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FOIA Request for NRC Recent Order Requiring Util to Meet Testing Requirements at Southport Generating Plant or Take Unit Out of Operation & Correspondence Requiring Util to Meet Safety Stds Per Reg Guide 1.118
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/1983
From: Belew R
Shared Package
ML20086H762 List:
FOIA-83-743 NUDOCS 8401200234
Download: ML20086H766 (2)



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d -h f.*2!2rfaN.Ye, P O Box 840. Wilmington. North Carohna 28402


Oca4a (Fia l Sta Baaee' Leetberg (F na 1 Comme <c al Pa'a's a (F is ) Daily N.*S L ene Cdr 'Fis ) Reportee Set > ag (Fsa i News s

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Dec. 7e 1983 weeco tsiand (Fia ) E agie Zephyendis (Fla i News Anna Maria (Fia ) Islanoef Goicen Gate Fla )Iagle teneagton (N C ) Dispatch 1'*.*a'TaOf, k','.~.O'ie.

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ro. a. na t os., Co et FREEDOM OF INFORMATON Freedom of Information 0fficer United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACT REQUEST

[d-g j.7 g Washington, D.C.


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Dear Sirst This is a request for informati n pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 USC 9 552).

Under the Provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following information:

1) A copy of the Nuclear Regulatory Commissionis most recent order requiring Carolina Power & Light Company to meet testing requirements at its Southport generating plant or take the unit out of operation.
2) A copy of the NRCis correspondence this summer requiring CP&L to meet safety standards pursuant to Regulatory Guide 1.118 (Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protection Systems).
3) A copy of the NRCis letter to CP&L in reference to removal of Jumpers from its systems at CP&Lis Southport generating facility. The letter sought would have been mailed in the past 3 months.
4) A copy of all correspondence in relation to removal of Jumpers from the Southport facilityis systems. This request deals only with correspondence between the NRC and CP&L that has been written pursuant to the letter sought in item 3 above.

As provided in the Freedom of Informatin Acts I will expect to receive a reply from the NRC within ten (10) working days. If there is to be a delay in compiling all the information requested above, please forward the items and information according to a priority list identical to the numbered list above. For examplee mail all items in 1)i then all items in 2); etc. If that is not possible, send all information requested in any of the numbered items as they are compiled.

8401200234 840106 PDR FOIA BELEWO3-743 PDR g


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Page 2 of 2 Should there be any misunderstand 2nd of the intent of this letter or should your office need any additional guidance or explanation, please contact me immediately at the following telephone numbers:

(919) 343-2381 or (919) 343-2312.

I am prepared to pay reasonable costs for locating the requested information,for making copies of the items and for mailing expensess however, the Freedom of Information Act provides that you must waive or reduce such fees if it is in the public interest because furnishing,the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the public. That is the case in this request, because the infor-mation sought will form a portion of the facts that will be included in news accounts relating to the operation of the generating facility which provides electric power for thousands of residents in Southeastern North Carolina. Please contact me at either of the telephone numbers above if there is any question about the request.

Sinc aly, WA


Ray, 'ond H. Be l ed J r.

Reporter for the Wilmingten Morning Star

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