MONTHYEARML20217C7961999-10-0606 October 1999 Marked-up & Type Written Proposed TS Pages,Revising TSs 1.0, 3.6,Bases 3.0,Bases 3.6 & 5.5,to Adopt Implementation Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Option B for Performance of Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Rate Testing ML20209A7351999-06-23023 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.3-4 & 3.3-6,replacing Page 3.3-6 Re Recirculation Loop Flow Transmitters & Applicable SRs Associated with Function 2.b ML20196B4741999-06-17017 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Changes Made at Plant Subsequent to Receipt of License Amend 178,dtd 980731,for Conversion to Its,Through 990610 ML20195E9101999-06-0808 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Described Method by Which SGTS Heaters Are to Be Tested ML20205H2891999-03-31031 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying ACs for Unit Staff Qualifications for Shift Supervisor,Senior Operator,Licensed Operator,Shift Technical Advisor & Radiation Manager Positions ML20151Q0621998-07-28028 July 1998 Final Version of Improved TS & Bases Re Proposed Change to Conversion to Improved Standard TS ML20236W1141998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20236R9821998-07-16016 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.5.1,re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20236Q0641998-07-13013 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Rev B to Conversion to Improved STS ML20216H0571998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20216H0801998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Sections 2.1.A.1.d & 3.2.C,deleting Max Rated Power for APRM Rod Block Trip Setting ML20216B4481998-04-0202 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20148G3481997-05-30030 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Frequency of Testing RHR Cross Tie valve,RHR-MOV-MO20,position Indication from Once Per Month to Once Per Operating Cycle ML20138J0751997-05-0505 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating Control of Standby Liquid Control Relief Valve Setpoint in TS 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases ML20148B0041997-05-0202 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting SLC Relief Valve Testing Described in TS Section 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases in Bases Section 3.4.A Since Testing Is Already Performed Under ISI Program ML20134K3771997-02-10010 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Requirements for Avoidance & Protection from Thermal Hydraulic Instabilities to Be Consistent w/NEDO-31960 & NEDO-31960,Suppl 1, BWR Owners Group Long-Term Stability Solutions.. ML20117K3291996-06-0606 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Safety Limit MCPR from 1.06 to 1.07 for Dual Recirculation Loop Operation & from 1.07 to 1.08 for Single Recirculation Loop Operation ML20100R4431996-03-0505 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Change Request 142, Revising TS, DG Enhancements ML20086K4421995-07-14014 July 1995 Revised Proposed Tech Specs Re DG Enhancements Reflecting More Conservative Approach to Enhancing DGs ML20086B7061995-06-28028 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Increasing Required RPV Boron Concentration & Modifying Surveillance Frequency for SLC Pump Operability Testing ML20085J2631995-06-15015 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Extension of Surveillance Intervals for Logic Sys Functional Testing for ECCS ML20083A7241995-05-0505 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Changes to TSs & Associated Bases for License DPR-46 ML20083A1341995-05-0202 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Temporary Rev to SR to Extend Two Year LLRT Interval Requirement ML20149H8821994-12-27027 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Control Room Emergency Filter Sys ML20078S5711994-12-22022 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Definition of Lco,Per GL 87-09 ML20073J2371994-09-26026 September 1994 Proposed TS LCOs 3.5.C.1 & 3.5.C.4,increasing Min Pressure at Which HPCI Sys Required to Be Operable from Greater than 113 Psig to Greater than 150 Psig ML20071K1541994-07-26026 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs to Increase Flow Capacity of Control Room Emergency Filter System ML20070M6671994-04-26026 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Intermittent Operation of Hydrogen/ Oxygen Analyzers ML20065K1931994-04-12012 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Removal of Definitions 1.0.Z.B.1 Through 5,change to LCO 3.21.B.1.a (Line 5) Re Ref to 10CFR20.106 & Change to Paragraphs 1,4,5 & 6 (Lines 6,3,8 & 2 Respectively) Re Ref to 10CFR20.106 ML20058N2881993-12-10010 December 1993 Proposed Tech Specs for Pressure Vs Temp Operating Limit Curves ML20058N2321993-12-10010 