~~ - O ISSUE 1 PA?E 1 0F 2 REV O Figure 53.B-8 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
1 i
l BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 l Executive Volume i l
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume CHAPTER TITIE SHEET BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.4 Executive Volume Background Information For Emergency Operating Procedure ES-0.0 REDIAGNOSIS ISSUE 1 REV 0 Figure 53.B-10 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
. . - -. ~ __ _ -_ , .-
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1
-Executive Volume INTRODUCTION - RECOVERY / RESTORATION TECHNIQUES BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.4 Executive Volume ES-0.0 I. IwrnoouCTION A. Procedure ES-0.0, "Rediagnosis", provides a mechanism for the operator to either confirm that he is in the proper procedure or to direct him to the Optimal Recovery Procedure that should be in ef fect. Procedure ES-0.0 is entered based on operator judgement and is exited after the operator confirms that he is in the appropriate series of procedures or
"- is directed to the appropriate procedure. Rediagnosis only applies to Optimal Recovery Procedures, not to Function Restoration Procedures.
II. RECOVERY / RESTORATION TECHNIQUE A. The objective of the recovery / restoration tacanique it.corporated into procedure ES-0.0 is a summary of diagnostic steps in che Optimal Recovery Procedures to allow the operator to quickly confir-a that he is in the correct series of procedures.
B. The following subsection provides a summary of the major categories of operator actions for procedure ES-0.0, "Rediagnosis".
- 1. High Level Action Summary
- a. Check If Any Steam Generator Is Intact The operator should first determine if any SG is intact. If none of the SGs are intact, then the appropriate procedure would be ECA-2.1, " Uncontrolled Depressurization Of All Steam Generators"
- b. Check If All Steam Generators Are Intact and If Faulted SG(s)
Isolated The operator should determine if any SGs are not intact. If so, he then confirms that any SGs not intact are isolated or he is directed to E-2, "Fau!ted Stease Generator Isolatioa"
- c. Check If There Is A SGTR If any SG is intact and all SGs not intact are isolated, the operator then determines if any SG has a ruptured tube. If any tube is ruptured, then the appropriate procedure is either an E-3 or ECA 3 series procedure. If no tubes are ruptured, then the appropriate procedure is either an E-1 or ECA-1 series procedurs.
- 2. Key Decision Points N/A ISSUE 1 PAGE 1 0F 7 REV 0 Figure 53.B-11 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
BVPS - EOP 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume STEP DESCRIPTION TABLE FOR ES-0.0 SVPS - ECP 2.53.B.4 Executive Volume STEP DESCRIPTICN TABII FCR ES-0.0 STEP 1 E
Check If Any SG Is Not Faulted PL1tPOSE To determine if any SG is non-faulted.
BASIS If all SGe- are faulted and the main s te amlines are isolated, the appropriate Procedure is ECA-2.1, " Uncontrolled Oepressur:zatten Of All Steam Generators", since
'that procedure deals with controlling feed to f aulted steam pnerators to stabilize and then cool down the plant. If the main steamlines are not isolated, the appropriate transition is to E-2, " Faulted Steam Generator Isolations", which will isolate the steaalines and then check for a non-faulted steam generator.
ACTIONS Determine if any SG pressure is stable or increasing.
Determine if a controlled cooldown is in progress.
Determine if main steaalines are isolated by checking YE:.:.C'4 SI,I lights lit.
Determine if procedure E-2. " Faulted Ste e er.arator : solation" is in effect.
Determine if procedure ECA-2,1 "Uncontr:11ed Oepressurization Of All Steam Generators", is in effect.
Transfer to E-2, " Faulted Steam Generator :solatten , step 1.
Transfer to ECA 2.1, " Uncontrolled Deprassurization Jf All Steam Generators",
step 1.
INSTRQtENT'ATION SG pressure indication [2 MSS
- pia 73(485)(495)! on V3-C.
RCS temperature indication (2RCS*Tlal3(a23)) on VB-A.
Main steenline isolation valves position indication on 38-C.
