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App 5 to DHR During Very Small Break LOCA for B&W 205 Fuel Assembly Pwr
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1978
From: Michaelson C
Shared Package
ML20090F995 List:
TASK-07, TASK-7, TASK-GB B&W-0544, B&W-544, NUDOCS 8307080725
Download: ML20090G004 (28)


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- C* May 3, 19 73,. 3&W received a co==unica:ics frc= the Ten s ssee Xalle.-

3 . .

Authert:f on the subjec: of Scall 3:cak Ana2ysis in connac:ie: -ith :he

- 3ellefonte Nuclear Project. .nii la::er forvarded a de: ailed considara: ion of the evoluzion of cer:ain very s=all becaks, vri: en by li- . Cc:1 Michelson. =c en:itled Dacay Eea: h== val Duri=g a Vary. S=all .3:eak..LCCA for a B&W 205,-- ,

l i

our Tuel PWZ." nis has beco=e k=ovn as :he Michelson Report,

. -pu. pose here is :o doc ==en: B&W's assess =en: of the issues raised in this rep::

1. De hi hS pressure injection va:er (EPI) =ay bypass the reac .or core and .

eni: the Re'acco: Coolan Sys:e= (RCS) directly via the break, thus not providing for core cooling. e  :

2. .ne steam generator =ds: re=ove significant por:Lons of the decay hea:
  • for certain sizes of very s-=" breaks. . . . . . ,,

.3. ^-na pressurizer level. is not a valid =easure of ICS licuid inven:or.- for

- ~ ~ - - - - - - -

s certain s=211' breaks.

.. '~ ".'.-" "' '-

- 4. Edloving depressuri:a:1on of ~ he Reacect Coolant'Sys:en, :he seconda17, side of the seem: genera:or =us: be considered as a heat source and i:s hes:ing eff ec:s on the Reactor Coolan Syste= =ust be included vi:hin the sus 11 treak evaluation. . . . . .

5. IU: ural circlla: ion' =sy b'e i.n~cerrup:ed by the foi=azica of voids within

. the RC#. If na: ural circuisticri is te-..inated, a repressuriza:ics o f the f RC3 vill oceir during the ti=e tha: :he Reac:o Cool == Loops are drainin 4

PJ'.or :o the es:ablish=en: of stes= condensa:icn.

R&U Me:hodolo w For Selee:1on of " c se-Case" 5:211 3:ec.ks

.ised by the Mic: elsen Rapor ,  ;

As background for discussing the issues particuls; :he "five issues above, i: vould b 2 ell :o describe briefly :he procedure used by labcock & Wilcox to iden:ify critical or vors: case s=all I

. b r e z. .s . Le spectru: of bre ks evalua:ed is based upon the following consider cio469090X .

a .

. M m 6 s/


} y.g h . " eT GAi ,

~ . a . . . F . .. . .a.


\ -.

s L ,' s c7T :.ina Accide .- - This break, by its locs:1:n, seve' rely ll=1:s the.. '

1, -

A., I=arsency Care Cocling Sys:e=s available for recidan': =itign icn. .


Cc=sidara:icas of bresk loca ion a=d single ac:iva failure dic: 2:e tha:

cc:a cocling =us: be provided by ene high pressure injection :Tain and one core fleed :2=k, un:11 che active lov pressura injection ::ain can be svi:ched fr:= 1:s asst =ed i=jec: ion i=co che brekan CFT line and balanced be:veen de :wo CT li=es. . .


A series of break sizes are evalua:ed wherein the consequences of the

  • rupeure ara =1:igs:ed .by various ce=bina: Lens of the three ICOS sys:e=s.

A.' A break is considared for which =i':igation is provided by lev pressure injac: ion (LPI), Core Flood Tanks (C7~), and high pressure .


injectica (E?!).

3. A break is c=nsidered for which =1: iga.ica is supplied by caly the CIT and the E?I syste=s. ,
  • O . .r. - C. A break is considered for which =1: iga:icn is provided- solely bv '

the high pressure injec:fon system. ,

3 Addleional breaks to confir= tha: the above spectru= has indeed bounded the vors: case are considered. .

t 3:esks are u=ifor:17 located, vi:h the excep:1on of :he Core Flood line, brr...k. terveen the high pressure inje. .lon point in the cold leg and ' .

i .


l the reac:or vessel. This acco=plishes :vo things: Tirst, a significan:

I, porcion of the high pressure injec: ion vacer goes directly ou: the break .

1 and does cc: provide core cooling directly. Second, bresk: at low ele -ions vi:hin :he ?.aarrer Coolan: Sysca= drain the 34sc:or Coolan:

Sys t..:= of si;;n' fican:ly core wa:e thsa b cchs at higher eicva:icas.

Thus, for. accidents in which :he high pressure injec: ion or other ECOS syste=s cannot insesn=eneously provide core cooling and cooling =ust be sus tained f or sq== period of ci=c via the initial F.C5 inventory, :ha:

inven:::v is reduced in :he =os: rapid wav possible.

xc4cosa 6


    • i e* * . * %w .. n g .g  ; y ,- -- ~ .-

- ,. ...u.. - -  ;

. . .) .1 .

.han . ne sC2,,,88' b

  • ak censidered i
  • b caks, :heca s_s.i e..- -

. ery s_.3,'

boundec, by SV2'"*,*d b eca 's e

. seY a- -

the spec ru: (g f*r 2.-) - are not - -

. r.

3 o- the ollowing reasons:


larger b:eaks .

.he once :hrough des f.

e . .

-- - 1* 3* ca us e C -, ..

U.- ~~'ernal 4.

ven: valves a.2 , . .

'.,.se" n the stea: Kene:2007 - . ' -'.

the B&* sces: scc * ^ --'- condensac,o 8 0 the '05 Fue,.

e-e oc. .

p 'o :o uncove---=.of the reac or core.

s ec,use v .. th's occurs

. - Asse=hiv ,-,_--- co sidared in .he - i we so.: Re?o..--> .

~ ' ~ . . .

'^4 s h'igher thin the reac:or-eieva:, cn o e -che stez: Sece- 2.o.s


~~e .

vesse-. 3 T-ke 177 Tual isse=bly p1a -. considered in this rapo::.