December 1993 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.21, Environ/Radiological Effluents, 6.5, Station Reporting Requirements & 6.5.1.C.2 Re 10CFR50.59(b) Rept ML20058M2591993-09-28028 September 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Organizational Structure by Removing Mgt Positions of Site Manager & Senior Manager of Operation ML20056G5971993-08-31031 August 1993 Proposed TS Re Primary Containment Isolation Valve Tables ML20056G5821993-08-31031 August 1993 Proposed TS Re Primary & Secondary Containment Integrity ML20056G2341993-08-25025 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section to Reflect Operational & Design Changes Made to CNS Svc Water Sys During 1993 Refueling Outage ML20056F3331993-08-23023 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs 6.0, Administrative Controls, Reflecting Creation of Mgt Position of Vice President - Nuclear ML20045D8991993-06-23023 June 1993 Proposed TS SR 4.9.A.2 Re Determination of Particulate Concentration Level of Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks ML20045C0031993-06-14014 June 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Associated W/Dc Performance Criteria ML20045C8301993-06-14014 June 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating New Requirements of 10CFR20 ML20035G7171993-04-23023 April 1993 Proposed,Deleted TS Section 3/4.5.H Re Engineered Safeguards Compartments Cooling ML20128L5561993-02-12012 February 1993 Proposed TS Table 4.2.D, Min Test & Calibr Frequencies for Radiation Monitoring Sys & TS Pages 81 & 84 Re Notes for Tables 4.2.A Through 4.2.F ML20128E6201993-02-0101 February 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Current NRC Positions Re Leak Detection & ISI Schedules,Methods,Personnel & Sample Expansion,Per GL 88-01 ML20127B8331993-01-0505 January 1993 Proposed TS Pages 53,55,70 & 71,removing Bus 1A & 1B Low Voltage Auxiliary Relays ML20115F8531992-10-15015 October 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Page 48,reflecting Relocation of Mechanical Vacuum Pump Isolation SRs ML20115A3481992-10-0808 October 1992 Proposed TS Section 6.1.2 Re Offsite & Onsite Organizations, Delineating Responsibilities of Site Manager & 6.2.1.A Re Min Composition of Station Operations Review Committee ML20104B2091992-09-0909 September 1992 Proposed TS 3.1.1 Re Reactor Protection Sys Instrumentation Requirements & TS Table 3.2.D Re Radiation Monitoring Sys That Initiate &/Or Isolate Sys ML20104A8691992-09-0202 September 1992 Proposed TS 3.9 & 4.9 Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys ML20099D4151992-07-28028 July 1992 Proposed TS 3.6 Re LCO for Primary Sys Boundary & 4.6 Re Surveillance Requirements for Primary Sys Boundary ML20096D6111992-05-0404 May 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Change 100 to Eliminate Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor Scram & Isolation Functions ML20113G8241992-05-0404 May 1992 Proposed Tech Spec Pages for Removal of Component Lists,Per Generic Ltr 91-08 1999-06-08
MONTHYEARML20217C7961999-10-0606 October 1999 Marked-up & Type Written Proposed TS Pages,Revising TSs 1.0, 3.6,Bases 3.0,Bases 3.6 & 5.5,to Adopt Implementation Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Option B for Performance of Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Rate Testing ML20209A7351999-06-23023 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.3-4 & 3.3-6,replacing Page 3.3-6 Re Recirculation Loop Flow Transmitters & Applicable SRs Associated with Function 2.b ML20196B4741999-06-17017 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Changes Made at Plant Subsequent to Receipt of License Amend 178,dtd 980731,for Conversion to Its,Through 990610 ML20195E9101999-06-0808 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Described Method by Which SGTS Heaters Are to Be Tested ML20207A0761999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 3 to CNS Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20206J2661999-04-22022 April 1999 CNS Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (Odam) ML20205H2891999-03-31031 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying ACs for Unit Staff Qualifications for Shift Supervisor,Senior Operator,Licensed Operator,Shift Technical Advisor & Radiation Manager Positions ML20236W1141998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20151Q0621998-07-28028 July 1998 Final Version of Improved TS & Bases Re Proposed Change to Conversion to Improved Standard TS ML20236R9821998-07-16016 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.5.1,re Implementation of BWR Thermal Hydraulic Stability Solution ML20236Q0641998-07-13013 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Rev B to Conversion to Improved STS ML20206P9051998-07-0707 July 1998 Rev 2, Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence, for Cooper Nuclear