CONTROL / EQUIPMENT N/A KNOVI. EDGE Expected pressure response of faulted SGs, ISSUE 1 PAGE 4 0F 7 REV 0 Figure 53.B-12 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
' - - ey- wwew-- , --- r y g-
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume TABLE TOP VALIDATION
'tuthor /flode ra to r t<ccorder 3CE:IARIO DE303IPTION: -
a f scaEPr:cIEs : nt :n iIr us , w?Ac:4 CCPY)
> .::c T:: 2:vttx:: r; r. : :
. i 'i : e2s :.n 2 REV 0 Figure 53.B-13 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
DIS EPA':C7 : ~
'Observerfa)/Poviewer(sn/Pccorder; _
YES NO D AZE - 20:4FLET03:
!!ES THE .PESOLUTION RESULTED I:: .;N 009 CN.V:02 2;;UIRIM *E.VCr:T;c;;;T: '
?:3M.UTIT: ?EVIOU D 0:0 ?.2? DY20 '
f;f +
- ,iT; t p- 'f ?; ;
/ 2J ' ':' ; . I*:c'7??*J?.700 .: i
- REV 0 Figure 53.B-14 PRELIM ISSUE REV.0
.F-.- _
FORM svPs - Ec?
. WALK-THRGUCH PARTICIP/J." J Observer (s)/Revtewerfs)
Operating Crew Members SCONARIO OESCRIPTI N:
DI3C3 EPA"CIE3 TES NO IIF 7ES, ATTI.0:! 00PYi res r;;: :: ?:vt.~e:Eo av i - : T::
- .a .J 3r , s . - -A REV 0 Figure 53.B-15 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0
p BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume
'SI 1CLATIO:. Pl.RTICIPA':T3 Joc Descriction
- Obse rvo r t s t / Reviewo r ( 3)
Opera *ing Crewis) 3C !:APIO OE3CP.IPTI^:1
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- .2.;3 , r : e , :. - e REV 0 Figure 53.B-16 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 M _
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BVPS - E0P- 2.53.B.1 j
Executive Volume
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REV 0 l
Figure 53.B-17 PRELIM ISStlE REV 0 w.
BVPS - E0P 2.53.B.1 Executive Volume E0P VERIFICATION
SCOPE OF VERIFICATION: (reason) Initial for EOP Implementation EOP SOURCE DOCUttCNTS USED:
- 1. Westinghouse Owners Group Emeroency P.esponse Guidelins, Rev. 1
- 2. FSAR, Chit 2 3.
- 1. Written Correctness
- a. Leginiitty D. F'ormat Conststancy .
- c. Identification Information
- d. Information Presentation
- e. Proc Ref and Branch.
2. Technical Accuracy
- a. Entry Cond. or Symptoms
- b. Inst. Step, Cautns, Notes
- c. Quantitative Information-
- d. Plant Hardware Information
- e. Oper. Infor, and Control Needs VERIFICATION PERFORMED BY DATE:
p-REV O i;. >
Figure 53.'B-18 PRELIM ISSUE REV 0 h
2 ,
SECTION 4 Training Program Description b
.I. ! Program Objectives 1A. To- provide training to appropriate personnel on the updated E0Ps or subsequent major revisions implementation.
q.. B. ;To provide the technical bases of the upgraded EOPs including
-how plant systems, subsystems, components, etc., relate to
.the- E0Ps, plus-their function and use during transients and'
fC. ' To provide a. working knowledge of the technical content ,of the E0P which establishes the know-how to perform each step
'i n-all E0Ps so that the E0P objectives are achieved.
D. To demonstrate the- ability of individuals and crews to execute,the upgraded E0Ps under . operational conditions as modeled on the Beaver Valley Unit 1 Simulator and achieve safe, stable or shutdown conditions.
'E. To provide reasonable assurance that the methods to be used
~1n training are adequate.
-II. Scope'of. Training-
- A. This training program will instruct plant operators on the m ' upgraded E0Ps and will consist of classroom and simulator training. . This will be completed. prior to initial implementation of these E0Ps.
B.- Training .will be conducted with all operators performing
-their normal control room functions. Additional- training will be conducted where ' members of a crew alternate responsibilties.