4 94 dva:er this occurs becausa the injection locat an for acx,- a f . ee ,

< .k..e s:= am .'enera.o

. ve

-- 5"re A-5-1. shcws the

-- - is nea.. ..s..e .e o. .

The 205 .: .s

.so t eS lovered loop 177 , ^. Planes.

  • re12 ive eleva:4ons -

y, design cans e v3 sua14-ed ,ro:..-gure A -5 1 bv man all/ raist=s

... .. :he .. _

-.ts.e b. ot e of the. OTSC corresponds steas Sece: 2 0 s such. tha: -- .-

o~ s ene reac o vessel inle: 15 CUCl**

  • 1***.4 2:217 to ** "c^ -

. aP P. .roxi: .

n:-  :

no:21ns. .= y-.- = a . :. T - - -

2. I' s:ca= cendensa.i. en is occurring inh, ,,

t, e , , ,

phi:2:~/ sida of the stea: ,

then the RCS pressure vil3 .b*

a o arocad 1000 psi; since ganara:Cr. *

. pressure and' .s.e o!'sG is cohtrolled

he 075G hea: sin,g .s con --o114no t

i ~

t .

. -. . u. . .. -. -

n: abou:,g.

  • . - .- . r. .

. .? .. ..

t -


-. s ted i'n the spec cM hose vi.h n,.v - --- .a- d oc anly, 1 3, The b re aks e.ta- '


! drain the ges 1 ops f asce; and es.abid sh steam condensation earliar - -

} 'he sca.. e, the.s: cam'condensa':1en = ode. ,

q than d o s.s,-1 c - b r e aks .

A: t --

.J 4 11 be higher ,than for the-the dacay heae . ace s o- the lar er brea.


The larger braak v'-11 a' so be lo!'A5 iniCi'E E s= aller b reak. ,

inven:ory faste; gan .e s=ah WA ,,

' ~

i g.s the h?I providas A. Because ,. been s. noun by eva3..a.<en - --



-- - - e 4 -3:,on .of a transien a: a h*.her decay hea: 73:8' -

. ~

--e 3 # en of the


es:11er cine, the E?I Vill p; ovide success,.ul c4 -4 a

. ~ . - - ...

l .../


'u - t

't 1.

Because high pressure injection eay bypass the core, 3*W

} '

chooses the break iccation to maximi:e chet ;=ssibility.

Dis- .

';.11 breaks are modelled at the Reac:cr Ccclant Pum:

ci --he between the 'HPI inject'icn loca^ ion 'and the 'R! actor ~

' Water ' injected in this broken cold leg is calculated

'Yessel. "


'ebn dir'ectly cut of the bEeak without providing direct '

~ -

core cooling. Water injected in"the intact cold legs' can ' '


i the RCS'via the break Sut 'it

,also bypa'ss the core and ex t _. . . . - . . . , .


could do se only if the Reactor Vessel downcemer was full

..of wateh. .Secause the exit e'levation fres, the reacter vessel .

' downcomer is above the t p of the reactor core, a f'uil. -

' reacter vessel downecmar guarantees that a mixture of steam -

and water must exist throughout the core regien and adequate .. .-

~ .. . . .

core.ccoling is being provided. ..

  • !s

'^ .

steam generators must remove a significant

2. For smalle:- bres ,

. portion of 'the decay heat for an extended period of time.

. The'1imit of this consideration becemes a no break case

' during which all energy removal must be via the steam

- gerierators or a leak must be created (safety valve or PORV)

' Steam

- within the React:r Coolant System to remove energy.

{' -

i i -

.generat:rs are ecdeled within the evalua'.icn and he'at' loa d tem' ..

' "is ccc.;uted as a function of primary and secon ary sys -

variables. .

C ..

XG40436 .

s8 d

  • A 5-3 . . .

l -



1 s..


Pressuri:er level is ng a goed indicacien cf criezry system

-N 1 No operator action shculd be based on liquid inventary.  ;

j It is quite pcssible to have a smaller 73 '

that signal alone.


break causing a slew loss of RC5 inventory and eventu'.I voiding of the reactor core while maintaining a reascnable f pressuri:er level if high pressure injectica is teminated i The only positive indication of reactor vessel prematurely.

liquid inventary is a subecoled indication of .all RC5 press

' and temperature indicaters excepting the pressurizer. }

This point is considered and de.menstrated within the evaluati t-modei particularly for t:reaks which occur in the pressuri er itself.

. . - . 4. The contained within the steam generaters severely alters those breaks large encugh :: de-

  • m

._.j _ .the course of events fa .

. , EaW evaluation p'ressurize belew the steam generator pressure.

rcdels consider the steam generators as a heat s:u:-ce or a heat sink depending on the relationship cf primary to secondary temperatures.

If the primary system is r.t a lcwer temperature than the secondary system, heat will be transferred frem This ,

the sc". indary systre- back into the primary system.

heat :.' :ws the depressuri:ation of the system, thus , I

' controlling the flow rate frem the high pressure injection for other ECCS systems.

cv .

'xc4c4s7 a

L A 5-6

  • =
  • M guan , ,- ,- - _ _ _
  • _ O Mg , g' ,

~... .- .

, " p . e.. -

s a ver. s:211 break and

3. Natural circulation vill be in:e: up=ad durin:

Sis repressurizatice a repressuri:a:ien is p =bable for this break. - (


35'# s anslyses shev, hevever, is shown in, cur evaluation.

catural circula:1cn ex: ends' far beyond :he ti=e of solid water .

yo11 cuing loss of na: ural circula:ics withis the pri=ary sys:c=.

=ede, an ex:anded ;eriod of


nz: ural circulation in the solid va:e:

ll " bubbly ve-phase." Du-in-circula:1on vill exis: in the =ede ve ca ..

this code of heat t:ansfer, stes: genera:ed by the core has collec:ed in :he upper head *bf'the reac:e vessel and a s:ca= bubbl:

leg piping has been of sufficient'si:'e :o expcse the cep of :he ho: .

created. Stea= exit; ou: the ho: leg no::le, =ines vich the unce:

i=.' th e ite: leg piping and ir carried around the systen to the stea=

?.e bouyency and swell

. generat=:s and condensed 2: that location. . ,

effect of s:ea= vithin the hot les piping cen:inues na: ural circula-l =.

. .s .

tica for a lens period of ad- .

~,  :. .

The process of two phase circulation operates because the

. lov. 'devever, a: so=e separa:ica race of steam fro = vacer is verf .