Station ML20216H0571998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20216H0801998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Sections 2.1.A.1.d & 3.2.C,deleting Max Rated Power for APRM Rod Block Trip Setting ML20216D8971998-04-0808 April 1998 Rev 1 to Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20216B4481998-04-0202 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.2.C,exempting Neutron Detectors from Channel Calibr Requirements ML20203G4271998-02-24024 February 1998 Rev 0 to First Ten-Year Interval Containment Insp Program for Cns ML20202H5311998-02-11011 February 1998 Strategy for Achieving Engineering Excellence ML20216G1571997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 2.1 to Third 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program ML20210H5641997-08-0707 August 1997 Rev 2 to NPPD CNS Third Interval Inservice Testing Program ML20148G3481997-05-30030 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Frequency of Testing RHR Cross Tie valve,RHR-MOV-MO20,position Indication from Once Per Month to Once Per Operating Cycle ML20148G8531997-05-0909 May 1997 Nebraska Public Power District Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan, Closure Rept ML20138J0751997-05-0505 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating Control of Standby Liquid Control Relief Valve Setpoint in TS 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases ML20148B0041997-05-0202 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting SLC Relief Valve Testing Described in TS Section 4.4.A.2.a & Associated Bases in Bases Section 3.4.A Since Testing Is Already Performed Under ISI Program ML20138H3861997-04-29029 April 1997 Rev 1.2 to CNS Third Interval IST Program ML20134K3771997-02-10010 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Requirements for Avoidance & Protection from Thermal Hydraulic Instabilities to Be Consistent w/NEDO-31960 & NEDO-31960,Suppl 1, BWR Owners Group Long-Term Stability Solutions.. ML20134E1091996-10-25025 October 1996 NPPD Cooper Nuclear Station Third Interval IST Program, Rev 1 ML20117K3291996-06-0606 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Safety Limit MCPR from 1.06 to 1.07 for Dual Recirculation Loop Operation & from 1.07 to 1.08 for Single Recirculation Loop Operation ML20100R4431996-03-0505 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Change Request 142, Revising TS, DG Enhancements ML20101L8381995-12-31031 December 1995 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test. W/ ML20113B0531995-12-29029 December 1995 Rev 4.1 to NPPD CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20093L1901995-10-18018 October 1995 Rev 0 to Third Ten-Yr Interval ISI Program for Cns ML20086H7341995-07-14014 July 1995 Rev 7 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval IST Program ML20086K4421995-07-14014 July 1995 Revised Proposed Tech Specs Re DG Enhancements Reflecting More Conservative Approach to Enhancing DGs ML20086H7601995-06-30030 June 1995 Rev 4 to CNS Second Ten Yr Interval ISI Program for ASME Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20086B7061995-06-28028 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Increasing Required RPV Boron Concentration & Modifying Surveillance Frequency for SLC Pump Operability Testing ML20085J2631995-06-15015 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Extension of Surveillance Intervals for Logic Sys Functional Testing for ECCS ML20098B0231995-06-12012 June 1995 Nuclear Power Group Phase 3 Performance Improvement Plan ML20083A7241995-05-0505 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Changes to TSs & Associated Bases for License DPR-46 ML20083A1341995-05-0202 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Temporary Rev to SR to Extend Two Year LLRT Interval Requirement ML20098B0201995-01-31031 January 1995 Rev 3 to Cooper Nuclear Station Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20083M0401995-01-20020 January 1995 Rev 1 to Restart Readiness Program ML20083M0901995-01-13013 January 1995 Rev 2 to Startup & Power Ascension Plan ML20149H8821994-12-27027 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Control Room Emergency Filter Sys ML20078S5711994-12-22022 December 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Definition of Lco,Per GL 87-09 ML20083M0141994-11-0909 November 1994 Rev 3 to Phase 1 Plan, ML20083M0321994-11-0808 November 1994 Rev 0 to Restart Readiness Program ML20073J2371994-09-26026 September 1994 Proposed TS LCOs 3.5.C.1 & 3.5.C.4,increasing Min Pressure at Which HPCI Sys Required to Be Operable from Greater than 113 Psig to Greater than 150 Psig ML20149F9921994-09-15015 September 1994 Rev 1 to CNS Startup Plan ML20098A9961994-08-25025 August 1994 Rev 0 to Cooper Nuclear Station Performance Improvement Plans Phase 1:Startup Planning Process 1999-06-08
[Table view] |
Page No.