C. Classroom Instruction
- 1. The philosophy behind the approach tc the upgraded E0Ps will be reviewed.
2 .' Each procedure prepared 'for implementation will be reviewed in a step-by-step format.' Each step and its associated background document will be discussed and, where necessary, emergency contingency actions and function restqration guidelines followed.
- a. Discussion includes:
- 1) actions necessary for accident mitigation
- 2) control of safety functions
- 3) accident evaluation and diagnosis
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L4)- . procedure direction to achieve a safe, stat.e or shutdown condition. (Areas or steps not
^' -
exercised by simulator operation will be
.- . addressed.)
- b. The E0P- .under discussion and its background 1 . document are the student's main reference and study
- - material.
- 3. After the classroom training has been completed, operations crews are scheduled for simulator exercises.
(Areas for steps '. not exercised by simulator operations covered in the classroom phase will be reviewed during 1{ ' simulator exercises.)
'D. ' Simulator Training.
- 1. Simulator sessions will be' designed to enable students
- to; demonstrate that ; they can carry out an E0P successfully. during simulated transients and accident conditions.
- a. Scenarios possible multiple
- siraultaneous .incorporating or sequential' . . failures will be developed to exercise the specified EOP.
- b. Students will .use -the new or revised E0Ps'during simulator exercises.
'2.. Eachi-operator' will' exercise each upgraded E0P during
. simulator training.
_'3. A simulator walk-through or control room walk-through or
.a desk top review will be performed as'part of' the E0P' training if the.following should occur:
-a. A realistic simulator scenario cannot be developed,
- b. Lan. accurate? duplication of plant response cannot be achieved.
- '4. ' Performance evaluations will be' completed for each E0P
/Y ' evolution scenario conducted'during simulator ' training.
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' Reference Plant /BVPS Unit 2 Plant Comparison
'The :following- are differences determined to exist between BVPS-2 and the ERG reference plant. The ERG reference plant is described in the Westinghouse Owners Group ERG Executive Volume.
- 1. Reactor Trip Actuation System-The reference system and. the BVPS Unit 2 Systems are essentially the same.
- 2. Eng'ineered Safeguards Features Actuation System
- ~ .
- a. Safety Injected Signal
- - Safety Injected initiating signals are identical for the described reference system and BVPS Unit 2.
- Plant systems and components that are automatically actuated by an SI signal are similar for the described reference plant and BVPS Unit I with exceptions as noted in following descriptions.
RESET / BLOCK features of the SI signal actuation logics are identical for the described reference: plant and BVPS Unit 2.
- b. Containment Spray Signal
- Containment spray signals are automatically initiated by the same parameters for the reference plant and BVPS Unit 2.
- Identical to the reference plant, High-High containment pressure, or manual operator initiation will automatically initiate containment spray- system actuation and containment isolation phase B.
- -Containment Isolation Phase B (CIB) on BVPS-2
'will actuate. the Containment Spray Systems which- are integrated with the CIB signal. On the reference plant CIB is automatically initiated by the Containment Spray Actuation signal which is 31 dependent of the CIB Actuation signal. Actuation reset capability of the containment spray system and CIB are accomplished by common actuation reset push buttons respectively (one for each train) and therefore are always accomplished simultaneously. This actuation reset arrangement varies from the described w.
W r 23-r reference plant in that CIB and containment spray system as described in the reference plant may be actuated and reset independently.
> This difference offers no significant problem since the reset capability does not provide any signal to change status of equipment but merely allows the operator to take manual control of the respective equipment.
- c. Auxiliary Feedwater Start Signal
- The BVPS Unit 2 AFW- start s.gnals and the-reference plant start signals are similar.
- In both the reference plant and BVPS Unit 2 automatic functions initialed by an AFW pump start. signal are similar with the exception
, :that the steam driven AFW pump receives the first start signal on 2/3 Low-Low SG water level on any one SG and the motor driven AFW pumps will start if the steam driven AFW pump fails to come up to speed. On 2/3 Low-Low SG water- level in any two SG(s) the motor driven AFW pumps receive a start signal. All other auto start signals are identical to the reference plant.