1 ti==

the void fracti'en in the hot legs will ace'u=u' ::e to the pein legs at a rate where steam can separate f c= the liquid in the ho:

sufficient to interrup circulation. During the early phases of a sm11 break ::nnsien:, the escape velocity in ce=bination vich tihe .

. the rate 1:

escape at hoc, leg void frac: ion is 'lov and steam cannot 7 ,

During is bains pushed into the ho: legs fro: :he upper plenu=.

thac :1=e, bubbly vo-phase natural circula:icn occurs.

For breaks evaluated in accordance with the 36t.' st:all break

.. %CdC498 spec:Eum philosophy, the p;c :s of bubbly :vo-phase circulacion does no: terninate un:11 che liquid level in the genera:or f all-

he 177 plant design, 1

talov the auniliary f eedvacer no::les en o

r i Taus, a: the te::.inatica of natural circula:icn, :he condi:iens m

'V {: gm -- m .- ~ ,._ . ._ -

---r- . _


- em g .,

_ e- ---.-


.. .s

-Q- .

. ~

for staa= condensa:icn have been c:ea:ad and ne Oa: inatics of hea-ransfer to the genera:or is saan, yer ex:ra=ely s=all ' creaks.

~.. ml

.  :: uncoverin;

'M.d the. er=ina:Lon of bubbly :ve--phasa circulacion pric:

of the scea= genera:or aus:iliary feedva:er so::les is pessible, .

becausa of :he lover decay hea: lavels involved and lever ra:e of syste= depressurization. A specific case for this is included i:

See:1on 6 of this report.

3&W Januarv !979 Rascense to W A In B&W's Janus:7 1979 respessa to CA, the follevi=g points vera adcressed:

1. Hou is decay hes: e=cved?

. 2. ' Jill a syste= repressurizar. ion occu:? If so, could a s=211er case be a vora; break?

S 2. If the operst:ir isolztes .he break, vill system repressurizatica occur!

If so, will the pressure relie{ valve be subjec:cd to slug or :Vo-phase

(..t -

flow? .

In our response, the question en decay hea: re= eval was b:cken down into evo aspec:s: .

Re= oval of decay heat from the reactor core, and 1.

Receval of decay heat fro = the reactor coolan: syste=.

4 NbO 2.

' Removal of decay heat fro = the core has been evaluated experi=entally.

fro = :

!* A.f ter an ini:ial cooldown fro = operating pcuer, re=ovs1.of decay hea:

core is acco=pil ' ed in a boiling po: =ede. Exceri=ents have been run fr - :

levels equivalen: to tho.=a which occu

', :he reac:or as early as five =i. -

following the rese:or trip. These er. :en:s indica:e :ha: so long as :he fluid quali:y in :he reactor core is :han appro::i=a:ely 70., core clad.

. s,

e:pera:ures vill re= sin within a feu degrees of sa:ura:1on. S=all breaks do no: cause local =ix:ures in the reac:o: :nre in cacess of 70" quali:y.



A 58

  • k t

' ~' ~ *~ r : A v. - -- .

As*w . .;,

r l

, . ^

  • L .


oke :eac o; 0  ?- *2

- 0 0 *#8 9 d I g,"-

  • 33 -"

23 es e cooling pechle: ani3:8 SJ

  1. co - -erari?d 20 255" '

3,.. uses  %.m,s e 4 3 ien (= sin:anance o -


- u e.


  • ,4,.-- 4- gg21~1 break analyses.
  • d. ait:= ate CCre CCo ~ ;a -

- n;:= nne rea :or coolant

', * ,--*y -

~ While the core can be cooled, re=cva, The , 3.,--

20 vay; := re va -he ds : 7 li:1:ed process.

sys:e- is a = ore cc=?

hea: f:c= the reactor c C12 875***'

1. The 3:eak, and ,
2. The S:ea= cenerators. ,n .-. ve s.isen Raport- 1 2., , - - - -----  ;

. d*scussed in de: . . '

Both of these p;ccesses ve The

,s, 3&w evaluatien =adels.

a app,y an 2 a- .- esidered d, rec,-.,y ,n 3o c.

correc:1y asse sI --- -- ve - s=211 breh the re=o tal of .-

Y.ichelsen Raper: ,3E~ as

  • s that i is j gene - o -

=s be censidered.

dacay'hea: via the stea: Eenera:erc dur n; et .e v*'- "d


  • the staa pess,.s.,c .o - - - a---y in:errupt hea s:aa= condensatic'

- 3,.<-- o" -

u the ::ansitien fro = bubhly two-phase. natural c4 -'.

c4...., a '-- -ases via the gagural circulation. ye ag .. ha once natura,

  • ,(,

-.g fo =acice of a stea= bubble in the top of the ho less." W w d M 11,ut a i= <. = == 7 di:hi= the

.s. - ? --4-a-,<

i the stea= generators vill occur en.,, --

a - be ov the liqu'd level in the t

loops has d:cppe. .o a po'-

reac o coolan: a 177 FA Pl s :

stea: gene::co:s (or belov the auniliary feed >ater no::les, fe The key question, hcVever. vas, could a s=211er break which cadergoes This can be ansver' the 80:3: case b:cak?

los of na: ural circula ic= bee.n 's 1

-4 0p- o-t --. 3 2--

bv ey, e ning the natu:e of the repressurization once na.,a a -h' Du 4nS ch's period, the pressure of s:ca= genera:or hea: recoval ceases.

5:aan for:inE "if e is con rs

  • led on a volu=e balan .e. .

reacter cocian 8s . s" * .ac o coolant US - -

i- s in an increa 4 in'pressuro C C3 -he ;csetor cera . s"-

i i

,p P ssure stabili: 3-

,> - e voluna e, ste -

4 =

and a decrease t, .ge se. e-* es -

s.a.. ,.- ass "g out the b r-

>< svs t' . e vo,,,-. o'- -~uid'

  • 1 o f whateva - .

ion occurs ur.. .. .he w, n .ne e, - or core or ade .

gleid being c:ea:cd v, s

,' equats the velune o  ::ca;c as pressure ,n-.

. e eases .h. - - volune of s:ca:

in j ec t,.on .

-,e ac. .w - -a

.. e e

e e m -% es - ' # 3 E*a b-'S '-*g , ,gp - y , -

- ' - - e.noku- . , ,.

