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Testimony of Jf Roden Re Inadequacy of Procedures Re Westchester Portion of 10-mile Evacuation Area & Personnel Use.Roads Cannot Handle Traffic.Parents Will Not Cooperate W/Evacuation of Children
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1983
From: Roden J
Shared Package
ML20083Q370 List:
NUDOCS 8302250416
Download: ML20083Q499 (5)



t RE: Evacuation Plans in Event of Nuclear Accident at Indian Point Testimerly of John F. Roden (Teacher, Yorktown Central Schools; President, Yorktown Congress of Teachers; Mamber Board of Directors, New York State United Teachers)

4. The Yorktown arca ecstains major North /Scuth escape route, Taconic State Parkway.

Access to this highway would primarily be via Routes 202 and c.

An feeder routes to the Taconic or evacuation routes co the East, these routes are totally inadequate.

Che need only make a cursory inspection of these routes during normal commutation or shopping times, when traffic is often backed up at Mghts and inter-sections for more than a quarter mile. During an a rgency one should anticipate a much higher level of traffic causing even more massive delays than normal.

b. To this date, there has been no distributicn of materials describing routes to be u' sed by families, school children and school district staffs.
c. To this date, there has been no discussion of which I am aware, in any school district, concerning the role of staff in any evacuation pro-cedures.
d. To this date, there has been no training concerning the role of bus drivers in an evacuation of school district children nor has there been any training concerning possible evacuation routes to be followed.
c. To this date, there has been no discussion in any receiving school d2 strict concerning their role in receiving children from school districts which are being evacuated.

In addition, no training of staff hau occurred in receiving school distracts, nor has it been determined if such districts have shower facilities, adequate food and clothing for the evacunes they are to receive.

f. No procedures have been discussed or implemented concerning the provisien of food and clothing at reception centers. Who will be responsible for requisitioning, supplying and financinq such food and clothing has never been discussed or deteritdned.

At this time there are serious doubts that such facilities will be provided in the event of a nuclear emergency.


a. The evacuation plan envisions f.eachers and other school district staff employed by a district being evacuated playing an active role in the evacuation of school children in the event of a nuclear accident. Such j

a plan will not be implemented by such staffs, nor pentitted by large numbers of parents:

1. school district staffs will be most reluctant to be separated from their own families in time of emergency.
2. Parents of school children will be most reluctant to be separated from their'own children, during an emergency, due to the fact that the children may be transported to a distant school district.

One can 8302250416 830217 PDR ADOCK 05000247 I

easily envision parents jassning access roads, appearing. at school buildings to demand their children not be transported. The logis-4'

. tical problems inherent in the plan cannot, in my judgement, be overcome,-and will doom such a plan to failure.

3. Teachers and other staff. members will be most reluctant to leave -

their awn automobiles in their school district while they accompany children on school buses to some distant points.

In many cases, these automobiles will represent the only transportation available to the district staff to use to evacuate their own families. It cannot be expected that staff will abandon their own means of transportation in the event of a nuclear emergency.' The resolution passed by the teachers in Yorktown in March 1982 clearly indicates that staffs will not cooperate in such evacuation plans.

4. The evacuation plan requires that bus drivers from school districts-outside.the emergency area enter the emergency area in order to evacuate children in evacuation school districts.

In the event of a nuclear emergency, there is little doubt that such workers would not jeopardize their health and welf are to enter a nuclear zone. -Inclusion of such plans in an evacuation program further undermines such a program.

5. Due to the non-involvement in planning, the lack of training and the possibility of nuclear contamination as a result of processing child-l ren and staff from school districts within the nuclear danger. radius, it is unlikely that staffs in receiving districts would cooperate as described in the evacuation plans. Despite the fact that receiving

-districts are outside the ten mile radius, the likelihood is that these staffs will also evacuate in order to both be with their l

families and to be farther from the nuclear accident zone.


a. The emergency evacuation procedures were developed with no input from the school district personnel in districts involved in evacuating children and staff. His lack of input is apparent in many of.the unrealistic expecta-tions included within the plan, and will directly lead to failure of district personnel to participate in such plans,
b. The emergency evacuation
  • procedures were developed with no input from school district personnel in districts involved in receiving children and staff from evacuated school districts. This lack of input is apparent in the unrealistic expectations included within the plan and will directly lead to failure of district personnel to participate in such plans.