Core Spray and LPCI Subsystems A
114 B.
Containment Cooling Subsystem (RHR Service Water)
B 116 C.
HPCI Subsystem C
117 D.
RCIC Subsystem D
118 E.
Automatic Depressurization System E
119 F.
Minimum Low Pressure Cooling System Diesel Generator Availability F
120 G.
Maintenance of Filled Discharge Pipe G
122 H.
Engineered Safeguards Compartments Cooling H
123 3.6 PRIMARY SYSTEM BOUNDARY 4.6 132 - 158 A.
Thermal and Pressurization Limitations A
132 B.
Coolant Chemistry B
133a C.
Coolant Leakage C
135 D.
Safety and Relief Valves D
136 E.
Jet Pumps E
137 F.
Jet Pump Flow Mismatch F
137 G.
Inservice Inspection G
137 H.
Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)
H 137a 3.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 4.7 159 - 192 A.
Primary Containment A
159 B.
Standby Gas Treatment System B
165 C.
Secondary Containment C
165a D.
Primary Containment Isolation Valves D
Auxiliary Elect 21 Equipment A
193 B.
Operation with..aperable Equipment B
195 3.10 CORE ALTERATIONS 4.10 203 - 209 A.
Refueling Interlocks A
203 B.
Core Monitoring B
205 C.
Spent Fuel Pool Water Level C
205 D.
Time Limitation D
206 E.
Spent Fuel Cask Handling E
206 3.11 FUEL RODS 4.11 210 - 214e A.
Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR)
A 210 B.
Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) 3 210 C.
Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR)
C 212 D.
Thermal-hydraulic Stability D
212a 8310110183 830926 PDR ADOCK 05000298 P
Jet Pumps 1.
Whenever the reactor is in the start-1.
Whenever there is recirculation flow up or run modes, all j et pumps shall with the reactor in the startup or be operable.
If it is determined run modes, jet pump operability shall that a jet pump is inoperable, or be checked daily by verifying that the if two or more jet pump flow in-following conditions do not occur sim-struments failures occur and cannot ultaneously:
be corrected within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated a.
The recirculation pump flow differs and the reactor shall be in a Cold by more than 15% from the established Shutdown Condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
speed flow characteristics.
The indicated value of core flow rate varies from the value derived from loop flow measurements by more than 10%.
The diffuser to lower plenum differen-tial pressure reading on an individual jet pump varies from the mean of all jet pump differential pressures by more than 10%.
Jet Pump Flow Mismatch F.
Jet Pump Flow Mismatch 1.
Following one-pump operation, the dis-charge valve of the low speed pump may not be opened unless the speed of
.the faster pump is equal to or less than 50% of its rated speed.
The reactor shall not be operated for a period in excess of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> with one recirculation loop out of service.
Inservice Inspection G.