1 l



. vi cin :he reac:o: core becc=es s= aller (specifi: vole =a effec:) and de volu=a of fluid passin;; cu: :he break becc=es larga (pressura increase leak ficv) places a 11=1: en the repressu-1:acion. "aerefore, because of the reduced g '

necessi:7 (lever s:as: volu=e crea:ad in the core) to ven: volu=a cu: of the break, syste= i=ven:ory loss vill re=ain sicuer for a s=all break dan .i: does for a larger break which did not undergo an inta::uption of natural circula:icn.

Fur dernere, s:es= conde=sa:1ca occurs only af:e a specifi: volu=e of liquid is drained fro: de RCS loops., a break size for which da RCS had :o repressuri:e takes longer to drain this a==unt of liquid chan a

' break which did not. Lerefore, the s= aller break. =us have los: liquid a: a slower rata a=d could ac be a worse case.' At the ti=a of re- es tablish=ent of

$atural circu'a .ica in the s tean condensa: ion =ade, .de 'ss=e ' liquid in-ven:ory c:cis:s fc: any break size.

~he only difference is that the sys:e= has .

arrived , . a: . this. pein:

.. earlier and -id higher decay hea IcVels.f : :he la:;e: . -

break than for the s= aller break. --

B&W addi:ionally addrassed the isola:1cn of :he break af ter te:~' ati;n r

g,. ..

of natural circula ica. We agreed that the scenario presen:ed in :he P.ichelsen Report was reasonable, and..syste= repressuri:ation to de code safety sa:poin:

t .

following break isola:ica was probable. Ecuever, once syste= inven:ory loss I

to a lebel corresponding :: condensation in the stea= gene:ntor occurs, Pressure would be reduced :o appro:ci=a:aly 1000 psi, core (

. ling would be t .

assured, and ficw ou: de code , safety would stop.

Should cc.d4 saf.e :ies b e..c .

A da= aged because of liquid discharge, dis is of no particula: :encern. n..

offective break si:e is rely increased and the case is act .u.. . by a slight" y larger break in de break speccru=.

. 'XO4C501 In UA's Februa:f ic79 response :o 3&W, the s:a c=ent on volu=a relief ou:

the break incraasins vi:h increasing pressure was questioned. Addition lly.


$m s :a ted ....e were 4

% also wondering if you considered the sys:e= to be in .

'The ro-3.ilanec' as well as 'Voluna 3alanec'. OveTiding in the WA response

..- A 5- 10 eau. .

g p0' .


_....-a..=.w._ . _ . _ ..

-u -a

. n '

' v- _.

vas he concern tha: al: hough velu=a balance :cchniwes f er e-7 Lana:ics o f res: upon a O,  ::all break ::ansianes vera ressenable, the final decision aus: ,

  • f der = dyna =ic evalun:ica for ce reac::: colan: systa=. cha:5$:cri:a:1cn of volu== balance i= da:ar _inin; de pressure in :he .

reacco: coola=: sys:e= is a concep: used by 35W :s unders:and the reac:Lon o f tha reactor coolan: syste= to a= incarruption of na: ural circulation and oder occurrences during s=all breaks. he ac:ual evaluation of a ::ansien has :c

. i=clude a total ther=edyna..ic balance o= the sys: =. - The 36W evalua:ica =edel is based on such a ec:21 ther:cd) nacie evalua:ics and includes conservatic:

l of energy, and conse: racion of = ass as well as . spacial 1ccatien of energy and

= ass. 3&.,' agrees da: .. . "cencepts such as volu=e balance and der =:balan ce should be recognized as ovarsi=plificaticas .which =ay apply : 17 to a fev special cases. Tne rigorous sclu:1cn =us be bcsed on nnss and energy l

conservatica principles applied to the entire sys:e= including all inpu:s, ,

1 Conpucc: code evaluation of outpu:s and , phase changes t.-ithi= the sys te=.". l 1: is po sible, l s=all breaks is necessary for ec=ple:e understandin;.


however, utilizins volu== and ther=chalance concepts, :o bound the ecndiziens evalua: ions can of s=211 breaks such that a s=all nu=her of specific co=mu:e be parfor:ed which provide assurance that all c:her r.=all breaks vill no:

Such bounding calcula:ic-lead to worse ccusequences within the reactor core.

' are perfor:ed by 3&W, and' cha jus:ificacion for the= has been e eplained i

earlier in dis repor:. XO40502


/.ssess=ent of Otha: Details in ei F.iche l.s Raeor:

in the see:ica above, we prt..ided an introdue: ion :o the Pichelsen Reper e 1:s evaluation. ~his cove re d the e.2 j o r .ues ra:. sed tr and a backs:ound

he report and our responsa to those issues, including docu=en:. : ion :ha:

issues ha.! been previously censidered by Sabcock 5 t.'ilcor.. . See:1on vil.

discuss :he da::ils con:sined in :he repor which have no: slready been adequa:aly addressed.

. 8 ..




    • ~hV .
    • _ _ _ _ _. t m,__  ; -

' ' ' ' ~ - * . . . .


i s

.' Points raised in the reper v:hich'are paraphrased or auc:ed 3ese Within the cover letter four points are made.

,n,. are underlined.

are: .

. 1. A steam bubble is likely to ferm in the hich ocint U-bend.

at the tec of ea'ch steam cene-ator after svsm ever cressun_

That is, af ter the crican ss'sd$ becoms baskaDE is 1 cst.

This would interruct na* ural circulatten and cecay



St/J agrees that such a steam bubble can fom,

' heat removal _.

however, we feel that the steam bubble will fem initially

, in the upper

. in the upper head of the reactor vessel and later .

iccatien of the U-bend. ~

'.2 The transition frem natural circulation to condensatien heat


transfer in the steam cenerators c:uld be troubiesome because

. of the tim delav while waitinn for the steam neneratcr tubes to drain down- far encuch to establish a condensation sur# ace '

Unlaet tha be.4 can alreadv rarove all decav heat. svs te'l

,*ien will occur. B&'A agrees. Transitien roer.ceuri _

frem natural circulation to condensatien may involve . system

'Je Ce not believe .

repressurization for verf small breaks.

that this is particularly troubleseme nor of cencern in providing the core recains acceptable core c Uling during the process. since covered during this period. ,

m C- .