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c. The emergency evacuation procedures were developed with no input from school district personnel involved in driving busses into the danger area from outside that area. This lack of input is apparent in the unrealistic expectations included within the plan and will directly lead to failure of such personnel to participate in such plans.


d. The emergency evacuation procedures were developed with no input from Boards of Education which'must either supply busses for evacuation of children in other districts or may have to receive children from such districts and bathe, feed and clothe such children, nese procedures in the plan have both social and budgetary consequences which are not recognized by the authors of the plan. This lack of input is apparent in the unrealistic expectations included within the plan and will most l

O Probably lead to the failure of such school districts to participate in such plans.

V. StBetERY As indicated in the attached resolutions of March 1982 and January 1983 and the previous statement, I would concludes

a. The local county roads will not and cannot handle the expected volume of traffic
b. Many parents will not cooperate with the plans to evacuate their children.
c. Teachers and other staff in evacuating districts will not cooperate in the evacuation plan

.d. Bus drivers front outside the affected school districts will not enter the nuclear danger zone and therefore, will not cooperate in the evacuation plan.

e. Teachers and other staff in receiving school districts will not cooperate in the evacuation plan
f. School districts will be reluctant to release their busses and provide food and clothing as presently envisioned and will not cooperate in the evacuation plan
g. Employees will not cooperate in any plan in which they have not had active involvement in its development o

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YCT Representative Council January 25, 1983 Proposed hsolution to NYSUT R.A.

Resolutions @ position to Esopening Indian Point 6,.

Whereas serious questions have been raised concerning the safety of the Indian Point nucle,gr plant and emergency evacuation procedures in the event of a nuclear emergency at that plant, and Whereas these evacuation procedures have been sevezely criticized by NYSUT local unions, citizen groups, boards of education as well as the


Nuclear,megulatory Agency, and Whereas these procedures were develcped with no local NYSUT unicm input, and Whe re as these procedures require students and NYSUT members working in school districts,to be dispursed to widely diverse armas far frees their homes and vehicles, and Whereas these procedures include the participatica of NYSUT local members in such evacuation plans, and Where as these procedures require NYSITr.1aembers and other workers from areas outside the nuclear danger zone to enter the danger zone to transport personnel and students at some hazard to their health and life, and Whereas NYst;r local members have received no notice of nor instruction in their potential roles in the case of nuclear emergency, and Whereas there are serious doubts expressed by local NYSUT leaders, 'comununity leaders'and educational board leader.s, @ well as by the County Ex-scutiv ', concerning the possible success of these emergency evacuation, k

be it Resolved that NYSUT oppose evacuation plans which will separate members from l

their families and safe transport or cause NYSUT members and other l

workers to assume responsibilities which may cause serious harm to health or life at a time of nuclear disaster, and be it further Resolved that NYSUT oppose the reopening of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant until and unless a fully acceptable evacuation plan is developed with input frcan those groups affected.

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0 Motion 8 e.,osat. to orgency prooedures Whereas the procedures for evacuation of school district personnel and students in the event of a nuclear accident at Indian Point were developed with no teacher union input, and Whereas these proceduros require students and personnel to be despursed to widely diverse areas far from their homes and vehicles, and these procedures can result in separation of children and parents in tho' Whereas same family to widely varying locations at a time of potential crisis, and..

Whereas 'these procedures require workers from areas outside the nuclear danger sone to enter the danger sone to transport personnel and students at some hasard to their health and life, and Whereas there is serious doubt as to the possible success of these procedures, be it ksolved that the YCT oppose implementation of these procedures and YCT participa-tion in such procedures, and be it furthe's Nesolved that the Vcr enlist stgiport for this motion from other district employee e

l unions, and*be it further ksolved that the YCF convey thig. motion to the Superintendent of schools and the Board of Education and request their support of similar resolutions, and

'ae it iurther buolved that the YCT urge the Westchester and Putnam County Esecutives to convene a committee consisting of employee union, parent, student and administrative, l

representatives to discuss and re-nd alternatives to the present program S

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