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Summary & Evaluation Rept of Rl Cloud & Assoc Rept, Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Idvp - Verification Program for PG&E Corrective Action
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Site: Diablo Canyon Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1983
Shared Package
ML20080S984 List:
FOIA-83-483 NUDOCS 8310180613
Download: ML20080S989 (4)



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Diablo Canyon Unit I Independent Design Verification Program

-Verfication Program for PG&E Corrective Action-Report No. ITR-8, P105-4-839-008 Revision 0 Report Date: 9/10/82 Autho r: Robert L. Cloud Associates Edward Denison Project Manager I" B310180613 830901 PDR FOIA .

CALSOYA83-483 PDR , ,

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This is the Eighth Interim Technical Report prepared by the DCNPP-IDVP.

It delineates.the verification program that the IDVP will impleaent to verify the PG&E corrective actions undertaken to address concerns noted in Error and Open Item Reprots, IDVP Interim Technical Reports and PG&E Internal Technical Repo rts.

It is stated the IDVP will employ three basic approaches to assure proper implementation of the PG8E corrective action. In cases etere complete reanalysis is performed the IDVP will perform design verifications of the work that was reanalyzed. In cases where a complete review is made followed by renalysis of deficient segments, the IDVP will perform design verifications on sample calculations and the PG&E reviews. Lastly, in cases where review or analysis of only a sample is employed, the IDVP will examine and evaluate the sample validity and perform design verifications on the sample.

-The IDVP will also verify PG8E design office activities, as built information at the site and all physical modifications resulting from specific E01's or PG8E corrective actions. The acceptance criteria (not stated) is said to be similar to that given in the Phase II Engineering Program Plan.

Differences will be noted and Open Item Reports issued if the source of difference is judged significant.

The report providts a summary description of the PG&E evaluation effort

- and the intended IDVP verification ef fort for each building structure and component classification. The PG&E plan for the following specifies a complete reivew of dyna'mic analyses and member qualifications if pertinent.

  • Containment Structure Auxiliary Building Intake Structure Large Bore Piping Large Bore Piping Supports Small Bore Piping qualified by computer analysis

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, s For each of these the IDVP will consider the PG&E:

scope - verifying completeness and consistency with licensing docurents, revi ew - verifying all inputs and criteria, and per-forming design verifications on qualifications judged acceptable, reanalysi s - verifying methodology, criteria, design office technical interf ace control and as-built condi-tions, performing design verifications on addi-tional qualifications.

For building structures a complete verification is implied whereas for multi-analysis categories (Large Bore Piping) a stated number of analyses will be verified and specific, stated items investigated.

The PG&E plan specifies a complet:reandaysis for the Fuel Handling Building and Electrical ~ Raceways. For these, the IDVP will review scope and analysis as specified above.

The PG&E plan specifies a complete review of seismic inputs for Design

- Class 1 Mechanical Equipment, Electrical Equipnent and Instrumentation, and HVAC Equipment. For these, the IDVP will verify the scope and review as stated above.

The PG&E plan specifies analysis of a sample to demonstrate conservative design for Small Bore Pipe Supports, Instrument Tubing and Tubing Supports and Small Bore Piping qualified by span criteria. For these, IDVP will consider:

r s ampli ng - verifying the adequacy of sample size to detennine if generic conclusions can be drawn through applica-tion of the sampling methodology, analysis - perform design verifications verifying criteria, methodology procedures and compliance with li-censing documents.

The IDVP plan for the Turbine building will be developed when the PG8E plan for this building is obtained.

The review plan presented is compreshensive. It provides for verification of the entire PG&E ef fort with special attention being directed towards those areas for which E0I's or generic concerns were issued during the earlier IDVP evaluations. Properly implemented it should provide a effective means of verifying the adequacy of PG&E corrective actions.