XC4c503 i

eW s


  1. e 4 &f . g Q, .

+ , MN

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .. _ _ _ ._ - W

  • ~-*,,,..


3. There is a werm fhdica ted :nat even after t."e steam : nd2n.s 1:icn l

. I i is established wi:hin the reac:cr c:clant svstem steam eenera: rs. l Q A reoressuri:ation viti a::t'r when the ?.5 starts to refill . This

. (-

b l

would be caused by sys:ca filline over the c ndensati:n surf a:a.

N steam cene-ator h at removal w:uld have been needed, it ccuid not be re -establis.ied until com31ste refill of the svstem cc:urred.

Oscillat$rv behavior may resul t. Also, the cresence of non-cen-densibles may oraclude final filline of the RG.

  • u In fact, the refilling vii.1 be very gradual. ,

RCS level vill change

_ex::e=ely slevly in relattenship to the decay lea: drop-off. ~At first, u

de s:ea: genera:o condensing surf ace vill evolve :o a location or size

. ,which is necessa:" :o recove tha: portion of the decay hea: which c nco be re=oved vis the break. As decay hea: d::p s , :.o processes vill occur s1=ul:aneously. The need for s:eam condensation in the generator vill be

  • 3.


cduced and de syste= vill depressuri e slich:1y to reduce AT for cendens:t-ties. Also, injection flow vill increase slightly, thereby, both of these


aspects vill occur only as necessary to balance the reducing break quali:y and increasing break ..;v. Eventually, s:cas condensation in the generator vill be at a very lov, alcos: zero, ste and the break will scar: rc=oving

! all of the energy. At such time as :he break, fl:ving at whatever quali-~


is required, can renove' all of :he energy, the syste= will attano: :o :: 1, k and vn=e: vill be scored vich4 che loops. Stea= will be passed through :he cix:ure surf ace vi:his :he reac or vessel, pass through :he upper head and flov to the break. For a b cak very hi;h in the RCS. s:cac vill bubble hrough a mix:ure in the hot les regions and ext: the break.


XC40504' ,

A 3-13 )

. l i -

I 1

i j

i 1

or e e

~w _

- g *e

,m e -- -

r ,

l i


l i

! The system progress m This cencerr. addresses very lcng tem issues.



' to the point of stea'. c:ndensatien and 1cng tem c: cling has established.

The questien of eventual refilling er the primary _

system is raised. . . .._

The system should be viewed as a steady state ence thecugh -- .-.

Systa= pressure is boiler with caly a very s1641y decreasing pcuer. .

centrolled by the need to vent a specific a=ount of energy (steam kn approximate balance between mass injected .and mass ficw cu As lower and-lower power levels evolve the reduction break exists.

!n energy venting needed to maintain a steady state condition allows slow depressurization.

At the same time, break quality will be -. ..

. reduced in order that the approximate _ . . . . _ . . .

mass balance exists between


In mixture discharge, break correlations injection and break flew. . . _ ..._ _ __. .

shew that although mass discharge .. _ _ ... ....

increasas with decreasing- quality the'refore, the depressurization will be volume discharge decreases, j .very slow. Once the system reaches saturated liquid discharge both mass discharge and volume discharge increase with increased subccol

.: System

'- - ' negative quality, and the depressuri:ation rate will increase.


repressurization 'will not occur because in all casas the pressure re to vent a specific ce <.s of saturated mixtu-e is higher than that requir i

i-I to vent the same mass ficw in a subccoled stata.*

1 :re with HPI flew

" For smaller breaks, equalization of system pre::

l '

Once such a conditien may still occur at an elevated P.CS pressure.

XC4C5G5 e

  • 4 4

e O .


m ,M-

~ " ' - - ~ . - . ;r., -- -

.o ..

h i


. , i

. A. -

h .


. .J?


s .

l ive sub-ccoled indications

, exists, the reacter operator will eventual y rece At that time, he can throttle the ,  !

on his hot leg and cold lec RTD's. -

level where high pressure injecticn systa= back to reduce h pressure le er pro- to a the LPI or the decay heat removal system can ta'fa over t ero Such pessibilities are cutlined in the guidance

' viding core cooling. '

for operator management of small breaks.

is not valid unless considerable The concern over ncn-cendensibles during the ner.-cendensibles have been generated by tetal wa'er reacticns The volume of non-condensibles disolved in the RC transient. l has been evaluated and shown to be insufficient to prevent na Pio small break in the SW ttSS will result in cladding.

circulatien. tio,n temperature in excess of the initial value at steady state ope

\v (cbcut 700F).

Therefore. no metal water reaction will occur condensibles will be generated. .

for s= aller breaks reacter vessel drain The sta:enen: is ende that h ter than an ener v eeuilibriu :

t ti=e for a civen break size is se=e hat s or . . . . .

break can

1:e. This means that naturs'. circuletion ceases fleubeforeto eh n. the Increasin the eressure increases the recove r '_decav heat.

iven break <

acuilib rie= ti=e __f b'reak and therebv decreases the enerrv condition by T.nergy equilibriu= rela:ive o decay heat is an insuf ficicc:

during a s=all break.

which to predict s tabilization of system variables Ple-

$e censidered f or that predic:icn.

Iquilibriu= of tha en: ire RCS =us:

o c- establish s:ca= cond.nsa:1e refer to the earlier discussion of ti=e XC40506

?. .coolins.

the nossibili-" . hat increasine eressure fol'.e3 lir. Michelsen relates resul: in a lover ultiesci i

cessation of na u-al circula:ien vill trebab1v I

if :Se core is u eeve r-enre icvel and a hither seak claddine te.r ra ure

  • s A



  • FlF'%7g __ _

'* a"

r .

' ~- -

,,. .t

. fos 5 th il it7 Since repressuri:stion vill be :e =ina:ed before any sistifican:

bres>I which' recuire r tha:

the core vill bee:ce uncevared, and since fer  ;

9 of conde:82:ic: Vill i repressurizatice. :he liitid level decrease to :he poin:

i require occur a: a 12:a: tire than'for larger breaks which do no:

a this condi:1cn a:

rep ressuri:s ti==, the s= aller break which achiaves 1cuer core decay hea: level vill =e: lead :o an uncevered core unless the Since :he larger breaks all =eet the cri:e'ria of 10CT?J0.U la:3er break did.

so win the s= aller e es. .