- d. Containment Isolation Phase A (CIA)
CIA actuation and reset logics are identical for DVPS' Unit 2 and the reference plant.
, s. Containment Isolation Phase B Signal (CIB)
See Containment Spray Signal description (Section 5.2.b)..
- f. Main Steamline Isolation Signal (SLI)
- SLI actuation signals and resulting automatic actions are identical for the reference plant
' and BVPS Unit 2: with following exception:
BVPS Unit 2 does' not have individual steam 4" generator isolation, all steam generators are lg isolated simultaneously.
- ' SLIL Reset. capabilities are identical for the reference plant and BVPS Unit 2.
_g. Containment Ventilation Isolation Signal BVPS-2' uses a sub-atmospheric type containment and
'as thus does not utilize containment ventilation the_ same way as the reference plant. BVPS-2 only uses ' containment ventilation systems in the h
t' c
capacity for containment purge during Modes 5 and 6.
- h. Main ~Feedwater Isolation Signal (FWI)
- FWI actuation signals, and resulting automatic isolation are identical for the reference plant and BVPS Unit 2.
- - RESET / BLOCK capabilities are identical for the reference plant and BVPS Unit 2.
- 3. Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS)
- ,. The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
El 4. Rod Control Instrumentation-System The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 5. Radiation Instrumentation System The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 6. Containment Instrumentation System The reference system. and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
The BVPS Unit 2 RCS performs the same functions as the reference plant. It does have three distinct variations in configuration, these being:
- a three loop design vice four
- - three pressurizer PORVs vice two
- loop isolation valves
- 8. Safety In_tection System (SI)
'The' BVPS Unit 2 SI system performs similar functions as those described for the reference plant. The BVPS Unit 2 SI system is slightly different in configuration than the described reference plant. These differences are:
- BVPS Unit 2 does not have a subsystem corresponding to the reference plant High-Head SI subsystem. SI flow at high pressure (greater than approximately 305 psi) is provided exclusively by the l
-.....c , , - . , .
charging /HHSI subsystem. This system corresponds to the reference plant charging /SI subsystem.
- BVPS Unit 2's BIT is flanged off from the SI system and will not be used. The BIT isolation valves are designated Cold Leg Injection Isolation Valves.
- The BVPS Unit 2 LHSI subsystem does not interface
' -with the Residual Heat Removal System (RHS). These systems are completely segregated. (See description of RHS system Section 5.9).
- The BVPS Unit 2 SI-Accumulator subsystem has a minimum pressurization requirement of 605 psig.
- LThe BVPS Unit 2 Cold Leg Recirculation mode does
-not utilize the LHSI pumps taking a suction from the containment sump and discharging to the charging /HHSI punp suction. This same action is accomplished by a seperate recirculation spray pump .
system taking a suction from the containment sump i
. and discharging to the charging /HHSI pump suction.
- During Hot. Leg Recirculation mode, BVPS-2 does not simultaneously supply borated water to both the hot legs and cold legs, only to the hot legs.
- 9. Residual Heat Removal System (RHS)
- The BVPS Unit 2 RHS system is constructed similarily and O operates identically to the reference system. The singular difference between the systems is that the.BVPS RHS system is provided with two pu'mps (independent of the LHSI pump) utilized for Reactor Coolant circulation while utilizing RHS system. The BVPS Unit 2 RHS : system is. totally confined within the containment, where the reference plant dual purpose LHSI/RHS pumps are located in -the safeguards building. (See description of difference of the LHSI system 'in Section 6.8).
- 10. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)
The reference . plant the EVPS Unit 2 CVCS systems are essentially the same. The one exception to their m similarity is the 'BVPS system has three centrifugal I charging /HHSI ' pumps vice the reference systems two centrifugal ~and one positivo displacemen't pump.
- 11. Component Cooling Water System (CCP) d The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 syctem are essentially the same.
- 12. Service Water System (SWS) v.;
k c 3 m
The 1 reference system .and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
-13. ' Containment Spray System lute reference system and the BVPS Unit- 2 system performs the:same functions with the following difference: BVPS-
.2 containment spray pumps are not capable of being aligned to the containment sump for recirculation spray.