Inservice Inspection To be considered operable, com-Inservice inspection shall be per-ponents shall satisfy the require-formed in accordance with the ments contained in Section XI of requirements for ASME Code Class 1, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 2, and 3 components contained in Code and applicable Addenda for Section XI of the ASME Boiler and continued service of ASME Code Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Class 1, 2, and 3 components except Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50, where relief has been granted by the Section 50.55a(g), except where Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 50, relief has been granted by the Section 50.55a(g)(6)(1).
Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(1).
-138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145-
- 3s 6. E & 4. 6.E BASES (Cont'd) jet pump body; howsver, the converse is not true.
The lack of any substantial stress in the jet pump body makes failure impossible without an initial nozzle riser system failure.
Jet Pump Flow Mismatch Requiring the discharge valve of the lower speed loop to remain closed until the speed of faster pump is equal to or less than 50% of its rated speed provides assurance when going from one to two pump operation that excessive vibration of the jet pump risers will not occur.
A loss-of-coolant accident analysis occurring during operation with one recircu-lation loop has not been performed.
Therefore, operation with a single loop is prohibited except for a limited interval of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
Inservice Inspection The inservice inspection program conforms to the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g).
Where practical, the inspection of components conforms to the requirements of ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 components contained in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
If a Code required inspection is impractical, a request for a deviation from that requirement is submitted to the Commission in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(1).
Deviations which are needed from the procedures prescribed in Section XI of the ASME Code and applicable Add.7da will be reported to the Commission prior to the beginning of each 10-year inspection period if they are known to be required at that time. Deviations which are identified during the course of inspection will be reported quarterly throughout the inspection period.
3.6.H and 4.6.H Snubbers Snubbers are designed to prevent unrestrained pipe motion under dynamic loads as might occur during an earthquake or severe trans-1ent, while allowing normal thermal motion during startup and shutdown.
The consequence of an inoperable snubber is an increase in the probability of structural damage to piping as a result of a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.
It is therefore required that all snubbcrs required to protect the primary coolant system or any other safety system or component be operable during reactor operation.
Because the snubber protection is required only during relatively low probability events, a period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> is allcwed for repairs or replacement.
Since plant startup should not commence with knowingly defective safety related equipment, Specification 3.6.H.4 prohibits startup with inoperable snubbers.
All safety related snubbers are visually inspected for overall integrity and operability.
The inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection.
Thus the required inspection intarval varies inversely with the observed snubber failures.
The number of inoperable snubbers found during a required inspection determines the time interval for the next required inspection.
Inspections performed before that interval has elapsed may be used as a new reference point to determine the next inspection.
However, the results of such early inspections performed before the original required time interval has elapsed (nominal time less 25%) may not be used to lengthen the required inspection interval. Any inspection whose results require a shorter inspection interval will override the previous schedule.
When the cause of the rejection of a' snubber is clearly established and remedied for that snubber and for any other snubbers that may be generically susceptible, and/or verified by functional testing, that snubber may be exemptad from being counted as inoperable.
Generically susceptible snubbers are those which are of a specific make or model and have the same design features directly related to rejection of the snubber by visual inspection, or are similarly located or exposed to the same environmental conditions, such as temperature, radiation and vibration.
-152-I L
BASES (cont'd)
-When a snubber is found inoperable, an engineering evaluation is per-formed, in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of failure, in order to determine if any safety related component or system has been adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber.
The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported com-ponent or system.
In cases where the cause of failure has been identified, additional snubbers, having a high probability for the same type of failure or that are being used in the same application that caused the failure, shall be tested.
This requirement increases the probability of locating inoper-able snubbers without testing 100% of the snubbers.
Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers may each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs.
To further increase the assurance of snubber reliability, functional tests should be performed once each refueling cycle.
Ten percent of each type of snubber represents an adequate sample for such tests.
Observed failures on these samples should require testing of additional units.
Snubbers in high radiation areas or those especially difficult to remove need not be selected for functional tests provided operability was previously verified.
The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and consideration of the snubber service conditions.
The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions.
These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life.
-153-l L