In the final paragraph of Section 3.3, a statement is made to the effect that for certain smab break LCCA's. React 0 -

Vessel turn-arcund =av not be reached untti the uceer certion .

of the core has been uncovered for a orolonc2d ceriod of time ..

Reactor Vessel turn-around, because of the action ,of the vent valves and the once thrcugh nature of the steam generat:r

+ .

It will ,

and condensation surface, will occur at seme time. ,

~ occur earlier for larger breaks and at higher decay heat levels.

The only mechanism for less of fluid frcm the React:r Vessel itself, is a boiling process c nverting whatever water is in f

At lower decay heat levels, this the Reactor kessel to steam.

l If at higher decay heat l

process takes a longer period of . time.

levels, it has been mitigated by the action of the high pressure injection system, thenths high pressure injection system can

- mitigate this process at lower decay heat levei -

e I

i . .

e XC4C.5cy  ;

I .

. = ea


! .* -s f ~' '="- - . ,. , _ _ _ , , , , , ,

- _ _-1 m r., ,

l i

1 .

. i.

's .

- .i e

-- n- is made that 5hu*s'-wn -- Cooline , a s.a -

.m .

In section a.: ~

g. . %,osk - - - Can De D2d9

) woine icst thecuch


any ,1utd s..

hine suction frem thi

- Ona of the decav heat re-eva'. .

b., o,~", --

- ^ ,- . -

borated water st:raca -

s 3i)gro ank

- involves One c-o bv a 3hinh *hodeCaV-oressure in3ec ,

1cos if a costuTaced sincie The statemen., is


e - wwe- enly for a period _

hs't receval c s. .

Eventually, for any of these breaks, the icss of fluid


. of time, daaFC **

thr: ugh the break will have to be made up .

. Sufficient vatar w111 have

< rem the reacter building su P. .

s s. 3. --- ..a, within the .

-. - break can e

.g. -

accumulated, unless ,

3- t..a.

5 kerated. water st0T29e sump to match the approxo ate- volume of e-* -c

  • ci a n,-

ulation to provi;e . r - --

tank. At that time, rec 1. - .

system makeup mus' be 'aken frca the sum?.

- Ier section 4.0 ,Aorst C=~s. t.0CA censideraticns u g. ,. . .

and 4 Dischar:e Ccefficien* =nd 5 ask lo' cation,a parapap l . .. ,

+g3+ ~'"5e fluid

' should be deter ine s - i.s

'. statements are made h3 _ e -5. 'T un, d a,-


lost throuch +.he br.=k remains recresent:tive certain W2t?" c- .-

Alsoi statement is made y+5 a*' 'c-o t

the core exi'.

  • n_4---er-ion cumo flo'd sida break locations. *u5. e hich oressure ate d within the cor?

c . and any decav hea. ce,. -

r:av bvcass *w..

w- submerced break r steaml, "

l J


. mav

't effectively cer.unicate.W4:g u,. - re-

- _. -u ~ oval s There mav b._a no sienificant decav cen....

. ' - tor 'u os-

-J. Z ' while this condition eersists.

- Xe4050.8 . .

I .

f .

A 5-1~

G a

- - - - - - - - ' - - r -r ,,

~ ,~. _

1 1

l 1


. ]

.. s .

In Section 4.': Decay Hea: Ra= oval, the s:ata=en: is =ade, "'unt o:

O .

' reud. de 5:eck vi:h eerh2es se _e

  • I these breaks reach ener e eeutlih ' k can drzir suf ficien:1.-

crelonced reeressurira:ih. bafora the sna eenere:c As a resul:.

to becc=e a condenser f=11cuine less of natural circulation.

co eletic . of the rese:or vessel : : elenu= drainare :hr u:S the breah which

--a --d of anv cu1=inaces in a loss of na: ural circulation aceears essential usefulness of the stea= eenera:::s fer :he s=all break LCCA .

=1: ira cion . " The drainase of the reae:or vessel ::p plenu=.does no: ,= ark the end of effec:ive ca: ural circula:Len. As explained above, the staa=-

Sensrators are effec:1ve, al: hough interrup:able, during the entire transient evoluzica of a small break LOCA.

In Section 4.4, in the second paragraph, there is a d;scussion of he

'.03 f: break doce=en:ed in 3.4 -10074 A final conclusi:n is :ha: level turn around =us avat: a lever pressure and con =ensu:a:e increase in pu=o 9

flov because the flow discharge through .he .05 f:' break is censiderably

,: cater than the capaci:f of one high pressure injection puro. . Tor'these class breaks the syste= depressurizes u=:il such :1=s as s:ca= flew is 411oved to ext: the break. k~nen s ea:2 flev e:ci:s the break. :he s-rs:e= will


In rapidly depressuri e to a point where energy equilibriu= is achieved.

this case and in these conditions only, " energy equilibriu=" is a preper


tool for evalua:ing stabili:ation of the s=all break. "Jith this rapid decrease in pressure, the high pressure injection flev vill =a:ch de bresk I

i flev and the sys:e= will achieve an equilibriu= cendition. XC40509 In the follevins paragraph, s:2:e=en ts are =2de to the ef f e- tha :he s

.05 f:' break is near the 1cuer sized 11=i- for :he ECCS evalua: ion nedel a-1

'or a ve r s=all bre.'k LOCA analveis.  : ICC5 evalu2 near :he uecer l'~d-

. :ien edel does ne- ansear :o :ake into conside--: ten :he cessibili:v ef in:er=1::en: na: ural circula: ion or :5e e f fe::s if secar ?acera:o: drain :i l 1 -

e **

m .

,%e &

S e

m . _ v 4 .r .

- /


' #1uid cordition :o

' hac:eri:a:

.Ch: ion of ths rela:Lonship of :he core ou:let


  • svolve a de: ailed consideracion a phase

> b cak fluid condi: ion cus: ,,

a/ .

=i:cing alen:;,preper c):siders:icn o f separation, slip flov and stea= va:e I: is to: po ssible to a:--ive the 3,CS geona:.- , i.a...ven: valva ac:icas.

condizion o f a s:_211' at proper conclusiens for the exae: ther=odyns=i:

The point tha:

break tiithou: de: ailed e:ca:inacion of these pheno =en$'.