- On low RWST level the spray pumps stop. However, spray is then provided by a .seperate recirculation spray system which is capable of maintaining the containment sub-atmospheric for- 30 days following a DBA. This seperate recirculation spray system prevents providing a RWST flow-path directly to the containment sump.
- 14. Containment Atmospheric Control System
' ' + The Containment Atmospheric Control System in the reference plant, and that utilized at BVPS Unit 2' perform nearly identical functions. The major appearant difference is in the safety qualification, and major ifunction of the reference plant fan cooler in containment. -The reference plant has safety. grade fan coolers tasked: with post-accident containment heat removal. This differs from BVPS in that the containment fan coolers are not safety grade, and although their operation is described under post-accident conditions, the design requirements for post-accident heat removal requirements are satisified by the' Containment Spray System- (See Section 5.13). On the reference plant the containment far coolers are located on the refueling deck. At BVPS the fans are-located at the containment sump level and receive' a shunt- trip signal on high containment sump level.
.15. ' Main Steam System (MS)
The reference. system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are designed to perform the same functions. Five major physical difference exist- in the configuration of the t systems.
- The .BVPS system- has three vice four steam generators (SGs).
- The BVPS MS system has an additional steam release path provided by the Residual Heat Release valve.
This valve presents an air operated to open, spring return to close, valve capable of relieving approximately 200k lbm/hr (1.7% thermal power).
This release corresponds to reactor decay heat and
RCS pump heat 20 to 25 minutes after a full power reactor trip.
w * .The design and normal operating pressures of the BVPS MS system are slightly lower than those described in the reference. plant. (ie., 1075/1005 respectively vice 1185/1100.)
. pump originates from each of the three SGs and has manual isolation capability from individual SGs.
The SG(s) cannot be remotely isolated if an AFW auto start signal is present, but swing check valves are supplied in the supply lines to minimize the probabiltiy of simultaneous SG depressurization during SLB accidents- . The steam supplies are administrative 1y controlled to provide steam from 2 of 3 SG(s) at all times.
- 16. Main Feedwater and Condensate System The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system perform the same functions. One significant difference in system configuration is that the BVPS has two motor-driven feed pumps (two motors per pump) and a motor-driven startup feedwater pump vice one motor-driven and two turbine-driven pumps in the reference plant.
- 17. Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFW)
The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system perform
'idcntical functions. The only significant difference between the BVPS system and the reference system is that
.any of the three pumps are aligned to all three SG(s) following an AFW start and the steam driven AFW pump is normally aligned to receive steam from only two SG(s) at any one time.
- 18. Steam Generator Blowdown System The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 19. Sampling System
'The reference system and BVPS' Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 20. Spent Fuel Storage and Cooling System The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 21. Control Rod' Drive Mechanism Cooling System J'M
c p
The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 22. Control Rod Drive System 1.e reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 23. Turbine Control System The reference system and BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same.
- 24. Electrical Power Systems The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same with the exception of the containment fan coolers are not powered from an emergency power supply.
- 25. Pneumatic Power System The reference system and the BVPS Unit 2 system are essentially the same with the exception of Pressurizer PORVs. On the reference plant these valves are pneumatically operated. On BVPS Unit 2 these valves are hydraulically opened and spring closed by pressurizer fluid. BVPS-2 has two air compressors which are dedicated as Containment Instrument Air Compressors vice supplying the containment air system from the station -
instrument air system.
e -
- References NUREG-0899 Westinghouse. Emergency Response Guidelines, Rev. 1, September 1, 1983-EOP-Implementation Guideline;(INPO 82-016), June 1982
-- -EOP Writing Guideline (INPO 82-017), July 1982
'- E0P Verification' Guideline-(INPO 83-004), March 1983
'- .EOP Validation Guidelines (INP0 83-006), July 1983 JLetter . to the- NRC' dated March 14, 1984 (Carey to Varga) documenting a conference call which provided clarification for
' identifying. deviations when ' writing plant-specific E0Ps from generic ERGS (NDISLE:0118)
Letter WOG-84-164, dated December 17, 1982; Supplement 1 to NUREG-s -0737 NUREG-0700 t
b 4