, decay hea: s= oval =2y no: be provided by a certain por: ion of the high '

pressure injection sys:e= is valid an[ oc'eurs f o: these breaks be:vaen the coolant pump discharge and the 'reacter vessel and a certain per-p'crtion of the high pressure injection. can exit prior to For this reason, the Bibecck &

feming decay heat removal.

Wilcox design is centro 11ed to achieve a specific split in high pressure idjection fns between all injection points in the ~

Reactor Coolant Systam. This limits the enount of water that


0' '} can exit the break directly without providing c:re cooling to an acceptable fraction. The design provides eba: no l

more than thirty percent of the high pressure infection '1cw can I


be passed through any single line. The coca:ent continues that i there may be no sienificant decay heat removal while in this i

condition. Decay h2at re=cval is not contingent upon high t The re=cval process is pressure injection in and of itself.


- ce= plicated, it may be via transfer to high pressure infectica l water, water, it m:y be .:urring via transfer to initial sy :e:

f the final relief uom the Rts system can be through the steam In any case, an acceptable generater cr,through the break.

mode of removing decay heat is always provided.

XO40510 .

i A 5-18 w

~ % < enu,,,m-y

i l

ie ee-e

.,-...,2'4.-~~" -

': ,oci be t'.M ---

. -he eransi ten f 7? n 3 3 0'# *,-


d re C" D # #E A .. - c oice of .05 f: break '5'025*d evaluation nod.3 ' .--, , --- --

calcula: ions and consideiable work has been placed h ?


  1. 8 ^^

- -130' i breaks do provide .counc.4 . analyses as explained above. -

.%.2- %e d ain tine to par., o., ene e m evalu2: ion =odel,

. i=por:an: .

Our eva ca.4-C

- '- <- 'udes codelins es tablish ::ma= condensa.'.on b* ' * ' udad. -

n-- base s to be, ade W S

. a su,,,----- . .-- sv. scar. s.a fe- chis drain :ine on a

' for the evalenzion of s=211 break LOG's; .. .

2 .4 o.

4-4-a don on successfully passin3

.The .05 f: break relies -.

,..r, d en of ste2= condensatien through the inter:2?:Lon period an,, ,.t4 ----

".ovever. since the a s' ' m- - for this la ser within the stea= generators, sys ten, the break 'does no t en*i a repressurisa:,on o, .g e ?s , - -- - -

obv<.oes < - - >s eressure-prograss .t.,

.. . u.s . --

w,  ::ansition is no - -

49  %


e e

i .

1 I

l 9

e e

  • e s

XO40511 a

. e

  • e w .. 9.

k e

e 8 .


- - - " ' * *M#--

_ , , . , , ,,,--,y g _ _.

  • .l M Wf .e %

t e

4 .


\... .

shut of' e"ec-

.R Q In ectier 4.5 Break isolation and zum'.:


in the last part of.the second paragraoh, a statement is : de

'that _decressuri:ktion 'to '?50 esi accears likelv with reduction in cakaus #1cw and eventual coeninc of the code safety

~ decav heat..if the briak has been

~' valves as recuired to remove isolited. Fo11cwing that, in the next paragraph, the ie act of ~

' ~

passiric water *hrcuch 'the safety valvas cav create hvdraulie instabilities and'dthar service conditions for which the vaiv

^ The caly i= pac
of ihe ' failure of the

- have not been cuaiified.

safe:1es, if i:

occurs, will be to =aka the break sligh:ly bigger.

~ This larger break vill b.:have as thosa already evaluated in :h'e break spectru=. Thus, even if datage to che safe:y valves vers to '

occur,, acore cooling would not be interrupted. .

In the last paragraph of this see: ice, is a statement tha: the full cressuri:stian indication may ccnvince the coerator to trio

.s. of level .

a 1

-the hich ores sure cumo and watch for a subsecuent _1 1

i 3

_If this haocens and the break has been isolated, the steam cenerator l

l tube licuid level st:rts decreasine due to release of fluid ur' ace is throuch the safety valve until an adecuate condensatine i


No further loss of level is likelv and the safety The sta: b boilinc mo/ , , ill orevail valve should remain closed.

I 1


_and the oressuri[er shculd remain full of licuid wica a contre 1

steam bubble inithe react:r ves:el. -

f o

- 96 .

4 XC40512 -

) l e

4 .s s

4 0

.\ -- - ., , - - - - - - - w,, _, *7g .c 9.Aggg

    • 6 Ma+e

_,,-_....._..,-,__.,_.......__.,"..,_m._,.,._.,_..,,_.. .

_,._,_y_- _.m. . _ , ,,_ . , _ , . . . . . . _ - _ . _ - - .

4 l

- s .


t _


/ (<

1. Intermittent natural circulation is identified as a cessible small mcde of initial decav heat re .cvai folicwine a ve -v break LOCA. (Seccien 3.1). The adecuacv cf this unstable
t. ode for decav heat removai needs te be verified. -

B&k' Co= ant: The adequacy of :his uns:able = ode of decay hea:

re= oval is ver1fied *oy consideration of :he processes which must evolve during a snall break 1.CCA. The inter:1::ent na: re of natural circulacios is not an u ds:abic : ode.  !: is an

. interrup: ion un-d ano:her = ode of na:ur:1 , stea: -

co-densation, can start. The process is allowed for wi:hin the

' evaluation codels chrough the 'use of bounding evaluations and larger break sizes which pose =cre severe cor. sequences, or :he potencial for = ore' severe consequences , to the reactor coolan: ,

syste= and the reacco core. ._

2. The transition from natural circulation to ocol boiline/

condensine invol- a time delav incu- ed while waitine

.for water inside 9e steam cenerator to drain belcw the Durino this time ,

secondary side water level (Secticn 3.2).


! system reoressuri:ation will occur if all decav heat is not beine removed throuch the break. Tne ef et and accectability of.this recressurizatien needs to be dete.--ined.

XC40513 e



'- - = . ~ . . .- - *- -- _ _ -.

. .. - . -._ x

,. 1

. ., t ,

. - ~ 1

. t m

H?I :ernina: ion is accep able only when subccoled candi: ices 3

.u Ceolan: Sys:e=.

have been es:ablished in :he Rese:::

discussions _ .

In sec: ice 1.6 ?ressuri:er level indicati:-

not a ec- ect are abou: the face' tha: the ressu-i:er level 's Durine the evalue:ien indiez:er of va:er level within the ECS.

s:able or increasint of the scall break. stessuri:er level can e .

While P.eac:sr Ceolan Sescen is draining. These s:a:enents are true and have been discussed above. .

In the very las: par:

of Sec: ion 4.6 in :he second paragraph, the conclusien is reite-ated tha: the eressurizer surge line vill nreven or can er-ven: 1ee eressuri:er level indic:: ice while the Reactor Coolan: Svstei is losint invent:r!. We agnin supper: this conclusion and feel :ha: very 1..portan: tha: th. ins: rut fo5s



issund in Bulletin 79-05A relative :o ter=ination of high pressure


injection be follove:1 in all pressurized water reac: ors.


Within he first paragraph of Section 5 cenclusiens. a is cade that resorted MSS vendor codels do ne: acces: to acco medste We believe cha: :he 35W :odel the verv sec11 break LOCA situations.

f does consider :Le necessary phencuens :o acco= eda:e ver/ s=all break LOCA. Because of the bounding nature of the larger breaks, extensive been .

couputer evaluatien of very s=all break LCCA's has no:

The major points of :he liichelsen report's conclusion are repea:ed s

here verba:in. Following each are 31N's c:=en:c :o follov each of these conclusions.

m .


- .e 6


--- . _ _ ~ ^~ -

- - - - - ... ~ ~ -


.- ( .,,. i ,. . ) .

4. ,

The cressuri:er level indicacien is no a correct indica icn of water level relative to the Reactor Core 'Section 4.51.

i The safety sienificance of this shertccmine needs te be evaluated with recard to the adecuacv of info-matien for . .

corrected ocerator actiens.

Only when subeccled


B&W Cce: ent: Babecek & Wilcox agrees. ,

conditiens exist within the primary system, is' it zccectacie -

r E

' to take action to terminata or ' throttle the' high pressure,


. injecticn system. --


- 5. The cessibility of small break isolatien bv coerater action and the subsecuent loss of both the steam cenerators and t

bre?. as heat sinks is of scecial concern "Sectice 4.5" the racid reeressurization and eventual excesure of the

  • - pressurizer safetv valves to sluc or tuc-ohise ficw needs_

analytical consideration and cessible test cualification


of the valves. The possibilities of break isolation are very small within the Reactor Ccolant System. Three breaks can conceivably be isolated.:

a. The break of the normal letdown 1ine ,
b. The break of the PORY or pcuer ocerated relief valve on the top of the pressurizer,
c. A very unlikely break between the contr:1 valve and

'- - block valve en the pressure s;:r$y line.

'I .


~ ~ -- - - . . m .- - n .. . . . _


I 1

l l

_ /

' ' * \',*

This e#f ec: has been censidared in the 3&V 3&W Co==en:: ,

. analysis, a=d the breaks for :he ECOS analysis have been break LOCA's , bound the conseque=ces . .

of .,all.: -s=all on the reac:or core. .


3. The Decav Heat fraction which is re=cved thr for a oiven mass flee rate will be less tive the fluid enthalov ucstream The of the break is recr J ensitiitt of the ccre exit enthair.v (Sectico 011 to uostream er.thalov, carticularly with re:ard ta svstam k


reeressuriaation, needs to be evaluated for these brea i be cessible._ As

.locaticns wherein sc=e core bveass may .

- /

(,? _

explained earlier, fluid conditions at the core

. little relationship to fluid conditions at the, break duri

ilibrius earlier portiens of small breaks. Only when a true equ has evolved within the primary system will fluid conditions at the core exit'or at the exit frca the
f. -

mixturt above the core be representative of these at Finally, if the break is in the location

, . the break. ,

the break, j

where hPI water can directly short circuit t


fluid conditions at the c'cre exit (or the exit of

  • c:xture above the core) will never be representative Such c:nsideratiens cre included I of those at the break.

in the Babcock & 'dilcor. evaluation ecdels anc ar main reascns for loc *ing tne treak between the Reactor XC'#516' Coolant ?umo dischar,ga and the Reacter 'less a'. , th a certain portion of the hich pressure injection Oc be rem  !

Systc= wi tncut crevidf nc direct cer-

'feca tne P.eac cr C: alan:

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'C _ -- , . . -

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Isolation of these breaks can c:nceivably cause i


repressurization of the Reacter C0clant System to the point

,7 where cede safeties will rel.ieve the energy frca the core. ,

There are no unacceptible reactor safety censequences of cada safety valve relief even considering the possibility of cede j safety valve failure in the open position. These accidents , i

. If they occur, can be handled by the ECC5 systems.

6. ' There mav be a octential for serious erecess disruction for unaccentable functional or oressure boundary damage to c =cenents and steam cenerator tubes due to the' hydraulic instabilities whien are lik'elv develoced durir.: a vert s=all

. break LCCA. The bubblino of saturated steam thrcuch sube oled liouid and the injection of cec 1 makeuo water into a steam

'i,t filled cold lec oice are inherent 1v unstable crocesses of ,

particular concern that need further consideration. The possibilities of system inst ~ :lities associatad with high pressure injection flow or s interruptions and oscillation of decay heat removal via na?. cal circulation are significantly smaller than the design conditions for the Reactor c:clant i system. The design condition of the steam generators,

- reactor vessel, reactor vessel internals, RCS pioing and c:mponents are set by large break LOCAS in which hydraulic forces of orders of magnitude larger than those pessible .

by these mechanisms are censidered, therefore, though there

-- is a s=all possibility that systaa instabilities can occur during small break LOCA, the resultant low loads are well


(_.*, -

within the design capacity of the H55. XC4C517 a

- ^ h ,_

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As discussed in th'e foreccing assessment and confirmed by analyses presented el'sewhere in this report, S&W believes that the technical points raised in the tiicheisen reocrt are allcwed for in the design of the S&W ?!SS and in the ECCS evaluation medel used to predict plant performance. The rt. pert independently confi-ms certain censidarations vhich are a part of the SW ECCS evaluation =cdel. .

The issues raised in the report do not alter cur conclusion that the B&W ECCS eval'uation =cdel conservatively predicts the safe response of the B&W NSS to we-st case .


l. css of Coolant Accidents , including small breaks, and that the redel is an adequate basis for characterizing ,

system behavior. .

t. .

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